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Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

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    mujahida3001's Avatar Full Member
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    The music industry is littered with backmasked messages, the list is endless. But what really is frightening, is the fact that subliminal messages on nearly all types of media, TV, radio, advertising, computer games, exists.


    The concept of backward masking is not new; in fact it has been exploited since the dawn of radio. In the early 1920s, the BBC began broadcasting on radio for the first time, but the people of that era thought that the radio was so sinister, it was considered the voice of the devil, much to their misunderstanding. The BBC wanted to change this attitude to radio. The following is the perfect example of how subliminal messaging can be used to indoctrinate or induce the nation.

    This radio jingle sounds innocent enough, but when played backwards it reveals its true purpose. The words 'This is not a noose, no really its not.' can clearly be heard. The BBC certainly believed that the subconscious could pick up backward messages in ordinary speech. Thanks to David Oates for this clip.

    This radio jingle sounds innocent enough, but when played backwards it reveals its true purpose. The words 'This is not a noose, no really its not.' can clearly be heard. The BBC certainly believed that the subconscious could pick up backward messages in ordinary speech. Thanks to David Oates for this clip.

    Walt Disney : Aladdin

    The Disney animated movie Aladdin was watched by millions of people, mostly young children all over the world. But in one scene, where Aladdin is talking to a tiger, a mysterious voice can be heard in the background. Listen carefully and the words 'Take off your clothes' are clearly audible.
    Indeed, the above is not the only example of 'subliminal sex' in popular children's programmes.

    Popeye the sailor

    The immensely popular 'Popeye the Sailorman' song also contains messages in reverse, but much more explicitly. Backwards the words 'Give me a f***.' and 'Give me a f*** now.' can be heard. Thanks to David Oates for this clip.

    Pokemon : Pokerap

    Pokemon is the craze that has spread like wildfire into the hearts and minds of young kids all over the world. This has proved the perfect medium for subliminal tactics. On one of many songs featuring Pokemon, i.e. the 'Pokerap', there seems to be a backmasked message during the forward lyrics 'Gotta catch 'em all, Gotta catch 'em all!'. Make of it what you will but it sounds just like 'O Satan, O Satan, O Satan..' There may also be many other forms of subliminal advertising in Pokemon TV shows and merchandise. Many people have said to feel the need to pick up their Pokemon toys just after watching the TV programme. Thanks to Brian Hosmillo for this clip.
    There may also be many other forms of subliminal advertising in Pokemon TV shows and merchandise. Many people have said to feel the need to pick up their Pokemon toys just after watching the TV programme. Thanks to Brian Hosmillo for this clip.

    Judas Priest : Better by you, better by me

    The group Judas Priest were involved in a very controversial court case a few years ago. The parents of a young boy claimed that their (Judas Priest) songs drove their son to commit suicide. In one of their tracks, the words 'I took my life' can be heard in reverse, if not more clearly than the forward lyrics 'Beyond the realms of death.' The words 'Do it! Do it!' are supposed to be audible also in another part of the song. Is this case proof of the theory that the subconscious can comprehend reversed messages in songs?

    Queen : Another one bites the dust
    The very popular song 'Another one Bites the Dust' from Queen contains a pretty clear speech reversal that says 'It's fun to smoke marijuana.'

    Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

    Another interesting reversal is from the not so innocent nursery rhyme 'Twinkle Twinkle little Star', a recording was made from a 6-year-old girl and when played backwards the words 'I wish there were no Allah' can be heard. In Islam, the listening, making and singing of music are prohibited. Some say that this is the work of freemasons, attempting to subliminally secularize their biggest enemy, Islam.

