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The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

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    Mountains's Avatar Full Member
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    The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

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    I have been pondering and wondering on and off since I was in my teenage years about the timeline difference and what never made sense to me is the secular concept of 7000 years of human history and amongst the jews and others such as the christians and to some degree also the muslims especially amongst the majority of the superstitious sects. This never made sense to me whatsoever.

    When you read the Quran about Adam and how the angels bowed to him and when he descended on earth with his wife it makes you wonder when did this take place timeline wise and how long has mankind walked the earth? The secular concept of 7000 years of human history has never made sense to me and to many other people like me even in our kindergarten years and if it can't even make sense to kids than what is there left to debate about and to be honest with you we are not gonna waste time on this but rather trying to locate the true timeline of our forefathers we will try our best but the true knowlegde is always with Allah(swt)

    We hear about great scientists but one guy who is underrated imo is a mechanical engineer called Stephen Hurrell what he found dismissed evolution theory gently and also made scientific work of upto 100-years vanish overnight because they bulit all their theories like pyramid without evidence so if you remove one stone everything falls apart. Evidence is key and his fundation is build on evidence.

    Now that we have completed the introduction lets move on to the topic.

    1. Size and scale matter much more than we realize. We can't exist in the timeline of the former people like Adam, Hawa, Noah and the people of Aad and they in return can't exist in our timeline it has something to do with gravity and the key secret is gravity and oxygen.

    You see if you place a person who stands 27.4 Meter tall in our current timeline he could die within minutes of stroke or heart-attack because he weighes about 250-270 tons and due to the gravity being 1g = 9.8 m/s2 they would suffer from blood pressure and disruption in the blood circulation and it would end in fatality very quick within minutes.

    So the question is how did the dinosaures and early humans manage to walk the earth once? The answer is simple the earth was much smaller than it's current size of today this is the only possible way that the dinosaures and the early humans could have walked the earth. the largest dinosaures stood 25-Meters and most of the height came from the neck which means Adam was technically bigger than the biggest dinosaur recorded as he stood 27.4 Meters tall and on the other hand we couldn't have existed in their timeline and not to forget since the oxygen levels were at 35% we would have trouble breathing and could die rather quickly and we would be to small and probably be jumping around in big leaps since we would be to light to support ourselves and would be unable to get a good foot standing on the ground as the gravity is more than 50% lower than our current timeline.

    The earth's gravity is growing because the earth has been expanding and this fact is also mentioned in the Quran. Find the verses below.

    1200pxArchaen2FutureMagneticNorthPole 1 - The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    More figures:

    Current Earth

    image018 1 - The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    Earth 50 MYa ago

    image019 1 - The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    Earth 100 Mya ago = Mya stands for Million years ago
    image020 1 - The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    Earth 200 Mya
    image022 1 - The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    Earth 300 Mya
    image024 1 - The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    Earth 4500-2000 Mya
    image025 1 - The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    I gave you there a brief introduction to the expanding earth and how gravity have increased thru out time and also you don't need to be a scientist to understand this concept because if you look at the world map you will see that South America fits into Africa like a puzzle and the same goes to the other continents they fit into each other like a puzzle and can only only fit into each other if the size is reduced.

    There is ocean and land? The land is not expanding nor was it ever expanding but the ocean flower is the one expanding pushing the continents away from each other and according to the Quran Allah says he expanded the earth and brought it's waters( The Ocean)

    The Quran describes it in exact sequence:

    وَالْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ ذَٰلِكَ دَحَاهَا

    And after that He expanded the earth.

    أَخْرَجَ مِنْهَا مَاءَهَا وَمَرْعَاهَا

    bringing forth its water and pastures

    وَالْجِبَالَ أَرْسَاهَا

    [after that] He established the Mountains.

    The gravity of earth use to be much smaller than it is today due to the earth being smaller in size.

    image015 1 - The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline
    Now we have to locate a possible timeline for the size of Adam becuase if he was 27.4 Meters tall than he must have existed in a timeline suitable for his stature and existence because if he existed outside of the timeline suitable for his height and weight it could have been fatal and that is an unlikely error that will occur in the sight of the grand master himself Allah(swt).

