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Educate me about Islam

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    SkywalkerRicco's Avatar Limited Member
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    Educate me about Islam

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    I am a German atheist and I decided to create an account here hoping to receive help. Let me try to explain my issue in detail. Please be patient.
    Firstly, I want to make clear, that I come with peaceful intentions. I want to be educated and learn and if I offend anybody, please know that it was not on purpose. I come with good intentions. Please be respectful with me in return.
    As I travelled home from work today, I read in the news that a guy killed two innocent people in Brussels in the name of Allah. This awoke a feeling of rage in me. I was born in the year 2000 and I can recall a lot of terrorist atrocities committed in the name of Allah. A very impactful one for me is 9/11. When I aged and first understood what happened when I was only one year old, this impacted my perception of Islam for life. I have to admit, that 9/11 has been a foundation for a feeling of rejection against Islam which I feel against no other religion. ISIS, Charlie Hebdo and the beheading of a French teacher who showed cartoons of Mohammed intensified these feelings.
    I have to make clear right now that I never acted out against no muslim. I am just describing how these things shaped my perception of Islam to be that negative that I seriously view it as the most dangerous religion of our time. Also, I want to exclude what is happening between Hamas and the Israeli Government right now. As you may expect, I am strongly in contra of Hamas and view their actions as inexcusable and nothing less than bestial. But the innocent people dying in Gaza right now do not deserve this neither. Please let us not talk about who is in the right in this conflict as it is a very emotional and also dynamic situation, and talking about it would distract from my central request.
    My 2 best friends are muslims, both do not believe in Allah for their own reasons but officially they are muslim. I know their parents very well, I love them and I think they love me as well. This illustrates, that I do not blindly hate muslims and can very well coexist with them.
    Back to the beginning: as I noticed this feeling of rage inside of me today, I thrifted away into thoughts like "I hate Islam", "Muslims are bad", "we should kick out muslims of Europe". Once again, I am not racist. My friends are all of migrant background, so were all my girlfriends. Where I live in Germany, there seem to be more migrants than "Germans". But still these feelings and thoughts arose in me.
    As my rage went away, I thought about my thoughts. Kicking out all muslims would mean kicking out my best friends. Their parents. My neighbors who are Palestinian and who I like very much. They obviously do not deserve this, they did nothing wrong. My thoughts were wrong.
    But then, why do these acts of terrorism arise almost exclusively from so-called "muslims"? Why are there no jewish, hindu, christian or buddhist terrorist attacks in Germany, the UK or France? Why do people want to destroy our society, kill us, in the name of Allah? It could have been me, my family, my friends who died to the bullets. Why does the muslim community not condemn these acts? The only thing I constantly read is "he was no muslim", "Islam is the religion of peace"... If the highest authorities of Islam publicly condemned the terrorist acts committed in Europe, or Asia, or Africa, they would lack in legitimacy and thus only ridicule the perpetrators. But I never read about any muslim authority condemning ISIS, the attacks on Charlie Hebdo or even the attacks committed by muslims against other muslims, for example in Afghanistan. Most victims of islamist terror are muslims themselves at the end.

    Please help me. Educate me. Show me the beauty of Islam. I am not trying to find God. I am just trying to confront my anti-muslim feelings. The best remedy against racism, xenophobia and prejudice is dialogue, an open mind, seeking interactions with the people you judge.

    I am looking forward to your answers and thoughts. Please be respectful.

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    Re: Educate me about Islam

    It would have been helpful to state which areas of Islam you are not sure of, as I might be going over information you already now, but here is an overview:


    1. There is only one God (a God is not created, he does not have children, there are no other Gods -if there was that would contradict that God is All-Knowing, All-Seeing, as no other being can keep their thoughts/actions hidden.

    2. That God created the worlds and the beings, as evolution would never explained how cells clumped together, and even over time to decide you be part of the brain, heart, male and female perfectly.

    3. The angels praise Allah, his love opens the gates of Heaven. No one else’s love does that, you can’t say you are going to Heaven as that person loved you. No matter how much charity you gave (which was given away what Allah has provided), it won’t mean a thing as you did not accept Allah. You can’t say someone else is more important than Allah, when he has created you, provided you with everything. This is where idol worshippers are going to be asked to call on those who said will protect them, those who made a big deal of those standing with them-then ask them to.

