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"Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

  1. #1
    Al-Ansariyah's Avatar Full Member
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    "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

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    Why would men keep their eyes down when women be go them are flaunting their bodies for them to see, barely covering it with any clothes? !!!!!!!!!!!
    What use are of clothes if they are skin-tight or are see-through?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Someone had said it right:
    * Neither Love is revered, nor is beauty modest & pure anymore
    Splurging in every nook and corner, lust prevails every door *
    Nowadays TV and internet has made porn so easily accessible for men, that everything is before you on just one click. Even if you don't intend to watch such rubbish, nude women are thrown onto your
    screens while surfing on internet. With all this filth around, contaminating peoples' minds, the rate of rape is bound to increase when women too come up dressed like inviting men to get attracted towards them. Why on earth then the so-called women-rights-organizations come forth chanting slogans of "violation of women rights" when they, with others have brought the society to such levels? If you
    have any regard for your dignity, then you should safeguard it, and not expose it on billboards. You should keep your beauty to yourself and your husband, not advertise it on the streets. But if you ignore the laws of Allah, then you deserve the bad outcomes. Don't put the blame on others when you didn't come out covered and protected.
    A male at the end of the day will always be attracted to a female.
    And thus the Holy Prophet S.A.W said, "After me I have not left any trial more severe to men than women." (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
    This was the very test to attain paradise, but alas! We failed it because of chasing our desires, and and as a result Muslim men and women both adopted the appearances of prostitutes and rebels. Disbelievers are *disbelievers*, They "will" do as they please, but for a Muslim to imitate them without a second thought? That is absurd. And then, when such a Muslim says, "The lightning of punishment always burnt the muslims."
    Such is not called innocence, rather ignorance and absurdity.
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    BeTheChange's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!


    I strongly disagree with whoever's wrote this article. It takes away individual accountability. We are all responsible for our actions, behaviour, words etc.

    Noone is forcing you to buy a TV. Noone is forcing you to live in a western country. Noone is forcing you to look at billboards. We all need to take responsibility on an individual level. If we consume this filth then of course that industry is going to flourish.

    Also the article is blaming the individual for rape. Subhana Allah what about all the Muslim women who did cover and got raped? Is it still the woman's fault? Subhana Allah a little compassion and empathy wouldn't go amiss! There's countless of women who have been raped and continue to get raped in Muslim countries. Let's just say people with evil intentions exist everywhere regardless of the society's morals and ethics.

    Blaming women for society's illnesses isn't going to solve the issue. The only thing i agree with - yes we all need to return back to our deen.
    Last edited by BeTheChange; 01-19-2021 at 06:35 PM.
    "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    Pain and hardships allow you to grow spiritually Alhamdulilah so smile when a so called calamity befalls upon you.
    Alhamdulilah Allah swt is the greatest.
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    xboxisdead's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by BeTheChange View Post

    Whoever's wrote this article i strongly disagree. It takes away individual accountability. We are all responsible for our actions, behaviour, words etc.

    Noone is forcing you to buy a TV. Noone is forcing you to live in a western country. Noone is forcing you to look at billboards. We all need to take responsibility on an individual level. If we consume this filth then of course that industry is going to flourish.

    Also the article is blaming the individual for rape. Subhana Allah what about all the Muslim women who did cover and got raped? Is it still the woman's fault? Subhana Allah a little compassion and empathy wouldn't go amiss! There's countless of women who have been raped and continue to get raped in Muslim countries. Let's just say people with evil intentions exist everywhere regardless of the society's morals and ethics.

    Blaming women for society's illnesses isn't going to solve the issue. The only thing i agree with - yes we all need to return back to our deen.
    Blaming any group of people is not only not going to solve anything, but further widen the wedge between each other and only make it worse. Yes, I agree that both women and men are to blame. It is true that when you browse the internet, even if it is a safe site, or you believe it to be safe site, nude women pictures are thrown in front of you. I have experienced that even playing Playstation 4, random people want to talk to me and it is usually strange women to have sexual experience with me, even though I never met them. Now, here I blame these group of women for that, but my action after that is mine to blame if I went along with it. For me, every time a random girl comes to me to have sexual talk or action with me, I immediately give her a word of my own and report this to Sony's administration as sexual content, inappropriate content, etc so Sony disable their account or ban them or block them from me. I did my part here to further stop spreading the disease.

    One can say that both played a role in either further spreading the cancer or preventing it. If more men say, "No!" to this filth, eventually this fire will self-extinguish itself. Both sexes are to blame. The solution is to return back to Sharia Law and implement it 100% in our lives.
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    Avis's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    Allah gave us the ability to control ourselves and not fall into our desires. One of the strongest weapons we have is our faith in our Lord and remembrance of Him.

