hello, I am here to ask what I should do with my relationship with my mother. when I was a kid my mother was so dear to my heart I would die for her, but a situation happened and we had to go back to Jordan with her and my 3 siblings, now from there her family treated me and my siblings telling us to die, and that they wish we were never born, etc... they didn't care where they were they would humiliate us in front of guests and whatnot. Me I and my siblings were respectful we tried telling our mother but she didn't care and said that they just care for us but we were very hurt. time goes and my father and mother said that they are going to get a divorce and from there the relation between our mother's side of the family and me and my siblings became horrible and emotionally abusive, my father was in America working to provide for us and I and my siblings were done with it and begged our mother to send us to America and to come live with us since we loved her no matter how her mother treated us. she sent us to America but she left, we still had a relationship with her and loved her dearly, but then she would come to America convince us she staying but then go back to Jordan, time her family would call just to curse and scream at us.She's done with over 3 times, coming and going to the point where my siblings gave up and said she's never coming to live here, I was taking the role of raising the kids, who were 16 at the time, as my father was always working. it has gotten very exhausting for me and I was tired all the time but no one cared. with my mother coming over and over and each time with more hatred towards us, it came to the point where my siblings were scared of her and I would shake every time I heard that she needed me. my health became worst over the years and now at 18, I have a chronic illness and mental health that isn't where it was. but everyone keeps telling me that she's my mother even when she physically and mentally abused me over the years. I want to be a good Muslima and I learn about Islam all the time, I don't hate my mother but I am deeply scared of her, and being in the same room as her or hearing her voice scares me. and now that she came back for good with her new husband (who I don't trust to be in the same room as him) and a child on the way it seems like I can't run away from the issue. what should I do? please advise me. thank you