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Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

  1. #1
    Salahudeen's Avatar Full Member
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    Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

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    Does anyone know any effective remedies for treating panic and anxiety attacks that are accompanied with paranoia? I know medication is an option, but medication only treats the symptoms it doesn't cure the root of the problem.

    How can a person cure them self from the above symptoms? Do you think cupping would be effective?

    is this to do with chemicals in the brain or is it simply to do with how a person thinks? if it's to do with how a person thinks is it possible to change their mentality so they don't get these attacks?
    Last edited by Salahudeen; 08-26-2010 at 12:30 PM.
    Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

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    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    format_quote Originally Posted by squiggle View Post
    Does anyone know any effective remedies for treating panic and anxiety attacks that are accompanied with paranoia? I know medication is an option, but medication only treats the symptoms it doesn't cure the root of the problem.

    How can a person cure them self from the above symptoms? Do you think cupping would be effective?

    is this to do with chemicals in the brain or is it simply to do with how a person thinks? if it's to do with how a person thinks is it possible to change their mentality so they don't get these attacks?

    See a Doctor

    See a Doctor

    See a doctor

    While panic attacks and anxiety are often treated as an emotional disorder, there is nearl always a physical ailment that is the cause. some examples being sleep apnes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, diabetes, Coronary artery Blockakge. Carotid Artery Blockage, Diabetes, irregular heart beat and a number of lesser ailments. While a mild tranquilizer and relaxation therapy can reduce or even stop the symptoms. The cure comes in finding the cause and correcting that, and in nearly all cases there is a physical cause.
    Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    Herman 1 - Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

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  4. #3
    Abdul Wahid's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.


    As brother Woodrow suggested see a doctor! InshaALLAH this helps:

    A Prayer to Ease Anxiety and Depression - Explanation from Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya

    It was reported from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood that the Prophet(SAW) said: “No person suffers any anxiety or grief, and says: ‘Allaahumma innee ‘abduka wa ibn ‘abdika wa ibn amatika, naasiyati bi yadika, maadin fiyya hukmuka, ‘adlun fiyya qadaa’uka, as’aluka bi kulli ismin huwa laka sammayta bihi nafsaka aw anzaltahu fi kitaabika aw ‘allamtahu ahadan min khalqika aw ista’tharta bihi fi ‘ilm il-ghaybi ‘andak an taj’ala al-Qur’aana rabee’ qalbi wa noor sadri wa jalaa’a huzni wa dhahaaba hammi
    (O Allaah, I am Your slave, son of Your slave, son of Your female slave, my forelock is in Your hand, Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just. I ask You by every Name belonging to You which You named Yourself with, or revealed in Your Book, or You taught to any of Your creation, or You have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur’aan the life of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release for my anxiety)’ - but ALLAH(SWT) will take away his sorrow and grief, and give him in their stead joy.”
    (Ahmad 1/391 and Al-Albaanee declared it sahih.)

    Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya said about this dua in his book 'The Provisions of the Hereafter' that the verse, "Lord: I am Thy servant, whose father and mother are thy servants..." embodies the core of knowledge and recognition of Allah Almighty, and the secrets of worship, and no single book can ever detail their full meaning. Yet, this prayer is full of recognition of who is God, and in it, the worshipper calling upon His Lord, acknowledges his Creator, and presents himself as Allah's servant, and the son of His servants. The caller also places things where they belong by recognizing that his fate is in Allah's Hand; that his destiny is moving according to the divine plan; that Allah Almighty does whatever He pleases with it; that the servant can neither bring benefits nor harm to himself; that he cannot bring about his own birth, death, or resurrection; that his destiny is in Allah's Hand; that he has no power to alter it except as Allah wills; that he is totally dependent on his Creator, Cherisher, Sustainer, and Lord; that his own existence is subject to whatever Allah Almighty decrees; and that Allah is just, and what He wills shall be.

    Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya then explains the next part of the dua: "My fate is in Thy Hand, and my destiny is moving according to Thy plan. Thou art indeed just in Thy judgment..."This section of the prayer embodies two cardinal aspects which are the core of the doctrine of monotheism (Tawheed): (1) the first is the recognition and confirmation of fate, and that Allah's decree regarding His servant shall unfailingly come into force, and that the servant cannot escape it or repel it; and (2) the second aspect proclaims that Allah is just, that He does not oppress His servants, and that what He decrees is due by virtue of divine justice and knowledge of such needs. This is because injustice represents the need, ignorance, incompetence, weakness, and inferiority of an unjust person, and therefore, such attributes are not divine, and they cannot come from one who is omniscient, All-Knowing, wise, and has no needs. Hence, Allah's wisdom is operative wherever His will is ordained. Allah is rich beyond any need, and everything is poor and seeks its nourishment from Him. He is All-Wise, and there is not a single atom throughout the entire universes where His will is not operative. The absolute dependence of each and every cell in the entire creation, and their soliciting of their support and sustenance from the sole and only provider requires their gratitude. Hence gratitude (shukur) is rewarded with blessings and ingratitude (kufr) is rewarded with disapprobation and consequent punishment for the non repenting ones.

    When the unrepenting and ungrateful disbelievers and idol worshipers threatened Allah's Prophet Hud, peace be upon him, to invoke the curse of their deities upon him, he replied: I call Allah to witness and you bear witness that I am innocent regarding what you ascribe as partners to Him. Therefore, scheme (Your worst) against me and grant me no respite. I put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord. There is not a moving creature whose forelock is not (held firmly) in His Hand. My Lord is surely on a straight path, (Qur'an 11:54-56)--meaning that Allah's power which is unlimited and unrestrained is operative over all creatures, and no one can withstand His decree. He alone has the power to move them as He pleases, and He does so rightly, justly, wisely and mercifully.

    In this prayer, the servants proclamation: "My destiny is moving according to Thy plan," means the same as 'There is not a moving creature whose forelock is not (held firmly) in His Hand,' and his saying: "Thou art indeed just in Thy judgment, " is also parallel to 'My lord is surely on a straight path.' Furthermore, Allah's Messenger (pbuh) calls in this prayer upon Allah's most holy Names and the divine attribute He proclaimed in His kingdom, revealed in a Book, taught to a privileged servant or kept as His sole secret, so that no angel of the nearest and most exalted status and no prophet or messenger has ever known to ask by it. Such invocation surpasses all supplications, and of all prayers is the dearest to Him, and most worthy of immediate reply, because it proves the servant's knowledge and recognition of his Lord.

    Allah's messenger (PBUH) then prayed to Allah Almighty to make the glorious Qur'an the prime of his heart, meaning the spiritual food of his body, mind, and soul, and through it, to wash away, dispel, and cure his stresses, worries, and concerns, making it the one conclusive medicine that will extract illnesses, and restore the human being to his true status and balance. Hence, he asked his Lord to make the Qur'an the light of his soul that removes any corrosion that tarnishes his clarity and wisdom, and that polishes his heart. Such medicine works only if the patient is truthful in his asking for it, sincere in his trust in its effectiveness and uses it as prescribed by his physician. Hence, Allah willing the correct use of the medicine will certainly be followed by complete recovery, excellent health and vitality and Allah is the Supreme helper.
    Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    Brothers & sister don't forget the 6 fasts of Shawwal
    Abu Ayyub al-Ansari(ra) narrated, the Prophet(SAW) said, "Whoever fasted Ramadan with the then connect with the (fasting) six days in Shawwal, the (reward) as he was fasting for a year." (Muslim,Abu Dawood,al-Tirmidhi, al-Nisaai & Ibn Maajah).
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    Re: Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow View Post

    See a Doctor

    See a Doctor

    See a doctor

    While panic attacks and anxiety are often treated as an emotional disorder, there is nearl always a physical ailment that is the cause. some examples being sleep apnes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, diabetes, Coronary artery Blockakge. Carotid Artery Blockage, Diabetes, irregular heart beat and a number of lesser ailments. While a mild tranquilizer and relaxation therapy can reduce or even stop the symptoms. The cure comes in finding the cause and correcting that, and in nearly all cases there is a physical cause.

