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Stories of pious people

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    Stories of pious people (OP)

    plz share the stories of pious people in this thread
    Last edited by azc; 03-01-2018 at 04:46 AM.
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    Stories of pious people

    Allah (swt) knows best

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    Re: Stories of pious people

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    Wow MashaAllah this is such a beautiful thread filled with beautiful stories of amazing pious saints of Allah. JazakAllah khair. Love reading all these stories...very inspirational and beautiful.

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    ‘Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) was a person who lived during the rule of the Abbasid ruler, Al-Mahdi. He initially lived a life filled with entertainment and luxury but subsequently repented and reformed to live a life of piety and simplicity. Hereunder follows the story of his repentance:

    One day, ‘Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) drank wine while enjoying the entertainment of amusement and songs. On account of the wine and entertainment, he missed the zuhr, ‘asr and maghrib salaahs! Whenever the salaah time set in, one of his slave girls would unsuccessfully attempt to draw his attention and alert him of the salaah. When even the time for the ‘esha salaah had elapsed, the slave girl finally seized a glowing ember from the fire and placed it on the leg of ‘Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah). As soon as the glowing ember burnt his skin, ‘Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) yelled in pain and asked her, “What are you doing!?” The slave girl calmly replied, “This is an ember from the fire of this world. Will you be able to tolerate an ember from the fire of Jahannum?” When he heard the chastisement of the slave girl, he immediately began to cry and stood to perform the salaahs which he had missed.

    After performing the salaahs he had missed, he began to ponder over his slave girl’s statement which had created a deep, indelible impression upon his heart. After pondering for some time, he eventually reached the conclusion that the only way in which he would be able to change his life and reform his condition would be for him to forgo his luxuries, entertainment and wealth. He therefore freed all his slaves, released all his employees and gave all his wealth in sadaqah. In order to support himself, he thereafter engaged in selling vegetables. It was only the slave girl who had inspired him to change his life who now remained with him.

    One day, Sufyaan bin ‘Uyaynah (rahimahullah) and Fudhail bin ‘Iyaadh (rahimahullah) came to visit ‘Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) and found that his head was resting on a brick instead of a pillow and that he had no mattress or blanket beneath him. Noticing this state of simplicity, Sufyaan (rahimahullah) asked, “Whenever someone abandons something for the sake of Allah Ta‘ala, Allah Ta‘ala gives him something far better in return. What has Allah Ta‘ala granted you in exchange of all that you have abandoned?” ‘
    Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) replied, “Happiness and contentment.”

    (Kitaabut Tawwaabeen libni Qudaamah pg. 162)
    Wow it seems such people DO NOT exist on this planet atm. You really find out ppls true character/nature/aspirations/goals when looking for a spouse...some people just dont know the meaning of life fixated in superficial values.
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    The Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) were supported with tremendous divine assistance from the side of Allah Ta‘ala. Hence there were many occasions wherein they encountered the enemy and very swiftly made them flee after just a few moments.

    On one occasion, the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) defeated a Roman army in battle. When the defeated Roman army returned to Hercules (the Roman leader who was in Antioch), he exclaimed, “Woe to you! Inform me of these people whom you encountered in battle. Are they not humans, the same as you?” The soldiers submitted, “Certainly, they are.” Hercules then asked, “Were you greater in number or did they outnumber you?” “No! We vastly outnumbered them at every instance!” admitted the soldiers. Hercules finally asked, “Then what is the matter with you? Why is it that you always suffer defeat when you encounter them?”
    On hearing this question, one of their leaders, who was advanced in age, replied, “The one reason is that they perform salaah the entire night and fast during the day, they fulfill their promises, enjoin righteousness, forbid from evil and they exercise justice with one another. The other reason is that we, on the other hand, drink wine, fornicate, perpetrate all forms of forbidden actions, break our promises, wrongfully snatch the wealth of people, oppress others, enjoin that which draws the wrath of Allah Ta‘ala and prohibit that which draws His pleasure, and we spread corruption and mischief in the earth.”

    When Hercules heard this answer, he acknowledged that it was correct and said, “What you have told me is the truth.”

    (Al-Bidaayah wan Nihaayah vol. 7 pg. 157)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    ‘Urwah bin Zubair (rahimahullah) was the brother of ‘Abdullah bin Zubair (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) and among the leading Taabi‘een and ‘Ulama of Madeenah Munawwarah. He would recite one quarter of the Quraan Majeed every day while looking into the mushaf. He would then repeat that same quarter by reciting it in tahajjud salaah during the night.

