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Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

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    Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

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    kaabaqq9 - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    • The enemies of Islam have tried through the ages and centuries to humiliate the Glorified House. Historic accounts mention that the first person who attempted to demolish the Holy Ka'bah was Tubba' AI-Himairi. He intended to transport the stones of the Holy Ka'bah to Yemen to distract people away from Makkah and bring the economic prosperity and growth to Yemen. Allah, the Almighty, guided him to the right path through two men of knowledge. He then held the Holy Ka'bah in high esteem, and later covered it in silk. (12)
    • The story of the Companions of the Elephant was mentioned in the Holy Qur'an as well as history books. Abraha, the Abyssinian, constructed a building exactly like the Kabah in Yemen, called AIQulais. He spent huge stuns of money in building it, and tried hard to divert people from the Sacred House to his newly-built duplicate. He invaded Makkah with a large army, headed by an elephant at the charge, intending to destroy the Holy Ka'bah, but Allah, the Almighty, made his treacherous plan go astray. He sent against them flocks of birds which struck them with stones of baked clay, making the army "like green blades devoured"
    • The Holy Ka'bah was burnt down during the Quraish era due to a spark that flew from a censer while a woman was perfuming the Holy Ka'bah. The spark hit the curtains of the Holy Ka'bah and burnt all the cloaks (kiswahs) which were piled one on top of the other, as the new kiswah was usually put over the previous old ones. (12)
    • Makkah Al-Mukarramah had the Umm Nahshal flood, due to heavy rains, during the time of Omar Ibn AI-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him). The flood swept away Abraham's Station to the bottom of Makkah, and its original site was completely wiped out. The Station of Abraham (peace be upon him) was then brought back and tied to the curtains of the Holy Ka'bah on the eastern side. This incident was reported to Omar Ibn AI-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), who came as quickly as possible and restored it to its original place, after ascertaining that it was the proper site. He re-inforced its foundations, and it is still the Station's present-day site. (12)
    • The Black Stone was removed several times from its place by Jurhum, Iyad, Al-Amaliqah, Khuza'a and AI-Qaramita. It was taken back after AIQaramita had removed it from its place and kept it with them for a long time. This is one of the miracles of the Black Stone. When Abu Tahir Suleiman Ibn AI-Hasan AI-Qannati came in the pilgrimage season of the year 317 H., he plundered and killed the pilgrims. In addition to that, he took the Black Stone with him to AI-Kufa (in Iraq). The Stone was bought by AI-Mutie Lillah or AIMuqtadir and was restored to its original place in 339 H., forty camels were killed on that occasion. The young camel returning it fattened up by just carrying the Black Stone. They had taken the Black Stone with the purpose of transferring the Holy Ka'bah to Halt. (12, 14, v. 2, p. 313)
    • The worst that happened to the Holy Ka'bah, at the lime of Jahiliyyah, was that a man and a woman committed adultery inside it. They were called Isaf and Naylah. They were turned into stone and then taken out of the Holy Ka'bah, and one of them was put on AI-Safa, the other on AI-Marwa. Later they were converted to idols to be worshipped as instructed by Amr Ibn Lahi AI-Khuzaic. Qusai later put one of them close to the Holy Ka'bah, the other on Zamzam. (14, v. 2, p. 24)
    • The custody of the Ancient House was under the governorship of the tribe of Jurhum. When they neglected the service of the Ancient House, the tribe of Khuza'a defeated them and took over the custody of the Holy Ka'bah.
    • When Quraish demolished the Holy Kabah, to reconstruct it, a dispute arose when the building reached the level of the Black Stone. They differed on the issue of who was eligible to restore the Black Stone to its original place. A civil war was about to break out. Bann Abdul Dar brought a bowl full of blood and all of the tribes inserted their hands in it, which meant that they had made up their minds to fight one another. They were, therefore, called "the Lick of Blood". But Abu Umayya Ibn Al-Mugheera Ibn Abdullah [bit Omar Ibn Mkhzum, their elder, asked Quraish to agree on the judgement of the first person to conic through Bani Shaibah's gate. They all agreed on this suggestion. The first to come through this gate was the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him). This was five years before his mission. He put the Black Stone in the middle of a piece of cloth, and asked a representative of each tribe to hold one of the edges of the cloth and raise it close to its place. Then the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) picked it up with his own noble hands and restored it to its original place. It was a wise. prudent decision that prevented a tierce and destructive civil war.
    • When Quraish would not tolerate the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) any longer, they decided to punish him with what was basically an economic boycott. They wrote a document which called for the boycott of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and all those who supported him and his family. The document was hung inside the Holy Ka'bah. This boycott lasted for three years until five of the Quraish rejected the boycott question. Abu Talib, the first to be boycotted, asked them to re-read the document because there had been an error in writing and reading it. When the document was brought, they found that white ants had entirely eaten the document except for the Name of Allah. So, the boycott was ended, and the Holy Ka'bah became the home of the white ants up to this day and age. This was an honour given to them.
    • The Holy Ka'bah was struck by catapult fire by AI-Husayn Ibn Numair, the leader of the anny of Yazeed Ibn Muawiyah, during the reign of Abdullah Ibn AI-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them). A sequence of events led to the total demolition of the Holy Ka'bah in 64 H. Then it was fired on again by catapults by AI-Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf AI-Thaqafi at the end of Dhul Hijjah, 72 H., during the siege of Ibn AI-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them). (14, v. 3, p. 166)
    • The Holy Ka'bah was burnt down to the ground during the era of Abdullah Ibn AI-Zubair (may Allah be pleased with them). He and his companions took refuge in the Holy Ka'bah during the siege by Yazeed Ibn Muawiyah. One of Ibn AI-Zubair's companions lit a fire, a spark flew off and .set alight the kiswah of the Holy Ka'bah. The wooden portions only were burnt because during the era of Quraish. the Holy Ka'bah was constructed in layers of stone alternating with layers of wood. This fire and the stones hurled at the Holy Ka'bah from the catapults outside led to its collapse and necessitated its demolition and reconstruction. (12)
    • Many rains flooded the Holy Ka'bah through its long history. There were about ninety such deluges, which were known by different names, such as Umm Nahshal, AI-Jihaf, AI-Makhbal, Ibn Hanzala, Al-Qanadeel and AI-Khidaiwi, and so on. These downpours were named after persons who had died in them or according to the extent of their force and destruction. Some were also named after an epidemic that prevailed during the time of their occurrence or after the effects they made on the Holy Ka'bah. Also some were known by the name of a distinguished personality that performed Hajj that year. The average time lapse between every flooding was about thirty years. (l4, v. 2, p. 200)
    • The Black Stone was torn apart at the end of Muharram, 1351 H. A man from Afghanistan pulled out a piece of the Black Stone and stole a piece of the curtain of the Holy Ka'bah. He was sentenced to death as a penalty. On 28th Rabic AI-Thani, 1351 H., King Abdul Aziz AI-Saud restored this piece of the Stone to its former place with a special adhesive paste. This was done in the presence of a group of residents and scholars. (13, 14, v. 2, p. 315).
    • Al-Bukhari, Muslim and AI-Nisai reported, on the authority of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Holy Ka'bah will be destroyed by Dhul Suwaiqatain towards the end of human existence. Abroad and others related this on the authority of Ibn Omar (may Allah be pleased with them). It was also added that he would plunder its ornaments and steal its kiswah. "It is like I am seeing him in front of me bald. and he is striking the Holy Ka'bah with his mattock or spade". (14, v. 3, p. 244).
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    The Black Stone

