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No motivation to pray anymore

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    Allah’sServant's Avatar Limited Member
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    No motivation to pray anymore

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    Lately I have been feeling that I have no motivation to perform salat. My iman has gotten so weak. I do still pray 5 times a day but I always delay it and rush it and I feel no sweetness in my ‘Ibadah like I used to. I don’t wear hijab, I listen to music every dat, sometimes I can’t control my anger and I disobey/shout at my parents, and I’m finding it harder and harder to lower my gaze. All of this is effecting me and I fear that I might stop praying. I’ve tried to stop sinning as much but it’s too hard. Advice??
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    Rafa79's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: No motivation to pray anymore

    Sister, Assalamu Alaikum.

    The very fact that you are feeling despair
    at your current situation, means that your imaan is stronger than ever. A sinful person does not feel guilt and remorse. As strange as it sounds, you're feeling such pangs because your Taqwa--God Consciousness, is ablaze with wonder and awe, so please do not lose hope.

    Every Muslim has lost motivation, strayed, committed sin, however that does not mean you're a 'bad
    muslim'. Guilt is a vicious cycle. When guilt arises, we despair and lose hope. We then procrastinate in little things, then become neglectful in more important matters. The Prophet's (may peace and blessings be upon them) lost heart when people would not heed the message of Allah. If they are susceptible to losing heart, we will too.

    The ideal of Islam is not perfection, it is the very act of striving towards it that matters. The fact that you've posted this question on this forum, shows that you're able to reflect deeply about your situation, if you're reflecting, means that you're striving: consequently, your Imaan is strong and you're still a good Muslim. You have a strong sense of humility (you feel something is wrong) and your piety is sound (your feeling pangs of guilt)

    Often, we stray and then continue to stray further because we lose hope and wonder if everything, we're doing is futile. As long as you keep turning to Allah, you'll remain on the path. Place your hope in Allah.

    Externalizing your essence has a miraculous effect. You begin to feel that there is something more than yourself. Once we accept this, we strive and submit because we no longer feel lost in the waves of futile
    endeavour. We direct our existence towards the submission and the worship of Allah and take joy in our imperfections because they are a blessing from Allah as we require him and he does not require us; that is the beauty of Islam, we're not confined to the narrowness of a pointless existence (where true despair lies). Our happiness is derived from the worship of a sole creator. When we internalize our essence we begin to feel desperate, hollow, and despondent.

    Direct your attention outwards. Give thanks, pray for others, be of service, remember Allah in everything you do! That way despair cannot afflict you. Misery requires a nexus from which to grow it also requires fuel (hopelessness) deny it both and your well on your way to the inner balance we strive for. For everything in Islam is about order and balance: the balance of ideas, ideals, concepts of justice, worship,
    society of nature and, the self.

    Remember Allah in the small things and you'll naturally remember him during essential times. Allah wants us to turn to him, even in our darkest moments, because in doing so we have confirmed our faith.

    Many of the Prophets (
    pbuh) companions complained of not being ablefocus during Salat time. Unfortunately, due to cultural appropriation, we are led to believe that all the early Muslims we're perfect, and so we must be, this falsehood has probably led to more Muslims leaving the fold of Islam than any other misinterpretation. We're not meant to be perfect. Our imperfection is what makes us want to turn to Allah in worship!

    As a Muslim who asks such questions, you cannot be anything but a true Muslim. I find that boastful Muslims are the worse because they believe themselves to be beyond reproach and Allah warns us not to be boastful or
    proudful, but to turn to him in humility. You have turned to Allah in humility, as such you're a good Muslim. The logic speaks for itself!

    I wish you the very best and may Allah continue to bless you.

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    Re: No motivation to pray anymore

    Seems very normal teenage problems to me.
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    Re: No motivation to pray anymore

    format_quote Originally Posted by Allah’sServant View Post
    Lately I have been feeling that I have no motivation to perform salat. My iman has gotten so weak. I do still pray 5 times a day but I always delay it and rush it and I feel no sweetness in my ‘Ibadah like I used to. I don’t wear hijab, I listen to music every dat, sometimes I can’t control my anger and I disobey/shout at my parents, and I’m finding it harder and harder to lower my gaze. All of this is effecting me and I fear that I might stop praying. I’ve tried to stop sinning as much but it’s too hard. Advice??
    Stop your secret and public sins. If you are finding it hard to pray it is because your heart is not in the right place. You need to look at the influences around you and observe how you've been using your time. You can't change unless you start making better changes. Make progress in your life instead of allowing sins to deteriorate it. You also need to be careful because sins can become bad habits, and even when you don't really have the intention to commit them or do not want to commit them, you still will if you don't stop doing them right now.
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    No motivation to pray anymore

    D e a t h

    is the easiest
    of all things after it
    ; ;

    the hardest
    of all things before it
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    Re: No motivation to pray anymore

    First of all, the fact that you ask yourself these questions means you are on the right track. You realize there is something wrong.
    Now maybe you should make a small list of everything that you want to change, then start making the changes one at a time. Just continue one after the other until they are all done.