    John Lennon : Imagine
    Musicians have always exploited Music as a means of propagating political ideas. Political ideologies are ingeniously diffused without the listener having to confirm affiliation. John Lennon was recognised as much as a 'thinker' as he was a musician. He was hailed by many, and still is, as a proponent of Democracy. Below is illustrated how John Lennon incorporated Marxist and communist ideologies into his music, in the famous single, Imagine.
    Imagine that there was no heaven, it's easy if you try 1

    No hell below us, above us only sky 2

    Imagine all the people living for Today 3

    Imagine there are no countries 4

    It isn't hard to, nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too 5

    Imagine all the people living in peace, Imagine no possessions

    I wonder if you can, no need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of Man

    Imagine all the people sharing all the world. 6

    You may say that I am a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

    I hope some day you'll join us when the world be as one. 7

    1. The attack on Religion. Marxism propagates Religion as an obstacle toward economic prosperity. Russia was once the seat of the Muslims. Bukhara and Samarkand were the centers of Muslim learning and civilisation. Imam Bukhari was from Bukhara. Communism openly and systematically almost destroyed Islam. It is no coincidence that architectural designs within the former Soviet Union look like mosques. Thousands of mosques were destroyed. The Ulema (scholars) were persecuted, books were burnt. It is only after two decades of struggle and Jihad that the Soviet Union was tamed.

    2. The belief that there is no Jannah (Heaven) or Jahannum (Hell), that there is no Aakirah (Hereafter).

    3. The attack on 'self interest', the guiding principle of Western economies.

    4. The attack on Nationalism. The idea of a world view, a one world government, a 'New World Order'.

    5. Once again the attack on Religion. According to Lennon these ideas are not fantasy but are practically achievable.

    6. The belief that everything belongs to the State. The abolition of private property, individuals should worship the state and recognise it as their 'Rabb' (sustainer).

    7. A century after Marx's death, there were well over a billion persons who were at least nominally his followers. That fact led many communists to hope that the future might well see the eventual world triumph of Marxism.

    (taken from 'Music Exposed' by Siraj Yusuf Lambat 'Time Publications')


    Subliminal messages can also be seen visually, on TV, adverts, etc.

    This camel advert may seem simple enough, but look closely at the nose and mouth.
    This poster is advertising a type of beverage, or is it? Look closely at the ice cubes in the glass, what do they spell?
    Click pic to enlarge.

    Look closely at the right hand side of the background behind the bottle; that wasn't put there by accident.
    Click pic to enlarge.

    This skull like figure is a blow up of an ice cube from another beverage commercial.
    Can you spot the subliminal message here? Click on the image to reveal its hidden message. You'll never see this image without seeing the message again...
    This is a scene from the Disney animated film, The Lion King. What you see in the middle of the picture is some leaves and dust being blown into the air, but if you look closely, the word 'SEX' can just be made out. It's too close for comfort. Click on the picture for a larger image.
    This is a scene from another Disney film, called The Rescuers. The two characters here are flying in a tin of sardines, but what you may notice on the building behind them, is a picture of a topless woman. Click on the picture for a larger image.


    Signs of Free Masonic Existance in the Media

    Traditionally, the Freemasons work behind close doors and have their puppet leaders and pawns to carry out their tasks. The real freemasons are unknown, but they are laying the pathway for the Dajjal, or anti-Christ. Although not many people know this, the Freemasons have claimed a large stake over many corporate organisations and are using these organisations to manipulate and monitor the masses. But the Masons have scattered signs of their existence in commerce and industry, some of which are shown below.

    You may recognise this from the back of a dollar bill. It is interesting to note that the pyramid and all seeing one eye are well known freemasonic symbols. But if you turn the pyramid over to form a six pointed star, as shown in the image, five of the points on the star point to the letters M, A, S, O and N. View an animation of this by clicking on the picture. It may not be a subliminal message as such, but still evidence of deliberate manipulations on household objects.

    Note: The words 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' are Latin for 'New Order of the Ages' (Is this the New World Order?).

    The BT (British Telecom) is another interesting image. The image is of a man blowing a sort of flute into the air with his left hand, but if you look carefully, the Piper's right arm, which follows through to his right leg, actually is a snake with its head pointing towards the sky.

    The Windows 95 startup screen has many interesting images, some of which are examined below.

