Assalamu alaikum,
I am finding some hadith but I dont have a way to find the books.

I need As-Sunanu Kitabul Firdaus written by al-daylami's son Abdullah ibn Daylami who also written the book name Musnad al Firdaus.
exact: As-Sunanu Kitabul Firdaus

This is is need very important to be collected. I will make dua if you can find this book!!
English or arabic or any other language if found.

Note: There is a lot of hadith kitab written by al-daylami and also his son daylami (also called abdullah ibn daylami) names Firdaus in the title.

1. Al-Firdaus, Firdaus al akbar Written by Father Daylami. (Full name: Abū Shujāʿ al-Daylamī)

2. Musnad al-Firdaus, "As-Sunanu Kitabul Firdaus", Al kabiru Kitabul Firdaus, Kitab al-Daylami written by Son Daylami called Imam Abdullah ibn Daylami (Full name: Abū Manṣūr al-Daylamī)

I also need some more book if found then please give me a PDF or Shamela copy.
Those are:

1. Akhirujjaman Al-Mahdi Fil Alamatil Kiyamah
2. Kitabul aqib
3. Kitab al-juhur
4. Risalat al khuruj al-Mahdi
5. Muj 'am al Hadis al imam al mahdi
6. Muntakhabul asar
7. Bisharatul islam
8. Majmaul Jaoaed
9. Kanjul Ummal
10. Tajkirah by Kurtubi
11. Asarus Sunan
12. Ilme Rajen
13. Kashf Ul Gammah
14. Nuaim Bin Hammad

Please Find me these kitabs/books as soon as you can find. I really need help to collect these books!