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Taylor Swift

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    Pinky's Avatar Full Member
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    Taylor Swift

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    I'm sure many of us are guilty of listening to music like pop. But do you think someone like taylor swift is decent to listen to? My neice is just 10 and when I were her age I remember I had old pop favourites too. Her songs don't have bad language and she seems to be liked by everyone.
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    Re: Taylor Swift


    Is music better than the Quran sharif?

    Why don't you encourage her to listen to the word of Allah swt than the voice of the devil?

    If an act is haraam it is haraam even if we do not see the evil or reasoning behind Allah's laws.

    Shaytaan likes to trick humans into doing the so called small sins but slowly with time it turns into bigger sins. Mostly unconsciously without the human being realising. Pleaae stay away from it. This is the best thing you can do for yourself, the humanity and your akhira.
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    Taylor Swift

    Pain and hardships allow you to grow spiritually Alhamdulilah so smile when a so called calamity befalls upon you.
    Alhamdulilah Allah swt is the greatest.
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pinky View Post
    I'm sure many of us are guilty of listening to music like pop. But do you think someone like taylor swift is decent to listen to? My neice is just 10 and when I were her age I remember I had old pop favourites too. Her songs don't have bad language and she seems to be liked by everyone.
    Asalamu Alaikum

    Abu Ali is way better than that walking tumour:







    And for silly people like you, I have a special tune from Tunisia:


    You have no excuse to be some pop-loving degenerate when you have far superior sounds in the form of nasheeds.

    If that's not enough, listen to the best of all sounds, the words of Allah Azza Wa Jal:

    Last edited by Alamgir; 06-14-2018 at 05:35 PM.
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pinky View Post
    I'm sure many of us are guilty of listening to music like pop. But do you think someone like taylor swift is decent to listen to? My neice is just 10 and when I were her age I remember I had old pop favourites too. Her songs don't have bad language and she seems to be liked by everyone.

    When our deen declares Music haraam - it means the music in itself is haraam irrespective of whether the words are bad or not.

    It has the identical stance to Gambling. The actual act of Gambling in itself is haraam and does not depend whether a person wins or loses. The fact that the person has gambled is THE Haraam act.

    The same applies to music.

    Hope that makes sense.
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    Taylor Swift

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    Re: Taylor Swift

    Taylor swift is more of a country singer so she should be hopefully cleaner in her music and lyrics then other music genres. However, as others have indicated, music itself is haram. Today she will start out with this and what will she be listening to tomorrow? A better option would be to introduce her to nasheeds. Even though not all nasheeds are halal, some are like zain bhika and others are music in them like native deen, but it's still better alternative then the secular music and lyrics.
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  8. #6
    Pinky's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    My niece is very active with her prayers, Masha'Allah, everyday. Even fasting. She even listens to nasheeds alot. ALOT. But what were we all doing and listening to when we were 10? We change as we get older and eventually learn who we are as Muslims and our obligations.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I wonder how many kids do the same things in your own families. So is it fair to make these judgements?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Another example my cousin a few years back as a teenager was into One Direction. But now she's an adult and is very much involved in Islam and daily prayers.
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    With all this being said, I think as we all must agree that Swift's latest image is horrendous. But I guess the point I am making is that when we are young or as even adults who may not yet be completely invested in Islam as we should, we all like and do things at points in our lives which are haram. All of us. And we need to admit it and not put others down. Kids are kids and they will learn sometimes even the hard way.
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    If i had any influence on the people around me I would definetely try and reach out to them and even threaten to stop talking to them if they continued listening to music especially in my presence. No a big no no. I despise what they are doing to humanity at large. I know that doesn't work all the time with everyone but do something or say something to influence your family in a positive way that would benefit them in thier akhira. Even slow baby steps lead you to ultimate success. You just have to keep trying until your last breath.
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    Taylor Swift

    Pain and hardships allow you to grow spiritually Alhamdulilah so smile when a so called calamity befalls upon you.
    Alhamdulilah Allah swt is the greatest.
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  11. #9
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    If children were to get misguided in life just because of listening to clean pop music (which honestly rarely happens) then that to me says more about the child. That kind of music is meaningless and some children bond over it with others and they make friends. I'm not saying they should buy the cds, no. As long as they do not get obsessed. But, if you think your child is becoming fanatical, then I'd say steer them away. That is when you put a stop to it. But if its something like a birthday party or a few youtube views, why not. They are kids once. They grow up fast. They won't really care about Swift etc when they are older anyway.
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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    My dear sister not only are the lyrics of these pop stars songs utterly filthy but what these women wear on stage & their Music videos are truly vile. For proof then I request you to read the lyrics of these songs to realise what our children are being exposed to. Yes things in our days were bad but things now are far worse than they have ever been.