    Remember that it can sometimes be hard not to, but sinning is never a good thing. There are very good reasons why sins are sins. At first, they may seem like no bog deal, but they pile up and lead you down a dangerous road.
    You are the one and only one that can decide to make those changes. Trust yourself and trust in Allah's wisdom. I am certain you will be able to come back from this down moment in your life.

    Also be careful about what sister charisma mentioned. Small sins once in a while can easily become regular and turn into an habit. Once that happens, it is even harder to change.
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    Re: No motivation to pray anymore

    format_quote Originally Posted by Allah’sServant View Post
    Lately I have been feeling that I have no motivation to perform salat. My iman has gotten so weak. I do still pray 5 times a day but I always delay it and rush it and I feel no sweetness in my ‘Ibadah like I used to. I don’t wear hijab, I listen to music every dat, sometimes I can’t control my anger and I disobey/shout at my parents, and I’m finding it harder and harder to lower my gaze. All of this is effecting me and I fear that I might stop praying. I’ve tried to stop sinning as much but it’s too hard. Advice??
    Waalaikum assalam,

    Dear sister, maybe you are wondering why every Muslim must perform x5 a day prayers without delaying. First of all, there are plenty reasons why one should do.

    One day, angel Gabriel came to prophet Muhammad telling him that Allah ordered you to pray x50 a day, but the Prophet asked Gabriel to go and ask Allah to easy up on us, so Allah Decreed that everyone should pray x5 a day and the reward for it is the same as praying x50 a day.

    Also, Allah Says that if one prays x5 a day, then Jannah is guaranteed. If he does not pray, then there is no such guarantee on him.

    Also, the prayers prevents one from committing disbelief and also it is a means of cleaning one's self from minor sins.

    You should also know that anger is from the devil, and it is haram to get angry for earthly matters.

    Based on my knowledge, if you dont wear hijab, then you might attract jinn and you dont that, so there for, start wearing hijab. Also, hijab envelops the beauty.

    Regarding the music. Music has now become a big problem these days. Long time ago, in the time of prophet Seth(pbuh), people didnt had no music and one day, the devil came and he taught the man how to make the first musical instrument which I think is flute. So, music is satanic, dont listen to music. The devil makes yo uhh heart to like music

    Allah Said in Quran that He will question your own body and its organs, if you for example have listened to music all the time, your ears will testify against you on the Day of Judgment. So, do you want that to happen? I bet not.

    Whenever you get angry for worldly matters, say "authu billa mina shaitana rajim"
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    Re: No motivation to pray anymore

    format_quote Originally Posted by CuriousonTruth View Post
    Seems very normal teenage problems to me.
    'teenage rebillion' is not a natural thing like the kaafir will have us believe, it is concocted from their sinful culture

    We shouldn't be parroting the kaafir.
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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: No motivation to pray anymore

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmed. View Post
    'teenage rebillion' is not a natural thing like the kaafir will have us believe, it is concocted from their sinful culture

    We shouldn't be parroting the kaafir.
    Asalaamu Alaikum,

    My sister as others have said the fact that you are here showing concern over your imaan is a sign of imaan itself. One of the biggest reasons why our imaan decreases and we do not feel any Khushu' in worship is due to the major sins we are doing. So the first step must be to eradicate the major sins particularly those that concern the lowly carnal desires. When we are shackled by our sins and love of the dunya (the world) has entered our hearts and we have forgotten our inevitable death and our eternal destination - The Hereafter - then Imaan (faith) will inevitabley leave the heart like water leaves a bottle when you tip it over.

    Just like we service our cars, valet them, clean them, refill them often. A similar analogy can be applied to our hearts. It must be regularly serviced, checked, cleaned and re-filled with the love and remembrance of Allah so our imaan can remain topped up.

    Therefore we must eradicate the major sins from our lives and stop corrupting our hearts and souls by listening to music. One only has to read the lyrics of the music we are listening to in order to realise what a negative and detrimental effect it is having in our hearts and souls. It is this music with its filthy lyrics which increases the lowly carnal desires and takes away the sweetness of imaan.