    4. This is where it is false that you hear so many people in the western world making baseless statements that such and such is looking down on their family-have they received a revelation from Allah to confirm this?? Why has he entered Heaven?? Are you saying they entered Heaven because they just cared for you?? Is that the revelation from Allah?? Have you elevated yourself to be treated more importantly than Allah??


    1. We are here to be tested. Allah has sent so many Prophets. The muslims are not happy when we hear atheists just say each religion believes they are right, when it is full of contradictions, which include:

    a. Christians – the agree all the Prophets before asked everyone to worship the one God, now they say that the muslims are going to go to Hell, for doing no differently then those Prophets and successful people at that time-worship the one God. He is not just a stage builder for the Day of Judgement. All the Prophets warned everyone of the coming of the Dajjal (the anti-christ), if it was also so important, wouldn’t they have mentioned that Prophet Jesus peace be upon him is one of 3? Or at that time that Archangel Gabriel is one of 2??? Christians are doing idol worship-looking at anyone to worship beside the one God. As Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him had said that idol worshippers only care about the love between themselves.

    b. The Jews are now saying that Hell does not last forever, there is no Satan, that if a Jew is in great difficult it is OK for them to commit suicide.

    c. The rest of the idol worshippers – like Buddaism, Hindu-can they name even the first man that was created?? Also how can there be reincarnation etc, as they would need God to make them into another creature – I haven’t gone into detail of them -and I choose not to and will not do so, but it is enough and will not be going over those things here either in an Islamic forum-neither is the need except the basics. People are happy to go to these as it is again idol worship -to look at themselves to be the centre of attention.

    Day of Judgement

    1. When the sound is blown to signify the Day of Judgement, the people will rise from the grave, the pregnant woman will lose her load and think nothing of it. This is a tremendous day-where the whole of mankind and jinn kind will be gathered, the angels. The earth will be made flat. Those people who accepted the one God, will be rushing forward, those who did not will be lagging behind and will be prodded forward by the angels with their sticks.

    2. Everyone will be looking forward. The first thing that will be checked is who worshipped Allah – as this is elevating God above their own wants. Then the rest. There will be a scale on that Day for those that didn’t pass the good marks, to check that their good deeds outweigh their bad ones-this is for those that accepted the one God. As if you didn’t you will be going to Hell forever.

    3. Your parents will not care about you, neither will your children. Even the worst people would have wished that they accepted the Prophets and would disown all the evil doers if they could. At the moment that they say in this world that they remain “steadfast”, “shoulder to shoulder” with their evil doer friends-but this will not be the case. As everyone belongs to God-their relationship with him is more important.

    4. The people who are successful will have goblets of drinks and be joyful-they are not going to be miserable as someone goes to Hell-that is their problem. Those in Paradise are content and surrounded by Allah’s love. There are 4 rivers in Paradise- Honey, Water, Wine and Milk (which Allah has allowed the females to be able to create to provide milk in this world).

    5. Those people who go to Hell, will say to those that followed you should have a portion of my punishment as I only followed you – the answer will be I didn’t force you. This is what Satan will be saying -we have the quote in the Quran. It goes along, I had no power over you, save that I called onto you and you obeyed me.

    6. Allah is sending people to Hell, as the evil doer is not greater than Allah that his sins are that great that it would force Allah to undo what he has done-creating him. They will not be uncreated. They will be made as fuel for Hell fire-the fire that worships Allah. There are 9 angels that run Hell. Satan will be thrown in to Hell.

    7. When you did, there is no freedom of thought or movement for you, people think it is a testing place-you have finished your test, this is no punishment. People don’t understand this as they make it look like rejecting Allah a small thing. They elevated the other crimes and say it is worse-when rejecting Allah is the worst sin-as that is against God who has created you and provided for you. The rest is crime to another human-yes you have wronged them, but they are not greater than God.


    1. We are here to be tested. This is where Allah has sent the Prophets to tell people to pray to him, to accept him, the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell.

