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Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

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    Arrow Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

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    asalam alaikum wr wb,

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

    Rasullah Saw said, “Whoever revives an aspect of my Sunnah that is forgotten after my death, he will have a reward equivalent to that of the people who follow him, without it detracting in the least from their reward."


    Hijama is also known as cupping or bloodletting therapy. It is a process of removing blood from the body and it is distinctive from the well-known practice of bloodletting or cupping because Hijama is governed by specific times that it should take place as well as specific points on the body that enhances health, detoxifies the body and builds up immunity. Hereinafter, cupping will be referred to as Hijama.

    Hijama is actually an ancient treatment that originated in China thousands of years ago. This therapy was originally known as ‘cupping’ because of the use of the cup as a therapeutic tool. The practitioner pumps air into the cup, either manually or by means of a suction device, to create a vacuum.

    Al Hijama is an Arabic word meaning ‘sucking’. It comes from the Arabic root ‘Al Hajm’. Al Hajjam is the name given to the practioner and Hijama is the name given to the profession. The word al Mihjam refers to the vessel in which the blood is collected.

    Hijama in Religious Practice

    There is an Islamic basis for Hijama therapy. As previously mentioned, the word ‘hijama’ is an Arabic word and Muhammad (peace be upon him) urged his followers to use this therapy as a means of healing and preventive medicine. The following is some essential information about Muhammad (PBUH) who spoke about the benefits and details of Hijama.

    Hadith (sayings of the prophet). The following are some hadith about Hijama therapy.

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “I did not pass by any group on the night of Al Isra, unless they said to me, ‘O Muhammad, tell your Ummah to do Hijama.” (Reference: Ibn Majah, 3477)

    The Prophet (PBUH) explained that Hijama is one of the best medicines: “The best medicine with which you treat yourselves is Hijama, or it is one of the best of your medicines,” or “The best treatment you can use is Hijama.” (Reference: Al Bukhari, 5371)

    Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Hijama is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure themselves.” (Reference: Al Bukhari, 5357)

    The Prophet (PBUH) also said: “If there is anything good in the medicines with which you treat yourselves, it is in the incision of the Hijama therapist, or a drink of honey or cauterization with fire, but I do not like to be cauterized.” (Reference: Muslim, 2205)

    The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The best treatment is Hijama; it removes blood, lightens the back and sharpens the eyesight.” (Reference: At Tirmidhi, 3053)

    Anas narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) used to have Hijama done on the veins on the side of the neck and the upper back. (Reference: At Tirmidhi)

    Jaabir ibn Abdullah narrated that Umm Salama asked permission from the Prophet (PBUH) to do Hijama. So the Prophet (PBUH)ordered Abu Teeba to do Hijama for her. Jaabir ibn Abdullah said, “I think he (PBUH) said that Abu Teeba is her brother through breastfeeding or a young boy who hadn’t yet reached puberty. (Reference: Saheeh Muslim, 5708)

    Ibn Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Hijama on an empty stomach is best. It increases the intellect and improves the memory. It improves the memory of the one memorizing. So whoever, is going to have Hijama done should do it on a Thursday in the name of Allah the Almighty. Keep away from having Hijama done on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Have Hijama done on a Monday or Tuesday. Do not have Hijama done on a Wednesday because it is the day that Ayyub [Job](PBUH) was befallen with the trial. You will not find leprosy except by

    having Hijama on Wednesday or Wednesday night.” (Reference: Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah, 3488).

    Benefits of Hijama

    Hijama has stimulating and strengthening effects so it successfully treats the following conditions: constipation and diarrhea, headaches, back pain, arthritis, period pain, injuries, asthma, cellulite, fatigue, anemia, depression and emotional problems, atrophy, sciatica, common cold and flu, skin problems, weight loss and much more.

    Even though Hijama is a very simple procedure, it has dramatic effects. Our health and well-being are tied up with the immune system and are totally dependent on the flow of blood and Qi (energy) and body fluids like hormones and lymphatic fluid. Traditional medicine tells us that all pain is due to stagnation of these symptoms. The cups used in Hijama have a wonderful pulling power and this is a dramatic technique in reducing pain and enhancing the feeling of well-being.

