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No Empire Endures Forever

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    00:00's Avatar Full Member
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    No Empire Endures Forever

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    No Empire Endures Forever

    “Verily, the earth belongs to Allah. He awards it (for governing it) to whomever of His servants He wishes.” [Aayat 128: Surah A’raaf]

    “Perhaps Allah will soon destroy your enemies and make you the rulers in the earth. Then He will see how you act.” [ Aayat 129, SurahA’raf ]

    Allah Ta’ala says in the Quran Shareef :
    “For every nation there is an appointed time. Then when its appointed time (for the end) arrives, they will not be able to delay it by amoment nor bring it forward. ” [ Surah Aaraaf Aayat 34 ]

    Empires have come and gone. No empire on this earth has ever endured forever. Every kingdom or power had its rise and fall. But, the slave of the nafs and the world fail to understand this truth, which is part of the Divine Scheme for this world. No ruling power ever contemplates or even thinks that it will one day fade away into oblivion. Inspite of this lesson being imparted by history, every nation in its heyday clings to the irrational belief that it will be able to hold on to power everlasting.

    The most resent re-enactment of this historical truth wasthe seemingly sudden collapse of the U.S.S.R, which was in reality the Russian empire. Neither the Russians nor anyone in the world had the faintest idea that the disintegration and collapse of the Russian empire would be so swift and devastating. A similar fate is in store for America.

    The U.S.A is believed to be the superpower of the world. It is thought to be indomitable, the most powerful and the wealthiest power on earth.But America is no empire. Politically it holds no territory besides the lands within its geographic frontiers (Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa) are exceptions. Economically it is bankrupt. It subsists and survives on the wealth of the so-called third world countries, the oil wealth of the Arab lands and the raw materials of Africa and Asia and its phantom economy based on useless paper money. The world is under a colossal deception regarding the might and power of America. America never was an empire nor is it an empire today.America never fought a war nor does it have the capacity for fighting a war.

    The Vietnam ‘war’ was not a war. It was a brutal and cowardly assault from the air. A massive and sustained aerial bombardment in which tens of thousands of tons of bombs were thrown in a desperate attempt to pulverize and vanquish the adversary. But America miserably failed and had toretreat in humiliation because it could not fight a land war.

    The so-called Gulf war is a repetition of the same saga.There was no fight on the land. It was all a one –sided brutal and cowardly murder enacted with the full co-operation of Saddam who is America’s agent inthe region.

    After the Mujahideen eliminated a handful of American marines, the U.S.A. quickly withdrew from Lebanon. In disgrace, America had to retreat from Samaliland. A handful of tribesmen humbled the might of the so-called superpower. There is nothing super in this ‘superpower’. It is capable of only aerial bombing and destroying populated areas and civilians from the air. American solders cannot fight a land war. The same for the Russian murderers.

    A little reflection will convince any skeptic that America is not a empire. It rests on a falls base, which will suddenly collapse. Its foundations are hollow and a variety of factors in its home territory are gnawing at the hollow base. Its collapse will be more spectacular than the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    From the viewpoint of cause and effect, which governs this material universe, America’s continuing term or extended term of dominance is made possible by Muslim transgression. Since the followers of Islam have abandoned the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu-'Alayhi-Wa-Sallam) and have aped the American way of life, Allah Ta’ala has placed the U.S.A. in the position of the master and the Muslims as slaves of this kaafir master. This is a punishment for the Muslim disobedience. The Hadith is emphatic and categorical in this assertion. But as Qur’aan repeatedly declares, : “Every nation has its appointed time.” The quicker Muslims turn faithfully and obediently to the Sunnah, the quicker will be the demise of all kuffar powers,

    The Qur’aan Majeed says: “There is no aid but from Allah,The Mighty, The Wise.”

    Only Allah Ta’ala grants political power and only He snatches away this power. Like all things in this universe are subjected to laws, so to is political power and sovereignty on earth. In so far as kuffar are concerned, fair play and justice will ensure for them political dominance on earth, hence the Sages of Islam say:
    “An empire can endure with kuffar, but not with Zulm (oppression and injustice).”