    A woman dressing like a prostitute is no excuse for a man not lowering his gaze. Easily accessible pornography and entertainment that contains haram material is no excuse to watch them. It just shows we are weak and failing to remember Allah and His punishment as often as we should. Right now, for the majority of people, our deen takes a back seat to our entertainment.

    We are all to blame for our situation today. Some could say men are a bit more since they are supposed to be our leaders and set the example.
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    Islami.Mu'mina's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    Yeah I definitely agree with @Avis and @BeTheChange here. There is sin everywhere, whether you are a woman or man. Literally all of the content on TV has some sort of haram aspect, not even including the sexual content.. There is far more. As Muslim we have to learn to stay away from any haram content, and we should lower our gaze to all sorts of sins, not just the opposite sex. Wherever we go now, outside or online.. There will be sin because we are in the days of fitna. And that will be our test to hold ourselves accountable and stay away from these. There are always preventative measures.

    Just as @BeTheChange said, no one is making you get a TV. Even with internet, we have ad blockers. And most of the time, inappropriate ads will only come on depending on what kind of things you browse on your device. And it is a test for us to make sure to take preventative measures with all sorts of sin.

    "Women lost their modesty when men lost their gheeryah" is also another contributing factor to this society.

    We have come to this point as Muslims because both sides have lost sight of their real duty.

    Now the best we can do is hold our own selves responsible and accountable for the sins we act out on
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    keiv's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    Ultimately, it's up to each individual, men and women, to fix themselves. The porn industry is no different than any other business. It's all about supply and demand and as long as there is demand, there are men and women willing to supply it. In terms of how people are dressed, you can thank celebrities and "influencers" for that. Who do you think help pay for their salaries? That's right, fashion companies. Unfortunately, normal everyday people look to these celebrities for guidance on how to live their lives so they try to mimic them in every way possible. There's lots that can be said on these issues but I'll leave it at that for now.
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    xboxisdead's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by keiv View Post
    Ultimately, it's up to each individual, men and women, to fix themselves. The porn industry is no different than any other business. It's all about supply and demand and as long as there is demand, there are men and women willing to supply it. In terms of how people are dressed, you can thank celebrities and "influencers" for that. Who do you think help pay for their salaries? That's right, fashion companies. Unfortunately, normal everyday people look to these celebrities for guidance on how to live their lives so they try to mimic them in every way possible. There's lots that can be said on these issues but I'll leave it at that for now.
    It also trickles down back to the starting point. Family! Do both parents play their role correctly or are children orphan, even if both parents are alive?

    If women complain they cannot find good husbands around, search for the main source. How was that boy raised from birth?

    If men complain they only find materialistic women. Look at the source her house and how she is raised.
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    xboxisdead's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    SubhannaAllah, I was right! This is a different scenario BUT WITH THE EXACT SAME THEME as the OP posted. The women are the instigator here (much like the original post, posted) but the blame is not only on them it is in both parties. Regardless of who did it first and who is fighting against the command of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa), the blame goes in both parties because it is commanded for each person to stop evil, no matter who the evil is. Even if it is a child. Even if it is a child girl. It doesn't matter. Child girl, child boy,...just plain child. If that child does evil you stop the child or else you also take blame when you saw evil and did nothing to stop it.

    Who bears the consequence of mixing between the sexes? (Including things you see online)

    If you discuss with some brothers about the ruling on free mixing between men and women at work, they say that it is normal situation that a man works, and that he is not sinful for continuing to do so. Please advise these brothers bearing in mind that chances of employment in our country are limited.

    Praise be to Allah.

    Mixing between men and women at work has bad consequences and obvious evil effects on both men and women, including the following:

    1 – Haraam looking. Allaah has commanded both believing men and believing women to lower their gaze. He says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts). That is purer for them. Verily, Allaah is All‑Aware of what they do.

    31. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent…”

    [al-Noor 24:30-31]

    In Saheeh Muslim (2159) it is narrated that Jareer ibn ‘Abd-Allaah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: I asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about an accidental glance and he ordered me to avert my gaze.

    2 – It may result in haraam touching., which includes shaking hands. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If one of you were to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle, that would be better for him than his touching a woman who is not permissible for him.” Narrated by al-Tabaraani from Ma’qil ibn Yasaar; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’ no. 5045.

    3 – Mixing may lead to a man being alone with a non-mahram woman, which is haraam because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “No man is alone with a woman but the third one present is the shaytaan.” Narated by al-Tirmidhi (2165); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.

    According to another report: “Whoever believes in Allaah and the Last Day, let him not be alone with a woman who has no mahram present, for the third one present will be the shaytaan.” Narrated by Ahmad and classed as saheeh by al-Hakaim, and al-Dhahabi agreed with him; it was also classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Ghaayat al-Maraam (180).

    4 – Another of its evil consequences is when a man becomes infatuated with a woman, or vice versa, which is due to mixing and prolonged interaction.