    Jazakallah khair for the replies, it's actually a friend of mine who is suffering from this, he's been to see his doctor and the doctor put him on Alprazolam. The medication works and relaxes him however as he's fasting during the day and he can't take it, so he ends up having these attacks. He's on a waiting list to see a psychatrist, it's been a month and a half all ready with no luck yet.

    Will a psychatrist check for all the ailments you mentioned Woodrow? Or will he just give him some more relaxtion meds? I know the doctor sent him for a blood test and it came back clear. But I don't think the doctor checked for all of the above ailments you mentioned because he only went for 1 blood test.

    Also does the paranoia come about because of the anxiety/panic? the type of paranoia I'm referring to is when a person goes out and he thinks everyone is talking about him/looking at him. His paranoia also involves accusing people of things that aren't true. It's quite hard for him to have a relationship of any sort because he ends up accusing the people of something that isn't true due to his paranoia.

    The attacks last an entire evening or a day or two then eventually he snaps out of it and realizes his paranoia was completely untrue. The next day or a few days later he aplogizes and realizes what he was saying is foolish.

    But the problem is he does alot of damage to the people around him when he accusess them of things that simply aren't true.

    He also suffers from depression, it's not really depression, he has really good days and really bad days, do you think it could be bi polar?
    Last edited by Salahudeen; 08-26-2010 at 06:58 PM.
    Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

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    Re: Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    thats truly terrible ahkee i hope he gets better soon inshallah ameen
    Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

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    Trumble's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    squiggle, your friend's case sounds much worse than my own - and I've been off work for the last month with similar problems. I would think it essential your friend do exactly what his doctor and the psychiatrist suggest, including taking the medication during the day. Am I wrong in thinking that the Qur'an exempts people who are sick from fasting during Ramadan? Your friend IS sick.. you actually have to be quite bad for your GP to refer you directly to a psychiatrist rather than to a psychological counsellor. Incidently, medication does more than address the symptoms, depression and anxiety are frequently the result of chemical imbalances in the body that medication can correct.
    Last edited by Trumble; 08-26-2010 at 07:07 PM.
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  9. #7
    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    format_quote Originally Posted by squiggle View Post
    Jazakallah khair for the replies, it's actually a friend of mine who is suffering from this, he's been to see his doctor and the doctor put him on Alprazolam. The medication works and relaxes him however as he's fasting during the day and he can't take it, he ends up having these attacks. He's on a waiting list to see a psychatrist it's been a month and a half all ready with no luck.

    will a psychatrist check for all the ailments you mentioned woodrow? or will he just give him some more relaxtion meds? I know the doctor sent him for a blood test and it came back clear. But I don't think the doctor checked for all of the above ailments you mentioned because he only went for 1 blood test.

    Also does the paranoia come about because of the anxiety/panic? the type of paranoia I'm referring to is when a person goes out and he thinks everyone is talking about him/looking at him.
    The ailments I mentioned one thing in common. Insufficient, low blood oxygen level. this gives a somewhat feeling of suffication, which results in panic and anxiety as the person is literly fighting for air and dosen't realise it. The feeling is sort of like being held down. One blood test will not find anything unless the doctor was specifically looking and had a full blood chemistry done along with Blood gas levels.

    A psychiatrist is a Medical Doctor having the specialty of Psychiatric Medicine. Any psychiatrist will first look for a physical reason for the symptoms and will not confirm a psychiatric diagnosis until all known medical causes are eliminated as being the probable cause.

