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    Migration to Allah ( Ibn Qayyim ) Part4)

    Bismillah,ir-Rahman,ir-Rahim. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu

    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''
    "O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious." I am Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher, I am Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam. {
    The Excellence of Obeying the Messenger}

    The above ayah (An-Nisa' 59) ends with, " ... that is best, and most suitable for final determination... ". This means, "That with which I commanded you (to obey Me and obey My Messenger and the people of authority, and to refer disputes to Me and My Messenger) is better for you in this life and in the Hereafter; it leads to your happiness in both lives. Therefore, it is best and most rewarding for you."
    This indicates that obeying Allah ta'ala and His Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and taking them as the referees, is the means to immediate and continued happiness.
    Anyone who examines closely the evils of the world will find that each of them is caused by disobeying the Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. Similarly, every good in the world results from obeying him. Furthermore, all the evils and pains in the Hereafter result from disobeying him sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam.
    Thus, all the evils in both lives are caused by disobeying the Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam and by its consequences. If people obeyed him sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam properly, there would be no evil on earth. This applies equally to the general natural catastrophes and calamities, and to the personal evils, pains, and sorrow that occur to people.
    In obeying him sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam is a refuge and a protection for those who want to prosper and be happy. And this prosperity and happiness cannot be achieved until one strives first to learn what the Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam taught, and then confirm it with true actions.
    The Human Excellence

    There are two additional actions which complete the happiness arising from truly obeying the Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. The first is to invite people to obey him sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and the second is to have patience and perseverance in fulfilling this mission.
    Thus the human excellence is confined to four matters:

    1. Knowing the Message of Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam.
    2. Acting in accordance with this knowledge.
    3. Spreading this knowledge among people and inviting them to it.
    4. Persevering and striving in accomplishing all this.

    One who seeks to learn how the Sahabah lived and who want to follow them should know that this was indeed their way [so let him follow it). A poet once said:
    "If you want to reach those folk, follow their way: It is quite manifest for those who aspire to it."
    Deviating from the Messenger

    Allah ta'ala said addressing His Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam:
    "Say, 'Were I to go astray, I would only stray to the hurt of myself; but if I am guided, it is because of what my Lord reveals unto me; He is indeed All-Hearing, Ever-Near.' " [Al-Qur'an 34:50]
    This carries a clear evidence that the Messenger's guidance occurs only through the wahy{qluetip title=[22]}Wahy: The revelation.{/qluetip}. How surprising it is then to find men with confused minds and conflicting opinions claim to be guided! How does this guidance reach them? Indeed, "He whom Allah guides is rightly guided; but as for him whom He leaves to stray, you will find no protector to lead him." [Al-Qur'an 18:17]
    What misguidance is worse than that of one who claims that guidance does not occur through the wahy! He would rather refer matters to the opinions of this and that person! Great indeed is Allah's bounty toward one whom He guarded from such a serious deviation and a great disaster. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the peoples.
    Following Falsehoods

    Also, Allah ta'ala said:
    "A Book has been revealed unto you, so let there be no tightness in your chest about it - that you might warn [people] with it, and remind the Believers. Follow [people] what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do not follow other than Him - as allies or protectors. How seldom do you remember [the admonition]." [Al-Qur'an 7:2-3]
    Here, Allah ta'ala commands people to follow what He revealed to His Messenger, and He forbids following others. One can either follow the Revelation or follow others - as allies; Allah does not give other than these two alternatives. Thus, anyone not following the wahy is indeed following falsehoods and other allies instead of Allah. By Allah's Grace, this should be clear and obvious.
    The Confidants

    And Allah ta'ala said:
    "On the Day when the wrong-doer will bite his hands [in despair], saying, 'Oh! Would that I had followed the path shown to me by the Messenger! Ah! Woe is me! Would that I had never taken so- and-so for a confidant! Indeed, he lead me astray from the Message (of Allah) after it had come to me! Ah! Satan is ever a betrayer of man.' " [Al-Qur'an 25:27-29]
    Anyone who follows a person other than the Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, abandoning his guidance for the sake of that person's words or opinions, will surely say these same words. This is why Allah refers here to the confidant as 'so-and-so', which is a generic term that could apply to any person taken as a confidant instead of Allah.
    This applies then to confidants whose friendship is based on anything other than obeying the Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam: their friendship will eventually turn to enmity and accusations, as Allah ta'ala said:
    "The confidants on that Day will be foes unto one another - except the pious." [Al-Qur'an 43:67]
    The Followers and the Followed

    Allah ta'ala describes the plight of the followers and of those whom they followed in several places of His Book; He says for instance:
    "On the Day when their faces will be tossed about in the Fire, they will say, 'Woe to us! Would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger!' And they will say, 'Our Lord! We obeyed our chiefs and our great men, and they lead us astray from the right path. Our Lord! Give them double suffering, and banish them utterly from Your Grace!' " [Al-Qur'an 33:66-68]
    Those people will wish that they had obeyed Allah ta'ala and His Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. But they will do it at a time when wishes avail them nothing. They will confess that they had obeyed their chiefs and leaders and disobeyed the Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, acknowledging that they had no excuse for doing so. This realization will lead them to request doubling the punishment and curses for those leaders.
    This carries an important lesson and a useful admonition for a man of reason, Indeed, assistance [in seeing the truth] is from Allah ta'ala only.
    Partners in Deviation

    Allah ta'ala said,
    "Who could be more unjust than one who devises lies against Allah or rejects His messages? For such, their appointed portion must reach them from the Book [of Decrees] until, when Our messengers [of death] arrive to take their souls, they say, 'Where are the things that you used to invoke besides Allah?' They will reply, 'They have forsaken us!' And thus they will testify against themselves that they had been denying the truth (kuffar).
    "He (Allah) will say, 'Join those peoples who have preceded you, of men and jinn{qluetip title=[23]}Jinn: An invisible creation that Allah ta'ala made from fire and smoke. Like human beings, jinnhave a choice of action, and are accountable for their deeds. Satan is one of the jinn.{/qluetip}, in the Fire.' Every time a new people enters, it curses its sister people [that went before].
    "Once they have all joined each other in it, the last of them will say about the first, 'Our Lord! It is these who have misled us, so give them a double suffering in the Fire.' He will reply, 'Every one of you will have a double suffering, but this you do not understand.'
    "Then the first of them will say to the last, 'See then! You have no advantage over us, so taste of the suffering for all that you did!' "[Al-Qur'an 7:37-39]
    A sensible person should reflect on these ayat, and on the lessons they carry. The first ayah (Al-A'raf 37) mentions the two classes of evildoers:

    1. Those who start fallacies, establish injustice, and call people to it. Thus they distort the truth and initiate falsehood.
    2. Those who reject or deny the truth.

    Every evildoer belongs to one of these two classes. If, in addition, he invites people to his evil and drives them away from the truth, then he deserves a double penalty because of his disbelief and evil. For this reason Allah ta'ala says:
    "Those who disbelieve and hinder people from the Path of Allah, for them will We add penalty to penalty because of the mischief that they used to spread." [Al-Qur'an 16:88]
    They deserve a double punishment because of their double evil. But as for those who commit kufr (disbelief) without coaxing others toward it, Allah ta'ala does not threaten them with a doubled suffering:
    "For those who disbelieve, there is a grievous punishment ... " [Al-Qur'an 58:4]
    In the above ayat (7:37-39), Allah ta'ala informs that what had been decreed for the evildoers in their first life reaches them, such as their life span, sustenance, etc.
    Then, when death comes to them, they part with their old claims, acknowledge their falsehood, and become witnesses against themselves.
    Allah ta'ala commands them to enter into the Fire where many previous peoples have preceded them. Every time a new people enters, its members curse their ancestors who preceded them into the Fire. When they are all in it, the later nations request doubled penalties for the previous ones because they led them astray and drove them away from obeying Allah's messengers.
    Allah ta'ala replies that the punishment will be doubled for both the "followers" and the "followed", in accordance with their deviation and disbelief, and that a generation does not know what doubled suffering other generations deserve.
    The former generation then tells the later, "You do not possess any advantage over us. You had your own messengers who showed you the truth, warned you against our deviation, and forbade you from following or imitating us. Yet you rejected them and insisted on following and imitating us, and on forsaking the guidance of the messengers. Thus what advantage do you have over us, when you strayed just as we did, and when you gave up the truth just like us? You strayed because of us, just as we strayed because of other people. You can claim no advantage over us, and thus you should taste the suffering because of what you earned yourselves."
    By Allah, this is indeed a strong admonition and an eloquent advice for any living heart! These, and similar ayat would awaken the hearts of those who migrate to Allah ta'ala. But as for the lazy people, they have no effect on them.
    Untrue Followers

    The above discussion deals with the followers who share in the deviation with those whom they follow.
    Another case is that of the followers who turn away from whom they claim to follow, taking a different course than theirs, while maintaining false claims of true compliance with them. Allah ta'ala mentions such people in the following:
    "Then would those who had been followed disown their followers; they (the followers) would see the suffering [awaiting them], and all relations between them would be cut off. And then those followers would say: 'If we can only have one more chance: we would disown them as they have disowned us.' Thus will Allah show them the fruits of their deeds as nothing but bitter regrets. Nor will there be a way for them out of the Fire." [Al-Qur'an 2:166-167]
    The followed ones are truly guided. Their "followers" claim to adhere to them when, in reality, they follow a different way and guidance. They claim to love them, presuming that this love would benefit them despite their deviation. But they will discover on the Day of Judgement that they will be disowned by them. They take them as allies instead of Allah, imagining this to benefit them!
    Great indeed is the deviation of a person who takes other than Allah ta'ala and His Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam for allies and confidants, making peace or hostility for their sake, and getting satisfied or infuriated for their cause. Regardless of how numerous his deeds are, or how much effort and toil he puts into them, they will be futile on the Day of Judgement, and will only add to his misery and regret.
    His allegiance and enmity, love and hatred, satisfaction and anger, and so on, are not sincerely maintained for Allah and His Messenger; because of this, Allah will shatter his deeds and sever his connections.
    The Only Unsevered Tie

    Thus, on the Day of Resurrection, all connections and allegiances that had not been for Allah will be severed, leaving only one tie: that which connects an 'abd to his Lord.
    This tie is maintained by:

    • Continued migration to Allah and to His Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam.
    • Continuously purifying one's acts of worship to Allah ta'ala. This includes love, hatred, giving, preventing, taking as allies or enemies, and the like.
    • Continuously purifying one's adherence to the Messenger sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. This includes abandoning others' opinions for what he says, discarding anything that disagrees with his guidance, and associating none with him in this adherence.

    This is the only tie that will not be severed. It is the true relationship between an 'abd and his Lord: the relationship of pure 'ubudiyyah. It is the only thing that he continues to long for, no matter how far he departs from it. It is as a poet once said:
    Let your heart wander in love affairs as you wish:True love will only be for the first lover.How many houses does a man habituate!But he will always long for his first home.
    This relationship [with Allah] is the only one that profits man. Nothing else will profit him in any of his three lives: the first, the intermediate (barzakh), and the final eternal life. He cannot endure or live or be happy and successful without this relationship. A poet once said:
    When ties (of communion) will be severed (between lovers),The bond of the true lovers [of Allah] will not be possible to sever,And when their unity shatters,The unity of the true lovers [of Allah] will be impossible to splinter.


    In conclusion, on the Day of Judgement Allah will sever all connections and ties that are among people in this life, sparing only the ties between them and Him - the ties that reflect pure 'ubudiyyah(servitude),which can only be accomplished through true adherence to the messengers. Allah ta'ala said:
    "And We shall turn to whatever deeds they did (in the first life), and We shall make such deeds as floating dust scattered about."[Al-Qur'an 26:23]
    So all the deeds of the first life conflicting with the way and guidance of Allah's messengers, and with which was sought anything other than Allah's Countenance, will be turned by Allah (on the Day of Judgement) into scattered dust, availing their owners nothing.
    This is indeed one of the greatest miseries on the Day of Judgement: for one to find all he did completely lost and worthless, at a time when one will be in the greatest need for every good deed.

    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 08-17-2022 at 08:51 PM.
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    Re: Migration to Allah ( Ibn Qayyim ) Part4)

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    The Noble Sahabah Strong inclination for Remembering ALLAH

    Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu
    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''
    "O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
    Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam) I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the dajjal. There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah. ALLAH is Good and Only accept that which is Good. ALLAH is the Truth and only accept that which True. ALLAH is Pure and only accept that which is Pure. Ya ALLAH! ALL the praises are for You,You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are are the Substaner of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for you;You have the Possession of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for You; You are Light(Nur) of the Heavens and Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the King of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the Truth and Your Promise is the Truth, And Your word is the Truth and the Meeting with You is true, And Parardise is True And Hell is true and All the Prophets(peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) is true,And the Day of Resurrection is True. Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your promise is the truth,Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your words is the truth, Ya ALLAH! You have promise and You are the Truth!. Ya ALLAH! You have created Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) to be the most truthful of men and what He(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) has said is the absolute truth! Ya ALLAH! You have promise that You would send one who would revive,restore,rejuvevate Your Din(religion).Ya ALLAH it is geting late and time is not with us,Ya ALLAH You have Promise! Ya ALLAH You have Promise! and Your Promise is the Truth!. Ya ALLAH! Ya ALLAH! you are the one whom no eyes can see! O ALLAH!You are the one whom no thoughts can comprehend!Neither can this narrators describe your Praise and Glory in the way that it should be describe! Nor are you affected by the vicissitudes of time. Nor are you afraid of the revolution of time. OALLAH! You are the creator of time! OALLAH! The weights of the mountains, The measures of oceans, every drop of rains and every leaves that falls from the trees are all within your knowledge. OALLAH! You know all those things that the darkness of Night falls upon. And You know all those thing that the day casts its Light upon. Neither can the Skyhide the other heavens from you, Nor can the Earth hide the other earths from you!; neither can the Oceans conceal those things which are at their bottom, nor can the mountains conceal those things which are in their core! OALLAH! Destine for me in the last stage of life, to be the best part of my life and the best actions at the end of my days and make that Day to be the best of all on which I meet you.! There is no God but Allah, The One Who has no partners. To Him belongs all His kingdom and all the praise, Who created life and death and Who is Alive without Death. From His hands (only) good is done and Who has Power over everything. {THE NOBLE SAHABAH STRONG INCLINATION FOR REMEMBERING ALLAH!} Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said: I may remember ALLAH Most Honured and Glorified from morning till night---this thing is dearer to me than this that I may give away noble horses from morning till night for jihad.' Abi Ubaidah ibn Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported that Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud liked it that whenever he spoke he aways did so with the remembrance of ALLAH. it says in a tradition from the Haithami that Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud loveed to hear about one that one, from dawn till the morning prayer, remained busy in this that one continued doing good.----And in one tradition in the Haithami it is so reported from Hazrat 'Ata that Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud happened to pass bya people who were busy in talking after the morning prayer. So he forbade them talking and said: You have come merely to say the prayer; either say the Prayer or sit quietly.' Hazrat Abdu-Darda' said: If I say ALLAHU Akbar a hundred times ------this thing is dearer to me than this that I may give ahundred ashrafis(gold mohars) in charity'. Hazrat Ma'az ibn Jabal said: I may remember ALLAH from morning till night----this thing I like much more than Donating from morning till night noble horses for riding in a jihad(in the cause of ALLAH).' Hazrat Anas ibn Malik reported: We accompanied Hazrat Abu Musa in a journey of his. He heard some people talking and heard their eloquence. So he said: O Anas! what have I to take from them? Come, Let us remember Our Rabb(lord). Every one of them is about to tear the skin with his tongue. Hazrat Ma'az ibn Abdullah ibn Umar, 'Abdullah ibn J'afer and Abdullah ibn Abi Umayrah(razi Allahu 'anhum!) were also there. Ibn Abi Umayrah said that he heard Hazrat Ma'az ibn Jabal saying that he heard Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)say:"There are two kalimahs: for one there is no end beyond the Highest Heaven('Arsh) and the other fills up the sky and the Earth; that is La ilaha illallh and ALLAH-U-AKBAR." So Hazrat Ibn Umar asked Ibn Abi Umayrah: Have you heard him say so?' Ibn Abi Umayrah said: Yes. Then Hazrat Ibn Umar wept so much that his beard became wet with tears and he said "These are the two Kalimahs which we should suspend around our necks and learn to Love them. Jarir reported that Hazrat Anas ibn Malik Put on the Ihram from Zat-e Irq. We heard him remembering ALLAH till he finished wearing Ihram.' The narrator says that he (Hazrat Anas)said to him: O son of my Brother! (The putting on of )Ihram is Like this only.' {THE ASSEMBLIES FOR REMEMBERING ALLAH!} It is reported from Hazrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri that Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam!)said: On the day of Judgement ALLAH Most Honoured and Glorified will say:"This gathering will shortly know who the Charitable are." So He was asked: Ya Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)!Who are the Charitable?' He(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)said: Those who belong to the assemblies of Zikr.' It is reported from Hazrat Umar that the Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam!)sent a small party towards Nejd. This party collected a lot of Valuable wealth(Treasure) and returned soon. So a Man from amongst those who was not in this party said: Inever saw any raiding party so quick in coming back and in collecting such a large quantity of wealth as this contingent! At this Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)said: May I not show you a people who are superior in Wealth and quicker in returning? Such a people as this are those who said the Morning prayer,then kept sitting at their place and continued to remember ALLAH. They are the people who return quickly and collect more wealth. And in one tradition the words are like this: That is a group of people who say the morning prayer, then keep sitting at their place and continued the remembrance of ALLAH till sunrise. Thereafter, having said two rak'aks they come back to their families. So they are the people who return soon and own greater wealth than others." Abdur-Rahman ibn Sahl ibn Hunaif reported that the following verse was revealed to Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)while he was in one of his houses: Restrain thyselfalong with those who cry unto their Rabb(Lord)morning and evening,seeking His Face(His countenance); and let not thine eyes pass beyond them, desiring the pomp and glitter of this life; nor obey any whose heart we have permitted to neglect The remembrance of Us, One who follows his own desires, whose case has gone beyond all bounds.(Surah Kahf 18:28) So Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) set out in search of them. He(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) found a people who were remembering ALLAH. The hair of some of them were dishevelled,the skin of the body was dry and there was only one cloth on the body. when Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)saw them, He sat down with them, and remarked: ALL PRAISE IS FOR ALLAH who created in my ummah people such as these for whom ALLAH Most Holy ordered me that I should restrain myself with them. Hazrat Ibn Abbas reported that Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) happen to pass by Hazrat Abdullah ibn Rawahah,who was exercising the Sahabah in the remembrance of ALLAH. So he remarked: You're a group for whom ALLAH Most Holy has ordered me that I restrain myself with it. Then He(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) recited the following verse: Restrain thyselfalong with those who cry unto their Rabb(Lord)morning and evening,seeking His Face(His countenance); and let not thine eyes pass beyond them, desiring the pomp and glitter of this life; nor obey any whose heart we have permitted to neglect The remembrance of Us, One who follows his own desires, whose case has gone beyond all bounds.(Surah Kahf 18:28) {Listen! No doubts as many as of you sit here, there is an equal number of Angels,too. If you glorify ALLAH. they too glorify ALLAH.If you praise ALLAH, they too praise ALLAH. If you describe ALLAH's Greatness, they too describe ALLAH's Greatness. Then these angels climb towards their Rabb Most Glorified. ''ALLAH Most Holy hath had greater knowledge than the angels have.'' They submit: Ya our Rabb! Your slaves glorified You, and so we also Glorified You. Ya our Rabb Your slaves said ALLAHU-AKBAR, and we also said ALLAHU-AKBAR. Ya our Rabb Your slaves said AL-Hamdo Lillah, and so we also said Al-Hamdo Lillah."Hearing this, our Rabb says: O My angels! I make you My witness. I remitted them all." So the Angels say: But such and such great sinners are also amongst them." ALLAH Most Holy says: these(Performing Zikr)are a people that because of them even he who sits near them is not unfortunate."
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    Silent oppression(Part1)

    Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu
    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''
    "O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
    Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam) I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the dajjal. There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah. ALLAH is Good and Only accept that which is Good. ALLAH is the Truth and only accept that which True. ALLAH is Pure and only accept that which is Pure. Ya ALLAH! ALL the praises are for You,You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are are the Substaner of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for you;You have the Possession of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for You; You are Light(Nur) of the Heavens and Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the King of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the Truth and Your Promise is the Truth, And Your word is the Truth and the Meeting with You is true, And Parardise is True And Hell is true and All the Prophets(peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) is true,And the Day of Resurrection is True. Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your promise is the truth,Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your words is the truth, Ya ALLAH! You have promise and You are the Truth!.On the authority of Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) from his Lord Almighty that He said:
    "O My servants ! I have forbidden zulm (oppression) for Myself, and I have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another. O My servants, all of you are astray except those whom I have guided, so seek guidance from Me and I shall guide you. O My servants, all of you are hungry except those whom I have fed, so seek food from Me and I shall feed you. O My servants, all of you are naked except those whom I have clothed, so seek clothing from Me and I shall clothe you. O My servants, you commit sins by day and by night, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness from Me and I shall forgive you. O My servants, you will not attain harming Me so as to harm me, and you will not attain benefiting Me so as to benefit Me. O My servants, if the first of you and the last of you, and the humans of you and the jinn of you, were all as pious as the most pious heart of any individual amongst you, then this would not increase My Kingdom an iota. O My servants, if the first of you and the last of you, and the humans of you and the jinn of you, were all as wicked as the most wicked heart of any individual amongst you, then this would not decrease My Kingdom an iota. O My servants, if the first of you and the last of you, and the humans of you and the jinn of you, were all to stand together in one place and ask of Me, and I were to give everyone what he requested, then that would not decrease what I possess, except what is decreased of the ocean when a needle is dipped into it. O My servants, it is but your deeds that I account for you, and then recompense you for. So he who finds good, let him praise Allah, and he who finds other than that, let him blame no one but himself." (Muslim) For each individual there are three levels of evaluation of Oppression:
    1. To look within oneself not once not twice but intermittently and continuously to keep ones behavior fair and just with all his/her contacts, neither oppressing them, nor being oppressed.
    2. To look in ones immediate environment for signs of oppression and to assist the oppressed and desist the oppressor.
    3. To look further away into society at large and if oppression is apparent, to assist the oppressed and desist the oppressor.
    If the inner code of human ethics as taught by the words of ALLAH in the Quran coupled with a healthy fear of ALLAH is present it usually is enough to keep oppression in check both in society and the in Civilization. There are so many people in the world living silently in pain and fear and have no hope or roadmap of how to get out of their complex life situation.
    Unfortunately there are no quick fixes without an understanding of the basis and etiquette of the global relationship of the human race with each other individually and collectively.
    Allah Subhanawataala guides us in the Quran modulating human behavior to avert the pain and suffering that humans afflict on each other:
    It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards East or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah-fearing. Quran:2:177
    The believers are guided to what is good for fellow human beings on one hand and sternly warned against Oppression on the other hand by Allah (SWT). Repeatedly in the Quran the oppressors are given due notice that if they continue in this world to oppress the weak, there awaits for them in the Hereafter, the pit of fire from which there is no escape. It will burn their skin, baring the nerve endings, new skin will be replaced with all its sensitivity to burn again and thus the cycle will continue forever. A soul shaking warning for those who are cognizant and not blinded by arrogance or blinded by ignorance.
    The Arabic word for oppression, as it is understood it is dhulm. Some how the translation into English as oppression just does not equival it. Dhulm on the other hand is not a single action, but a series of continuous acts to denigrate-belittle-defame, dehumanize-to deprive of human qualities, and subjugate- to domination,control and to make something subordinate ,someone by encroaching indelibly on his or her rights and who is unable to resist this encroachment.
    The means employed by the oppressor are not as important as the actual intention and act of oppression. The oppressor is called Dhalim and the oppressed is called Mazloom.
    There are many types of oppression, but one thing is consistent in all forms: the oppressor is powerful and the oppressed is powerless against the onslaught of dhulm or oppression. when ALLAH speaks about oppression! that He has forbidden it, He speaks about it in every aspect of life, and in every form.
    O People of Authority! O Tyrants of the world! O Oppressors Fear ALLAH! and beware! Be kind and mercyful to the Muslim people,Being kind and mercyful do not mean,being kind and mercyful to one set of people and being cruel, unfair and oppressive to another!''Give the muslim people who are under your authority their Rights and what is justly due to them and do not be cruel and unfair by treating the people like dirt!"...,Allah SWT repeatedly warns humankind to be kind to each other and not oppress each other and not take another’s right by force or fear?
    This stern warning in the Quran serves as the great balancer of life in this world. One person oppresses another one, and a third one comes to the rescue of the oppressed. Sometimes the oppressor begins oppression and then because of his fear of Allah retracts his behavior and lets go of the subjugation of the oppressed.
    There are two formats of Oppression:
    1. Deliberate: Inebriated with Blind arrogance of power the Dhalim (oppressor) rides rough shod over the weak and when he/she succeeds in usurping the rights of the weak continues to do so as he does not have any fear of Allah in his heart or mind.
    2. with blind Ignorance: A Dhalim oppressor may be unaware that his actions may be a form of oppression and the obedience that he is extracting is at the expense of the rights of the mazloom or oppressed. This I call silent oppression,silent compassion comes from two source fear and ignorance ,
    The reason it is call silent oppression is because the oppressor conducts it silently and secretly and sometime this Silent oppression is inflicted on a whole Nation of people,a whole society,sometimes the people may even be unaware of this silent oppression because it has been go on for generations or the Tyrant may consider it his right to impose this form of Dhulm-oppression on the people.
    On the other side there is silence from the mazloom or the oppressed who is slowly and gradually being “gaslighted”-A form of intimidation or psychological abuse, or chronically-Subject to a habit or pattern of behavior of abused fore a long time such that they begins to have great fear that this is something that they can not escape from and it is a hopeless situation, therefore they no longer stands up to their rights. And yet one day the mounting acts of oppression are no longer tolerable even with the rationalization noted above. The situation between the oppressor and the oppressed explodes into external violence. That is the day when the issue of oppression becomes a headline not as oppression but only the result of it. That which has befallen Gaddafi in Libya, Is not a thing to be over looked! It Can happen any where in the world at any time, and too any Tyrant! Bad actions brings about bad consequence!"... weather that tyrant is over a Country,over a state, over a city, over a town, over a village,over a commuity,or over a masjid, Any one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power, in this time that we are living in it can happen!"...
    Examples of silent oppression are seen in schools and the outcomes are seen in the actions of the carnage done by the two boys of Columbine High School or more recently the single shooter of Virginia Tech.
    Silent oppression usually does not have the explosive outcome in the devoutly muslim people,but it has happen! as a result of tyrannical behavior! as it has in the non-muslim countries. The reason being two fold:
    1. The oppressor in moments of cognizance recognizes his oppression and backs off due to fear of Allah, or someone in the muslim society puts pressure on the oppressor and puts the fear of ALLAH in him thus forcing him without violence to accede the rights to the oppressed,that was at a earlyer time in our history when we could recite the words of ALLAH! and His words would instill fear in the heart of a tyrant or a wrongdoer.! But Now these oppressive tyrants and wrongdoers of this day and time can only see raw power,tyanny and oppression. 2.The oppressed turn to Allah and it is a Hadith that the Dua of the oppressed to Allah is never turned away by Him ( SWT), Allah promises to answer the dua of an oppressed person. Rasulallah (SalAllahu 'alaihi wassallam) said: "Be afraid of the curse of an oppressed person as there is no screen between his invocation and Allah." (Al-Bukhari),Allah gives an oath by His Majesty and Honor that anyone who is oppressed and invokes Him, He will grant him victory. There are three people who Allah will never reject their prayer. They are:
    1) a just leader
    2) a fasting person
    3) someone who is oppressed. There lived a group of leaders in the Arabian Peninsula known as Barak. Though they were Muslims, they oppressed others and seized the wealth of people. The people living in the area continually made dua against the oppressive leaders. Eventually, the cruel leaders were apprehended. Once they were captured, one of the sons asked his father how they were able to be imprisoned. The father replied that it must have been by the prayer of someone who was oppressed, and therefore, Allah granted him his invocation.
    Allah says in the Quran:
    "When people forget and transgress their boundaries, we let them do what they want. When they feel proud that which they got, we take them swiftly, we annihilate the oppressors and praise be to Allah."
    Thus the ability to bear minor oppression is strengthened in a person who remains in Dhikr.
    Factors propagating oppression in muslim societies:
    Sometimes the veil of Lies invented from cultural religiosity is used to continue oppression and repression,(this Repression is an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires)This is when both the oppressor and the oppressed believe this oppression to be right, this is religious ignorant and repression , as they are ignorant of ALLAH's way of given rights to the victim clearly outlined in the Quran and summarized in Surah al Baqara. The right of being treated with dignity by all irrespective of caste creed and gender given to human beings by Allah SWT are distorted by self serving, ignorant tyrants and wrongdoers and wannabe People of authority who imitates the behavior of the ignorant tyrants. Where is silent oppression most evident?
    1. Silent oppression is most overt in the beaurocratic organization where people are captive due to their dependence on the goodwill of their bosses for their jobs rather than their expertise. Their bosses if they are not ALLAH fearing, recognizing the helplessness of the people under them oppress them. Examples are the sexual advances towards female workers under male bosses. The male bosses do not feel that they are accountable to Allah SWT for their behavior. They are ignorant of the fact that making sexual advances to a woman is working under them are against the Law of the Land,and against Islamic Law that is punishable by the severest laws of the hudood. The laws of sexual harassment in secular countries are mild slaps on the hand for such people.
    2. The other place where silent oppression and repression (repression- forced submission to control by others), is most evident and yet unrecognized is in the home.In the Din of ALLAH, In islam there are rights that cover every aspect of the muslim life,the muslim society. one of these aspect of life is the knowledge(Ilm) of islam, and the Rigth to have knowledge of Islam and that right is for all People the Muslim and the Non muslim. As the Holy Quran teaches,
    Islam is the religion of knowledge. .Here if each individual does not ask the question of himself or herself before demanding something from the other “ Am I asking her or him to do something which is beyond my right to ask for?” then oppression occurs and slowly builds creating a power structure in the heart and mind of the oppressor and suppressed anger and evolving passion of violence in the hearts and mind of the oppressed.
    Again this wound festers and eventually boils over and the public sees it in a newspaper headline where a wife set fire to the bed in which her husband was asleep, or a husband kills his wife and children after she separated from him and went to live elsewhere. In society this factual report is only the tip of the iceberg.
    In the second surah of the Quran, Surah Baqara Allah SWT has given us a summary of the code of ethics and behavior to follow in our daily life. He (SWT) outlines the “Haqooq al Ebad” (which means the rights of the humankind over each other.)Our Holy Qur'an was revelaed to us for our guidance with Man as its Subject.. With this blessing to mankind, we muslims have been invited to the right path .. Allah(swt) said " Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah... Surah Al-Imran :110)
    (Haqooq ul Allah and Haqooq ul Ibaad are the two most important aspects in a life of a Muslim to complete his Faith .
    Haqooq Ul Ibaad is the duty we owe to makind.. the rights of every Muslim on the other Muslim. A Muslim who fulfills the " Haqooq Ul Allah" will also fulfill the ' Haqooq ul Ibaad " these are two different things but still intertwined. A Muslim must himself be good and must also encourage others to do good, and he must strive for the welfare of society. This duty is called - Amar Bil Maroof, which means enjoining the right. A Muslim must also refrain from sins and must try to prevent sins and corruption from occurring in the society and this duty is called - Nahi Anil Munkar(forbidding the wrong.) Amar Bil Maroof and Nahi Anil Munkar together form one of the most important duties in Islam for every Muslim. Fortunate are the ones who practise this in daily life to live a peaceful life in the spirit of brotherhood as one Muslim Ummah. O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). (Surah Al-Hujrat :13) There is a hadith of when Prophet Mohammed (saws) was asked, “Who is the best Muslim?” He replied, “He is the one from whose hand and tongue all Muslims are safe .... Sahih Bukhari... What a beautiful lesson taught to us, If we all sincerely follow this I think we would have not been in a situation where we stand now...where there is injustice, Back biting, slandering, hatred, Bloodshed etc. .....today humanity needs to revive on these lessons....In another Hadith Prophet Mohammad(saws) said "'None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself ..... Sahih Bukhari.... If only we followed all this, we can be a true momin and make our self way to Jannah. There is also this beatiful Hadith that makes us ponder and realize our duties towards each other... Once Prophet (saws) was asked by the Sahabah “Do you know who a bankrupt person is?” They said “the bankrupt among us is the person who does not have any wealth. He (saws) said, “The bankrupt of my Ummah, the bankrupt person is someone who comes on the day of judgement with many rewards, prayer, fasting, Zakat, but he had accused this person falsely, he abused another, cursed a third, taken the money of somebody else, spilt the blood of someone else, so he ends up giving them from his good deeds and if he runs out of good deeds and he didn’t pay them back, then they start giving him some of their sins and he ends up going to hell fire.” - Sahih Muslim On the day of judgement there will be no wealth, the only wealth that exists is hasanat (good deeds) and he has a lot of them, but because of his dealings with others and because he scored low on the scales of Akhlaq (morals) and he was cursing people, backbiting others, causing fitan (mischief), He has to pay them back. Everything must be sorted out. He will pay them back and if his good deeds are not enough, he will start receiving some of their sins and will end up going to hell fire. This clearly states how much Islam Values about Good Conduct . And indeed our Prophet (saws ) is the Best example to follow as how to fulfill our duties and rights towards mankind. Whatever has been done to any of the humanity(Allah's Creations) .. we are answerable on the day of Judgement.. and Allah(swt) will not forgive us unless the person who we hurt or did injustice to forgives us.. suchis the Value of humans and all this comes under haqooq ul ibaad..We have to live our life in accordance to the guidelines of Islam.. Every single person from our Parents, borthers, sisters to relatives, Neighbors, traveller, strangers.. every person have to be treated fairly and in the best manner. We will be accounted even for our behaviour towards animals. ALlah(swt) created us as Ashraf Ul Maqlooq and as Muslim we belong to the best Ummat. Indeed we have been given so many favors and its our responsibility to give back to Allah (swt) by loving him and being grateful to him, Our Prophet(saws) and also the mankind ( All the creations of Allah(swt) . We have to consider the circle of rights of human beings (Huqooq al ebad) as defined in the Quran (Surah Baqara), which creates harmony in society.These include the rights of human beings on each other, parents, spouses, relatives, neighbors, other human beings, needy people etc. We are accountable to Allah Subhanawataala for fulfilling them in the most honorable manner and we will be questioned about them on the Day of Judgment. We consciously endeavor to obey the “rules” in this life of 75-85 years, thus opting for harmony, peace and beauty in the Eternal Life of the Hereafter. Why is there such a code of behavior in Islam? non-muslim people often ask this question. The answer is, having a global code of ethics that is based on humanity and following guidance of ALLAH and the Excellent Example of Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) makes for a peaceful and happy world.
    Say: "Think ye, if Allah took away your hearing and your sight, and sealed up your hearts, who - a god other than Allah - could restore them to you?" See how We explain the signs by various (symbols); yet they turn aside.
    Say: "Think ye, if the punishment of Allah comes to you, whether suddenly or openly, will any be destroyed except those who do wrong?
    This ayah is revealed at a time when Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) is surrounded by the Qaum ud Dhalimoon. In it is Allah’s promise of justice that will be meted out to the Dhalimoon “suddenly and openly”. A promise by which the weak and the opressed believers live and know that Dhulm cannot surpass the justice of Allah now or ever.
    When we think of Dhulm we think in a global context of nations and organizations commiting oppression. However the Dhulm as defined here is on a very personal level. When we continuously tolerate small injustices in and around us, we desensitize ourselves from the more Kabeer (huge) injustices, and then we are shocked when Allah sends His punishment “suddenly and openly”. We then try to rationalize it as being a ” A freak of nature”.
    This Ayah is a stern warning to the Dhalimoon (inadequately translated as “those who do wrong”)
    We should never be without the fear of Allah. As we look around there is no constancy in life and environment, it can change any moment. The only constant is Allah SWT. Even sleep cannot be taken for granted. We may never awaken, after sleep, which is the reason Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam), would make the dua on awakening. (Farhat Hashmi’s tafseer)
    The instructions from Allah to “rush to do good” i.e. do not put off performing a good deed are for a reason as the opportunity may not come again. The outcome of the Dhalim (one who commits dhulm/opression) knowingly or out of heedlessness is glaringly apparent in this brief ayah:
    6:47 Say: “Think ye, if the punishment of Allah comes to you, whether suddenly or openly, will any be destroyed except those who do wrong?
    Qul araaytakum in atakum AAathabu Allahi baghtatan aw jahratan hal yuhlaku illa alqawmu alththalimoona
    ???? ?????????????? ???? ????????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ???? ???????? ???? ???????? ?????? ????????? ????????????? (6:47)
    What is dhulm and what does it do to the human being?
    Dhulm is the death of the ‘human’ in the human being, the human is gone and being is left.
    Dhulm is to deprive someone of their rights
    1. The Rights of a person over his goods and things or rights as a human being (human rights)
    2. The Rights of Allah, rushing through salaat, in adequate or mindless wudu, distracted ibadat (worship) In all of these actions we are not fulfilling the rights of Allah on us by giving priority to the created over the Creator.
    3. The rights of human relations such as the rights of the spouse, the child, parents, the neighbors, the orphan etc (Huqooq al Ebad).
    4. To usurp rights by harming people directly or indirectly such as preparing ways and means and tools and objects to destroy human beings.
    What is Qaum ud Dhalimoon? It is a Nation of Dhalimeen or a nation of people who do dhulm),
    Allah reminds us that If He (SWT) is allowing Dhulm to happen it is merely to see if human beings will give up this behavior (Dhulm) and return to Allah. He is giving us a long leash, a second and third chance and a glimpse of his infinite rahma and patience with His (SWT) disobedient Abds. Ya ALLAH You are the witness to all things! Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your promise is the truth,Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your words is the truth, Ya ALLAH! You have promise and You are the Truth!. That You would answers the Prayers of the Oppress! O ALLAH curse these oppressive kafir governments throughout the world! that are oppressing the Muslims, O ALLAH ! these fakes, these phonies ,these hypocrites, these kafirs,these satanic jews and these satanic christian,and their Bosses in this city of houston,tx. they are oppressing me! Ya ALLAH they are your open enemies and who make mockery of Your Din, and of our Faith and they make mockery of the Sunnah of Your Nabi(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) in this city of houston,tx..they have taken my possession and useing them as tools to oppress me through black magic ,sorcery,witchcraft,voodoo and the shaytaan, O ALLAH curse their wealth, their power and their Authority! O ALLAH strip these black hearted wicked hypocrites and kafirs of their power and authority for their unjustifiable cruel and malicious abuse and misuse of power and Authority by oppressing me and other,O ALLAH curse these enemies of Your! with a powerfull curse that will last to the Day of Judgement. Ya ALLAH bring your justice in its entirety upon this Kafir government and its forces,its secret agencies and its secret organisations who encouraged its people to practice homosexuality and to be disobedience to You, these kafirs are Your open enemies are oppressing me and many others and has been oppressing us for years,O ALLAH curse these oppressive kafir and their secret agencies and secret agents,who sole purpose is to bring disgrace upon Islam and hardship to the believers people,O ALLAH curse these kafir every day of the Islamic calendar year, O ALLAH curse them with such curses that their entire Secret Organisations and open Organisations and Secret Agencies disintegrate before their very eyes under the weight of Your curses!And that they destroy themselves with their own hands. O kafirs if you think that this cannot be a reality then keep living! and less see if you are not Under the curse of ALLAH! O Enemies of ALLAH! O followers of the dajjal,O Oppressers! Fear ALLAH! as he should be Fear! Do you fear the Pin(Pen) more then you Fear ALLAH! Do you fear that this Pen will write about your Disgraceful behaviour! then know that your already in disgrace! and you do not know it! And ALLAH! can disgrace you for eternity, or Do you fear that the Pen will expose your sinister Ploting with the secret societys and secret agencies against Islam and against the Believers Muslims, Its already expose! and ALLAH can bring to public notice every detail of your Evil plot. So O foolish ones give up your madness and come to ISLAM! come back to ISLAM Wholehearedly the time is getting short and the Hour is near. O ememies of ALLAH! You can run around and tell as many lies to all of those who will accept it, spreading dissension among the Muslims, telling lies causeing the muslims to mistrust each other, and stir up sedition and creating hostility between the Muslims and the non-muslim, tring to destroy the Character and Integrity of the Believing Muslims,you can fool some of the people, but you cannot fool all of the people with Lies, the people can ask you one question what did this person or these people do wrong? where are the facts? where is the prove? All this is the characteristics of Enemies of ALLAH. Allaah says: “They wish that you reject faith as they have rejected (faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another).” (An-Nisaa’: 89).

