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We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

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    We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet (OP)

    In The Name Of Allah

    Praise be to Allah.May Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Mohammed and his family and companions.

    P.S :Islam is beautifully truthful religion.The proof that Islam is true can be viewed in --------

    Miraclesofthequran. com

    Dear brothers & sisters,

    The country France has waged an all out war against Allah and His Prophet (SallAllahu alayhe wasallam)in a very severe way with blasphemous statements and actions happening one after another.

    The country of France has waged a war on our Prophet SallAllahu alayhe wasallam just like Sweden/Denmark/Netherlands &US

    We have already seen highest toll of Corona cases in US&Sweden & we have been told by Allah in Quran -Surah Kawthar

    " For he who makes you angry (O Prophet -SallAllaahu alayhe wasallam ) - he will be cut off (from every good thing in this world and in the Hereafter)."

    The Respect of the Prophet (SallAllahu alayhe wasallam) is a big matter.Allah has blessed His Prophet with all the honour and dignity and has made it incumbent upon all,Muslims and non Muslims to keep wary of being without Adab with His Prophet or receive grave consequences.Respecting the Prophet SallAllahu alayhe wasallam is respecting Allah.Its such an important issue that Allah has called out the people who transgress and disrespect the Prophet of Allah in severe way.Allah loves His Prophet more than us.Allah's Rage is worst than all worse things.

    Allah says about His Prophet:

    "And We raised high your fame"

    Surah Inshiraah:4

    Now,while Allah is saying He raised the Prophet's fame high,will Allah ever tolerate any disrespect to His last and most beloved Prophet upon whom Allah revealed Qur'an Al Kareem itself that's been appreciated as truth from various sources like science, history,literary beauty and it's uncountable miracles?Only an idiot will doubt!

    "Whoever thinks that Allah will not help him (His Prophet SallAllahu alayhe wasallam)in this world and in the Hereafter, let him stretch out a rope to the ceiling and let him strangle himself. Then let him see whether his plan will remove that whereat he rages!"

    Surah Hajj:15

    "And that Allah may help you with strong help."

    Surah Fath:3

    "In order that you (O mankind) may believe in Allah and His Messenger(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and that you assist and honour him and (that you) glorify (Allah’s) praises morning and afternoon."

    Surah Fath :9

    "And for those who disrespect the Prophet, there is a painful punishment"

    Allah has enjoined to help His Deen and Prophet

    "And helping Allah (i.e. helping His religion) and His Messenger (Muhammed SallAllahu alayhe Salaam). Such are indeed the truthful (to what they say);-"

    Surah Hashr:8

    Allah says in Surah Muhammed:7

    "If you support Allah's Religion,He will help you and make you steadfast"

    In Surah Hajj,Allah says:

    "Allah will help him who helps Him (means support His religion)"

    So,aid your Deen that does not need you and me but Allah will empower you to be on imaan with dignity and blessed rewards,InshaAllah

    We as an Ummah asks Allah to punish Macron& His Europe league& shake them with a mighty punishment- We ask Allah for revenge,Aameen

    #BoycottUS #BoycottEurope & cool the chests of believing people with His Promise of victory,Aameen Ya Rabb

    Discussion going on around -And we need to have knowledge about:

    Darul Kufr/Darul Harb
    Wala Al Baraa
    Tawheed Hakimiyyah
    Last edited by SoldierAmatUllah; 12-12-2020 at 02:55 AM.
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