    Importance of the skin

    Any stimulus that is directed to influence and manipulate the internal or external organs must start with the skin. The body’s first contact with the outside world is through the skin and it is true to say that the skin is the mirror of our health. If a person has good health, his or her skin will be shiny, tight and smooth and will respond to temperature and will be warm when touched. The skin protects the body from pathogens and plays a role in a number of body functions. It is the main organ of sensation, through many millions of nerve endings contained in its structure.

    The main fourteen channels with a direct link to the internal organs lie within the skin. When stimulating a particular point through Hijama, the organ’s blood and Qi is manipulated. In Chinese medicine the skin is directly controlled and influenced by the lungs. The lungs spread the Qi and fluids all over the body through the skin.


    Blood is transformed from the essence of food produced through the functional activity of Qi that circulates through the blood vessels and nourishes the body tissue. Blood is derived from food and Qi and

    produced by the spleen. (Blood will be discussed in detail in the section about the anatomy of the body)


    Qi is the invisible life force – like air and wind. The West tries to define Qi as ‘the energy of life’, ‘vital force’, ‘life force’, ‘energy’, but there is no Western equivalent. When we are ill we feel weak and have a low energy level but when we feel better we feel more energetic and much stronger. So we all experience the existence of Qi continuously.
    Movement of any kind requires Qi and often this is manifested as heat. Lack of energy is signified by cold.

    When treating a disease at the Qi level, the external pathogen is still fighting at the skin and the body’s overall resistance is still good. Some clinical manifestations of this are a high fever, a cough with thin yellow phlegm, wheezing and thirst. Hijama treatment at this level is very effective.


    Stagnation of body systems can be the result of lack of movement, injury, stress, a lack of blood, Qi or the invasion of cold into the body and joints. Cold drinks and foods or irregular feeding habits can also cause accumulation problems. All these impair the Spleen’s function of transformation and transportation. Clinical manifestations of this are restlessness, vomiting, the production of phlegm, diarrhea, constipation, a hardened stomach and painful abdomen. Hijama relieves all these symptoms.

    Regardless of the cause, Hijama can be applied to specific points of the body like what is done in acupuncture, to the area that is dysfunctional. After a short time the patient will feel warmth and there will be a reduction of pain.

    Fluids in the body can also become stagnant and they are necessary to help the stomach carry out its proper digestive function.

    Hijama therapy regulates the flow of Qi and blood. It also helps draw out and eliminate pathogenic factors like wind, cold, damp and heat. Hijama also moves Qi and blood and opens the pores of the skin, thus, assisting the removal of pathogens through the skin.

    Beauty therapy

    Hijama is also beneficial in beauty therapy as it promotes the production of hormones, encourages blood flow and body fluid movement in the bowels and internal organs. In this way toxins are removed and this is important because toxins speed up the aging process and cause other negative conditions.


    Authentic holistic therapy balances all aspects of the body. The aging process speeds up when individual cells dry out, or too much sun. Kidney weakness also speeds up the aging process and leads to dry and damaged hair, early graying or hair loss. Imbalance in ladies also manifests in the early signs of menopause with hot flushes, night sweats and dry skin. Simply applying external lotion to the skin or hair does not access the root cause.

    Stimulating and strengthening effects

    The benefits of Hijama are uncountable due to its stimulating and strengthening effects. It has treated bowel conditions, headaches, back pain, arthritis, menstrual pain, injuries, asthma, cellulite, fatigue, anemia, depression and emotional problems, atrophy, sciatica, common cold and flu, skin problems, blood pressure, weight loss and ladies problems.

    The negative role of toxins in the degeneration of health is of ever-increasing importance. Even though modern medicine has eradicated many epidemics there is an increase in what is called civilization diseases (metabolism diseases). These diseases are caused by the great quantity of chemicals a person takes during his or her lifetime. A recent American statistic on food additives shows a 100-pound intake per person in his life span. The average American takes about 1000 tablets a year. This is a health catastrophe. Modern medicine differs greatly from its ancestors who maintained that the body functions are interrelated in a network.

