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Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not?

    immunize 1 - Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    “Immunizations the best thing to protect your child from a variety of diseases.”

    You hear this from your doctor from the media, from the brochures in the clinic, from your friends. But, did you ever stop to think twice about what it all means?

    Did you ever look deeper into the issue and the other side of the story?
    Well let’s read on…..

    Your child is just born and one of the first things you do is call the clinic to schedule an appointment for your first “well-baby” visit. During the visit, after about 1 or 2 months, you can expect your baby to be weighed, measured, and put through excruciating pain from several shots in the leg. Your baby has just received his first immunization (or vaccination) shots and you allow it to happen without even questioning. It is just assumed that your pediatrician has your best interests in mind and that immunizations are the best thing to protect your child from a variety of diseases. You hear this from your doctor, from the media, from the brochures in the clinic, from your friends. You figure that the pain your baby has just gone through is worth the protection that he receives.
    But, did you ever stop to think twice about what it all means? Did you ever look deeper into the issue and read the other side of the story? (The one that is not provided by your doctor). Did you know, for example, that immunizations may cause serious side effects in children, even as serious as death? Did you know that immunizations actually weaken the immune system and make it work less effectively and efficiently? Were you aware that immunizations contain harmful chemicals that are not indigenous to the body? Did you know that your child might still contract a disease even if he or she has been immunized against?

    If you have a new baby, a young child or are considering having children in the future, these are concerns that you want to investigate and learn more about. Many parents have, and they have decided NOT to immunise their children. Let us look into this matter more closely and also consider it form an Islamic perspective. The health and well being of your child may be at stake.

    Myths and Realities

    Myth 1. “Vaccines are effective at protecting people from diseases”
    Reality: Many studies in the medical literature have documented vaccine failure. Measles, mumps, small pox, polio and Hib outbreaks have all occurred in vaccinated populations. In 1989, for example measles outbreaks occurred in schools with vaccination levels greater than 98% (Centres for Disease Control). The World Health Organization has actually found that a person who is vaccinated for measles has a 15 times greater likelihood of contracting the disease than a person who is not. The effectiveness of the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine has been reported to be around 50%. In an incident in Kansas in 1986, 90% of pertussis cases were found to have been vaccinated. In another study of rubella, 36% of adolescent females who had been vaccinated against the disease lacked evidence of immunity by blood tests. Following the introduction of the diphtheria vaccine in various countries, incidents of the disease actually increased phenomenally. In France, there was a 30% increase; in Hungary, a 55% increase; and in Geneva, Switzerland, there was a tripling of the disease. All of this occurring after the introduction of mass compulsory vaccinations in those countries. In Australia, where vaccinations are not mandatory and only about ½ of the population receives them, the rates of illness are the same for both the vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups.
    What all of these facts point to (and there are many more related to this) is that vaccinations are not as effective as people are made to believe. A person who has been vaccinated has no guarantee that he will not contract the disease and chances are that if he does, it will be at a later age when the consequences are much more serious. The truth of the matter is that when immunity to disease is acquired naturally (such as through breastfeeding or through contact at a young age), the possibility of re-infection is only 3.2%. If the “immunity” comes from the artificial means of vaccinations, the chance of re-infection is 80%. In any epidemic, only a small percentage of the population actually contracts the disease, many of them being naturally immune. If a person who has been vaccinated does not contract the disease, this proves nothing. Chances are that even without the vaccination, he or she would not have gotten the disease any way.

    Myth 2: “Vaccines are the main reason for declines in disease rates”
    Reality: Most declines in diseases occurred before the introduction of mass immunizations. Infectious disease deaths in the United States and England declined an average of 80% prior to vaccinations. The British Association for the Advancement of Science found that childhood diseases decreased by 90% between 1850 and 1940, long before mandatory vaccination programs. European countries that refused immunizations for small pox and polio saw these epidemics end along with countries that had mandated them. Other infectious diseases continued to decline even in the absence of vaccines for them. This included declines in tuberculosis, chicken pox, scarlet fever, typhus, typhoid and plague.

    So what, you may ask, were the reasons for the decrease in diseases at this point in time. Research has found that improved sanitation and hygienic practices; along with improvements in diet and other health factors were the main contributing factors in eradication many diseases. A recent report by the World Health Organization supported this fact. The report found that “disease and mortality rates in third world countries have no direct correlation with immunization procedures or medical treatment, but are closely related to the standard of diet and hygiene.” What this means is that it is not as important to be immunized as it is to eat healthily and maintain personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness.

    Myth 3: “Vaccines are completely safe for children.”