    (1). The Microsoft logo has 7 trails, with three main black ones at the top, middle and bottom. Each of the three main trails has 6 boxes following each other, unknowingly spelling 666.

    There are a number of hidden images that can be found on the Windows 95 start up screen with the clouds in the background. On the right hand top corner, the face of a man (2) seeming to be looking down onto earth, is clearly visible. There also seems to be another face looking up.

    Just to the left of the Microsoft logo, the image of a dark horse (3) can be made out. The meaning of this image is open to interpretation, but the phrase 'dark horse' are all well known expressions.

    It is interesting to note that the file win95.bmp is clearly different from the above and after careful examination it can be safe to say that the start up logo screen, had in fact been heavily retouched. It would be highly unlikely that these hidden images were formed by accident. In fact, it is common knowledge within the computer software industry, that Bill Gates, creator of Windows, had purchased a number of Winslow Homer paintings for a huge sum of money. What is intriguing about this is that the artist Winslow Homer was known among some people for placing hidden images, especially faces, on his paintings. There are a number of other hidden images on the win95.bmp file, which can be found in your Windows directory, such as the image of a flying bird just above the Microsoft logo.
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    ...Wow... these guys are smart
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    Phoenix CG's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    Aladin is a secret **** movie.
    Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

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  5. #4
    aamirsaab's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    Walt Disney : Aladdin

    The Disney animated movie Aladdin was watched by millions of people, mostly young children all over the world. But in one scene, where Aladdin is talking to a tiger, a mysterious voice can be heard in the background. Listen carefully and the words 'Take off your clothes' are clearly audible.
    Indeed, the above is not the only example of 'subliminal sex' in popular children's programmes.
    Aladdin has never seen a tiger let alone spoken to one. If it was mowgli, however, that paragraph may have a bit more credibility since mowgli does talk to animals, one of them being shere khan the tiger. Aladdin, on the other hand, does not.

    sounds just like 'O Satan, O Satan, O Satan..'
    That's not the same as subliminal messaging.

    There may also be many other forms of subliminal advertising in Pokemon TV shows and merchandise. Many people have said to feel the need to pick up their Pokemon toys just after watching the TV programme. Thanks to Brian Hosmillo for this clip.
    It's called a toy-advert. Same stuff happens with TMNT and thundercats (used to anyway) and pretty much any other cartoon.

    The BT (British Telecom) is another interesting image. The image is of a man blowing a sort of flute into the air with his left hand, but if you look carefully, the Piper's right arm, which follows through to his right leg, actually is a snake with its head pointing towards the sky.
    This is just a form of artwork.

    The Windows 95 startup screen has many interesting images, some of which are examined below.

    (1). The Microsoft logo has 7 trails, with three main black ones at the top, middle and bottom. Each of the three main trails has 6 boxes following each other, unknowingly spelling 666.
    666 has very little significance to anything. People, ignorantly, attributed the devil to that number.

    There are a number of hidden images that can be found on the Windows 95 start up screen with the clouds in the background. On the right hand top corner, the face of a man (2) seeming to be looking down onto earth, is clearly visible. There also seems to be another face looking up.
    Not really a subliminal message, more of a "hidden" picture that some would deem as artistic license.

    There were several others that I would've given my opinion on, but they require a picture which haven't been posted. Neither has the link for the information because I KNOW it has been cut and pasted.
    Last edited by aamirsaab; 01-08-2007 at 04:56 PM.
    Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    The credibility of that article is suspect to say the least. Firstly, there's no source provided. Secondly, they spelt 'existence' with an 'a', indicating it was probably written by some blogger/other Internet type person with too much time on their hands.

    The stuff about the Masonic symbols on American currency is old hat now though.