    Release of toxins and impurities

    One of the main functions of Hijama treatment is that it releases toxins with minimal additional stress to internal organs. It also directly de-acidifies tissues, enhances blood circulation, stimulates the immune system and reduces stress as it releases chemicals in the brain that reduce stress and depression. Another benefit of Hijama therapy is that it facilitates a sufficient flow of nutrition to the affected tissues and stimulates the flow of blood and lymph to the affected area. In this way, it improves blood and lymph flow, and activates the function of the organs. Performing Hijama on the corresponding organ points is used to treat disorders such as liver and kidney problems, respiratory diseases, digestive disorders and some gynecological disorders.

    In ancient times, Hijama did not have specific indications and was mainly used to drain blood and pus from abscess and for sucking blood from poisoned wounds and snakebites. However, in later times this therapy expanded to encompass illnesses related to internal medicine such as pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, abdominal pain, stomach ache, indigestion, headache, hypertension, common cold, lumbago, backache, swelling and eye pain and boils. In some places, Hijama therapy was used in conjunction with acupuncture. Today, Hijama is used to treat colds, lung infections and problems in the internal organs. It is also used to treat muscle spasms especially in the back. It can also be used to treat painful joints, stomachache, vomiting and diarrhea. Since Hijama stimulates the flow of blood it helps to treat blood stagnation, poor circulation, and asthmatic conditions.


    Hijama strengthens the body’s resistance and eliminates pathogenic factors and so prevents illness. It also regulates the function of the blood and promotes general good health. By creating localized bruising, it activates the body’s defensive cells to heal the bruised area.

    In the past, people who were not ill often had Hijama done twice a year; in the spring and the autumn believing that thinning the blood would promote good health. This continued to the 19th century and was a regular practice.

    Pearl divers in the Arabian Gulf used to undergo Hijama before the diving season in the belief that this would prevent diseases during the three months at sea. It was also thought to be very effective against dizziness.

    Dr. Katase from Osaka University maintained that Hijama influences the composition of blood as it increases red and white blood cells and changes acid blood into alkaline or neutral blood thereby leading to the purification of blood. It also purifies the body of accumulated irritants that cause inflammation.

    Recent studies indicate that having Hijama done at specific points on the back increases immunity by increasing the white blood cell count. In addition to enhancing the body’s defenses, Hijama regulates blood circulation throughout the entire body. The flow of blood in the human body is very important as it regulates, coordinates and unifies the organs via the blood vessels. The flow of blood is the life force that maintains health and each organ receives its requirements of nourishment to maintain a healthy, normal state. The blood flows throughout the body nourishing tissues and enhancing the immune system.

    Effect on circulatory system

    Hijama also has a positive effect on the circulatory system. Due to the pull of low pressure, the flow of blood in arteries and veins increases and in the veins localized congested blood appears then disappears. With Hijama therapy it is possible to ease the interruption of blood circulation and congestion and to eliminate the inflammatory fluids from the tissues. So the greatest characteristic of Hijama is the facilitation of blood flow.

    Effect on muscles

    The pull of low pressure Hijama therapy activates the blood vessels within the muscles. The expansion of the blood vessels in the muscles facilitates the flow of blood and has a remarkable effect on stiff shoulder. After Hijama, the skin will glow because of the rise in skin temperature and muscles because of the increased blood flow.

    Effect on diseases

    Almost all diseases respond to Hijama. The following are some of the most common:

    Pain related conditions

    Hijama eases pain, especially that which is related to headache, menstrual cramps, dental pain, tennis elbow, muscle pain, back pain and sciatica.

    Headache and migraine

    In the 18th century Hijama was considered to be an effective remedy for headache and it was highly recommended for migraine. The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) used Hijama as a treatment for migraine.

