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15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    The obesity epidemic

    Obesity is becoming more and more of an epidemic particularly in the western world where fast food, processed and sugary foods are the norm. There is really not much not much the doctors and medical specialists can do about this issue apart from raising awareness about the health risks. Government can do much more about it as they have the power to put sanctions on junk food companies but unfortunately these companies that sell junk food and sugary foods are quite powerful and even have powerful lobby groups backing them. Therefore the governments are limited to what they can do about this matter unless they really put their foot down on these companies and bring tougher regulations in.

    These junk food companies promote their products in aggressive advertising campaigns. There was a programme recently where a chef from the UK went to the US and went to a primary school where he found that young children did not even know the names of basic vegetables but they knew the names of all the latest junk foods out there. This proves that the junk food companies have way too much power in the media and it is time that governments put their foot down and stopped them from promoting their products in such a aggressive manner. Children need to be educated about good and healthy food fro the beginning. Parents as well as teachers should take on this responsibility to ensure children know that healthy food is better and that their access to junk food is more limited than it currently is.

    Our bodies are a loan from Allah

    Almighty Allah gave us our bodies as a loan to us as a trust. He trusted us with these bodies and we are abusing them with over eating and bad food choices. We really need to get ourselves out of this now and realise that not only are we risking our health in that we are very likely develop diabetes if we continue as we are but we are also committing a major sin in that we are slowly eating ourselves to death.

    As Muslims we must NEVER eat to fill ourselves but we must eat to satisfy our hunger. The fact that many of us eat to fill ourselves is the reason why there is an obesity epidemic in this world. Therefore unless you want to die an early death you must take action NOW! That means internalising the need for rapid change and taking the necessary steps in your life to ensure you NEEVR go back to how you used to be. You must think of food in a different way and not use it to comfort eat or to fill yourself up in every meal.

    Here is what we must do to get our healths back:

    1. Decrease portion sizes.

    This is the most important aspect of losing weight as well as maintaining our weight. We should eat to satisfy our stomachs and not to over fill our stomachs until we can no longer move. The worse thing we can do to our health is to constantly over eat and binge. We are warned by Allah not to do anything that is over excessive as this then becomes extravagance and Allah dislikes extravagance:

    Eat of its fruit when it bears fruits, and pay its due on the day of harvest, and do not be extravagant. Surely, Allah does not like the extravagant. (Qur'an 6:141)

    Therefore we must eat as much as we become satisfied and not overly full. The best way we can do this is to use smaller plates for every meal. This is a good and effective way to cut down our portion sizes. Pre prepping meals beforehand is also a very effective way of having smaller portions.

    2. Cut out Trans fats.

    This is extremely important if we want to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. Trans fat is considered the worst type of fat to eat. Unlike other dietary fats, trans fats, also called trans-fatty acids, raise "bad" cholesterol and also lowers "good" cholesterol. A diet laden with trans fats increases the risk of heart disease, the leading killer of adults. The more trans fats eaten, the greater the risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

    Most trans fats are formed through an industrial process that adds hydrogen to vegetable oil, which causes the oil to become solid at room temperature. This partially hydrogenated oil is inexpensive and less likely to spoil, so foods made with it have a longer shelf life. Some restaurants use partially hydrogenated vegetable oil in their deep fryers, because it doesn't have to be changed as often as do other oils. Foods which may contain trans fats are typically sweet, carbohydrate based foods or those with relatively short shelf lives. Trans fats have typically been present in the following foods: Margarines, Vegetable oils, Cakes, Doughnuts, Pastries, Ice cream, commercial Bread, Fast food.

    So we must avoid these foods as much as possible if we want to improve our overall health. Replace refined vegetable oils with heart healthy extra virgin olive oil, Avacado oil and raw unrefined coconut oil. We can also make our own healthier desserts at home by using healthier natural sugars like maple, dates, raw honey and natural sweeteners like Stevia, erythritol, xylitol and monk fruit.

    3. Try new healthy foods, fruit and vegetables.

    You never know if you like something until you try it. Be ambitious with your choices of healthy food. Don’t just stick to the same foods you eat everyday. There is so much to choose from out there. The more different healthy foods you eat the less chance you will get bored with the same choices and therefore less chance you will end up relapsing into eating fatty foods and snacks.

    So try new healthy foods. Ever tried Pakchoi? Tofu? Star fruit? Try some fruit and vegetables you haven’t tried before and I guarantee there will be many different foods that you will like. A diverse amount of good fruits and vegetables is very good for you. The more variety the better as each fruit and vegetable has its own unique cocktail of vitamins and nutrients.

    4. Cut out processed foods and drinks

    Processed food are not good for us as they contain many harmful chemicals like preservatives to make the food last longer. Instead replace processed food like tinned and frozen processed food with fresh whole foods, fruit and vegetables. Once we make these changes then we will feel and look much healthier and better.

    5. Reduce intake of refined Carbohydrates.

    You need reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates. If you are going to have rice then replace white rice with wholegrain brown, red or wild rice. Replace white bread with brown wholegrain breads and sourdough. Replace white pasta with brown wholegrain pasta. Reduce the amount of white potatoes you eat and replace it with red, purple or sweet potatoes. So you don't have to necessarily cut out carbs completely, just make healthier choices and replace refined with complex carbohydrates.