    Based on what you are saying if it does turn out to be a psychiatric disorder the most probable in my guess would be Paranoid Schizophrenia. But if this something new in your friend's life, that is not likely as true psychiatric disorders normally get identified a very early age. Usually in very early teens at the latest. I'm assuming your friend is in his 20s.
    Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    Herman 1 - Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

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  10. #8
    Salahudeen's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow View Post
    The ailments I mentioned one thing in common. Insufficient, low blood oxygen level. this gives a somewhat feeling of suffication, which results in panic and anxiety as the person is literly fighting for air and dosen't realise it. The feeling is sort of like being held down. One blood test will not find anything unless the doctor was specifically looking and had a full blood chemistry done along with Blood gas levels.

    A psychiatrist is a Medical Doctor having the specialty of Psychiatric Medicine. Any psychiatrist will first look for a physical reason for the symptoms and will not confirm a psychiatric diagnosis until all known medical causes are eliminated as being the probable cause.

    Based on what you are saying if it does turn out to be a psychiatric disorder the most probable in my guess would be Paranoid Schizophrenia. But if this something new in your friend's life, that is not likely as true psychiatric disorders normally get identified a very early age. Usually in very early teens at the latest. I'm assuming your friend is in his 20s.
    Could it be bi polar disorder accompanied by paranoia? Because they also suffer from depression a few days and then have a really good mood then back to depression, he gets racing thoughts also. If it is paranoid shizoprhenia is it likely to get worse as they get older? or will it forever stay at this level where they eventually snap out the paranoia a day or two later? The symptoms began at 24 after his mother died. He's in late 20s now. He also finds himself breaking down and crying for no reason at all. And on other days he just laughs at everything.

    The Alprazolam that the doctor prescribed him works quite well and relaxes him, it also reduces his paranoia because he feels so calm and relaxed, just wondering will his body eventually build up a tolerance to it so he'd have to be put on another drug?
    Last edited by Salahudeen; 09-17-2010 at 03:50 PM.
    Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

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  11. #9
    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    format_quote Originally Posted by squiggle View Post
    Could it be bi polar disorder accompanied by paranoia? Because they also suffer from depression a few days and then have a really good mood then back to depression, he gets racing thoughts also. If it is paranoid shizoprhenia is it likely to get worse as they get older? or will it forever stay at this level where they eventually snap out the paranoia a day or two later? The symptoms began at 15 after his mother died. He's in early 20s now. He also finds himself breaking down and crying for no reason at all. And on other days he just laughs at everything.

    The Alprazolam that the doctor prescribed him works quite well and relaxes him, it also reduces his paranoia because he feels so calm and relaxed, just wondering will his body eventually build up a tolerance to it so he'd have to be put on another drug?
    Alprazalam (Xanax) has been used to treat anxiety and mild depression for quite a few years now. It seems to be suitable for long term usage. However, being a short lasting drug A person needs to takes several doses throughout the day. If memory serves me correct a number of years ago there was work being done to develop a time release version which would only be needed once per day. One major draw back with it there is some degree of addiction to it and a person does experience withdrawal symptoms when a dose wears pff. Perhaps your friend can ask the doctor if the timed release version ever became available. That would help you friend for the immediate problems as the capsule could be taken in the morning before starting the fast.

    As far as him possibly be suffering from BP I have doubts about that. typically the major problems with BP occur during the mania phase. Although on the downswing they do usually have very compulsive suicidal thoughts. Sadly the thoughts are so strong there is often a suicide attempt, but most are so extreme in their attempt they usually succeed on their first attempt. Most people with BP seldom speak of their death wish and just do it, usually in a very bizarre or elaborate manner. Although to be diagnosed as BP there has to be strong evidence the person has had episode of psychosis during which they have lost contact with reality and at least one episode of Mania. When a person with BP is in the mania stage they do loose all inhibitions and become very active with seemingly endless energy and absolutely no fear of doing anything as a result they quite often have a pretty long arrest record by the time they reach their twenties. Usually for things like speeding, getting in fights, Careless and Reckless driving etc.