    According to the calculations scale of size is used. Example If you make someone with average size today lets say 1,70 meter times 2 that is 3,4 Meter. So now you have scale 1 = 1,70M and scale 2 = 3,4M but when it comes to weight after going up 1 scale in height you must multiple 8 your average weight so you will weigh 8 times more when you go up in height twice. The figure below will show you in more detailed fashion.

    VFC2mK6 1 - The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    Gravity will have to be lower for the 3.4m tall human to support himself and in order to have the ability to walk otherwise his bones will crack due to the pressure of the gravity. Now that we know of the gravitiy's effect on size, bones, blood pressure, movement, leg pressure and weight we move into our final stage.

    oGw7wiF 1 - The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    Where did the first generation of mankind on earth fit into this? We can give them a circa location timeline but never 100% as that knowlegde is alone with Allah(swt)

    r1vPYhh 1 - The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    We will use an average human to scale in size so we will go with someone who stands 1,70 meter and we multiple with 2 each time to get the next scale.

    1. Scale: 1.70M
    2. Scale: 3.4M
    3. Scale: 6.8M
    4. Scale: 13.6M
    5. Scale: 27.2M

    As you can see when you scale up a current human 5 times in size you get something similar to the early humans height according to our prophet(sa) in a hadith said Adam was 60 cubits tall which means 27.4M.

    Adam stood 27.4M tall and weighted around 250-270 Tons he could thrive between 400-350 Million years ago due to his size and scale. He wouldn't experience difficult in running, sprinting, fighting, hunting and pretty much do what we everyday people do in our current timeline.

    I see some people who normally say Adam and Noah existed not long from each other? Thats not factual in my opinion and nobody said that both in the Quran or hadith because in the time of Noah there was technological advancement which means at his time there were plenty of humans. The size of the ark he built to house so many animals must be out of this world imagine how big he was first of all? Around 27.4M tall so a ship that can house him has to be huggge and than imagine the size of all the animals and their numbers? You see? It becomes mindblowing. It had to be literally the size of an urban city of our current time. He could have never bulit that with primitive tools but he existed in a thriving civilisation.

    Conclusion: The true timeline is only with Allah(swt) and I do not claim to now the exact timeline and all I provide you with was the best I could do in locating their timeline with what I had of resources and showing you the myth of 7000 years is not only far off by couple of years but by gazillions of years.

    Another thing to also consider is that the people of A'ad could have not thrived in our written history era but gazillion years ago post Noah civilistation recovered and they existed around that time and could have been even few couple of tens of million decades.

    Imo aside from the giant insects found there is plenty more of gigantic animals who still exist today that existed 400-350 million years ago but not found and one of the reasons why we haven't recovered all of these animals is because of where they are buried. If you want to find bones of people or animals that existed 400-350 million years ago you have to dig below the coal 30-50M where is the coal? Coal is located between 55-90 Meter below the surface and most of the coal you see today is from the Carboniferous era around 360 million years ago which means if you bury someone from the carboniferious era you will have to dig a huge grave for him since he/she is pretty large and the coal formed thru out that time via threes dying by falling to the ground and turning into coal. So technically they can be found Approximately 100-150 Meters below the surface of earth and imo we will be able to find things that will surprise most people not only giant human bones but also giant cats that stand around 19 meter tall and dogs bigger than the dinosaures and all sorts of animals you see today but in much larger scale just like the giant dragon flies that existed in that same period and actully found today. Have you ever seen a dragon fly the size of current human? it existed in that timeline 400-350 mya and we have found its remains today. Giant human skeletons have been found nearly that size in different places by accident. Normal everyday humans can't just ran into this large bones unless an earthquake happens and forces these things out since they are buried below 100-150 meters but with a new technology that can detect stuff upto 300M way below the surface it would be easy to unearth everything that has every crawled or lived on earth at one point
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    Well done brother you removed all traces of the kuffar evolution theory
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    Ümit's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    I'm having a deja vu somehow...but I can't exactly remember anymore...
    anyways...very good post brother...highly interesting story...please keep us updated if you have more detail.
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    ahmedc123's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    this is psuedo science, i will not trust this person whoever it is.

    In short big animals have different biological structures and features to enable their size.

    The Earth being 'expanded' doesnt mean what he claims

    ive seen some of these people before, they deliberately interpret The Quran to suit their agenda, just ignore.