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    format_quote Originally Posted by المدينه View Post
    It's the brothers and sister living there who will suffer from such boycott hashtags; the sister too afraid of backlash to wear her hijab; the brother who stops going to the masjid to avoid negative talk. The people, regardless of their belief and religion, who just want to live in peace; the children born in 1rst, 2nd or even 3rd generation from immigrants. The ones who are suddenly being attacked, shunned, etc. though they say they are french. The list is endless
    You do have a point! And i will have to agree with it. At this time without shariah, only Allah will humiliate him in this world and hereafter. But one thing i'd like to address here is -
    format_quote Originally Posted by المدينه View Post
    "Exactly what I thought... muslims are all violent extremists" or something along those lines.
    But sister, muslims should know what punishment is there for rhe one who insults our prophet this is why she posted this.
    Suppose there's an islamic state with shariah . And someone violated any law and he deserves punishment which is execution. Will we say "Oh let's just leave it to Allah. He will give him punishment. What will disbelievers think of us? That we are violent?!! ". And this is not how shariah works ryt? But we muslims don't have to "impress" the disbelievers ryt? We have to impress Allah. That is what i am trying to explain sister. Because nowadays there are many liberal muslims who dress like westerners and deny jihad. And then there are "muslims for disbelievers" who just want to please disbelievers like saudi government. But we don't have to become that ryt? We are just muslims yea? And we need to follow what Allah has ordered us to.
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    format_quote Originally Posted by medico View Post
    You do have a point! And i will have to agree with it. At this time without shariah, only Allah will humiliate him in this world and hereafter. But one thing i'd like to address here is -

    But sister, muslims should know what punishment is there for rhe one who insults our prophet this is why she posted this.
    Suppose there's an islamic state with shariah . And someone violated any law and he deserves punishment which is execution. Will we say "Oh let's just leave it to Allah. He will give him punishment. What will disbelievers think of us? That we are violent?!! ". And this is not how shariah works ryt? But we muslims don't have to "impress" the disbelievers ryt? We have to impress Allah. That is what i am trying to explain sister. Because nowadays there are many liberal muslims who dress like westerners and deny jihad. And then there are "muslims for disbelievers" who just want to please disbelievers like saudi government. But we don't have to become that ryt? We are just muslims yea? And we need to follow what Allah has ordered us to.

    JazakAllahhu khayr bro for your input & participation in this thread.This is a serious issue that needs to be clarified to those who love ALLAH & His Prophet SAWW,who knows that there can't be victory for us Ummah unless we help our Prophet (SallAllahu alayhe wasallam) when his honour is desecrated.It's nothing but a test from Allah that who helps His Deen when Deen is criticized by that nation who is suffering from moral decadence& we can do things through various ways I mentioned in my first post to which others can add.

    Earlier i thought not to post but I realised that queries need to be answered & guidance on this matter should be cleared & Hidayah comes from Allah Alone.We need to spread the message properly.

    Reg.Boycott - we have been told by scholars & witnessed it with eyes that the kuffar economy bleeds with our boycotts.Unfortunately,Muslim world is too much into trading with West & prefers them,so when something like this serious is an issue it's must to go from a boycott as collectively.The kuffar starts to complain& that's why it's beneficial but as for those living in US& Europe they are not mukallif,on the boycott but other actions,deeds that pleases Allah.Nevertheless not a soft approach & think of migrating to a non hostile country maybe?If they can.

    Ulema said" Everything is Intertwined today so use the enemy against them"

    That means we use the enemies products against them by fully pleasing Allah & obeying Him in Tawheed,Wala Al Baraa,Kufr Bit Taghout & jihad in any way not just physical as there are many types of Jihad that a Muslim can do.

    This Ummah has a middlepath- Boycott Europe & US is basically for the Muslim world & it's not that much for people living in West esp in the heart of enemies country - though doing what one can do to best of ability is a Must,a fardh on all.

    Remember the government & it's people are all one.The Islamophobia,is prevalent in their ordinary people too.They choose their government & in France,the whole country showed their spite against Islam& Muslims.It's a hostile land & we have to be careful if we live there.

    They have victimized niqabies,so hasten you to fight against them for Deen's respect for ALLAH Alone .They are not going to leave you whether you do jihad or not.

    Respected bro,present day jihad movement is going on to install Khilafah of Mahdi biiidhnillah.

