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Interfaith Marriages

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    Red_91's Avatar Limited Member
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    Interfaith Marriages

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    Hi all,Hope everyone is well.First off, I apologise for my ignorance regarding this topic but I’m hoping to get some clarification/information.I am not a religious person, I am regarded as “Christian” but I have never committed to any religion. However, I do believe there is a God, to what description that is… I don’t know and being honest, I have never thought about it properly.My girlfriend is a Muslim and I have full respect for her and her religion and her beliefs. I admire her for how strong her faith is. But yes, she does believe she has sinned by being in a relationship with a non-Muslim.She said that there’s no way she will marry a non Muslim and would like me to open up to Islam. I have done a bit of research and it says that “ do not marry (your girls) to idolaters until they believe”.Correct me if I’m wrong but surely “believing” and “Converting/Reverting” are two different things? From what I have seen so far, the Qu’ran doesn’t say that a man must convert to marry a Muslim girl? It just says that he must believe. She is an amazing woman, who I do love and would like to marry one day. I have full respect of her faith to the extent where I won’t eat pork around her even though she doesn’t mind if I do, I eat halal meat, I do not drink, smoke or do drugs. I try and show support to things such as Ramadan and I know it’s not a big thing but I make sure there are dates there for her amongst other Ramadan related things.I would have no problem our children being raised as Muslim should that become a possibility one day and I am more than prepared to participate in certain religious events with her. But, I feel that if I was to convert then I would be doing it just for her and not for the reasons she would actually want me to do it. The Qu’ran says about equality between men and women (or at least I think that is what I have read), so if that is the case, then why can Muslim men marry non Muslim women so long as they are people of the book? I do believe in a god, I do believe what she tells me about her faith, I just don’t put a label on what religion I am because I am not a religious person.I am really keen to read other people’s thoughts on this and I do apologise again for any ignorance but like I said, this is an amazing woman who I love and would like to marry one day. Thanks.
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    Re: Interfaith Marriages

    So aren't you asking for us to tailor things around your wrong relationship? To fit in with you?? It's a shame that you say this one is a religious person, but she couldn't answer questions.

    1. As opposed to the west ways, it isn't about whatever makes you happy, it isn't about what you think you are doing the right thing-as you are not here doing right by someone else.

    2. You are not good because you had a nice life, went on holiday and had a good time. You are good because you strive in the way of Allah -to reach his place in Paradise.

    3. You are starting with YOU-where your life is and it revolves with what YOU want. So where's God in that? Muslims don't waste time with other people, as we remember how we will be on the Day of Judgement. Here, you love is not greater than Allah's. Even your own parents won't care for you. So you won't be making a big deal of your relationship when you are dead.

    4. When you die, there are 2 angels that will ask you what you believed in, and depending on your answer, you would be looking to be tormenting in the grave as to believe in God, means believing in his messengers, believing in the angels, the demons, believing in the Day of Judgement. Here think of how trivial your statement is- God exists-but that is it-so elaborate, we believe that God is the Creator, the owner of All, so if he owns everyone, shouldn't you be respecting them and treating them with pure intentions?? What have you anything to do with the inhabitants in Paradise if you can't treat someone purely in this world? By getting married to them??

    So God the All-Powerful's existence is just a trivial small thought-when he has created everything, but when it comes to your own life it is greater that things should slot around it as you do fit??

    God like people to keep pure and clean-so accepting God, means you you should agreeing to not having relationships with people outside of marriage.

    Believing in God doesn't mean having a passing thought- to be quite blunt, being older now, you should already have thought of this, instead of jumping to treating othyer people badly-that no this female is having on her record on the Day of Judgement.

    People don't have time to write everything of course this is a forum, so it actually helps that people elaborate what they believe about God instead of a basic point we belive he exists-which means your relationship is what and how you should treat others?? If you haven't come to that point, then you should be wasting time with anyone.