    These "pop" singers particularly the females display literally everything in their videos and on stage that does not leave much for the imagination. In fact they encourage the listeners to do the same. They promote nothing but filth, promiscuity and evil.

    Taylor swift and all these other current Music artists are working for none other than the Satanic occultist Music industry and their lyrics are too filthy to even paste on here let alone expose to our children.

    Therefore we must do our best to save our children from this utter filth before they are led astray beyond reach. It is not enough to say " Oh let them make their own mistakes as they will realise in time". But how can you or me guarantee that? Do we not realise how many youth have lost their imaan and ended up marrying non Muslims? These "mistakes" can lead to their total destruction and losing imaan. What bigger loss is their than that? Therefore we must realise that there is no guarantee of guidance after a person is led astray.

    So we must do everything in our power to educate our children as to the true reality of the satanic Music industry and these fake celebrities who unfortunately have become role models for our children. If we do not give them the right role models then these filthy vermin will become their role models. At least if we tried our best then whatever happens later on in life then at least we can say we did our best.

    Of course we should approach these matters tactfully and not force or go to the extremes with our children but we must guide and educate them and teach them Islamic knowledge and morals so that they may have the best chance to overcome the evils that will come their way during their youth.

    We should try and encourage them to get involved in doing good for the community, make them Salons/Aalimahs, Haafidh/Haafidhas and to yearn for the pleasure of Allah. We can also create an Islamic atmosphere in our homes and listen to beneficial Islamic lectures and read portions of good Islamic books. We can also do our bit and pray and practice our Deen so that we may be a good example for them. But if our hearts are chasing the worldly life then what kind of example are we?

    May Allah save us and our youth from being led astray by the evil and deception of this worldly life. Ameen
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 06-15-2018 at 01:38 AM.
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  14. #11
    Pinky's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    Yes you are right. But the truth is there are young and older muslims out there right now listening to pop, rap, rock music. And they are for sure in your own families. Don't try to deny it. Lyrics in today's songs are filthy and they use symbolism which are satanic. My niece goes to an islamic primary school so alot of things like that are banned. And I will level with all of you. My niece does not actually listen to Taylor Swift nor has she ever watched or talked about her. I was just posting this thread about it Incase she is ever exposed to this music e.g by her friends at school. However, my niece has listened to such pop records like Happy by Pharell Williams and Can't Stop The Feeling by Justin Timberlake because they are the soundtracks to the Despicable Me and Trolls movies. And a few years ago Let It Go from Frozen. Now to my knowledge those songs are actually clean. And guess what, these days she is always talking to me about Maher Zain and she watches his songs on youtube.
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pinky View Post
    I'm sure many of us are guilty of listening to music like pop. But do you think someone like taylor swift is decent to listen to? My neice is just 10 and when I were her age I remember I had old pop favourites too. Her songs don't have bad language and she seems to be liked by everyone.
    I think she did a Mikey Cyrus

    Its one of the worst things because at one stage of her life parents would be okay with her kinda act and behaviour but now she's basically a ----
    Last edited by Zeal; 06-15-2018 at 11:06 AM.
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  16. #13
    ChosenTCO's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    For those who are trying to suggest that Quran can somehow replace music. This, simply will never work.
    I get that you are trying to encourage others towards khair and all, but truth of the matter is that nothing can replace music (and likewise nothing can replace the Quran).

    People who suggest to listen to Quran instead of music should consider the times of when music is actually being played and think where the Quran could be played in the same conditions or not. Can music really be replaced by Quran when they're played in:
    1. Restaurants?
    2. Gym?
    3. Parties/Gatherings?
    4. Playing games?
    5. Work?
    6. Shower?
    7. Being intimate with your spouse?

    Please note that it is not permissible to have Quran playing in the background while being distracted from its recitations -> [Quran 7:204] ... So how can we listen to the Quran in these conditions. Point is, Music cannot be replaced by Quran 100%.