    Even without Shariah,we can punish the blasphemers.Its days of Oppression of Ummah before coming of Mahdi & we need to fight the fitan till Deen is for Allah Alone as Allah says in Surah Baqarah.

    "AND fight them till there remains no fitan & Deen is for Allah Alone"

    Figthing fitan means doing jihad of all kinds against shirk&kufr with Qur'ans dawah & with as Salaf& present day people of knowledge clarified

    And Allah knows the best!

    P.S: It's not talk for Jihad but on issue of helping Muslims learn the severe times & tests of imaan they are going through to be called momineen & the struggle between Imaan& nifaq.Nothing but a reminder from Qur'an
    Last edited by SoldierAmatUllah; 12-11-2020 at 07:50 AM.
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    "Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people,"

    Surah Tawba:Ayah 14

    After the incitement to Jihad against the people who transgress against Islam & our Prophet SAWW,Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala orders to believers " FIGHT AGAINST SUCH PEOPLE"

    Everything about Jihad movement of today is mentioned in Qur'an & Ahadeeth but we do not study our Deen (myself included )

    (I'm Not ISIL supporter)
    Last edited by SoldierAmatUllah; 12-11-2020 at 09:41 AM.
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    format_quote Originally Posted by SoldierAmatUllah View Post
    The Hukm To Kill The One Who Disrespects The Prophet PBUH

    Only one Aayat of Quran may be sufficient for seeker of truth as he doesn't seek crookedness through mix Ahadeeth misinterpreted by Ulema Su'.

    Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says:

    "The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter."

    Surah Maaida:33

    The Qur'an and Ahadeeth shows us proofs that whosoever insulted the Prophet (SallAllahu alayhe wasallam)he is to be killed and not spared.The major Ulema of Salaf& later times have Ijmaa,(consensus)on it.The ones who say we should forgive them saying Islam teaches us kindness are twisting Deen with their own version and there's no basis for gheerah less ideas in our Deen.

    Allahu Musta'an!
    Once again: what a shame it is, that our Ummah has gotten into such a state of disarray, such that Shariah Law is not enforced in most of the Muslim countries around the world anymore!! No wonder we're in such a mess!!
    We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    Allahu Akbar!
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    format_quote Originally Posted by manofIslam View Post
    Once again: what a shame it is, that our Ummah has gotten into such a state of disarray, such that Shariah Law is not enforced in most of the Muslim countries around the world anymore!! No wonder we're in such a mess!!
    Read my above posts again- we can punish muhaaribeen,without Shariah implementation too
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    format_quote Originally Posted by SoldierAmatUllah View Post
    Read my above posts again- we can punish muhaaribeen,without Shariah implementation too

    Dear Sister,

    A "could you please read my above posts again" sentence would have been more polite!!

    Yes, good points you have made; I see what you mean now, from your previous posts.

    Last edited by manofIslam; 12-11-2020 at 08:11 PM.
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    We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    Allahu Akbar!
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  10. #27
    المدينه's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    Firstly, i want to apologize anyone who I may have offended in any way with my words. That is certainly not my intention. Quite the contrary in fact

    I do not condone disrespect in any regard. Which of course starts with my own behavior and actions. I will not willingly disrespect anyone else, may Allah forgive me for every time I have.

    But I will also turn the other cheek before I aspire to anything i feel is vengeful behavior on my behalf. Maybe I'm too lenient.

    I am very glad you clarified the point of boycotting US and EU. I was not aware that it was meant to be directed to muslim countries and their economic impact on western countries. But mercy me, I just don't like the taste of division at all. But maybe I'm too idealistic.

    Uh, I can only speak for myself but I am not my government. And my vote doesn't make me my country's leader or his/her half-witted statements. Yes, I voted in every election I could since I turned 18. In both countries as I am a citizen of both. But I am not the president/chancellor/governing party. I can vote, and i do, but my vote does not automatically mean i am going to support each and every statement given.