    So the 2 points coming away is that you are elevating yourself as important and that think yourself OK that no we Muslims should accept it. No angel case about anyone that is not a believer-believer is accepting the message (and if you did a basic search, then you can see that muslim men can only get married to a believer-the Christians used to worship the one God -not do idol worship and say he had a son). So I think that what your doing is very poor to help yourself. SO it could be a pretend account to just try and get Muslim's insights, I don't know.
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    Red_91's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Interfaith Marriages

    Thank you for your reply but I’d just like to point out that I am not asking for anything to be tailored in my favour and you haven’t actually answered my questions, you have just slated me.
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    Red_91's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Interfaith Marriages

    As for doing a basic search, I have said I’ve done this and I said how Muslim men are only permitted to marry outside of the religion so long as it is to a person of the book. So please, re-read my opening post and would appreciate a proper response next time to my questions.

    thank you.
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    Sunshineday's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Interfaith Marriages

    All the Prophets came with one message - One God, Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell.

    So this is why it is OK for a Muslim Men to get married to those who accepted the SAME MESSAGE -from the Prophets that came before them. That God is one.

    So when we mean Christians, we don't mean those that say God has taken a son and that they need Jesus as a savior.

    Prophet Noah peace be upon him didn't have a different message from Prophet Adam peace be upon him, nor did King David peace be upon him from Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him.

    All Prophets are respected in Islam - we talk of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as we benefited from his teachings and the companions at the time listened to his message.

    If we didn't have the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, then who would have helped us?? Not the Christians for their idol worship and not the Jews who are also changing their text (saying there is no Hell, suicide is OK, that Satan is doing God's job).

    It is obvious today we would have been one of the losers.

    All the Prophets warned of the test to come -the Dajjal (anti-Christ), no one ever said that God was one of 2, and later will be one of 3-if it was that important of this trinity.

    God can only be one -how can there be another God?? When he wouldn't be able to keep his thoughts hidden from the Creator. Also no God is created or dies.

    People go to Paradise following the Prophets they followed in life, the most people entering Paradise will be of those following the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

    Differences in treatment:

    When a Muslim hears one person who followed the Prophets before -you will see them being happy-this is how a believer should accept each other. We are not like the Christians who treat us differently -and they even go so far as say we have a different Creator-so are they saying that the Prophet Moses peace be upon him is a different one to theirs? Is the flood story different one to theirs?? The Jews say they are God's chosen people, the Christians say they are his children and we say we are servants of Allah. The Jews were not happy with the Prophets as message was for all-but they wanted it to work how they wanted in this world. Allah even told Pharoah to repent, even though he killed lots of babies-Allah did not send the plagues of Egypt just to free the Jews-but to serve a sign and tell the evil doers to repent.

    Pharoah was so arrogant that he disregarded the message, his arrogance was so important to him, that he did care of the sea parting-he rushed through elevating his own intentions and arrogance. Then he was drowned, but while he was drowning he repented-but this was not accepted as you can't when the punishment comes, his arrogance is not that important, that Allah should move the stars for him etc, for him to see a more sign for him to heed the message.

    At the time of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, people still feared the authorities. Even after the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him came with miracles. Allah gave a table spreadth of food and he said, if those people that received the table came to turn away, he will punish them like he never punished anyone before.

    When Prophet Moses peace be upon him killed a guard, he was told, that if this person worshipped him once, that the Prophet would have been in big trouble.

    So not everyone is equal -the Prophets come first, the other religious top people, then the religious people and those that include the people who received and accepted the messages beforehand-hence people of the book. So it is impossible to be treated like those who accepted the messages before as a Christian today who does idol worship-looks to be savioured by a Man rather than by Allah.

    The Christians tell the Muslims that they were told not to fight at the time of the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him when he was alive. So why are Christians been fighting Muslims etc? When the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him comes back, he will have the Muslims to support him -they will not allow anything to happen to him. We are willing to do what the Christians couldn't do before. The evil doers before threw an arrow to God and God returned it with a blood, allowing the evil doers to believe they killed God-the evil doers fool themselves. They thought they killed Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, but did not, the Christians say body cannot go to Heaven-but his body is in heaven he will be brought down by 2 angels in Damascus.

    AS above it is impossible for an idol worshipper to be treated the same as a believer-you wouldn't be allowed in Heaven, no angel even cares about idol worshippers etc or those that refuse to accept God.

    Just flimsy saying that you believe in God but don't even regard him or anything of his laws-doesn't not mean you believer-we're not talking of someone you don't think much of, as if they are doing a small job like if htey are picking leaves in the park.