    Im not trying to say that music is 100% halal or its 100% haram. Im only implying that we shouldn't claim that music is 100% haram like some of us are doing here on this thread. The topic is much more complicated than we think. This wouldnt be such a massive debate among scholars if there was a clear cut prohibition in the Quran or Ahadith. There isnt. And for those who will post the hadith about muslims permitting zina, alcohol and music at the end times, i can also post a hadith about female singers being permitted in weddings too. There isnt a definitive answer to this question. However, it can be easily observed that islam dislikes music in general. (thats completely different from it being 100% haram) ...

    Sometimes, oversimplifying something can cause more damage than good. So lets call it out like it is not try to make simplifications of our own. The topic whether music is haram or not is debated among scholars and there are evidences that supports both claims. So in such a case, it is best to avoid music all together.

    Now as for taylor swift. I personally have listened to some of her music, some are ok some are not, specially the newer ones. Its obvious that the pop music industry has a lot of filth in it that we should stay away from and refrain from listening to it. Specially our young ones. Its not ok to expose them to such vulgarness and attitude. But there are other types of music that have no filth at all, yet you will find other claiming it is haram too. i personally do not believe that they are. Here are a few of the music that i listen to that i do not think is anywhere near haram: (i will only post names or titles of video you can look up on youtube, but i wont post links as this might anger some of the moderators )

    1. john dreamer - rise
    2. john dreamer - true strength
    3. Generdyn ft Zayde Wolf - Heroes
    4. Two Steps from hell - Victory
    5. Aero Chord - Surface
    6. Rival & Cadmium ‒ Just Breathe
    7. Medal Of Honor European Assault Soundtrack - Main Theme

    The main thing about music is that is it meant to stir up emotions and increase the passion within. Its sometimes meant to make us feel its very relatable, help us in our downtime, distract us from boringness of work, motivate you during harsh tasks. Problem is that these things that play with our emotions can sometimes be addictive and mess with our normal levels of emotions till it takes a hold of us so that we cant let go. Similarly to how a person can get addictive to a certain lover because they stir up his love emotions so much he cant let go, or a person who loves the feeling of power that money gives him he becomes a slave to it. So we must be careful when listening to music as we can fall into that trap ... That is if you dont choose to avoid it for an islamic sake in the first place.

    When comparing this to the Quran, you will find that there is no point of comparison between the two. That is how different they are from one another. The Quran is meant for the muslims (as well as the non muslims) as a reminder of reality and the after life. As comfort and medicine for the hearts and chests of those who believe. A way to bring blessings and a means to drive angels of mercy towards us. A book to Ponder upon its miracles. Whereas music is a thing of this dunya that is only meant to aid us in our worldly struggles, but if misused can bring upon us great harm. So be moderate in the ways and amount you listen to. And with time try to leave it all together to improve your takwaa

    And Allah knows best.
    Last edited by ChosenTCO; 06-15-2018 at 11:45 AM.
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  17. #14
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    Lol imagine the effect on a child who listens to a song that keeps repeating "my milkshake is better than yours, it's better than yours, better than yours", for entertainment.
    no wonder secular liberal minded teens these days are so frivolous, greedy, and vain.

    I used to be an idiot when i played mind perverting songs for entertainment, i do still go and play some select thoughtful songs for educational purpose but i am certain of the fact that iqs are being purposefully lowered with most of the crap being put out there.

    Heaven ain't a place on earth
    and Gaga o la la i defo don't want your disease.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 06-15-2018 at 08:26 PM.
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    Taylor Swift

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    aflawedbeing's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zzz_ View Post
    TA better option would be to introduce her to nasheeds. Even though not all nasheeds are halal, some are like zain bhika and others are music in them like native deen, but it's still better alternative then the secular music and lyrics.
    Yes. Not all Nasheeds are halal, I get that.
    But these things may be useful for people who need it to transition to the halal from the haraam.

    The biggest shame here is that not only are they haraam nasheeds, but Native Deen, Zain Bhikha, Maher Zain...They're just not talented enough to help people make that stepping stone should they need. :/
    I mean, have you actually heard Native Deen!? I was big into music, especially before I came to Islam...They just aren't very good.
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    Alamgir's Avatar
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    format_quote Originally Posted by ChosenTCO View Post
    For those who are trying to suggest that Quran can somehow replace music. This, simply will never work.
    I get that you are trying to encourage others towards khair and all, but truth of the matter is that nothing can replace music (and likewise nothing can replace the Quran).

