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Stories of pious people

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    Stories of pious people

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    plz share the stories of pious people in this thread
    Last edited by azc; 03-01-2018 at 04:46 AM.
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    Stories of pious people

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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Taqwa of Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullah)

    When we study the lives of our pious predecessors, we realize that they understood the true value of Islamic values. They were prepared to sacrifice their wealth, but they could not sacrifice and compromise on their Deeni values.

    On one occasion, Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullah) purchased some grain on credit, leaving his bucket with the grain-seller as collateral. Later on, when Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullah) paid for the grain and wished to collect his bucket, the seller presented him with two buckets saying, “See which one belongs to you.” Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullah) replied, “I cannot identify which bucket belongs to me. Hence, I absolve you of my bucket and the money that I paid for the grain (i.e. you may keep the bucket as well as the money).” The seller thereafter remarked, “By Allah! I knew which bucket belonged to him, but merely wished to test his taqwa!”

    (Siyaru Aa’laamin Nubalaa vol. 9, pg. 451)

    Taqwa of Imaam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah)

    In this day and age, professionals abound and there is similarly no shortage of wealthy people. If there is a lack of something, however, then it is people who possess values. Hence, it is values that fetch the highest value and make the deepest impression.

    Imaam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) once went to the house of a fire worshipper to collect some money that was owed to him. However, as Imaam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) arrived at the door, some najaasat (impurity) stuck to his sandal. Imaam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) shook the sandal, and as the impurity was removed, it fell onto the wall of the fire worshipper’s home! Imaam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) was worried and perturbed. If he left the impurity on the wall, it would cause the wall to appear unsightly, and if he scraped it off, then some portion of the sand of the wall would also be removed.
    In this state of concern, Imaam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) knocked on the door. It was answered by a servant to whom Imaam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) said, “Tell your master that Abu Haneefah is at the door.” The fire worshipper came out to meet Imaam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah), worried that he had come to collect the outstanding money, and thus began to make excuses in earnest. However, Imaam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) said to him, “We have a problem at hand that is far more important than the money. Look at the wall; how do we clean it without causing it damage?”
    The fire worshipper was amazed at the character of Imaam Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) and the concern that he displayed for the safety of the next person’s wealth. He thus proclaimed, “Before purifying the wall, I wish to purify myself by accepting Islam.” Saying this, he immediately brought imaan.

    (At-Tafseerul Kabeer vol. 1, pg. 192)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Sahal bin ‘Abdillah Tustari (rahimahullah) had a neighbour above him who was a fire worshipper. Once, a hole developed in the floor of the fire worshipper’s toilet, and through this hole, the toilet would leak down into one of the rooms in the home of Sahal (rahimahullah).
    Noticing what had happened, Sahal (rahimahullah) would daily place a container beneath the leak to catch the filth that dripped into the room. Sahal (rahimahullah) would then take the full container and empty it at night where nobody could see what he was doing.

    This continued for a long time, until the day when Sahal (rahimahullah) neared his final moments and realized that he would soon leave this world. At that time, he called for his neighbour. When the fire worshipper arrived, Sahal (rahimahullah) said to him, “Enter that room and look inside.” On entering, the fire worshipper observed the hole and the filth that was falling through it into the container. He asked Sahal (rahimahullah), “What is this?” Sahal (rahimahullah) replied, “This has been happening for some time. The filth falls from your toilet into this room. I allow it to accumulate in the container during the day, and thereafter dispose of it at night. If it was not for the fact that I am about to leave this world, and I fear that those after me will not be tolerant and show you good character, I would not have showed you this and informed you about it. Now that you are aware of the problem with your toilet, you may fix it as you see fit.”

    The fire worshipper was absolutely amazed and exclaimed, “O Shaikh! You have been treating me with kindness and showing me this level of good character for such a long time despite the fact that I am a disbeliever! Stretch forth your hand – I testify that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah Ta‘ala, and Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) is the Rasul of Allah Ta‘ala.” Shortly after the fire worshipper accepted Islam, Sahal (rahimahullah) passed away.

    (Al Kabaa-ir liz Zahabi pg. 208)


    1. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) greatly stressed and emphasized the importance of fulfilling the neighbour’s rights and warned that the imaan of a person who causes any harm or inconvenience to his neighbour is incomplete. On account of showing good character to neighbours being such an emphasized and integral part of Deen, Sahal (rahimahullah) was even prepared to tolerate the inconvenience of his neighbour’s toilet dripping filth into his home.

