Salam, I heard about some hadiths , and they go something like this:

1 - Muhammad(phuh) told his companions: "you are living in such a blessed period that if any one of you leaves out even 1 tenth of what he is commanded then he will be punished, but there will come a time when if a believer does even a tenth of what he is commanded, he will attain salvation"

This is what I remember of it, Im not sure if its sahih so I need your help.

Is this hadith reliable/real?
and what does it mean?

salam a leikum

P.S. theres another hadith in which the prophet(pbuh) is said to have said something like: "just saying La illaha illa Allah is enough for salvation", and a passerby muslim heard him and asked is that really so, and Muhammad(pbuh said yes, but he does not desire muslims to know that because they might become complacent, lazy and might not strive to the utmost of their power.

does anyone know if this hadith is real aswell? I have a good memory but I can't remember the source.