    2. The Christians did not make the most of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him-they became fear of the authorities-even though the Prophet created a bird out of clay and it came alive (this is believed to be a bat in some sources-no official), that Allah send a table spreadth full of food from Heaven. Still people feared the authorities (if the Muslims were with him, they would have stood by him). The Christians have no right to fight for anything, when they couldn’t fight for him. They say they were told not to, so why fight now though-where they given permission??

    3. The Jews wished for the Prophets to be there for them-that is why they in particular rejected the last 2 -the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him and the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

    4. The big difference between the Muslims and the Christians/Jews, is that we listened to the Prophet, this is why we have benefited from the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him’s advice-indeed Islam spreadth, alcohol was gotten rid of. The Jews and the Christians were present, but could not do this. He stopped the idol worship.

    5. Listening to the Prophets is the first test. Here people in the past, even though they could not fault the Prophets, no one complained about the behaviour of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and the rest of the Prophets, the evil doers turned their noses up and walked away. This is no difference as you see people being told to behave and they say who are you to tell me this-this is where we have even heard stories of old people even getting beaten for just doing this. The didn’t wish to lose their social standing, but this world is temporary -so they wished for people to commit idol worship etc.

    6. This is where the Muslims were successful, the people at the time accepted the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and treated him with respect-he is the leader, we accept all the Prophets, but we benefited from the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Accepting the Prophets, angels, is a must and you accept God-you can’t do it separately if you have heard of the message, as that is being arrogant (you are elevating yourself and the west has made people think they can stand wherever they want and be independent-you will not be on the Day of Judgement). You don’t have a special place away from everyone else on the Day of Judgement, Allah has not given you another revelation to follow what you want. Allah is not going to say on the Day of Judgement, it’s OK he decided to do what he wanted so I will give the same reward as everyone else. This is arrogance. The Prophets come first, the best woman (includes the Mother of the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him when he comes back).

    7. We are not going to speak to Allah as you do with your best friend. So, we have been told how to speak to him-this is perfected in prayer.

    8. The test is not to do what ever makes you happy -which is being promoted in the west. Allah is not going to give someone Paradise because they went on holiday and had so much ice-cream. There are those that even say to their children, we just want you to do whatever makes you happy. When it comes to caring, they say they don’t want to ruin their child’s life (when they can earn a charitable reward-so it’s OK to have your child to climb a mountain, but when it comes to caring for someone, it is beneath them).

    9. If this is your only life-than frankly it is rubbish. People don’t have a good work/life balance, being taxed, wars etc. If this is the only time to enjoy yourself-than wouldn’t be done differently? We get told that people are afraid to die-but they are the ones that done organ donation to live longer.

    10. There are those that complain if Allah does exist, why does he allow evil to continue-to me this is a basic level of understanding. Those people who complain don’t always accept the death penalty. Allah has allowed us to kill those who commit certain crimes. Why are they locking up people who have committed heinous crimes, but willing to go abroad to bomb people who haven’t done anything? The test is that we stop ourselves from doing evil.

    11. The dead, like those who have been wronged the dead children, don’t need sympathy by those who have rejected Allah. Those dead children reject you-they only care about Allah and being with the rest of the good people.

    Behaviour of muslims

    1. This differs to others, as we don’t wait for someone to commit a crime, to put their behaviour in check-we are critical of behaviour that leads people down the wrong path. This is also where keeping men and woman in a respectful distance.

    2. Marriage is for “believing men and believing women”, anything else is not recognised by Allah. You can’t go up to a person for example in Paradise and say I’m going to go out with you for a bit-if you respected someone, then you don’t have sex outside of marriage.

    3. When the homosexuals spoke of the Prophet Lut peace be upon him said that he is one that wishes to keep us pure. Now, people are listening to lies, after lies, firstly they were told that homosexuality doesn’t affect anyone, nowhere are we-transgender etc.

    4. The transgender are doing what even prostitutes were unable to do in the history of this world. They wish to walk down the street and no one think anything differently of them. Transgender to me shows how atheists work, here in order to try to be accepted they need to change everything. Here they are saying that people are assigned their sex of being either male or female by a Doctor, but they shouldn’t. They say you can’t tell someone’s sex by their genitals (medical issues aside). The atheists say that God doesn’t exist and that religion is made up-but most haven’t read on the science (that there are scientists who are religious). When Stephen Hawking (which the atheist agreed with) said that the Universe always existed-the atheist were not happy, as they were being critical of those that say Allah has always existed (which he has and is eternal).