    Subhanallah, these leaders are given power to positions that a human can't really even begin to fulfill! But politics are politics, I speak only of my own opinions. And my opinions are simple:

    "Can't we all just get along?"

    Rodney King 1992

    Just up and leaving country, emigrating for a better life.... a dream so many in the world share for a plethora of reasons.... it just doesn't always work that way. And the grass is always greener. I deal with lack of acceptance everywhere I go. And I have travelled more than quite a bit. But that's just the way people are.

    Jihad... a word so often fought about...fighting in the cause of Allah.

    Well, everyone needs to know what their fight is. And their means. Maybe my definition is wrong, maybe my course of action is wrong. May allah forgive my ignorance. I do not believe in violence. I do believe in a fair crime/punishment ratio but what is fair? Who determines what is just? Not I, said the fly....I don't believe in fighting fire with fire. I'd rather smother it.

    Part of my personal jihad is breaking stereotypes: white, English speaking and fluent in the native dialect here, educated, walking down the street with the adhan on the phone going off at every prayer time, possibly audible halfway to medina! In a very strict Christian city. I don't know who despises me more: the muslims or non muslims here!

    I shop at one of the very few halal markets and say salam...do you know how their jaws drop?

    Summers here aren't very hot but I always dress in long clothes.

    Employers have asked me to remove the hijab for work. Subsequently, I didn't get the job.

    I've had conversations with many soldiers I've known who were in the middle east, all the way back to desert storm. There's so much hate and so much misunderstanding. But a few did feel different after we spoke.

    Education is key.

    I believe in setting a good example and I do my best to show what brought me to islam in the first place. Because maybe, just maybe, I can inspire someone to think.

    And to address my previous quote about what some person reading this may think....

    This is a very public forum and these posts are visible to many people. We do not know what goes through someone's head when they come across such threads. I was implying only how it could be seen from a different perspective.

    I am thankful for the opportunity to have such a discussion. Especially because you have provided me with new information, knowledge and for the respect that everyone contributing here shows.

    Jazakallah khair
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    Greetings and peace be with you SoldierAmatUllah;

    We as an Ummah asks Allah to punish Macron& His Europe league& shake them with a mighty punishment- We ask Allah for revenge,Aameen
    The Charlie Hebdo cartoons were sick and wrong. I think you can ask Allah for justice, but not revenge.

    format_quote Originally Posted by SoldierAmatUllah View Post
    The ones who say we should forgive them saying Islam teaches us kindness are twisting Deen with their own version and there's no basis for gheerah less ideas in our Deen.
    When you look at Allah's names, four of them are forgiving and the pardoner, he is most merciful. Should we strive to be the same.

    In the spirit of praying for justice for all people,

    We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    format_quote Originally Posted by manofIslam View Post

    Dear Sister,

    A "could you please read my above posts again" sentence would have been more polite!!

    Yes, good points you have made; I see what you mean now, from your previous posts.

    Oh please forgive me.I will be careful from now onwards,InshaAllah
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H View Post
    Greetings and peace be with you SoldierAmatUllah;

    The Charlie Hebdo cartoons were sick and wrong. I think you can ask Allah for justice, but not revenge.

    When you look at Allah's names, four of them are forgiving and the pardoner, he is most merciful. Should we strive to be the same.

    In the spirit of praying for justice for all people,

    Eric,May Allah bless you with success in both the worlds for your good manners,Aameen & trying to understand our Religion!

    Fact that we get to understand is that it's Allah ,Who taught us to be angry against enemies of Islam who criticize our Religion & disrespects our Prophet PBUH

    It's Allah Who made the ruling of Punishment for blasphemer & not us.From Consensus of Early & later generations of Muslims,it's understood we are not in a position to forgive the one who is vengeful about our Prophet PBUH.