    Rheumatic diseases

    Many rheumatic disorders simply disappear after just a few sessions of Hijama therapy. It has a great effect on back and joint problems and is especially helpful for conditions such as rheumatism, lumbago and stiff neck and shoulders because it increases blood circulation and mobility. By supplying more oxygen, hormones and essential enzymes to local tissues and joints, Hijama keeps local tissues warm and this increases elasticity and flexibility in muscles and joints. It also relieves muscle spasms and stiffness in muscular tissue and the pain that is associated with it. It has a remarkable effect on a stiff (frozen) shoulder. It is also effective for chronic joint rheumatism as it facilitates the flow of blood to the joints. It also removes congested blood and solves problems that can not be solved with acupuncture.


    In the beginning, Hijama was recommended for the treatment of arthritis and pain as well as gout. When treating arthritis the treatment is concentrated on the area of the joints concerned. If it is a mild case it is possible to have a complete cure.

    Low back pain

    Hijama relieves low back pain and in chronic cases it can be used along with acupuncture.

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Chronic fatigue syndrome is long-standing severe fatigue without substantial muscle weakness and without proven physical or psychological causes. It has been found that Hijama along with acupuncture is an effective treatment.

    Fevers and local inflammation

    Chinese doctors believe that a number of diseases are the result of blood stagnation and heat. They used Hijama to remove stagnant blood, activate blood circulation and dispel pathogenic factors. Hijama was used on patients suffering from flu, headache and fever.

    Chest and heart diseases

    Hijama is also recommended for the treatment of lung diseases, especially chronic cough, pleurisy, bronchial congestion and asthma. It was also advocated for the treatment of congestive heart failure until the 1930s. As recently as 1942, medical textbooks advised Hijama for high fever pneumonia and acute pneumonia. Hijama also successfully treats hypertension.

    Gastrointestinal diseases

    The stomach, spleen and intestines are considered to be the most important engines of the human body. From these areas the natural healing power of the body derives its energy. Dry Hijama stimulates the insides of these organs, their movement and secretion of digestive fluids and so strengthens the power of digestion, the absorption of nourishment and the power of secretion. It relives chronic gastroenteritis and constipation. These organs also benefit from Hijama treatment applied to the back as it stimulates the spinal nerves and automatic nerves as well as strengthening the muscles of the respiratory system.

    Urinary diseases

    Hijama therapy is known to treat stones, abscess and urine retention. Cups can be applied to the lumber region to treat urine retention.

    Dermatologic diseases

    The skin disorders that are well-known to be treated by Hijama are: boils, abscess, herpes, acne, cellulite and urticaria. Sometimes acupuncture is used in conjunction with Hijama.

    Hijama therapy is also known to stimulate hair growth through direct physical stimuli on hair roots and the expansion of blood vessels of the skin through the pull of low pressure.

    The skin is benefited in many ways through Hijama treatment as it stimulates the flow of lymph fluids which helps remove bacteria and carry proteins. This strengthens the power of the skin and its resistance to many harmful conditions, meaning it would regenerate faster if it is cut or wounded. The enhancement of blood circulation encourages a sufficient supply of nutrition to skin tissue. After Hijama, skin temperature rises and increases blood flow. Hijama also improves skin respiration and promotes gaseous exchange within cells. It also promotes metabolism within skin tissues and accelerates the functions of both sweat and sebaceous glands leading to the secretion of salts, sebaceous material and the excretion of sweat.

    The essential point of Hijama is not only to expel stagnant blood but also to expand blood vessels to facilitate blood flow and remove toxic substances from the surface of the skin.

    Psychological diseases

    Hijama therapy is like massage and is effective against anxiety and worry. Hence, insomnia is treated with Hijama in conjunction with massage. It also helps balance hormones, which is very effective when treating depression.

    Infectious diseases

    In the 18th century Hijama was considered an effective remedy for cholera and in America Hijama was encouraged during yellow fever epidemics. Furthermore, mumps was treated by applying water Hijama over the swollen glands.

