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First Face Transplant in Turkey!

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    ~Zaria~'s Avatar Full Member
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    Triple limb transplant attempted

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    N00473213271447382_1007350t.jpgTriple limb transplant attempted

    A hospital in southern Turkey has performed the world's first triple limb transplant, attaching two arms and one leg to a 34-year-old man, an official said.

    At the same time, a team of doctors at Akdeniz University Hospital, in the Mediterranean coastal city of Antalya, also transplanted the face of the same donor on to another patient - a 19-year-old man. It was Turkey's first face transplant.

    "We have put our signature on a world first," Dr Israfil Kurtcephe, the university hospital's rector, said after the two operations. "For the first time a hospital has transplanted two arms and a leg on one patient."

    Dr Omer Ozkan, who headed a 25-member team, said both patients were being cared for in the intensive care unit and were "doing well".

    The full face transplant lasted some nine hours, while the limb transplants took 12 hours.

    The state-run Anadolu news agency said Atilla Kavdir, the 34-year-old man receiving the limbs, lost his arms and right leg when he was 11 after he hit power lines outside his home with an iron rod to scare away pigeons and received an electric shock.

    The teenage face transplant recipient was burned in a house fire when he was a baby.

    The world's first double arm transplant was in Germany in 2008, while the first double leg transplant took place in Spain in July 2011.

    More than a dozen face transplants have been carried out around the world, starting in November 2005 with a French woman who was mauled by her dog.

    Press Association



    Last edited by ~Zaria~; 01-23-2012 at 12:38 PM.
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    ~Zaria~'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Triple limb transplant attempted


    Complication in first triple limb transplant

    Published January 23, 2012
    Associated Press

    A Turkish doctor whose 25-member team performed the world's first triple limb transplant - two arms and a leg - says the leg has been removed due to tissue incompatibility.
    Dr. Omer Ozkan says 34-year-old Atilla Kavdir is in stable condition after the removal

    of the leg on Sunday, a day after it was attached. Kavdir lost his arms and right leg when he was 11 after he hit power lines outside his home with an iron rod to scare away pigeons and received an electric shock.
    Ozkan said another patient who received a full face transplant from the same donor is in stable condition. It was Turkey's first face transplant.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/0...#ixzz1kJsXHvWi


    Truly, the boundaries for organ donation have been far over-stepped!

    And Allah knows best.


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    Re: Triple limb transplant attempted

    that is amazing news for the patient.

    are you against organ donation?

    I know that in Islam organ donation is not allowed. But I am not sure if a person is prohibited to take donated organs in his body. God knows best.

    I hope tissue development using pluripotent embryonic cells reaches to that potential that donated organs are not required and that we could use cells from our own bodies. Some day hopefully, I'd like to see tissue culture creation of retinas.
    First Face Transplant in Turkey!

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    ~Zaria~'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Triple limb transplant attempted


    My understanding of the permissibility of organ donation in Islam is from the following:

    (In short, Islam permits organ transplantation in cases that are of absolute necessity - where ones life is endangered.
    In this case, one needs to ask - where these transplants performed bearing the above in mind?

    Where do we draw the line?.......I mean, face transplants?
    Just when I thought I had seen it all!....... )


    In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most MercifulAssalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

    Allah Ta’ala has made the human being the best of the creations and has granted him a lofty status. In relations to this honor, Allah Ta’ala has made it impermissible to derive any type of benefit from human parts, even if it does not cause any harm to the donor. Allama Burhan al-Din Ali bin Abi Bakr al-Marghinani in his famous treatiseAl-Hidayasays:
    وشعر الإنسان وعظمه طاهر وقال الشافعي نجس لأنه لا ينتفع به ولا يجوز بيعه ولنا أن عدم الانتفاع والبيع لكرامته فلا يدل على نجاسته والله أعلم (الهداية)
    And human hair and bones are pure. Imam Shaf’i says [it is] impure, since benefit cannot be derived from it and it cannot be sold. Our view is that the impermissible of deriving benefit is due to it being sacred; therefore this does not give proof for it being impure. And Allah Knows Best.

