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My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

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    My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

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    Welcome To My Life

    Cluck cluck!


    I'm Eggtoria Peckingham (as in Victoria Beckingham, u get me?). But far from living like royalty, I'm imprisoned in a cage! Oh no, no, no.. not for commiting treason but for.................. NO REASON! So on behalf of all my poultry pals, I’d like to invite you all to come and take a look into our day to day lives and tell us what did we do to deserve this pain and humiliation???

    Please come this way >>

    chicken03 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    Don't be fooled by this picture. If you're not aware of what goes on in battery farming then keep reading.

    Fresh air and green grass were the privileges of my lucky ancestors. As for me, I’ve never left my cage and I hear, I’ll be stuck here until I’m taken to the slaughter house. If I’m lucky to survive this imprisonment that is! And the earth hath He appointed for (His) creatures. – [Quran 55:10]

    You'd imagine cute little chicks hatching from eggs under the loving gaze of their mother. Then later following their mother around and snuggling up under her wings for safety and security. Eating wholesome food, dust-bathing and foraging in the grass for edibles and snoozing in the after-noon sun. Ahhh.. stop dreaming because the reality is far, far from different than you could've imagined. Come and see!

    chickenbaby01 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    This is where my life began. I was snatched away from my mother and put in an incubator. I wonder how my mother felt? I don’t know where she is. I never saw her again.

    chickenbaby12 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    My brothers were thrown into the trash can because they were of no use to farmers for egg-laying. I hear that mother hens used to keep their chicks with them as God intended. Is that true? It sounds like heaven.

    chickenegg05 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    From the incubator, I was brought here and this is where I’ll live (or die) until my turn comes. We have a right to freedom and natural resources just like the human community. Where are our rights?

    Holy Qur'an says: "There is not an animal on earth, nor a bird that flies on its wings, but they are communities like you…". (Qur'an 6:38).

    chickendebeak01 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    This is me being debeaked so that I can’t hurt myself or my cage mates. It hurt so much and I couldn’t eat or drink properly for afterwards. The pain lasted for weeks. I wanted to ask the farmer how he would have liked to have his lips cut off. I tried ‘cheeping’ my protest but I don’t think the farmer understood chicken language.

    Narated By Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet cursed the one who did Muthla to an animal (i e., cut its limbs or some other part of its body while it is still alive). – [Bukhari Vol. 7, Book 67, #424]

    chickendebeak04 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    So here I am now, beakless. I feel ugly, so it’s just as well all of us look the same. Can you tell what I’m thinking? Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said animals too have a sense of pride about their looks.

    chickenegg51 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    My feet hurt from standing on the wire floor on my cage all day. My toe-nails grow abnormally large because there’s no ground to scratch around on.

    chickenegg56 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    We are forced to stand every moment, every day so when one of us dies, we all try to stand on its body to relieve the pain in our feet.

    chickenegg52 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    My poor cage mate was left with her head in the feeding trough and died. We don’t understand how anyone failed to notice.

    chickenegg16 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    This one was lucky. She was found and freed by COK investigators in time and given water. From her condition it’s obvious no farm worker made any attempt to rescue her.

    chickenegg48 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse it does. Quiet often our wings get caught in the wire cages and we’re left painfully suspended and unable to reach food or water.

    Seest thou not that it is Allah Whose praises are celebrated by all beings in the heavens and on earth, and by the birds with extended wings? Each one knows its prayer and psalm, And Allah is aware of what they do. (Qur'an 24:41).

    I’m sure that’s not what it means by extended wings!!!

    chickenegg43 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    We also get painful eye-infections from the excrement and unsanitary conditions in our cages. This is common in battery chickens but we don’t get treated because it would cost the farmer money. Cruelty means money in the human world.

    chickenegg34 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    This badly decomposed hen was left lying on top of our cage. It was awful! Can you imagine imprisoned with a dead body from your community.

    chickenmolting01 small 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    When our egg production drops or stops, we are forced into molting. That means we are starved for 2-4 weeks to shock our bodies into the egg-laying cycle again. It seems that human greed has no bounds.

    I ask you humans, have you no mercy left in your hearts? Don’t you fear Allah and the Day of Reckoning. We are God’s creatures too. We praise Him & obey His commands. Yet we are left to suffer. Our plight is ignored because we can’t be heard. But YOU can see our suffering with your own eyes. Then will you ignore it for your vain desires?

