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Is Marijuana haram?

  1. #1
    mattjaf's Avatar Limited Member
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    Is Marijuana haram?

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    is marijuana haram?
    1.People say that marijuana harms the body
    false, most of the times smoking anything hurts your body, but there are harmless ways to consume marijuana. (Ex. vaporizing/eating it)
    2.people say it weakens your sense
    i believe that is false, because it actually raises your sense, like taste,hearing,sight, etc. The way i think is not changed at all while under the influence of marijuana.
    3.people put marijuana in the same category as alcohol
    People who drink, get in car crashes, stumble, don't act straight at all, treat people badly, etc. People who consume marijuana gather around with friends and make piece and have a good time, like have a BBQ for example.
    4.People say you waste money
    What about if you were to grow it. How do waste money if your having fun.
    5. it is organic

    only negative effects are it is harder learn while under the influence, stays in your system for up to 2 weeks.
    People claim it can cause a change with your dopamine, but that is for chronic users. I'm taking about people who occasionally consume marijuana.

    I believe the U.S hasn't legalized it yet is because it will be a lot of work to do so, and a lot of the older people despise it.When alcohol is 100% worse and they should never be in the same category.

    So is it really haram?
    If you believe it is, please explain.

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    north_malaysian's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Marijuana haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by mattjaf View Post
    What about if you were to grow it. How do waste money if your having fun.
    In my country...you can be hanged for this...
    Is Marijuana haram?

    Assalamualaykum... I am back!!

  4. #3
    Hamayun's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Marijuana haram?

    Absolutely no doubt. It is Haram. It blurs your judgement therefore Haram.

  5. #4
    mattjaf's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Is Marijuana haram?

    It does not blur your judgment, at all. you still think the same way just with your senses boosted. How does it blur your judgment? What would be an example of this?

    what about adirol,xanex, clinapine, etc.
    those are medications, are they haram?
    xanex blurs your judgment so is it haram?

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    islamirama's Avatar
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    Re: Is Marijuana haram?

    It's amazing the excuses and lame reasons people come up with these days to justify their haraam actions.

    Q: What are the short-term effects of marijuana use?

    A: The short-term effects of marijuana include:
    • problems with memory and learning (11);
    • distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch) (6);
    • trouble with thinking and problemsolving (5);
    • loss of motor coordination; and
    • increased heart rate.

    Effects can be unpredictable, especially when other drugs are mixed with marijuana.

    Q: What are the long-term effects of marijuana use?

    A: Findings so far show that regular use of marijuana or THC may play a role in some kinds of cancer and in problems with the respiratory and immune systems.

    • Cancer
      It’s hard to know for sure whether marijuana use alone causes cancer, because many people who smoke marijuana also smoke cigarettes and use other drugs. But it is known that marijuana smoke contains some of the same, and sometimes even more, of the cancer-causing chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per day may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day (15) .
    • Lungs and airways
      People who smoke marijuana often develop the same kinds of breathing problems that cigarette smokers have: coughing and wheezing. They tend to have more chest colds than nonusers. They are also at greater risk of getting lung infections like pneumonia.
    • Immune system
      Our immune system protects the body from many agents that cause disease. It is not certain whether marijuana damages the immune system of people, but both animal and human studies have shown that marijuana impairs the ability of T-cells in the lungs' immune systemm to fight off some infections.


    What are the common side effects of marijuana use?

    The following are some of the common side effects of using marijuana:

    • Trouble remembering things
    • Slowed reaction time
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Sleepiness
    • Anxiety
    • Paranoia (feeling that people are "out to get you")
    • Altered time perception
    • Red, bloodshot eyes

    Using marijuana for a long time makes some people lose interest in school, work, relationships and other activities. It may also cause legal problems. Using marijuana can be especially dangerous in certain situations, such as when you are driving, because your reaction time is slower. This make it more difficult to react to a dangerous situation, which could cause an accident.

    How can marijuana affect me physically?

    The following are some of the common physical effects of marijuana:

    • Tremors (shaking)
    • Nausea
    • Headache
    • Decreased coordination
    • Breathing problems
    • Increased appetite
    • Reduced blood flow to the brain
    • Changes in the reproductive organs

    Like tobacco, marijuana contains many chemicals that can hurt the lungs and cause cancer. One marijuana cigarette can cause more damage to the lungs than many tobacco cigarettes because marijuana has more tar in it and is usually smoked without filters.

    The evidence for its being forbidden is the report narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad and by Abu Dawood in his Sunan with a saheeh isnaad from Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade all kinds of intoxicants and relaxants. The scholars said that relaxants are things that cause drowsiness and languor in the limbs. This hadeeth indicates that hasheesh in particular is haraam, because it intoxicates and relaxes, which is why those who consume it sleep a great deal. Al-Qaraafi and Ibn Taymiyah narrated that there is scholarly consensus that it is haraam and said: The one who regards it as permissible is a kaafir. He said: The only reason why the four imams (may Allaah have mercy on them) did not speak of it is that it was not known at their time, rather it only appeared at the end of the sixth century AH and the beginning of the seventh century when the Tatar state emerged. End quote.

    Consuming intoxicants is haraam regardless of the way in which they are consumed.

    Sharee’ah only forbids the consumption of drugs and intoxicants because of the great harm that they cause to the mind, soul, family and society. We have discussed some of these harmful effects in the answer to question no. 66227.

    Just as Islam has commanded the Muslim to take care of his physical wellbeing, so too it forbids him to do any kind of harm to his body. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There should be no harming or reciprocating harm.” (Narrated by Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-Ahkaam, 2332; Ahmad, 2719; Maalik, 1234).

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    north_malaysian's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Marijuana haram?

