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Weak Hadith Compilation

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    Weak Hadith Compilation (OP)

    This thread is meant to collect weak ahadiith which are widespread among people. The section will point out the scholars who graded the hadith to be weak.

    Note a weak hadith does not mean that it is a false hadith. It means that there is a high possibility of an error in it.

    The Rightly Guided Caliphs narrated very few hadith out of fear of attributing something to the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) which he had not said.

    عرَف الصحابة منزلة السُّنَّة

    The Companions recognized the rank of the Sunnah

    واحتاطوا في رواية الحديث عن النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- خشية الوقوع في الخطأ

    And they were careful in narrating hadith from the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) because they feared making mistakes.

    وكان سيدنا عمر شديد الإنكار على مَن أكثر الرواية وكان يأمر بأن يُقِلوا من الرواية

    Umar used to severely criticize those who narrated too many narrations and would command them to narrate few narrations

    وقد كان المنهج العام عند الصحابة هو: التشدد في رواية الحديث

    And the manhaj of the masses of the Companions was severe strictness in regards to narrating hadith.

    والتزم جمهور الصحابة في الخلافة الراشدة منهج عمر بن الخطاب -رضي الله عنه- خشية أن يقعوا في الخطأ

    And the majority of the Companions adhered to the manhaj of Umar (Allaah is pleased with him), during the khilaafah al-raashidah, fearing that they would fall into (making) mistakes (if they narrated too many hadith)

    This was the way of the Companions (may Allaah be pleased with them) who spent their lives with the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam).

    There is no doubt that there were those Companions (may Allaah be pleased with them) who narrated a lot of hadith. However, they were always very careful.

    Today, we have gone so far of the path that we narrate everything we hear and do not even take 1 minute to explain the opinions of the scholars on a given hadith.

    We live dangerous lives.

    Those who can read Arabic should invest the time to read the following book

    منهاج المحدثين في القرن الأول الهجري وحتى عصرنا الحاضر

    It is important to inform your audience when you narrate a weak hadith. The rank and sanctity of the Messenger of Allaah (Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) is unlike any other.

    The best of creation after the Prophets (peace be upon them all) were warned that if they raise their voice over his (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) all their deeds would go to waste.

    O you who have believed, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet or be loud to him in speech like the loudness of some of you to others, lest your deeds become worthless while you perceive not.

    [Qur'aan 49:2]

    They were not allowed to call out to him (sallallaahu alayi wa sallam) as they did to one another.

    Do not make [your] calling of the Messenger among yourselves as the call of one of you to another. Already Allah knows those of you who slip away, concealed by others. So let those beware who dissent from the Prophet's order, lest fitnah strike them or a painful punishment.

    [Qur'aan 24:63]

    Lying on him (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) is not like lying on anyone else.

    Narrated al-Mughira:

    I heard the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) saying, "Ascribing false things to me is not like ascribing false things to anyone else. Whosoever tells a lie against me intentionally then surely let him occupy his seat in Hell-Fire." I heard the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) saying, "The deceased who is wailed over is tortured for that wailing."

    [Sahih al-Bukhaari]

    Imaam Muslim said,

    "It Is Sinful To Report Something From A Weak Narrator Without Making Its Weakness Clear: He says in the introduction of his ‘saheeh’: "But they made it incumbent upon themselves to reveal the weaknesses of hadeeth narrators and they gave fatwaa according to that – because of the great danger involved in it, since the narrations about matters of Deen convey allowance (Tahleel) and Prohibition (Tahreem), or orders and things which are forbidden, or encouragement and warning (targheeb wa tarheeb), so if the narrator is not truthful and trustworthy – then someone who narrates from him, knowing that, and does not make his weakness clear to others who do not know him, then he is sinful through that action, deceiving the common Muslims – since he cannot be sure that some of those who hear those narration’s will not use some or all of them, and perhaps they – or most of them – are lies which have no basis. And the authentic narrations form reliable narrators and people of precision are so plentiful that there is no need of the narration of someone who is not reliable"

    Introduction Sahih Muslim

    It only follows that one exercise extreme caution when narrating hadith and ensure that if they are weak one makes mention of it for the betterment of his own hereafter.

