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Nine Tips to Face Worldly Challenges

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    star2005's Avatar Full Member
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    Nine Tips to Face Worldly Challenges

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    Nine Tips to Face Worldly Challenges

    It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon
    him) said: “My Lord gave me nine bits of advice and I give them toyou.
    He advised me:
    1. To be sincere whether in private and in public;
    2. To do justice whether in anger or in happiness;
    3. To be moderate whether in riches or in poverty;
    4. To join (in relations) with those who (try) to cut me off;
    5. To give to those who deprive me;
    6. To forgive those who do wrong to me;
    7. That my silence be thoughtful;
    8. My speech be mindful (of Allah);
    9. My vision be to take admonition.” (Reported by Razeen)

    1. Al-Ikhlas (Sincerity) The first principle of Islamic ethics is
    sincerity, which means purity of the heart and purity of the mind
    (intention). It means truth and honesty. Sincerity is in every
    situation, whether alone or in public. There are many who are not
    sincere. They live the life of hypocrisy (nifaq). There are some
    who show themselves very sincere when in public, but in their private
    life when others are not watching them, their behavior changes. Real
    sincerity comes from the fear of Allah. In another version of this
    hadith, it is mentioned that Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
    said: “The fear of Allah (khashyah) in private or in public.”

    2. Al-`Adl (Justice) Justice and fair dealing are necessary with all
    people, with friends and foes alike, in happiness as well as in anger.
    Sometimes it is easy to talk of justice in the situation of comfort
    when there is no commotion or conflict, but the real challenge is to
    uphold justice even in relation to those who make you angry. Justice
    even to those who hate you and who never stop opposing and mistreating
    you. Justice not only in words, but in words and deeds both.

    3. Al-Qasd (Moderation) It is to follow the middle path. Moderation
    should be in everything, not only in financial matters but in every
    aspect of life. In tight situations people become extremist, upset and
    afraid. In affluence also people lose control over themselves. The
    rich do not see the need for moderation, but moderation is good for
    all people in all circumstances.

    4. Silat al-Rahim (Keeping the ties of kinship) These are family ties.
    This means keeping good relations between all members of the family
    and taking care of those who are in need. The challenge is not only
    to help those relatives who are nice or who give, but to give also to
    those who withhold and do not give anything on any occasion. Family
    is moral commitment. One should not be good to family members only when
    they are good, but one should be good even to those relatives who do
    not treat you well.

    5. `Ata’ (Generosity) Believers are always generous. They give to all
    and everywhere. There is a great reward in helping people in their
    needs. However, the extraordinary character is to give to those who
    do not give and to give to those also who purposely deny and deprive

    6. Al-`Afw (Forgiveness) It is not easy to forgive those who do wrong
    to us. Islam teaches that one should forgive as much as possible, but
    the greatest forgiveness is when one pardons while he is capable of
    taking revenge and punishing. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings
    be upon him) has given us the best example of this value. He was ever
    willing to forgive his enemies.

    7. Fikr (Thinking and reflection) It is good to be silent as much as
    possible, to speak only when it is necessary. But silence should be
    with thinking and reflection.

    8. Dhikr (Remembrance of and speaking of Allah) Our tongue is a great
    gift of Allah to us. We are distinguished from animals because we can
    use our tongue. We should use our tongue to praise Allah and give
    thanks to Him, but we should also keep Allah in mind whenever we open
    our mouth. A lot of sins of the tongue, such as lying, backbiting,
    gossip, bad words, etcetera come because we do not remember Allah.

    9. `Ibrah (Learning and taking lessons) Our eyes and minds must remain
    open to understand things and to take lessons from the events around
    us. We should be very thoughtful always.”
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    Dahir's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Nine Tips to Face Worldly Challenges

    To forgive those who do wrong to me
    I do forgive and forget most times, but I'm a bit old-fashioned a lot of the times; Eye for an Eye.
    Nine Tips to Face Worldly Challenges

    "This world is a blank price tag, and whatever value you put on it, is what its worth to you. I have made this world priceless and worthless, so therefore I have placed my value in the afterlife."

    An Original Quote from Dahir
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    Abdul-Raouf's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Nine Tips to Face Worldly Challenges

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