    5 – That may lead to the break-up of families. How many men have neglected their wives and lost their families, because they were infatuated with a female classmate or colleague? How many women have lost their husbands and neglected their homes for the same reason. Indeed, how many cases of divorce have been caused by haraam relationships formed by the husband or wife, and mixing at work was the thing that lead to that.

    For these and other reasons, Islam forbids mixing that leads to these evils. The evidence for the prohibition on mixing has been discussed in detail in the answer to question no. 1200.

    The natural situation for women is to stay at home, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance” [al-Ahzaab 33:33].

    Ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: This means: stay in your houses and do not come out unnecessarily. End quote.

    Those who should work to earn money and do different jobs and professions are the men, but even though this is the natural way and the woman is the one who is transgressing the limits and crowding with men in the workplace, and going out fully adorned, and doing things that Allaah has forbidden, all of that is no justification for a Muslim man doing that which Allaah has forbidden him to do, rather he will be questioned about his actions. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “No person earns any (sin) except against himself (only), and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another” [al-An’aam 6:164].

    The Muslim is enjoined to adhere to the limits set by Allaah, and not to transgress them just because other people do so; rather he is required to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil as much as he can, not to take the fact that people do evil deeds as a justification for falling into them himself. Hence our advice to every Muslim is to strive to keep his heart free of the effects of fitan (tribulations and temptations), especially the fitnah of women of which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I have not left after me any fitnah that is more harmful to men than women.” Agreed upon.

    He should also keep away from those places which the shaytaan takes as a starting point to gradually tempt people from one sin to another that is worse than it. We should have certain faith that the one who puts his trust in Allaah will find that He is sufficient for him, and if one fears Him, He will grant a way out. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).

    3. And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine”

    [al-Talaaq 65:2-3]

    So the Muslim should strive to find work where there is no mixing with women; if he cannot find it, let him fear Allaah as much as he can, by lowering his gaze and avoiding talking to women unnecessarily, or going beyond that to laughing and joking, or being alone with a woman, for a huge fire may start with a single spark.

    May Allah help us all to do that which He loves and which pleases Him.

    And Allah knows best.

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    Revert alYunani's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    The society is not where it is now because of women dressing as prostitutes or men raping women and not lowering the gaze.Prostitution was a profession for thousands of years,and men raped more than they raped now.You know that district in amsterdam where prostitutes are displayed on the windows and you can choose just like you are in a supermarket shelve? It was pretty much like it,while now its illegal,apart from amsterdam is not like that.And men should think 100 times before raping a women nowdays,we have police and we have laws,it aint like before.But there are more rape cases yes,because the population is huge compared to before.

    Yet there was not so much degeneracy before.If you look at history,there was a lot of degeneracy in the ancient times,and then in middle ages when everybody was following christianity youd be lucky to see a womans ankle in europe,let alone find a nonvirgin.And nowdays there is a lot of degeneracy again.All of it because the society lost the moral laws,and the more it drifted away from religion the more it came to degeneracy.Look at the amish communities,jewish,hindus,etc,they still hang on to morals and codes.Look at the way they dress and the way they act.Todays women and men have no morals,no principles,no shame,and dont educate their children the right way as they dont even know what is the right way.It is leaving the religion that brought the society to where it is now,brough it back to pagan times behaviours.

    And when it comes to muslims,the family is more to blame,and then the leaders.They have the biggest fault.All these families who dont give proper education to their children,whose islam is becoming like a culture for them,who have still sings of jahiliyyah.Being more tolerant than they should be to get the approval of the nonbelievers,and thus they loose religion slowly in the process.

    All are to blame,for nonmuslims women are more to blame,but for muslims men have the bigger fault.

    i articulate myself terribly..
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    xboxisdead's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Revert alYunani View Post
    The society is not where it is now because of women dressing as prostitutes or men raping women and not lowering the gaze.Prostitution was a profession for thousands of years,and men raped more than they raped now.You know that district in amsterdam where prostitutes are displayed on the windows and you can choose just like you are in a supermarket shelve? It was pretty much like it,while now its illegal,apart from amsterdam is not like that.And men should think 100 times before raping a women nowdays,we have police and we have laws,it aint like before.But there are more rape cases yes,because the population is huge compared to before.

    Yet there was not so much degeneracy before.If you look at history,there was a lot of degeneracy in the ancient times,and then in middle ages when everybody was following christianity youd be lucky to see a womans ankle in europe,let alone find a nonvirgin.And nowdays there is a lot of degeneracy again.All of it because the society lost the moral laws,and the more it drifted away from religion the more it came to degeneracy.Look at the amish communities,jewish,hindus,etc,they still hang on to morals and codes.Look at the way they dress and the way they act.Todays women and men have no morals,no principles,no shame,and dont educate their children the right way as they dont even know what is the right way.It is leaving the religion that brought the society to where it is now,brough it back to pagan times behaviours.