    When a nation becomes oppressive and brutal like the Israelis of today, it heralds the beginning of its demise. However, in relation to the Ummah of Islam, the worldly cause for their domination and power is ONLY complete obedience to the Shariah and Sunnah while the cause of their degeneration and enslavement to the kuffar is abandonment of the Shariah and Sunnah. If Muslims can only understand this truth and Qur’anic command, they will once again regain their elevated position on the hilltops of the world.

    Inspite of its tremendous firing power and massive military,inspite of its superpower status and image, America is unable to apprehend a single old man (Usamah Bin- Ladin). It had to fire dozens of intercontinental missiles in a bid to eliminate one Mujahid who has become the cause of a numerous nightmares in American circles. All its missiles could not achieve the aim.

    Afghanistan is an impoverished land with absolutely no governmental infrastructure in the conception of the West; Afghanistan has no military, no air force and no wealth whatsoever. It is a landlocked, barren,wasteland inhabited by tribesmen. But, this noble Land with its Valiant Islamic Fighters, cannot be humbled by the superpowers of the world. This fact should be ample evidence for the impotency of the so-called American empire and its military might, which awes and enamors people immersed in crass materialism. But, the Army of Islam fights on Imaan adorned with baatini Noor dependent on obedience to Allah Ta’ala .

    By: Brother Dhul-Fiqar Abdul-Muntaqim
    Courtesy: www.everymuslim.net
    No Empire Endures Forever

    The World is three days: As for yesterday, it has vanished, along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow, you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work in it.
    - Hassan al-Basri

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    Talib_Rayhan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    Obviously Brother Dhul-Fiqar Abdul-Muntaqim knows more about Islam than I do, and it is not his religous points I would challenge. Its his political (for want of a more fitting word) points, I wonder if he knows that America isnt actually trying to capture Osama Bin Laden, its quite the opposite, Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are both products of the USA, namely the CIA.
    No Empire Endures Forever

    www.fisabeelillah.com/forum - Insha'Allah you can take time to show your support

    "I was taught never deny the starvin' a hot meal cos a plate can change a persons lives" - Big Lou

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    Abdul-Raouf's Avatar Full Member
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    Arrow Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    format_quote Originally Posted by 00:00 View Post
    No Empire Endures Forever

    “Verily, the earth belongs to Allah. He awards it (for governing it) to whomever of His servants He wishes.” [Aayat 128: Surah A’raaf]

    “Perhaps Allah will soon destroy your enemies and make you the rulers in the earth. Then He will see how you act.” [ Aayat 129, SurahA’raf ]

    Allah Ta’ala says in the Quran Shareef :
    “For every nation there is an appointed time. Then when its appointed time (for the end) arrives, they will not be able to delay it by amoment nor bring it forward. ” [ Surah Aaraaf Aayat 34 ]

    Empires have come and gone. No empire on this earth has ever endured forever. Every kingdom or power had its rise and fall. But, the slave of the nafs and the world fail to understand this truth, which is part of the Divine Scheme for this world. No ruling power ever contemplates or even thinks that it will one day fade away into oblivion. Inspite of this lesson being imparted by history, every nation in its heyday clings to the irrational belief that it will be able to hold on to power everlasting.

    The most resent re-enactment of this historical truth wasthe seemingly sudden collapse of the U.S.S.R, which was in reality the Russian empire. Neither the Russians nor anyone in the world had the faintest idea that the disintegration and collapse of the Russian empire would be so swift and devastating. A similar fate is in store for America.

    The U.S.A is believed to be the superpower of the world. It is thought to be indomitable, the most powerful and the wealthiest power on earth.But America is no empire.
    Politically it holds no territory besides the lands within its geographic frontiers (Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa) are exceptions. Economically it is bankrupt. It subsists and survives on the wealth of the so-called third world countries, the oil wealth of the Arab lands and the raw materials of Africa and Asia and its phantom economy based on useless paper money. The world is under a colossal deception regarding the might and power of America. America never was an empire nor is it an empire today.America never fought a war nor does it have the capacity for fighting a war.

