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Love of Harmain Shareefain

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    Love of Harmain Shareefain

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    Assalamu Alaikum

    Can any one tell me why I should Love Haramaein Shareefain?I know Muhammad(PBUH) love for Makkah/Medinah so is Kaaba holds great importance.I was viewing the other thread,pictures of decorations/wall/lamps etc have been posted,the little I know is Islam has nothing to do with these things,its sounds very symbolic to me.So are they only been posted as personal liking or do they have any religious Importance?

    Last edited by Signor; 06-29-2013 at 03:52 PM.
    Love of Harmain Shareefain

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  3. #2
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    Re: Love of Harmain Shareefain

    It looks like I am rightly stand where I am.Postings of day-in and day-out while this thread gaining 100 views without Answer??
    Love of Harmain Shareefain

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  4. #3
    Ali_008's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Love of Harmain Shareefain

    I don't really know any Hadeeth, or can't recall any verse that particularly mentions loving haram, but I personally love it because there's no other place on earth that makes me as happy as Makkah. The last time I was there was in Feb 2012, and I miss Makkah everyday. It is not just Haram, but even the surrounding areas that I find so so unbelievably peaceful and soothing. It might sound a little dramatic, but even the air over there tastes and smells sweeter. I don't know, I can't explain it, I just love Makkah, and keep making plans of going there again almost everyday. Makkah is the one place which every Muslim ought to love. Being there makes being Muslim an exhilarating experience.

    Mostly, Madeena is known to be the city of peace, and rather Makkah is said to be a little suffocating because of the excessive crowd over there, but it is the other way around for me. I love Madeena as well, but in comparison to Makkah, I find it a lot more relaxed than I'd like.

    P.s. - I just recalled that there are ahadeeth in which Rasoolullah has expressed his love for both Makkah and Madeena, and being his followers we ought to love what he loves. Some of the most respected scholars of our ummat have also expressed their great love for the two cities. There was even one scholar, I can't recall his name, who was so fond of Madeenah that he didn't want to leave it even for the sake of hajj. It was with great difficulty that he was convinced/convinced himself, and he did hajj.
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    Love of Harmain Shareefain

    If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust.
    Surah Ale Imran : 160

    It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:
    The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) climbed up Uhud, accompanied by Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthmaan, and the mountain shook with them. He struck it with his foot and said: “Stand firm, O Uhud, for there is no one on you but a Prophet or a Siddeeq or two martyrs.”
    Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3483)

    Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Taala) does not inspire seeking forgiveness in a slave whom he wishes to punish.
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    AabiruSabeel's Avatar Administrator
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    Re: Love of Harmain Shareefain

    It's a personal liking, I guess. One who has tasted the Love of Haramain Shareefain cannot live without yearning to visit there again and again.

    أقبل ذا الجدار وذا الجدارِ
    أمر على الديار ديار ليلي
    ولكن حب من سكن الديار
    وما حب الديار شغفن قلبى
    I pass by these walls, the walls of Layla And I kiss this wall and that wall
    It’s not Love of the houses that has taken my heart But of the One who dwells in those houses

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    Insaanah's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: Love of Harmain Shareefain

    format_quote Originally Posted by Signor View Post
    Can any one tell me why I should Love Haramaein Shareefain?
    You've given the answer yourself below:

    format_quote Originally Posted by Signor View Post
    I know Muhammad(PBUH) love for Makkah/Medinah so is Kaaba holds great importance.
    حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يُوسُفَ، حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ، عَنْ هِشَامِ بْنِ عُرْوَةَ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ ـ رضى الله عنها ـ قَالَتْ قَالَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏"‏ اللَّهُمَّ حَبِّبْ إِلَيْنَا الْمَدِينَةَ، كَمَا حَبَّبْتَ إِلَيْنَا مَكَّةَ أَوْ أَشَدَّ، وَانْقُلْ حُمَّاهَا إِلَى الْجُحْفَةِ، اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِي مُدِّنَا وَصَاعِنَا ‏" Narrated `Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her): The Prophet said, "O Allah! Make us love Medina as You made us love Mecca, or more, and transfer the fever that is in it, to Al-Juhfa. O Allah! Bless our Mudd and our Sam' (kinds of measures). ...


    حَدَّثَنَا إِسْمَاعِيلُ، حَدَّثَنِي مَالِكٌ، عَنْ عَمْرٍو، مَوْلَى الْمُطَّلِبِ عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم طَلَعَ لَهُ أُحُدٌ فَقَالَ ‏ "‏ هَذَا جَبَلٌ يُحِبُّنَا وَنُحِبُّهُ، اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّ إِبْرَاهِيمَ حَرَّمَ مَكَّةَ، وَإِنِّي أُحَرِّمُ مَا بَيْنَ لاَبَتَيْهَا ‏"‏‏.‏ تَابَعَهُ سَهْلٌ عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فِي أُحُدٍ

    Narrated Anas bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him):

    The Mountain of Uhud came in sight of Allah's Messenger who then said, "This is a mountain that loves us and is loved by us. O Allah! Abraham made Mecca a sanctuary and I make the area between its (Medina's) two mountains a sanctuary."


    Not only did the Prophet love Makkah and Madinah, but also made a du'aa to love them. As Ibrahim made Makkah a haram, rasoolullah made Madinah a haram. The house of Allah is in Makkah, it was a qiblah the Prophet longed for and was pleased by, and the direction all the Muslims in the world pray towards. The virtues of praying in these two mosques are more than the virtues of any other mosques on earth. And Masjid un Nabawi contains an area that will be part of paradise, as explained in the haramain pictures thread. According to the saheeh ahadeeth mentioned there, the Prophet said "what is between my house and my mimbar, is a garden from the gardens of paradise". These are not all, but just a few of the reasons why we love the haramain shareefain. We love the mosques themselves, the adhaan, the tilaawat, etc. And we yearn to go there, as brother ibṉĀdam has just posted above.