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    The Dajjal the unseen force!(1)

    Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu
    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''
    "O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
    Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam) I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the dajjal. There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah. ALLAH is Good and Only accept that which is Good. ALLAH is the Truth and only accept that which True. ALLAH is Pure and only accept that which is Pure. Ya ALLAH! ALL the praises are for You,You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are are the Substaner of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for you;You have the Possession of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for You; You are Light(Nur) of the Heavens and Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the King of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the Truth and Your Promise is the Truth, And Your word is the Truth and the Meeting with You is true, And Parardise is True And Hell is true and All the Prophets(peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) is true,And the Day of Resurrection is True. Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your promise is the truth,Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your words is the truth, Ya ALLAH! You have promise and You are the Truth!----The Dajjal is described as being the Great Deceiver who will have miraculous powers and who will temporarily hold power over the whole earth:
    when there is an entire evil society or civilization that on the surface this society or civilization appear to be good! But in reality, below the surface it is the most wicked, cruel and brutal of societies or civilizations and the world has begun to see it as it is. But the truth of the matter is that this wickedness was never really hidden, they were wicked, cruel and brutal from the very beginning, [It is clear that the Dajjal the individual has appears. There are people who are already in this present day and time working to established the Dajjal system, and these people will be running that system, THESE ARE THE PEOPLE OF THE SECRET SOCIETIES, AND THE SECRET AGENCIES OF EVERY GOVERNMENT IN THE WORLD! THE SECRET UNDER WORLD PEOPLE! Who is supporting and follow him Now that he has appear. These are same Evil Secret Societies that started this American society, with their 3 faces! a face for liberty and freedom, a face for injustice and oppression and a face for Secrete. These are the followers of the Dajjal then and Now. These followers of the dajjal will bear some of the characteristics of Dajjal, some will be blind in the right eye and some will be blind in the left eye, and Most of them are unrecognizable, we will have to study their actions, but all are deceitful! And he is the embodiment of all human evil. The One Eye is one of the ways to recognize Dajjal. This symbol of Masons, the very core of their believes is also referred to as a Devil-god! This DAJJAL-system, will be the most evil and most corrupt satanic force in history. This wicked system shall promote mass immorality (Homosexuality, Adultery, Fornication), Atheism, Devil-worship, use of USURY, Intoxication (Alcohol & Drug abuse), Crime, Injustice, Oppression, Fitnah of the Pen (Pornographic magazines etc.), cause wars, Famine, Massacres, Rape and suffering on an immeasurable scale. The people working for the promotion of this Dajjal-system are known as Free Masons and many others, some are pretending to be Muslims and some are pretending to be Christians and but many of them are Jews. The public hardly know anything about them. Freemasons secretly worship the Dajjal! The Human Devil. Historically they have control & manipulated many political opinions and the corrupting of the language has been the Freemasons main weapon in gaining control of countries and the masses of people. Once in control of the rulers and politicians of the country, laws and political structures would be changed in accordance with their agenda their devilish ways, then puppets are pull in to place. How ever Since restricting the body does not necessarily mean restricting the mind, the Freemason recognizes that their plan for global government (new world order) hinges on completely subduing the masses and orientate them to accept their agenda & thus eliminating opposition to their cause. Islam in its purity is the only greatest force on this Earth strong enough to destroy their plan! The knowledgeable and strong true believing Muslims people, those who will reflect the nur (light) of the sahabah, The Believing Muslim with true knowledge and practice of the Din.---- In order to achieve their objectives, the Masons, the followers of the Dajjal have set about the boldest plan ever devised. The complete control of every aspect of human life, our life through technology in the west and in the world. When it comes to this other worldly technology, We will have to have a strong belief in ALLAH (in GOD) who created the Heavens and Earth and all that exists. or else this technology will over power you and you will start to believe in it.(and become a cell phone zombie!) --------And this weapons they are using against us are in our very homes, through technology cell phones, computers and the T.V. and the movies entertaining us and our children, and gradually indoctrinating us and dehumanizing us through technology to accept immorality (Homosexuality, Adultery, Fornication), Atheism, Devil-worship, Crime, Injustice, Oppression, without us ever realizing it. One of the basic tactics being used by these disbelievers Masons and others to bring about a One-world government is through our basic instinct of lust and desire. It should be kept in mind that these disbelievers Freemasonry’s goal is world dominance through the control of our minds and the human condition by the powerful magic of Satan (illuminati). From the shadows of darkness they have engineered every major war, revolution and recession. They control everything we read, everything you hear and everything we see. They have managed to indoctrinate the entire population of America to their way of thinking and have infiltrated key positions in places of authority in every Government in the World and it is from the shadows they have manufactured a new political order, a new economic order and most sinister a new religious order the Trump order. These masonic kafirs are among the Muslims people, many of these masonic kafirs are in leadership position over the Muslims people, any Muslim who joins a Masonic group, knows the true nature of Freemasonry and its secrets, and carries out its rituals and is keen to do so is a Kafir (disbeliever), It is not enough for these masonic kafirs to prevail over the (religious people)the Muslim people and the
    Christians people and Jewish people
    and our places of worship, rather their basic goal is to wipe them out of existence." They the Freemasonry also say, "they will replace religion and its Lodges will replace the places of worship …" There are many other statements that reveal their adamant enmity and uncompromising war against Islam and religions. The greatest Masonic leaders are Jews who form the backbone of the Masonic movement and system. (Evidence of this evil system, and the people running that system,is the evidence of the Dajjal the human Devil and Dajjal as a world wide social and cultural phenomenon, and Dajjal as an unseen force( the dajjal the unseen force is a giant devil that will enter the Homes of many people with weak faith and will control and dominate our minds and some he will take over and possess. The signs of these broader aspects of Dajjal, that is what Dajjal the individual will be the epitomize of all human evil, as it is very apparent today, which would indicate that Dajjal the individual has appear! . (These satanic forces, these fakes,these ponies, these hipocritas and these kafari in this city of houston,tx. Have also call up the Biggest devils from the voodoo world of the seen and the unseen forces of the dajjal). Considering Dajjal as an unseen force, the presence of this force is indicated by Giant devils who take possession of human beings in the same way as the jinn sometime possess humans and animals. It is the unseen force of the dajjal that is behind many evils that is in the society and in the world.
    The Dajjal is described as being a deceiver who will have miraculous powers or Miraculous tricks and who will temporarily hold power over the whole earth:
    Rasulallah (sallallahu alaihi was salam)
    was warning us the Muslims that in the last days there would be someone who would deceive all of humanity. The Dajjal will possess power over this world for only a short time. Thus, Muslims must be careful not to have the love of the world in their hearts so we won’t leave our religion and follow him. He will be able to heal the sick by wiping his hand on them, like Jesus did, but with this deceit the Dajjal will lead people down the path to hell. Thus the Dajjal is the false Messiah, or Anti-Christ (Massih ad-Dajjal). He will pretend to be the Messiah, and deceive people by showing them amazing powerful tricks.

    The Dajjal will have powers of the devil(satan). He will terrorize the Muslims with his unseen forces into following him, converting them into unbelief. He will conceal the truth and bring forth falsehood. The prophet said that the Dajjal will have the power to show the image of one’s dead ancestors on his hand,he will command devils to take on the image of dead people,of dead ancestors,of dead Love ones,these images of people will try to appeal to the living people,that they should follow the dajjal.some of theses images of dead people will appear to be the parents or the relatives of some people and others will be the images of so call great or famous people, But all will be no more then devil who have taked on the image of dead people. "The image of the dead relative will say, “Oh my son! This man is correct. I am in Paradise because I was good and I believed in him.” In reality that relative is in hell. If the relative says, “Believe in this man, I am in hell because I didn’t believe,” one must say to the Dajjal, “No, he is in Paradise. This is false.”{the way To destroy these false images, these devils are to recite Ayatul-Kursi, If the muslim, If the person continue to recite Ayatul-kursi these devils will not be able to continue to present themselves as human being, the image will fade.}
    Rasulallah (sallallahu alaihi was salam)
    said: the Dajjal will say to a Bedouin Arab, “what will you think if I bring your father and mother back to life for you? Will you bear witness that I am your lord? The Bedouin will say, “Yes.” So two devils will assume the appearance of his father and mother, and say, “O my son, follow him for he is your lord…” 7 Dajjall will be to approach anyone and ask him: “If I bring your camel back to life, will you then believe that I am your Rabb?”

    This person will reply, “Most certainly.”
    Thereafter Shaytaan (from the many Shayateen who will always accompany Dajjal) will appear before this person in the form of his camel with a fat hump and fully laden udders.
    Likewise Dajjal will appear before another person whose father and brother have long passed away and ask him, “If I bring your father and brother back to life will you believe that I am your Rabb?”This person will reply, “Why not?”
    Shaytaan will once again take on the appearance of his brother and father… The Darkness is growing and the Evil influence of the dajjal(Anti-Christ) is spreading , If you still have any doubt regarding him then remember that your Sustainer (Rabb) is not one-eyed.Think about The Dramatic changes that have taken place in the world on this earth in the last year or so, then you will know!.So we should turn back towards the obedience of Allah Wholeheartedly and obeying the commands of ALLAH the holy Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulallah(sallallahualaihiwassalam), to abolish the evil, and to revive the Sunnah by living it." "Remember that(Anti-Christ) the dajjal is the Enemy of ALLAH! there is no Doubt.The Antichrist is short, hen-toed, woolly-haired,curly hair and blind in one eye. His eye looked like a protruding out grape.this Description seem to describe a person of Africa Origin, and this is the description of the chief dajjal(Anti-Christ), he was taken off that island, where he had been in prison for thousands of years,Some where in the last 700 years and taken to africa,where he did not have to hide, not just because he was dark in color,but because he found the majority of the muslims societies had stepped back into the darkness of ignorance and superstition.they had started to practice voodoo,black magic and sorcery,during the crusades and during colonialism. so it was easy for him to be inconspicuous and comfortable in a corrupt environment among the evil and wicked people of religion! Just like right now at the present time, he's living in america inconspicuous walking in and out of the masjids, and the muslims people see him and not saying anything,

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    The need for dua!

    ​The Need for Dua! Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaahaillalllahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu WaRasooluhu
    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''
    "O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
    Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahualaihi was salam). Ya ALLAH! "O Turner of hearts, make our hearts firm in Your deen and make our deen Straight Islam! "O' Converter of Hearts, make our Hearts reflex the light (The Nur) of the Sahabah , make our heart steadfast upon your Din!' Ya Allah, You are As-Salam, the source of Peace. From you Comes all Peace and Tranquility. Ya ALLAH! Ya AS-Salam! YaAr-Razzāq, Ya Provider, The Supplier, The Bestower of Sustenance
    "O ALLAH!You are the One who creates all means of nourishment and subsistence.You are the One who is the giver of all things beneficial, both physical and spiritual.You are the One who provides everything that is needed. O ALLAH!!! There are those Muslim people Who are sick with Cancer Men, Women and children in this city who have traversal from around the world seeking a cure for their sickness!O ALLAH! I beg of You Please help us,Please send Your help and Your Mercy! O ALLAH! You are the healer the of Hearts! O ALLAH! You are the healer of Souls and O ALLAH! You are the Healer of Bodies, O ALLAH grant them, bestow upon them a great cure and healing that left no illness and no sickness! O ALLAH take away the pain of sickness, O Rabb of mankind, and grant healing, for You are the Healer, and there is no healing but Your healing grant us such a cure that leaves no trace of sickness). O ALLAH! Rabb of the 7 heavens and Rabb of the mighty throne! You are the Nur of the Heavens and the Earth! As Your mercy is in heavens, bestow it upon the earth. Forgive us our sins. You are the Rabb of the good. Send down Your mercy and healing upon our pain,’ O ALLAH! I beg of You Please help us,Please send Your help and Your Mercy!And he will be healed(Inshallah). ---"O ALLAH!!!
    There are those Muslim people across this Ummah that are living in broken homes And there are those Muslim people who are living homeless, who are in need of a home of safety, security and peace in this world and Grant us such a home in this world and a Home of safety, security and Peace in the Hereafter. O ALLAH! I beg of You Please help us,Please send Your help and Your Mercy! O ALLAH! O Grantor of Peace! Give peace to the Hearts of all those Muslim people who are in broken relationships- mothers that are broken with their children, spouses whose relationships is broken, friends whose relationships are broken, and slaves of yours whose relationships with You are broken. O ALLAH, Please show us mercy! O ALLAH, Please show us mercy! Ya ALLAH Please show us mercy! You are the healer of Hearts You are the remover of pain and sorrow, and You are the Giver of peace. Heal the hearts of those whose homes & hearts are broken. Soften the hearts of those that have become hard with sin. Give increase and strengthen the faith,courage and patience of those that are mocked and suffer as they struggle to remain on your path on Your Din. O ALLAH! I beg of You Please help us, Please send Your help and Your Mercy! Guide the families, Muslim and Non-Muslim that are far away from guidance, Heal the hearts that are hurting and Sick and take away the pain from our Hearts, Ya Rabb of Mankind, and make every hardship a means of returning back to You. Give us peace in our hearts and Souls so that we can face every hardship and storm with Al hamdulillah and triumph. Ya ALLAH! Ya Rabb! enable us to be grateful for the favors which you have bestowed on us! Ameen!
    Ameen! O ALLAH! There is an emptiness in the Hearts of Men that cannot be filled except with Your love and the Love for You, and by turning to You, O ALLAH and always remembering You, O ALLAH!.(
    Last edited by k.ibrahim; 07-16-2019 at 12:26 AM.
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    Re: The need for dua!

    JazaakAllahu khair, Ameen!
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    The Existence of the New World

    "Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem.
    I testify that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah

    And I testify that Muhammad (Sallallaho-Alaihe-Wa-Sallam) is his beloved servant and messenger."O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
    Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and Iam satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam . (This is the Statement of ALLAH in the Quran) ” Surah 60 - Al Mumtahinah - Ayat - 001 O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love, even though they have rejected the Truth that has come to you, and have (on the contrary) driven out the Prophet and yourselves (from your homes), (simply) because ye believe in God your Lord! If ye have come out to strive in My Way and to seek My Good Pleasure, (take them not as friends), holding secret converse of love (and friendship) with them: for I know full well all that ye conceal and all that ye reveal. And any of you that does this has strayed from the Straight Path.

    Surah 60 - Al Mumtahinah - Ayat - 002 If they were to get the better of you, they would behave to you as enemies, and stretch forth their hands and their tongues against you for evil: and they desire that ye should reject the Truth. I declare that ALLAH's Enemies as His Enemies, and I donot take His Enemies as Friends or protectors. (The Dajjal and his followers are the Enemies of ALLAH). And I also Declare that the Believers are the Friends of ALLAH, and I donot take them as enemies.
    There has been a movement in the world to presented Islam in the most corrupt way, In the most corrupt form, So that the people will reject it,even before having any real knowledge about Islam.
    Rasulallah(sallallahu alaihi wassalam) said, “...A time when fools would occupy the pulpits and Zakat would be considered a loss and trusts shall be considered as war booty. Contemplation in religion of ALLAH shall be for other than ALLAH. Men shall obey their wives and be disowned by their mothers. They shall become aloof from their father. The last of this Ummah will curse the first and the transgressing tribes shall be leading them and the leaders of the people will be the worst people among them. People would respect them for being safe from their mischief. At that time people will take refuge in Damascus which is the best city of Sham (Syria) and they shall remain safe from the enemies.”
    This Western Hemisphere( the Americas or the New World) was not in existence in the time that Rasulallah(sallallahu'alaihi was salam)had lived in. ALLAH has Created. Rasulallah(sallallahu alaihi wassalam) to be the most Truthful of Men!; The very Fact that the New World exists has changed the direction of History. So why is it so hard to believe that the Dajjal(Anti-Christ) is in America,in Texas,in houston, among the Muslims,that is a reality that All of us will have to face, this is the place where he is Doing his secret work,In most of the masjids in Houston over half of the People who are in the Masjids are Jewish, they are in control of the majority of the masjids in houston and in America,they speak arabic,but they are not arab,they speak every Language that the Muslims speak but they are not muslim, they are the Enemies of ALLAH, pretending to be Muslim,they are there to support their Boss(Anti-Christ) the Dajjal! the Darkness is growing and the Evil influence of the dajjal(Anti-Christ) is geting stronger,Considering Dajjal as an unseen force, the presence of this force is indicated by take possession of human beings in the same way as the jinn taked possess humans and animals. If you still have any doubt regarding him then remember that your Sustainer (Rabb) is not one-eyed.Think about The Dramatic changes that have taken place in the world on this earth in the last year or so, then you will know!.So I invite all of us back towards the obedience of Allah,and obeying the commands of ALLAH the holy Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulallah(sallallahu alaihi wassalam), to abolish the evil, and to revive the Sunnah by living it." "Remember that(Anti-Christ) the dajjal is the Enemy of ALLAH! there is no Doubt.The Antichrist is short, hen-toed, woolly-haired,curly hair and blind in one eye. His eye looked like a protruding out grape.this Description seem to describe a person of Africa Origin, and this is the description of the chief dajjal(Anti-Christ),there will be 30 them some will be blind in the right eye and some will be blind left eye, and some will be unrecognizable,but their actions will be dajjal,that will be the determining factor and some will be in seats of Power over Nations, But all are Dajjal! this Evil going back in to History and also resent history! so resent that we are talking about before slavery, the ideal of slavery,and how slavery it self was Trick and the oppression after slavery.
    (1)Before Slavery.(2)the Ideal of Slavery.The institution of slavery was present in Africa long before the arrival of Europeans on its shores - slaves had been taken from parts of the continent since the time of ancient Egypt...At the dawn of the transatlantic trade, slavery was not new, nor were Africans the only people to be enslaved and most ancient societies including Egypt, Greece made use of slave labor. the Roman Empire took slaves from every nation it overcame,when the dajjal(Anti-Christ) was freed from his island prison and brought to main land Africa,(the dajjal) He would(they his followers would) need slaves to build the society that was very similar to the one the dajjal came from, similar to the ancient societys,ancient civilizations,Like Athens,Egypt,Rome,Babylon,Niniveh,an open free society, a Society manufactured and design to accommodate such Evil, Where the dajjal could walk around among men inconspicuous and know one would care!)
    (3)Who were the Merchants that owen's the Slave Ships?) that brought the enslaves people to the west? The Real Owners of the Slave Ships were Jewish merchants,they owns all the ships. These are the names of the
    and owners • The Abigail was owned by Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy, Jacob Franks
    • The Crown was owned by Issac Levy and Nathan Simpson
    • The Nassau and Four Sisters were both owned by Moses Levy
    • Anne & Eliza owned by Justus Bosch and John Abrams
    • Prudent Betty owned by Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix
    • The Hester and the Elizabeth were both owned by Mordecai and David Gomez
    • Antigua owned by Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell
    • Betsy owned by Wm. De Woolf
    • Polly owned by James De Woolf
    • White Horse owned by Jan de Sweevts
    • Expedition owned by John and Jacob Roosevelt
    • Charlotte owned by Moses and Sam Levy and Jacob Franks
    • Caracoa owned by Moses and Sam Levy

    the Jews Owned and Operated the African Slave Trade,the Dutch Jews who owned the slave ships that transported the enslaves people to the colonies.The two main sources of company revenue in Brazil were levies on the output of the sugar mills and duties on the importation of the people enslaves.Jewish speculators bought slaves for ready cash from the Dutch West India Company and resold them to the planters at three or four times the purchase price, /Why did these oweners of the ships go to the prisons and Jail of Europe to collect crews?)Because they wanted to-gather up the most Cruel,Barbaric,Inhumane and Wicked Men that they could find, that would inflict pain and suffering without Conscious.These oweners of the ships knew that the majority of the people of the north african coastal region were Muslims,they also knew that Islam was the distinctive influence over North Africa and the African coast. the enslaves people on the slaves ships were strip of their human dignity and strip of their identity as men.So the the instruction were that to keep a watchful eye out for any Knowledgeable religious muslim individual or any real Muslims among the enslaves people,because they would change the direction of slavery and what the slaveowners were tring to accomplish with the enslaves people,the Knowledgeable muslim would teach the enslaved people to revolt against of the Authorities Slaveowner or to disrupted slavery.As a result the Real Muslims or knowledgeable Muslim's chains were never removed because they could not be broken, they were used as breeding animals and then killed. others were broken by force.And The Unbelievers Plotted And Planned, And Allah Too Planned, And Allah Is The Best Of Planners”, (Quran:Surah11:ayat116/117/118/119)116.Why were there not, among the generations before you, persons possessed of balanced good sense, prohibiting (men) from mischief in the earth - except a few among them whom We saved (from harm)? But the wrong-doers pursued the enjoyment of the good things of life which were given them, and persisted in sin.117. Nor would thy Lord be the One to destroy communities for a single wrong- doing, if its members were likely to mend. 118. If thy Lord had so willed, He could have made mankind one people: but they will not cease to dispute.119. Except those on whom thy Lord hath bestowed His Mercy: and for this did He create them: and the Word of thy Lord shall be fulfilled: "I will fill Hell with jinns and men all together."
    121. Say to those who do not believe: "Do what ever ye can: We shall do our part; 122. "And wait ye! We too shall wait."
    123. To Allah do belong the unseen (secrets) of the heavens and the earth, and to Him goeth back every affair (for decision): then worship Him, and put thy trust in Him: and thy Lord is not unmindful of aught that ye do.