    Hereunder is a summarized version of Mufti Shafi’s (ra) kitab on organ transplant by Hadrat Mawlana Yusuf Ludyanwi (ra).

    At the outset a few fundamental principles of
    Shari’ashould be understood.

    1. Whatever is unlawful inShari’ais harmful to mankind, regardless of how beneficial it may seem. This harm could be physical and spiritual. At times this harm is as clear as daylight to everyone. At times it is only apparent to the experts in the field, and at times it is so hidden that only Allah is aware of its harms.

    2. Allah Ta’ala has bestowed mankind with the highest status from all His creations and has made mankind superior over all others. The entire universe is made subservient to man in which man uses what is lawful for his nourishment and well being. Under certain circumstances, unlawful entities also become lawful. Also, due to this status and sanctity bestowed to man by Allah, it is also unlawful to derive any benefit from any part or limb of man.

    3. The life bestowed to man is a Divine loan. To harm it or destroy it is a grave sin. Therefore, it is essential to uphold this trust and look after it. It is for this reason that it is necessary to adopt methods and treatments in which one’s life can be saved.

    For the maintenance of health, the laws of
    Shari’aalso become flexible and lenient. That is why we find leeway inwudu, prayer, fasting, etc for the sick. In fact, in order to save one’s life, a Muslim will be excused to utter words ofkufr. Similarly, if a person is at the throws of death due to hunger and the only food available is pork and wine, he will be excused to consume the pork and wine to the extent that it saves his life.
    How does one determine whether a situation falls under ‘necessity’?

    Allama Hamawi (ra) in his commentary onal-Ashbah wa al-Naza’irclassifies five levels of necessity and some of their rulings.

    1. Darurah– A person reaches such a state that if he does not indulge in an unlawful act, he will die or reach close to death. This state makes unlawful things lawful.

    2. Hajah–A person reaches such a state that he will not die, but will experience extreme difficulty. It will not make unlawful entities lawful, but it will create leniency in aspects of purity, prayer, fasting, etc. For example, a person is in the state of such hunger that if he does not get something to eat, he will not die, but he will be in great difficulty. This stage does not make an unlawful thing lawful, but it gives leeway for a person not to fast.

    3. Manf’ah– To be of benefit. For example a person desiring wheat bread, mutton, and fatty dishes.

    4. Zeenah– Luxuries. For example a person desiring sweet dishes and sugar.

    5. Fudool– Extravagance. For example expansion in eating unlawful foods and doubtful.

    فالضرورة: بلوغه حدا إن لم يتناول الممنوع ،هلك أو قارب، وهذا يبيح تناول الحرام الحاجة: كالجائع الذى لو لم يجد ما يأكله لم يهلك غير أنه يكون فى جهد ومشقة، وهذا لا يبيح الحرام، ويبيح الفطر فى الصوم المنقعة: كالذى يشتهى خبز البر ولحم الغنم والطعام الدسم الزينة: كالمشتهى بحلوى والسكر الفضول: التوسع بأكل الحرام والشبهة (شرح الحموى على الاشباه والنظائر 1:252 ادارة القران والعلوم الاسلاميه)

    It should be kept in mind that in
    Durrahin the field of medicine will only be taken into consideration with the following three conditions.

    1. This patient is really sick to the extent that his life is in danger.

    2. The fear of losing the life is not just an assumption, but a reliable doctor affirms it, and treatment is not available with lawful substances.

    3. The doctor has conviction that the sickness will be cured through the unlawful substance.

    However, there are some situations wherein the unlawful entity will remain unlawful, e.g. to kill another human to save one’s life.Shari’ahas given equal rights to each human being and one’s life will not be preferred over the other.

    As forHajah(in a case where the sick person is in great difficulty but it is not life threatening), there is a difference of opinion on the issue whether unlawful substance can be used. The majority of Jurist say it is permissible when the above three conditions are met.

    Aap kay masa’il aur un ka hal (9:167) Maktaba Ludhyanwi
    The Jurists have taken into consideration situations of dire need, hence the famous principle ofFiqh:
    الضرورات تبيح المحظورات
    Necessities permit the prohibited.