    We {God} brought forth from it {the earth} its waters and its pastures, and established the mountains firm - as a source of provision for you and for your animals. (Qur'an 79:31-33).

    Please give back our birth-right and help us to live as God intended. All we want is a life without pain and cruelty. Is that too much to ask?

    Dear humans,

    I like to thank you on behalf of my egg-laying poultry pals and of course myself, for taking the time to read about our suffering. Now that you have heard our 'voices' with the help of this caring human-being (muslimah sis), you can help us by refusing to buy battery farm eggs and their products.

    Remember, it's your demand that is the reason for our suffering. Please stop now!

    Yours hopefully,

    Eggtoria Peckingham

    next:the lives of broiler chickens (those raised for meat) and how everything from source to slaughter goes against the teachings of Islam.
    Last edited by Snowflake; 03-25-2007 at 01:53 AM.
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    Re: My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    Subhaan Allaah.. thats shocking.
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    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    I do not see this as being caretakers of the animals Allah(swt) has blessed us with.

    If somebody was to raise chickens like that and then sell them as fighting chickens the farm would be burned to the ground, the farmer lynched and the streets lined with protesters.

    But, because the end result is going to be a neat package in the meat department of the local grocery store, it is acceptable.

    Higher chicken prices are worth it if it ends things like this and puts healthier food on our table.

    For a brief time I lived near some of those "chicken factories" in Arkansas. If you think a pig farm smells bad, you never caught a whiff of a chicken farm. The smell is enough to make you hate the thought of eating chicken.
    My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

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    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    If somebody was to raise chickens like that and then sell them as fighting chickens the farm would be burned to the ground, the farmer lynched and the streets lined with protesters.

    But, because the end result is going to be a neat package in the meat department of the local grocery store, it is acceptable.
    SubhanAllah so true!

    Narated By Hisham bin Zaid: Anas and I went to Al-Hakam bin Aiyub. Anas saw some boys shooting at a tied hen. Anas said, "The Prophet has forbidden the shooting of tied or confined animals." – [Bukhari Vol. 7, Book 67, #421; #422]
    ^Prophet Muhammad(saw) was not only sent as a mercy to Mankind but as a blessing to all creatures as the Quran testifies:

    We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures. – [Quran 21:107]
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    Re: My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    jazakAllah khair.

    farm... see how needed it is. subhanAllah!
    My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

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    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    ^inshaAllah, inshaAllah we will have a cruelty free farm & slaughter house one day.

    Animal Rights in Islam

    By Ebrahim Saifuddin

    Islam not only has laid down the rights for humans regardless of race, color, language and riches, but has also laid down the rights for animals. Animals, like humans are one of the creations of Allah(swt). Prophet Muhammad(saw) was not only sent as a mercy to Mankind but as a blessing to all creatures as the Quran testifies:

    We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures. – [Quran 21:107]

    It is encouraged for Muslim to let Animals eat of the plants that they have planted. Prophet Muhammad(saw) is reported to have said:

    Narated By Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, “If any Muslim plants any plant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity.” – [Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 73, #41]

    Even if an animal eats from a plant which has been planted by man, the person will receive rewards for it. Moreover, another hadith is as follows:

    Narated By Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “While a man was walking on a road. he became very thirsty. Then he came across a well, got down into it, drank (of its water) and then came out. Meanwhile he saw a dog panting and licking mud because of excessive thirst. The man said to himself “This dog is suffering from the same state of thirst as I did.” So he went down the well (again) and filled his shoe (with water) and held it in his mouth and watered the dog. Allah thanked him for that deed and forgave him.” The people asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals?” He said, “(Yes) There is a reward for serving any animate (living being).” – [Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 73, #38] & [Muslim Book 26, Chapter 39, # 5577]

    Prophet Muhammad(saw) taught people to be kind to animals. Allah(swt) rewarded the act of the person who quenched the thirst of a thirsty dog. While men were accustomed to be cruel to the animals, Prophet Muhammad(saw) by the command of Allah(swt) taught Mankind to be merciful and kind to all living things. Not only were humans given their rights, the animals too were given theirs. Islam is a religion which teaches man to be merciful towards all living things. Thus there is reward for a human even if he feeds an animal.