    With regard to the story of the Qaraamitah stealing the Black Stone and keeping it with them for a long time, this is true. Ibn Katheer said, concerning the events of 278 AH:
    In this year the Qaraamitah – who are a heretical sect that follows Persian philosophy and believes that Zaradasht and Mazdak, who used to permit forbidden things, are prophets – started their trouble.
    As well as that, they blindly follow everyone who speaks falsehood. The group they managed to corrupt the most were the Raafidis because they are the least wise of people. They are also called Ismaa’eelis (Ismailis) because they are named after Ismaa’eel al-A’raj ibn Ja’far al-Saadiq.
    They are also called al-Qaraamitah. It was said that they are named after Qarmat ibn al-Ash’ath al-Baqqaar; and it was said that in the beginning their leader used to tell them to pray fifty times a day, so as to distract them from what he was really up to.
    What is meant is that this group became active in this year, then things got worse and reached alarming proportions – as we shall see – when they entered al-Masjid al-Haraam and shed the blood of the pilgrims inside the Mosque around the Ka’bah, and they broke the Black Stone and removed it from its position, and took it with them to their homeland in 317 AH, and it stayed with them until 339 AH, so it was absent from its place in the Ka’bah for 22 years. To Allaah we belong and verily unto Him is our return.
    Al-Bidaayah wa’l-Nihaayah, 11/72, 73