    Varicose veins

    Hijama removes stagnant blood from these fine capillaries. Hijama should never be done directly on the main varicose veins.


    Most conventional doctors are trained to perform surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy to treat cancer. As the rate of cancer patients is soaring worldwide every available therapy should be utilized. Although there is no documented evidence that hijama cures cancer, it is known to dramatically improve the condition of the patient. Some practitioners use it to rebalance energy in the body that has been blocked by certain tumors. Hijama is effective for undoing the damage done to patients by conventional therapies of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Hijama has found a place in cancer therapy, not yet as a cure, but as a complementary therapy that helps patient feel better, detox, relieve pain and recover faster. During chemotherapy the immune system is depleted and Hijama helps repair the immune system and strengthens it to withstand further attack.


    Hijama should not be performed on open wounds or around skin ulcers. It is contraindicated on irritated skin or over allergic skin or where any skin lesions are present. It should also be avoided in elderly people with thin, delicate skin. If the patient has a bleeding disorder Hijama should not be done. It is also unadvisable to perform Hijama wherever there are great vessels, and it is also not beneficial if the patient has serious heart disease.

    Certified Courses (long distance-uk only):Hijamah Therapy http://www.naturalhealthnaturesfines...k/courses.html

    Note: For the practical you will have to travel to London.

    View Hijamah Video

    Visit www.naturalhealthnaturesfinest.com or call 07877395362 07877541990.

    P.S. I think courses are also held at Bondesbury College. Please ask ^# for details.

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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    Masha allah very good post sis

    some here are still use it, but in most cases in the traditional therapy centers.
    I remembered mom used it once in the past
    Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

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    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    jazakAllah khair sis

    where is 'here' btw? may I also ask what your mum used it for?
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    I think she did it long time ago, maybe before 20 or more years
    and here is UAE sis
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    julie sarri's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    My husband had it done once but i think you may need to have it done more than once if you have a specific issue
    Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    Subhaan Allaahi wa bi hamdihi, Subhaan Allaahil-'Aheem

    (Glorified is Allah and praised is He, Glorified is Allah the Most Great)
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  8. #6
    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    format_quote Originally Posted by SAYA View Post
    I think she did it long time ago, maybe before 20 or more years
    and here is UAE sis
    Thanks sis. It's also a good thing to have it done regularly as prevention against disease. I'm also wondering which tools were used when your mum had it done?

    format_quote Originally Posted by julie sarri View Post
    My husband had it done once but i think you may need to have it done more than once if you have a specific issue
    Yes, it depends on the problem. It's good to have it done anyway for the purpose of fulfilling a sunnah. Just make sure, the practitioner is qualified.
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    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    hijamah workshops

    bismilah arrahmaan arraheem assalumu alaikum wa rahmatulah wa barakatuhu

    confirmed venues for wet cupping (hijama) workshops for sisters only:

    Venue: Mka community centre
    1 connaught street
    le2 1fj

    date: Sunday 26th october 2008
    time: 3pm to 8pm
    venue: Subud centre
    69 swarcliffe road
    south yorkshire
    s9 3fa

    date: Monday 27th october 2008
    time: 12pm to 4.45pm
    venue: 9 westbourne road
    queens park
    mk40 4lb

    date: Sunday 9th november 2008
    time: 3pm to 8pm
    venues to be confirmed inshallah; cranford, kilburn, east london, slough and croydon.

    Cost: Alhamdilah all our cupping workshops are free. There is a charge of £30 for the materials required if you wish to participate in the practical. However, this is optional and everyone is welcome to attend. We kindly request sisters to support us by purchasing the materials for the practical (if they wish to participate) even if they already have some of the materials. This will enable us to be able to cover our overheads and continue to offer the workshops inshallah.