    Yes,Allah has Names that connotes His Mercy & Forgiveness & we do this in dealing with His entire creation except those who disrespects our Prophet PBUH

    May Allah pour His blessings on your for being on the Islamic community,learning the Religion & acting like a blessed to be a Revert!Aameen
    Last edited by SoldierAmatUllah; 12-12-2020 at 05:00 AM.
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  15. #31
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    format_quote Originally Posted by المدينه View Post
    Firstly, i want to apologize anyone who I may have offended in any way with my words. That is certainly not my intention. Quite the contrary in fact

    I do not condone disrespect in any regard. Which of course starts with my own behavior and actions. I will not willingly disrespect anyone else, may Allah forgive me for every time I have.

    But I will also turn the other cheek before I aspire to anything i feel is vengeful behavior on my behalf. Maybe I'm too lenient.

    I am very glad you clarified the point of boycotting US and EU. I was not aware that it was meant to be directed to muslim countries and their economic impact on western countries. But mercy me, I just don't like the taste of division at all. But maybe I'm too idealistic.

    Uh, I can only speak for myself but I am not my government. And my vote doesn't make me my country's leader or his/her half-witted statements. Yes, I voted in every election I could since I turned 18. In both countries as I am a citizen of both. But I am not the president/chancellor/governing party. I can vote, and i do, but my vote does not automatically mean i am going to support each and every statement given.

    Subhanallah, these leaders are given power to positions that a human can't really even begin to fulfill! But politics are politics, I speak only of my own opinions. And my opinions are simple:

    "Can't we all just get along?"

    Rodney King 1992

    Just up and leaving country, emigrating for a better life.... a dream so many in the world share for a plethora of reasons.... it just doesn't always work that way. And the grass is always greener. I deal with lack of acceptance everywhere I go. And I have travelled more than quite a bit. But that's just the way people are.

    Jihad... a word so often fought about...fighting in the cause of Allah.

    Well, everyone needs to know what their fight is. And their means. Maybe my definition is wrong, maybe my course of action is wrong. May allah forgive my ignorance. I do not believe in violence. I do believe in a fair crime/punishment ratio but what is fair? Who determines what is just? Not I, said the fly....I don't believe in fighting fire with fire. I'd rather smother it.

    Part of my personal jihad is breaking stereotypes: white, English speaking and fluent in the native dialect here, educated, walking down the street with the adhan on the phone going off at every prayer time, possibly audible halfway to medina! In a very strict Christian city. I don't know who despises me more: the muslims or non muslims here!

    I shop at one of the very few halal markets and say salam...do you know how their jaws drop?

    Summers here aren't very hot but I always dress in long clothes.

    Employers have asked me to remove the hijab for work. Subsequently, I didn't get the job.

    I've had conversations with many soldiers I've known who were in the middle east, all the way back to desert storm. There's so much hate and so much misunderstanding. But a few did feel different after we spoke.

    Education is key.

    I believe in setting a good example and I do my best to show what brought me to islam in the first place. Because maybe, just maybe, I can inspire someone to think.

    And to address my previous quote about what some person reading this may think....

    This is a very public forum and these posts are visible to many people. We do not know what goes through someone's head when they come across such threads. I was implying only how it could be seen from a different perspective.

    I am thankful for the opportunity to have such a discussion. Especially because you have provided me with new information, knowledge and for the respect that everyone contributing here shows.

    Jazakallah khair
    As Salaam u Alaikum Wr Wb

    Hope you are feeling better,my dearest sis.You are in my dua...till I live InshaAllah

    Respected Sister,these are the topics that I would say have your queries answered.

    But since you are under trials,you are not mukallif as your trials are v difficult & ALLAH doesn't overburdens us.May Allah be v pleased with you forever,Aameen Ya Rabb
    Last edited by SoldierAmatUllah; 12-12-2020 at 04:47 AM.
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    "Allah doesn't burden a soul beyond its scope"

    "Fear Allah to the best of your ability"

    (-Qur'an )

    My dear sisters& brothers,

    Do what you can according to your ability& don't overburden yourself in Deen- Strive for Allah's Pleasure-be moderate & be wary of negligence.
    There are many reverts bros& sisters,who might be overwhelmed as Sister above is under trials of a severe nature,tested,so do your best & trust Allah.