    Source: http://www.islamqa.com/index.php?ref=45643&ln=eng&txt=in%20339
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    what exactly is adultery i know that some people in tudor times have faced death like henry the 8th second wife anne belin ... or something .. .but what is this
    Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sweet_Boy View Post
    what exactly is adultery i know that some people in tudor times have faced death like henry the 8th second wife anne belin ... or something .. .but what is this

    It's like when a person cheats with their husband or wife.. it's hated in islam, and it's a really big sin.

    Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils). (Qur'an 17:32)

    PS. Good thread brother Najiullah

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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Fi_Sabilillah View Post

    It's like when a person cheats with their husband or wife.. it's hated in islam, and it's a really big sin.

    Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils). (Qur'an 17:32)

    PS. Good thread brother Najiullah

    were these people who commited this muslims or kaffir
    Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sweet_Boy View Post
    were these people who commited this muslims or kaffir

    i think am not 100% sure but i think they were Kaffir
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Kittygyal View Post
    i think am not 100% sure but i think they were Kaffir
    its just sick ................ and disguisting ... i bet they were kaffir i cant imagine muslims doing that
    Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    My Heart Is Red My Mind Is Black!!!Against The World I Will Lead The Rossoneri In Attack !!! Forza MiLan ...

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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sweet_Boy View Post
    were these people who commited this muslims or kaffir
    they were kaffirs, it was at the time of Jahiliyyah, it was before Holy Prophet (Peace and Allahs blessings upon him) means before Islam.
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    As salaamu alaykum,

    That's a good bunch of Beneficial Information you got there Bro' Najiullah..

    JazakAllahu khayr...
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    Excellent topic. Jazakallah khair for sharing.
    Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    "...You are my Walî in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die as a Muslim, and join me with the righteous." [Surah Yusuf 101]
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    الحجر الأسود
    Al-Hajar ul Aswad

    blackstonexl6 - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    The Black Stone is the stone which is inset into the south-eastern corner of the Holy Ka’bah on the outside, in a setting of silver. It is the starting-point for tawaaf. Currently it is a meter and a half above the ground.
    Allaah sent the Black Stone down to earth from Paradise, and it was whiter than milk, but the sins of the sons of Adam turned it black; it will come on the Day of Resurrection with two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak and will testify for those who touched it in truth and sincerity. Touching it, kissing it or pointing to it is the first thing that a person does when he wants to circumambulate the Ka’bah (tawaaf), whether he is doing Hajj or ‘Umrah or a voluntary tawaaf. The Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) kissed it, and his ummah followed him in doing so. If a person is unable to kiss it he should touch it with his hand or with something, and then kiss that thing. If he is unable to do that he should point to it with his hand and say Allaahu akbar. Touching the Stone is one of the things by means of which Allaah erases sins.