    ‘Urwah bin Zubair (rahimahullah) was once on a journey to meet Waleed bin ‘Abdil Malik when a sore developed on his leg. After some time, the sore spread, leading to his leg becoming infected. When ‘Urwah (rahimahullah) eventually reached Waleed, he asked him to have his infected leg amputated. Waleed thus summoned the doctor who instructed ‘Urwah (rahimahullah) to take a sedative so that he would be able to amputate the leg while ‘Urwah (rahimahullah) was asleep. ‘Urwah (rahimahullah), however, refused to take the sedative saying, “Go ahead and amputate. I cannot imagine how a person can ever consume something which will cause him to be negligent and unaware of Allah Ta‘ala.” The doctor therefore placed the blade on his left knee and began to amputate. Such was the patience and tolerance of ‘Urwah (rahimahullah) that those who were around him at the time later mentioned that he did not utter even one remark of complaint! Rather, the most they heard from him was an occasional hiss of pain. During the course of the same journey, the son of ‘Urwah (rahimahullah), Muhammad, fell from the roof of a home and was trampled to death by animals.

    After undergoing all this difficulty, ‘Urwah (rahimahullah) addressed Allah Ta‘ala and thanked Him saying, “O Allah! I had seven sons. You took only one and left me with six! O Allah! I had four limbs. You took only one and left me with three! I take an oath in Your name! If You take something away from a person, You also leave with him (that which will suffice him), and if You test a person, You also grant him comfort.”

    Furthermore, some narrations have mentioned that ‘Urwah (rahimahullah), despite undergoing the amputation, did not leave out his recitation of one quarter of the Quraan Majeed in tahajjud salaah that night! However, other narrations have mentioned that on account of the pain, this was the first night in which he ever left out his recitation of the Quraan Majeed. Nevertheless, he ensured that he compensated for missing it by reciting that portion the following night.

    (Reference: Tahzeebul Kamaal vol. 20 pg. 19-21 and Taareekhul Islam pg. 427)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    The great Khalifah of his time, Hazrath Umar bin Abdul Aziz (R.A.), had dispatched Mansoor bin Ghalib to fight the armies of the enemy. Umar bin Abdul Aziz (R.A.) on that occasion wrote the following advice to him:

    “Adopt Taqwa (fear of Allah) in every condition since Taqwa is the best provision, the most effective strategy and true power. Amirul Mu’mineen commands you that you and your companions must fear the disobedience of Allah Ta’ala more than you fear the enemy. Sins are more dangerous for a person than his enemy. The enemy overcomes one due to one’s sins. If we are sinners like our enemy, the enemy will prove to be superior in strength and numbers. Do not guard yourself against any enemy more than you guard yourself against sins. Do not be concerned about anything more than your sins”

    (Ta’meere Hayaat)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    There were once two brothers in the Banu Israaeel who were both kings, ruling over separate cities. One of the brothers would treat his relatives and family members kindly and was just and fair to his subjects, while the other brother would ill-treat his relatives and family members and would oppress his subjects.

    During the era of these two kings, there was a Nabi (‘alaihis salaam) to whom Allah Ta‘ala sent revelation saying, “Only three years remain from the life of the king who is kind and treats his family and subjects kindly, and thirty years remain from the life of the king who treats his family and subjects oppressively.”

    The Nabi (‘alaihis salaam) informed the subjects of each king of the revelation that he had received. When they heard that the evil king would remain for thirty more years and the righteous king would pass away after three years, they were extremely grieved and worried. They thus separated between mothers and their children, abandoned food and drink and emerged to the desert (to create a scene of helplessness and despair) and began to implore Allah Ta‘ala in du‘aa, begging Him to allow the righteous king to remain over them and remove the evil king from their midst.

    After imploring Allah Ta‘ala in this manner for three days, Allah Ta‘ala sent revelation to the Nabi (‘alaihis salaam) saying, “Inform my servants that I have shown them mercy and accepted their du‘aa. I have thus swopped the periods of life that remain of the righteous king and the evil king.” Hence, the evil king passed away after three years had elapsed and the righteous king remained and ruled over the people for thirty years.

    (Kitaabul Birri was Silah li Ibnil Jowzi pg. 56)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    ‘Amr bin ‘Aas (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) narrates the following:

    An army of the Muslims, over whom I was appointed as leader, once set out to fight in the path of Allah Ta‘ala. We continued to travel until we came to the city of Alexandria. On reaching Alexandria, the leader of the city announced to us, “Send someone from your army to me so that I may converse with him.” When I heard this request, I immediately said, “Nobody but I will go to him.” I thus emerged from the camp and went to meet him. With me was a translator, and the city leader had a translator with him as well. Two pulpits were placed for us and we thus sat. The following dialogue then ensued:

    Leader of Alexandria: Who are you people?