    5. Forbidding evil and enjoining good is a must for a muslim. You can’t choose to side with someone as you “care” about them. Everyone belongs to Allah and we are returning to him, we are not siding with someone at the expense of someone else-indeed how many people have done this and those they were protecting went to commit crimes?

    6. A muslim woman is advised to guard herself. To be modest. Now in the west they are telling people to be an “active bystander” to help those females in trouble -here they are basically asking everyone else to be their substitute husband.

    7. Woman and Men have the same test, but start at different levels, a Muslim man more than average looks after wide range of family members, organise the funerals, be out there and engage. Women don’t need to do all that, and can stay at home-they don’t need the attention of many people to support them, they guard themselves. In the west they are saying they are free -they have more options-this I believe was beneficial as their males don’t worship the one God-so it is a good thing. The west females can’t blame not having choices. They have shown that even if they are given help -a substantial amount would wished they did things differently – is this not enough to show that they needed more guidance and protection?

    8. An atheist is fooled, there are those that go around the world and try different things and think they are “cultured”. But in the past it is well known a Man has to have conviction. You can’t sit there and says anything goes. That “love” out of people’s mouths goes. When there are those that say it is OK for their child to not have a Mother or Father-how can you do that on purpose to a child?? They are arrogant and elevated their own desires.

    9. People reject the message of Islam sometimes as they are upset about their own lives, if they are told of the perfect examples of the Prophets they become angry. Taking out their anger and jealousy out on others- here they elevate their own emotions above what is best and accepting good.

    10. Allah didn’t say we just sit there getting emotional support from people. If we are good enough to be tested in this world then we are not just going to sit there and say we are weak. Allah has allowed the evil doers to fool themselves in the past, an arrow was sent to the sky and Allah returned it with blood and they thought they had killed God! The people thought that Prophet Jesus peace be upon him died-but he allowed them to think that is what they saw. They didn't listen to the Prophets, he certainly then didn't come back to tell people to worship him-this is Satan's way. Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will be returning to Damascas with the help of angels. He will be met by those who believe.

    Criminal acts

    1. As being a muslim is a strong identity, if a muslim does something differently/ a little mistake-If you think about it, people would be being critical of him being a muslim. A muslim has done this, even if he dropped a paper on the floor.

    2. The people who are committing crimes and attacking those, have shown from their trials, they are not happy, don’t accept the teachings of Islam as they are compensating. Which how many criminals do not do this? But as they just need to mention Islam once, we get criticised.

    3. The governments, I don’t believe any of them around the world. You have mentioned September 11th -we remember the dead even if they were not Muslims. As that is part of our belief -we will see them all on the Day of Judgement. But they call it conspiracy theory if people don’t wish to accept the narrative the government wishes to give-I don’t know what happened, but I certainly am not going to believe that the US found Osama Bin Laden and then just dumped him in the ocean! Why then did they invade the other countries? France likes to say it is secular-but what was it doing in Mali for years?? Did the Government run this by the people?? I’m not saying Covid didn’t exist-I don’t know -why would I when Governments gave contracts for their own friends for equipment??

    4. The Governments don’t even teach people about who things actually work -and the treatment of people is poor. People even think that banks lend money from savings. But actually they are able to just create money from thin air. They then add interest-and cripple people for most of their life-their supposed only life.

    5. People don’t even know about taxpayers money-why would a Government need your money if it is printing it out?? Money is actually worthless. It is no different if with children you start handing out tokens for when they do a job. With this token they can buy sweets-suddenly the children now view the tokens as worth something. This is what people are-taxpayers, they give us the tokens/money and we pay bills with them etc. They need people to work and keep the country going not the money.