    1. It was Abraham (peace be upon him) who first fixed the Black Stone in its position. It is a precious stone from Paradise.
    1. When Banu Bakr bin `Abd Manah bin Kinanah and Ghishan bin Khuza`ah forced Jurhum to leave Mecca, `Amr bin Al-Harith bin Mudad Al-Jurhumi buried two golden deer and the Black Stone in the Well of Zamzam. Then, he set forth with the Jurhumi fellows for Yemen.
    1. The Black Stone did not rest for long in the Well of Zamzam. A woman from Khuza`ah led her people to its hiding place, for she had seen Jurhum burying it. They, therefore, restored it to its position. This took place before the construction of Qusaiy bin Kilab.
    1. Under the leadership of Abu Tahir, the Karmathians seized Mecca. They killed seven hundred persons inside the Sanctuary while they were clinging to the Ka`bah. With their bodies Abu Tahir filled Zamzam up and floored the Sacred Mosque and its precincts. Moreover, he usurped the people's wealth, jewels of the Ka`bah and ripped its curtains apart. He shared out the covering of the Ka`bah amongst his followers, practised plunderage, pulled out the Ka`bah door and the golden waterspout. On the seventh of Dhul-Hijjah, 317 A.H. Abu Tahir ordered Ja`afar bin `Ilaj to remove the the Black Stone. That followed committing many atrocities against those who circumambulated the Sacred House, took seclusion for worship, bowed, or prostrated themselves therein [in Prayer]. The Karmathians took the Black Stone to Hajar (their homeland), leaving its place in the Ka`bah empty. The people, seeking blessing, used to put their hands in its empty place until the Black Stone had been restored by Sunbur bin Al-Hasan the Karmathian on Tuesday, the Day of Sacrifice, 339 A.H. Thus, the Stone remained missing for about twenty-two years.
    1. In 363, a Roman approached the Black Stone and hit it violently with an axe which made a scratch that is still apparent therein. He raised his arm to hit it again, but a Yemeni stabbed him.
    1. In the Year 413, the Fatimids sent some of their Egyptian followers who were induced by Al-Hakim Al-`Ubaidi. Among them was a man with reddish-blond hair, well-built and tall. He carried a sword and a crowbar. He hit the Stone thrice and splinters flew. He said, "Until when will that Stone be worshipped? Neither Muhammad nor `Ali can prevent me from what I am doing. I am determined to pull this House down." Whereupon, he was surrounded by the Knights who killed and burnt him together with his supporters."
    1. In 990 A.H., a non-Arab came with a crowbar in his hand and hit the Black Stone. Prince Nasser, however, stabbed him to death.
    At the end of Muharram, 1351 A.H., an Afghani came and pulled out a piece of the Stone, stole a piece of the Ka`bah covering and a piece of silver from the Ka`bah ladder. The guards caught him. Then, he has been sentenced to death as punishment. On the 28th of Rabi` I, 1351 A.H., His Majesty King `Abdul-'Aziz bin `Abdul-Rahman Al-Faisal Al-Sa'ud, came from Ta'if to the Sacred Mosque where he re-affixed the piece which had been pulled out by that person. He used a chemical compound mixed with musk and ambergris specially prepared by chemists to affix that piece.
    Last edited by Najiullah; 08-28-2006 at 12:40 AM.
    Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    2 thumbs up to this topic,
    Jazakallah Khair...... didn't know all these stuff.
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    wow sub7anAllah thats great stuff you shared with us bro

    Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    سلامة الإنسان في حلاوة اللسان

    The safety of a human is in the sweetness of his tongue.

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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sweet_Boy View Post
    its just sick ................ and disguisting ... i bet they were kaffir i cant imagine muslims doing that


    i know what you mean!!!!

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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Kittygyal View Post

    i know what you mean!!!!

    yupppppppp but its good that people have learnt from those mistakes
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sweet_Boy View Post
    yupppppppp but its good that people have learnt from those mistakes
    very true also thank you Najiullah for the info.
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    I have never heard of the black stone before... why is it important for Muslims? Like why do you believe God sent it in the first place?
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    As salaamu alaykum,

    Al-Hajr Al-Aswad Info looks good, I was unable to read it though. Would it be possible if you could chang the font-stlye please Akhee!!...

    JazaakAllahu Khayran!!

    Ps: Sorry!!
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87 View Post
    As salaamu alaykum,

    Al-Hajr Al-Aswad Info looks good, I was unable to read it though. Would it be possible if you could chang the font-stlye please Akhee!!...

    JazaakAllahu Khayran!!

    Ps: Sorry!!
    Sister font has been changed . is it ok now?
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    Re: Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jayda View Post
    I have never heard of the black stone before... why is it important for Muslims? Like why do you believe God sent it in the first place?
    what's the importance of the BlackStone in Kaaba, what does represent ?