    The healthiest types of fats are known as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, as they are heart-healthy and can be found in avocados, extra virgin olive oil, salmon and nuts like walnuts and almonds. They may even help improve to improve our blood cholesterol levels. The Mediterranean diet has been recommended by many health experts and nutritionists as the healthiest of all the diets out there. Although there are no strict rules or regulations for this type of diet, it typically encourages fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and heart-healthy fats. Numerous studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet can promote weight loss and help prevent heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, and premature death. For this reason, the Mediterranean diet is often recommended for those looking to improve their health and protect against chronic disease.

    6. Eat healthy snacks in between meals.

    Snacking between meals is where most of us go wrong in our diets as it is very easy to pick up unhealthy snacks especially when we are out for convenience. It is better not to snack between meals, however if we are going to snack then it is essential that we make the right choices. What is key is for us to prepare healthy snacks and have it at hand or in our bags, cars etc Just in case we need them so we avoid having to buy bad snacks when we are out or at work etc. Therefore we should prepare healthy snacks for ourselves between meals like whole fruit, fruit cocktail, whole yoghurt with nuts and seeds, a handful of unsalted almonds/nuts with some dried fruit or a nice salad. It is essential that we avoid sugary, salty and processed snacks.

    7. Eat more fruit and vegetables

    There is nothing better for our health wise than for us to consume a diverse and wide variety of fruits and particularly vegetables. There is So much choice out there so we should not limit ourselves to just the fruit and vegetables that we know. We should try different fruit and vegetables as each of them contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and health benefits.

    Berries are amongst the most nutrient dense fruits and are also very good especially as a snack with whole yoghurt, with porridge in the morning or on their own. The most nutrient dense vegetables are green leafy vegetables like greens, spinach, kale and dark coloured lettuces, cabbage etc. We can also make a nice smoothie using a variety of fruit and even vegetables and take it with us when we are out or at work. So we should try new and different combinations to see which ones we like the most. Have fun with it. Eat more fruit and vegetables and watch your weight come off and that glow come back!

    Note: Dates, Figs, Grapes, Milk, Honey, Olive Oil, Vinegar, Watermelon, Barley, Pumpkin, squash, Pomegranate and cucumber are all foods from the Sunnah. Therefore we should try and incorporate them into our diets with the intention of fulfilling the Sunnah and we will be rewarded accordingly inshaAllah.

    8. Cut out sugary foods and drinks

    Sugary foods and drinks are especially harmful for our health, particularly if we over do it. The dangers of added sugar intake include higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease, which are all linked to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke. Too much sugar consumption are also very bad for our teeth. Too much sugar can lead to obesity, insulin resistance and inflammation. They are also high in calories and are linked to obesity. Most cereals that are on the market are very high in sugar. Even the so called "healthy" breakfasts like special K for example are loaded with sugar to make up for the reduction of fat.

    How to reduce consumption of sugary foods:

    • Swap sugary drinks for water, whole milk or naturally flavoured drinks to reduce your calorie intake
    • Try swapping sugary and refined flour based snacks for fresh whole fruit and wholegrain crackers or home made popcorn
    • Try to halve the amount of sugar you put in hot drinks, or cut it out completely
    • Buy reduced-sugar varieties of jam and marmalade or even better make it yourself with natural sugars
    • Choose canned fruit in natural juice rather than syrup or even better make a fruit cocktail and store in airtight containers to use whenever convenient

    9. ALWAYS read the labels.

    Look at how much sugar a product contains as well as how much saturated fat it contains. Look at the carb content as well as salt levels. Even the so called low fat range are not necessarily low sugar or salt. So always read labels from now on whatever product you are buying.

    10. Drink more water

    Drinking water is vital to losing weight. It is the best of all drinks in this world and the next. It is the source of all life. Without it there would not be life. So we should drink more water for it also helps in suppressing appetite.

    11. Get moving.

    Move around as much as you can. Take the stairs not the lifts. Walk to the shops or wherever you are going, don’t take the car. Every step is calories lost. So walk and move around as much as possible. Play with the kids and run around with them, help out in the home by doing the dishes, vacuuming and ironing. Make every excuse to take the stairs. Be as active as you can throughout the day.

    12. Walk walk walk.

    Enjoy a good morning walk. Walk to work if you can. Have a little walk after every meal. Try to go the long way around to the shops or to and from home. Try to take a hilly street or when you’re walking in the park walk up a hill. Walk in the park after you wake up and walk as it is very good for a person to take in fresh air and be in natural surroundings as it is also a proven stress reliever. Take up walking as it is an amazing exercise and very easy to as you can do it at your own pace.

    13. Cardio and weight training.

    One can do cardio anywhere, so if you want to do it at home then you can or you can join a gym (same sex gym). Doing cardio is very important not only to lose weight but to built stamina and endurance. Therefore it is recommended to do cardio at least 3-4 times a week for half an hour each session. If you can do cardio in the morning then it is better and will also give you a better sleep at night. Doing cardio activity in the morning before eating anything is said to burn a lot more fat than if a person had something to eat because the body uses up its fat reserves.

    It is best to do HIIT (High intensity Interval training) which is a cardio activity done only for a very short while no more than 20-30 minutes but it is done at high intensity intervals meaning that a person goes at it quite hard. So the way to do it is for example you walk for 5 minutes and then suddenly you start running for 30 seconds. Then you jog slowly for 2 minutes and then run for another 30 seconds. You keep repeating this high and low intensity walking, jogging and running for 20-30 minutes. HIIT is said to increase the body’s metabolism throughout the day so after your workout the body will continue burning fat throughout the day. If you can do morning cardio then do it whenever you can throughout the day or even in the evening. If you can do it morning and evening then this is even better.