    Animals have many purposes and are used for such by humans. This does not mean that men have the right to treat animals the way that they want to. While people would hit their animals on the face, Islam forbids such an act. Every creation is very sensitive as far as the face is concerned. If I were to lightly tap a person on the shoulder or on the back, they would not feel offended but if I were to do the same on the face then everyone would find that offensive. Allah(swt) realizes this and thus through Prophet Muhammad(saw) such an act was strictly forbidden as seen by the hadith below:

    Narated By Salim: That Ibn ‘Umar disliked the branding of animals on the face. Ibn ‘Umar said, “The Prophet forbade beating (animals) on the face.” – [Bukhar Vol.7, Book 67, #449] & [Muslim Book 24, Chapter 21, #5281]

    During the times of ignorance (Ja’hillah) people would cut the limbs of animals while they were alive. This was a disgusting act and Islam was the religion that brought an end to this practice. Not only this but shooting at an animal who is tied was also forbidden by Prophet Muhammad(saw).

    Narated By Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet cursed the one who did Muthla to an animal (i e., cut its limbs or some other part of its body while it is still alive). – [Bukhari Vol. 7, Book 67, #424]

    Narated By Hisham bin Zaid: Anas and I went to Al-Hakam bin Aiyub. Anas saw some boys shooting at a tied hen. Anas said, “The Prophet has forbidden the shooting of tied or confined animals.” – [Bukhari Vol. 7, Book 67, #421; #422]

    While the animal rights were being laid down by Allah(swt) through Prophet Muhammad(saw), the Prophet(saw) also narrated an incident regarding a woman who imprisoned a cat and made it starve to death.

    Narated By ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar : Allah’s Apostle said, “A lady was punished because of a cat which she had imprisoned till it died. She entered the (Hell) Fire because of it, for she neither gave it food nor water as she had imprisoned it, nor set it free to eat from the vermin of the earth.” – [Bukhari Vol.4, Book 56, #689]

    This hadith clearly suggests that being brutal towards animals is a grave sin and Allah(swt) will punish him who treats the animals without kindness. It is obligatory for the owner of the animal to feed it. Many rights have been given to animals and Muslims are required to obey these guidelines for transgression would make them sinful. While oppressing humans is wrong, Islam also teaches that oppression towards animals is wrong.

    Islam gave animals rights at a time when animal rights were not recognized. Today the world is bringing awareness towards the rights of animals whereas Islam gave them their rights more than 1400 years ago. The most famous story about being kind to animals is seen when a cat came and slept on the robe of Prophet Muhammad(saw) while he was reading the Quran to the listeners. When it was time for the Prophet(saw) to get up, instead of disturbing the cat, he cut that piece of the robe and stood up. Today who would cut of a piece of their cloth so that the cat’s sleep would be undisturbed?

    Prophet Muhammad(saw) encouraged people to be good towards the animals and forbade acts which are cruel. Oppression is an evil whether the one being oppressed is human or an animal. In Tirmidhi as well as Abu Dawood it is mentioned that Prophet Muhammad(saw) prohibited the act of inciting animals against each other. This act is practiced today as well where cocks and dogs are caused to fight with each other and people place their bets. Not only does this become a sin for it falls under the category of gambling but also because two animals are caused to fight against each other.

    There are people who claim that Prophet Muhammad(saw) ordered the killing of all dogs. If one were to read the references they give it is indeed true that such an order was given. However these people will never quote the hadith which explains why such an order was given.

    Ibn Mughaffal reported: Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) ordered the killing of dogs and then said: what is the trouble with them (the people of Medina)? How dogs are nuisance to them (the citizens of Medina)? He then permitted keehing of dogs for hunting and (the protection of) herds. In the hadith transmitted on the authority of Yahya, he (the Holy Prophet) permitted the keeping of dogs for (the protection of) herds, for hunting and (the protection of) cultivated land. – [Muslim Book 10, Chapter 31, #3814]

    When one reads this hadith one gets to learn about the context of the order. The people of Medina complained that the dogs were being a nuisance to them. This is just like today where many countries have problems with street dogs. There have been many cases where these street dogs have bitten people and transmitted diseases like Rabies. Many have even died from this disease. Due to the complains by the people regarding these stray dogs, Prophet Muhammad(saw) ordered that such dogs who are hazardous to the people should be killed. Back in those days there were not any animal shelter facilities and thus this was the only way to safeguard the people. The hadith further on explains that all dogs were not to be killed and the permission to keep dogs was also given.

