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Islamic Cot Mobile

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    Mubziii's Avatar Limited Member
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    Islamic Cot Mobile

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    Assalamaualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, I pray you’re all well. I need your thoughts on this.


    The Mini Muslim brand came in to existence over night while I was putting my little one to sleep. It all started when we tried everything in the book to put our baby to sleep.

    White noise worked for a while. He would only sleep to the sound of vacuum cleaner but that sound kept me awake. We all kept losing sleep and this continued for months (8 months and 5 days to be precise!)

    One day I thought that I would play the Qur’an to help him sleep. I used a soothing recording and to my amazement he fell asleep! His favourite reciter was Shaikh Abdul-Rahman Al-Ossi and his favourite chapter was Surah al-Kahf. No matter where he was, he would fall asleep to Surah al-Kahf. I even used to risk taking him to work as I had something which would help him to sleep.

    As time progressed Muhammad Habeeb was sleeping better and so were we. We felt more human again but we were waking up to dead phone batteries every morning which caused us a lot of inconvenience.

    After a further 8 months, I decided to do conduct research into products especially for babies and getting them to sleep. One evening in Ramadan, Allah blessed me with the idea of creating a cot mobile which plays the Qur’an and bedtime lullabies with a white noise background. No more depleted phone batteries!

    A lot of thought and planning went in to the MiniMuslim Cot Mobile, we wanted to get it right from the go ahead. Many sleepless nights went into planning the product, I even made a prototype of the cot mobile at home. Alhamdulillah, with the help of Allah we finally had a product which was Muslim friendly.

    The cot mobile plays Qur’an which is recited by a local talented Qur’an reciter and the lullabies are sung by local children. The memory card pre-installed in the cot mobile also allows you to add more recitations or supplications of your choice – a great way to get your little one to learn!

    Our aim is not just to make products for the sake of making them, we want to make meaningful products which will be used for a long time and make a welcome difference in the lives of those who use it. The cot mobile allows us to be responsible parents and give our babies a start we’ve always wished for, introducing them to the beauty of the Qur’an at an early age.

    I’m sure that there are many other parents who are going through what I did. Long, tiring and sleepless nights resulting in poor health and an upset baby!

    Alhamduillah, our little Muhammad now sleeps approximately 12 hours every night, and the cot mobile plays a massive part in it.


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    Re: Islamic Cot Mobile

    Walaikum Asalaam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mubziii View Post
    Assalamaualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, I pray you’re all well. I need your thoughts on this.

    I don't see any video on how it works?? If there is, can you share it? I think it would be helpful.
    Islamic Cot Mobile

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    is the easiest
    of all things after it
    ; ;

    the hardest
    of all things before it
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