    6. Also people were not aware of the petrodollar. This is where if you were lets say in Mali and you needed oil -how are you going to get it -as the only way you can buy it is with US dollars. You make your own products or any goods like farm and sell them for US dollars. So no differently if you when to US and gave them all your wheat, only for them to print out money -which doesn’t really cost them much time or effort and just hand you a worthless piece of paper-but now you can buy oil. So you go to a oil producing nation and buy their oil. This is what happened in Iraq, they say that Saddam Hussain said he didn’t want to accept US dollars anymore, and that is why they invaded Iraq. The government are like a child they cause trouble and come back home saying they have been bullied.

    7. US already has accepted that they were intervening in the politics of Iran years ago. They have done this in numerous countries. There were those that worked hard to make Indonesia a better place, but the US didn’t care, they just wanted their puppet Governments, and caused people to be killed to get rid of the opposition. There is no such thing as democracy as they don’t even ask your permission to be involved in anything.

    8. Muslims don’t accept democracy anyway. As Allah is in charge, and when the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him comes back, he will be in charge. As long as a leader accepts Allah and he should be doing what is best for people anyway.

    9. Allah has made the test easy for old, children to understand-there is one God, Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell. You don’t need an education for this. We have scholars or more learnt people that we respect -it is not for an average Muslim to disagree and just pick and choose what they don’t like-which is what has been happening elsewhere.

    10. The Christians see themselves as God’s children (as Allah has said in the Quran then why would he be sending people to Hell if they were?) and the Jews see themselves as God’s chosen (as Allah has said if they are that, why don’t they long for death and ask it? They won’t as they know of their crimes). They didn’t even listen to the Prophet Moses peace be upon him well and were left to wander the desert. They haven’t treated the Prophets in a kinder way. The jews even say they test the Prophets -this is unacceptable. A mark of a believer of the one God, is that they accept firstly generally anyone who says they accept the one God. So you may have seen a Muslim being very happy when anyone says that they accept the one God-here we did not do what the Christians and the Jews did be critical of the Muslims for only doing what all the Prophets have done afore time.

    11. Apostasy is for those that believed as muslims, nowadays there a lot that don’t even understand Islam. As this is Allah’s world and when you have had your religion perfected, if a person disagrees after believing then they don’t have to be in this world anymore-this is where they are killed. As what else should we do?? What should their place be? If they said this in Heaven they would be sent to Hell. Even Satan he accepts God, but he is going to be going to Hell. The USA though still sends their soldiers to jail if they refuse to fight where they potentially could die. They have no agreement with God that anyone who fights for the USA is going to Heaven- why would that be, when they passed laws after Sep 11th like transgender nonsense and now their children have more mental health issues? You need to forbid evil and enjoin what is good, do the basis, you only fight when you need to, so being a soldier as that is the country setup to me isn’t a good thing, as even at the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him the companions were not just soldiers.

    12. Forbidding evil and enjoining good is necessary as you can see what happens, people start using themselves as a starting point instead of the Prophets and the rest of the best people. For example, if you were not good at most maths, you can’t just say we won’t go over algebra, this and that. What they are doing in the west, is you have people who have committed sins and they are saying that people would make the same mistakes as them. I was young and I needed this, so let’s go off and teach children nonsense, even when they can’t clean up after themselves after going to the bathroom.

    13. Remember no one had an issue with the conduct of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him when he was a live, we don’t need comments of people who don’t understand societies to be critical when the idol worshippers, the Christians the Jews could find no fault in him. We have written down the sayings, which are the hadiths-there are some jews did not keep their records but are trying to use the hadiths against us-this is were we have nothing to hide.

    14. We do accept that the Zionists have taken over a lot. That it does not represent those Jews who disagree with them, when the arabs lived well with the jews. We can pray in their places of worship.

    Normally I don't always use a non-Muslim site-but this person seems to be keeping up to date with the economy which has wide affects https://www.youtube.com/@ThisisJohnWilliams

    The important part is that one God, the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell believe, accepting that you accept that Allah has sent Prophets to people. As it is arrogant to think that Allah needs to send you an angel specially to speak to you. I hope this helps as stated I may be going over things that you already know, I'm not always around -I've already created a number of threads and there are lots to search for. So best after to be specific of your questioning.
    Last edited by Sunshineday; 10-17-2023 at 11:30 PM. Reason: headings colour
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    anatolian's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Educate me about Islam