    ‘Amr bin ‘Aas (radhiyallahu ‘anhu): We are the Arabs. We are the people of thorns and acacia trees. We are the people of the Ka’bah. We are the people who had the smallest land and most difficult lives. We would consume carrion and some of us would attack and fight with others. We were living the most despicable lives that people could possibly live. This continued to be our plight until a man emerged from among us who was neither the most influential at that time and was neither the wealthiest. He said, “I am the messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).” He then began to prohibit us from the acts that we were perpetrating and which we found our forefathers perpetrating. Hence, we resented him, belied him and rejected his message, until another group of people, besides us, came to him. They said to him, “We believe in you, we will follow you and we will fight whoever fights against you.” He thus left Makkah Mukarramah and migrated to them, and we went after him. We thus fought against him, resulting in him killing us, defeating us and overpowering us. The other Arabs in the nearby areas also rose against him, so he fought against them until he conquered them.

    When the leader of Alexandria heard this, he began to laugh. He thereafter said:

    Leader of Alexandria: Indeed, your messenger spoke the truth. Our messengers also came to us with messages similar to that which your messenger brought to you. We adhered firmly to their message and their teachings, until kings emerged among us. These kings would do as they pleased and they abandoned the teachings of the messengers. If you hold fast to the teachings of your Nabi, nobody will wage war against you except that you will defeat him, and nobody will rise against you except that you will overpower him. However, as soon as you do as we did, by abandoning the teachings of your Nabi, and you behave as we did by obeying your desires, then we will be left to each other (i.e. you will not enjoy the divine assistance of Allah Ta‘ala). In that case, you are neither greater than us in number and neither are you stronger and more powerful than we are.

    ‘Amr bin ‘Aas (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) later remarked, “I never spoke to a man (from the disbelievers) as intelligent as him.”

    (Majma‘uz Zawaa’id #10383)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Yahya bin Aktham (rahimahullah) narrates the following incident:

    Ma’moon Ar-Rasheed, one of the Muslim rulers, used to host gatherings wherein scholars would discuss various issues. On one occasion, a Jew who was well dressed, respectable in appearance and eloquent in speech arrived at the gathering and joined in the discussion. When the crowd began to disperse after the discussion was concluded, Ma’moon called the Jew and asked him, “Are you a Jew?” The man replied, “Yes.” Ma’moon next invited the Jew to embrace Islam. The Jew, however, refused saying, “I cannot leave my religion and the religion of my forefathers.”

    One year later, the man returned and had now accepted Islam! On this occasion when he joined the gathering, he was even able to deliver an academic discourse on Islamic Jurisprudence. When the discussion was over, Ma’moon asked him, “Are you not the Jew who attended this gathering last year?” The man replied in the affirmative to which Ma’moon asked, “What caused you to embrace Islam?”

    The man responded saying, “After leaving your gathering last year, I decided to embark on a study to compare religions. As I am a fine calligrapher, I wrote out three copies of the Towrah in which I added a few words and also deleted a few words. I then entered a synagogue and sold all three copies.

    I next wrote out three copies of the Injeel in which I added and deleted a few words. I took these three copies to a church and sold them all as well.

    Finally, I wrote out three copies of the Quraan Majeed in which I added a few words and deleted a few words. When I presented them to the Muslim booksellers, they insisted on examining them before purchasing them from me. On examining them, they immediately noticed the errors and rejected the copies. I then realized that the Quraan Majeed was the divine book of Allah Ta‘ala and thus divinely protected. This led me to embrace Islam.”

    Yahya bin Aktham (rahimahullah) thereafter mentions: “After this incident transpired, I went to Makkah Mukarramah to perform hajj. When in Makkah Mukarramah, I met Sufyaan bin ‘Uyaynah (rahimahullah) to whom I narrated the entire incident. After hearing the incident, Sufyaan (rahimahullah) commented, ‘Mention of this phenomenon can be found in the Quraan Majeed.’ ‘Where in the Quraan?’ I enquired. Sufyaan (rahimahullah) explained, ‘Allah Ta‘ala mentions in reference to the Towrah and Injeel:

    بِمَا اسْتُحْفِظُوا مِن كِتَابِ اللَّـهِ

    They were entrusted the protection of Allah's book
    Allah Ta‘ala entrusted them with the task of protecting His divine Books and they neglected to protect them properly. In reference to the Quraan Majeed, however, Allah Ta‘ala mentions:

    إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ

    Certainly We are the Ones who revealed the Quraan and surely We have taken the responsibility of safeguarding it.
    Allah Ta‘ala himself protects the Quraan for us and it thus remains completely protected.’”

