Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem!

Assalaam O Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabrakatuh!

Islamic Inventions & Contributions!!!

16667 105665872782264 100000165551480 156406 5076037 n - *!* What the ancients did for us- Muslim Arabs- *!*

(An old Islamic instrument in the British museum, the photo is taken by Lucia H)

Islamic Inventions & Contributions is the first Episode of a British television series " What The Ancients Did For Us" that explores the social and scientific advances of ancient civilizations. Hosted by Adam Hart-Davis and produced by the Open University.

This Episode explores some of many contributions to science done by Muslims scholars.
The early Muslims are credited with inventing distillation and could distil just about anything - from alcohol to perfume. Hygiene is very important in the Muslim world so they invented and manufactured soap - centuries before the West - and hundreds of bathhouses were built throughout Muslim cities. They understood the fundamentals of light and how we see, and gave us the camera obscura. They invented algebra and worked out the angle of the tilt of the earth. They built the first windmill, pioneered the concept of the crank rod, and designed the first ever torpedo. Muslim creativity also led to the invention of a unique instrument called the astrolabe -- it could find the direction of Mecca, tell the time and, with the help of the stars, navigate you across deserts and oceans. But perhaps most important of all they pursued the cause of knowledge, translating and preserving the works of the ancients and building the world's largest libraries -- their 'houses of wisdom'.


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Wa'Alaikum Assalaam Warahmatullahi Wabrakatuh!