    The Vietnam ‘war’ was not a war. It was a brutal and cowardly assault from the air. A massive and sustained aerial bombardment in which tens of thousands of tons of bombs were thrown in a desperate attempt to pulverize and vanquish the adversary. But America miserably failed and had toretreat in humiliation because it could not fight a land war.

    The so-called Gulf war is a repetition of the same saga.There was no fight on the land. It was all a one –sided brutal and cowardly murder enacted with the full co-operation of Saddam who is America’s agent inthe region.

    After the Mujahideen eliminated a handful of American marines, the U.S.A. quickly withdrew from Lebanon. In disgrace, America had to retreat from Samaliland. A handful of tribesmen humbled the might of the so-called superpower. There is nothing super in this ‘superpower’. It is capable of only aerial bombing and destroying populated areas and civilians from the air. American solders cannot fight a land war. The same for the Russian murderers.

    A little reflection will convince any skeptic that America is not a empire. It rests on a falls base, which will suddenly collapse. Its foundations are hollow and a variety of factors in its home territory are gnawing at the hollow base. Its collapse will be more spectacular than the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    From the viewpoint of cause and effect, which governs this material universe, America’s continuing term or extended term of dominance is made possible by Muslim transgression. Since the followers of Islam have abandoned the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu-'Alayhi-Wa-Sallam) and have aped the American way of life, Allah Ta’ala has placed the U.S.A. in the position of the master and the Muslims as slaves of this kaafir master. This is a punishment for the Muslim disobedience. The Hadith is emphatic and categorical in this assertion. But as Qur’aan repeatedly declares, : “Every nation has its appointed time.” The quicker Muslims turn faithfully and obediently to the Sunnah, the quicker will be the demise of all kuffar powers,

    The Qur’aan Majeed says: “There is no aid but from Allah,The Mighty, The Wise.”

    Only Allah Ta’ala grants political power and only He snatches away this power. Like all things in this universe are subjected to laws, so to is political power and sovereignty on earth. In so far as kuffar are concerned, fair play and justice will ensure for them political dominance on earth, hence the Sages of Islam say:
    “An empire can endure with kuffar, but not with Zulm (oppression and injustice).”

    When a nation becomes oppressive and brutal like the Israelis of today, it heralds the beginning of its demise. However, in relation to the Ummah of Islam, the worldly cause for their domination and power is ONLY complete obedience to the Shariah and Sunnah while the cause of their degeneration and enslavement to the kuffar is abandonment of the Shariah and Sunnah. If Muslims can only understand this truth and Qur’anic command, they will once again regain their elevated position on the hilltops of the world.

    Inspite of its tremendous firing power and massive military,inspite of its superpower status and image, America is unable to apprehend a single old man (Usamah Bin- Ladin). It had to fire dozens of intercontinental missiles in a bid to eliminate one Mujahid who has become the cause of a numerous nightmares in American circles. All its missiles could not achieve the aim.

    Afghanistan is an impoverished land with absolutely no governmental infrastructure in the conception of the West; Afghanistan has no military, no air force and no wealth whatsoever. It is a landlocked, barren,wasteland inhabited by tribesmen. But, this noble Land with its Valiant Islamic Fighters, cannot be humbled by the superpowers of the world. This fact should be ample evidence for the impotency of the so-called American empire and its military might, which awes and enamors people immersed in crass materialism. But, the Army of Islam fights on Imaan adorned with baatini Noor dependent on obedience to Allah Ta’ala .

    By: Brother Dhul-Fiqar Abdul-Muntaqim
    Courtesy: www.everymuslim.net
    ^^^ Thats one way of viewing USA

    Here is the other way:


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    Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    format_quote Originally Posted by Talib_Rayhan View Post

    Obviously Brother Dhul-Fiqar Abdul-Muntaqim knows more about Islam than I do, and it is not his religous points I would challenge. Its his political (for want of a more fitting word) points, I wonder if he knows that America isnt actually trying to capture Osama Bin Laden, its quite the opposite, Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are both products of the USA, namely the CIA.
    OMG not another idot.