    And when it comes to muslims,the family is more to blame,and then the leaders.They have the biggest fault.All these families who dont give proper education to their children,whose islam is becoming like a culture for them,who have still sings of jahiliyyah.Being more tolerant than they should be to get the approval of the nonbelievers,and thus they loose religion slowly in the process.

    All are to blame,for nonmuslims women are more to blame,but for muslims men have the bigger fault.

    i articulate myself terribly..
    There ya go! Screwing up your article by ending it in blaming a single group of people based on their gender. Bravo! Now you are ever more adding fuel to fire to further go down the pit hall. Aware that if you blame one certain group of people you are adding sugar to cancer and cancer loves sugar. If you want to play the blame game I can reverse it easily and say it is women's fault over men's fault. I can throw in examples and valid arguments why it is women's fault. I can start with the minor sign of qiyama where two signs concerning women have taking effect:

    A) A husband is obedient to his wife....
    B) Women rule the world

    I didn't add C) where it says women group together to conspire....

    Well we can say the blame goes to leader at home right? I can say at majority of the houses the leader are not men, but women. In fact I CAN GO AS FAR AS SAY THIS:

    Nowadays in the new world order (against Islam) the new law is this: It is obligatory for the husband to be obedient and submissive to his wife.

    Tell me above if this is not happening already in many homes? How many husbands say, "Yes dear. Yes ma'am" he cowers in fear from the wrath and anger of his wife. How many husbands says, 'Oh, we all know who is the boss in house.' and he laughs at his stupid jokes? How many men says, 'The wife is the boss. She tells him what to do.' How many husbands says, 'I have to ask the permission of my wife first before I can do this or that.' The controlling tower. How many wives micromanage their husbands? Isn't there a book in amazon..oh yes there is....titled how to train your husband like a dog?

    Please...don't assume the false narrative that the man have the power and he is the head of the country and all decision making are on the shoulder of men and fault cause on them exclusive. Not really. Those golden days are long gone, my friend. I have another example to win my case. Egypt. In Egypt, isn't it the law there that the wife can take all the wealth and house and property after a divorce happens? Literally, she can take his children, his house, his land, his wealth and throw him out of the house. Yup. The wives in Egypt can deny intimacy's toward her husband during marriage. She is loud, controlling, verbal, insultive, etc. The men are weak in Egypt. Sorry, but they are. They have feminine attributes and the women are masculine in Egypt. That is in the home and if you are not the boss of your house, you are not the boss outside the house. Who is the boss not only take the credit and are the backbone of society, but also take responsibilities, criticism and blame and fault more so over the one who is not the boss.

    Women are now....the back back bone of society. Not men. They are our leaders. They are the one that control society now. They are the one that run in government, in judges, in courts, they are the one that run majority of the job positions in the world. They lead in home and they lead outside in homes, many worse and deaths are the result of many women leading and men just obey. Cisi is one great example. He is evil, bad and need to be killed. So is his wife, first, followed by him. His wife controls all the military completely. The military obeys his wife 100%, majority of the decision making is on her shoulder in how to run countries. In Arab world, it is the women that run the country...not the men. Men are a body where women the leaches on to control so that she can express her power. She is the mind and he is the body. Pretty much that is how it is. So if you want to put blame on men...I would put the blame on the brain not the body, so therefore...I would put the blame on the women first.

    How is that ending? Do you like that? I sure do. By the way, did that help? Blaming Muslim men first and almost all? Does blaming one group of people by any chance solves the problem? Hmmm....so as a woman, men get the blame I can still be an <censor> and men get the blame and i can be more bolder and bolder because in the end, somehow, men will always be blamed. Therefore, let me be more vile, more evil, more disobedient to Allah and somehow you are helping the women?

    You know what? If I was really a woman hater, I would smile with glee and put everything on shoulder of men and remove all responsibilities on women and cheer on by saying, 'Go on sister! You go, girl!' I would say things that women want to hear and make women more disobedient to Allah, make women go further in the evil path and then at night I smile and and giggle to myself before I go to bed, knowing I have helped more fuel to fire in hellfire and that fuel are female. But if you noticed I am trying my best to stop idoicy from both end: men and women, so that we both avoid going to hellfire and sometimes the most painful procedure is the remedy over the actual disease itself. Please, stop blaming one group of people. It will not solve anything. We both are accountable, both take responsibilities and both parties are to blame. If you really, love your sister I mean. Because blaming men only sound to me you are a women hater for real.
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    The hadith u are referring to is regarding the rights of women. There are so many rights of women in Islam thqt a small mistake can cost the man his janah. Quran clearly states that the property and children (male and female) are a trial. So the sens u are interpreting the hdith is contradicting the quranic ayat.
    2ndly, who goes to the prostitution centers? Men? Have u ever seen men raise a voice against rape? Rathr majority rely on victim blaming. Honor has been wronglt attached with women adding to their misery while giving full freedom to men. And you talk about men as if they are animals who have no idea of self control whatso ever. DID YOU NOT RAD OF YOUSUF AS? Who protected himself from Zulaikha despite her best eforts? Then why cant men do the same? You chose to buy the cell phone, access the intrnet etc. Dont. Or why not come up with an alternative? It will also help the muslims? I have an ad blocker installed and never once have i come across ads of any sorts.