    The moderators should delete disinformation like this one
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    for the ones who are interested in the whole theory backed up with "evidences" and "calculations":
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    Scimitar's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmed. View Post
    Well done brother you removed all traces of the kuffar evolution theory
    Wow, doesn’t take much to convince you does it?
    The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

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    ahmedc123's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    Have heard about the 'flat earth' ?

    This is actually a secret university project to see and show how the public can be easily fooled into believing anything.
    The project was highly succesfull, they managed to get a lot of people interested and involved.

    There are also people who are deliberately targetting Muslims, with strange interpretations, they want to destroy Islam, by fooling them, and at the same time making non-Muslims think Islam believes in such nonsense.
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    I do not think a university is involved here though. The theory has been put together badly and lacks consistency. The author of the article was no master in mathematics nor physics.
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    Mountains's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    This is not a theory in my opinion but a simple fact and anyone who can't comprehend this is not mentally sound.

    Okay here is what the prophet Muhammed(sa) said regarding the decreasing size of mankind.

    This hadeeth was narrated by Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who said:

    “Allaah created Adam and he was sixty cubits tall. Then He said, ‘Go and greet those angels and listen to how they greet you, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of your progeny.’ He said, ‘Al-salaamu ‘alaykum (Peace be upon you).’ They said, ‘Al-salaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmat-Allaah (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allaah).’ So they added the words ‘wa rahmat Allaah.’ And everyone who enters Paradise will be in the form of Adam. People kept on growing smaller until now.”

    Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3336; Muslim, 7092

    According to a version narrated by Muslim: “Everyone who enters Paradise will be in the form of Adam who was sixty cubits tall. People kept growing smaller until now.”

    With regard to the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), “People kept growing smaller until now,” al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said in Fath al-Baari (6/367): “This means that in every generation people grew shorter than the previous generation, and continued to grow shorter until the time of this ummah, then they stayed like that.”

    The Quran specifically mentions expanding the earth and bringing forth it's waters and lo and behold? What did we learn recently that most of the ocean flower is much younger than the rest of the land. Most of the ocean flower is just 180-million years and this is proven.

    This video explains it much better

    Last edited by Mountains; 12-06-2019 at 07:19 AM.
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    Ümit's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mountains View Post
    This is not a theory in my opinion but a simple fact and anyone who can't comprehend this is not mentally sound.

    Okay here is what the prophet Muhammed(sa) said regarding the decreasing size of mankind.

    The Quran specifically mentions expanding the earth and bringing forth it's waters and lo and behold? What did we learn recently that most of the ocean flower is much younger than the rest of the land. Most of the ocean flower is just 180-million years and this is proven.

    This video explains it much better

    OK, let us say the Earth expanded. from 3763km radius in pre expansion fase into 6371km in radius now. and that in 300 million years.

    What was the original mass of the Earth in the pre expansion fase?

    I know you are going to ignore this question....all conspiracy believers ignore when they have to give an answer that doesn't fit them...so I made it easy for you.

    You would either say, (A) the mass was less because of the increase of force of gravitation (how much less, we can calculate) or (B) the mass was the same, or nearly the same.

    option (A)
    we have a gravitational acceleration of approx. 9,81 m/s^2 nowadays. according to your theory, this was around 2,5 m/s^2 400 million years ago.

    Gravitational acceleration a = (G x M) / r^2
    where G is the gravitational constant 6,674 × 10−11 m3 s−2 kg−1,
    M is the Mass in KG
    r is the radius 3763000 m

    this gives us a mass of 5,30E+23 Kg in pre expansion fase.
    Earths mass now is 5,97E+24 Kg

    This is an increase of 5,44E+24 Kg in 400 Million years time.

    400 Million years X 365 = 146000 million days roughly.
    This comes down to an increase of 3,73E+13 Kg increase of mass every single day...for 400 million years.

    This mass must come from somewhere...in an earlier post you have said it absorbs energy from the sun and energy and mass are interchangable in the rate of E=MC^2

    I stated earlier that in that case 1gramm of mass equals to the amount of energy of 1 Hiroshima bomb.

    in this case, the Earth should absorb 3,73E+16 Hiroshima bombs every day to increase in mass like that. Does that sound logical to you?