    Materials include:

    6 cup cupping therapy box set with chrome coated suction pump for dry and massage cupping

    1 cupping therapy plastic cup for wet cupping

    1 plastic suction pump for wet cupping

    cupping (hijama) information pack

    ’cupping - the great missing therapy’ by dr. Sahbaa m.bondok

    all disposable materials required for wet cupping

    certificates: Certificates of completion will be available for sisters who participate in the practical inshallah. The certificates are issued and authenticated by 'ibn sina for cupping', madina, saudi arabia. Certificates cost an additional £65 (authenticated) and £45 (not authenticated). All certificates will be sent recorded delivery after the workshop inshallah. Sisters who would like authenticated certificates, will need to provide their full name, address, contact number, a copy of either their birth certificate, driving licence or passport.

    Important: Those participating in the practical do so at their own responsibility, no responsibility will be taken by the course organisers or the venue. Strictly no children allowed for safety reasons.

    We will also be offering other remedies from the sunnah inshallah including:


    ajwa dates

    berni dates

    kohl ithmid


    if you wish to attend any of the workshops, please kindly let us know so we may ensure we have sufficient supplies for everyone inshallah.

    Wet cupping is best performed on an empty stomach. If you wish in the participate in the practical, please kindly avoid eating once the workshop commences. Inshallah the practical should begin approximately 3 hours into the workshop.

    Please continue to check our 'cupping courses' page for more uk venues for our workshops inshallah:


    we are currently taking bookings for our summer workshops. If you have a public venue, islamic centre, school, college etc and would like us to run a workshop for sisters only there, please kindly contact us at the email below:

    [email protected]

    the workshops will run in the uk between july 2008 and december 2008 inshallah.

    We pray you find this information helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries, comments or feedback.

    Jazakallah khair for your support.

    The messenger (sallallaahu Álayhi wasallam) said, "whoever revives a
    sunnah from my sunnah and the people practise it, will have the same reward of those who practise it without their reward diminishing…"
    [sunan ibn maajah (209)].

    please add us to your 'address book' so that our newsletters are not received as spam.

    Jazakallah khair.

    Health means wealth
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    salam alaikom all,

    There is an official society (British Cupping Society) that has been established by a team of muslim medical professionals.

    Here is a very good article written by them:

    I highly recomend them and the practice of Cupping Therapy.

    allah ma3ak.
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    My dad had hijamah done twice. Each time so much blood came out it was scary!
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    gd post sister

    i just watched a video on youtube showing the cupping process on a bro's back!

    it looked very painful i dont know if id have the guts to do that to be honest
    Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    Ittaqullah haythu ma kount!
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    zhijama's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    sallams please visit my site


    Dr Abu Zakariya
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  15. #12
    shuaib's Avatar Limited Member
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    Smile Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    Excellent post, and by that I mean the detailed reasons and effects discussed of Hijama Therapy.

    I have just published a post on my blog about cupping therapy ([removed]) entitled:

    The Two (no Three!) Main Reasons to have Hijama (Cupping) Therapy!

    And I am glad to find a more comprehensive discussion on the subject.

    Yes I am all for reviving this amazing highly mysterious sunnah therapy, which I would personally describe as the "fastest and most direct detox known to mankind".

    Given the increased additives, pollutants and toxins in our foods, drink and environment, I'm sure this therapy, if established in a clean & hygienic setting, would appeal to many people worldwide, and not just Muslims.

    Come on guys, there is a big opportunity to make this a worldwide phenomenon for the greater good of all humanity!

    Last edited by AabiruSabeel; 02-02-2017 at 10:36 AM. Reason: link removed due to malware detection
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    asalamu alaykum & jazakAllahy kharun all

    Nawal and Nebula, Hijamah isn't painful at all. The pain should be no more than the equivalence of a pin prick or a nick of a blade and each cut no longer than 3mm should only be a graze on the skin's surface. The cut should never ever go right through the skin. The bleeding depends on the amount of stagnant blood there is in the treated area (and other factors). Anyone doing it differently isn't performing Hijamah properly. If it makes you feel any better, I have had it done twice on the back (sunnah spot both times). I've also without flinching have done it on myself and my mum.

    brothers, zhijamah and shuaib. thank you for sharing your website and blog. Both look very good mashaAllah. But I'll have to browse properly when I have more time. InshaAllah.

    assalamu alaykum.
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    I am a Proficient Hijamah (cupping) therapist, BMAS trained and experienced Medical Acupuncturist and a fully GMC qualified practicing medical doctor.