    Allah says He doesn't overburdens so do seek knowledge of Deen,know the obligations,be wary of being lax& Relax with ease that you will be rewarded for your deeds & not punished for what is beyond your scope.

    Basically all that we need to understand is the Aqeedah Tawheed with Wala Al Baraa & Rulings on how to deal with kuffar who harms our Deen.We can be silent & yet support our Deen & give it victory through giving Sadaqah,doing good deeds intending good.This is the requirement from Muslims who are in severe trials but those who aren't under extreme troubles,then you are required to support Deen in the way of pious Muslims.Knowing Aqeedah Tawheed & implementation of it- fearing not anyone but pleasing Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

    And Allah knows the best!We seek His refuge from being amongst misguided & evil ,Aameen
    Last edited by SoldierAmatUllah; 12-12-2020 at 04:43 AM.
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    We should know however :


    Darul Harb
    Wala Al Baraa
    Tawheed Hakimiyyah

    Whether we are able to boycott or do other things,our imaan shouldn't be lost due to our trials.Our imaan increases & brings the mercy of Allah & His aide through dreams & miracles even in our tough times,supporting our Deen as we gain steadfastness.ALLAH Ta'ala says:

    "If you support Allah's Religion,then He will help you & will make you steadfast"

    Surah Mohammed (Peace&blessings of Allah be upon him)

    "Allah will help the one who helps Him (His Deen)"

    Surah Hajj

    And Allah knows the best!
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    format_quote Originally Posted by SoldierAmatUllah View Post
    Oh please forgive me.I will be careful from now onwards,InshaAllah
    No worries at all, sister; Jazak Allah khair
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    We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    Allahu Akbar!
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    As Salaamu Alaikum Wr Wb!

    Respected Brothers&Sister,
    Your participation in this thread will be appreciated since some of you have knowledge of the seriousness of the issue of kufr against our Prophet Mohammed SAWW.
    We need to raise awareness.

    Keep the thread active with #BoycottFrance with Aayat of Quran&Ahadeeth of beloved Nabiyyana Mohammed SAWW...Talk of love for him,our respect for ALLAH&Prophet PBUH &obligations from Muslim Aqeedah.

    Please let& keep active this thread for gaining reward fisabeelllah.You must be knowing that speaking haqq on the issues concerning our Rabb&Prophet SAWW,are one of the deeds of the successful people in both the world.

    Neither ALLAH nor His Prophet SAWW,are in need of our help,its we who will get victory &a share in the Grand Victory-So please give your services to the Religion of Allah&His Prophet!(Sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam)
    BarakAllahu fikum
    Last edited by SoldierAmatUllah; 12-14-2020 at 10:14 AM.
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    Wa Alaikum Assalam,

    Yes: you speak the truth, Sister: you are on Haqq! We certainly will keep on defending our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) against the kufr!! It's extremely important for all Muslims to do this: in fact, it's our obligation to do this!!
    We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    Allahu Akbar!
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    manofIslam's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    format_quote Originally Posted by SoldierAmatUllah View Post
    As Salaamu Alaikum Wr Wb!

    Respected Brothers&Sister,
    Your participation in this thread will be appreciated since some of you have knowledge of the seriousness of the issue of kufr against our Prophet Mohammed SAWW.
    We need to raise awareness.

    Keep the thread active with #BoycottFrance with Aayat of Quran&Ahadeeth of beloved Nabiyyana Mohammed SAWW...Talk of love for him,our respect for ALLAH&Prophet PBUH &obligations from Muslim Aqeedah.

    Please let& keep active this thread for gaining reward fisabeelllah.You must be knowing that speaking haqq on the issues concerning our Rabb&Prophet SAWW,are one of the deeds of the successful people in both the world.