    However it would also be better to combine ones cardio routine with a strength training regime. This can be done at home if one has the right equipment or at the gym. The best Strength training is one that targets the core and legs. Like for example dead lift, squat, lunges etc. Other strength training can target specific muscle groups such as the shoulders, chest, back and arms. Strength training also increases ones metabolism because the more muscle one has the more the body has to burn fat.

    So combining both strength training and cardio is the best way to make ones body like a fat burning machine. It will also strengthen and condition ones body making one leaner and healthier.

    14. Persevere & NEVER give up

    If you trip or fall then get up and continue. Don’t ever give up! You are bound to slip now and again, but so what? Learn from it and move on. Get on with it and keep in mind your end goal and where you want to be. Focus on the end result for the end result will be a good one as long as you stick to doing what you have to do to get your health back on track.

    15. Making lifetime changes to your health.

    Losing weight and becoming healthy is about making life changes not just dieting for a short period of time. It is about looking at food in a whole new way. Not seeing it as something that will comfort us when were down or as something we can abuse and binge on. We should use it as something that will nourish us and give us strength and energy for Almighty Allahs Ibaadah (worship). It is truly a blessing from Allah and if we look around us most people in the world do not have food for days on end yet we abuse it like anything. If we continue abusing food then not only are we risking getting many diseases and an early death but we will also be accountable on the Day of Judgment for what we put into our stomachs and the fact that we abused our bodies by over eating.

    Therefore we must not look at these changes as something that we are doing for the short term but we must make long term life changes so that we may take care of the bodies Allah has loaned to us and optimize everyday of our lives in order to have enough strength to please Allah and worship him for that is the ONLY purpose of our creation.


    Now you know what to do there are NO more excuses. Do not think to yourself that you will start tomorrow for tomorrow never comes. Start NOW! Internalise the need for change and know that time is NOT on your side. You have made enough excuses in your life but now there are NO more excuses. If you want an early death then carry on as you are and you will regret it forever in the hereafter that you wasted you one opportunity in this life to do as much good as you can in order to please Allah and gain high ranks in the hereafter just because you could not control your food intake. So now is your chance and it could be your very last. So grab this opportunity and do not let it go!

    May Allah enable us to make the best of our health in this world so that we may optimize our worship unto Almighty Allah. Ameen
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 06-15-2022 at 12:20 AM.
    15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    Daily cardio does the job nicely, I don't watch what I eat cos when I exercise it all gets burned off anyway, but I usually have 4 egg whites with 2 slices of wholemeal bread and salad for breakfast, then for a morning snack I have a protein supplement, then for lunch I have a chicken breast wrap (wholemeal) that includes salad, then for afternoon snack it's a muffin with chicken and tomatoe sauce on top cooked in the oven then in the evening I have spaghetti with mince meat, I'm thinking to replace the mince meat since red meat is bad for you. After eating all this I still don't put on weight, my cardio sessions are only around 30 mins but very intense, it's cold here and I don't put the heating on cos I'm warm from the workouts.
    15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    15 Foods To Help You Lose

    WebMD Feature from "Good Housekeeping" Magazine

    By Denise Foley Want To Curb Your Appetite And Stop Sugar Cravings? Then Put These On Your Grocery List.
    Thirty billion a year -- that's about how much Americans spend on slim-down products, many of which don't even work. A better way to get real weight-loss results? Go grocery shopping. New research points to more than a dozen foods, from beans to beef, that can help you fight hunger, kick your candy addiction, boost your metabolism-and ultimately shed pounds. And some of these superfoods deliver health bonuses too.

    1. Eggs. Skip the bagel this morning. Eggs, which are full of protein, will help you feel fuller longer-a lot longer. A multicenter study of 30 overweight or obese women found that those who ate two scrambled eggs (with two slices of toast and a reduced-calorie fruit spread) consumed less for the next 36 hours than women who had a bagel breakfast of equal calories. Other research has shown that protein may also prevent spikes in blood sugar, which can lead to food cravings.

    2. Beans. You've probably never heard of cholecystokinin, but it's one of your best weight-loss pals. This digestive hormone is a natural appetite suppressant. So how do you get more cholecystokinin? One way, report researchers at the University of California at Davis, is by eating beans: A study of eight men found that their levels of the hormone (which may work by keeping food in your stomach longer) were twice as high after a meal containing beans than after a low-fiber meal containing rice and dry milk. There's also some evidence that beans keep blood sugar on an even keel, so you can stave off hunger longer. Heart-health bonus: High-fiber beans can lower your cholesterol.

    3. Salad. Do you tend to stuff yourself at meals? Control that calorie intake by starting with a large salad (but hold the creamy dressing). In a study of 42 women at Penn State University, those who ate a big, low-cal salad consumed 12 percent less pasta afterward-even though they were offered as much as they wanted. The secret, say researchers, is the sheer volume of a salad, which makes you feel too full to pig out. Health bonus: A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that people who ate one salad a day with dressing had higher levels of vitamins C and E, folic acid, lycopene, and carotenoids-all disease fighters-than those who didn't add salad to their daily menu.