    (4)How Slavery itself was a Trick.) In the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, slaves were condemned to impoverishment and the most miserable condition by the law.The lives of enslaved men and women were shaped by a confluence of material circumstances, geographic location, and the financial status and ideological stance of a given slaveholder. The experience of slavery was never a comfortable one. Nevertheless, the kind of labor assigned, the quantity and quality of food and clothing received, the type of shelter provided, and the form of punishments dealt could lessen or increase the level of discomfort slaves had to endure. These living conditions not only impacted the physical and psychological state of the slave, but also had effects on the relationships that African Americans built with each other and with whites in the age of slavery.
    In many colonies, slaves could not participate in wage-earning trade or labor. In others they were denied the right to own property. The slave's resulting dependence on his or her master for the most basic necessities -- food, clothing, shelter and Religion-- and the Religion of most of the enslaves people were taked away and they were Forebidded to practices their owe religion,and was given a false ideal in religion an image of the Slaves master(as god) to be worship.This ideal was design as Behavioural conditioning to cripple the minds and Hearts of the enslaves people ,Mental, moral and Spiritual, and to bring them in to totally submissiveness and to make the them totally inferior and in order to the preservation of the master's power and the sustaining of the slave society. the result of behavioural conditioning was generations upon generations of inferiority and worthlessness.

    (5)The oppression after Slavery.(They Called it the civil war,The War that freed the slaves,and that kept the Union together)the truth of the Matter is that Yes! they were Physicaly free,but they were in Greater Bondage after slavery then doing slavery.again Deceitful tricks were used to creata hated and bitterness against the former slaves,the instruction were given to oppress and persecut the former slaves for generations and if any righteousmen appear among the descendent of the former slaves they Should be destroyed,but if any Lieing deceitful men with claims that they cannot live up too,if they should appear, they should be helped and supported!and this oppression and persecution was design to lead the descendent of the former slaves to eventually search for a Black Deliverer, a Black Redeem, a Black Savior,The Anti-Christ(Dajjal). someone To rescue them from the harm of oppression and persecution, and but lead them farther and farther in to Darkness, ignorance and superstition,with lies and Deceit. (6)who was the one that was giveing instruction to the Merchants that owen's the Ships? who was the one that was giveing the instruction that filters down to slaveholder?on what method to used in order to cripple the slave people Mentaly,Moraly and Spiritualy. who was the one that was giveing instruction on to how oppress and control the former slaves and their descendent for Generations? It was the(Anti-Christ) Dajjal from the very beginning!
    Last edited by k.ibrahim; 07-17-2019 at 12:17 AM.
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    The need for dua! (Part2)

    Ashahadu An Laa illaahaillalllahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu WaRasooluhu

    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''
    "O Allah, Shower Your Peace upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious".
    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, As-Salaam Alaikum!
    We the Ummah of Rasulallah(SallallahuAlaihi was sallam) Are in need of your (Du'a) Prayers for ALLAH's Help and Protection. O Allah! We seek Protection with You from the torment of Hellfire, the punishment of the grave, the Fitnah of life and death, and the Fitnah of Al-Masih-ul-Dajjal) I seek
    with Allah from the torment of Hellfire, the punishment of the grave, the trial of life and death, and the trial of the Antichrist).I seek
    with Allah from the torment of Hellfire, the punishment of the grave, the trial of life and death, and the trial of the Antichrist). O Allah, We seek
    with You from the sins and from being in debt)(
    Ya ALLAH!) OALLAH! We Beg of you to Bestow on us (the Believing Muslims people) a Home, a Home of Safety, Security and Peace in this World Life,That is out of the Reach of the Dajjal and his followers, and also Grant us a Home of Safety, Security and Peace in the Life Hereafter, That is out of the Reach of the Fires of Hell!.(Ya ALLAH!) OALLAH! We Beg of you to Increase our Faith and Devotion, and to Bless us with Peace in our Hearts and Souls.(Ya ALLAH!) Please Forgive us All The Believing Muslims people, Men and women(Ya ALLAH!) Please grant us All the Believing Muslims the Best in this world Life and the Best in Hereafter, and(Ya ALLAH!) Please Protect us(the Believing Muslims) from own Nafs, and(Ya ALLAH!) Please Protect All the Believing Muslims from the hands of the Dajjal and his Followers.] {O ALLAH! No One in this World cares! No one in this world! O ALLAH No One in this world cares!} (Ya ALLAH!) OALLAH! We Beg of you for the means to do good, and to avoid evil, and Bless us to Love the poor, and We beseech you forgive us(the Believing Muslims whom Believe in You O ALLAH and the last Day) and have mercy on us. And When you subject the people of the World to trial, O ALLAH have Mercy on us! O ALLAH have Mercy on us, Protect us from being affected by it.(Ya ALLAH!) O ALLAH! I Beg of you, your Love and Protection, and the Love of those who Love you, and Grant us the Love of all such actions that will bring us closer to you, with our Love and Devotion for you.(Ya ALLAH!)“O ALLAH, please bring us closer to you and please bring us out of this darkness of illusions and honor us with the(Nur) light of Imam(Faith) devotion and understanding and comprehension, O ALLAH open to us the doors of your mercy! And bestow upon us the treasure of your knowledge and wisdom by your mercy “O the most merciful of those who show mercy.”

    We beseech You, O ALLAH you are the one who reminds us about doing good, and Ya ALLAH you always does good to us and commands us to do good. Send blessings on Muhammed Rasulallah(SallallahuAlaihi was sallam) and the family of Muhammed Rasulallah(SallallahuAlaihi was sallam) and help us to remember what the evil ones makes us forget.

    In the name of ALLAH the most kind the most merciful.
    Glory be to ALLAH who does not treat the citizens of His kingdom unjustly.
    Glory be to ALLAH who does not let the torment and pain come suddenly upon mankind.
    Glory be to the compassionate the merciful One.
    O Allah, fill our hearts with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding and true enlightenment. Surely you are able to do all things.
    O Allah have mercy on us so that we will be able to leave disobeying you as long as we live. Show mercy on us by not imposing a troublesome and difficult
    task on us. Make us do good deeds that please you. Make us learn your Holy
    Book(Quran),your Din(Islam) and the Sunnah(Of Rasulallah(SallallahuAlaihi was sallam) by heart, just like you have taught us.Give us the ability to
    recite it(the Quran) in the most beautiful manner that will pleases you. O Allah (through the quran)
    enlighten our Hearts with wisdom, open the doors of understanding and liberate our hearts from darkness. Loosen our tongue, let our bodys be active and give us strength
    for it. O ALLAH! no one can help us save you. There is Nothing worthy of worshipped except ALLAH.Glorified are You. O ALLAH! We do not know except what you have taught us. Surely you are all-knowing,
    all-wise. O My Rabb, expand for us our Bosom and ease for us our task
    and remove the knot from our tongue (speech) so that they may understand our speech. O My Rabb increase us in knowledge.
    O Allah, fill our hearts with light (Nur) and increase the strength of our Hearts, hearing, our sight and our memory. (Therefore he called upon his Rabb: We are overcome by the Evils of this life, will you then help us.) (…say: O my Rabb! Increase us in knowledge). O my Rabb! we are needy of whatever good You may send us). O Allah. we ask of You for understanding like that of the rightly guided and Righteous Muslim people, and the memory like that of the righteous scholars , and those who are nearest to you).
    OALLAH! I thank you for all your Mercy and Protection that you have bestowed on us, and all that you have given us in these trouble times that we are facing, (Al-Hamdolillah!).

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    The Beauty of Hajj By Ibn Qayy

    Bismillah,ir-Rahman.ir-Rahim. the Beauty of Hajj By Ibn Qayyim (As Seen through the Eyes of the Believers) By Him whose House the loving pilgrims visit,
    Responding with ihram at the appointed limit,
    Uncovering their heads in total humility
    Before the One to Whom faces bow in servility.
    They exclaim in the valleys, "We have responded to Your call -
    All Praise is You Ya ALLAH! and ALL the Kingdom too!"
    He invited them and they answered His call!, with Praises,Glorification,love and pleasure;
    When they called upon ALLAH in humility,He is nearer to them, then send the Divine treasure the gift of Mercy.
    You see them on their mounts, hair dusty and dishevelled,
    Yet never more content, never happier have they felt;
    Leaving homelands
    and families due to holy yearning for the nearness to ALLAH! , Unmoved are they by temptations of returning home!.
    Through plains and valleys, from near and far they will come to thee on foot and (Mounted) on every kind of camel lean on account of Journeys through deep and distant Mountain highways.
    Walking and riding, in submission to ALLAH.
    the Sacred Masjid, which We have made (open) to (all) men -- equal is the dweller there and the visitor from the country side -- At the Ka’bah
    When they see His House - that magnificent sight
    For which the hearts of the Believers and all creatures are set alight -
    It seems they’ve never felt tired before,
    For their discomfort and hardship is no more.
    Now the eyes of the Lovers of ALLAH drowns in its streams,
    (the Hearts of Believers) sees through its tears the goal of its dreams;
    Now for Allah, how many tears are issued,
    Each one being followed by a multitude?
    When the eyes perceives the House, its darkness clears,
    And from the sorrowful heart, pain disappears;
    Vision cannot encompass this beautiful sight of the Kabaah)
    Each glance returns with greater delight!
    No wonder at this, for when the Merciful preferred
    The House for Himself, it became most honoured.
    He clothed it in Majesty, a magnificent garment;
    Embroidered it with Beauty,wonder and delight, and wonderful ornaments!
    The hearts of the believers all love the House of ALLAH! inspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment and Great Beauty(awed),
    and Deep Humility in respect and honour.
    Now to ‘Arafat, hoping for Mercy and Forgiveness
    From ALLAH the One overflowing with Generosity and Kindness;
    Now for ALLAH is that Magnificent Standing
    Like, though lesser than, the Day of Reckoning.
    The Irresistible draws near with His Mercy, His Majesty manifest,
    Boasting to His angels, for He is the Mightiest,
    "My slaves have come to Me so lovingly,
    I’ll be Generous and Merciful and most Kind to them willingly.
    I have forgiven their sins, – to this you are witness –
    Fulfilled their hopes, and showered them with goodness."
    then come the joyous news! O people of that standing,
    When sins are forgiven and Mercy is spreading;
    How many slaves are set completely free?
    Whilst others seek a cure, and healing from His mercy.
    Now Satan is never known to lose such face:
    He’s blameworthy, rejected, in utter disgrace.
    For he sees a matter that enrage him must:
    He flees, slaps his face and covers it in dust!
    Such Forgiveness he never did see
    As granted by the Rabb of Mercy, in giving such Mercy!
    He built his edifice from every temptation available
    Till he thought it was complete, unassailable;
    Then ALLAH struck his building at its very foundation,
    So it fell upon him, tumbling in devastation;
    What worth has his structure, this evil ploy,
    That he does build, and the Rabb does destroy?
    Muzdalifah & Mina
    Now to Muzdalifah, to spend the night
    In the Sacred Area, then Prayer at first light;
    Now on to the Great Pillar, which they need
    To stone at the time of the Prayer of ‘Id;
    Now to their tents for the sacrifice prepared,
    Reviving the tradition of a Father revered.
    If sacrificing themselves were Allah’s demand,
    They would respond, submitting to the command;
    Just as they’d expose their necks in Jihad
    To Allah’s enemies, till these stream with blood;
    They discipline themselves, presenting the head for a shave:
    Bringing humility and happiness to the obedient slave.

    The Tawaf of Ifadah/Ziyarah
    So when they’ve removed those natural growths,
    Completed their rites, and fulfilled their oaths,
    He invites them again to visit His House:
    What a Great honour and welcome this visit is,it is allows!
    By Allah, they visit it in so much splendour,
    Receiving their rewards and plenty of honour;
    There ALLAH bestows Grace, Favour and Kindness,
    Showing Generosity, Mercy and Forgiveness.

    Then they return to Mina, each to his tent,
    Every minute wish is granted, and Hearts are content;
    They stay there a day, then another, then a third,
    They’re allowed to depart early, but to stay is preferred;
    They stone the pillars daily after the sun’s decline,
    With a slogan of Takbir in the presence of the Divine!
    If only you could see their standing there:
    Palms outstretched, hoping for Mercy’s share!
    "Ya Rabbanal! Ya Rabbanal! Knowing as You do
    That we hope for no-ones Mercy but Your, only You alone!
    Then grant our needs and wishes, Ya ALLAH! you are the All-Knowing,
    We pray and beg for Your overflowing Mercy."

    The Farewell Tawaf
    When they’ve achieved at Mina all their gains,
    Once more they fill the valleys and plains:
    To the Ka’bah, the Sacred House, by the end of the day,
    To circle it seven times, and then to Pray.
    When departure nears and they are certain
    That the bond of Nearness,Cloesness is about to loosen,
    There’s only a last stand for a final farewell:
    Now for ALLAH are the eyes fill and swell with tears,
    And for ALLAH are the heavy hearts that turn
    Into cauldrons of desire where fire does burn;
    And the passionate sighs whose hearts are so fill with the Love for ALLAH!
    Nearly melts the Lover of ALLAH,in His Glorification and rememberen!
    Now you see those bewildered, perplexed in the Hearts and Souls,
    Whilst others chant their sorrowful song:
    "I depart, but there remains for You Ya ALLAH! my yearning,
    My fire of grief is raging and burning in My Heart and Soul;
    I bid farewell Ya ALLAH! to your House, but longing and Hoping for Your Mercy again and again!
    My heart and Soul is encamped in Your eternal plains!"
    No blame today for saying what I feel:
    No blame for expressing what I used to conceal!

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    Taking account of one's own self!

    Bismillah IR-Rahman IR-Rahim- Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu
    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but ALLAH
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi was salam ) is the Rasool.''
    "OALLAH, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
    Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O ALLAH, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". I am Satisfied with ALLAH as My Rabb and Cherisher, I am Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam)- (This is the Statement of ALLAH in the Quran) ” Surah 60 - Al Mumtahinah - Ayat - 001 O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love, even though they have rejected the Truth that has come to you, and have (on the contrary) driven out the Prophet and yourselves (from your homes), (simply) because ye believe in God your Lord! If ye have come out to strive in My Way and to seek My Good Pleasure, (take them not as friends), holding secret converse of love (and friendship) with them: for I know full well all that ye conceal and all that ye reveal. And any of you that does this has strayed from the Straight Path.
    Surah 60 - Al Mumtahinah - Ayat - 002 If they were to get the better of you, they would behave to you as enemies, and stretch forth their hands and their tongues against you for evil: and they desire that ye should reject the Truth. I declare that ALLAH's Enemies as His Enemies, and I donot take His Enemies as Friends or protectors. (The Dajjal and his followers are the Enemies of ALLAH). And I also Declare that the Believers are the Friends of ALLAH, and I donot take them as enemies.
    I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the Dajjal. -Uqbah ibn Sahban (rh) says: 'I asked Ayesha about the verse: 'Then We gave (as inheritance) the Book to those whom We chose from among Our servants. Some of them wronged themselves; some were moderate and others raced towards good deeds with the permission of Allah.' [Surah Fatir: 32]
    She replied: 'My son! They are in Paradise. Those who raced towards good deeds are those who lived during the time of the Prophet who testified to their sustenance and Paradise. As for those who were moderate, they followed him among his companions and caught up with him. And as for those who wronged themselves are concerned, They are people like me and you.'! They are people like me and you.'!! They are people like me and you.'!!! - Taking account of one's own self:
    When a person takes account of himself in this world, he will be very successful in the Hereafter. The Quran explains this reality:
    'O you who believe! Fear Allah and let each soul see what it has sent forward for the morrow.' [Surah Hashr: 18]
    In this verse, there is a reference to taking account of past actions.
    Umar says: 'Take account of yourselves before you are audited (by someone else). Weigh your deeds before they are weighed (by someone else).'
    Maimoon bin Mahran (rh) says: 'No one can be among the muttaqoon until he checks himself more than he checks his (business) partner.'
    Hasan Basri (rh) says: 'A believer is a guardian over himself: he audits himself for Allah. Those who take account of themselves in this world will be audited lightly in the Hereafter. Those who take this issue lightly will find their auditing very difficult.'
    Anas ibn Malik says that one day Umar went out (for a walk) and reached an orchard. He said: 'There is a wall (the orchard) between me and Him. O Umar, the leader of the believers! You will fear Allah or else I will punish you (O Umar).'
    Malik ibn Dinar (rh) says: 'May Allah have mercy on someone who tells himself: 'Is not your companion like that.' Then he reprimands himself and enforces the Book of Allah.'
    He also says: 'I heard Hajjaj say: 'May Allah have mercy on the person who audits himself before it reaches someone else's hands. May Allah have mercy on the person who grabs his actions by the reins and sees where they are taking him. May Allah have mercy on the person who looks at his weights and measures (scales and balances).' He continued to say this until he made me weep.'
    Hasan Basri (rh) says regarding the verse: 'No. I do swear by the criticising self...' [Surah Qiyamah: 2] : 'A believer will always be critical of himself in his food, his drink and his speech. A sinner will not criticize himself.'
    Taubah ibn Samat (rh) used to take account of himself and is reported to have counted the number of days in his life at the age of sixty. He found there were 21,500 days and shrieked: 'What will happen to me if I meet The King with 21,500 sins? What will happen if there are 10,000 sins in each day?
    A person from the predecessors said: 'If a man threw a pebble in his house for every sin he had committed, the house would fill up in no time.'
    Imam Ahmed (rh) narrates from Wahab ibn Munabbah (rh): 'It is written in the wise sayings of the family of Dawood - peace be upon them : 'An intelligent person should not be distracted on four occasions: when he is supplicating his Lord; when he is auditing himself; when he is being informed by his friends about his shortcomings and when he is alone with himself.'
    Umar, wrote to one of his employees: 'Audit yourself in prosperity before the auditing of adversity. Whoever does this will be pleased and envied. Whoever is distracted from this by his life and fantasies, will face remorse and loss.'
    Imam ibn Qayyim (rh) says: 'To summarise, one should take account of the obligations first. lf there are any losses incurred, they should be made up. Then, one should take account of the prohibitions. If there are any violations one should compensate by repentance asking for forgiveness and performing deeds that erase bad deeds. Then one should tum to the moments of oblivion and distraction. If one finds oneself guilty one should resort to remembrance and tum to Allah. Finally, one should audit the tongue, feet, hands, eyes and ears. Why did they do this and that? Allah says: 'By your Lord! We will indeed question all of them as to what they did.' [Surah Al-Hikr: 92-93]
    '...So that He (Allah) may ask the truthful about his truthfulness.' [Surah Ahzaab: 8]
    So when even the truthful will be questioned one can imagine the questioning the liars the will face.
    'Certainly, the ears, eyes and the heart (faculty of understanding) will all be questioned.' [Surah al-Isra: 34]
    So when the servant is to be interrogated about his own limbs, he should take account of himself before he confronts the real auditing.
    The servant benefits tremendously from this practice. One of these benefits is that he realises his own mistakes. Whoever does not realise his mistakes, cannot reform or correct them. Those who do realise their mistakes condemn themselves in front of Allah.
    Abu Darda says: 'No one can achieve complete understanding of Islam until he condemns people for the sake of Allah and then returns home and condemns himself even more.
    Ayyub Sakhtiyani (rh) says: 'When pious people are mentioned, I remove myself from them (i.e.: I do not count myself in their ranks).'
    Muhammed ibn Wasi' (rh) says: 'If sins had an odour, no one would be able to sit near me.'
    Yunus ibn Obaid (rh) says: 'I found that there are a hundred qualities of goodness. I did not find a single one of those qualities in myself.'
    Uqbah ibn Sahban (rh) says: 'I asked Ayesha about the verse: 'Then We gave (as inheritance) the Book to those whom We chose from among Our servants. Some of them wronged themselves; some were moderate and others raced towards good deeds with the permission of Allah.' [Surah Fatir: 32]
    She replied: 'My son! They are in Paradise. Those who raced towards good deeds are those who lived during the time of the Prophet who testified to their sustenance and Paradise. As for those who were moderate, they followed him among his companions and caught up with him. And as for those who wronged themselves are concerned, they are people like me and you.' Ayesha put herself in our category.'
    lbn Qayyim (rh) says: 'Condemning oneself is a practice of the truthful. A servant draws closer to Allah in a moment (when he sincerely condemns himself) much more than he would do so through actions.'
    Another benefit on auditing oneself is that one realizes Allah's right. Whoever does not realise Allah's right does not stand to benefit from acts of service and worship.
    Imam Ahmed (rh) narrates from Wahab (rh) that Musa - peace be upon him - passed by a man who was crying and asking Allah. Musa said: 'O Allah! Have mercy on him for I feel sorry for him.' Allah revealed to Musa : 'If he calls Me until he loses all his strength, I will not answer him unless he acknowledges My right over him.'
    Imam Ibn Qayyim (rh) says: 'A benefit of understanding Allah's right over the servant is that it breeds condemnation of oneself and delivers one from showing off and vanity. It also opens the doors of humbleness in front of Allah and closes the doors of conceit. It allows one to realise that salvation is only through Allah's Grace and Mercy. It is Allah's right that He should be obeyed and not disobeyed; that He should be remembered and not forgotten and that He should be appreciated and not un¬ appreciated.
    Whoever ponders over these issues will know with certainty that he cannot fulfil these conditions and , therefore , has to resort to Allah's Mercy. Such a person will be convinced that he cannot rely on his actions, lest he be destroyed. Many people think about their rights over Allah and not about His rights over them. This is how there are detached from Allah and deprived of the desire to meet Him. This is the epitome of ignorance of their Lord and of themselves.
    Imam Ghazali (rh) says : 'Whoever audits himself before he is audited will be checked lightly on the Day of Judgement. He will be able to answer (any questions) and thus, his fate will be good. Whoever does not take account of himself and his actions will suffer regret and grope around in the plains of Qiyamah. His mistakes will lead him to disgrace and scorn. [Ihya: 4/381]
    O servant of Allah! Measure yourself against these good qualities. If you find yourself among those who take account, then thank Allah. If you find yourself in the other group, then return to Allah with humbleness as an absconded slave returns to his master.
    Imam Ghazali (rh) says: 'It is incumbent on every person who believes in Allah and the Last Day that he should not be oblivious of auditing himself. Every breath of life is a precious jewel which can buy eternal treasures. Wasting these breaths or using them for detrimental purposes is such a great loss which no intelligent person could justify. When a person wakes up he tells himself that the only commodity he has is his life. When life perishes all his capital perishes. This is a new day that Allah has given as a further opportunity to make amends. If He had taken his life away he would want to return for just a single day so that he could do good. So one should deem that one has died and has returned to the world for one more day. One should not waste these precious and invaluable jewels of life.
    The day has twenty-four hours. One should strive today and not become lazy and lethargic lest one loses the ranks of the 'Illiyeen (the highest rank of those in Paradise) and forever live in regret.' [Ihya: 4/382]
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    Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah and Tawhid-ul-Uluhiyyah (part1)