    People who suggest to listen to Quran instead of music should consider the times of when music is actually being played and think where the Quran could be played in the same conditions or not. Can music really be replaced by Quran when they're played in:
    1. Restaurants?
    2. Gym?
    3. Parties/Gatherings?
    4. Playing games?
    5. Work?
    6. Shower?
    7. Being intimate with your spouse?

    Please note that it is not permissible to have Quran playing in the background while being distracted from its recitations -> [Quran 7:204] ... So how can we listen to the Quran in these conditions. Point is, Music cannot be replaced by Quran 100%.

    Im not trying to say that music is 100% halal or its 100% haram. Im only implying that we shouldn't claim that music is 100% haram like some of us are doing here on this thread. The topic is much more complicated than we think. This wouldnt be such a massive debate among scholars if there was a clear cut prohibition in the Quran or Ahadith. There isnt. And for those who will post the hadith about muslims permitting zina, alcohol and music at the end times, i can also post a hadith about female singers being permitted in weddings too. There isnt a definitive answer to this question. However, it can be easily observed that islam dislikes music in general. (thats completely different from it being 100% haram) ...

    Sometimes, oversimplifying something can cause more damage than good. So lets call it out like it is not try to make simplifications of our own. The topic whether music is haram or not is debated among scholars and there are evidences that supports both claims. So in such a case, it is best to avoid music all together.

    Now as for taylor swift. I personally have listened to some of her music, some are ok some are not, specially the newer ones. Its obvious that the pop music industry has a lot of filth in it that we should stay away from and refrain from listening to it. Specially our young ones. Its not ok to expose them to such vulgarness and attitude. But there are other types of music that have no filth at all, yet you will find other claiming it is haram too. i personally do not believe that they are. Here are a few of the music that i listen to that i do not think is anywhere near haram: (i will only post names or titles of video you can look up on youtube, but i wont post links as this might anger some of the moderators )

    1. john dreamer - rise
    2. john dreamer - true strength
    3. Generdyn ft Zayde Wolf - Heroes
    4. Two Steps from hell - Victory
    5. Aero Chord - Surface
    6. Rival & Cadmium ‒ Just Breathe
    7. Medal Of Honor European Assault Soundtrack - Main Theme

    The main thing about music is that is it meant to stir up emotions and increase the passion within. Its sometimes meant to make us feel its very relatable, help us in our downtime, distract us from boringness of work, motivate you during harsh tasks. Problem is that these things that play with our emotions can sometimes be addictive and mess with our normal levels of emotions till it takes a hold of us so that we cant let go. Similarly to how a person can get addictive to a certain lover because they stir up his love emotions so much he cant let go, or a person who loves the feeling of power that money gives him he becomes a slave to it. So we must be careful when listening to music as we can fall into that trap ... That is if you dont choose to avoid it for an islamic sake in the first place.

    When comparing this to the Quran, you will find that there is no point of comparison between the two. That is how different they are from one another. The Quran is meant for the muslims (as well as the non muslims) as a reminder of reality and the after life. As comfort and medicine for the hearts and chests of those who believe. A way to bring blessings and a means to drive angels of mercy towards us. A book to Ponder upon its miracles. Whereas music is a thing of this dunya that is only meant to aid us in our worldly struggles, but if misused can bring upon us great harm. So be moderate in the ways and amount you listen to. And with time try to leave it all together to improve your takwaa

    And Allah knows best.
    Asalamu Alaikum

    Anything with instruments or dirty lyrics is haram.

    Want something more casual? Listen to nasheeds or find acapella's of clean songs.

    - - - Updated - - -

    format_quote Originally Posted by aflawedbeing View Post
    Yes. Not all Nasheeds are halal, I get that.
    But these things may be useful for people who need it to transition to the halal from the haraam.