    Trained directly by world lead Hijamah trainer: Shaykh Ahmed Hafny (Egypt/KSA/UAE).

    Practicing mainly in the West Midlands, Luton and East London areas, UK.

    Contact NOW for FREE advice, information, past testimonials and appointments at very reasonable and affordable rates.

    Discounts offered to students, unemployed brothers and group sessions to help revive this fading sunnah in the UK. Contact details for suitable female practitioners available on request.

    Dr Ridwan Ahmed MB BS
    07946 883 104
    [email protected]

    * Revive the sunnah of Hijamah *

    “I did not pass by any group on the night of Al Isra (night ascension), except that they said to me: "Oh Muhammad (SAW), tell your Ummah to do Hijamah.”
    (Ibn Majah, 3477)

    Rasulullah (SAW) praised a person who performs cupping, saying “it removes blood, lightens the back and sharpens the eyesight.”(Jamul Warsaii, p.179)
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    jazaaki Allaho khayr.

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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    is there any evidence that cupping works in the context of modern diseases which were not present during the time of the Prophet (saw)?

    I hope cupping is not made universal to cure "ALL" diseases like all those pseudo-scientific claims made by "detox" products designed to remove "toxins" from bodies by drinking "tons" of water which IMPAIRS blood osmolarity!

    And letting blood flow like that, does not it increase the risk of infections?
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist View Post
    is there any evidence that cupping works in the context of modern diseases which were not present during the time of the Prophet (saw)?

    I hope cupping is not made universal to cure "ALL" diseases like all those pseudo-scientific claims made by "detox" products designed to remove "toxins" from bodies by drinking "tons" of water which IMPAIRS blood osmolarity!

    And letting blood flow like that, does not it increase the risk of infections?

    blood letting would be the mainstay treatment for hemochromatosis or Polycythemia vera amongst a few others..

    I don't think blood letting is a cure for all certainly the diseases that are rampant now a days weren't millenniums ago, however I am a very strong believer in prophetic medicine and when I get sick myself always look for prophetic medicine before I concede to a modern day cure.. In fact was quite pleased to learn of Talbina from my last thread .. I have purchased it by mail and waiting to try it insha'Allah..

    To every ailment there is a cure, so tells us prophet Mohammed PBUH and I believe it is just a matter of finding out what it is and knowing ultimately that shiffa comes from Allah swt, everything is but an instrument that Allah swt allows us to achieve success..

    and Allah swt knows best

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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye View Post

    blood letting would be the mainstay treatment for hemochromatosis or Polycythemia vera amongst a few others..

    I don't think blood letting is a cure for all certainly the diseases that are rampant now a days weren't millenniums ago, however I am a very strong believer in prophetic medicine and when I get sick myself always look for prophetic medicine before I concede to a modern day cure.. In fact was quite pleased to learn of Talbina from my last thread .. I have purchased it by mail and waiting to try it insha'Allah..

    To every ailment there is a cure, so tells us prophet Mohammed PBUH and I believe it is just a matter of finding out what it is and knowing ultimately that shiffa comes from Allah swt, everything is but an instrument that Allah swt allows us to achieve success..

    and Allah swt knows best

    I agree that many people get shifa from that which might not be apparently "scientific." Allhamdulillah, my problems decreased just by moving to a weather in which I was born long time ago! The derm thought that it would not benefit me. Sub7anAllah.
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    My mom and grandma do this. I had no idea it had basis in Islam, I assumed it was tradition/culture.
    Jazakhallah for this thread.
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    Re: Hijamah/Blood-letting Cupping & Reviving the Sunnah

    I am not sure if Hajamah can be done in my country ( Bangladesh ) . Never saw any ad or nobody told s/he did it here .

    Is any modern technique available similar to hajamah ?
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