  2. #81
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    Re: Weak Hadith Compilation

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Fauzi View Post
    As-Salaam alaikum,
    We need to tread softly on this matter of so-called weak hadith...weak traditions. More often than not, such ahadith should be acceptable in our everyday life as we apply the Sunnah, especially where such ahadith encourage the practice of pious works or those that convey an indisputable spiritual teaching in Islam.

    Some of our 'Ulama hold that one of the specific traits of an heir to the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, is to apply Hadith, in as a broad a way as possible, whether they be authentic or weak, by regularly practicing the former, and, even if only once, the latter, taking into account all the nuances brought out by the different versions, without attaching himself solely to the exterior criteria of the validity of the Hadith, except obviously when it is a matter of licit or illicit.

    The imitation of the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, in conformity to the Sunnah leads in effect, according to the Holy Qur'an, to Divine Love: "Say: If truly you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you" (3:31)
    Wa-Alaikum Assalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu,

    No offense but I disagree. We dont need fabricated stories to convey the message of Islam when we have hundreds and thosuands of authentic hadiths. I hope you find the link below helpful:

    Please read it before replying and commenting. My purpose is only to correct myself and others without getting into arguments. If you insist to use weak and fabricated hadiths then you are free to do so at your own risk. Warnings in hadiths are very severe about those who associate lies with Prophet (peace be upon him).

    And Allah knows the best!
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    Re: Weak Hadith Compilation

    Fabricated ahadiths/stories about month of Muharram

    Some people attribute the sanctity of ‘Ashura’ to the martyrdom of Sayyidna Husain [Radi-Allahu anhu], during his battle with the Syrian army. No doubt, the martyrdom of Sayyidina Husain [Radi-Allahu anhu] is one of the most tragic episodes of our history. Yet, the sanctity of ‘Ashura’ cannot be ascribed to this event for the simple reason that the sanctity of ‘Ashura’ was established during the days of the Holy Prophet ﷺ much earlier than the birth of Sayyidna Husain [Radi-Allahu anhu].
    Consequently, deviated groups have been propagating lies about this event together with baseless and bid’ati acts during the month of al-Muharram. Hereunder are some frequently observed:

    • That the person applying kohl on this day will not have any pain in the eyes for the entire year.
    • That the person who baths on this day will not suffer any illness for the year.
    • That there is a special salaah to be performed on this day.
    • That the repentance of Prophet Adam [peace be upon him] was accepted on this day.
    • That the ark of Prophet Nooh [peace be upon him] settled on Mount Judi on this day.
    • That on this day Allah reunited Prophet Yusuf [Peace be upon him] his father Prophet Ya’qoob [Peace be upon him].
    • That Prophet Ibrahim [Peace be upon him] was saved from the fire on this day.
    • That on this day Allah sent the ram to be sacrificed in place of Prophet Isma’eel [Peace be upon him]
    • Day of Judgement will be established on this 'Ashura. An authentic hadith reported in Tirmidhi states that Qiyaamah will take place on a Friday.

    However, no authentic hadith says that this Friday will fall on the month of Muharram (i.e. the day of Aashura). A hadith of this nature has been classified as a fabrication by Sheikh Ali bin Muhammad Ibn Arraaq (Rahimahullah) and by Allaama Suyuti (rahimahullah). A person called Habib Ibn Abi Habib has concocted it.

    Sources and references for this post:
    http://www.albalagh.net/general/muha...ess Traditions
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    Re: Weak Hadith Compilation

    Shaikh bin Abii Khaalid al-Sufii al-Basrii

    He was known to transmit rejected aHadith

    Here are some of the munkar ahadith he transmitted:

    1. The engraving on the ring of Sulaiman bin Daawud read: There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (sallallaahu alalyhi wa sallam) is His Messenger.

    2. People will be called on the day of Qiyaamah by their names except for Adam. He will be called by the kunya Father of Muhammad

    3. Hair grows in the nose to protect against leprosy

    4. The people of Jannah will have no hair except for Muusaa bin 'Imraan. His beard will reach his navel

    al-Kaamil fi Dhu'afaa al-Rijaal
    Volume 6 Page 215-216
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