    Music and entertainment is one of the biggest weapons of shaythan and his allies in order to try and corrupt our hearts, souls and minds. The lyrics also have a damaging subliminal effect. So I urge you my sister to stop corrupting your heart and soul with music. Surely it is worth sacrificing our desires if it results in gaining closeness to Allah and experiencing the sweetness of imaan.

    What I would also recommend is that we should always remind ourselves of death and the Hereafter. Death is called the "destroyer of pleasures" because no matter how happy we are indulging in our desires then the thought of death will awaken us to reality. So we must never forget death and our next destination - the grave. Most of us think "Not me, I wont die until old age". How many young people thought that and they are in the grave right now? Go to the grave and take a look at the ages of the residents of the graves and you will see that they range from 0 - 100+. So by remembering death our attachment for this world and materialistic things weakens. The more we love this world the more we will forget Allah, death, our graves and the Hereafter.

    So firstly we must abandon any major sins that we are committing as thas tortures our hearts and souls and keeps us away from Allah. Repent sincerely and make a firm commitment never to repeat such an act again. We cannot get closer to Allah and have khushu in our prayers and deeds if we are committing major sins.

    Secondly learn knowledge of the Deen. It is knowledge that opens up our hearts, souls and minds and brings clarity to that which was not clear before. Knowledge draws us closer to Allah and enables us to see with both eyes clearly. Join a sisters group or circle of learning knowledge and that way you can also find good company of like minded sisters.

    Thirdly connect with the quran.Learn the meanings of what you are reciting and implement it in your daily life. Ponder, reflect and contemplate over its meanings. By connecting with the Quran we are connected to Allah. We also remain in his remembrance Learn the language of the Qur'an so that you can understand it in its original form. Our generation is lucky in that we have many Arabic and Tafseer courses available more than ever before. So learning Arabic is easier now. You can even do it part time. Even better make intention to memorise the Qur'an. It is never too late no matter what our age. If you have the ability to do so then make intention to do the Aalimiyah course which would enable you to become a scholar after 6 years or so. Our Ummah is always in need of female scholars particularly in the west.

    Fourthly adopt the Tahajjud prayer in the latter part of the nights. What better way to increase our imaan and connect to Allah than when most other people are asleep? The Tahajjud prayer is one of the best ways of gaining an intimate connection to Allah and increasing our imaan and Khushu in our prayers. It is also one of the best ways to get our Dua's accepted and get closer to Allah. Beg of him, cry unto him and ask of him with all of your heart like you have never done before and he will never abandon your call. He loves you far more than your parents and anyone else ever will. No one can love you more than him. If only we walked towards him then he would run towards us.

    I hope the following articles will be of benefit:

    3 Ways of attaining focus in our Salah

    3 ways of attaining focus in our Salaah (prayer) - You will be amazed!

    10 Steps to Increase our Iman(Faith)

    10 Steps to Increase our Iman (Faith) - Updated version

    Utterly regretful in the Hereafter:

    Utterly regretful in the Hereafter

    The Angel of Death is coming for us!

    The Angel of Death is coming for us!

    A Solution For Weak Iman | Inspiring Speech

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    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:


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    Re: No motivation to pray anymore

    While reading Hamza's reply, I thought it was full of wisdom and truth.

    I thought I might give another image to accompany his explanation as the how sins pile up.

    Think of alcohol. Even modern science tells us that it is bad for people (in large quantity and more and more scientists say in small quantity as well).
    Yet, I have never heard of a single person dying from drinking one glass of wine once in their life. But after he first, came a second, then a third and then after a while, it is many glasses every day. Ask anyone former drunk if the 1st glass was any different than the 1000000s one. It was not. But it is a path that looks harmless, but once on it, it is hard to give up.

    Such is the wisdom of Islam. We have a guide to help us. We do not need to tests things and then realize "oh oh, there is a problem". We are warned in advance of what is good for us and what is bad.
    After that, deciding what to do with that knowledge, is up to each and everyone of us. And of course, we will ultimately have to answer for our decision when judgement comes.
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    Re: No motivation to pray anymore

    If you taste the sweetness of iman and the peaceful feeling of salah then you will want to pray, and this sweetness/peace comes only when you don't rush salah and read it with due concentration and attention
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    Re: No motivation to pray anymore

    Jazakomallah khayr for all the replies. Wallahi your answers made me rethink everything and Insha’Allah I will be able to overcome my desires. Also I ask that you please make duaa for me, peace be upon you all
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