    If it does turn out to be Paranoid Schiz. While it is one of the most severe forms of schizophrenia it is also the easiest to treat and most people with it go on and live a reasonably normal life after it is diagnosed. However, it can take years to be diagnosed.
    Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    Herman 1 - Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

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    Salahudeen's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow View Post
    Alprazalam (Xanax) has been used to treat anxiety and mild depression for quite a few years now. It seems to be suitable for long term usage. However, being a short lasting drug A person needs to takes several doses throughout the day. If memory serves me correct a number of years ago there was work being done to develop a time release version which would only be needed once per day. One major draw back with it there is some degree of addiction to it and a person does experience withdrawal symptoms when a dose wears pff. Perhaps your friend can ask the doctor if the timed release version ever became available. That would help you friend for the immediate problems as the capsule could be taken in the morning before starting the fast.
    jazakallah khair Yes he does have a time released version of the tablet I believe because he only has to take it twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening along with Cipramil which is an anti depressent. None of these are having any anti depresent effects on him infortunately, however he did tell me the thing that leads to his depression and anxiety is the paranoid thoughts which eventually make him angry and he starts lashing out at people verbally because the paranoid thoughts become too much for him. Which leads me to believe if he were to get treatment to remove the paranoia then the anxiety/panic attacks would also disperse.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow View Post
    As far as him possibly be suffering from BP I have doubts about that. typically the major problems with BP occur during the mania phase. Although on the downswing they do usually have very compulsive suicidal thoughts. Sadly the thoughts are so strong there is often a suicide attempt, but most are so extreme in their attempt they usually succeed on their first attempt. Most people with BP seldom speak of their death wish and just do it, usually in a very bizarre or elaborate manner. Although to be diagnosed as BP there has to be strong evidence the person has had episode of psychosis during which they have lost contact with reality and at least one episode of Mania. When a person with BP is in the mania stage they do loose all inhibitions and become very active with seemingly endless energy and absolutely no fear of doing anything as a result they quite often have a pretty long arrest record by the time they reach their twenties. Usually for things like speeding, getting in fights, Careless and Reckless driving etc.
    I don't recall him every being like how you described above, he is all ways nervous and tense finds it hard to relax. All though there was one situation where he thought his uncle was trying to poison him however this could be due to the paranoid schizophrenia right?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow View Post
    If it does turn out to be Paranoid Schiz. While it is one of the most severe forms of schizophrenia it is also the easiest to treat and most people with it go on and live a reasonably normal life after it is diagnosed. However, it can take years to be diagnosed.
    Alhamdulilah that's good to know akhi, I don't suppose there is much in way of natural remedies is there? The only solution would be to see a psychatrist and get prescribed an anti psychotic.
    Last edited by Salahudeen; 09-17-2010 at 03:49 PM.
    Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

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    Salahudeen's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Trumble View Post
    squiggle, your friend's case sounds much worse than my own - and I've been off work for the last month with similar problems. I would think it essential your friend do exactly what his doctor and the psychiatrist suggest, including taking the medication during the day. Am I wrong in thinking that the Qur'an exempts people who are sick from fasting during Ramadan? Your friend IS sick.. you actually have to be quite bad for your GP to refer you directly to a psychiatrist rather than to a psychological counsellor. Incidently, medication does more than address the symptoms, depression and anxiety are frequently the result of chemical imbalances in the body that medication can correct.
    You're not wrong he is exempted due to health reasons however he is a very passionate individual when it comes to obeying his creator, I did tell him he's not required to fast but he really wants to since it only comes round once a year etc he doesn't want to miss it.
    Anxiety and panic disorder with slight paranoia.

    “Who said that guidance requires there to be someone accompanying you"
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