    2. Sahal (rahimahullah) would dispose of the waste during the night where no person could see him. One reason for which he did this was perhaps so that nobody would learn of the waste dripping into his home and thereafter fight with the fire worshipper.

    Furthermore, disposing of the waste in secret also indicates to the humility of Sahal (rahimahullah), as he did not wish people to learn of his tolerance and praise him.

    3. If a Muslim adopts the true character of Islam, his interaction and behaviour will shine with the radiance of Islam and will thus be an invitation to Deen. It was this very same character that ‘melted’ the heart of the fire worshipper and let him see the beauty of Islam.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Zaazaan (rahimahullah) was a great Taabi‘ee (rahimahullah) and Muhaddith. He had met ‘Umar (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), ‘Ali (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) and many other Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum), and was counted among the special students of ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ood (radhiyallahu ‘anhu).
    Prior to becoming a great saint and Muhaddith of this Ummah, Zaazaan (rahimahullah) was involved in sin. However, Allah Ta‘ala blessed him to repent and change his life at the hands of ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ood (radhiyallahu ‘anhu).

    The following is the personal account of Zaazaan (rahimahullah), describing the manner in which Allah Ta‘ala guided him and inspired him to repent at the hands of ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ood (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), which lead to him becoming the renowned personality that we know. He says:

    I was a youngster who possessed a melodious voice and considerable skill in playing the drum. Once, a friend and I were with a few other people. I was entertaining our small group by singing songs, when ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ood (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) passed by. Hearing the sound of song and merrymaking, he came toward us. On reaching us, he kicked the vessels of wine, causing them to spill their contents. He then snatched the drum from me and cast it to the ground, breaking it. Finally, he turned to me and said, “O youngster! If you used the melodious voice which I heard to recite the Quraan Majeed, you would really become something!” Saying that, he left.

    I turned to my friend and asked him, “Who was this person?” He replied, “That was ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ood (radhiyallahu ‘anhu).” At that moment, Allah Ta‘ala inspired me to repent. I thus ran after ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ood (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) with tears streaming down my face. He had just arrived at the door of his home and was about to enter when I reached him and held onto his clothing. He turned to me and asked, “Who are you?” I replied, “I am the person who was playing the drum.” ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ood (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) realized that I had come to repent and change my life, and so he hugged me and cried out of happiness. He then said, “Welcome to the one whom Allah Ta‘ala loves (and thus inspired to repent). Sit here!” ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ood (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) thereafter entered his home and brought some dates for me to eat saying, “Eat from these dates. If I possessed any food besides this, I would have presented that to you as well.”

    (Taareekh Ibni ‘Asaakir vol. 18, pg. 283)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    The illustrious Sahaabi, ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ood (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) was once invited to a waleemah function. When he was about to enter, he heard some impermissible activity taking place, hence he returned immediately. When he was questioned about the reason for his return, he explained: “I heard Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) saying: ‘Whosoever adds to the numbers of a people, will be counted from among them, and the one who is pleased with the wrong of a people, will be a partner in their actions.’” (Ithaaful Khiyaratil Maharah vol. 4, pg. 135)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Shaikh ‘Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi (rahimahullah) narrates:

    Delhi was once struck by a very severe drought. People were suffering to the point of not even having basic bread. The ‘Ulama eventually decided that all the people would gather in an open field on an appointed day so that salaatul istisqaa (salaah for rain) could be performed. After the salaah, everybody would repent from their sins and make du‘aa for rain.

    On the appointed day all the people gathered outside the city, their faces burning from the heat of the sun. After the salaah, all exerted themselves in du‘aa, crying and begging for rain. To their dismay, however, there was no sign of rain. This continued until the time of ‘asr salaah arrived. As they were begging Allah Ta‘ala in du‘aa, a young traveller walked past the field, leading a camel on which a woman covered in a veil was seated. Seeing the people in distress, he asked them what was going on. He was informed of the severe drought and the people’s du‘aas for rain not being answered. Upon hearing this he went to his camel and lifted his hands in du‘aa. Before he could even lower his hands, the sky filled with clouds and rain began to fall in torrents!

    Accepted Du‘aa

    An ‘Aalim went up to the youngster and asked him how he had attained the good fortune of being a person whose du‘aas were instantly answered .The youngster replied, “Seated on the camel is my mother. She has led a life of such purity and chastity, that neither has she ever set eyes on a strange man nor has a strange man ever set his eyes on her. I clutched her shawl and made du‘aa saying, ‘O Rabb of the universe! This is my pious and chaste mother. If her piety and chastity is valued in your sight then shower your rain upon your servants.’ I had not yet put my hands down when the rain began to fall.”

