
It is a common practice by many especially those late comers to step over the shoulder of others in order to get to the front rows or less than that.This practice is haraam.

Anas bin Malik رضي الله عنه said:

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

'' He who steps over the necks of the people on Friday, has built a bridge to the Hell.''


{ Imam Ibn Majah in his Sunnan graded weak by Shaykh Abu Muaadhرحمه الله }

Jaabir bin Abdullaah رضي الله عنه said:

A Man entered the Masjid on Friday while Allaah's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم was giving the Khutbah, The Man came crossing over the shoulders of people. The Messenger of Allaah صلى الله عليه وسلم said to him, Sit down. You have harm the people and have come late [ as well ].


{ Imam Abu Dawud in his Sunnan and graded as Saheeh by Al Hafiz Abu Muaadh رحمه الله }

Abdullah bin Amr al As رضي الله عنه relates:

The Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

'' Whoever speak uselessly and whoever steps over the necks of people, it will be counted as Zuhr for him [ not Jumu'ah ]


{ Imam Abu Dawud in his Sunnan and graded as Saheeh by Shaykh Al Albaani and Hasan by Abu Muaadh رحمهم الله }

Imam An Nawaawi رحمه الله commented :

'' This act is Haraam [forbidden]"

{ Al Majmu Sharh Muhadhab 2/545 }

Imam Ahmad ibn Taymiyah رحمه الله commented:

'' It is not permissible for anyone to step over the necks of people in order to go through the rows when there is no opening in front of him. This is not permissible on Friday or any other days.Whoever does it has done wrong and has violated the limits set by Allaah.''

{ Al Mukhaalifaat }

*** And all tawfeeq is from Allaah عزوجل alone ***