    You can keep blaming a particular gender, but remember Quran clearly states For you are your deeds, for me are mine. Have u not read the hadith where the prophet's cousin kept staring at a beautiful woman while she was talking to the former,. Instead of telling the woman to cover up, he grabbed his cousin's chin and turned it away.
    And yu can't really expect men to defend themselves on judgement day by sahin"oh lord the woman's dressing provoked me", will the Lord not mention the ayat where He lucidly said :for you are ur deeds, for me are mine. Will He not say that you had control over ur body, no one elses's, could have lowered your eyes.
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    xboxisdead's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by wayfarer91 View Post
    The hadith u are referring to is regarding the rights of women. There are so many rights of women in Islam thqt a small mistake can cost the man his janah. Quran clearly states that the property and children (male and female) are a trial. So the sens u are interpreting the hdith is contradicting the quranic ayat.
    2ndly, who goes to the prostitution centers? Men? Have u ever seen men raise a voice against rape? Rathr majority rely on victim blaming. Honor has been wronglt attached with women adding to their misery while giving full freedom to men. And you talk about men as if they are animals who have no idea of self control whatso ever. DID YOU NOT RAD OF YOUSUF AS? Who protected himself from Zulaikha despite her best eforts? Then why cant men do the same? You chose to buy the cell phone, access the intrnet etc. Dont. Or why not come up with an alternative? It will also help the muslims? I have an ad blocker installed and never once have i come across ads of any sorts.

    You can keep blaming a particular gender, but remember Quran clearly states For you are your deeds, for me are mine. Have u not read the hadith where the prophet's cousin kept staring at a beautiful woman while she was talking to the former,. Instead of telling the woman to cover up, he grabbed his cousin's chin and turned it away.
    And yu can't really expect men to defend themselves on judgement day by sahin"oh lord the woman's dressing provoked me", will the Lord not mention the ayat where He lucidly said :for you are ur deeds, for me are mine. Will He not say that you had control over ur body, no one elses's, could have lowered your eyes.
    And women have will power too. They can refuse prostitution except for the ones that are forced. Even the one that are forced can attempt to run-away or pray to Allah that he saves her. Islam gave women and men rights not just women. The idea that only women have right is oppression and injustice and Allah swore to himself he will not be injustice to any of his creation. Women have right to be taking care off by the mail counterpart. Women right of motherhood is high. Women have right of property (just like a man), women can own her business (just like a man), women if she feels she will not fulfill her husband right, have right of khulu (but with valid reason). However, there are limits to women's right and not one of them step on men and children rights. No way Islam oppresses men and children for women. Allah wouldn't do that. At the end you said what I said, "blaming group of gender" harms doesn't help. @Revert alYunani you did wrong by saying men have bigger fault. Both equally are fault and both sexes need to return to Allah.
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead View Post
    There ya go! Screwing up your article by ending it in blaming a single group of people based on their gender. Bravo! Now you are ever more adding fuel to fire to further go down the pit hall. Aware that if you blame one certain group of people you are adding sugar to cancer and cancer loves sugar. If you want to play the blame game I can reverse it easily and say it is women's fault over men's fault. I can throw in examples and valid arguments why it is women's fault. I can start with the minor sign of qiyama where two signs concerning women have taking effect:

    A) A husband is obedient to his wife....
    B) Women rule the world

    I didn't add C) where it says women group together to conspire....

    Well we can say the blame goes to leader at home right? I can say at majority of the houses the leader are not men, but women. In fact I CAN GO AS FAR AS SAY THIS:

    Nowadays in the new world order (against Islam) the new law is this: It is obligatory for the husband to be obedient and submissive to his wife.

    Tell me above if this is not happening already in many homes? How many husbands say, "Yes dear. Yes ma'am" he cowers in fear from the wrath and anger of his wife. How many husbands says, 'Oh, we all know who is the boss in house.' and he laughs at his stupid jokes? How many men says, 'The wife is the boss. She tells him what to do.' How many husbands says, 'I have to ask the permission of my wife first before I can do this or that.' The controlling tower. How many wives micromanage their husbands? Isn't there a book in amazon..oh yes there is....titled how to train your husband like a dog?