    Subhaanallah! This woman’s chastity and purity became the means of the people being relieved of the difficulty. It is time to once again revive hayaa and chastity — chastity in the eyes, ears, tongue, heart and entire body. Allah Ta‘ala will then surely shower down His mercies and blessings in everything.
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    In the village of Kandhala in India a dispute arose between the muslims and the Hindus over some land; the hindus claimed that the land belonged to them and wanted to build a temple on it, the muslims claimed the land belonged to them and wanted to build a mosque on it.

    The case went to court, both sides were asked to produce evidence as to whom the land belonged to. The Hindus said there is a pious elder in our village called Illahi Baksh rh‏ what ever testimony he gives we will accept it. The Muslims were delighted, after all one of their own would be able to testify on their behalf, so they also stated that Shaykh Illahi Bakhsh rh‏ verdict would be acceptable to them.
    Shaykh Illahi Bakhsh rh‏ was summoned to court and asked who the Land belonged to he said: " I don't know who the land belongs to, but one thing I do Know is that it does not belong to the Muslims."

    So the Hindus Won the court case the deeds of the land were handed over to them. In the courtroom their was chaos, the Muslims were incensed, as the Shaykh was leaving the court people were jostling him, shouting insults calling him a Hindu agent etc.

    As he managed to extract him self from the mob of Muslim's. the Hindus were waiting on the other side, the Hindus came over and said:"Maulana Sahib here are the deeds of the land , we want you to build a mosque, and we shall also worship in it, Maulana sahib we want to be Muslim just like you, for today you have proven the beauty and justice of Islam."

    Shaykh Illahi Baksh by behaving justly in accordance with the teachings of Islam managed to win over a whole community, they all embraced Islam.

    Something to reflect:

    How often do we fall into the sin of injustice, we support our relatives in disputes with others even though we know they are wrong, similarly with those who belong to our ethnic group, tribe, clan, and those who are fellow muslim's we seek to make excuses for them in their transgression s towards others.

    May Allah give us the Tawfiq and strength to stand for what is just, ameen.
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    ‘Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubaarak (rahimahullah):
    ‘I was in Makkah when the people were afflicted with a drought. So they all came out to Masjid al-Haram for Istisqaa’ (prayer for rain) but they were not granted rain, and to my side was a black slave.

    He said,

    ‘O Allaah! O Allaah! They have surely called You but You did not respond. I swear to You and take an oath by You that You will indeed provide water for us.’

    ‘Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubaarak (rahimahullah) said, ‘By Allah, it was only a short moment before we were granted rain.‘
    He continued saying, ‘The black slave departed and I followed him until he entered a house in Hanatin. I put a mark on it and in the morning, I took some money and went to the house.
    A man came to the door and I said to him, ‘I want to see the owner of this house.’
    He said, ‘It’s me.’
    I said, ‘There is a slave of yours whom I wish to purchase.’
    He said, ‘I have fourteen servants, I’ll bring them out to you.’
    ‘Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubaarak (rahimahullah) said, ‘But he was not amongst them.’ So I said to him (the man), ‘Anyone left?’
    He said, ‘A sick boy.’ He brought him out and it was him.
    I said, ‘Sell him to me.’
    He said, ‘He is yours, O Abu Abdur-Rahman.’

    So I gave him fourteen dinaars and I took the servant. When we had gone along the way, he said ‘O master, what could you want with me when I am ill?’
    I said to him, ‘It’s because of what I saw yesterday evening (during the Istisqaa’).’

    The boy leaned against the wall and said,
    ‘O Allaah! Do not cause me to become famous but take me back to You!’
    ‘Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubaarak (rahimahullah): ‘He fell down dead and the people of Makkah began to surround him…’

    Sifat al-Safwah by Ibn al-Jawzi.
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Imaam al-Bukhaari, Abu 'Abdillah Muhammad Ibn Ismaa'eel Ibn Ibraahim Ibn Al-Mughirah Ibn Bardizbah Al-Bukhaari, was born in 194 AH/810 CE in Bukhara in the territory of Khurasan (West Turkistan).