    Neither ALLAH nor His Prophet SAWW,are in need of our help,its we who will get victory &a share in the Grand Victory-So please give your services to the Religion of Allah&His Prophet!(Sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam)
    BarakAllahu fikum

    Wa Alaikum Assalam,

    Yes: you speak the truth, Sister: you are on Haqq! We certainly will keep on defending our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) against the kufr!! It's extremely important for all Muslims to do this: in fact, it's our obligation to do this!!
    We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    Allahu Akbar!
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    "And what you suffered (of the disaster) on the day the two armies met, was by the leave of Allah, in order that He might test the believers.

    And that He might test the hypocrites, it was said to them: “Come, fight in the Way of Allah or (at least) defend yourselves.” They said: “Had we known that fighting will take place, we would certainly have followed you.” They were that day, nearer to disbelief than to Faith, saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah has full knowledge of what they conceal."

    Surah AaleImran:166-167

    It's jihad time through pen, tongue& if capable with physical self.Allah is testing us all.Indeed this is a secret ingredient of our success

    It's a test of who's truthful to Allah after proofs have come to us of necessity of defending the honour of Prophet (Sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam)& ALLAH is dividing the people into camp of Imaan & The camp of Nifaq in the end of this huge Duhayma Fitan before coming of greater fitan of dajjal,in which only momineen will prosper.So,don't lax in your commitment to Deen & strive in ALLAH's Way so we be saved from a bad end on Nifaq(hypocrisy).

    Nifaq,is to shun&abandon Jihad in the Cause of Allah

    May Allah guide us & save us from evil of ourselves&evil of shaytan Aameen Ya Rabb

    #BoycottFrance #DefendingTheProphet
    Last edited by SoldierAmatUllah; 12-19-2020 at 07:40 PM.
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    format_quote Originally Posted by SoldierAmatUllah View Post
    "And what you suffered (of the disaster) on the day the two armies met, was by the leave of Allah, in order that He might test the believers.

    And that He might test the hypocrites, it was said to them: “Come, fight in the Way of Allah or (at least) defend yourselves.” They said: “Had we known that fighting will take place, we would certainly have followed you.” They were that day, nearer to disbelief than to Faith, saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah has full knowledge of what they conceal."

    Surah AaleImran:166-167

    It's jihad time through pen, tongue& if capable with physical self.Allah is testing us all.Indeed this is a secret ingredient of our success

    It's a test of who's truthful to Allah after proofs have come to us of necessity of defending the honour of Prophet (Sal Allah hu alayhe wasallam)& ALLAH is dividing the people into camp of Imaan & The camp of Nifaq in the end of this huge Duhayma Fitan before coming of greater fitan of dajjal,in which only momineen will prosper.So,don't lax in your commitment to Deen & strive in ALLAH's Way so we be saved from a bad end on Nifaq(hypocrisy).

    Nifaq,is to shun&abandon Jihad in the Cause of Allah

    May Allah guide us & save us from evil of ourselves&evil of shaytan Aameen Ya Rabb

    #BoycottFrance #DefendingTheProphet
    Excellent, Dear Sister!! Every Muslim in the whole Ummah has an obligation to defend our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam! Shaykh Anwar Al Awlaki (Radiyallahu 'Anhu) and Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril, and other great scholars have spoken on this matter in the past.
    We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    Allahu Akbar!
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    Re: We hate Blasphemers-In Defense of our beloved Prophet

    format_quote Originally Posted by SoldierAmatUllah View Post
    In The Name Of Allah

    Praise be to Allah.May Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Mohammed and his family and companions.

    P.S :Islam is beautifully truthful religion.The proof that Islam is true can be viewed in --------

    Miraclesofthequran. com

    Dear brothers & sisters,

    The country France has waged an all out war against Allah and His Prophet (SallAllahu alayhe wasallam)in a very severe way with blasphemous statements and actions happening one after another.