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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    how could you not remember the tiger from aladdin
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    Yeaqhh how could you not remember Rajah
    Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

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  10. #8
    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    Way on back when I was a psychology student we did some experimentation with subliminal messages. I don't know if any further serious research was done, however our conclusion back in 1979 was that it is non-effective. For any message to be understood it had to be perceivable. we found the JNP factor to be well within the range of concious observation.
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    ^^I bet your right, but it's interesting to find some of this stuff, especially in children's programs..for example if you watch 'the rescuers' there is a picture of a topless woman in the background when they are riding on the tracks or in the lion king, the word sex is spelled out in the stars.
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    Ninth_Scribe's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin View Post
    The credibility of that article is suspect to say the least. Firstly, there's no source provided. Secondly, they spelt 'existence' with an 'a', indicating it was probably written by some blogger/other Internet type person with too much time on their hands.

    The stuff about the Masonic symbols on American currency is old hat now though.

    For all your urban legend needs, visit Snopes.com
    There is quite a lot of truth though. Advertising angencies are expected to adhere to fair promotional tactics.

    The use of what are called 'yes sets' were and continue to be a successful strategy in most political campaigns to incite the crowds into agreement. It usually includes at least two statements that we would all agree upon (Do you hate taxes? Crowd: Yes! Do you hate unemployment? Crowd: Yes!), followed by a final statement they slide in once they acquire that spirit of agreement. It's pretty slick.

    There is the blank 16th screen, which had the effect of lulling the person into a state so they aren't likely to get up out of their chairs (the almost invisible blip mimmicks the heart-beat).

    There is the shock and confusion method, made popular by the Hara Krishna in NYC. The object is to broad-side people when they're in a hurry so they'll pay up just to save time and/or get away.

    Then there's neurolinguistics which is a devious little trick of the light:

    "I remember when I was a child. Can you remember that far back? Boy were those the best of days! My mother would bake cookies for us after school. Did you ever have sleep overs? My father would read me bed time stories. When I look back, who could really top all this?"

    If you look carefully, the above is a 'message in a message'. The conscious mind will miss it, but the statement gets embedded on the mind regardless. I marked the words of the inner message by typing them in italic. In many commercials that make use of high speed animation, certain words in the spoken narrative are highlighted by flashing a loud image. During speeches the selected words are marked by the speaker raising one of his hands up as he speaks them.

    None of these techniques are top secret. Classes in advertising and marketing are found all over the world. But parents should know about them

    Ninth Scribe
    Last edited by Ninth_Scribe; 01-09-2007 at 08:19 PM.
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    Oh, I know there's truth in it, particularly about Saturday morning cartoon shows. What you said about repetition is very effective when writing speeches, and I understand your hidden message ('can you read this') - I'd actually go further and say that by emphasising certain words in a sentence, and through clever rephrasing, people can (and do) manipulate others.


    An opinion:

    'I think strawberries are nice, and if you don't think so, I think you're silly'

    An opinion stated as fact:

    'Strawberries are nice. Only idiots don't like them.'

    The latter type of sentence can convince (or force) others to like the fruit if used in the relevant circumstances. The former can also be persuasive depending on how it's delivered.

    I'm going off on a tangent here. What I mean to say is all this stuff about hidden obscene messages in children's cartoons just doesn't hold that much water with me. My opinion would be different if the article said, for instance, that certain cartoons contain double entendres whose more vulgar meaning is lost on children. A few cartoons do contain jokes or dialogue of that nature. But the article is talking about hidden messages that require listening to lines of Popeye's dialogue backwards. To me, that's pushing it. Sure, the sailor muttered a lot of stuff (and I'm pretty sure that in the very early cartoons, he was swearing), but all this 'play it backwards' stuff is just stretching.

    Interesting observation about 'Imagine' though.
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  15. #12
    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    There are many advertising and propaganda gimmicks that work, and are very low cost to apply. All of them operate on the conscious level and there is no need for anything subliminal.

    Several of them were mentioned above. Any course in creative journalis and/or advertising will show you most of the rest. A simple sales presentation course will complete the education.