    (Al-Muntazam vol. 10 pg. 51)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    ‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin Marwaan had sent his young son, ‘Umar bin ‘Abdul ‘Azeez (rahimahullah), to the blessed city of Madeenah Munawwarah to acquire the knowledge of deen and learn etiquette from the great personalities residing there. One of these personalities was Saalih bin Kaysaan (rahimahullah), to whom ‘Abdul ‘Azeez wrote a letter, requesting him to pay special attention to the upbringing and development of his son, ‘Umar (rahimahullah).

    Saalih bin Kaysaan (rahimahullah), as the person responsible for seeing to ‘Umar bin ‘Abdul ‘Azeez (rahimahullah), would emphasize and insist that he perform all his salaah with the congregation in the musjid. ‘Umar bin ‘Abdul ‘Azeez (rahimahullah) was once delayed and missed the salaah in the musjid. When Saalih bin Kaysaan (rahimahullah) asked him as to why he had missed the salaah, he replied, “My slave girl was neatening my hair.” Saalih bin Kaysaan (rahimahullah) was deeply disappointed and remarked, “The importance that you show to neatening your hair has caused you to prefer it to even your salaah!”

    Saalih bin Kaysaan (rahimahullah) thereafter wrote to ‘Abdul ‘Azeez, who was the governor of Egypt at the time, informing him of what had transpired. ‘Abdul ‘Azeez, on reading the letter, was so affected that he immediately dispatched a messenger to Madeenah Munawwarah. The messenger had strict instructions – shaved the head of ‘Umar bin ‘Abdul ‘Azeez (rahimahullah) before even speaking to him.

    (Siyar Aa’laamin Nubalaa vol. 5 pg. 116)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Imaam Abu Muhammad Al-Juwayni (rahimahullah) was a great ‘aalim who possessed an extremely high level of caution and concern regarding the consumption of halaal and haraam. The level of his concern was such that it prompted him to earn by working with his own hands, in order to have the peace of mind that he was earning a pure livelihood that was untainted by haraam.

    When the time for Imaam Abu Muhammad Al Juwayni (rahimahullah) to marry arrived, he used the pure money which he had painstakingly earned, to pay for his mahr (dowry) and other marriage expenses. The effect of this pure wealth was clearly manifest in the son he was blessed with from this marriage. This son also grew up to become a great ‘aalim and was later known by the title of “Imaamul Haramain” (Imaam of the Two Harams). Understanding the crucial role consumption of halaal plays in the effort of a Muslim to live a life of piety, he ensured that he fed his child only that which was 100% pure and halaal.

    Later in his life, when Imaamul Haramain (rahimahullah) was once engaged in a debate, to the absolute astonishment of all present, he was suddenly overcome by a short bout of stammering and stuttering! Somebody later asked him, “O Imaam! What happened to you? We never once before heard you stammer or stutter!” Imaamul Haramain (rahimahullah) replied, “It can only have been the ill effects of the remaining traces which remained of the sip.” Having given such a vague answer, somebody asked him, “What incident are you referring to by mentioning ‘the sip’?”

    Imaamul Haramain (rahimahullah) explained, “My mother was once busy preparing my father’s food when I began to cry. I was, at the time, a suckling infant. As my mother could not immediately attend to me, the neighbour’s slave girl, who happened to be present, clasped me to her chest to feed me. My father walked in at that moment and on seeing what was happening, immediately exclaimed, ‘Neither does this slave girl belong to us nor does she have the right to feed our child her milk as her masters have not permitted it!’ Saying this, he grabbed me from her and turned me upside down; forcing me to vomit until I had emptied my belly of the few sips I had taken. The stammer and stutter you heard from me today is on account of the ill effects of those few sips I had taken.”

    (Tabaqaatush Shaafi‘iyyah Al Kubraa vol. 5, pg. 168)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    During the battle of Uhud, Hanzalah bin Abi ‘Aamir (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) fought very bravely but was eventually martyred by Shaddaad bin Aswad.Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji‘oon!

    When the battle had terminated, Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) addressed the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) saying, “Verily I saw the angels bathing (giving ghusl to) the body of Hanzalah bin Abi ‘Aamir (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), between the heavens and the earth, with the water of the clouds in utensils of silver.” Abu Usaid (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) mentions that he, together with a few other Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum), then went in search of Hanzalah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu)’s body. When they found it, they saw that his head was dripping with water! They returned to Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and informed him of what they had seen. After hearing what had happened, Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) instructed them to enquire from his wife as to why the angels were giving him ghusl.

