Asalamalakum brothersI believe I dreamed of MahdiI need interpretation because of the power of the dream. I try Reddit first but I could not post with a new account and I do not use internet like this. Apologies for any wrong english it is not the first language.Last night I was deep in prayer and fell asleep. I was dreaming in a desert and greeted by this great angel. I always worry about angels being Iblis so I command him by allah show me true form and he laughed happily and commended me for my faith. He shown me a scene which blew me away. I saw a man being followed by thousands and thousands, the angel said Jihad. he was marching from east to west and the sun was rising in front of him which confuse me so much. he had a little mark next to the corner of his mouth and a little dot on his hand too. he was marching under a banner of a 4 pointed star on a black flag. What confused me was his hair because I always saw mahdi as having black hair and beard but even though his followers did he had long blond hair and no beard. I could zoom in and could see his eye because I check if he was Dajjal, but he had pure eyes you know? I asked the angel who this man was and he said “he comes to do good and mighty works on this earth before the end” and I woke up. I went to my mother and she came rushing out to say she dream of mahdi and cried and cried and told me about her dream and said the same as me Alhamdulillah! I won’t jump to conclusion but it was such a moving dream and I look here for my brothers who can guide me on what I saw. Thank you.