    In response to Brother Muezzin's remark about Popeye:

    He was swearing in those old cartoons, and there was nothing subliminal or hidden about it. They just seem that way today because the old film strips have pretty well decayed, and the remaining quality is very poor. But, when I was a kid we heard it all loud and clear.
    Last edited by Woodrow; 01-09-2007 at 10:00 PM.
    Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?


    oh i duno about all this, i think its all a little too far-fetched, the most it did for me was make me smirk
    Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

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  17. #14
    Ninth_Scribe's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin View Post
    What I mean to say is all this stuff about hidden obscene messages in children's cartoons just doesn't hold that much water with me. My opinion would be different if the article said, for instance, that certain cartoons contain double entendres whose more vulgar meaning is lost on children. A few cartoons do contain jokes or dialogue of that nature. But the article is talking about hidden messages that require listening to lines of Popeye's dialogue backwards. To me, that's pushing it. Sure, the sailor muttered a lot of stuff (and I'm pretty sure that in the very early cartoons, he was swearing), but all this 'play it backwards' stuff is just stretching.

    Interesting observation about 'Imagine' though.
    It was used once in a Chicago album... and everyone went on a witch hunt from then on. They heard messages in everything... this was the survival instinct of the herd, unleashed. But no one should make an accusation without proof and alot of the after-chatter is without so much as a simple demonstration. So I ignore it as pink noise.

    Ninth Scribe
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow View Post
    He was swearing in those old cartoons, and there was nothing subliminal or hidden about it.
    Some people mistake the word "subliminal" as was one guenuine case. I think it was Bugs Bunny. In one episode the hunter tries to catch Bugs by using a female mechanical decoy. In the end, Bugs makes off with the sexy machine and turns a lustful leer into the camera... his last words were: So, it's mechanical.

    It's one of those adult themes that children of that period wouldn't understand. However, according to today's standards, it is considered inappropriate conduct for a children's show.

    Ninth Scribe
    Last edited by Ninth_Scribe; 01-10-2007 at 08:31 PM.
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    OK, so there's this:

    freaked out yet?

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  21. #17
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    I seriously doubt the backward thing was anything real.
    Like AC/DC's producer said that they had no clue what they were doing forward, let alone backwards.

    But subliminal messages are well known commercially.
    I remember reading an introduction to a book where they mentioned an experiment in a store in the UK.
    They kept repeating something like "I'm an honest person... I do not steal" under some classical music and the theft at the store went down some 30%
    Last edited by Snow; 10-28-2016 at 08:08 PM.
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  22. #18
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    its a load of rubbish..

    sooo your telling me.. subliminally.. you peoples brains are susceptible to back masking?

    pretty darn clever folk.

    ...i think people cottoned on to the fact decades ago.. but were only smart enough to make adverts.

    speaking of which... !!!

    i just seen an advert where a black guy cant work a blender around a table of blenders.

    all the other people are white! and so is he at the end of the commercial advert.

    now maybe im just clutching at straws! but thats racis.

    i seen someone go by with an icecream.. brb going to get icecream.

    the real conspiracy?

    trying to find god.

    ..its like the bloomin truman show.

    (protip: its not really)
    Last edited by M.I.A.; 10-28-2016 at 08:22 PM.
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    I don't understand back masking or whatever it is called but there are subliminal messages everywhere. Literally every sitcom / show made by the BBC has a baphomet (horned goat) lurking around in the back. Basically that and other signs are everywhere - an upside down cross, the pyramid, the A OK sign.

    I've spent years reading about it, thanks to the jaheel family that live next door. I'm normally laid in bed unable to sleep because of the noise and I surf all kinds of weird and wonderful things on the internet about subliminal messages and how they can affect someone's mind - I've tried praying but it doesn't block out the noise so I ended up reading on the internet.
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    Re: Subliminal Messaging in the Media Industry?

    Subliminal messages or not, the material and music alone is enough to keep ourselves and our children away from such programs and cartoons. The more we strive to perfect ourselves and homes and environment by obeying Allaah, the more we save ourselves and our children from harm, the more we will be protected, both physically and spiritually, despite being unaware of all the harms (subliminal messaging etc )
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