    المشقة تجلب التييسر
    Difficulties bring easiness.

    It is from the above principles, the Jurist have stated thatharamentities become permissible when there is a dire need. Ibn Abidin writes:
    مطلب في التداوي بالمحرم ( قوله ورده في البدائع إلخ ) قدمنا في البيع الفاسد عند قوله ولبن امرأة أن صاحب الخانية والنهاية اختارا جوازه إن علم أن فيه شفاء ولم يجد دواء غيره قال في النهاية : وفي التهذيب يجوز للعليل شرب البول والدم والميتة للتداوي إذا أخبره طبيب مسلم أن فيه شفاءه ولم يجد من المباح ما يقوم مقامه ، وإن قال الطبيب يتعجل شفاؤك به فيه وجهان ، وهل يجوز شرب العليل من الخمر للتداوي فيه وجهان ، وكذا ذكره الإمام التمرتاشي وكذا في الذخيرة وما قيل إن الاستشفاء بالحرام حرام غير مجرى على إطلاقه وأن الاستشفاء بالحرام إنما لا يجوز إذا لم يعلم أن فيه شفاء أما إن علم وليس له دواء غيره يجوز ومعنى قول ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه لم يجعل شفاؤكم فيما حرم عليكم يحتمل أن يكون قال ذلك في داء عرف له دواء غير المحرم لأنه حينئذ يستغني بالحلال عن الحرام ويجوز أن يقال تنكشف الحرمة عند الحاجة فلا يكون الشفاء بالحرام وإنما يكون بالحلال ا هـ

    Some Jurists have taken into consideration various medical circumstances and have given many leeways in the time of dire need.

    In the medical field, techniques have been refined and the human body is treated with much respect during surgical procedures. Organs transplant is no longer considered desecration, neither by the medical experts nor by laymen.Mufti Kifayatullah writes, “This doubt that it is unlawful to derive benefit from human parts should not remain, because it is unlawful in situations in which there is desecration of a human. In situations where there is no desecration of a human, it will be permissible.(Kifayat al-Mufti 9/143 Maktaba Haqaniyya)

    In the view of the above, our humble opinion is that if a person is in a life threatening situation in which he is in need of an organ transplantation and there happens to be a organ such as kidney, lever, etc available, it will be permissible for him to accept the organ.

    Nevertheless, it will not be permissible for him to donate his organs upon his death, as he is not the owner of his body and cannot do as he wishes with his body. Being able to accept an unlawful entity in time of dire need does necessitate that to donate organs is permissible. Take for example the issue of a person dying due to hunger and thirst and does not have any lawful food available to him. Shari’a has permitted for him to consume pork and wine to the extent that his life may be saved. That does not mean it will be permissible for Muslims to sell pork and wine for this reason.

    Here under is the resolution of the International IslamicFiqhAcademy(al-Majma al-Fiqhi al-Islami) which took place in 28 ofRabi’ al-Thani, Jamadi al-Ula1405.

    It is permissible to take an organ from a living individual and place it in another individual who is in need of the organ to save his life or to bring into use a limb which is from the necessary limbs of human. This is not considered asdesecration in relation to the person donating the organ. It is considered as helping and aiding another in time of need, which is praiseworthy action. It will be permissible with the following conditions:

    1. The donor’s life is not endangered by donating the organ, as it is the principle of Shari’a that for ridding a harm, another harm which is equal or greater will not be undertaken. Also do donate a vital organ is equates to destroying one’s life, which is prohibited.

    2. The donor gives the organ from his free will without any pressure put on him.

    3. The sickness is such that the only way for cure is through organ transplantation.

    4. There is a high probability for cure through organ transplantation.
    (Taken from the Urdu translation ‘Fiqhi Faslay’p. 157)

    2. Blood, once removed from the body, is also impure and due to it being part of the human body, it also has the same honor as the rest of the human body parts. However, blood is regenerating, unlike the organs. An analogy of blood can be made with breast milk. The Jurists have ruled that it is permissible to use breast milk for medical purposes when there is a high probability of cure.