    Hanzalah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) had shortly before the Battle of Uhud, married Jameelah (radhiyallahu ‘anha), the sister of the infamous ‘Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salool, the leader of the hypocrites, and had only just consummated his marriage the previous night. While asleep that night, Jameelah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) had a dream in which she saw a door open in the sky into which Hanzalah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) was ushered. The door was then shut behind him. When she awoke, she instantly realized that the dream she had seen was an indication that her husband, Hanzalah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), was about to pass away. She therefore called for four witnesses and informed them that her marriage had been consummated the previous night as, if people were unaware of her spending the night with her husband, complications would have possibly arisen later on.
    Hanzalah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) was still making ghusl when the call was made for people to arm and depart for Uhud. Although his wife, Jameelah (radhiyallahu ‘anha), had only completed washing half his head, his eagerness to strive and fight in the path of Allah Ta‘ala was such that he immediately grabbed his weapons and left without completing his ghusl. When Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) was informed of this he said, “That is why the angels gave him ghusl.”

    (Reference: Nasbur Raayah vol. 2 pg. 316, Ibnu Hishaam vol. 3 pg. 75, and ‘Umdatul Qari vol. 14 pg. 224)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    There was once a person whose body would always exude the fragrance of the most exotic musk and perfume. A friend one day asked him, “What is this wonderful fragrance I always smell on you? You must be spending a lot of money on musk if you apply it so often!” The person replied, “By Allah! Never have I purchased musk nor have I ever applied it!” His friend was astonished and asked, “Then where does your fragrance come from?” Not keen to answer the question, he said to his friend, “Why are you asking me?” His friend explained, “I hope that Allah Ta‘ala will let me benefit in some way by what you will tell me.” On his friend’s coaxing and urging, he eventually narrated the following:

    In my youth I was a very handsome lad. My father was a merchant and I would generally spend my time with him. One day, an old woman came to him and purchased some cloth. As she did not have the money with her to pay for it, she asked my father if he would send me along to her home where I would collect the money. My father agreed. Hence, I proceeded with her until we finally stood before a grand, palatial home. The old woman ushered me into a stunning courtyard and as I entered, my gaze fell on a beautiful young girl who was seated atop a raised seat on a silken cushion. The instant she saw me, she was dazzled by my beauty and immediately demanded that I join her on her seat. I staunchly refused. Instead of bringing her to her senses, my rejection only incited her to get down and come to me. Then, in a fit of infatuation, she began pulling and tugging me towards herself. I was in a genuine predicament. Thus in order to escape from her embrace, I asked her if I could use the toilet. Although impatient, she acceded and shouted for her slaves who guided me to the toilet. I entered the toilet where I relieved myself into my hands. Not wasting a moment, I smeared the filth over my body, clothing, and face. When I exited the toilet, the eagerly awaiting girl was greeted by the sight and smell of not a handsome youth but a person literally covered in human waste! The flames of her passion were, at once, thoroughly doused and she screamed to her servants in horror and disgust,“This is a madman! Throw him out immediately!”

    I happened to have only one dirham with me. On leaving, I purchased some soap and thereafter went to the river where I cleansed my body and clothing of the filth. When I was done, I went back to my father and did not tell him a word of what had transpired. When I went to sleep that night, I saw a dream in which a handsome man with an excellent fragrance came to me. I asked him who he was to which he replied that he was Jibreel (‘alaihis salaam). He said to me, “Allah Ta‘ala has sent me to give you the glad tidings of Jannah and to reward you with some of its perfume because of the extent to which you went to avoid falling into sin.” He then passed his hands over my face, body and clothing and departed. When I awoke the next morning, I smelt an exquisite fragrance which, to this day, still perpetually wafts from my body.

    (At-Targheeb wa Tarheeb lil Yaafi‘ee pg. 165)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Muhammad bin Seereen (rahimahullah), a famous narrator of hadeeth and student of the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum), was once travelling with a group of people when they decided to encamp for the night at a riverbank. As they were setting up camp, the people of the area approached them and advised them saying, “Go further on. Every person who attempts to camp here gets robbed.” On hearing this, the entire group packed up and departed to camp elsewhere – with the exception of Muhammad bin Seereen (rahimahullah). He stayed behind, alone and fearless, trusting in the security provided by the aayaat of protection he recited.