    Bismillah,ir-Rahman,ir-Rahim. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu
    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''
    "O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious".Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and Iam satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam).----------------------------------------- What is the meaning of Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah and Tawhid-ul-Uluhiyyah?--A: The meaning of Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah (Oneness of Allah's Lordship) is the ascription of all Acts of Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) to none but Him Alone, such as: creation, bringing into being, providing sustenance, giving life, and causing death.The meaning of Tawhid-ul-Uluhiyyah (Oneness of Worship) is the dedication of all acts of the servants to none but Allah Alone, such as: Du`a' (supplication), asking help, seeking refuge, fear, hope, reliance and all other forms of `Ibadah (worship).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, his family, and Companions. ----------- “What is the meaning of Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah (Oneness of Allah's Lordship), Tawhid-ul-Uluhiyyah (Oneness of Worship), and Tawhid-ul-Asma' wal-Sifat (Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes)?” ---“Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah is to believe in Allah's Omnipotence; He Alone is the Originator of creation, maintenance, life, death, etc. As for Tawhid-ul-Uluhiyyah, it is the sincerity of devotional acts e.g. Salah (Prayer), Sawm (Fast), Zakah (obligatory charity), vows and sacrificial animals. Tawhid-ul-Asma' wal-Sifat is to talk of Allah's Names and Attributes in the same manner He and His Prophet (peace be upon him) did; giving Him the same Names and Attributes He calls Himself therewith free from Tashbih (comparison), Tamthil (likening Allah's Attributes to those of His Creation), Tahrif (distortion of the meaning), or Ta`til (denial of Allah's Attributes).--------------------------------Tawhid ar-Rububiyyah is Recognized by Instinct

    Allah, the Most High, said:

    "So bring yourself to the upright natural religion of Allah, the one which He (fatara) created people upon. There will be no changing Allah's creation, and that is the straight religion, but most people are not aware. Turn to Him, revere Him, and establish prayer, and do not be of the mushrikin, those who divided their religion and became sects, each party rejoicing with that which is with them. And when people are touched by harm, they call their Lord, turning to Him. Then when He gives them a taste of His mercy, this is when some of them associate partners with their Lord due to their ingratitude for what We gave them. So enjoy! But you will come to know. Or have We revealed some authority to them, speaking of that which they associate with Him? And when We let people taste mercy, then they rejoice in it, but if some evil afflicts them because of what their hands wrought, then they despair!"Al-Qur'an 30:30

    "Their messengers said to them, 'Is there doubt that Allah is the Originator (Fatir) of the heavens and the Earth?' "Al-Qur'an 14:10

    The Prophet, salallahualayhiwasallam, said, "Every child is born upon the fitrah, but his parents turn him into a Jew, a Christian, or a Zoroastrian." [Agreed upon]

    Contrary to what some say, the above hadith does not mean that people are born with no sense, not knowing (the difference between) tawhid and shirk before they are changed. For he reported from his Lord the Creator (in the hadith qudsi), "I created My servants upright, then the shayatin took hold of them." [Ahmad and Muslim]

    This point is also proven by the previous hadith, since the Prophet, salallahualayhiwasallam, said, " ... his parents turn him into a Jew, a Christian, or a Zoroastrian," but he did not say, " ... or a Muslim." In one report it is narrated, " ... born upon the millah ... " and in another, " ... born upon this millah." [ShaykhMuhammad Nasir ud-Din al-Albani, may Allah have mercy upon him, who gave the references for the ahadith in this book, left no comment after these two additional wordings, and this may be important to note since under the hadith he said, "It is a hadith which is agreed upon, narrated by Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, and it is referenced in Irwa' ul-Ghalil no. 1220." However, upon checking that reference one notices that the term millah is not contained in any of the narrations listed. We are checking further.]

    Tawhid ar-Rububiyyah is Recognized by Reason

    Now what the Prophet, salallahualayhiwasallam, has mentioned here, as even arguments of reason will testify, is true. Among these arguments are the following:

    • It is said that man will develop beliefs and desires that are sometimes correct and sometimes false; and he is susceptible to the motivation of his desires. In each case, when faced with a choice, he must choose one possibility or the other, and one will be preferable to him. We know that if he examines a subject to decide if it seems correct and beneficial to him, or if it seems false and harmful, then by instinct, he is inclined to what is correct and beneficial. In this case acknowledging the existence of a Creator and believing in Him is either the truth or it contradicts the truth, and the second is obviously false, so he must choose the first. This implies that there is some element in the fitrah which makes one recognize the Creator and believe in Him. After this, his instinct is either to love that which proves beneficial for him or not, and the second case is obviously false, so his fitrahmust contain the kind of love that benefits him.

    • Man is naturally inclined toward what benefits him and keeps away from what is harmful, all according to the way he perceives it. Here everyone's fitrahwill not be left alone to its own natural end, rather it will depend upon certain causes that affect it, like teaching etc. So the final result will depend upon the condition that exists or the absence of preventive factors.

    • It is well-known that every soul is agreeable to knowledge and desirous of the truth. But teaching and prodding alone will not bring knowledge and this desire if the soul does not possess the ability to accept it, and, unless it is aware of ignorance and falsehood enough to reject it when prodded to do so. Since the outcome of acknowledging the Creator may result without distinct external causes, and the soul will approve of that once it realises the need (for the Creator) and it is able to avoid what opposes the idea of such need, then the individual will choose the option that keeps him secure in that belief. So it is known that the submitting fitrah, if not affected by what violates it, will acknowledge the Creator, being submissive to Him.

    • It is also said that if it is not faced with either an external benefit, or an external harm, then the fitrah will incline to the benefit anyway, because inclination to knowing and the desire for what is right remains and that which would prevent that inclination is absent. It has been said about Abu Hanifah, rahimahullah, that some people of Ahlul-Kalam wanted to debate acceptance of tawhid ar-rububiyyah [Translator's note: meaning that they wanted to argue their view that everyone does not necessarily believe in tawhid ar-rububiyyah]. So he said to them, "Before we talk about that issue, I want you to think about a boat in a river: it sets out to fill up with food, merchandise and the like, all by itself. It returns by itself (full), it docks by itself, unloads and starts all over again. It does all of this alone without the management of anyone at all!" They said, "This is absolutely impossible!" He replied, "If this is impossible for a boat, then how can everything in this universe go up and down (on its own)?" This story has also been mentioned from others besides Abu Hanifah, rahimahullah.

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    Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah and Tawhid-ul-Uluhiyyah (part2)

    Bismillah IR-Rahman IR-Rahim- Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu
    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but ALLAH
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi was salam ) is the Rasool.''
    "OALLAH, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O ALLAH, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". I am Satisfied with ALLAH as My Rabb and Cherisher, I am Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam)- ---------------------------------------------------The Proof for Rububiyyah is the Proof for Uluhiyyah​- The Qur'an is full of acknowledgement and explanation of tawhid, and in it many examples are given. Among these explanations is the acknowledgement of tawhid ar-rububiyyah, explaining that it means that there is no Creator but Allah, and that this fact necessitates that none be worshipped except Allah. So it places the first argument before the second. Since they (the mushrikin) would only agree to the first argument, and they dismissed the second Allah, the Exalted, made it clear to them: since you know that there is no Creator but Allah alone, and He is the One who gives the worshippers what they benefit from, and protects them from what harms them - there being no partner with Him in this - then why do you worship other than Him and make gods other than Him? He, the Beneficent, said:
    "Say, 'Praise is due to Allah, and peace be upon His slaves whom He has chosen (for His Message)! Is Allah better, or what you associate with Him?' Isn't He (better than your gods) Who created the heavens and the Earth, and sent down water from the heavens for you, whereby We cause beautiful gardens of delight to grow? It is not in your power to grow their trees. Is there a god with Allah? Rather they are people who made equals for Him."Al-Qur'an 27:59-60
    In this passage, at the end of each ayah Allah says, "Is there a god with Allah?" Meaning, is there a god with Allah that does this? This is a rhetorical question which implies negation. They acknowledged that none did this other than Allah so such was an argument against them. The question is not, "Are there in fact other gods with Allah?" as some speculate, because this meaning does not make sense when taken with the rest of the statement. The people did place other gods with Allah, as He said,
    "Do you bear witness that with Allah there are other gods? Say, 'I do not bear witness.' "Al-Qur'an 6:19
    They said, "Has he turned all of the gods into one? This is surely a strange thing."Al-Qur'an 38:5
    However, they were not claiming that there was a god with Him that " ... made the earth as an abode, and put the rivers in its midst, and put cliffs on them, and put a barrier between the two seas." [Al-Qur'an 27:61].
    Rather they acknowledged that Allah alone did that as the remaining ayat explain. Similarly He, the Most High, said:
    "O People! Worship your Lord, the one who created you and those before you, so that you may have taqwa."Al-Qur'an 2:21
    "Say, 'If Allah took away your hearing and sight and He put a seal on your hearts, do you think that there is a god other than Allah who could restore this for you?' "Al-Qur'an 6:46
    This is the tawhid ar-rububiyyah which is made out to be the sole focus of tawhid by the theorists and those among the sufiyyah that agree with them. However, when it is included with the tawhid that the messengers came with, that the books were revealed for, then it is known that its evidences are numerous, just like the evidences that confirm the Creator, and the truth of the messengers. Since the knowledge of this is more important for people, its evidences are more clear - out of mercy from Allah for His creatures. In the Qur'an, Allah has given the people every example, each holding immense logic and benefit for religious inquiries. Indeed the Qur'an explains the truth with wisdom and evidence, so what can there be besides truth except deviation? And what about the concepts well-known by necessity that are supported by it, proven by it, without any argument against them.?
    Deduction is the clearest way for explanation, and it is the Qur'an's way contrary to what the ignorant claim - those who say that the Qur'an does not utilise the method of substantiation. Rather, whatever arguments or objections are brought up in it, it clarifies them and provides the proof for them.
    Arguments Against the Concept of Gods Other than Allah

    The absurdity of shirk in rububiyyah is well-known to most people, meaning to believe in two creators who are equal in their attributes and actions. Only some of the mushrikin believed that there was a creator who created some portion of the universe. Like the Dualists with their belief in the Darkness, and the Qadariyah with the actions of the living beings, or the ancient philosophers about the movement of planetary bodies and souls, or their beliefs about physics; these people all affirm the occurrence of events without any initiation by Allah. So they are mushrikun in some rububiyyah. Now most of the mushrikin among the Arabs and their like believed that there were gods for things that caused benefit and harm, without Allah having anything to do with that. Since this is the kind of shirk in rububiyyah that exists among most people, the Qur'an explained its falsehood as He, the Most Sublime, said:
    "Allah did not take children, nor is there any god with Him. (If there had been many gods) behold, each god would have taken away what he had created, and some would have tried to overcome others! Glorified be Allah above all that they attribute to Him!"Al-Qur'an 23:91
    Look at this brilliant argument, with such clear and precise wording. The true god must be creating and doing, giving benefit to His servant and protecting him from harm. So if there was another god with Him sharing in His kingdom, then it too would be creating and doing, and in this case the partnership would be unacceptable, rather if he has the power to overcome that partner and be left alone in his sovereignty and divinity without him, then he would do that. If he is not able to do that, then he will withdraw with his creation into retreat as the kings of the earth do when retreating from others with their sovereignty when one is not able to defeat the other. Then this scenario requires one of three possibilities:

    1. That each god retreats with his creation and authority.
    2. That one of them defeats the others.
    3. That they would all be under the control of one king doing with them as he wills and they would have no say in the matter, then this one would be their god, and they would be his servants, lorded over and subdued in every sense of the word.

    The maintenance of the affairs of the universe and regulation of it is an evidence proving that one God organises it all, one King, one Lord, there is no god for creation other than Him, just as the evidence of impossibility (see previous article) proves that the universe's creator is one, there is no Lord other than Him and no god equal to Him. So just as it is impossible for the universe to have two equal creators, likewise it is also impossible that there would be two gods to be worshipped.
    Commenting on the "Proof of Impossibility"

    The idea that the existence of the universe originated from two equal creators is absolutely impossible. This is acknowledged by the fitrah, well- known by its obviousness, and proven false by reason. Similarly then, the concept of two gods is also proven false. So the noble ayah that supports the fitrah's confirmation and acknowledgement of tawhid ar-rububiyyah is the same evidence that proves the necessity of tawhid al-uluhiyyah. Similar in meaning to the previous ayah is the following statement of Allah, the Greatest:
    "If there were in them (the heavens and the earth) gods besides Allah, then there would be chaos."Al-Qur'an 21:22
    Some groups considered this to be the 'proof of the impossibility' as preceded in our discussion (see previous article), meaning the impossibility of two creators for the universe. But they neglected the meaning of the ayah, for the Almighty informed us about what would happen if there were gods other than Him; He did not say, 'Lords'. Additionally, this is only after the creation of the heavens and the earth. If the heavens and the earth existed and there were gods in them other than Him, the One True God, then there would certainly be chaos. He, the All Wise, said, " ... there would be chaos," and this chaos is after existence in general; He did not say, "then there would be nothing." So the ayah proves that it is not possible for numerous gods to be in the heavens and the earth, rather there cannot be any god but one, and due to that it is not possible for this god to be other than Allah - praised be He! Chaos in the heavens and the earth is what would result from the existence of more than one god in them, and if there was one god other than Allah then there would be no benefit for the servants unless that god was Allah alone.
    So if there were two gods to be worshipped in the universe, then all of its affairs would be in chaos. Rather its maintenance can only be by justice, with it the heavens and the earth stand. Dark oppression spreads with shirk, and justice is by the correct tawhid.
    Tawhid al-uluhiyyah is deduced from tawhid ar-rububiyyah, it is not the other way around. Whoever is unable to create, then he is powerless, and there is no benefit in the powerless being considered to be a god. Allah said:
    "Do they associate with Allah those who created nothing and who are themselves created?"Al-Qur'an 7:191
    "Is the one who creates like the one who does not create? Why do you not reflect (upon this)?"Al-Qur'an 16:17
    "If there were other gods with Him, as they say, then they would have certainly sought a way before the Throne."Al-Qur'an 17:42
    There are two sayings among the later commentators on this particular ayah. The first, " ... they would try to find a way to defeat Him," and the second saying, which is the correct report from the early Muslims like Qatadah and others, and the saying mentioned by Ibn Jarir (in fact, he mentioned no other saying for it), " ... they would seek a way to be near Him." As in His Saying:
    "Surely this is a reminder, so whoever wills, let him seek a way to His Lord."Al-Qur'an 76:29
    So He, the Magnificent, said:
    "If there were other gods with Him, as they say ... "Al-Qur'an 17:42
    And they were not saying that there were two creators, but they were claiming gods with Him, the Most High, to be used for intercession as they said:
    "We do not worship them except to become nearer to Allah."Al-Qur'an 39:3
    By this they contradicted the ayah before it (which commanded not taking intercessors):
    "So worship Allah (Alone) by doing religious deeds sincerely for Allah's sake only, and not to show off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship."Al-Qur'an 39:2
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    When injustice, tyranny and oppression becomes law!

    Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaahaillalllahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu WaRasooluhu
    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahualaihi was salam) .''
    "O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
    Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". I am Satisfied with ALLAH as My Rabb and Cherisher, I am Satisfied With Islam as My Din (religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahualaihi was salam)---------When injustice, tyranny and oppression becomes law, resistance becomes a duty, a responsibility and an obligation. When free speech is condemns! When the speech of a free press is condemns! You are hearing the voice, the words of a tyrant! ---------TYRANT: In this day and time we grappled engage in a close fight and struggle again and again with a deeply unsettling question: How is it possible for a whole country to fall into the hands of a tyrant?
    “A king rules over willing subjects,” wrote the influential sixteenth-century Scottish scholar George Buchanan, “a tyrant rules over unwilling subjects.”The institutions of American democracy, The institutions of learning and The institutions of Education! The organization of a society, The institutions of a free society are designed to ward off those who would govern, as some of the early scholars put it, “not for their country but for themselves, who take account not of the public interest but of their own pleasure.” Under what circumstances, we should ask ourselves do such cherished institutions, seemingly deep-rooted and impregnable, suddenly prove fragile? Why do large numbers of people knowingly accept being lied to? How does a figure like Richard III or these modern-day tyrants ascend to the throne or to the highest office in the land? Such a disaster could not happen without WIDESPREAD COMPLICITY. These circumstances probe the psychological mechanisms that lead a nation to abandon its ideals and even its self-interest. Why would anyone, we should ask ourselves be drawn to a leader manifestly unsuited to govern anything, someone dangerously impulsive or viciously conniving or indifferent to the truth? Why, in some circumstances, does evidence of mendacity, crudeness, or cruelty serve not as a fatal disadvantage but as an allure, attracting ardent followers? Why do otherwise honorable and self-respecting people submit to the sheer effrontery of the tyrant, his sense that he can get away with saying and doing anything he likes, his spectacular indecency?
    Why do large numbers of people knowingly accept being lied to?

    We repeatedly depicted the tragic cost of this submission to a tyrant — the moral corruption, the massive waste of treasure Trying to start a war with the outcome of great loss of life! — and the desperate, painful, heroic measures required to return a damaged nation to some modicum of health. Is there, any way to stop the slide toward lawless and arbitrary rule before it is too late, any effective means to prevent the civil catastrophe that tyranny invariably provokes?
    We need to understood something that in our own time is revealed when a major event — the fall of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the housing market, a startling election result — manages to throw a garish light on an unnerving fact: EVEN THOSE AT THE CENTER OF THE INNERMOST CIRCLES OF POWER VERY OFTEN HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN NEXT! NOTWITHSTANDING THEIR DESKS PILED HIGH WITH CALCULATIONS AND ESTIMATES ,THEIR COSTLY NETWORK OF SPIES ,THEIR ARMIES OF WELL-PAID EXPERTS,THEY REMAIN ALMOST COMPLETELY IN THE DARK.
    Looking on from the margins, you dream that if you could only get close enough to this or that key figure, you would have access to the actual state of affairs and know what steps you need to take to protect yourself or your country. But the dream is a delusion.
    At the beginning of one of his history plays, Shakespeare introduces the figure of Rumor, in a costume “painted full of tongues,” whose task is ceaselessly to circulate stories “blown by surmises, jealousies, conjectures” (2 Henry IV Induction 16). Its effects are painfully apparent in disastrously misinterpreted signals, fraudulent comforts, false alarms, sudden lurches from wild hope to suicidal despair. And the figures most deceived are not the gross multitude but, rather, the privileged and powerful.
    For Shakespeare, then, it was easier to think clearly when the noise of those babbling tongues was silenced and easier to tell the truth at a strategic distance from the present moment. The oblique angle allowed him to lift off the false assumptions, the time-honored beliefs, and the misguided dreams of piety and to look unwaveringly at what lay beneath.
    Shakespeare’s Richard III brilliantly develops the personality features of the aspiring tyrant already sketched in the Henry VI trilogy: the limitless self-regard, the lawbreaking, the pleasure in inflicting pain, the compulsive desire to dominate. He is pathologically narcissistic and supremely arrogant. He has a grotesque sense of entitlement, never doubting that he can do whatever he chooses. He loves to bark orders and to watch underlings scurry to carry them out. He expects absolute loyalty, but he is incapable of gratitude. The feelings of others mean nothing to him. He has no natural grace, no sense of shared humanity, no decency.