    Moreover, Prophet Muhammad(saw) also instructed men not to overburden their domestic animals. Burdening a donkey with more load than that which he can easily carry is again a wrongful practice which was forbidden by Allah(swt). Even while sacrificing the animals, it is told that we are to use sharp knives and not blunt ones for the latter would cause pain and discomfort to the animals. Some people have suggested that the Islamic method of slaughtering the animal is cruel and should be stopped. This however was proven to be untrue as the animal dies a painless death. A study was carried out at the School of Veterinary Medicine by Professor Wilhelm Schulze and Dr. Hazim to detect the pain an animal feels when he is slaughtered by the Islamic way. The EEG recorded showed that with the Islamic way, the animal felt no pain and it was observed that most of the blood was thrown out of the body thus making the meat more hygienic as opposed to the captive bolt pistol stunning method. The conventional method was also observed to be painful to the animal.

    The earth has been made for all the creatures that inhabit it and thus they are given their due rights by Islam.

    And the earth hath He appointed for (His) creatures. – [Quran 55:10]

    Islam takes great care when laying down its rules and regulation and has made sure that men do not behave with cruelty towards them. Even in a state of war, the Muslims are prohibited from killing the animals in the lands of the enemies and are also prohibited to burning or cutting down trees for no reason. Indeed Islam is a mercy for everyone. It is not only a religion but a complete way of life which even secures the rights of animals.

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    Re: My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    i dont mean to joke around in this serious thread but

    inshaAllah, inshaAllah we will have a cruelty free farm & slaughter house one day.
    thats a bit of an oxymoron dont you think...!

    may Allah reward you for this sis, i'll try spread it around a bit more inshaAllah.
    My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

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  10. #8
    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    i dont mean to joke around in this serious thread but

    inshaAllah, inshaAllah we will have a cruelty free farm & slaughter house one day.
    thats a bit of an oxymoron dont you think...!

    may Allah reward you for this sis, i'll try spread it around a bit more inshaAllah.

    It shouldn't be an oxymoron. The only reason it appears to be is because we have become acclimated to the way conditions are.

    It does not seem reasonable to expect that an animal can be raised with kindness and then slaughtered.

    Yet, it can and should be a very kind and humane gesture. The fact that humans do eat some animals should result in a guarantee that those animals will never have to face the rigors and dangers the wild beasts do face. It means that as an overall species they are assured of a long and healthful secure life. Although it is true some of them will have a reduced life time but over all the entire species will be assured a comfortable existance for their time. It also means that no member of the species would need to face a lifetime of discomfort.
    My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    Herman 1 - My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

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    Malaikah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    What are organic eggs?

    That is so sad man.
    My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

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    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim View Post
    i dont mean to joke around in this serious thread but

    thats a bit of an oxymoron dont you think...!
    Br, Woodrows answer was perfect.

    Since Allah made it halal we cannot call the act of slaughter cruel. But cruelty in the treatment of animals is still present in halal slaughter houses as well as farms. There is also evidence that not all halal meat labelled 'halal' is what it says.

    InshaAllah with an islamic farm & slaughter house governed by shariah laws the animals will be raised not only with kindness, but also slaughtered accordingly. At the moment even in halal slaughter animals are still being slaughtered with blunt knives, causing them unnecessary pain and suffering. Therefore the idea is non conflicting.

    may Allah reward you for this sis, i'll try spread it around a bit more inshaAllah.
    Ameen. Please do what you can inshaAllah. This will not only make people aware but also make them willing to donate to the fund-raising I have just started. But for now, I am deeply grateful to anyone who spreads the word. Every good deed must be for the sake of Allah subhan watala alone. May Allah reward all who help this cause. Ameen.
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    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: My Plight to Humans - Please help end the suffering

    format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah View Post

    What are organic eggs?

    That is so sad man.
    Organic eggs are from poultry raised in a humane, free-range environment.

    However, I'm still researching this practice as some animal-rights groups have concerns about it too. But it's safe to say that organic poultry isn't confined to cages and subjected to the cruelty that is acceptable within battery farming.
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