    Imaam al-Bukhaari was one of the greatest compilers of ahaadeeth (Prophetic Narrations). His father died while he was still in his infancy and his upbringing was left entirely to his mother, who looked after his health and education very carefully and spared nothing in order to provide him with the best education.

    Historians relate a remarkable incident that occurred during the Imaam's childhood. He became blind at a young age. He had recourse to many famous and skilled doctors of his time but their treatments made no difference. His mother was a pious worshipper and a righteous woman. She cried to Allah the Almighty for help for her child and begged for the restoration of his eyesight.

    Because of the endless prayers of his mother and her nights spent weeping, the Imaam's sight was miraculously restored. The Imaam's mother was informed by means of a dream in which the Prophet Ibraaheem ('alayhis-salaam) appeared and said:

    "Allah has restored the sight of your son because of your intense and beautiful invocations."

    In the morning, as Imaam al-Bukhaari got up from his bed, his eyesight was fully restored.
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Asalamu Alaikum

    Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi and the four thieves:

    One night Sultan Mahmood Ghaznawi went walking among his subjects after taking off his royal clothes and putting on ordinary clothes. He chanced to come upon a group of thieves who were consulting amongst themselves. On seeing him they asked: “Who are you?”
    The King (Sultan) replied: “I am also one like yourselves.” They understood that to mean that he was also a thief like themselves and allowed him to join their company. They then continued the conversation amongst themselves and it was decided that each one of them should explain what speciality or skill he possesses so that at the time of need a task could be put before him to show that special skill.
    One of the thieves said: “Friends, I have a special gift in my ears, that whenever a dog barks, I fully understand what he says.”
    The second one said: “I have a special gift in my eyes, that whatever I see in the darkness of night, I am able to recognize it in the light of day.”
    The third one said: “I have this speciality in my arms that through the strength that lies in my arms, I can make a hole in the strongest wall, to enter a house.”
    The fourth one said: “I have this special gift in my nose that by smelling the sand on the ground I am able to ascertain whether there is any treasure buried underneath it or not. It is just like in the case of Majnoon, who without being told, merely by smelling the ground, got to know where Layla was buried.”
    The fifth one said: “I have such strength in my hands that no matter how high a building is, I can climb along its wall with my rope ladder and easily enter the building in this manner.”
    Thereafter they all asked the King: “O man, what special gift do you possess which we can make use of in our thieving activities?”
    The King replied: “I have this speciality in my beard that when criminals are handed over to their executioner, I merely shake my beard and such criminals are immediately set free.” (In other words, if as a show of mercy I shake my beard, the criminals found guilty of murder, are set free).
    On hearing this the thieves said: “O dear Qutub, on the day of difficulty, you will be our one means of salvation.” (In other words, if we are arrested, then through you blessings we will be saved. Now we do not have to fear, because the rest of us had the special gift which would help us in our thieving exploits, but none of us had the means of granting safety from punishment. This speciality lies only with you. Now we need not have any fear of punishment. Now we can get on with our work).
    They all went in the direction of the palace of Shah Mahmood with the King in their midst. Along the way a dog barked and the one who understood the dog’s language translated: “The King is also in you midst.” Although they heard it, no one paid any attention to this information, as their greed was uppermost in their minds. One of them smelled the ground and explained that this is the Royal Palace . There is a treasure in this place. The other one threw a rope ladder against the wall. The other one made a hole in the wall and they all entered to burgle. Afterwards they divided the loot amongst themselves and hastily each one of them went to hide his share of the spoils.
    The King noted each one’s description and found out where each of them resided. He left them and secretly re-entered the Royal Palace . The following day the King related the entire story to his courtiers and thereafter sent the policemen to arrest them and to inform them of their death sentence.
    When they were brought before the Court with hands bound together, they were all trembling in fear before the King’s throne. However, the thief who had this special gift of recognizing anybody during the day whom he had seen during the darkness, was quite at ease. In him together with the signs of fear there were also sights of hope. In other words, although he was struck by awe while standing before the King and although fearing the King’s wrath and revenge, he also had the hope, that the King would be true to his word, that when in mercy he shakes his beard, criminals will be set free. Furthermore he also had the hope of setting free al his companions because the King will surely not turn away from all those whom he knew and recognized.
    This person’s face was changing from yellow to red, as within himself the feelings of fear and hope alternated. The Sultan Mahmood in Kingly dignity passed judgment that they all should be handed over to the Executioner to be hung on the gallows. As the King himself was witness to their crime, there was no need for any other witnesses.
    As soon as the King announced his judgement, this person appealed in great humility: “Sire, with you permission, may I say something?” The King permitted him to speak and he said: “O Master, each one of us had exhibited his special gift which helped in this crime. Now it is time that the Kingly speciality should be exhibited according to the promise. I have all the while recognized you. Remember you had promised that in you beard there is this speciality, that if you cause it to move in mercy, the criminal will be saved from punishment. Hence, O King, shake you beard, so that through the blessings of your grace, all of us can be saved from the punishment of our crimes. Our specialities have brought us to the gallows. Now it is only you special gift that is left which can save us from being punished of our crimes. Our specialities have brought us to the gallows. Now it is only you special gift that is left which can save us from being punished. Now is the time for the exhibition of your speciality. Kindly shake your beard. Because of fear our lives have reached right up to our mouths. Please save us with the special gift that lies in your beard.”
    Sultan Mahmood smiled at the plea and became filled with mercy and grace as he heard their pitiful admission of guilt. He said: “Each one of you have exhibited his special quality to such an extent that it has brought you to the brim of destruction, except in the case of this one. He recognized me as the Sultan. He saw me in the darkness of the night and recognized me as the Sultan. Hence for his having recognized me, I set all of you free. I feel ashamed at those eyes which recognized me not to shake my beard and thereby exhibit my special quality.”
    The first lesson contained is this story is that while a person is committing a crime the true King of Kings is with him, and is fully aware of all that he does. “And He is with you wherever you are.” When a person commits any disobedience to Allah he is actually committing treachery against Him. Anyone who fails in his duty to Allah or in the rights which are due to me, is like a thief committing the theft of Allah’s treasures. For this reason, one should always bear in mind that the Master is the witness, seeing us at all times, and is aware of all that we do. If we commit any disobedience or iniquity, it means that in His very presence His treasury is being looted and robbed.
    Think for a moment! Whom are you robbing? That King and Master tells you: “I am seeing what you do. I am with you. My laws have been revealed to you. Today your breaking that law. Today, in this world I will hide your fault, hoping that perhaps you will come upon the right road. But if you do not come to your senses, then tomorrow on the day of Qiyamat when you will be brought before Me, with hands bound together, then who will be able to save you from My anger and revenge?”