    He is not merely indifferent to the law; he hates it and takes pleasure in breaking it. He hates it because it gets in his way and because it stands for a notion of the public good that he holds in contempt. He divides the world into winners and losers. The winners arouse his regard insofar as he can use them for his own ends; the losers arouse only his scorn. The public good is something only losers like to talk about. What he likes to talk about is winning.
    He has always had wealth; he was born into it and makes ample use of it. But though he enjoys having what money can get him, it is not what most excites him. What excites him is the joy of domination. He is a bully. Easily enraged, he strikes out at anyone who stands in his way. He enjoys seeing others cringe, tremble, or wince with pain. He is gifted at detecting weakness and deft at mockery and insult. These skills attract followers who are drawn to the same cruel delight, even if they cannot have it to his unmatched degree. Though they know that he is dangerous, the followers help him advance to his goal, which is the possession of supreme power.
    His possession of power includes the domination of women, but he despises them far more than desires them. Sexual conquest excites him, but only for the endlessly reiterated proof that he can have anything he likes. He knows that those he grabs hate him. For that matter, once he has succeeded in seizing the control that so attracts him, in politics as in sex, he knows that virtually everyone hates him. At first that knowledge energizes him, making him feverishly alert to rivals and conspiracies. But it soon begins to eat away at him and exhaust him.
    Richard’s villainy is readily apparent to almost everyone. There is no deep secret about his cynicism, cruelty, and treacherousness, no glimpse of anything redeemable in him, and no reason to believe that he could ever govern the country effectively. The question the play explores, then, is how such a person actually attained the English throne. The achievement, Shakespeare suggests, depended on a fatal conjunction of diverse but equally self-destructive responses from those around him. Together these responses amount to a whole country’s collective failure.
    A few characters are genuinely fooled by Richard, crediting his claims, believing in his pledges, taking at face value his displays of emotion. Since there is little they can do to help or hinder Richard’s rise — they are, for the most part, small children, and too innocent, naïve, or simply powerless to play a significant role in political life — they count merely among the dupes and victims.
    There are also those who feel frightened or impotent in the face of bullying and the menace of violence. “I’ll make a corpse of him that disobeys” (Richard III 1.2.37), Richard threatens, and the opposition to his outrageous commands somehow shrivels away. It helps that he is an immensely wealthy and privileged man, accustomed to having his way, even when his way violates every moral norm.
    Then there are those who cannot keep in focus that Richard is as bad as he seems to be. They know that he is a pathological liar and they see perfectly well that he has done this or that ghastly thing, but they have a strange penchant for forgetting, as if it were hard work to remember just how awful he is. They are drawn irresistibly to normalize what is not normal.
    He divides the world into winners and losers. The winners arouse his regard insofar as he can use them for his own ends; the losers arouse only his scorn. The public good is something only losers like to talk about. What he likes to talk about is winning.
    Another group is composed of those who do not quite forget that Richard is a miserable piece of work but who nonetheless trust that everything will continue in a normal way. They persuade themselves that there will always be enough adults in the room, as it were, to ensure that promises will be kept, alliances honored, and core institutions respected. Richard is so obviously and grotesquely unqualified for the supreme position of power that they dismiss him from their minds. Their focus is always on someone else, until it is too late. They fail to realize quickly enough that what seemed impossible is actually happening. They have relied on a structure that proves unexpectedly fragile.
    A more sinister group consists of those who persuade themselves that they can take advantage of Richard’s rise to power. Like almost everyone else, they see perfectly well how destructive he is, but they are confident that they will stay one step ahead of the tide of evil or manage to seize some profit from it. These allies and followers — Hastings, Catesby, and, above all, Buckingham — help him ascend from step to step, participating in his dirty work and watching the casualties mount with cool indifference. Some of these cynical collaborators, as Shakespeare imagines them, will be among the first to go under, once Richard has used them to obtain his end.
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    Finally, there a motley crowd of those who carry out his orders, some reluctantly but simply eager to avoid trouble; others with gusto, hoping to seize something along the way for themselves; still others enjoying the cruel game of making his targets, often high in the social hierarchy, suffer and die. The aspiring tyrant never lacks for such people, in Shakespeare and, from what I can tell, in life. True, there might be a world somewhere where this does not happen. Such is the world that Montaigne’s friend Étienne de La Boétie once envisaged, where the dictator would fall simply because of a massive, nonviolent refusal to cooperate. He would call for some strawberries or for a round of executions, and no one would move a muscle. But Shakespeare seems to have regarded such a proto-Gandhian idea as hopeless pie in the sky. He thought that the tyrant would always find willing executioners, men who would, in Hamlet’s phrase, “make love to this employment” (Hamlet 5.2.57).
    Listing the types of enablers risks missing what is most compelling about Shakespeare’s theatrical genius: not the construction of abstract categories or the calculation of degrees of complicity but the unforgettably vivid imagining of lived experience. Faced with the deep disturbance caused by Richard’s ambition, grappling with confusing signals, and utterly uncertain of the outcome, people are forced to choose among flawed alternatives. Richard III brilliantly sketches men and women making anxious calculations under unbearable pressure and taking fateful decisions, conditioned by emotional currents beyond their rational control. It is the power of great theater to bring these dilemmas to life.
    At the outer edge of complicity are those who, despite what they may have heard or even directly witnessed, still count on Richard’s assurances. Such people find it almost impossible to resist the big, bold lie, shamelessly reiterated. The young and inexperienced are a relatively easy mark. When the murdered Clarence’s son is told that his uncle Richard’s show of grief is fraudulent, the child replies, “I cannot think it” (Richard III 2.2.31– 33). “I cannot think it” serves as the motto for those who simply cannot get their minds around such perfidy. And what, after all, was the little orphaned boy to do with the cruel disillusionment his grandmother offered him?
    Youth is not the only factor in fatal gullibility. Indeed, most conspicuous among those who trust Richard’s fraudulent professions of friendship is not a child at all but, rather, his tough, experienced, and politically adroit older brother Clarence. Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part 3 had depicted Clarence’s strategic shifts in loyalty during the Wars of the Roses. He is therefore fully immersed in the web of hypocrisy, betrayal, and violence, and he has had every opportunity to see his dangerous brother in action. Why, when he is suddenly arrested and taken to the Tower, would Clarence credit Richard’s offers of help?
    The answers to this question take us to several key reasons why otherwise savvy political players could be tricked by so obvious a scoundrel, thereby making his wildly implausible rise to the throne possible. Events happen at a dizzying pace. “Plots have I laid,” Richard discloses in his opening soliloquy,
    By drunken prophecies, libels, and dreams,
    To set my brother Clarence and the King
    In deadly hate the one against the other.
    (Richard III 1.1.32– 36)
    At the next moment, we see the guarded Clarence being led off to the Tower. In a brief conversation, under the eye of the jailor, Richard quickly promises sympathy and suggests that the imprisonment has been caused not by the king — who is, after all, their own brother — but by the king’s wife. Clarence thus finds himself plunged into a frightening and complex political situation, one difficult to untangle. There is residual tension between himself and his brother Edward, whose rise to the throne Clarence had not fully supported. There is an entirely predictable jostling for power between the queen’s family, on the one hand, and the king’s family, on the other. There is also the king’s mistress, Jane Shore, an independent influence, to reckon with. How, under the pressure of a rapidly unfolding crisis, is the prisoner supposed to sort it out? If he could imagine Richard’s insane plan to kill off everyone between himself and the throne, it would all become clear, but without that key, everything is murky.
    Richard dangles the lure of fraternal solidarity: “We are not safe, Clarence, we are not safe” (1.1.70). And Clarence rises to take it, counting on the primacy of such basic human instincts as family loyalty. We know that it would have been far safer to throw himself on the mercy of the king or the queen or the king’s mistress, but in this swirling confusion he has no way of seeing clearly. His mind, as we shortly learn, is further clouded by guilt, his awareness of the moral compromises he has made in the past. He is hardly alone: in Shakespeare’s play, there are almost no morally uncompromised lives. Virtually everyone grapples with painful memories of lies and broken vows, memories that make it all the more difficult for them to grasp where the deepest danger lies.
    There are those who cannot keep in focus that Richard is as bad as he seems to be. They are drawn irresistibly to normalize what is not normal.
    And yet Clarence does, after all, have an intimation of the mortal danger that resides in Gloucester (as he calls his brother Richard, Duke of Gloucester); the problem is that this intimation resides only in his dreams. In a remarkable scene in the Tower, the prisoner awakens from a miserable night’s fitful sleep and tells the jailor about a terrible dream he has just had. It began, he recalls, with a fantasy of escape:
    Methoughts that I had broken from the Tower
    And was embarked to cross to Burgundy,
    And in my company my brother Gloucester,
    Who from my cabin tempted me to walk
    Upon the hatches.
    (1.4.9– 13)
    At this point, the dream plunged abruptly into nightmare:
    As we paced along
    Upon the giddy footing of the hatches,
    Methought that Gloucester stumbled, and in falling
    Struck me, that thought to stay him, overboard
    Into the tumbling billows of the main.
    O Lord, methought what pain it was to drown.
    (1.4.16– 21)
    It is almost all there: in his subconscious, Clarence grasps that his brother keeps himself upright by striking down those around him and even that his brother will be the cause of his death. What is missing however, is a grasp of either Richard’s malevolence or his motive. In the dream, it is simply a horrible accident.
    A few minutes later, not in a dream but in broad waking, two thugs hired by Richard appear in the Tower. Assuming that they have been dispatched by his brother Edward, Clarence reverts to his delusional trust. “I will send you to my brother Gloucester,” he tells the thugs, “Who shall reward you better for my life/Than Edward will for tidings of my death.” “You are deceived,” one of them informs him. “Your brother Gloucester hates you.” This terrible truth Clarence absolutely refuses to believe: “Oh, no, he loves me, and he holds me dear./Go you to him from me.” Replying with grim humor, “Ay, so we will” (1.4.221– 26), the assassin stabs Clarence, then drowns him in a wine barrel, after which he hurries off to Richard for his reward.
    In hindsight, Clarence’s dream had a horrible premonitory power, extending to the detail of his death by drowning, but its significance reaches beyond this local irony. It reveals something broadly important about tyranny on the rise: its frightening ability to penetrate the mind in sleep, even as it can also penetrate the body. In Richard III, dreams are not decorative touches or mere glimpses of individual psychology. They are essential to an understanding of a tyrant’s power to exist in and as everyone’s nightmare. And the tyrant has the power to make nightmares real.
    Shakespeare himself may have had some difficulty deciding how much popular support there actually was for the tyrant’s ascent. There are two texts of Richard III both of which can claim authority. In the Quarto, a small, inexpensive edition published during the playwright’s lifetime, only the Lord Mayor shouts “Amen” to Buckingham’s “Love live Richard!” (Quarto 3.7.218– 19). But in the Folio, brought out seven years after Shakespeare’s death, the speech prefix for the decisive “Amen” is “All” (Folio 3.7.238– 39). In one version, then, it is only the tyrant’s shill who voices consent; in the other version, it is the whole crowd.
    The ambiguity seems built into Shakespeare’s conception of Richard. Notwithstanding his ugliness, does he have some allure? Is there a moment in which the crowd actually supports him, or is it only a conspiracy? Are his lies somehow still effective, even though people see through them? A strange tightrope act is performed almost from the beginning, most notably in a famous scene in which Richard forces himself on Lady Anne, the person in the world least likely to succumb to his blandishments. Lady Anne has every reason to hate Richard, who has, as Shakespeare stages it, killed both her young husband and his father, King Henry VI. When the murderer woos her — quite literally — over Henry VI’s dead body, Anne curses him, spitting in his face in a visceral expression of loathing and disgust. But by the end of the scene, she has accepted Richard’s ring and, in effect, agreed to marry him.
    Actors can play the scene in radically different ways. Vulnerable and powerless in the presence of a monster, Anne has almost no choice. Alternatively, though she loathes and fears Richard, Anne can seem strangely fascinated by him, aroused somehow even in the midst of their most aggressive exchanges. At the end of their intense back-and-forth, after steadily expressing her contempt for his professions of love, Anne finds herself not cursing but musing: “I would I knew thy heart” (1.2.192). For his part, when she exits, Richard exults, “Was ever woman in this humor wooed?/Was ever woman in this humor won?” (1.2.267– 68). There is not a shred of tenderness or truth in anything he has said; “I’ll have her,” he coolly reflects, “but I will not keep her long” (1.2.228). Richard is incapable of love, and he will soon do away with her, as he promises. But his power, wealth, and sheer brazenness permit him to seize upon someone he wants, even someone who finds him repellent. It counts for him as pleasure.
    Where is the audience in relation to this spectacle, part rape, part seduction? To the extent that the actor evinces anything other than sheer disgust, Anne exhibits the peculiar excitement that Richard arouses in most spectators. The play does not encourage a rational identification with Richard’s political goal, but it does awaken a certain complicity in its audience, the complicity of those who take vicarious pleasure in the release of pent-up aggression, in the black humor of it all, in the open speaking of the unspeakable. “Your eyes drop millstones when fools’ eyes fall tears,” Richard says to the men he has hired to kill his own brother. “I like you, lads” (1.3.352– 53).
    Within the play, Richard’s rise is made possible by various degrees of complicity from those around him. But in the theater, it is we, the audience, watching it all happening, who are lured into a peculiar form of collaboration. We are charmed again and again by the villain’s out rageousness, by his indifference to the ordinary norms of human decency, by lies that seem to be effective even though no one believes them. Looking out at us from the stage, Richard invites us not only to share his gleeful contempt but also to experience for ourselves what it is to succumb to what we know to be loathsome.
    In his jaunty wickedness and perverse humor, Richard has seduced more than four centuries of audiences. One of the rare anecdotes that survive from Shakespeare’s time suggests that this seduction began almost immediately.
    Last edited by k.ibrahim; 07-30-2019 at 01:46 AM.
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    Re: Taking account of one's own self!

    Salmualikum wr wb dear brother

    Mashallah may Allah bless u for starting off with His praises every time!
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    When injustice, tyranny and oppression becomes law!(Part 2)

    Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaahaillalllahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu WaRasooluhu
    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahualaihi was salam) .''
    "O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
    Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". I am Satisfied with ALLAH as My Rabb and Cherisher, I am Satisfied With Islam as My Din (religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahualaihi was salam)---------When injustice, tyranny and oppression becomes law, Resistance becomes a Duty, a Responsibility and an Obligation. When free speech is condemns! When the speech of a free press is condemns! You are hearing the voice, the words of a tyrant! When a whole society started to listen to the voice, the words of a tyrant, then that society is on the road to its own self destruction. Human beings whole no value in the eyes of a tyrant! listening to the voice, the words of a tyrant will result in great loss of life and millions and millions of people will lose their lives unnecessarily for no other reason than greed and power! The result Leading to a whole country’s collective political, mental, moral and spiritual failure! The decline and fall of New Rome the American republic and the Decline and Fall of the human condition in American, From The lust and greed for power and authority on this Earth will Lead to it Decline and Fall! “O New Rome! lest you forget to
    remember! It was your conspiracy that murdered Caesar in 1963! Caesar said the day he Ascended to the seat of authority in this land, for man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life, That was said 60 years ago! Caesar was a great visionary because he was standing on the shoulder of a Giant! He could see men on the Moon! He could see the fall of Berlin wall! He could see the Abolishment all forms of human poverty in this World! But he was short sighted, he needed to look down to see the people who was in front of him, He could not see the dignity of the African American people in America, which was right in front of his face!It would be long years later When a tyrant would Ascended to the seat of authority in this land, And would divide it people more than ever before! And a divided a America is a weak America! And he would want to start a war that would pull the whole world in to it! And start Nuclear arms Race that would end in nothing but total disaster!(And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and ALLAH too planned, and the best of planners is ALLAH. - 3:54) ---------TYRANT: In this day and time we grappled engage in a close fight and struggle again and again with a deeply unsettling question: How is it possible for a whole country to fall into the hands of a tyrant?
    “A king rules over willing subjects,” wrote the influential sixteenth-century Scottish scholar George Buchanan, “a tyrant rules over unwilling subjects.” The institutions of American democracy, The institutions of learning and The institutions of Education! The organization of a society, The institutions of a free society are designed to ward off those who would govern, as some of the early scholars put it, “not for their country but for themselves, who take account not of the public interest but of their own pleasure.” Under what circumstances, we should ask ourselves do such cherished institutions, seemingly deep-rooted and impregnable, suddenly prove fragile? Why do large numbers of people knowingly accept being lied to? How does a figure like Richard III or these modern-day tyrants ascend to the throne or to the highest office in the land? Such a disaster could not happen without WIDESPREAD COMPLICITY. These circumstances probe the psychological mechanisms that lead a nation to abandon its ideals and even its self-interest. Why would anyone, we should ask ourselves be drawn to a leader manifestly unsuited to govern anything, someone dangerously impulsive or viciously conniving or indifferent to the truth? Why, in some circumstances, does evidence of mendacity, crudeness, or cruelty serve not as a fatal disadvantage but as an allure, attracting ardent followers? Why do otherwise honorable and self-respecting people submit to the sheer effrontery of the tyrant, his sense that he can get away with saying and doing anything he likes, his spectacular indecency?
    Why do large numbers of people knowingly accept being lied to?
    We repeatedly depicted the tragic cost of this submission to a tyrant — the moral corruption, the massive waste of treasure Trying to start a war with the outcome of great loss of life! — and the desperate, painful, heroic measures required to return a damaged nation to some modicum of health. Is there, any way to stop the slide toward lawless and arbitrary rule before it is too late, any effective means to prevent the civil catastrophe that tyranny invariably provokes?
    We need to understood something that in our own time is revealed when a major event — the fall of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the housing market, a startling election result — manages to throw a garish light on an unnerving fact: EVEN THOSE AT THE CENTER OF THE INNERMOST CIRCLES OF POWER VERY OFTEN HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN NEXT! NOTWITHSTANDING THEIR DESKS PILED HIGH WITH CALCULATIONS AND ESTIMATES THEIR COSTLY NETWORK OF SPIES THEIR ARMIES OF WELL-PAID EXPERTS,THEY REMAIN ALMOST COMPLETELY IN THE DARK.
    Looking on from the margins, you dream that if you could only get close enough to this or that key figure, you would have access to the actual state of affairs and know what steps you need to take to protect yourself or your country. But the dream is a delusion.
    Shakespeare’s Richard III brilliantly develops the personality features of the aspiring tyrant already sketched in the Henry VI trilogy: the limitless self-regard, the lawbreaking, the pleasure in inflicting pain, the compulsive desire to dominate. He is pathologically narcissistic and supremely arrogant. He has a grotesque sense of entitlement, never doubting that he can do whatever he chooses. He loves to bark orders and to watch underlings scurry to carry them out. He expects absolute loyalty, but he is incapable of gratitude. The feelings of others mean nothing to him. He has no natural grace, no sense of shared humanity, no decency.
    He is not merely indifferent to the law; he hates it and takes pleasure in breaking it. He hates it because it gets in his way and because it stands for a notion of the public good that he holds in contempt. He divides the world into winners and losers. The winners arouse his regard insofar as he can use them for his own ends; the losers arouse only his scorn. The public good is something only losers like to talk about. What he likes to talk about is winning.
    He has always had wealth; he was born into it and makes ample use of it. But though he enjoys having what money can get him, it is not what most excites him. What excites him is the joy of domination. He is a bully. Easily enraged, he strikes out at anyone who stands in his way. He enjoys seeing others cringe, tremble, or wince with pain. He is gifted at detecting weakness and deft at mockery and insult. These skills attract followers who are drawn to the same cruel delight, even if they cannot have it to his unmatched degree. Though they know that he is dangerous, the followers help him advance to his goal, which is the possession of supreme power.
    His possession of power includes the domination of women, but he despises them far more than desires them. Sexual conquest excites him, but only for the endlessly reiterated proof that he can have anything he likes. He knows that those he grabs hate him. For that matter, once he has succeeded in seizing the control that so attracts him, in politics as in sex, he knows that virtually everyone hates him. At first that knowledge energizes him, making him feverishly alert to rivals and conspiracies. But it soon begins to eat away at him and exhaust him.
    Richard’s villainy is readily apparent to almost everyone. There is no deep secret about his cynicism, cruelty, and treacherousness, no glimpse of anything redeemable in him, and no reason to believe that he could ever govern the country effectively. The question the play explores, then, is how such a person actually attained the throne, The set of power. The achievement, Shakespeare suggests, depended on a fatal conjunction of diverse but equally self-destructive responses from those around him. Together these responses amount to a whole country’s collective failure.
    A few characters are genuinely fooled by Richard, crediting his claims, believing in his pledges, taking at face value his displays of emotion. Since there is little they can do to help or hinder Richard’s rise — they are, for the most part, small children, and too innocent, naïve, or simply powerless to play a significant role in political life — they count merely among the dupes and victims.
    There are also those who feel frightened or impotent in the face of bullying and the menace of violence. “I’ll make a corpse of him that disobeys” (Richard III 1.2.37), Richard threatens, and the opposition to his outrageous commands somehow shrivels away. It helps that he is an immensely wealthy and privileged man, accustomed to having his way, even when his way violates every moral norm.
    Then there are those who cannot keep in focus that Richard is as bad as he seems to be. They know that he is a pathological liar and they see perfectly well that he has done this or that ghastly thing, but they have a strange penchant for forgetting, as if it were hard work to remember just how awful he is. They are drawn irresistibly to normalize what is not normal.
    He divides the world into winners and losers. The winners arouse his regard insofar as he can use them for his own ends; the losers arouse only his scorn. The public good is something only losers like to talk about. What he likes to talk about is winning.
    Another group is composed of those who do not quite forget that Richard is a miserable piece of work but who nonetheless trust that everything will continue in a normal way. They persuade themselves that there will always be enough adults in the room, as it were, to ensure that promises will be kept, alliances honored, and core institutions respected. Richard is so obviously and grotesquely unqualified for the supreme position of power that they dismiss him from their minds. Their focus is always on someone else, until it is too late. They fail to realize quickly enough that what seemed impossible is actually happening. They have relied on a structure that proves unexpectedly fragile.
    A more sinister group consists of those who persuade themselves that they can take advantage of Richard’s rise to power. Like almost everyone else, they see perfectly well how destructive he is, but they are confident that they will stay one step ahead of the tide of evil or manage to seize some profit from it. These allies and followers — Hastings, Catesby, and, above all, Buckingham — help him ascend from step to step, participating in his dirty work and watching the casualties mount with cool indifference. Some of these cynical collaborators, as we imagines them, will be among the first to go under, once The tyrant has used them to obtain his end.