    How about "Chat" leaves chewed by the Yemenis and Ethiopians?
    Is Marijuana haram?

    Assalamualaykum... I am back!!

  9. #7
    mattjaf's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Is Marijuana haram?

    The first quote you stated, states long term effects for "smoking" it.
    The immune system part doesn't have legit scientific information to prove it correct.

    * Trouble remembering things
    * Slowed reaction time
    * Difficulty concentrating
    * Sleepiness
    * Anxiety
    * Paranoia (feeling that people are "out to get you")
    * Altered time perception
    * Red, bloodshot eyes
    yes this is correct, but those are some of the same effects that you get from being tired. So say you take a sleep medication, you will receive most of these side effects. Also, i don't believe those change the way someone thinks and makes critical decisions. The paranoia and anxiety comes from the user thinking that people know he is under the influence because it is viewed low.

    Then the part about interest is for chronic users. Doing anything chronically is bad.For example eating to much food.

    Like I'm not making "lame" excuses, I had this question for sometime and every time i look it up i find a lot of bias opinions.
    Im mainly looking for a legit answer that is from the Quran.Not what someone thought it meant or added a bias opinion.One of the reasons i don't think it is that bad because int he Quran god specifically states specifically don't drink alcohol and in 99% sure didn't mention don't consume weed.
    This being said in a non offensive manner.

    "It's amazing the excuses and lame reasons people come up with these days to justify their haraam actions."
    The "excuses and lame reasons" come from people trying to find out is it really haram.Just excepting someones answer, wont ever give you a full explanation.

  10. #8
    mattjaf's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Is Marijuana haram?

    sorry for double posting, but if it was haram I would think it would be emphasized and repeated.

  11. #9
    coddles76's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Marijuana haram?

    format_quote Originally Posted by mattjaf View Post

    Like I'm not making "lame" excuses, I had this question for sometime and every time i look it up i find a lot of bias opinions.
    Im mainly looking for a legit answer that is from the Quran.Not what someone thought it meant or added a bias opinion.One of the reasons i don't think it is that bad because int he Quran god specifically states specifically don't drink alcohol and in 99% sure didn't mention don't consume weed.
    This being said in a non offensive manner.
    "And Shaitan (Satan) made fair*seeming to them that which they used to do."(Al-An'am 6:43)

    "And follow not the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan). Surely he is to you an open enemy." (Al-An'am 6:142)

    "And if an evil whisper comes to you from Shaitan (Satan) then seek refuge with Allah. Verily, He is All-Hearer, All-Knower." (Al-A'raf 7:200)

    Asalam Alykum Brother and May Allah SWT Guide you and all of us to the correct path.
    The first Quote from the Quran is a warning from Allah SWT that the shaytaan Whispers into your mind and heart and makes Harmful and evil things fairseeming to you that you actually think the evil action is actually good for you.
    The Second Quote from the Quran is Allah SWT telling you not to absorb those whispers or advice because Shaitan is a extreme enemy to the children of Adam. He despises the children of Adam and will take every step to misguide us. He hates us that much that when a women gives birth he stabs the newborn child and always wants to cause harm and misguide us.
    And the final quote from the Quran is Allah SWT informing us to seek refuge in him that we may be protected from all harmful affects the shaitan may make fairseeming to us.
    Anything that harms the body is classified as haram especially when you know that the consumed substance has a history of harmful affects (In which case Marijuana does), Allah SWT has given you a fully functional body as a gift to protect and keep healthy. You will be questioned on how you treated your body, whether you fulfilled its requirements in health or destroyed it with harmful attributes.
    So I ask you brother to seek refuge in Allah SWT and may he accept you amongst the believers on the day of judgement.

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    noorseeker's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Marijuana haram?

    brother its illeigal isnt it, in most countries, so it cant be halal can it.
    And to get ur stuff to your hand, how much crime is commited to get it to you, how many people get hurt.Lots of people. plus you are lining these criminals pockets ,

    Its not fun, bro,, i live on the streets bro, i see the affects, it leads to heroin addiction, it causes depression and kills brain cells.

    Brother if you dont stop . thats up to you. we just want you to at least aknowledge that it is haram,

  14. #11
    mattjaf's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Is Marijuana haram?

    I dont believe that marijuana is a gateway drug. The way people considered it at a time as a gateway drug is because they school is informed them. They catagorized hard drugs with marijuana. So when they try marijuana and see that is isnt as bad as they made it seem. They think that herowine for example isnt hard at all.
    But as i said eating it/vaporising it cancles out the negative physical effects. So generally it doesnt harm the body. There was also a rumor saying it could possibly effect your dopamine if you use chroniclly.

    What if you were to live in holland, which it is legal there.

    this is off topic but i believe there is a extremely important unknown medical use for marijuana.

  15. #12
    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is Marijuana haram?

    Akhi, if you don't think it is haraam then why do you ask here? are you looking for people to validate a clear wrong for you?
    If you are using it for recreational purposes yes it is haraam, if you are using it for medicinal purposes, then there are other drugs on the market approved for relieving pain or enhancing appetite that are FDA approved! in fact Marijuana smoke contains nearly four times as much tar and 50 percent more carcinogens than tobacco, so I don't see really how it is beneficial to anyone, least of which someone already with cancer, when there are other alternatives. I'd not recommend someone smoke cigarettes either!

    The ruling for necessity is that it overrides prohibition.. Does anyone here see necessity at all, in cigarettes, marijuana, ecstasy, angel dust, PCP, LSD etc etc?

    If you want to be a bum or a junkie, then it is your prerogative.. but don't do it in the name of religion..

    I didn't think this topic merited a response but how absurd and ridiculous..

    And Allah knows best

    Is Marijuana haram?

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