    The second lesson from this story is that Allah will punish sinners in the hereafter although He may initially overlook them in this world. We see that at the time the thieves were looting the Royal treasury, the Sultan witnessed the entire incident. He was with them and allowed them to proceed without being punished. However in the end, he had them arrested. If, at all times, this thought is uppermost in our minds that Allah sees all our deeds then there will surely be fear in the heart against committing sins.
    The third lesson from this story is this that on the day of Qiyamat no special quality will be of any benefit. All those deeds which contravene the laws of Allah will on the day of Qiyamat be bound around man’s neck even though, in this world, they were considered as being special qualities. The thieves mentioned those special gifts and qualities as if the were qualities of virtue, but in reality those very qualities were the cause of their destruction:
    “Each one of them exhibited their special quality,
    But all their qualities only caused their misfortune to increase.”
    Any special quality which does not bring a person nearer to his Creator, and which does not connect the heart to Allah, and which is not a medium towards the remembrance of Allah is no quality of virtue. In fact it is a cure and a misfortune. All the powers and attributes of man which are used in rebellion against Allah and towards disobedience and negligence, will one day cause him to be brought before Allah as a criminal. All those nations who have made great progress and through scientific inventions have made this world subservient to them, but turn away from Allah, passing their lives in disobedience, will realize on the day of Qiyamat, whether the speciality of scientific progress had been the cause of receiving Allah’s grace or His anger.
    “Blessed be to you the subjugation of the sun and moon,
    But if there is no light in the heart there is no light anywhere.”