    Please...don't assume the false narrative that the man have the power and he is the head of the country and all decision making are on the shoulder of men and fault cause on them exclusive. Not really. Those golden days are long gone, my friend. I have another example to win my case. Egypt. In Egypt, isn't it the law there that the wife can take all the wealth and house and property after a divorce happens? Literally, she can take his children, his house, his land, his wealth and throw him out of the house. Yup. The wives in Egypt can deny intimacy's toward her husband during marriage. She is loud, controlling, verbal, insultive, etc. The men are weak in Egypt. Sorry, but they are. They have feminine attributes and the women are masculine in Egypt. That is in the home and if you are not the boss of your house, you are not the boss outside the house. Who is the boss not only take the credit and are the backbone of society, but also take responsibilities, criticism and blame and fault more so over the one who is not the boss.

    Women are now....the back back bone of society. Not men. They are our leaders. They are the one that control society now. They are the one that run in government, in judges, in courts, they are the one that run majority of the job positions in the world. They lead in home and they lead outside in homes, many worse and deaths are the result of many women leading and men just obey. Cisi is one great example. He is evil, bad and need to be killed. So is his wife, first, followed by him. His wife controls all the military completely. The military obeys his wife 100%, majority of the decision making is on her shoulder in how to run countries. In Arab world, it is the women that run the country...not the men. Men are a body where women the leaches on to control so that she can express her power. She is the mind and he is the body. Pretty much that is how it is. So if you want to put blame on men...I would put the blame on the brain not the body, so therefore...I would put the blame on the women first.

    How is that ending? Do you like that? I sure do. By the way, did that help? Blaming Muslim men first and almost all? Does blaming one group of people by any chance solves the problem? Hmmm....so as a woman, men get the blame I can still be an <censor> and men get the blame and i can be more bolder and bolder because in the end, somehow, men will always be blamed. Therefore, let me be more vile, more evil, more disobedient to Allah and somehow you are helping the women?

    You know what? If I was really a woman hater, I would smile with glee and put everything on shoulder of men and remove all responsibilities on women and cheer on by saying, 'Go on sister! You go, girl!' I would say things that women want to hear and make women more disobedient to Allah, make women go further in the evil path and then at night I smile and and giggle to myself before I go to bed, knowing I have helped more fuel to fire in hellfire and that fuel are female. But if you noticed I am trying my best to stop idoicy from both end: men and women, so that we both avoid going to hellfire and sometimes the most painful procedure is the remedy over the actual disease itself. Please, stop blaming one group of people. It will not solve anything. We both are accountable, both take responsibilities and both parties are to blame. If you really, love your sister I mean. Because blaming men only sound to me you are a women hater for real.
    I dont know if you really read my msg or just read a part of it.Because if i could i would just copy paste your message to mine.You are saying exactly what i was saying.
    I said its the leaders fault and families fault and both genders are at fault.I didnt blame only one group and i dont care if women like what im saying or not.I said before that there are good atheist women who are way better than some muslim women around me,i know nobody likes to hear and i dont care? thats my opinion and i will say what i think despite whos feelings get hurt.
    When it comes to nonmuslim world i blamed women more,we agree on that.
    When it comes to muslim world i blamed men more because you cant blame women for men being weak.We didnt start off as weak.We always had the power and we had that power reinforced by the Creator himself.Arent muslim women supposed to obey their husbands? You control how much of her body she exposes,wether she works or not,wether she has her own money or not,wether she travels or not,if she wants to join groups of other women and conspire or not,you have control over everything.
    I am not a control extremist freak,if i marry,i would let my wife do everything she wants,but what is haram is haram,so if i see her doing something haram,then i would interfere.And if she doesnt want to stop,i have more power,i have the power of leaving her bed and i have power of divorcing her. And while she was not with me,she was with her father which had power over her too.
    Now if the women have taken the lead,i dont blame them more than us.They have shaytan whispering everyday to do haram stuff and take the lead,why dont we turn to quran and sunnah and do things properly to keep our position?
    It is our fault,we inherited a great khaliphate,great power,great knowledge,great laws,and we lost all of them.Now most of muslim men trying to marry ''christian'' women,making zinnah,running after money,copying nonmuslims in everything,and when they marry they marry to satisfy their desires.Nobody cares about aqeeda and finding someone whom they fit with,someone who would educate the children the right way.What kind of men will they raise? And what kind of men will their sons raise? It is everybodies fault,but men are more to blame.Im sorry but this is the truth.
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Revert alYunani View Post
    I dont know if you really read my msg or just read a part of it.Because if i could i would just copy paste your message to mine.You are saying exactly what i was saying.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Revert alYunani View Post
    I said its the leaders fault and families fault and both genders are at fault.I didnt blame only one group and i dont care if women like what im saying or not.I said before that there are good atheist women who are way better than some muslim women around me,i know nobody likes to hear and i dont care? thats my opinion and i will say what i think despite whos feelings get hurt.
    I like men who are strong and opinionated, so that is good to hear as long as you mean it that you don't care, even if a huge trail may come to you to take you on with what you just said, "That you don't care." No matter how good an Ashiest woman is, it is forbidden for a Muslim man to marry her. Our sisters need NOT LEARN from an Atheist woman no matter how good she is, she need to learn from Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her) and other women that Allah talks about in Qura'an (not the non-Muslim ones).