    I don't thinks so.

    option (B)
    Mass was nearly the same.
    Osmium is the heaviest material in the universe. 1 dm^3 (liter) of Osmium weighs about 22,6Kg. nothing in the universe is heavier than that.
    now, if the entire Earth existed only of Osmium and nothing else, the volume of Earth would be 5,97E+24 / 22590 = 2,64E+20 m^3
    this gives us a ball with a radius of 3981,4 km.

    in other words, if a massive ball of osmium with that mass has a radius of 3981,4 km, how can you end up with a pre expansion Earth with equal mass and even smaller radius?

    So also not a good answer.

    So, this theory of yours is busted on so many levels.
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ümit View Post
    OK, let us say the Earth expanded. from 3763km radius in pre expansion fase into 6371km in radius now. and that in 300 million years.

    What was the original mass of the Earth in the pre expansion fase?

    I know you are going to ignore this question....all conspiracy believers ignore when they have to give an answer that doesn't fit them...so I made it easy for you.

    You would either say, (A) the mass was less because of the increase of force of gravitation (how much less, we can calculate) or (B) the mass was the same, or nearly the same.

    option (A)
    we have a gravitational acceleration of approx. 9,81 m/s^2 nowadays. according to your theory, this was around 2,5 m/s^2 400 million years ago.

    Gravitational acceleration a = (G x M) / r^2
    where G is the gravitational constant 6,674 × 10−11 m3 s−2 kg−1,
    M is the Mass in KG
    r is the radius 3763000 m

    this gives us a mass of 5,30E+23 Kg in pre expansion fase.
    Earths mass now is 5,97E+24 Kg

    This is an increase of 5,44E+24 Kg in 400 Million years time.

    400 Million years X 365 = 146000 million days roughly.
    This comes down to an increase of 3,73E+13 Kg increase of mass every single day...for 400 million years.

    This mass must come from somewhere...in an earlier post you have said it absorbs energy from the sun and energy and mass are interchangable in the rate of E=MC^2

    I stated earlier that in that case 1gramm of mass equals to the amount of energy of 1 Hiroshima bomb.

    in this case, the Earth should absorb 3,73E+16 Hiroshima bombs every day to increase in mass like that. Does that sound logical to you?

    I don't thinks so.

    option (B)
    Mass was nearly the same.
    Osmium is the heaviest material in the universe. 1 dm^3 (liter) of Osmium weighs about 22,6Kg. nothing in the universe is heavier than that.
    now, if the entire Earth existed only of Osmium and nothing else, the volume of Earth would be 5,97E+24 / 22590 = 2,64E+20 m^3
    this gives us a ball with a radius of 3981,4 km.

    in other words, if a massive ball of osmium with that mass has a radius of 3981,4 km, how can you end up with a pre expansion Earth with equal mass and even smaller radius?

    So also not a good answer.

    So, this theory of yours is busted on so many levels.
    Assalam o Alaikum rahamutullahi wa barakuthu

    Science is so much complexed. I feel like it is waste of time (my opinion, forgive me). But Quran and Sunnah does have scientifitc evidence, which has not been known til recently by scientists. So I would rather believe in that, instead of following scientists' falliable theories. Only Allah, the Creator knows best about His whole creations. everything that exists. Nothing is hidden or absent from His knowledge.

    Allah knows best.

    JazakAllah khair
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    Wow, doesn’t take much to convince you does it?
    LOL I'm not convinced. Just happy he 'Islamafied it' more
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmed. View Post
    LOL I'm not convinced. Just happy he 'Islamafied it' more
    wow, talk about playing to a bias
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    Ümit's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    wow, talk about playing to a bias
    dude...are you looking for attention again? if you have something usefull to say, then spreak up...if not, then please do not flood the thread with your off topic attention seeking and remain silent.
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ümit View Post
    dude...are you looking for attention again? if you have something usefull to say, then spreak up...if not, then please do not flood the thread with your off topic attention seeking and remain silent.
    oh grow up, child.
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    taha_'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Ancient peoples timeline and the first humans who walked the earth - Timeline

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    oh grow up, child.
    Assalam o Alaikum rahamutullahi wa barakuthu..

    It's not good to mock anyone. That is arrogance.

    Hadith Qudsi: 25th

    On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

    Allah (mighty and sublime be He) said: Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him. It was related by al-Bukhari.

    Surah Al-Hujurat 49:11
    O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.

    I am not against you or anyone. I just want you to understand, that all muslims are brothers together.

    JazakAllah khair
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