    The fourth lesson from this story is that no special quality will be of benefit except that which leads towards recognizing Allah, just like the person who having seen the Sultan, recognized him and through this special quality, he not only saved himself but was also able to intercede on behalf of this companions. As for his other companions, their special quality became a means towards earning Allah’s punishment.
    “Only the sight of the fortunate one was of any use
    Who recognized the Sultan during darkness of night.”
    The lesson derived is that this world is like a place of darkness. In the darkness of this world, every servant of Allah who follows the Divine Laws of Shariat and through its blessings recognizes Allah, will be provided with salvation against the punishment on hell-fire, on the day of Qiyamat. This recognition will also be a means towards intercession on behalf of other criminals, from among the sinners of the people of faith. However, there should not be any pride and over confidence in this recognition. In fact, one should alternate between fear and hope and in utmost humility beg for this intercession. Then Allah will accept this intercession from whomever He wishes according to His Mercy . For those whom He will not accept this intercession, He will in perfect justice exhibit His overwhelming vengeance. Hence, fortunate indeed is the person who, in the world, created within himself the knowledge of recognizing Allah. The Aarifeen (True knowers of Allah) who through their spiritual efforts and exercises recognize Allah with their souls, will tomorrow on the day of Qiyamat see Allah and attain salvation. Furthermore their intercession on behalf of other sinners will also be accepted. But the disbelievers and criminals will through their special qualities be admitted into hell-fire. On that day these poor starving ones with pale faces, patched coarse clothing, who today are being ridiculed and jeered at, will feast their eyes upon the countenance of Allah. On that day, the criminals will envy them:
    “Would that we had lived like them in the world and acquired their qualities.
    Would that we had recognized Allah properly!”

    The fifth lesson is this that the story also illustrates the high position these righteous and saintly ones have as far as their humanity is concerned. What a pity that nations and people, just like those thieves, spend their short span of worldly lives looking upon means of delight and comfort as special gift and accomplishment, and look upon material progress as being actual progress. Whereas on the other hand, they have adopted uncouth habits like urinating while standing and cleansing themselves with paper after defecating. They also consider it normal to take a bath sitting in a tub and allow the water, which had become dirtied through being in contact with the anus to be drawn into their mouth and nose. They consider those actions as the norms of society. Can such people ever be considered to be cultured and people of progress? What a pity it is that the beloved cultural ways of Muslims should be cast aside and that such despicable ways of these people should be adopted.
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Interesting story.

    Perhaps I read it in mathnavi of molana Roomi rh.

    Thanks for sharing
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    Interesting story.

    Perhaps I read it in mathnavi of molana Roomi rh.

    Thanks for sharing
    Yeah, I got it from that book. I'm not a fan of Sufism, but I got the book in a bulk buy of a bunch of Islamic stuff, so I thought I might as well give it a whirl.

    Some of the stories such as this one are very nice.
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ibn Shahid View Post
    Yeah, I got it from that book. I'm not a fan of Sufism, but I got the book in a bulk buy of a bunch of Islamic stuff, so I thought I might as well give it a whirl.

    Some of the stories such as this one are very nice.
    and it's a good book...

    Plz share some more stories if feasible
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    and it's a good book...

    Plz share some more stories if feasible

    Here's a link to a PDF copy of the book if you want to read it:


    Here's another story about a Sahabi (May Allah Be Pleased With Him):


    I might send some more stories later, inshallah
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    for sharing the links... InshaAllah, I'll see it later on, I prefer to read printed books though.
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Hazrath Luqman (A.S.), who was given the title of Hakeem (the Wise), used to work in an orchard. Once his master came to the orchard and asked for a cucumber. When the cucumber was brought, peeled and sliced, the master gave the first piece to Hazrath Luqman (A. S.) to eat. He placed it in his mouth and began eating it with great relish. When the master observed the degree of relish with which Hazrath Luqman (A.S.) ate the cucumber, he assumed that it must be very tasty. Hence he also put a piece into his mouth.

    To his horror he found the cucumber to be extremely bitter. He immediately spat it out and asked in astonishment: “O luqman, how can you eat such a bitter cucumber with such relish?” Hazrath Luqman (A.S.) replied:

    “The cucumber is indeed bitter. However I thought that if the hand that has already given me countless sweet things gives me one bitter thing, how ungrateful it would be of me to complain about it!!!”

    Hazrath Luqman (A.S.) also passed on many gems of advice to his son. Among them he said:

    * Son, the world is a very deep sea in which many people have drowned. If you make taqwa (piety) your boat in this sea, fill it with Imaan and make tawakkul (trust in Allah Ta’ala) its sails, you will be saved. Otherwise you will also drown.

    * A father disciplining his son (for the sake of his proper nurturing) is like placing fertiliser in the field (which helps to grow healthy crops).

    * Son, refrain from debts since debts are the means of disgrace in the day and worry at night

    * Son, the radiance from the face of a liar is snatched away, a person with poor character will grieve much and it is easier to move rocks than to explain to a fool.