    Finally, there a motley crowd of those who carry out his orders, some reluctantly but simply eager to avoid trouble; others with gusto, hoping to seize something along the way for themselves; still others enjoying the cruel game of making his targets, often high in the social hierarchy, suffer and die. The aspiring tyrant never lacks for such people, from what I can tell, in life. True, there might be a world somewhere where this does not happen. Such is the world that Montaigne’s friend Étienne de La Boétie once envisaged, where the dictator would fall simply because of a massive, nonviolent refusal to cooperate. He would call for some strawberries or for a round of executions, and no one would move a muscle. He thought that the tyrant would always find willing executioners, men who would, in Hamlet’s phrase, “make love to this employment” (Hamlet 5.2.57).
    Listing the types of enablers risks missing what is most compelling about Shakespeare’s theatrical genius: not the construction of abstract categories or the calculation of degrees of complicity but the unforgettably vivid imagining of lived experience. Faced with the deep disturbance caused by Richard’s ambition, grappling with confusing signals, and utterly uncertain of the outcome, people are forced to choose among flawed alternatives. Richard III brilliantly sketches men and women making anxious calculations under unbearable pressure and taking fateful decisions, conditioned by emotional currents beyond their rational control. It is the power of great theater to bring these dilemmas to life.
    At the outer edge of complicity are those who, despite what they may have heard or even directly witnessed, still count on Richard’s assurances. Such people find it almost impossible to resist the big, bold lie, shamelessly reiterated. The young and inexperienced are a relatively easy mark. When the murdered Clarence’s son is told that his uncle Richard’s show of grief is fraudulent, the child replies, “I cannot think it” (Richard III 2.2.31– 33). “I cannot think it” serves as the motto for those who simply cannot get their minds around such perfidy. And what, after all, was the little orphaned boy to do with the cruel disillusionment his grandmother offered him?
    Youth is not the only factor in fatal gullibility. Indeed, most conspicuous among those who trust Richard’s fraudulent professions of friendship is not a child at all but, rather, his tough, experienced, and politically adroit older brother Clarence. Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part 3 had depicted Clarence’s strategic shifts in loyalty during the Wars of the Roses. He is therefore fully immersed in the web of hypocrisy, betrayal, and violence, and he has had every opportunity to see his dangerous brother in action. Why, when he is suddenly arrested and taken to the Tower, would Clarence credit Richard’s offers of help?
    The answers to this question take us to several key reasons why otherwise savvy political players could be tricked by so obvious a scoundrel, thereby making his wildly implausible rise to the throne possible. Events happen at a dizzying pace. “Plots have I laid,” Richard discloses in his opening soliloquy,
    By drunken prophecies, libels, and dreams,
    To set my brother Clarence and the King
    In deadly hate the one against the other.
    (Richard III 1.1.32– 36)
    At the next moment, we see the guarded Clarence being led off to the Tower. In a brief conversation, under the eye of the jailor, Richard quickly promises sympathy and suggests that the imprisonment has been caused not by the king — who is, after all, their own brother — but by the king’s wife. Clarence thus finds himself plunged into a frightening and complex political situation, one difficult to untangle. There is residual tension between himself and his brother Edward, whose rise to the throne Clarence had not fully supported. There is an entirely predictable jostling for power between the queen’s family, on the one hand, and the king’s family, on the other. There is also the king’s mistress, Jane Shore, an independent influence, to reckon with. How, under the pressure of a rapidly unfolding crisis, is the prisoner supposed to sort it out? If he could imagine Richard’s insane plan to kill off everyone between himself and the throne, it would all become clear, but without that key, everything is murky.
    Richard dangles the lure of fraternal solidarity: “We are not safe, Clarence, we are not safe” (1.1.70). And Clarence rises to take it, counting on the primacy of such basic human instincts as family loyalty. We know that it would have been far safer to throw himself on the mercy of the king or the queen or the king’s mistress, but in this swirling confusion he has no way of seeing clearly. His mind, as we shortly learn, is further clouded by guilt, his awareness of the moral compromises he has made in the past. He is hardly alone: in Shakespeare’s play, there are almost no morally uncompromised lives. Virtually everyone grapples with painful memories of lies and broken vows, memories that make it all the more difficult for them to grasp where the deepest danger lies.
    There are those who cannot keep in focus that Richard is as bad as he seems to be. They are drawn irresistibly to normalize what is not normal.
    And yet Clarence does, after all, have an intimation of the mortal danger that resides in Gloucester (as he calls his brother Richard, Duke of Gloucester); the problem is that this intimation resides only in his dreams. In a remarkable scene in the Tower, the prisoner awakens from a miserable night’s fitful sleep and tells the jailor about a terrible dream he has just had. It began, he recalls, with a fantasy of escape:
    Methoughts that I had broken from the Tower
    And was embarked to cross to Burgundy,
    And in my company my brother Gloucester,
    Who from my cabin tempted me to walk
    Upon the hatches.
    (1.4.9– 13)
    At this point, the dream plunged abruptly into nightmare:
    As we paced along
    Upon the giddy footing of the hatches,
    Methought that Gloucester stumbled, and in falling
    Struck me, that thought to stay him, overboard
    Into the tumbling billows of the main.
    O Lord, methought what pain it was to drown.
    (1.4.16– 21)
    It is almost all there: in his subconscious, Clarence grasps that his brother keeps himself upright by striking down those around him and even that his brother will be the cause of his death. What is missing however, is a grasp of either Richard’s malevolence or his motive. In the dream, it is simply a horrible accident.
    A few minutes later, not in a dream but in broad waking, two thugs hired by Richard appear in the Tower. Assuming that they have been dispatched by his brother Edward, Clarence reverts to his delusional trust. “I will send you to my brother Gloucester,” he tells the thugs, “Who shall reward you better for my life/Than Edward will for tidings of my death.” “You are deceived,” one of them informs him. “Your brother Gloucester hates you.” This terrible truth Clarence absolutely refuses to believe: “Oh, no, he loves me, and he holds me dear./Go you to him from me.” Replying with grim humor, “Ay, so we will” (1.4.221– 26), the assassin stabs Clarence, then drowns him in a wine barrel, after which he hurries off to Richard for his reward.
    In hindsight, Clarence’s dream had a horrible premonitory power, extending to the detail of his death by drowning, but its significance reaches beyond this local irony. It reveals something broadly important about tyranny on the rise: its frightening ability to penetrate the mind in sleep, even as it can also penetrate the body. In Richard III, dreams are not decorative touches or mere glimpses of individual psychology. They are essential to an understanding of a tyrant’s power to exist in and as everyone’s nightmare. And the tyrant has the power to make nightmares real.
    Shakespeare himself may have had some difficulty deciding how much popular support there actually was for the tyrant’s ascent. There are two texts of Richard III both of which can claim authority. In the Quarto, a small, inexpensive edition published during the playwright’s lifetime, only the Lord Mayor shouts “Amen” to Buckingham’s “Love live Richard!” (Quarto 3.7.218– 19). But in the Folio, brought out seven years after Shakespeare’s death, the speech prefix for the decisive “Amen” is “All” (Folio 3.7.238– 39). In one version, then, it is only the tyrant’s shill who voices consent; in the other version, it is the whole crowd.
    The ambiguity seems built into Shakespeare’s conception of Richard. Notwithstanding his ugliness, does he have some allure? Is there a moment in which the crowd actually supports him, or is it only a conspiracy? Are his lies somehow still effective, even though people see through them? A strange tightrope act is performed almost from the beginning, most notably in a famous scene in which Richard forces himself on Lady Anne, the person in the world least likely to succumb to his blandishments. Lady Anne has every reason to hate Richard, who has, as Shakespeare stages it, killed both her young husband and his father, King Henry VI. When the murderer woos her — quite literally — over Henry VI’s dead body, Anne curses him, spitting in his face in a visceral expression of loathing and disgust. But by the end of the scene, she has accepted Richard’s ring and, in effect, agreed to marry him.
    Actors can play the scene in radically different ways. Vulnerable and powerless in the presence of a monster, Anne has almost no choice. Alternatively, though she loathes and fears Richard, Anne can seem strangely fascinated by him, aroused somehow even in the midst of their most aggressive exchanges. At the end of their intense back-and-forth, after steadily expressing her contempt for his professions of love, Anne finds herself not cursing but musing: “I would I knew thy heart” (1.2.192). For his part, when she exits, Richard exults, “Was ever woman in this humor wooed?/Was ever woman in this humor won?” (1.2.267– 68). There is not a shred of tenderness or truth in anything he has said; “I’ll have her,” he coolly reflects, “but I will not keep her long” (1.2.228). Richard is incapable of love, and he will soon do away with her, as he promises. But his power, wealth, and sheer brazenness permit him to seize upon someone he wants, even someone who finds him repellent. It counts for him as pleasure.
    Where is the audience in relation to this spectacle, part rape, part seduction? To the extent that the actor evinces anything other than sheer disgust, Anne exhibits the peculiar excitement that Richard arouses in most spectators. The play does not encourage a rational identification with Richard’s political goal, but it does awaken a certain complicity in its audience, the complicity of those who take vicarious pleasure in the release of pent-up aggression, in the black humor of it all, in the open speaking of the unspeakable. “Your eyes drop millstones when fools’ eyes fall tears,” Richard says to the men he has hired to kill his own brother. “I like you, lads” (1.3.352– 53).
    Within the play, Richard’s rise is made possible by various degrees of complicity from those around him. But in the theater, it is we, the audience, watching it all happening, who are lured into a peculiar form of collaboration. We are charmed again and again by the villain’s out rageousness, by his indifference to the ordinary norms of human decency, by lies that seem to be effective even though no one believes them. Looking out at us from the stage, Richard invites us not only to share his gleeful contempt but also to experience for ourselves what it is to succumb to what we know to be loathsome.
    In his jaunty wickedness and perverse humor, Richard has seduced more than four centuries of audiences. One of the rare anecdotes that survive from Shakespeare’s time suggests that this seduction began almost immediately.
    Last edited by k.ibrahim; 08-05-2019 at 10:06 PM.
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    O Muslim People Beware!(Part2)

    Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaahaillalllahu
    Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu WaRasooluhu
    ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
    who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''
    "O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
    Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)Sallallahualaihi was salam) I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the dajjal. There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah. ALLAH is Good and Only accept that which is Good. ALLAH is the Truth and only accept that which True. ALLAH is Pure and only accept that which is Pure. Ya ALLAH! ALL the praises are for You,You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are are the Substaner of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for you;You have the Possession of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for You; You are Light(Nur) of the Heavens and Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the King of the Heavens and th! e Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the Truth and Your Promise is the Truth, And Your word is the Truth and the Meeting with You is true, And Parardise is True And Hell is true and All the Prophets(peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahualayhiwasalam) is true,And the Day of Resurrection is True. Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your promise is the truth,Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your words is the truth, Ya ALLAH! You have promise and You are the Truth!.Ya ALLAH! You have created Rasulallah(sallallahualayhiwasalam) to be the most truthful of men and what He(sallallahualayhiwasalam) has said is the absolute truth! Ya ALLAH! You have promise that You would send one who would revive,restore,rejuvevate Your Din(religion).Ya ALLAH it is geting late and time is not with us,Ya ALLAH You have Promise! Ya ALLAH You have Promise! and Your Promise is the Truth! O Most Merciful of those who show mercy!,O Most Merciful of those who show mercy!,O Most Merciful of those who show mercy!”

    "O Muslim people! Take a good look around you! If you truly have Faith than beware! The Dajjal and his Magician are trying rob us of our faith and devotion to ALLAH! Through powerful black magic,witchcraft, and sorcery.They are trying to empty all the goodness out of our Hearts when we are sleep and these same type of satanic forces are around us all the time. THIS IS THE TIME OF THE Dajjal! THIS IS THE TIME OF THE Dajjal !THIS IS THE TIME OF THE Dajjal!!! The forces of darkness!Have gather their people in great number, There is many different
    Huntingseasons of the year. There is wild turkey
    season, There is Deer season, and there is duck seasons. These season are called open season for hunting, And Now it is open season on the Believing Muslims! Not just the Muslims, but the Believing Muslim! The True Muslim!,We who truly believes in ALLAH and the Last Day.Now this is Open season where the believing Muslims are hunted down like wild animals! We the Muslim people are living in neighborhoods with people who practice witchcraft! We are living next door to human devils!We are being worked on in our sleep, as well as while we are awake, through the forces of powerful black magic,sorcery,voodoo and witchcraft. These are the forces of the dajjah. These kafari are working on us trying to destroy our faith, and they are not alone, They have help from the fakes, the phonies and the hypocrites who pretend to be Muslim,who are among us,they are aiding them!There are a lot of warning signs all around us. If we take this likely we will be lost in the darkness and destroy! If this is imagination ! Then Look at the behavior of the People in the world today and in the U.S. A society who once took pride in high moral standards.Who once spoke of establishing the dignity of the human being and human dignity for all people! WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF EVIDENT THAT ALL MEN,ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUALLY AND ENDOWED BY THEIR MAKER WITH CERTAIN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS...................... And now the same society is in moral disgrace! And now trying to do everything they possibly can to promote filth, wickedness,immorality and corruption.These people of west and the people of the world are living in a nightmare!They are living like the people of Pompeii! On the edge of disaster. These sick people of the world are followers of the Dajjal (the anti-Christ).TheDajjāl-the meaning "deceiving" or "the Placebo" or "impostor" Al-Masīḥ ad-Dajjāl, with the definite article al- ("the"), refers to "the deceiving Messiah", a specific end-of times deceiver. The Dajjāl is a human being, called a human devil or incarnate Iblis. According to hadith, Rasulullah (sallallahualayhiwasallam) is said to have prophesied that the Masih ad-Dajjal would be the last of a series of thirty Dajjals or "deceivers" (false prophets).

    • Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is reported to have said: ... Allah is not one eyed while the false Messiah, Ad-Dajjal is blind in the right eye and his eye looks like a bulging out grape. Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said. "While I was sleeping, I saw myself (in a dream) performing Tawaf around the Ka'ba. Behold, I saw a reddish-white man with lank hair, and water was dropping from his head. I asked, "Who is this?' They replied, 'The son of Mary.' Then I turned my face to see another man with a huge body, red complexion and curly hair and blind in one eye. His eye looked like a protruding out grape. They said (to me), he is Ad-Dajjal." Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) added, "The man he resembled most is Ibn Qatan, a man from the tribe of Khuza'a."

    Narrated Ibn Umar: Once Rasulullah’s (sallallahualayhiwasallam) stood amongst the people, glorified and praised Allah as He deserved. Then, mentioning Dajjal, he said, "I warn you against him (i.e. the Dajjal) and there was no prophet but warned his nation against him. No doubt, Noah warned his nation against him but I tell you about him something of which no prophet told his nation before me. You should know that he is one-eyed, and Allah is not one-eyed. Imam Ali was reported to have said: His right eye will be punctured, and his left eye would be raised to his forehead and will be sparkling like a star. Only the believers will be able to read the word ‘Kufr’ [disbelief], inscribed in bold letters, on his forehead. There will be big mountains of smoke at both front and backsides of his caravan. People will anticipate food within those mountains, during the severe famine. All rivers, falling in his way, will become dry and he will call upon people in aloud voice, "O my friends come to me! I am your lord who has made your limbs and given you sustenance.
    Anas b. Malik reported that Rasulullah (sallallahualayhiwasallam) said: There is never a prophet who has not warned the Ummah of that one-eyed liar; behold he is one-eyed and your Lord is not one-eyed. On his forehead are the letters k. f. r. (Kafir).
    Signs of his coming.

    Hadith attributed to Muhammad give many signs of the appearance of the Dajjal, andexhorted his followers to recite the first and last ten verses of Sura Al-Kahf, as protection from the trials and mischief of the Dajjal. The following signs are ascribed to Ali in the coming of Dajjal:
    (1-People will stop offering the prayers
    (2-Dishonesty will be the way of life
    (3-Falsehood will become a virtue
    (4-People will mortgage their faith for worldly gain
    (5-Usury and bribery will become legitimate
    (6-Imbeciles would rule over the wise
    (7-Blood of innocents would be shed
    (8-Pride will be taken on acts of oppression
    (9-The rulers will be corrupt
    (10-The scholars will be hypocrites
    (11-There will be acute famine at the time
    (12-There will be no shame among the people
    (13-Many people would worship Satan
    (14-There would be no respect for elderly people.There are three aspects of Dajjal:The change in the weather had been sudden and dramatic, tossing the small fishing vessel around like a piece of flotsam; until it was no more than that. Its crew, a group of Sahaabahradiyallahuanhum (the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , peace & blessings be upon him), were washed up onto the shore of a foreign beach. ’
    When they regained consciousness, they found that they all had survived the wreck. They decided to explore the island to see whether they could find someone to help them, maybe supply them with a boat.
    It wasn’t long before they met a woman washing her hair in a rock pool. She directed them to a cave, managing to convey to them that there was someone there who wanted to speak with them. Intrigued, they entered the cave.

    Within, they found a short man with only one eye, chained to the cavern wall. Right away, he began to ask them questions, whether certain events had taken place or not. They answered truthfully because of their nature. They could feel the evil of this man like a physical presence. When they had confirmed all that he had asked, the man said, ‘Alas, my time is near.’

    The companions managed to get off the island and returned home safely. Upon arriving, they told their story to the Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him). It was then that they first heard of Dajjal, the Dark Messiah.