    Praise be to Allaah.
    There are a number of ahaadeeth etc. about the Black Stone which we will quote for our brother so that he may learn from them.
    1.The Black Stone was sent down by Allaah to this earth from Paradise.
    It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah wwwislamicboardcom - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Black Stone came down from Paradise.”
    (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 877; al-Nasaa’i, 2935. The hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Tirmidhi).
    2.The Stone was whiter than milk, but the sins of the sons of Adam made it black.
    It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah wwwislamicboardcom - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When the Black Stone came down from Paradise, it was whiter than milk, but the sins of the sons of Adam made it black.”
    (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 877; Ahmad, 2792. Classed as saheeh by Ibn Khuzaymah, 4/219. Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar classed it as qawiy (strong) in Fath al-Baari, 3/462).

    (a)Al-Mubaarakfoori said in al-Marqaah: This means, the sins of the sons of Adam who touched the stone, caused it to turn black. The hadeeth should be taken at face value, because there is no reason not to, either narrated in a report or by virtue of common sense.
    (Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi, 3/525)
    (b)Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said: Some heretics tried to criticize this hadeeth by saying: How come the sins of the mushrikeen turned it black and the worship of the people of Tawheed did not make it white?
    I answer by quoting what Ibn Qutaybah said: If Allaah had willed, that would have happened. But Allaah has caused it to be the case that black usually changes other colours and its not itself changed, which is the opposite to what happens with white.
    (c)Al-Muhibb al-Tabari said: The fact that it is black is a lesson for those who have insight. If sins can have this effect on an inanimate rock, then the effect they have on the heart is greater.
    See Fath al-Baari, 3/463
    3.The Black Stone will come forth on the Day of Resurrection and will testify in favour of those who touched it in truth.
    It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah wwwislamicboardcom - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said concerning the Stone: “By Allaah, Allaah will bring it forth on the Day of Resurrection, and it will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak, and it will testify in favour of those who touched it in sincerity.”
    Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 961; Ibn Maajah, 2944
    This hadeeth was classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi, and as qawiy by al-Haafiz ibn Hajar in Fath al-Baari, 3/462
    (4)Touching, kissing or pointing to the Black Stone – this is the first thing to be done when starting Tawaaf, whether it is for Hajj or ‘Umrah, or voluntary Tawaaf.
    It was narrated from Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that when the Messenger of Allaah wwwislamicboardcom - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to Makkaah, he came to the Black Stone and touched it, then he walked to the right of it and ran three times and walked three times [around the Ka’bah].
    (narrated by Muslim, 1218).
    (5)The Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) kissed the Black Stone, and his ummah followed his lead in doing so.
    It was narrated that ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) came to the Black Stone and kissed it, then he said: “I know that you are only a stone which can neither bring benefit nor cause harm. Were it not that I had seen the Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) kiss you, I would not have kissed you.”
    (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1520; Muslim, 1720)
    (6)If a person is unable to kiss the Stone, he should touch it with his hand or something else, then he can kiss the thing with which he touched it.

    (a)It was narrated that Naafi’ said: I saw Ibn ‘Umar touch the Stone with his hand then he kissed his hand. I said, I have never ceased to do this since I saw the Messenger of Allaah wwwislamicboardcom - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) do it.
    (Narrated by Muslim, 1268)
    (b)It was narrated that Abu Tufayl (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: I saw the Messenger of Allaah wwwislamicboardcom - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performing Tawaaf around the House, touching the corner [where the Stone is] with a crooked staff which he had with him, then kissing the staff.
    (Narrated by Muslim, 1275).
    (7)If a person is unable to do the above, then he can point to it with his hand and say “Allaahu akbar”.
    It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah wwwislamicboardcom - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed Tawaaf on his camel, and every time he came to the corner [where the Stone is] he would point to it and say “Allaahu akbar.”
    (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4987).
    (8)Touching the Stone is one of the things by means of which Allaah expiates for sins
    It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah wwwislamicboardcom - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “Touching them both [the Black Stone and al-Rukn al-Yamani] is an expiation for sins.”
    (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 959. This hadeeth was classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi and as saheeh by al-Haakim (1/664). Al-Dhahabi agreed with him).
    It is not permissible for a Muslim to annoy other Muslims at the Stone by hitting or fighting. The Prophet wwwislamicboardcom - Incidents Witnessed by the Holy Ka'bah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that the Stone will testify in favour of those who touched it in sincerity, which is not the case when a person touches it by disturbing the slaves of Allaah.
    And Allaah knows best.

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