    * To sacrifice one’s respect in the obedience of Allah Ta’ala brings one closer to Allah Ta’ala. On the contrary, to attempt to acquire respect by disobeying Allah Ta’ala distances one from Him (thus leading to disgrace in this world and the Hereafter)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) owned a slave whose work was to earn an income for Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu).

    One night, the slave presented Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) with some food that he had earned. As soon as the food was placed before him, Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) picked up a morsel and began to eat. Seeing this, the slave was surprised and asked, “What is the matter? You normally ask me every night (as to how I earned the wealth). Why have you not asked me tonight?” Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) replied, “I was overcome by extreme hunger. From where did you get this food?” The slave answered, “During the days of Jaahiliyyah (the days of ignorance, before the advent of Islam), I once passed by a certain tribe and recited some words and blew, as a form of treatment for them. On account of my service, they had promised me that they would later compensate me. It so happened that I passed by this tribe today while they were engaged in wedding festivities. As they still owed me for my service, they gave me some food from the wedding as payment.”

    When Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) heard this, he exclaimed, “You almost destroyed me (by feeding me haraam)!” He then began to stick his hand into his throat in an effort to spew out the haraam morsel. However, although he retched and gagged, the morsel could not be expelled (as his stomach was too empty). Seeing this, somebody remarked, “The morsel will not be expelled from your stomach unless you drink water.” Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) thus asked for a large bowl of water and began to drink. After he had filled his stomach with water, he again began to stick his hand into his throat, forcing himself to vomit, until the haraam morsel was finally expelled.

    A person who had witnessed the scene said to Hazrat Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), “May Allah have mercy on you! You underwent all this difficulty for just one morsel?” Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) responded, “Even if I had to lose my life to remove the morsel, I would have done so! I heard Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mention, ‘Every body which is nourished by haram, the fire (of Jahannum) is more worthy of it.’ I was thus afraid that some part of my body would be nourished by this haraam morsel.”

    (Hilyatul Awliyaa vol. 1, pg. 64)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    Muslim bin Yasaar (rahimahullah) was an eminent Taabi‘ee and the ustaaz of great ‘Ulama, the likes of Muhammad bin Seereen, Qataadah, Ayyoob Sakhtiyaani and Thaabit Bunaani (rahimahumullah).

    The salaah of Muslim bin Yasaar (rahimahullah) was proverbial. Hence, ‘Alaa’ bin Ziyaad (rahimahullah) once mentioned,

    “If I had to wish for anything, I would wish for the fiqh (Deeni understanding) of Hasan Basri (rahimahullah), the piety of Muhammad bin Seereen (rahimahullah), the accurate opinion of Mutarrif (rahimahullah) and the salaah of Muslim bin Yasaar (rahimahullah).

    Below are a few glimpses of the salaah of Muslim bin Yasaar (rahimahullah):

    ‘Abdullah, the son of Muslim bin Yasaar (rahimahullah), once mentioned, “When my father would perform salaah, he would be like a (motionless) pillar. He would neither move in this direction nor in that direction.”

    Muslim bin Yasaar (rahimahullah) would mention to his household before commencing salaah, “You may speak, as I do not hear anything that you say (when I am in salaah).”

    Muslim bin Yasaar (rahimahullah) was once performing salaah in his home when a fire broke out besides him. Despite the fire, he did not break his salaah. After the fire was extinguished and he completed his salaah, when he was asked as to why he did not break his salaah, he replied, “I was unaware that a fire had broken out.”

    On one occasion, Muslim bin Yasaar (rahimahullah) was performing salaah in the musjid when a wall of the musjid collapsed. Such was his engrossment in his salaah that he did not even realize that the wall had collapsed.

    References: Hilyatul Awliyaa’ vol.2 pg. 329-330 and Siyaru Aa’laamin Nubalaa vol.4 pg. 510-512
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    During the period in which he was the leader of the Muslim Ummah, Sayyiduna Mu‘aawiyah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) once had a peace treaty with the Romans. When the peace treaty was close to expiring, he prepared the Muslim army and began proceeding to the border of the Muslim and Roman lands. His intention was to cross the border and attack the very instant the treaty terminated. The Romans were unaware of this and would have been taken by utter surprise.

    While Mu‘aawiyah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) was proceeding, he suddenly saw a man on horseback shouting, “Allahu Akbar! Fulfill the pledge! Don’t deceive!” When they looked, they saw that it was the Sahaabi, ‘Amr bin ‘Abasah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu). Mu‘aawiyah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) sent for him and when he arrived, he said to Mu‘aawiyah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), “I heard Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) saying, ‘The one who has a treaty or pledge with a people should neither make any change to the pledge nor break it until it either terminates or he first informs them equally.”