    Hello Ricco. It is possible that your hate against Islam or Muslims originates from another hatred. You were only one year old on 9/11, how can this impact your feelings that much? You were not aware of anything until atleast ten years later. Its true though many terrorist acts occured in your life time. Most of these acts were done as a revenge for the offensive acts of the western countries, not because Islam calls for it. Same thing Hamas doing in Israel. It is a kind of revenge, not a teaching of Islam.
    Educate me about Islam

    “Either seem as you are or be as you seem” Rumi
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    Ümit's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Educate me about Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post

    I am a German atheist and I decided to create an account here hoping to receive help. Let me try to explain my issue in detail. Please be patient.
    Welcome. We will do our best to help you.
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post
    Firstly, I want to make clear, that I come with peaceful intentions. I want to be educated and learn and if I offend anybody, please know that it was not on purpose. I come with good intentions. Please be respectful with me in return.
    As I travelled home from work today, I read in the news that a guy killed two innocent people in Brussels in the name of Allah. This awoke a feeling of rage in me. I was born in the year 2000 and I can recall a lot of terrorist atrocities committed in the name of Allah. A very impactful one for me is 9/11. When I aged and first understood what happened when I was only one year old, this impacted my perception of Islam for life. I have to admit, that 9/11 has been a foundation for a feeling of rejection against Islam which I feel against no other religion. ISIS, Charlie Hebdo and the beheading of a French teacher who showed cartoons of Mohammed intensified these feelings.
    first thing to realize for you is:
    the acts and behaviour of the individual or an organization may not always represent the true religion. Islaam never calls attack and kill innocent people minding their own business...no matter what the case. So terrorist organizations blowing themselves up in a crowdy trainstation or mall is not Islaam.
    By the way, Suicide is also highly forbidden within Islaam...no matter the reason.

    second point: freedom of speech does not mean you can insult. If you call someone bad names, you should be man enough to face the consequences at least. So, insult may be a part of freedom of speech, but it doesn't mean that you are innocent.
    So charlie Hebdo and that french teacher knew that by drawing those cartoons, they were insulting a very very large group of people.
    They deliberately chose to do that.
    You may try to cover that up by "expressing their freedom of speech", but that doesn't make them innocent good people.

    Now, I am not saying that it was a good thing that someone went and killed them...or that was enough reason to kill them...but they were not totally innocent either.

    third point I want to say about this:
    We muslims are not just offended by drawing cartoons of our Prophet SAS, but we are also offended with cartoons about ALL prophets (from Adam to Abraham, Mozes, Solomon, David, Lot, jozef, Jonas and even Jezus.
    We love and respect all of them equally. Seeing statues of Jesus on the cross also offends us. We just don't act upon it, because that is their religion and they are not making those statues to offend us.
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post
    I have to make clear right now that I never acted out against no muslim. I am just describing how these things shaped my perception of Islam to be that negative that I seriously view it as the most dangerous religion of our time. Also, I want to exclude what is happening between Hamas and the Israeli Government right now. As you may expect, I am strongly in contra of Hamas and view their actions as inexcusable and nothing less than bestial.
    I (and with me a lot of muslims) am also strongly in contra of Hamas. What Hamas did was terrible. They went and attacked people minding their own business. That is not the Islamic way. However, Hamas and Palestine are NOT the same group of people. Hamas attacks and kills a few Jewish people and they go attak and kill a huge group of Palestinians as revenge. That is the situation right now.
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post
    But the innocent people dying in Gaza right now do not deserve this neither. Please let us not talk about who is in the right in this conflict as it is a very emotional and also dynamic situation, and talking about it would distract from my central request.
    Yes, but I have to talk about it a little in order to explain my point.
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post
    My 2 best friends are muslims, both do not believe in Allah for their own reasons but officially they are muslim. I know their parents very well, I love them and I think they love me as well. This illustrates, that I do not blindly hate muslims and can very well coexist with them.