    People of the book -believers of the one God, the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell. So when the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him came and even the Jews recognised him (some went there, waiting for a Prophet to come-but as his message was for all, there were those that did not like it). So it is clear, Allah would not be telling the Muslims to get married to someone if they are not going to be cared about by anyone in Heaven-so what is the point, you can't even get the marriage blessed.

    Charity is to give the poor their due-it isn't to give them whatever they want. Our lives are not charity, that is why we give to charity. When living with someone is about a religious household, marriage blessed from Allah, so that cannot be with a non-believer.

    As above the Christians the Jews have changed their religion, is why this People from the Book isn't the norm. Likewise if a Muslim turns away from Islam, then that marriage is treated as not valid and a divorce is sought.

    So, marriage isn't just about personal whims, it is about what is treated as good by Allah and you can hope to be with them in the next world. There is no point of wasting time inputting, when people are not interested in God. Marriage is about helping someone to be good to help pass their test in this world to go into the next.

    I don't always spend time online and like to keep to the point, I do stand by those are too basic for someone years down the line -to say they do think God exists- hope for your sake, you sort yourself out, as remember the Prophets told people to repent straightaway, it wasn't we going to sit down and talk about it. They told people to repent or they will go to Hell fire-everyone has a soul and they recognise the truth. As Allah said they reject the truth. Even the homosexuals before as per in the Quran, said this Prophet is telling us to keep "pure"-now it is distorted and dumbed down.
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    Re: Interfaith Marriages

    Hello Red_91,Welcome to the forum and thanks for your question.It is true that a Muslim woman is not permitted to marry a non-Muslim man, whether he is a Jew, a Christian or other. Even if this person respects Islam, it is still not permissible for the lady to marry him.

    God has given mankind a set of laws to follow which is for our own benefit. Sometimes things are permitted for women but not for men. Other times, they are permitted for men but not for women. Sometimes the ruling is the same for both. These rulings have been revealed by our Creator, The All-Wise, The Acquainted, who is aware of His creation and what is best for them. Often we can gain a glimpse into the wisdom behind His teachings, but even if we do not, we have full trust that following the laws of God is the best way to live. His Laws are filled with justice, mercy, and wisdom.

    I advise you to research Islam and open your heart to following the truth. If you already believe there is a God, surely you need to find out what God's message is, what is our purpose on this earth and what is going to happen after we die. These are fundamental questions that you need to give thought to. So, give yourself time to understand the message of Islam and ask God sincerely to guide you. If you have any further questions then we will do our best to help you.
    Last edited by Muhammad; 03-09-2024 at 04:23 PM.
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  9. #7
    Red_91's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Interfaith Marriages

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muhammad View Post
    Hello Red_91,Welcome to the forum and thanks for your question.It is true that a Muslim woman is not permitted to marry a non-Muslim man, whether he is a Jew, a Christian or other. Even if this person respects Islam, it is still not permissible for the lady to marry him.

    God has given mankind a set of laws to follow which is for our own benefit. Sometimes things are permitted for women but not for men. Other times, they are permitted for men but not for women. Sometimes the ruling is the same for both. These rulings have been revealed by our Creator, The All-Wise, The Acquainted, who is aware of His creation and what is best for them. Often we can gain a glimpse into the wisdom behind His teachings, but even if we do not, we have full trust that following the laws of God is the best way to live. His Laws are filled with justice, mercy, and wisdom.

    I advise you to research Islam and open your heart to following the truth. If you already believe there is a God, surely you need to find out what God's message is, what is our purpose on this earth and what is going to happen after we die. These are fundamental questions that you need to give thought to. So, give yourself time to understand the message of Islam and ask God sincerely to guide you. If you have any further questions then we will do our best to help you.
    Hi Muhammad,
    Thank you for the reply, I appreciate it and it was a good read.

    I appreciate your offer of helping if you can for further questions.
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  10. #8
    Red_91's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Interfaith Marriages

    If Allah is kind and merciful then why would a Muslim girl go to hell for marrying someone she loves outside of the religion if she is a good and kind person?

    As for me, I would have no problem should we have children, them being raised as Muslims and likewise, I would have no problem going to a Mosque and taking part in Muslim holidays (sorry if that’s not the right phrase, couldn’t think how to word it).