    4. Green tea. The slimming ingredient isn't caffeine. Antioxidants called catechins are what help speed metabolism and fat burning. In a recent Japanese study, 35 men who drank a bottle of oolong tea mixed with green tea catechins lost weight, boosted their metabolism, and had a significant drop in their body mass index. Health bonus: The participants also lowered their (bad) LDL cholesterol.

    5. Pears. They're now recognized as having more fiber, thanks to a corrected calculation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. At six grams (formerly four grams) per medium-size pear, they're great at filling you up. Apples come in second, with about three grams per medium-size fruit. Both contain pectin fiber, which decreases blood-sugar levels, helping you avoid between-meal snacking. This may explain why, in a Brazilian study that lasted 12 weeks, overweight women who ate three small pears or apples a day lost more weight than women on the same diet who ate three oat cookies daily instead of the fruit.

    6. Soup. A cup of chicken soup is as appetite blunting as a piece of chicken: That was the finding of a Purdue University study with 18 women and 13 men. Why? Researchers speculate that even the simplest soup satisfies hunger because your brain perceives it as filling.

    7. Lean beef. It's what's for dinner-or should be, if you're trying to shed pounds. The amino acid leucine, which is abundant in proteins like meat and fish as well as in dairy products, can help you pare down while maintaining calorie-burning muscle. That's what it did for 24 overweight middle-aged women in a study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Eating anywhere from nine to 10 ounces of beef a day on a roughly 1,700-calorie diet helped the women lose more weight, more fat, and less muscle mass than a control group consuming the same number of calories, but less protein. The beef eaters also had fewer hunger pangs.

    8. Olive oil. Fight off middle-age pounds with extra virgin olive oil. A monounsaturated fat, it'll help you burn calories. In an Australian study, 12 postmenopausal women (ages 57 to 73) were given a breakfast cereal dressed either with a mixture of cream and skim milk or half an ounce of olive oil and skim milk. The women who ate the oil-laced muesli boosted their metabolism. Don't want to add olive oil to your oatmeal? That's OK-it works just as well in salad dressings, as a bread dip, or for sautéing.

    9. Grapefruit. It's back! A 2006 study of 91 obese people conducted at the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center at Scripps Clinic found that eating half a grapefruit before each meal or drinking a serving of the juice three times a day helped people drop more than three pounds over 12 weeks. The fruit's phytochemicals reduce insulin levels, a process that may force your body to convert calories into energy rather than flab.

    10. Cinnamon. Sprinkle it on microwave oatmeal or whole-grain toast to help cure those mid-afternoon sugar slumps. Research from the U.S.
    Department of Agriculture found that a little cinnamon can help control post-meal insulin spikes, which make you feel hungry. Health bonus: One USDA study showed that just a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon a day lowered the blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

    11. Vinegar. It's a great filler-upper. In a Swedish study, researchers found that people who ate bread dipped in vinegar felt fuller than those who had their slices plain. The probable reason: Acetic acid in the vinegar may slow the passage of food from the stomach into the small intestine, so your tummy stays full longer. Vinegar can also short-circuit the swift blood-sugar rise that occurs after you eat refined carbs such as white bread, cookies, and crackers.

    12. Tofu. It seems too light to be filling, but a study at Louisiana State University showed that tofu does the job. Researchers tested it against chicken as a pre-meal appetizer for 42 overweight women-and the participants who had tofu ate less food during the meal. The secret: Tofu is an appetite-quashing protein.

    13. Nuts. Yes, they are fattening: A handful of peanuts is about 165 calories. But research shows that people who snack on nuts tend to be slimmer than those who don't. A study from Purdue University found that when a group of 15 normal-weight people added about 500 calories worth of peanuts to their regular diet, they consumed less at subsequent meals. The participants also revved up their resting metabolism by 11 percent, which means they burned more calories even when relaxing. Health bonus: Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids. And researchers at Loma Linda University recently found that eating 10 to 20 whole pecans daily can reduce heart disease risks.

    14. High-fiber cereal. Studies show that you can curb your appetite by eating a bowl for breakfast. But how well does it really work? Researchers at the VA Medical Center and the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis tested the theory against the ultimate diet challenge: the buffet table. They gave 14 volunteers one of five cereals before sending them out to the smorgasbord. Those who'd had the highest-fiber cereal ate less than those who didn't have as much fiber in the morning. Try General Mills Fiber One (14 grams per serving) or Kellogg's All Bran With Extra Fiber (13 grams per serving).

    15. Hot red pepper. Eating a bowl of spicy chili regularly can help you lose weight. In a Japanese study, 13 women who ate breakfast foods with red pepper (think southwestern omelet) ate less than they normally did at lunch. The magic ingredient may be capsaicin, which helps suppress appetite.

    Source: http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/1...-help-you-lose
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    ive nearly done most of these things im still fat.....its just excerise i dont do much as i have to look after mustafa so i cant really go to the gym..i really dont wanna be like this..everyone says just cos ur fat ur lazy which isnt the case with me and its twice as hard for me cos ive got polycystic ovarie syndrome.....just keep trying i guess
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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    format_quote Originally Posted by marina28 View Post
    ive nearly done most of these things im still fat.....its just excerise i dont do much as i have to look after mustafa so i cant really go to the gym..i really dont wanna be like this..everyone says just cos ur fat ur lazy which isnt the case with me and its twice as hard for me cos ive got polycystic ovarie syndrome.....just keep trying i guess
    Sister you do not have to go to the gym to have a a good cardio workout. You can do many exercises in the comfort of your own home. If you can afford it then you could get a treadmill or cross trainer (second hand), and do exercises on that. What you need to do is to eat small meals but regularly. Eat every 3-4 hours but ensure the meals are small enough but also enough to make you satisfied. Drink plenty of water throughout the day like over 2 litres. Snack on raw food like fruit and vegtables, make healthy smoothies as that may help to down a lot more fruit and veg.