    There are three aspects of Dajjal:
    1. The individual.
    2. A world wide social and cultural phenomenon.
    3. An unseen force. (There are three aspects of Dajjal (1. The individual, the human devil or the human devils).(2. A world wide Evil system of collective force and as a system that has been set in place thought out the world, Dajjal, through which he will operate and spread his evil.).(3. An unseen force-Many devils who can possess human beings and changed them from human to Devil. The Unseen Force is defined as the supernatural beings, such as Djinns)

      • It was narrated that Faatimah bint Qays (may Allaah be pleased with her) said:
        I heard the voice of the caller, the caller of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), saying: Al-salaatu jaami’ah (prayer is about to begin), so I went out to the mosque and I prayed with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). I was in the women’s row that was closest to the people. When the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had finished his prayer, he sat on the minbar and he was smiling. He said: “Let each person stay in the place where he just prayed.” Then he said: “Do you know why I called you together?”
        They said: Allaah and His Messenger know best. He said:
        He said: “By Allah, I did not call you together for an exhortation or for a warning. I have called you together because Tameem al-Daari was a Christian and he came and swore allegiance and became Muslim, and told me something which agrees with what I was telling you about the Dajjaal (false messiah). He told me that he sailed in a ship with thirty men of Lakhm and Judhaam and they were tossed by the waves of the sea for a month. Then they came to an island at sunset. They sat in a small rowing-boat and landed on that island. They were met by a beast with a great deal of hair and they could not distinguish his face from his back because he was so hairy. They said: ‘Woe to you, what are you?’ It said: ‘I am al-Jassaasah.’ They said: ‘What is al-Jassaasah?’ It said: ‘O people, go to this man in the monastery for he keen to know about you.’ He (the narrator) said: When it named a man for us we were afraid of it lest it be a devil. Then we set off, rushing, until we came to that monastery, where we found the hugest man we had ever seen, bound strongly in chains with his hands tied to his neck and his legs bound from the knees to the ankles with iron shackles. We said: ‘Woe to you, who are you?’ He said: ‘You will soon find out about me; tell me who you are.’ They said: ‘We are people from Arabia who embarked on a ship, but the sea became wild and the waves tossed us about for one month, then they brought us to this island of yours. We took to the rowing-boats and landed on this island. We were met by a beast with a great deal of hair and we could not tell his front from his back because he was so hairy. We said: Woe to you, what are you? It said: I am al-Jassaasah. We said: What is al-Jassaasah? It said: Go to this man in the monastery for he is keen to know about you. So we came rushing to you and we fled from it because we could not be sure that it was not a devil.’ He (that chained person) said: ‘Tell me about the date-palm trees of Baysaan.’ We said: ‘What do you want to know about them?’ He said: ‘I am asking you whether these trees bear fruit.’ We said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘Soon they will not bear fruit.’ He said: ‘Tell me about the lake of Tabariyyah’ We said: ‘What do you want to know about it?’ He said: ‘Is there water in it?’ They said: ‘There is a great deal of water in it.’ He said: ‘Soon it will dry up.’ Then he said: ‘Tell me about the spring of Zughar (which is in the south of Syria).’ They said: ‘What do you want to know about it?’ He said: ‘Is there water in the spring and do the people grow crops with the water of the spring?’ We said to him: ‘Yes, there is plenty of water in it and the people grow crops with its water.’ He said: ‘Tell me about the Prophet if the unlettered; what has he done?’ We said: ‘He has left Makkah and has settled in Yathrib (Madeenah).’ He said: ‘Do the Arabs fight against him?’ We said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘How did he deal with them?’ We told him that he had prevailed over the Arabs in his vicinity and they had shown obedience to him. He said to us: ‘Has it really happened?’ We said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘If it is so that is better for them that they show obedience to him. Now I will tell you about myself. I am the Dajjaal and soon I will be given permission to emerge. So I will come out and travel in the land, and will not spare any town but I will stay for forty nights, except Makkah and Taybah (Madeenah). They are both forbidden to me; every time I try to enter one of them, I will be met by an angel with a sword in his hand, who will bar my way, and on every route there will be angels guarding it.’ She said: Then the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) struck the minbar with his staff and said: “This is Taybah, this is Taybah, this is Taybah,” meaning Madeenah. “Did I net tell you this before?” The people said: Yes. [The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:] “I liked the story of Tameem because it agrees with what I used to tell you about him and about Makkah and Madeenah. But he is in the Syrian Sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemeni Sea (Arabian Sea). No, rather he is in the east, he in the east, he is in the east,” and he pointed towards the east with his hand. She said: I memorized this from the Messenger of Allaah-(Sallallahualaihi was salam).
        Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh (2942), so it is a saheeh hadeeth. It was also narrated by the scholars in their books, with their isnaads from Faatimah bint Qays (may Allaah be pleased with her). Al-Tirmidhi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Jaami’ al-Saheeh (2253): This is a saheeh ghareeb hadeeth. End quote. Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr said in al-Istidhkaar (7/338): It is saheeh in its isnaad and transmission. End quote. 2019_08_14_21_04_251.png--Ubadah ibn Saamit radiyallahu anhu narrates that the Last Prophet(Sallallahualaihi was salam)said, ‘I have explained Dajjal to you, but I fear that you might not have understood. Maseeh-ud-Dajjal will be short and his legs will be crooked. The hair on his head will be extremely twisted. He will have one eye, while his other eye will be flat. It will be neither deep, nor protruding.’
        Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhuma narrates from the Last Prophet(Sallallahualaihi was salam)regarding Dajjal, ‘…red complexioned, fat, curly haired man, blind in the right eye which looks like a bulging grape.’ According to the many Ahaadith describing Dajjal, the most distinguishing feature of his face besides the bulging eye will be the Arabic letters Kaaf (k), Faa (f), Raa (r), on his forehead. These letters spell Kufr (disbelief). All believers, regardless of their literacy will decipher these letters.
        It has also been ascertained from the Hadith that he will emerge from between Syria and Iraq, and his emergence will become known when he is in Isfahaan, at a place called Judea. He will be of Jewish origin and the Jews of Isfahaan will be his main followers and they will refer to him as the Messiah. As he goes on through the world, Jews and a great number of non-Jewish women will flock to him upon witnessing his false miracles.
        Imran ibn Hussain radiyallahu anhu narrated from the Prophet Mohammed(Sallallahualaihi was salam) ‘Those who hear about Dajjal should stay away from him. By Allah! A person will approach him thinking himself to be a believer. But on seeing his amazing feat he will become his follower.’ ‘The Beast was taken and with him the false prophet who wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them.’
        The miracles and feats spoken of by the Prophet(Sallallahualaihi was salam)and John, the writer of the Book of Revelations, are further clarified by the Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Huzaifah radiyallahu anhu:
        ‘Dajjal will be blind in the right eye. He will have thick hair on his body and he will also have Paradise and Hell with him. Though his Paradise will appear as Jannah, in reality it will be Hell, and likewise, though his Hell will appear like Jahannnam, in reality it will be Paradise.’
        Those who obey the Dark Messiah will enter his Paradise (and thus enter Hell), and those who denounce him will enter his Hell (and so shall in reality be entering Paradise). He will travel by means of a gigantic mule, at impossible speeds. He will cause droughts and famine upon those who reject him. But the remembrance of the true Lord will satiate them.
        Ubadah ibn Saamit radiyallahu anhu narrates from the Noble Prophet(Sallallahualaihi was salam), ‘If you still have any doubts regarding him (Dajjal), then remember, your Sustainer is not one-eyed.’
        Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhuma narrates from the Noble Prophet(Sallallahualaihi was salam), ‘Allah is not one-eyed, while Maseeh-ud-Dajjal is blind in the right eye.’ He will remain on the Earth for a period of forty days, of which the first day will be as long as a year, the second day as long as a month, the third as a week and the rest will be normal in length. He will try to gain entry to the two holy cities Makkah and Madinah, but the angels who guard them will bar him from them. From there, he will flee to Syria, where he will meet resistance from the forces of Imam Mahdi, the leader of the Muslims. Then shall the battle between Good and Evil begin in earnest.
        Imran ibn Hussain radiyallahu anhu narrates from the Noble Prophet Mohammed(Sallallahualaihi was salam) ‘There will always be a group of people upon the path of Allah, overpowering their enemies until the Order Of Allah comes and Isa alaihis salaam (Jesus - peace be upon him) descends.’
        Finally, when the spirit of the Muslims begins to ebb, Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him) will be commanded by Allah to descend from the heavens. He will not descend as a prophet, but as a follower of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahualaihi was salam)and Islam.
        ‘Anti Christ in Christian Theology, the opponent of Christ. The appearance of the Anti Christ is believed to signal the Second Coming, at which Christ would conquer his opponent. The concept may stem from the idea of conflict between light and darkness, which is present in Persian, Babylon and Jewish literature and which influences early Christian Theology. As before, through the medium of the Hadith, the event of Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him)’s return and all that follows has been accurately recorded. He will descend on Mount Afeeq, on the white Eastern Minaret of Damascus. He will descend from the heavens with his hands resting on the shoulders of two angels. His cheeks will be flat and his hair straight. When he lowers his head it will seem as if water is flowing from his hair, when he raises his head, it will appear as though his hair is beaded with silvery pearls.
        He will descend during the time of Fajr and the leader of the Muslims will address him thus, ‘O`Roohullah, lead the salat.’
        Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) will decline with the words, ‘The virtue of this Ummah is that they lead each other.’
        After the prayer, Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) will prepare himself to do battle and shall take up a spear. An army shall return from a campaign launched before the arrival of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him). They shall bring glad tidings of victory over India, granted to them by the Lord Almighty. Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) shall set out in pursuit of Dajjal. All those who embraced the evil of Dajjal shall perish even as the breath of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) touches them. The breath of Isa (Jesus - peeace be upon him) shall proceed him as far as the eye can see. Dajjal will be captured at Lydda. The Dark Messiah shall begin to melt, as lead melts in fire. The spear of Isa (Jesus - peace be upon him) shall plunge into Dajjal’s chest, ending his dreaded reign. The followers of Dajjal will be rooted out, for even the trees and rocks will speak out against them. Then all battles shall cease and the world will know an age of peace. Then truly the sheep will lie in the shadow of the wolf without fear. The rule of Jesus will be just and all shall flock to him to enter the folds of the one true religion, Islam.

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    New Rome!

    Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu- Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu-''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah-who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.'' "O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam) I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the dajjal. There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah. ALLAH is Good and Only accept that which is Good. ALLAH is the Truth and only accept that which True. ALLAH is Pure and only accept that which is Pure. Ya ALLAH! ALL the praises are for You,You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are are the Substaner of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for you;You have the Possession of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for You; You are Light(Nur) of the Heavens and Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the King of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the Truth and Your Promise is the Truth, And Your word is the Truth and the Meeting with You is true, And Parardise is True And Hell is true and All the Prophets(peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) is true,And the Day of Resurrection is True. Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your promise is the truth,Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your words is the truth, Ya ALLAH! You have promise and You are the Truth! In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. -------------------------------------------------------------------{Modesty is also of faith, If a person does not have any modesty, then there is nothing to prevent him/her from doing anything. How can there be any Modesty? When America is one step from East Germany of the 1960's and 70's,with secret spy cameras in many American Homes! So a person takes his close off and There are many people watching him! "Muslim-mapping" and religious surveillance programs. Some of our most fundamental rights, The rights that separate a democracy from a police state – are being systematically eroded in Muslim communities, and to deny Muslim individuals and communities constitutional protection from government overreach and law enforcement abuse.---- When you are living in a society where the government overstepped, overreach its constitutional boundaries—And Where it is telling the Muslim people that you only have the right to be a government informant or a homosexual or worse! But not a Good Muslim in this society! And if the Muslim people disagree with these sick ideas, then they are place on a no "no-fly list. Duas(prayer) can change the Destiny of things and Also change the destiny a society or a nation ! If The Muslim Ummah! If the Muslim People stared Praying against this oppressive Organization the F.B.I. (ALLAH Will destroy them!!!) O Muslim People! There is a urgent need for us to pray against this Kafir secret agencies Organization, Who have been responsible for the death of Millions of muslims people throughout America and World!
    (Ya ALLAH destroy these oppressive kafirs secret agencies Organization who are oppressing the Muslim in America and throughout World! Ya ALLAH! behold the F.B.I they are the open enemy of the Muslim people in America
    and humanity! Ya ALLAH Destroy these wicked Kafirs secret organization!)---- As long as the Muslim people are not praying against these oppressive forces, The F.B.I. and many others Evil forces in this government and the world, they will continue to do what they like to the Muslim Ummah in America and in the world. O foolish Ones!
    avoid injustice, for fear that the oppressed person will -supplicate-Pray-make dua against you (as there is no veil between it(the prayer and ALLAH) there is nothing to prevent it from reaching ALLAH; rather, it is presented to Him. As-Suyooti said: i.e. there is nothing that will prevent it, even if the oppressed himself has something that requires that his supplication is not answered, like if his food is ill-gotten and the like. Even, some narrations of the Hadeeth read: (...even if he [the wronged person] is a disbeliever)."there is nothing to prevent it from reaching ALLAH!
    {We do not know the Power of Dua}Verily your Rabb is Generous and Shy. If His servant raises his hands to Him (in supplication- Dua-Prayer) He(ALLAH) becomes shy to return them empty (Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi)". The Dua of the oppressed. Allah raises the Dua of the oppressed on the clouds and the doors of heaven are opened for it and Allah says, "Oath of MY Majesty and Honor! I will help and aid you. Even though if the help is after few days." --Once Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) passed by a people who were suffering from some affliction. "Why don't they make dua (pray ) to Allah for protection."} With all the suffering and disasters Muslims are facing in various parts of the world, the question can be directed to all of us today.---- For dua is the most potent and real weapon of a believer. It can change fate, while no action of ours ever can. It is the essence of ibadah or worship. With it we can never fail; without it we can never succeed. In the proper scheme of things, dua should be the first and the last resort of the believer, with all his plans and actions coming in between. Dua is conversation with Allah, Our Creator, Our Rabb and Master, the All Knowing, the All Powerful. This act in itself is of extraordinary significance. It is the most uplifting, liberating, empowering, and transforming conversation a person can ever have with his Rabb. We turn to Him(ALLAH) because we know that He alone can lift our sufferings and solve our problems. We feel relieved after describing our difficulties to our Creator. We feel empowered after having communicated with the All Mighty. We sense His mercy all around us after talking to the Most Merciful. We get a new commitment to follow His path for that is the only path for success. We feel blessed with each such commitment! In every difficulty our first action is dua, as is our last. We ask Allah to show us the way to handle that difficulty; we seek His help in following the path He shows to us; we seek His aid in making our efforts successful. ---------------- No one wants to face the truth of the matter, And that is after Dua, it is time for the entire Muslim Ummah to leaves( This New Rome ) or This Roman America! The Muslim blood, our blood is being spilled all over the world! It will not be too long before our blood is spilled here in great volumes,
    As they have spilled the African American blood in great volumes for centuries in America! These people of New Rome have a history of violence, brutality, cruelty, savagery and great bloodshed! From their most early days in America! Looking back through the pages of history at the first peoples who came From Europe on ships to America, --These people on the ships were called pilgrims(So called Christian)And They met a Friendly Noble and Generous dignified people The Native Americans tribes,who adopted many of Islamic customs and traditions that they learned from the Muslims who came to America a 150 to 300 years before Columbus. These Friendly people share their food and goods with the people who came to America from Europe in the winter time! They came to a place they called Plymouth, Plymouth rock. They say it was a tragic first winter! But the truth of the matter is the tragedy was not their, but the Nobel Native American tribe ,whom they met and eventually killed the entire tribe and took all their belonging, And then went on to celebrated First Thanksgiving after the killing of the entire tribe of Native American. In 1621 the myth of thanksgiving was born.The colonists invited Massasoit, chief of the Wampanoags, to their first feast as a follow up to their recent land deal. Massasoit in turn invited 90 of his men, much to the chagrin of the colonists. Two years later the English invited a number of tribes to a feast "symbolizing eternal friendship." The English offered food and drink, and two hundred Indians who dropped dead from unknown poison. This the myth of thanksgiving was born in 1621 And That when on to echoes down through the ages the First Lie about Thanksgiving that went around the world!---------{The Dark Historical Roots Of Our 'Thanksgiving'}
    Lest We Forget...
    ------ Now let us take a good look at the movie industry and how they portrayed the American Indians or the Native Americans, Almost every type of movie has been made, and one of the most popular genres of motion pictures is the "Western". One of the most popular types of Western is the Cowboys and Indians genre and these have been made pretty much since the beginning of the motion picture revolution. One of the main problems with the earlier Westerns is that they painted the Native Americans into the stereotypical savage who was only out to rape, pillage, and murder the white man. However, over time the image of Native Americans in films has changed from the bloodthirsty crazies of the stereotypical American West into what the Indians really were: a noble group of people. It is these stereotypes that have been placed on Indians and the subsequent reversal, particularly with the release of 1954's Sitting Bull, has changed these stereotypes of portraying Indians as the typical bloodthirsty savages. As the country has undergone some changes in the way that it views its people as more or less equals of each other, so most of Hollywood began to change from portraying Indians as bloodthirsty savages into portraying what the vast majority of the Indians in fact were: a peaceful but proud people who would, when necessary, stand up and fight for what they new was right. Yet these people of America never said that there was something wrong with all the killing that went on in the Wild, Wild west.
    So let it be no surprise that the killing of people have started in America! We can go back to the newspapers of the 1950's and 60's and 70's and take a look for ourselves.---O Muslim people! This time that we are living in is not a joke, It is quite real, What has been foretold By Rasulullah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) is unfolding before our very eyes! And
    Right now we find ourselves the Muslim Ummah at a critical moment in history now that
    the People of New Rome is on the march in the middle east and throughout the world under the direction of the dajjal with his evil system set in to place,
    turning the people away from religious moral values, and wreak great confusion and oppression on Earth. It seem from the fact that the portents of the appearance of the Dajjal related by our Rasulullah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) in the hadith have one by one come to pass that the Messiah Dajjal has already appeared. A great many events experienced on Earth are in complete agreement with the information provided by our Rasulullah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) and Islamic scholars regarding the time the Messiah Dajjal will appear and the deeds he will perform. The great Islamic scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi has reported that the power and rule of the Dajjal are based on violence and oppression in the words "...The Dajjal appears to have greater dominion than they deserve, acquired through great oppression and great cruelty and great violence and brutality." (3) The increasing violence, anarchy and chaos, the slaughter and torture, and state and organizational terrorist acts in recent times all show that the Dajjal is at work and is directing all of these. -In his hadith our Rasulullah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) has reported that the Dajjal will resort to all means to turn people away from the path of goodness and will bring large masses of people under his influence by means of deception and cheating. He has stated that in this way the Dajjal will lead people as he wishes in the hadith "The Dajjal has many followers. Many people will line up alongside him." In order to achieve these aims the Dajjal will seek to deceive believers just as much as he will those who have chosen denial. It is also revealed in hadith that with the propaganda and tactics he employs, the Dajjal will succeed in deceiving many people whose faith is weak, and will thus gather support:
    Whoever hears about the Dajjal should keep away from him. By Allah! One will come to him and he will think that he is a believer, but he will follow him [Dajjal] on account of the doubts that he will raise in his mind. When you hear that the Dajjal has appeared, flee him. Because a person may go to his side while yet intending to deny him, but will remain and follow him. That is because there are many things with the Dajjal that fill the heart with misgivings.-
    It is indicated in the hadith of our Rasulullah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) that to that end the Dajjal will approach the members of the three revealed religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims, with different methods, and will seek to wreak terrible strife and corruption by turning them against one another. It is revealed in hadith that as a result of this strife of the Dajjal's, the world will become the stage for The Great war,The Final war ,that blood will be shed and the numbers of dead will rise dramatically. It is reported that nowhere will be beyond the Dajjal's sights:
    [At that time] there will be much tribulation, confusion and disorder, and people will kill one another as it is happening now. People will take their own lives and disasters will enfold the earth!. At such a troubled time ... the accursed Dajjal ... will appear Out in the open with no fear of any one. (7)
    ... The Dajjal will emerge from a rocky place, and will swiftly cause violent mischief on the right and on the left [in other words by sending armies to both sides]. (8)
    There is no city which will not be vanquished by the armies of the Dajjal. Narrated Anas bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) that Rasulullah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) said, "There will be no town which Ad-Dajjal will not enter except Makkah and Medina, and there will be no entrance (road) (of both Makkah and Medina) but the angels will be standing in rows guarding it against him, and then Medina will shake with its inhabitants thrice (i.e. three earth-quakes will take place) and Allah will expel all the non-believers and the hypocrites from it."(Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 30, Number 105) (9)
    In order to depict anarchy, terror, violence, war and bloodshed as supposedly legitimate, the Dajjal seeks to deceive some believers with the falsehood that these disasters must inevitably take place in the End Times.-
    In this way the Dajjal is trying to make Christians to believe that before the coming of Prophet 'Isa (as) there must be war, chaos and a climate of anarchy on earth. He approves of the idea that the Iraq war assumed a key role in these portents of the Last Day they expect to come about. He causes those people who fall under his spell to believe that speaking of peace before the coming of the Messiah is to go astray, to oppose the Holy scriptures, and even Dajjalism. By these means he convinces them that tension in the Middle East should not be lowered. (10) He portrays countries that are opposed to war, and peace movements, as part of the movement of the Dajjal, and intends to make sure the climate of war in the region continues so that there should never be peace there until the coming of the Messiah.--- The Messiah Dajjal seeks to portray chaos and slaughter as necessary developments in order to make people believe in his system, and for that reason he encourages even innocent children to be murdered.---It is clear that there are a number of problems in some Middle East countries, stemming from lack of education and the fact that a culture of Islamic life has not fully developed. However, the way to resolve these must never be by resorting to war and violence, but it is too late for that, the final War is very near! It must not be forgotten that any war always inflicts loss and destruction on both sides.

    Last edited by k.ibrahim; 08-20-2019 at 03:19 AM.
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    Re: New Rome!

    I am sorry brother, I do not want to sound bad, but what exactly are you trying to say?
    I tried to start reading your post, but your text is so long. And without any proper punctuation or paragraph it is not easily readable. Can you please try to explain what you are trying to ask here???
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    Re: O Muslim People Beware!(Part2)

    Now, how can anyone argue with that?
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