    The country of France has waged a war on our Prophet SallAllahu alayhe wasallam just like Sweden/Denmark/Netherlands &US

    We have already seen highest toll of Corona cases in US&Sweden & we have been told by Allah in Quran -Surah Kawthar

    " For he who makes you angry (O Prophet -SallAllaahu alayhe wasallam ) - he will be cut off (from every good thing in this world and in the Hereafter)."

    The Respect of the Prophet (SallAllahu alayhe wasallam) is a big matter.Allah has blessed His Prophet with all the honour and dignity and has made it incumbent upon all,Muslims and non Muslims to keep wary of being without Adab with His Prophet or receive grave consequences.Respecting the Prophet SallAllahu alayhe wasallam is respecting Allah.Its such an important issue that Allah has called out the people who transgress and disrespect the Prophet of Allah in severe way.Allah loves His Prophet more than us.Allah's Rage is worst than all worse things.

    Allah says about His Prophet:

    "And We raised high your fame"

    Surah Inshiraah:4

    Now,while Allah is saying He raised the Prophet's fame high,will Allah ever tolerate any disrespect to His last and most beloved Prophet upon whom Allah revealed Qur'an Al Kareem itself that's been appreciated as truth from various sources like science, history,literary beauty and it's uncountable miracles?Only an idiot will doubt!

    "Whoever thinks that Allah will not help him (His Prophet SallAllahu alayhe wasallam)in this world and in the Hereafter, let him stretch out a rope to the ceiling and let him strangle himself. Then let him see whether his plan will remove that whereat he rages!"

    Surah Hajj:15

    "And that Allah may help you with strong help."

    Surah Fath:3

    "In order that you (O mankind) may believe in Allah and His Messenger(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and that you assist and honour him and (that you) glorify (Allah’s) praises morning and afternoon."

    Surah Fath :9

    "And for those who disrespect the Prophet, there is a painful punishment"

    Allah has enjoined to help His Deen and Prophet

    "And helping Allah (i.e. helping His religion) and His Messenger (Muhammed SallAllahu alayhe Salaam). Such are indeed the truthful (to what they say);-"

    Surah Hashr:8

    Allah says in Surah Muhammed:7

    "If you support Allah's Religion,He will help you and make you steadfast"

    In Surah Hajj,Allah says:

    "Allah will help him who helps Him (means support His religion)"

    So,aid your Deen that does not need you and me but Allah will empower you to be on imaan with dignity and blessed rewards,InshaAllah

    We as an Ummah asks Allah to punish Macron& His Europe league& shake them with a mighty punishment- We ask Allah for revenge,Aameen

    #BoycottUS #BoycottEurope & cool the chests of believing people with His Promise of victory,Aameen Ya Rabb

    Discussion going on around -And we need to have knowledge about:

    Darul Kufr/Darul Harb
    Wala Al Baraa
    Tawheed Hakimiyyah
    I live in England and the view of France from afar is that they have let in too many immegrants and refugees as well as pandered to the Muslims.

    Everything is a matter of who is speaking and what he is following.

    It's even worse to incite while sitting somewhere other than in Europe or France because you have no idea how the people are interacting, what is being said and done.

    Every country is the same really, the goal is to survive and grow in all ways.

    A call to destruction can be heard, but ultimately those that have fled rubble and ruin should really know better.

    ..persecution, death, war and humilation lie behind them.

    There will always be the voice of incitement and we probably all give different answers.

    But I have sat for a long time in a room that is filled by people not my colour or religion.

    Everything is skin deep except those things which you persue.

    Only Allah swt raises and lowers, those that can ask, ask. Those that can speak, speak. Those that can act do act..

    And nobody see's past themselves.. What they build or destroy in ignorance.

    ...im made a fool out of so I write.

    I did live and work among Muslims but the talk was just the same really, to be honest.. Very few people actually bought comfort to me while I was struggling in that room.

    Ask a shopkeeper if he has an average daily taking and he may have to think about it for a moment.
    Last edited by M.I.A.; 12-19-2020 at 09:03 PM.
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