    Al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya (5/355) Maktaba Rashidiyya
    ولا بأس بأن يسعط الرجل بلبن المرأة ويشربه للدواء وفي شرب لبن المرأة للبالغ من غير ضرورة اختلاف المتأخرين كذا في القنية .

    If a person’s condition is such that if he does not receive blood, his life is in danger or his health will deteriorate; then in such cases it will be permissible for the sick to accept blood and for a person to donate blood for the sick.

    Al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya (5/355) Maktaba Rashidiyya
    يجوز للعليل شرب الدم والبول وأكل الميتة للتداوي إذا أخبره طبيب مسلم أن شفاءه فيه ولم يجد من المباح ما يقوم مقامه وإن قال الطبيب يتعجل شفاؤك فيه وجهان .

    And Allah knows best

    Ml. Ehzaz Ajmeri,
    Student Darul Iftaa

    Checked and Approved by:
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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    Thumbs up First Face Transplant in Turkey!

    ANKARA: Turkish surgeons on Saturday successfully performed the country's first-ever face transplant, the Anatolia news agency reported. A team of doctors at Akdeniz University in the southern city of Antalya performed the operation on a 19-year-old boy whose face was burned when he was a 40-day-old baby, said Anatolia.

    Tissue from the face of a 45-year-old donor was successfully transplanted, it said.

    The operation brings to 20 the number of face transplants carried out worldwide, the report said. The first was a partial face transplant on Frenchwoman Isabelle Dinoire in 2005.
    Turkish doctors were performing another operation Saturday from the same donor, on a 34-year old man in what was reported as the world's first double arm and single leg transplant.
    Doctors were transplanting limbs to a man who lost both arms and one leg when he was electrocuted at the age of 11, said Anatolia. “Today could be a day of many firsts for the medical world,” the Anadolu Agency quoted Dr. Zafer Aydin as saying.
    “We are hoping that the operation is a success and that it is a world first,” said Aydin, who heads the organ transplant unit at the hospital in western Turkey where the donor’s limbs were removed. “Two arms and a leg have never been transplanted on one patient until today.”
    The hospital in Antalya said an announcement would be made after the surgery.
    Anadolu said Atilla Kavdir, the 34-year-old receiving the limbs, lost his arms and right leg when he was 11 after he hit power lines outside his home with an iron rod to scare away pigeons and received an electric shock.
    The world’s first double arm transplant was in Germany in 2008, while the first double leg transplant took place in Spain in July 2011.
    Taken from Arab News.
    First Face Transplant in Turkey!

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    Riana17's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: First Face Transplant in Turkey!

    May this operation brings a better life for them. Ameen ya rabb
    First Face Transplant in Turkey!

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    Re: First Face Transplant in Turkey!

    Asalaamu Alaikum,

    Inshallah, may this surgery make things better for him.
    First Face Transplant in Turkey!

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  10. #8
    ~Zaria~'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: First Face Transplant in Turkey!


    Please read the following thread: http://www.islamicboard.com/health-s...attempted.html (perhaps these 2 threads can be linked......)

    Also, please do read the islamic ruling on organ donation that has been added.


    Last edited by ~Zaria~; 01-29-2012 at 05:37 AM.
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  11. #9
    Muezzin's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: First Face Transplant in Turkey!

    I thought the first face transplant was a swap-me-do between John Travolta and Nicholas Cage.

    Hollywood lied to me.

    Also, threads merged.

    See what I did there, with the Face Off, and the merging two different threads, and the swapsies and the ohmyIvegonecrosseyed
    Last edited by Muezzin; 02-03-2012 at 11:04 PM.
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    First Face Transplant in Turkey!

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    ~Zaria~'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: First Face Transplant in Turkey!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin View Post
    I thought the first face transplant was a swap-me-do between John Travolta and Nicholas Cage.

    Hollywood lied to me.

    Also, threads merged.

    See what I did there, with the Face Off, and the merging two different threads, and the swapsies and the ohmyIvegonecrosseyed

    In fact, you are right - the 'first' face transplant probably was that seen on Face Off - in 1997 (geez, I feel old! )

    I guess, as with many other things, Hollywood was preparing us for things to come......almost a decade in advance......

    Makes you think......

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