    Muhammad bin Seereen (rahimahullah) then narrates the events that ensued. He says:
    “I had not yet fallen asleep when I actually saw the robbers. They were wielding drawn swords. They tried to come near me more than thirty times but were unable to draw near. Knowing that I was safe, I slept soundly until the morning. When it was morning, I packed up and departed, continuing my journey. As I travelled, I suddenly encountered one of the robbers who was carrying a bow and seated astride a horse with a huge, bushy tail. He called out to me and asked, “Are you a human or jinn?” “A human – from the descendants of Aadam (‘alaihis salaam)” I replied. He was stunned to hear this and asked, “But what’s your secret then? We tried to get to you more than 70 times but were blocked by an iron wall every time!” I replied, “The secret is a hadeeth which Ibnu ‘Umar (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) narrated to me from Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) who said, ‘Whoever recites thirty-three verses of the Quraan Majeed at night, he will not be harmed by an unexpected predatory animal and, together with his family and wealth, he will be in complete safety and ease until the morning.’” When I completed narrating the hadeeth, he was so affected that he descended from his horse and broke his bow, promising Allah Ta‘ala that he would never again return to a life of robbery.”

    The verses mentioned in the hadeeth are:

    1. Surah Baqarah (verses 1-5, 255-257, and 284-286)
    2. Surah Aa’raaf (verses 54-56)
    3. Surah Banu Israaeel (verses 110-111)
    4. Surah Saaffaat (verses 1-11)
    5. Surah Rahmaan (verses 33-35)
    6. Surah Hashr (verses 21-24)
    7. Surah Jinn (verses 3-4)

    (Zaylu Taarikhi Baghdaad - Ibnun Najjaar vol. 3, pg. 171)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    During the initial stages of the British rule in India, there arose a dispute between the Muslims and Hindus regarding a plot of land in Kaandhlah. The Muslims claimed that the plot belonged to the Muslims and was earmarked for a musjid whereas the Hindus claimed that it was theirs for a temple.

    After giving both parties a chance to present their case, the English magistrate asked the Muslims, “Is there any Hindu person in whom you have such implicit trust and confidence that, based on his testimony, we will be able to resolve this matter?” The Muslims immediately replied in the negative. When the Hindus were asked whether they trusted any Muslim enough to accept his testimony, they replied, “If the person testifying is either Muslim or Hindu, there will be the fear that he is biased. However, we know of one pious Muslim who has never before been known to utter a lie. Perhaps he will refrain from lying on this occasion as well.” Saying this, they consented to accept the testimony of Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah), who was the brother of Mufti Ilaahi Bakhsh (rahimahullah).

    The magistrate dispatched a clerk to go to Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah) and request him to come to the court. Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah), however, refused to go to court and said, “I have taken an oath that I will never look at the face of a British person” (this was on account of the massacre, oppression and tyranny for which the British were responsible). On hearing his response, the magistrate sent him a second message in which he pleaded saying, “There is no need for you to look at my face. However, please come to court as without you we will be unable to resolve this matter.”

    Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah) agreed and went to court where he stood with his back to the magistrate. After hearing the case, the magistrate asked him whether, according to his knowledge, the land belonged to the Muslims or Hindus. At this crucial juncture, all eyes were trained on him and all awaited his statement with bated breath. Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah) stated calmly, “The truth of the matter is that the land belongs to the Hindus. The Muslims have no claim to it.”

    Judgment was accordingly passed in favor of the Hindus and they secured the possession of the land. On that day, the Muslims lost but Islam won. The Muslims may have lost a plot of land, but the honesty which Islam advocates was upheld. The result of upholding Islam in this uncompromising manner was that many Hindus were overcome by the honesty of Mahmood Bakhsh (rahimahullah) and came forward to accept Islam at his hands.

    (Jawaahir Paare vol. 2, pg. 17)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    A woman in distress once came to the renowned student of Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal (rahimahullah), Baqiyy bin Makhlad (rahimahullah), and begged him for help. She cried to him saying, “My beloved son has been taken prisoner by the Romans. My grief at his loss and yearning to meet him is such that I am unable to sleep for even a moment of the entire night. All I possess is my small home and I can find nobody to purchase it from me. Will you please find someone who will pay my son’s ransom? Days and nights have passed and I can find no solace, no peace and no happiness.”

    Baqiyy (rahimahullah) replied, “You may return home. I will try to see to your problem insha-Allah.” Saying this he lowered his head and began making earnest du‘aa to Allah Ta‘ala for the freedom of the son. Just a few days had passed when the woman came back to Baqiyy (rahimahullah) – this time with her son! She made du‘aa for Baqiyy (rahimahullah) and said to him, “Listen to his story, may Allah Ta‘ala have mercy on you.”