    However, I don't think in the section we've ever said that people must love the haramain shareefain. The regular posters there (and all are welcome to post) are members who love the haramain shareefain.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Signor View Post
    I was viewing the other thread,pictures of decorations/wall/lamps etc have been posted,the little I know is Islam has nothing to do with these things,its sounds very symbolic to me.
    In that thread, you'll notice it's not just decorations, walls and lamps, but scenes of the masjids, building work of the expansion, sunshades, minarets, the kiswa, the moon, even cloud formations, mimbars, doors, architecture, nice camerawork blending in two scenes, in fact anything we personally liked, or found pretty or interesting while watching the coverage, as well as member's own pictures from visits there.

    As to Islam having nothing to do with them, most masaajid do need walls and lamps etc. Some of the calligraphy on them reminds us to praise Allah when we look at it, eg Allahu akbar, others remind us of the virtues of the place through ahadeeth, some remind us of the history through ayaat.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Signor View Post
    So are they only been posted as personal liking or do they have any religious Importance?
    The pictures posted are of personal liking.

    It looks like I am rightly stand where I am.Postings of day-in and day-out while this thread gaining 100 views without Answer??
    Please be aware that those 100 views won't all be from members, some will be from guests (non-members). Lack of a reply does not mean that it's being ignored, or that there's no answer, even if you see people posting in other threads. It may just mean that they would like to give a nice detailed reply as they liked your post, but don't have the time at the moment so will spend time on it when they can

    May Allah take all Muslims to the haramain shareefain, and may all du'aas and worship there be accepted, ameen.
    Last edited by Insaanah; 07-02-2013 at 01:31 PM. Reason: corrected typos
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    Love of Harmain Shareefain

    Stunningly beautiful adhaan from the Dome of the Rock in Masjid ul Aqsa
    Download (right click and choose "save target/link as").

    This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that those of understanding may take heed (14:52)

    Indeed Allah knows, and you know not (16: 74, part)
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  8. #6
    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Love of Harmain Shareefain

    I don't know that you can make someone love al harmain, or that you can make someone love or the prophets or the sidiqeen or to strive to be like any of them.. you either do or you don't.. has to come from within not a feeling anyone can convince you to have!
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  9. #7
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    Re: Love of Harmain Shareefain

    Brothers and Sisters for all your replies,I've found the answer

    As Sis Insaanah mentioned,I did answer a part of my question and the rest is I found in her reply:

    Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said:“Between my house and my pulpit lays a garden from the gardens of Paradise, and my pulpit is upon my fountain (Al-Kauthar).” [Bukhari]

    The Prophet said:

    “Verily Prophet Ibrahim May Allah Bless him) declared Makkah sacred and supplicated (for blessings to be showered) upon its inhabitants, and I declare Madinah to be sacred as lbrahim had declared Makkah to be sacred. I have supplicated (Allah for His blessings to be showered) in its sand its mud (two standards of weight and measurement) twice as did Ibrahim for the inhabitants of Makkah.” (Muslim, Sahih, hadith no. 1360)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ali_008 View Post
    I personally love it because there's no other place on earth that makes me as happy
    format_quote Originally Posted by ibṉĀdam View Post
    It's a personal liking, I guess. One who has tasted the Love of Haramain Shareefain cannot live without yearning to visit there again and again.
    True that^^

    The thing what annoys me most is when people starts to make symbols out of things,they want to keep pictures/scenarios/belongings brought from there etc while considering them as "Holy",there exists people who consider Arabs as Holy or SaudiArabia as Holy(SA doesn't compromises of Mecca and Medinah only)this is root which sometimes leads to shirk.I don't believe our love for any sacred place should exceed beyond the limits of How Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) told us,Infact this was all my point of concern since some of the posters here do feels the same(atleast how I see them)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah View Post
    It may just mean that they would like to give a nice detailed reply as they liked your post, but don't have the time at the moment so will spend time on it when they can
    Once again thank you for your time,Its appreciated.

    format_quote Originally Posted by جوري View Post
    you can make someone love Allah(swt) or the prophets or the sidiqeen or to strive to be like any of them.. you either do or you don't.. has to come from within not a feeling anyone can convince you to have!
    You have to love your fellow beings in order to love all you mentioned.
    Love of Harmain Shareefain

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  10. #8
    Scimitar's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Love of Harmain Shareefain

    format_quote Originally Posted by ibṉĀdam View Post

    It's a personal liking, I guess. One who has tasted the Love of Haramain Shareefain cannot live without yearning to visit there again and again.

    أقبل ذا الجدار وذا الجدارِ
    أمر على الديار ديار ليلي
    ولكن حب من سكن الديار
    وما حب الديار شغفن قلبى
    I pass by these walls, the walls of Layla And I kiss this wall and that wall
    It’s not Love of the houses that has taken my heart But of the One who dwells in those houses

    Well, you beat me to it I guess.

    My heart is still lying on the road somewhere between the hateem in Kaaba and the Raud al Jannah in the Prophets masjid (pbuh).

    How can someone love something they have never experienced? unless its a longing for something they've never had.

    Last edited by Scimitar; 07-05-2013 at 10:52 PM.
    Love of Harmain Shareefain

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