    Back to the beginning: as I noticed this feeling of rage inside of me today, I thrifted away into thoughts like "I hate Islam", "Muslims are bad", "we should kick out muslims of Europe". Once again, I am not racist. My friends are all of migrant background, so were all my girlfriends. Where I live in Germany, there seem to be more migrants than "Germans". But still these feelings and thoughts arose in me.
    You get those thoughts, because you do not know enough about Islaam and you are biassed by the things you have seen and heard by your surroundings/news/etc.
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post
    As my rage went away, I thought about my thoughts. Kicking out all muslims would mean kicking out my best friends. Their parents. My neighbors who are Palestinian and who I like very much. They obviously do not deserve this, they did nothing wrong. My thoughts were wrong.
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post
    But then, why do these acts of terrorism arise almost exclusively from so-called "muslims"?
    muslim-extremists are something different than muslims. They may say that they acting in the name of Allah....but I highly doubt that.
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post
    Why are there no jewish, hindu, christian or buddhist terrorist attacks in Germany, the UK or France?
    you are not seeing that. What Israel is doing to the palestinians, driving them away from their homes, the illegal colonisation, making them live in the biggest open prison with no way out is going on for decades now.
    What is happening in china and the uyghurs is also not exactly human.
    Yes it may be a little further from home, but that doesn't mean they are not there.
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post

    Why do people want to destroy our society, kill us, in the name of Allah? It could have been me, my family, my friends who died to the bullets. Why does the muslim community not condemn these acts?
    Are you sure the muslim community does not condemn that? Did you ask the muslims themselves or is that a "trust me dude" source?
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post
    The only thing I constantly read is "he was no muslim", "Islam is the religion of peace"...
    which is not untrue
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post
    If the highest authorities of Islam publicly condemned the terrorist acts committed in Europe, or Asia, or Africa, they would lack in legitimacy and thus only ridicule the perpetrators.
    There is no "highest authorities of Islam". We have had such a system with caliphs who werde the suppreme leaders in the name of Islaam, but that ended. Right now, we have leaders from different muslim countries but none of them represent the Islaam for the whole world. It is not like the vatican.
    And you do see that those leaders condemn the terrorist acts, apparently it is just not enough for you.
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post
    But I never read about any muslim authority condemning ISIS, the attacks on Charlie Hebdo or even the attacks committed by muslims against other muslims, for example in Afghanistan. Most victims of islamist terror are muslims themselves at the end.
    There is no such authority. And true, a lot of attacks are amonst muslims themselves for example sunni-shia. Again, individual acts which does not represent the true Islaam.
    format_quote Originally Posted by SkywalkerRicco View Post
    Please help me. Educate me. Show me the beauty of Islam. I am not trying to find God. I am just trying to confront my anti-muslim feelings. The best remedy against racism, xenophobia and prejudice is dialogue, an open mind, seeking interactions with the people you judge.

    I am looking forward to your answers and thoughts. Please be respectful.

    The western world is giving a negative look on Islaam, because they do not completely understand it either. They depict Mohammad sas as a warlord, an opressor of women, etc.
    However, they do not see the whole picture.
    I am sure you are familiar with the phenomenah that cutting and editing a raw video footage in a certain way, can change the whole storyline.
    It is kinda doing that....so try to see the whole picture.
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    Re: Educate me about Islam

    Thanks for being straight and honest,
    Regarding the Palestinian issue, I will discuss the problem another time if you wish, but let me tell you just the following: if you Germans, Americans or Europeans in general, you went thru the colonisation, the extermination of Palestine and its people, that have been going on for more than a century, performed by israelies and helped by your countries or at least encouraged by silence, we will see how you will react to all means your brave men will do to liberate their countries and lift that injustice.

    In your essay you said: I am not trying to find God!
    I am sorry to say it but you are tackling the issue upside down, the first step to understand the life, to see the reality of Islam, to tackle your feelings towards Islam and Muslims, is to know Allah(GOD) accept the realities that all testifies that ALLAH EXISTS and He is the creator of all, know HIM as He made himself known in revelation (QURAN and SUNNAH) the only revelation that has been kept uncorrupted , know Him thru his last Message, know Him thru his acts that are windows to his characters, know him thru his laws he has legalised for individuals, societies, countries and even nations.
    Without knowing Allah you will either not understand anything or you will understand wrongly what is going on. Once you know Allah you will understand correctly what means that Islam is a religion of peace.
    Last edited by Muhammad; 10-19-2023 at 10:20 PM. Reason: Important spelling error corrected
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