    On hearing the blessed hadeeth of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), Mu‘aawiyah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) immediately accepted correction and retreated with the entire army.

    (Sunan Abi Dawood #2759 & Sunan Tirmizi #1580)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    The Ansaari Sahaabi of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), Usaid bin Hudhair (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), was once reciting Surah Baqarah in Tahajjud Salaah. While reciting Surah Baqarah, his horse, which was tied nearby, began to move about. Noticing this, Usaid bin Hudhair (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) became silent, at which his horse also calmed down and ceased to move about. Usaid (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) therefore recommenced reciting the Quraan Majeed. As he recommenced, however, his horse also resumed moving about, and when Usaid (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) became silent once again, the horse also calmed down and ceased to move about. When Usaid (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) resumed his recitation for the third time, the horse began to move about again. The son of Usaid (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), Yahya (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), was lying within reach of the horse and Usaid (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) thus feared that the horse would trample him as it moved about. Usaid (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) therefore reached over and pulled his son out of harm’s way, glancing up at the sky as he did so. As he glanced at the sky, he saw a cloud-like shape which was dotted with lights resembling lanterns, ascending towards the sky. As he watched, it ascended higher and higher until it was eventually out of sight.

    The next morning, Usaid bin Hudhair (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) went to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and informed him of his experience the previous night. On hearing his account, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) exclaimed, “If only you had continued to recite, O son of Hudhair! If only you had continued to recite, O son of Hudhair!” On hearing this, Usaid (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) explained the reason for which he had terminated his recitation saying, “O Rasul of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam)! I feared that my horse would trample Yahya as he was close to it. I therefore raised my head and went to him. When I lifted my head to the sky, I suddenly saw a cloud-like shape which was dotted with lights resembling lanterns. It ascended into the sky until I could no longer see it.” Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) asked Usaid (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), “Do you know what that was?” When Usaid (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) replied in the negative, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) explained, “Those were angels who had approached to listen to your voice. Had you continued reciting, the people would have begun to see them as the Angels would not have been concealed from them.”

    (Saheeh Bukhaari #5018 & Fathul Baari vol. 9 pg.77)
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    Re: Stories of pious people

    ‘Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) was a person who lived during the rule of the Abbasid ruler, Al-Mahdi. He initially lived a life filled with entertainment and luxury but subsequently repented and reformed to live a life of piety and simplicity. Hereunder follows the story of his repentance:

    One day, ‘Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) drank wine while enjoying the entertainment of amusement and songs. On account of the wine and entertainment, he missed the zuhr, ‘asr and maghrib salaahs! Whenever the salaah time set in, one of his slave girls would unsuccessfully attempt to draw his attention and alert him of the salaah. When even the time for the ‘esha salaah had elapsed, the slave girl finally seized a glowing ember from the fire and placed it on the leg of ‘Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah). As soon as the glowing ember burnt his skin, ‘Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) yelled in pain and asked her, “What are you doing!?” The slave girl calmly replied, “This is an ember from the fire of this world. Will you be able to tolerate an ember from the fire of Jahannum?” When he heard the chastisement of the slave girl, he immediately began to cry and stood to perform the salaahs which he had missed.

    After performing the salaahs he had missed, he began to ponder over his slave girl’s statement which had created a deep, indelible impression upon his heart. After pondering for some time, he eventually reached the conclusion that the only way in which he would be able to change his life and reform his condition would be for him to forgo his luxuries, entertainment and wealth. He therefore freed all his slaves, released all his employees and gave all his wealth in sadaqah. In order to support himself, he thereafter engaged in selling vegetables. It was only the slave girl who had inspired him to change his life who now remained with him.

    One day, Sufyaan bin ‘Uyaynah (rahimahullah) and Fudhail bin ‘Iyaadh (rahimahullah) came to visit ‘Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) and found that his head was resting on a brick instead of a pillow and that he had no mattress or blanket beneath him. Noticing this state of simplicity, Sufyaan (rahimahullah) asked, “Whenever someone abandons something for the sake of Allah Ta‘ala, Allah Ta‘ala gives him something far better in return. What has Allah Ta‘ala granted you in exchange of all that you have abandoned?” ‘
    Abdullah bin Marzooq (rahimahullah) replied, “Happiness and contentment.”

    (Kitaabut Tawwaabeen libni Qudaamah pg. 162)
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