    Ontop of that go for a walk around the block or in your local park. Go for a swim (womens only sessions). Get hold of a bike and take regular bike rides on hilly areas or through the park. Do a cardio activity you enjoy.

    You need to build up a calory deficit each day in order for you to lose weight. But before you start any of this consult with your doctor as you do have a condition and he will make tailored recommendations for you.

    Hope that helps. If you need anymore help with anything at all then please do not hesitate to ask.
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza Asadullah View Post
    Eat every 3-4 hours but ensure the meals are small enough but also enough to make you satisfied.
    Eat every 2-3 hours or 5-6 times/day. Eating boosts your metabolism. It takes time for people's body to adjust to the eating, but it will and the hunger cravings go away. Personally, a good breakfast (the most important meal of the day to give your body what it needs both after sleeping and for what's to come) helps me get started and a small snack (palm size is ideal) every couple of hours and I don't eat the big meals anymore that lead to storing away fat.

    And quoting myself from another thread:
    Advice from a personal trainer: I'm not going to try to tell you "everything you need to know." But the most important factors are watching your calorie intake versus what you burn. The very simple equation (when you cut out all of the fat, hype, and sales gimmicks) is if you burn more than you take in you will lose weight and vice versa (treating yourself to an ice cream sunday after you worked out so hard is counter productive). People often say you need to do "weight training and cardio" but the fact is that the most efficient use of gym time is to incorporate both together in activities like circuit routines. Number of calories burned in the gym is purely based on your heart rate (intervals between your fat burning zone (zone 3) and your cardio zone (zone 4) is ideal). Invest in a heart rate monitor if you want to have a clue what your getting done (the treadmills are inaccurate and you have to hold on, plus the question begs to be asked: what's your heart rate when you're hitting the weights?). And if you're concerned about risking injury and maximal results invest in a good personal trainer. It is the best and cheapest form of preventive healthcare and is completely overlooked by the vast majority of society. And if your trainer doesn't back up what I just said I recommend you get a better one and/or educating yourself. As a newbie though, you should be able to get results quite easily. The number one factor is consistency; your not going to accomplish it all in one session at the gym, so don't bother trying if it's going to risk you burning out. Enough said! Now get moving!
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    I go swimming
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    ariginality's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    format_quote Originally Posted by PoweredByGoogle View Post
    I go swimming
    Swimming is a great full body workout/exercise. But if your goal is to burn fat and you're left wondering where your results are, then again, you need to check your heart rate (and diet of course). Leisurely swimming won't get the results for most people. I swam half a mile with a heart rate monitor and my heart rate never left the "recovery zone" (zone 2). That's not going to get the job done efficiently. It's tough to beat running and/or circuit routines. Also, keep in mind that as you continue working out your heart will become more efficient, so what gets your heart where you want it today may not soon enough. People can do a particular exercise routine for years (for example swim 20 laps 3 times a week) and they will reach a point where their body actually stops progressing and eventually begins to regress and/or atrophy. Maintain variety.
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    format_quote Originally Posted by ariginality View Post
    Swimming is a great full body workout/exercise. But if your goal is to burn fat and you're left wondering where your results are, then again, you need to check your heart rate (and diet of course). Leisurely swimming won't get the results for most people. I swam half a mile with a heart rate monitor and my heart rate never left the "recovery zone" (zone 2). That's not going to get the job done efficiently. It's tough to beat running and/or circuit routines. Also, keep in mind that as you continue working out your heart will become more efficient, so what gets your heart where you want it today may not soon enough. People can do a particular exercise routine for years (for example swim 20 laps 3 times a week) and they will reach a point where their body actually stops progressing and eventually begins to regress and/or atrophy. Maintain variety.
    Is swimming good for my thighs? I went that day it hurt a lot when I swam. Mostly used my legs. The only problem I have is, I tend to eat a lot afterwards, so that's not good.
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    format_quote Originally Posted by PoweredByGoogle View Post
    Is swimming good for my thighs? I went that day it hurt a lot when I swam. Mostly used my legs. The only problem I have is, I tend to eat a lot afterwards, so that's not good.
    Indeed, as stated, swimming is a great full body workout (won't do much in the way of building muscle or bone density (more muscle = more fat burned 24/7/365). Your question regarded thighs, most commonly people ask how do I get a 6-pack or flatten their stomach. Same principle applies, you have to burn overall body fat, no one is going to have ripped thighs and a pot belly. When you do things right, the pieces to the puzzle come together.With a variety of strokes, you can practically hit every muscle in the body.
    The best times to eat are when you wake up and after you exercise, that's when your replenishing your body and your metabolism is fastest. As I said in my original post, I wouldn't recommend binge eating or "rewarding yourself" in such a way that you make up for the good work you did. But a great benefit to working out is the EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) which basically amounts to your body burning more calories when your recovering and is maximized by doing heart rate intervals. Eating properly (5-6 times/day) should help curb your appetite, but getting protein to your muscles within an hour of finishing your work out has shown to produce better results (protein is what your body needs to break down fat and to build muscle). Depends on your goals. As a man you have one of the best fat burners naturally produced in your body called testosterone and it's levels are increased by weight lifting in the 3 sets of 5 ranges with about 85% of your 1 rep max with a minutes rest in between sets.
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza Asadullah View Post
    Sister you do not have to go to the gym to have a a good cardio workout. You can do many exercises in the comfort of your own home. If you can afford it then you could get a treadmill or cross trainer (second hand), and do exercises on that. What you need to do is to eat small meals but regularly. Eat every 3-4 hours but ensure the meals are small enough but also enough to make you satisfied. Drink plenty of water throughout the day like over 2 litres. Snack on raw food like fruit and vegtables, make healthy smoothies as that may help to down a lot more fruit and veg.

