Submission, Steadfastness, and Patience truly are the essence of this religion. The fact Muslim means one who submits and Ibadah means slavery should say a lot, we truly are slaves of Allah those of us who are sincere, and Allah knows who they are. Even in the most difficult times even when we are alone when doing something for the sake of Allah even out of fear of him is awarded in the hereafter. It may seem so simple yet things like Dua, Dhikr, and Fasting during this blessed month are the greatest of deeds and are essential for one being a Muslim, and our attempts to fulfill all these things even if we fail are still awarded by Allah based on the intention in our hearts, this is the Mercy of Allah, Allah is merciful to those who try, but what should be expected of those who don't?

May you use this month to the fullest, and in the last 10 days make extra good use of this month make lots of Dua for your brothers and sisters and this Ummah, Ramadan Mumbarak!