    The biggest shame here is that not only are they haraam nasheeds, but Native Deen, Zain Bhikha, Maher Zain...They're just not talented enough to help people make that stepping stone should they need. :/
    I mean, have you actually heard Native Deen!? I was big into music, especially before I came to Islam...They just aren't very good.
    Asalamu Alaikum

    Abu Ali is by far the best nasheed artist, perfectly halal and incredibly catchy.
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    format_quote Originally Posted by Al Khorasani View Post
    Asalamu Alaikum

    Anything with instruments or dirty lyrics is haram.

    Want something more casual? Listen to nasheeds or find acapella's of clean songs.
    Wa alaykom Al salaam brother.

    Again, you are over simplifying the issue.
    There is no dispute over whether dirty lyrics are haram or not. I think all of us on this forum can agree that they are.
    However, the issue comes when you generalize about musical instruments. There are no clear cut ayaat in the Holy book that bluntly forbids musical instruments at all. As for the hadeeths, just like there are hadeeths indicating prohibition of musical instruments, there are other hadeeths that shows some were permitted. So to simply say anything with instruments as haram is simply not true and is an oversimplification. There are certain musical instruments that were permitted back then. And to add on to the ambiguity, there are many instruments of today that did not exist back then ... so there is no way the prophet could have forbade it when it did not exist as well.

    And with regards to nasheeds, its not that different from musical instruments in the way it captivates the heart and manipulate emotions. Its just that musical instrument are so much better at doing so. In either cases one should avoid listening to both of them all the same. The only melody that should be encouraged here is the melody of the one who recites the Quran.
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    format_quote Originally Posted by ChosenTCO View Post
    Wa alaykom Al salaam brother.

    Again, you are over simplifying the issue.
    There is no dispute over whether dirty lyrics are haram or not. I think all of us on this forum can agree that they are.
    However, the issue comes when you generalize about musical instruments. There are no clear cut ayaat in the Holy book that bluntly forbids musical instruments at all. As for the hadeeths, just like there are hadeeths indicating prohibition of musical instruments, there are other hadeeths that shows some were permitted. So to simply say anything with instruments as haram is simply not true and is an oversimplification. There are certain musical instruments that were permitted back then. And to add on to the ambiguity, there are many instruments of today that did not exist back then ... so there is no way the prophet could have forbade it when it did not exist as well.

    And with regards to nasheeds, its not that different from musical instruments in the way it captivates the heart and manipulate emotions. Its just that musical instrument are so much better at doing so. In either cases one should avoid listening to both of them all the same. The only melody that should be encouraged here is the melody of the one who recites the Quran.
    It's not ambiguous, it's so clear cut that instruments are haram that Imam Abu Hanifa considered someone a Kafir if they actively enjoyed listening to instruments. Pretty much all the classical scholars (minus a few of course) considered instruments haram, only children were allowed to play them.

    Some scholars gave exceptions to percussion based instruments, but that's as much leeway one can give without becoming dishonest about whst Islam says.

    Don't try and bring logic into this, Islamic rules are meant to be obeyed without question. If you already believe in Islam, no point in questioning every minor detail and trying to bring logic into things.
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    probably not, putting aside the fact music is haram, she's done all kinds of nasty and unspeakable things.
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    Re: Taylor Swift

    format_quote Originally Posted by Al Khorasani View Post
    It's not ambiguous, it's so clear cut that instruments are haram that Imam Abu Hanifa considered someone a Kafir if they actively enjoyed listening to instruments. Pretty much all the classical scholars (minus a few of course) considered instruments haram, only children were allowed to play them.

    Some scholars gave exceptions to percussion based instruments, but that's as much leeway one can give without becoming dishonest about whst Islam says.

    Don't try and bring logic into this, Islamic rules are meant to be obeyed without question. If you already believe in Islam, no point in questioning every minor detail and trying to bring logic into things.
    Logic and minor details are the things that differentiates between a normal moderate muslim and an ISIS-tard.
    Look at how they obey their sheikhs without question. Look at how they murder fellow muslims in cold blood, all because they refrain from using their brains.
    If you are asking me to use the same way of following sects as they do, then im sorry but i will not abandon my intellect. It is a gift from Allah upon humans to be able to think for themselves, and abandoning it would be a foolish thing to do.

    Again, oversimplifying something usually brings a lot more harm than good. Specially when detail is needed to derive rules and commands from religious texts. if it werent important, we wouldn't need all those scholars in the arabic language, let alone scholars in islamic fiqh.

    Salam brother.
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