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If you have a chance ..

  1. #1
    mariam.'s Avatar Full Member
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    Question If you have a chance ..

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    Peace be upon who follow the truth and seek for it:
    Hi every one … I want to ask you questions .. And I hope you answer me ..
    If you have a chance .. One chance to go to the past .. Which era you choose and why? :rolleyes:
    The next one is : there is some thing that you always want to know .. You always think about .. But till now you don't find the answer .. What it's?
    The third is: you Love some one who.. you didn't see, you always dream to see him/her .. To talk with …. If there is : who? What do you want to said to him/her?
    You have a Great dream that you hope to be truth what is it?
    I hope you appreciate this thread .. Iam waiting for you all
    (we can discuss about)
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  3. #2
    FBI's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: If you have a chance ..

    If you have a chance .. One chance to go to the past .. Which era you choose and why
    Right at the beggining of time

    there is some thing that you always want to know .. You always think about .. But till now you don't find the answer .. What it's?
    What my dinner would be.

    you Love some one who.. you didn't see, you always dream to see him/her .. To talk with …. If there is : who? What do you want to said to him/her?
    This will remain private.
    If you have a chance ..

    The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist
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  4. #3
    Jayda's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: If you have a chance ..

    format_quote Originally Posted by mariam. View Post
    Peace be upon who follow the truth and seek for it:
    Hi every one … I want to ask you questions .. And I hope you answer me ..
    If you have a chance .. One chance to go to the past .. Which era you choose and why? :rolleyes:
    The next one is : there is some thing that you always want to know .. You always think about .. But till now you don't find the answer .. What it's?
    The third is: you Love some one who.. you didn't see, you always dream to see him/her .. To talk with …. If there is : who? What do you want to said to him/her?
    You have a Great dream that you hope to be truth what is it?
    I hope you appreciate this thread .. Iam waiting for you all
    (we can discuss about)
    hola mariam,

    i would go back to the first century so that i could see Jesus... otherwise i would choose the rennaisance because of all of the beautiful art...

    i think the one thing i want to know but do not know is why my beloved husband cannot find peace and how i can help him find this...

    i would say to Jesus "i am trying to do everything you have told me and your Curch has told me to do because i want to be with you, is there anything else you want me to do so that this can happen?"

    my greatest dream is to be everything God wants me to be

    Dios te bendiga
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  5. #4
    Re.TiReD's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: If you have a chance ..

    If you have a chance .. One chance to go to the past .. Which era you choose and why?
    ^^^ The Prophet (saw's) time, to live under the pure guidance and teachings of that time...to meet the Prophet and to know hwat it really is to strive for Jannah and to live for Islam

    there is some thing that you always want to know .. You always think about .. But till now you don't find the answer .. What it's?
    ^^^ weather or not all the good i try to do and have done up til now...weather it has been accepted by Allah or not. Wallahu A'lam, I'll have to be patient to find that one out

    you Love some one who.. you didn't see, If there is : who? What do you want to said to him/her?
    Allah...But I'll wait till I'm in Jannah Insha'Allah

    You have a Great dream that you hope to be truth what is it?
    Cant remember really....

    If you have a chance ..

    s a b r
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  7. #5
    S_87's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: If you have a chance ..

    format_quote Originally Posted by mariam. View Post
    .. One chance to go to the past .. Which era you choose and why? :rolleyes:
    id love to see the kingdom of sulaiman alayhissalaam.
    and when muhammed migrated to madinah!

    The next one is : there is some thing that you always want to know .. You always think about .. But till now you don't find the answer .. What it's?
    i dont know ill havta think about that one

    The third is: you Love some one who.. you didn't see, you always dream to see him/her .. To talk with …. If there is : who? What do you want to said to him/her?
    a lot but i wouldnt because i would probably be too embarassed to speak to them and would forget everything i wanted to say :rolleyes:
    thats happened before
    If you have a chance ..

    Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one calling to Faith: 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed.
    Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and expiate from us our evil deeds, and make us die (in the state of righteousness) along with Al-Abrar
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  8. #6
    tomtomsmom's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: If you have a chance ..

    format_quote Originally Posted by mariam. View Post
    Peace be upon who follow the truth and seek for it:
    Hi every one … I want to ask you questions .. And I hope you answer me ..
    If you have a chance .. One chance to go to the past .. Which era you choose and why? :rolleyes:
    The next one is : there is some thing that you always want to know .. You always think about .. But till now you don't find the answer .. What it's?
    The third is: you Love some one who.. you didn't see, you always dream to see him/her .. To talk with …. If there is : who? What do you want to said to him/her?
    You have a Great dream that you hope to be truth what is it?
    I hope you appreciate this thread .. Iam waiting for you all
    (we can discuss about)
    1) I would go back to when when all lived in peace and try to stop the hate from starting.
    2)I would want to know which religion is the true one.
    3)Well I have seen this person but it was long ago. I would like to be able to see my grandmother one last time to thank her for everything she did for be and be able to say goodbye.
    4)My greatest dream is that the world could live in peace so my son will not have to know of all the hate and evil in the world.
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  9. #7
    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: If you have a chance ..

    Mariam: 643237]. One chance to go to the past .. Which era you choose and why? :rolleyes
    Sorry I can't decide... I think from Muhammed (pbuh) Prophethood to the end of Umar's (ra) caliphate.

    The next one is : there is some thing that you always want to know .. You always think about .. But till now you don't find the answer .. What it's?
    I always wonder what Jannah looks like and how big the Universe is etc...

    third is: you Love some one who.. you didn't see, you always dream to see him/her .. To talk with …. If there is : who? What do you want to said to him/her?
    I love my ideal person....but ummm he doesn't exist.. I think. :confused:

    You have a Great dream that you hope to be truth what is it?
    I had a beautiful dream when I was about 7-9. I was walking with Allah in Paradise. Allah was holding a pair of Golden scales. He told me it was for weighing people's good and bad deeds.

    I hope it comes true and that my good deeds outweigh my bad ones. InshaAllah.

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