    It doesn’t say in the Qur’an that they are not permitted to marry outside the religion, it’s like anything in my opinion, is it not down to interpretation. It’s been interpreted that’s what is meant but it doesn’t actually say that. Likewise it doesn’t actually say a “believer” must convert/revert.
    I don’t mean to be ignorant, it’s genuine questions I am asking because I want a good understanding.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If Allah is kind and merciful then why would a Muslim girl go to hell for marrying someone she loves outside of the religion if she is a good and kind person?

    As for me, I would have no problem should we have children, them being raised as Muslims and likewise, I would have no problem going to a Mosque and taking part in Muslim holidays (sorry if that’s not the right phrase, couldn’t think how to word it).

    It doesn’t say in the Qur’an that they are not permitted to marry outside the religion, it’s like anything in my opinion, is it not down to interpretation. It’s been interpreted that’s what is meant but it doesn’t actually say that. Likewise it doesn’t actually say a “believer” must convert/revert.
    I don’t mean to be ignorant, it’s genuine questions I am asking because I want a good understanding.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If Allah is kind and merciful then why would a Muslim girl go to hell for marrying someone she loves outside of the religion if she is a good and kind person?

    As for me, I would have no problem should we have children, them being raised as Muslims and likewise, I would have no problem going to a Mosque and taking part in Muslim holidays (sorry if that’s not the right phrase, couldn’t think how to word it).

    It doesn’t say in the Qur’an that they are not permitted to marry outside the religion, it’s like anything in my opinion, is it not down to interpretation. It’s been interpreted that’s what is meant but it doesn’t actually say that. Likewise it doesn’t actually say a “believer” must convert/revert.
    I don’t mean to be ignorant, it’s genuine questions I am asking because I want a good understanding.
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    Muhammad's Avatar Administrator
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    Re: Interfaith Marriages

    format_quote Originally Posted by Red_91 View Post
    If Allah is kind and merciful then why would a Muslim girl go to hell for marrying someone she loves outside of the religion if she is a good and kind person?As for me, I would have no problem should we have children, them being raised as Muslims and likewise, I would have no problem going to a Mosque and taking part in Muslim holidays (sorry if that’s not the right phrase, couldn’t think how to word it).It doesn’t say in the Qur’an that they are not permitted to marry outside the religion, it’s like anything in my opinion, is it not down to interpretation. It’s been interpreted that’s what is meant but it doesn’t actually say that. Likewise it doesn’t actually say a “believer” must convert/revert. I don’t mean to be ignorant, it’s genuine questions I am asking because I want a good understanding.
    What we are talking about here is a prohibition whose violation would incur a great sin. It doesn't mean that the woman will automatically go to Hell. Allah is indeed the Most Merciful and Kind, more than we can imagine, but we should not impose our limited understanding of kindness and mercy upon God. We cannot comprehend the immense wisdom, justice and knowledge in His Decisions.

    Moreover, our ultimate purpose in life is to worship the One Who brought us into existence, nurtured us, guided us, takes care of us and showers us with His countless blessings. Therefore, good manners alone is not sufficient and it is of no benefit in the absence of the foundation, which is the soundness of belief.

    With regards to the verse in Qur'an, the ruling is very clear such that there is a consensus amongst scholars as to the impermissibility of a Muslim woman marrying a non-Muslim man. This ruling is established regardless of any given considerations or circumstances (such as your saying that you have no problem with the children being raised as Muslims). Terms like 'belief' and 'disbelief' have specific meanings which are understood by having knowledge of Islam and the Qur'an. You cannot read these terms in English and make your own assumptions as to what the Qur'an is referring to. You should move past trying to question this ruling and instead approach the study of Islam with an open mind and heart.
    Last edited by Muhammad; 03-09-2024 at 09:56 PM.
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    Red_91's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Interfaith Marriages

    Hi Mohammed,Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to question it, I’m trying to get an understanding of it from asking the likes of yourself and I appreciate you taking the time to reply to me. From what I have read so far elsewhere online is that the scholars, whilst they agree, they don’t give any explanation to it and does it therefore not start to exclude gender equality?Apologies for the copy and paste here but I saw elsewhere somebody wrote this - “What kinds of "believers" are referred to? Does it refer only to people who have just embraced Islam? Or does it imply the act of believing in its broad meaning, believing in One God and a monotheistic Revelation, which includes obviously believers of other monotheistic religions?”I would like to read your views on Liberalism and Progressivism within Islam too.
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