    Ontop of that go for a walk around the block or in your local park. Go for a swim (womens only sessions). Get hold of a bike and take regular bike rides on hilly areas or through the park. Do a cardio activity you enjoy.

    You need to build up a calory deficit each day in order for you to lose weight. But before you start any of this consult with your doctor as you do have a condition and he will make tailored recommendations for you.

    Hope that helps. If you need anymore help with anything at all then please do not hesitate to ask.
    thanx i think ill will get a treadmill, those dvd workouts arent working out for me...i dont really eat that much its just i need excercise..but i do perfer to go to the gym cos i dont like ahmed(my partner) seeing me workout lol but i think its best to get one for now i reslly want to loose alot of weight.
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    thanks alot
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    Salams all,

    Thank you for sharing. i love these kind of information but i'm not totally obsessed in following everyting in strictly manner. I let myself eat unhealthy food once in a while and i don't exercise.

    After my 2nd pregnancy i gain too much weight, i'm not sure why i did try to eat less but is not working. During my younger days i'm so obsessed in having an ideal weight and i would be depressed if i'm not loosing.

    After years of dieting and choosing the right diets ( i never take those gimmick supplements which said you can loose fast i'm too afraid that it can have counter effect after months or years of taking it) i think i have known the main problem. The problem is we never understand how our own body works. Everyone has different appetite, metabolism, hormons, catalytic, diets and etc. If we try to be in strict in exercise regimes and diets, do you think we can be committed in doing it for the whole year? careful once you slow down or stop your body will takes time for your body to adapt to your new activity but still thinking you have higher metabolism and gaining weight without you realising it.

    The main point is eat little never skip meal, healthy and do exercise to one you know you can stick to it. and it takes practice before it becomes a habit. and a habit would only make you perfect (is a quote )

    and another thing i know is the best thing of being healthy is FASTING. Those who do fasting frequently will understand what i am saying, you feel much better and when you stop doing you feel lousy. Not only that you get rewards doing it.

    and now i'm loosing without noticing, it is very slow and take years of loosing but i'm loosing weight!!! Alhamdulillah. so give yourself a time to have a good habit of healthy routine.

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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back


    i can relate to this, here 80% of Kuwaitis are obese and Kuwaiti being top no. 1 in the world for obesity.

    I think genes play good part for example we are all average weight, bros and sis (7), we eat so much or not we do not get fat, my mom at age of 58 is just 3-5kilos more than us & father too
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    Some interesting ways here. Also to do a lot of exercise as well helps to lose weight.
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    I know a diet solution taught by Rasulullah pbuh himself :

    a>> 1/3 of your stomach is for food, 1/3 for water, 1/3 for air
    b>> eat only when you're hungry and stop before you full

    Science actually proves that this kind of Prophetic diet can increase longevity, anti aging, lose weight healthily, enhance mind's sharpness, and skyrocket your health like never before.
    Don't believe me? Check on Google "calorie restriction diet" - the method of this diet is exactly like what Prophet had told 2000 years ago.
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    Fight Stubborn Fat With 5 Diet Solutions

    Clingy fat can’t fight the nutritious might of the right diet. Take these slimming solutions to your stomach – loosen fat’s grip and expose your better body!

    by Shannon Clark Sep 08, 2011

    Many of us dedicate ourselves to a good training program. At the end of the day we are in better shape, but are unsatisfied when we look in the mirror. You can focus on building lean muscle with plenty of good exercise, but what is it that transforms our body into that toned and shaped mode?

    Just as you wouldn't put low-grade fuel in your new $50,000 sports car, putting anything less than premium food in your body is likely to keep it from performing to the best of its ability.

    Many people think they are on a good diet, but myriad mobs of almost-inescapable processed foods that fill grocery stores encourage the retention of our fat. Processed food places excess stress on the body. They make it hard to burn off that last (and most important) layer of flab.

    So if you're frustrated by being unable to shake that last layer, then let's get down to the nitty-gritty and eat a deflated diet to burst that fat balloon and produce a slim and healthy body.

    1. Is Your Diet Fishy?

    Fresh fish are your friends in the flab battle. Your preferred fish choices should be ones with low mercury levels: flounder, haddock, herring, mackerel, perch, pollock, salmon, sardines, scallops, shrimp, sole, tilapia and trout. Mercury consumption causes negative health side effects.

    Out of that list: Salmon, Mackerel, and Trout are your top 3 choices because of their high omega-3 content. If you can't consume fish on a regular basis, find a quality fish oil supplement. It's a smart move!

    Fish Oil

    Fish oils are derived from the fat of a variety of oily fish. Fish contain a natural source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFA), which is an important nutrient that provides many health benefits.

    Reel In Your Fish Oil Today!