    format_quote Originally Posted by Revert alYunani View Post
    When it comes to nonmuslim world i blamed women more,we agree on that.
    I disagree. I blame both. Men and women alike. Both hold their share of the filth they are gushing about and swimming in mud of filth. I blame both men and women for producing single mothers and I blame women for femininizing their men at early age, while they where boys and I blame men for just screwing around like animals not caring what type of mother his seed will come out. Both are equally at fault. Both are retards. How can they be smart when the biggest retard they ever done is DISBELIEVE IN Allah, his prophets, angels and books. That my friend is shows how lack of intelligence non-Muslim people are and I don't care if they have an IQ of 850. Pretty much like how women like to rub it on faces of men that they hold superiority over men for their ability to do good in school and talk before men do and and and....so What??! If you are non-Muslim you are more stupider than the monkey. At least the monkey worships Allah and is Muslim.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Revert alYunani View Post
    When it comes to muslim world i blamed men more because you cant blame women for men being weak.
    I disagree again. I blame both sexes. Blaming one group helps no one and make each other fall further in a pit of filth.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Revert alYunani View Post
    We didnt start off as weak.We always had the power and we had that power reinforced by the Creator himself.Arent muslim women supposed to obey their husbands? You control how much of her body she exposes,wether she works or not,wether she has her own money or not,wether she travels or not,if she wants to join groups of other women and conspire or not,you have control over everything.
    I am not a control extremist freak,if i marry,i would let my wife do everything she wants,but what is haram is haram,so if i see her doing something haram,then i would interfere.And if she doesnt want to stop,i have more power,i have the power of leaving her bed and i have power of divorcing her. And while she was not with me,she was with her father which had power over her too.
    We no longer follow that. Nowadays, it is obligatory on the husband to be obedient and submissive to his wife. The wife is the one that controls the husband, the children and the house. For that reason, I put my responsibility and shoulder on the one that have the most control. Women. I am sorry, but in the household...who is the one that is in control. The wife. Who is the one in control in raising the children. The wife. Who is the one in control in finances of the house. The wife. Does the husband have to obey his wife in order to maintain peace? Yes. Since in Arab world, it is the women who control the country. Not the men. Even in political world, the women are the one in control. Not the men. Maybe women need to research this better before opening their mouth and they will be surprised to find out that the one who is in control of everything are the women, not the men. AND WOMEN ARE CONTROL FREAKS. So for the one who have control, like you said should be held responsibility and accountable and that is women. So in this case, I would say the fault goes to women. But earlier I said putting blame in any group of people causes wedge and doesn't solve an

    format_quote Originally Posted by Revert alYunani View Post
    Now if the women have taken the lead,i dont blame them more than us.They have shaytan whispering everyday to do haram stuff and take the lead,why dont we turn to quran and sunnah and do things properly to keep our position?
    It is our fault,we inherited a great khaliphate,great power,great knowledge,great laws,and we lost all of them.Now most of muslim men trying to marry ''christian'' women,making zinnah,running after money,copying nonmuslims in everything,and when they marry they marry to satisfy their desires.Nobody cares about aqeeda and finding someone whom they fit with,someone who would educate the children the right way.What kind of men will they raise? And what kind of men will their sons raise? It is everybodies fault,but men are more to blame.Im sorry but this is the truth.
    How can men be blamed more when women are running everything? Use your head. With your logic all faults goes 100% to women not men. Better yet, if women are running everything...which they are...then men should get mahir and custody of children so women think twice before divorcing their husband. Don't you agree?

    But I go back to my original post...men are not more to blame as women are not more to blame...we both are to blame and we both need to return back to Sharia Law and the fitra that Allah put in men and women. Otherwise, it is pointless pointing fingers we are already at the bottom of the sea dead.
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    However, I believe in Allah and his law. Women get mahir and custody is in her hand, because Allah said so. So I believe in that and I am no disbeliever. That being said, I also believe the husband and the men who should lead and not women. Since people disagree and women are leading, I am questioning now....who really are Muslim for real?