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    Talib_Rayhan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    As the saying goes in your country.... Whatever.
    No Empire Endures Forever

    www.fisabeelillah.com/forum - Insha'Allah you can take time to show your support

    "I was taught never deny the starvin' a hot meal cos a plate can change a persons lives" - Big Lou

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    Qingu's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    The article is silly in that it attempts to portray America's losses in Vietnam and Iraq as evidence of military weakness.

    I'd like all the Muslims here to consider how the nature of warfare has changed since the invention of the atomic bomb. Before 1945, most major wars were essentially wars of attrition. You won by killing enough of the other people so that they got scared and surrendered.

    The first two atomic bombs were a continuation of this mentality. And indeed, that is exactly why Japan surrendered to the U.S.—because they were terrified of our new weapon.

    What about warfare after that?

    America could have killed every single person living in North Vietnam. We could easily kill every single person living in Iraq. This is how wars have been fought by empires throughout history: you kill enough people until their side gives up or you kill them all. But America didn't—America used limited force in both these wars.

    Do you truly think the fact that America chose not to do this in its most recent wars is evidence of military weakness?

    Because I think it's evidence that our civilization has progressed beyond savage barbarism.

    America is on the decline, but it's not because of our inability to win foreign conflicts with limited force. It's because of the rise of a political bloc of evangelical Christians, which has stupidly empowered our latest president to sell out our country to greedy corporations and play cowboy in Iraq, destroying our moral reputation worldwide and completely draining our economic surplus. And quite honestly, if America continues down this path and elects another evangelical-pandering Republican idiot, I say America deserves whatever it gets.

    Of course, Islamic countries aren't faring much better. Islam's population is increasing solely because of a high birth rate and poor education in Muslim countries. Nobody is emigrating to these countries, everyone is trying to escape from them and move to Europe or Canada. Meanwhile, India and China are both set to become economic powerhouses—while Muslim countries struggle to even leverage their oil wealth.

    Islam's empire has already risen and fallen.

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    Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    America is on the decline, but it's not because of our inability to win foreign conflicts with limited force
    America is on the decline because it has no taqwa or righteousness. It is a corrupt and decadent nation.

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    Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    format_quote Originally Posted by Talha777 View Post
    America is on the decline because it has no taqwa or righteousness. It is a corrupt and decadent nation.
    Or, because of piss-poor economic planning and as Quingu mentioned, essentially giving away all of its state-power to faceless, far-reaching, and invisible entities called Multinational Corporations.

    Its just transference. Dont believe me? Then here's a funny fact. The Walmart Corporation has more economic power than the majority of muslim nations, hell, the majority of the third-world.

    Political economy is not bad for you kids.

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    Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    format_quote Originally Posted by Talha777 View Post
    America is on the decline because it has no taqwa or righteousness. It is a corrupt and decadent nation.
    Maybe if we start beating our women we will regain our righteousness.

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    Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    Maybe if we start beating our women we will regain our righteousness.
    It wont automatically make you righteous but its one step in the right direction. Calling american women as prostitutes is an insult to the prostitutes.

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    Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    format_quote Originally Posted by wilberhum View Post
    Maybe if we start beating our women we will regain our righteousness.
    How can you start to do something your already doing?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isambard
    The Walmart Corporation has more economic power than the majority of muslim nations
    But the walmart corp wont make Jannah will it?

    Long live the Untidy State of Ameruca
    Last edited by Talib_Rayhan; 12-26-2007 at 05:31 AM.
    No Empire Endures Forever

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    "I was taught never deny the starvin' a hot meal cos a plate can change a persons lives" - Big Lou

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    Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    You could be the poster child for misogamy.

    No wonder you said what you did about my mother.

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    Re: No Empire Endures Forever

    I'm just going to lock this thread and mull over whether to dish out some mucho warnings for those members who are fighting.

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