    2. Make Room For Tea Time

    Another great way to boost your defence against stubborn fat is by having tea on a regular basis, especially green tea. Tea is a healthier option than coffee, and having some green tea is a great way to kick-start your metabolism.

    Have a cup or two each day, and you'll be well on your way to trim and tone ... Green tea also provides you with numerous antioxidant benefits, which can help to fight free-radical damage.

    3. Focus On Healthy Fat

    Fat consumption can be good and bad for you, depending on the type of fat you consume. If you overload on saturated or trans fats, then extra fat and other negative side effects might be in your near future. On the flipside, filling your diet full of unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids is the perfect way to keep fat in check. Just remember, it's important to get a good ratio of omega-3 fats and omega-6 fats.

    Ideally, your ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid should be 4:1, a far cry from the 15:1 ratio most people currently get (balance is a wonderful thing).

    Foods richest in omega-3 fatty acids include: flaxseed oil, soybean oil, canola oil, salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and walnuts. Combine these with the right amount of omega-6 fats you can get from corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil and cottonseed oil to get the best results.

    Other healthy sources of dietary fats to keep an eye out for: avocados, natural nuts and nut butters and seeds.


    As more and more people have become concerned with their general health, many are considering supplementing the essential fatty acids needed on a daily basis into their diet.

    Satisfy Your Omega-3 Needs!

    4. Picking And Curbing Your Carbs

    Yes, limiting your carbohydrate intake is important to shave off that last fatty layer, but you don't have to take an ultra-low approach - just place more emphasis on getting plenty of protein and foods rich in healthy fats.

    The carbs you do eat should come from fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and veggies should account for at least 60 percent of your total carbohydrate calorie intake. The remainder comes from all-natural and slow-digesting sources like beans, legumes, oats, brown rice and quinoa
    All processed carbohydrates (even if they say whole grain) should be avoided.

    Garlic is to vampires, as processed carbohydrates are to your diet.

    5. Herb And Spice Advice

    The right herbs and spices can do wonders to your diet. These flavor savers encourage a lean and toned body. Herb perks and spice niceties can save plain meals by keeping flavors interesting, dynamic.

    Ginger and ginseng are two herbs that have long lists of health benefits, and plenty of taste to turn a bland meal into a flavor fiesta in the blink of an eye.

    There is a world of spices to explore, so start adding some healthy pep to your diet!

    Source: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/figh...solutions.html
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 02-19-2012 at 04:44 AM.
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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    format_quote Originally Posted by marina28 View Post
    ive nearly done most of these things im still fat.....its just excerise i dont do much as i have to look after mustafa so i cant really go to the gym..i really dont wanna be like this..everyone says just cos ur fat ur lazy which isnt the case with me and its twice as hard for me cos ive got polycystic ovarie syndrome.....just keep trying i guess

    Assalamu-alaikum sister,

    It may be worthwhile to be screened for Type 2 Diabetes (which is commonly associated with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).
    For this, a fasting blood glucose is required - and depending on the result, it may also be advisable to have an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) done - which can help in detecting patients who are not as yet overtly diabetic, but are 'pre-diabetic'.

    In addition, a thyroid function test, to screen for an under-active thyroid, is also worth having checked (this is also more common in females).

    If there are any medical causes behind your difficulty in losing weight, these should be sought out, insha Allah.

    There are great dietary advises on this thread, MashaAllah.

    I just wanted to add the following, which insha Allah may be of value to those who are trying to lose weight:

    Eat in moderation
    (moderation is the road that we should take in all aspects of deen and life).

    "O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess."(7:31)

    On the authority of Al-Miqdaam ibn Maadiy-Karib who said: I heard the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying:

    “No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach. Sufficient for any son of Adam are some morsels to keep his back straight. But if it must be, then one third for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath.” [Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasaa'I, Ibn Majah – Hadith sahih]

    The following article may also be of benefit to some:

    Step 1. Determine if you're overweightdiet istock200 - 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    Do this by:
    Now answer the following two questions:
    • Does your BMI exceed 25?
    • Is your WHR greater than 1,0 (if you're a guy) or 0,85 (if you're a woman)?
    If you answer "No" to both questions, your weight is within the normal range. Stick to a balanced diet and exercise at least three times per week. Health24 offers a variety of exercise programmes. A brisk 30-minute walk, three times a week, is a good start.
    If you answer "Yes" to both questions, proceed to Step 2. For more information, read the article Do this first.

    Step 2. How much weight should you lose?

    Firstly, determine your healthy weight. If your weight is higher than that, take note of by how many kilograms.

    Step 3. Plan your weight-loss schedule

    How fast can you lose weight? How many days/weeks/months will it be before you will be slim? It's very important to plan your weight-loss schedule according to realistic goals (see chart below).
    It's realistic to lose 0,5 – 1kg per week. If you lose weight faster than this, chances are that you'll regain the weight (and more) again within a year.
    If you have a lot of weight to lose, don't feel despondent if it's realistic to reach your goal weight only in four months or nine months or a year’s time. Break your long-term goal down into smaller, short-term goals.
    Plan your first 8kg weight loss. You'll be able to reach this goal within two to four months. Work towards this goal. Once you’ve accomplished your first “target weight”, tackle the next 8kg.
    Weight to lose in kilograms Time needed by slower slimmers Time needed by faster slimmers
    2 1 month 2 weeks
    3 6 weeks 3 weeks
    4 2 months 1 month
    5 10 weeks 5 weeks
    6 3 months 6 weeks
    7 14 weeks 7 weeks
    8 4 months 2 months
    9 18 weeks 9 weeks
    10 5 months 10 weeks
    11 22 weeks 11 weeks
    12 6 months 3 months
    13 26 weeks 13 weeks
    14 7 months 14 weeks
    15 30 weeks 15 weeks
    16 8 months 4 months
    17 34 weeks 17 weeks
    18 9 months 18 weeks
    19 38 weeks 19 weeks
    20 10 months 5 months
    21 42 weeks 21 weeks
    22 11 months 22 weeks
    23 46 weeks months 23 weeks
    24 1 year 6 months
    25 1 yr, 2 weeks 25

    It's an excellent idea to first have a medical checkup before you go on a weight-loss programme.