    So many people say they are Muslim.....but are they really Muslim? I have a feeling here even amongst us they select Islam as their religion but what their heart really holds? Only Allah knows.
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead View Post
    No matter how good an Ashiest woman is, it is forbidden for a Muslim man to marry her.
    sadly yes...i wish everybody would follow islam the way we do and look at the character and religion before looking at wealth and ethnicity.But when one is always being flattered by nonmuslim women but need a house and a nice car and thousands of euros in the bank to propose to a muslim,then ofc he would like to be with smn who likes his character and love him for who he is.Too cliche but true.Anyway

    format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead View Post
    Both hold their share of the filth they are gushing about and swimming in mud of filth. I blame both men and women for producing single mothers and I blame women for femininizing their men at early age, while they where boys and I blame men for just screwing around like animals not caring what type of mother his seed will come out. Both are equally at fault. Both are retards. How can they be smart when the biggest retard they ever done is DISBELIEVE IN Allah
    Look at how women dressed until 1910.Then the dajjal system started to use them as toys and sexual objects,and continues to use them even now,on ads,billboards,feminism,porn,everywhere.Women making it on top by selling their dignity.I wouldnt blame nonmuslim men as much as the women in this.You know the nature of men.If you have no divine laws to stop you,and your desires are calling you,who is that man who would want to live like a monk and be with only one woman.Wont we have nur al ayn in jannah along with our wife? And we are allowed to have 4 wives.The man would always want more.And when women give them the freedom to sexually use them,they will take it.
    Not everybody who disbelieves in Allah is retard.Some are arrogant.Shaytan does not work all alone,he has other shaytan and he has people one earth working for him.These people who control us dont think they are retard.If they were retards they wouldnt control us and put this stupid virus now to totally destroy the prayer and hajj.They are very smart,but also very evil.

    format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead View Post
    So in this case, I would say the fault goes to women.
    it goes to both thats what i am saying but the men allowed to women to take positions who dont belong to them and themselves they took positions who dont belong to them.So the society got screwed up.As i said now most of people marry for desires.He is already controlled by her before even being married.She takes him away from relatives,from mosque,from prayer,from everything she likes and direct him to everything she likes.And he has to do it cuz he is infatuated by her,she has what he needs and can control him.I see it at muslims online and those muslims at work.We are eating together and a nonmuslim woman may come by and say a few words,and everybody forgets the talk about religion and everything and would start mocking each other and showing whos boss,to impress the woman.Are these the kind of men who would be leading the society.Now the woman can play these people in her finger bro.And she can do that because we are super weak and failed to keep the positon that Allah gave us.

    format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead View Post
    How can men be blamed more when women are running everything? Use your head. With your logic all faults goes 100% to women not men. Better yet, if women are running everything...which they are...then men should get mahir and custody of children so women think twice before divorcing their husband. Don't you agree?
    No,you have to pay them mahr and custody of children and satisfy her needs,give her shelter,food,whatever she wants that Allah commands you to.And if they run everything you have to obey them too,because its your fault that let them take the power that Allah gave you. I dont mean you personally,obviously.

    format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead View Post
    we both are to blame and we both need to return back to Sharia Law and the fitra that Allah put in men and women.
    Both ofc.But who will turn us back to Sharia law? Wont it be imam mahdi? Wont it be men who have to lock their women in their houses when dajjal appears? Lock the women in their houses,there is huge windows in that.Its us who have the power of preventing evil and its us who have power over women.Women are unleashed into evil because we have let them.We are too weak enough to close the door.

    Thank you btw.I like discussing and reading your posts.no sarcasm really
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    I like discussing with you too

    You have me thinking now and pondering in what you are saying.
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    She is responsible for her deeds, and you are responsible for yours.. It is as simple as that,
    Pinning the blame solely on women as the original post did is just bizarre. How is prostitution formed? women are victims of sex trafficking. what is she supposed to do then when forced into such a thing? The leading brands in the world are owned by men, the leading tv companies are owned by men, and u are saying its a woman's fault.?
    Like i mentioned in the hadith, the Prophet turned away the face of his cousin, didn't tell the woman to cover up, simple as that!
    I mentioned Zulaikha as well,, she tried to entice Yunus, but he refrained!
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    She is responsible for her deeds, and you are responsible for yours.. It is as simple as that,
    Pinning the blame solely on women as the original post did is just bizarre. How is prostitution formed? women are victims of sex trafficking. what is she supposed to do then when forced into such a thing? The leading brands in the world are owned by men, the leading tv companies are owned by men, and u are saying its a woman's fault.?
    Like i mentioned in the hadith, the Prophet turned away the face of his cousin, didn't tell the woman to cover up, simple as that!
    I mentioned Zulaikha as well,, she tried to entice Yunus, but he refrained!
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    Re: "Ignorant" women have brought this society to where it is now!!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by wayfarer91 View Post
    She is responsible for her deeds, and you are responsible for yours.. It is as simple as that,
    Pinning the blame solely on women as the original post did is just bizarre. How is prostitution formed? women are victims of sex trafficking. what is she supposed to do then when forced into such a thing? The leading brands in the world are owned by men, the leading tv companies are owned by men, and u are saying its a woman's fault.?
    Like i mentioned in the hadith, the Prophet turned away the face of his cousin, didn't tell the woman to cover up, simple as that!
    I mentioned Zulaikha as well,, she tried to entice Yunus, but he refrained!
    You again confirmed everything I said and match with what I said. I just seem to be more verbose, but in the end we both came to the same conclusion.
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