    Baqiyy (rahimahullah) asked the son, “What happened to you?” He replied, “I was taken prisoner by the soldiers of one of the Roman kings. I belonged to a group of prisoners who would be forced to labor in the desert every day. We would labor until sunset after which the guard supervising us would escort us back in our chains. One day while returning, to my utter surprise, the shackles around my ankles fell off on their own! The guards in charge of me immediately began swearing at me and demanded to know why I took the shackles off. I pleaded with them saying, ‘No! I didn’t! By Allah it fell off on its own without me even realizing it!’ Since I was now unfettered they called the blacksmith. When he arrived he clad me in a new pair of shackles – but to no avail. I stood up and had only taken a few steps when the new shackles also miraculously fell off. They were completely puzzled and perplexed, so they summoned their priest and asked him what to do. He asked me, ‘Do you have a mother?’ When I replied in the affirmative he said, ‘It seems that she has made du‘aa for you and it has been accepted. It is better that you are set free.’ So they released me and even guarded me until I reached the border of the Islamic territories.”

    When he heard this, Baqiyy (rahimahullah) enquired, “On which day and at what time did your shackles fall off?” When the boy replied, they realized that it was the exact moment that Baqiyy (rahimahullah) had raised his hands to Allah Ta‘ala in du‘aa.

    (Al-Muntazam li Ibnil Jawzi – vol. 12, pg. 274)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Ismaa‘eel bin Ahmad was the leader of Samarqand. Once, while sitting in the courtroom and listening to the cases that were being presented before him, the great scholar of hadeeth, Muhammad bin Nasr Marwazi (rahimahullah) entered. As a mark of respect, he stood up. When he left the courtroom, his brother Ishaaq reproached him for standing up for one of his subjects. Ismaa‘eel says: “That night when I retired to bed, I saw Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) in a dream. My brother and I were together and Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) came close to me and held my hand saying: ‘Your rule and the rule of your children will continue due to the respect you showed to Muhammad bin Nasr, and the rule of Ishaaq and his children will come to an end due to him disregarding Muhammad bin Nasr’.”

    (Tareekh Ibni ‘Asaakir vol. 56, pg. 115 & Al-Bidaayah wan Nihaayah vol. 11, pg. 176)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Once, a person saw Zubaidah, the wife of Haroon Ar-Rasheed in a dream sitting on a beautifully decorated throne. He asked her, “How did you achieve such a high rank?” She replied, “Once while I was seated with my friends and associates, relaxing and chatting away, I suddenly heard the muazzin call out the azaan. As soon as I heard the azaan, out of respect and honour for Allah Ta‘ala, I told the ladies around me to be quiet until the azaan is called out. It was due to this act that Allah Ta‘ala blessed me with such a lofty rank.”

    (Al-Ishaaraat fi ‘Ilmil ‘Ibaraat – Salafe Saaliheen ke Imaan afroz Waaqi‘aat pg. 61)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Haaroon Rasheed was an ‘Abbaasi Khaleefah who ruled over the Muslim empire from 170 A.H. until his demise in 193 A.H. at the age of forty-five.

    On one occasion, when Haaroon Rasheed came to Madeenah Munawwarah, he sent a messenger to Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) with the following message: “Come to me and bring the hadeeth kitaab (Al-Muwatta) which you have compiled so that I may hear the ahaadeeth from you.”

    On receiving this message, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) was upset and disappointed. He said to the messenger, “Convey my salaam to him, and tell him that people should travel to the knowledge of Deen, the knowledge of Deen should not travel to people. People should come to obtain the knowledge of Deen, it should not have to come to them.”

    When the reply of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) reached Haaroon Rasheed, he became angry. His messenger fuelled his anger further saying, “It will reach the people of Iraq that you summoned Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah), yet he defied you! Force him to come to you!”

    In the interim, many students of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) suggested to him that he go to Haaroon Rasheed and explain to him the correct manner of acquiring the knowledge of Deen. Hence, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) came to Haaroon Rasheed and entered with salaam. However, he did not bring his kitaab of hadeeth with him. When Haaroon Rasheed asked him why he had come without the kitaab, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) replied:

    “O Ameerul Mu-mineen! Allah Ta‘ala sent Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) to us and commanded us to obey him, follow his blessed sunnah and show him utmost respect and honour, during and after his lifetime. Allah Ta‘ala has perhaps granted you the position of khaleefah on account of you having some knowledge of Deen. Hence, when you have been blessed with this knowledge, then you should not disrespect it and fail to honour it, as doing so will cause Allah Ta‘ala to strip you of your respect and honour. Fear Allah! Fear Allah! I have seen people who were not of your standing and lineage, some were freed slaves and there were others as well, yet they all showed the highest level of respect to the knowledge of Deen and honoured the ‘Ulama who bore this knowledge. When these people had shown respect to the knowledge of Deen, then surely you are more worthy of honouring the knowledge of Deen!”

    Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) continued to advise Haaroon Rasheed in this manner until he eventually began to weep. Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) continued further until Haaroon Rasheed relented and said, “Let us proceed to your home.” On arriving, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) entered, performed ghusl, donned new clothing, applied ‘itr and burned some fragrant ‘oud (to honour the blessed ahaadeeth). Thereafter, as they sat, Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) said to Haaroon Rasheed, “Commence reciting.” Haaroon Rasheed responded, “You should recite to me.” However, when Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) excused himself from reciting, Haaroon Rasheed was left with no choice but to recite, and thus said, “Tell all the people to leave so that I can recite to you in privacy.” Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) responded, “When the knowledge of Deen is withheld from the general people for the sake of influential people who wish to be exclusive, then these influential people will never benefit from the knowledge.”

    Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) then instructed one of his students to recite the ahaadeeth. When the student commenced reciting, Haaroon Rasheed was at the side of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) and was seated in a reclining position. Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah) said to him, “O Ameerul Mu-mineen! The one who lowers and humbles himself for Allah Ta‘ala, Allah Ta‘ala will elevate and honour him.” Haaroon Rasheed immediately awoke and sat before Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah), only returning to his side after the ahaadeeth were recited.

    Sometime later, Haaroon Rasheed said to Imaam Maalik (rahimahullah), “We lowered ourselves and expressed humility before the knowledge of Deen which you possessed, and hence Allah Ta‘ala blessed us to benefit from the knowledge.”

    (Tarteebul Madaarik vol. 2, pg. 21)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    On one occasion, while Zun-noon Misri (rahimahullah) was performing tawaaf, he heard a voice full off grief and sorrow. When he turned, he saw a woman clinging to the cloth of the Ka’bah saying:

    “O my Beloved, You alone know who my beloved is
    My frail body and my tears are exposing my secret
    My Beloved, I have concealed my love for a very long time, now my heart cannot contain it anymore”

    He says: “On hearing these words, my heart was deeply affected and I burst out crying. Thereafter I heard her say: ‘O my Master! Out of the love that You have for me, forgive my sins.’ When I heard these words, I could not contain myself and said: ‘O woman, isyourlove for Allah Ta‘ala not sufficient that you had to ask Him to forgive you due toHislove for you.’ She retorted: ‘Move away, do you not know that there are such people on this earth whom Allah Ta‘ala loves before they even love Him. Did you not hear of the verse:

    فَسَوْفَ يَأْتِي اللَّـهُ بِقَوْمٍ يُحِبُّهُمْ وَيُحِبُّونَهُ

    Soon Allah Ta‘ala will bring about a nation who He will love them and they will love Him.

    See! In this verse Allah Ta‘ala’s love for them is mentioned first.’” (
    Aa’yaanul Hujjaaj, pg. 170)
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  24. #39
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    On one occasion, while Zun-noon Misri (rahimahullah) was performing tawaaf, he heard a voice full off grief and sorrow. When he turned, he saw a woman clinging to the cloth of the Ka’bah saying:

    “O my Beloved, You alone know who my beloved is
    My frail body and my tears are exposing my secret
    My Beloved, I have concealed my love for a very long time, now my heart cannot contain it anymore”

    He says: “On hearing these words, my heart was deeply affected and I burst out crying. Thereafter I heard her say: ‘O my Master! Out of the love that You have for me, forgive my sins.’ When I heard these words, I could not contain myself and said: ‘O woman, isyourlove for Allah Ta‘ala not sufficient that you had to ask Him to forgive you due toHislove for you.’ She retorted: ‘Move away, do you not know that there are such people on this earth whom Allah Ta‘ala loves before they even love Him. Did you not hear of the verse:

    فَسَوْفَ يَأْتِي اللَّـهُ بِقَوْمٍ يُحِبُّهُمْ وَيُحِبُّونَهُ

    Soon Allah Ta‘ala will bring about a nation who He will love them and they will love Him.

    See! In this verse Allah Ta‘ala’s love for them is mentioned first.’” (
    Aa’yaanul Hujjaaj, pg. 170)
    What an amazing story thanks for sharing it
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Once ‘Abdullah bin Rawaahah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) was resting with his head on his wife’s lap. Suddenly he began crying. Seeing this, his wife also began to cry. When he asked her the reason for crying, she replied, “When I saw the manner in which you were crying, it made me cry as well.” ‘Abdullah bin Rawaahah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) explained the reason for his crying saying, “I remembered the verse: ‘There is none among you except that he will come to it (Jahannam)’and I do not know whether I will be granted salvation from the fire or not.”

    (Tafseer Ibni Katheer vol. 3, pg. 136)
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