    Step 4. Prepare yourself mentally to lose weight

    This step requires you to be brutally honest. Ask yourself whose idea it is that you should lose weight. Are you convinced that this is what you want to do for yourself and your health?
    Don’t kid yourself that you're going to stick to a diet and pump iron if the idea of losing weight comes from someone else. You're the one who must be 100% certain that you want to lose weight and that you're prepared to make the necessary changes to achieve your goal.
    Read more about the obese personality.

    Step 5: Complete your final checklist:

    If you answer "Yes" to the following questions, you know you're ready to start losing weight:
    1. Are you really overweight?
    2. Have you set yourself a realistic and achievable weight-loss target?
    3. Are you in good health?
    4. Has your doctor given you the green light to diet and exercise?
    5. Are you relaxed and calm and feeling positive about your slimming programme?
    6. Have you sorted out any psychological problems that could prevent you from losing weight?
    7. Are YOU the one who wants to lose weight?
    8. Is your support system in place and is your partner, spouse and family 100% behind you in this venture?
    How many times did you say yes?
    1-3: You need to go back to the drawing board, start again and sort out those problem areas.
    1-6: You still need to do some work on certain areas. Solve a few problems before you start.
    7-8: You're ready and as prepared as you'll ever be. Get going with that diet and exercise programme right now!

    Step 6: Choose your diet

    You want to lose weight and you're ready to go. But which diet should you follow? What should you eat and where do you start? What about the Atkins Diet and fad diets? Why a boring balanced diet? Or a shake? Do kilojoules really count? And how do you know the calorie count of specific foodstuffs? Or which foodstuffs can be substituted with others with the same kilojoule value? And what about low fat and fat free and low carbs? What’s the role of fibre and how much of it should you eat? What about diet pills and slimming drugs? Confused? Don’t feel alone!

    Here are the basics in a nutshell:

    Basic 1:
    For a healthy person, if kilojoules in (per mouth) are the same as kilojoules out (by organs to keep you alive and muscles while exercising), your weight will be stable (unless there are underlying medical factors at play).
    If you take in more than you expend, you'll gain weight and will be overweight.
    If you take in less than you expend, you'll lose weight.

    Basic 2:
    A kilojoule from a carbohydrate = a kilojoule from a fat.
    But: 1g fat has almost twice as many kilojoules as 1g bread/starch/pasta or another carbohydrate or 1g protein (fish/chicken/meat).
    And: Too much fat in your diet will increase your risk for heart disease.

    Basic 3:
    Calculate how many kilojoules you need in order to lose 0,5–1kg per week.
    -Calculate your BMR.
    -Decrease you daily calorie intake by around 2000 kilojoules to lose 0,5–1kg per week.
    -Exercise burns kilojoules. Here's a rough indication of the relative rates , at which this happens.

    Basic 4:
    How much of what to eat?
    • Eat a variety of foods, according to a balanced eating plan.
    • You need more or less: 6 servings of bread/pasta/cereal/rice daily; 3-5 vegetables; 2-4 fruits; 2 cups of fat-free milk/yoghurt or cottage cheese; 2 palm-sized portions of meat/chicken without the fat strips or skin, or fish, eggs or nuts; not more than 4 teaspoons of margarine, fats or oils per day.
    Basic 5: Choose the right diet for yourself
    • Make sure that the diet you plan to follow doesn't contain more kilojoules than you need to consume.
    • Steer clear of fad diets promising quick results.
    • Here’s an example of a ready-made diet plan for you.
    • Follow our Portion-Plan Diet.
    • Compile your own diet plan according to the principles in Basic 4.
    Basic 6: Log your progress
    • Measure your weight as well as your hip and waist measurements, and your resting pulse rate weekly. Calculate your BMI and WHR monthly.
    • Log it in a logbook.
    • You'll soon get a taste (oops, feel!) of achievement.
    - (Health24, updated April 2011)



    A simple way to determine your ideal weight for height:

    Take your height in metres - the last two digits is a good estimate of target weight.

    e.g If your height is 1.60m - then your ideal weight is ~60 kg)

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    15 Ways to Lose weight &amp; get your health back

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    Re: 15 Ways to Lose weight & get your health back

    Excellent post OP.

    Join my forum and share some of that inshAllah on my forum and site

    The only thing I disagree with is advertising the terminology as 'lose weight'. I was once obese and obsessed with this idea too.. of course when you're obese you certainly need to lose ALOT of weight... but the goal of everyone ultimately should be to lose fat and that's a very different goal and approach. In order to get fit and even appear fit one must build muscle and lose fat, not just weight, lean mass such as muscle is beneficial and certainly looks better than flubber and bloat Fat just slows you down haha...
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