    Reality: Vaccines are much more dangerous than we are even aware of. This is information that you will probably not receive from your doctor and if you child does have a reaction, it is unlikely that your doctor will report it. In 1986, the United States Congress created The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which acknowledges the reality of vaccine-caused injuries and death. This law requires doctors to provide parents with information about the benefits and risks of childhood vaccines prior to vaccination and also requires doctors to report vaccine reactions to federal health officials. The Food and Drug Administration, which monitors this (along with the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention), acknowledged that 90% of doctors do not report vaccine reactions as required by law.
    More than 12,000 adverse reactions to vaccines are reported each year. If the rate of under-reporting is considered, this number should be closer to 120,000. Vaccine-related deaths occurring each year may be over 1000. The compensation portion of the Vaccine Injury Act awards up to $250,000 if a child dies from a vaccination or millions in dollars to cover lifelong medical bills, pain and suffering in the case of a brain-damaged child. By 1997, more than $802 million had been awarded for hundreds of injuries and deaths (5000 cases, 700 of which were deaths). Thousands of cases are still pending and the estimated future liability for the government exceeds $1.7 billion. A portion of the money that parents pay for vaccinations goes to this congressional fund, which basically means that you are paying insurance each time your child is vaccinated.

    In many cases, vaccinations are more serious than the diseases they are meant to protect a person from. The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is probably the most dangerous. The chances of suffering a serious adverse reaction to DPT vaccines are 1 in 1750, while the chances of dying from pertussis each year are 1 in several million. A study at UCLA found that 1 in 13 children had persistent high pitched crying after the DPT shot. One in 700 had convulsions or shock, which may cause learning disabilities or brain damage. Vaccinations, in general, have been linked to disorders of the blood, brain, skin, and nervous system. This includes encephalitis (central nervous system disorder, brain damage), paralysis, nerve inflammation, diseases of the lymph glands, skin disorders, allergies, arthritis, cancer.
    National and International studies have shown a link between vaccinations and SIDS (sudden Infant Death Syndrome). One study found that the peak incidence of SIDS occurred at the ages of 2 and 4 months, the time when the first routine vaccinations are given. Another study concluded that ½ of SIDS cases (2500 of 5000) are related to vaccinations. In the mid-70’s, when Japan raised their vaccinations age from 2 months to 2 years, the incidence of SIDS dropped dramatically. The disturbing fact in the United State is that coroners refuse to check the vaccination state of SIDS victims, which makes it difficult to prove many cases.

    Other important truths to consider include the fact that vaccinations actually weaken the immune system rather than strengthen it. They only focus on one aspect of the immune system, which interferes with the body’s ability to initiate a “generalized response”. Only that one particular aspect of the system will function. What this means is that the vaccinations produce immune suppression which contributes to an increased susceptibility to other diseases and infections. This may explain why the rate of childhood illness has actually increased rather than decreased in this society. Vaccinations also contain additional chemicals such as formaldehyde, mercury (thimerosal), and aluminum phosphate, which are extremely toxic substances that can lead to hazardous effects. Microscopic doses may lead to cancer, neurological damage, and even death. Several of these may accumulate in the body such that the lethality increases as the number of vaccine increase.
    And the story continues. This is only the tip of the iceberg and there is a larger amount of information available for those who wish to learn more (see websites listed below). It is important that parents become educated and knowledgeable about immunizations so that they can make an informed choice rather than be manipulated by the medical establishment.
    It is important that parents become educated and knowledgeable about immunizations so that they can make an informed choice rather than be manipulated by the medical establishment.
    An Islamic Perspective
    From an Islamic perspective there are several issues that need to be considered in relation to this topic. This discussion goes much deeper than the mere physical effects of immunizations. We need to peruse the Creation of Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, and its perfection, the Provisions and Sustenance provided to us by Allah, and Will of Allah as it pertains to our existence. Let us proceed.

    Creation of Allah
    Allah says, “We have indeed created man in the best of moulds.” (95:4). The Arabic word in this verse is taqweem, which can be translated as mold, form, nature, constitution. Although this especially refers to the spiritual nature of man, it can also mean the mental and physical structure. There is no faulty in Allah’s creation. Allah gave man the purest and best nature, and perfection and balance are evident in man’s physical, mental, and spiritual composition.
    Allah, subhanahu wa ta’la, says,

    “O mankind! What has made you careless concerning your Lord, the Most Generous? Who created you, fashioned you, and gave you due proportion; in whatever form He willed, He put you together.” (Qur’an 82:6-8).

    Focusing on the physical aspect, one need only study the systems of the body to comprehend the significance of these verses and the wonder of Allah’s creation. The human body is composed of a number of specialized systems: the digestive system, the respiratory system, the nervous system, the muscular system, the blood circulation system, the skeleton, the skin, the senses, the immune system and so forth. Each one of these system is miraculous in nature and more amazing than any scientific advancement that man can achieve. (Sayyid Qutb, In the Shade of the Qur’an). Why then is man so heedless? Why does he overlook the wonders of his own constitution? Why does he neglect the One who gave him these special gifts? “O mankind! What has made you careless concerning our Lord, the Most Generous?” Why does he think that he can improve the perfect creation of Allah and make it work more effectively?

    Concerning immunizations, this is exactly what humans are attempting to do. The assumption behind them is that the body is not “perfect” enough to withstand infectious diseases; that somehow Allah did not complete his job or carry it out well enough (astaghfir Allah); that the immune system is faulty and needs correction; that a young baby, as little as 1 or 2 months old, is somehow flawed, incomplete, and in need of human intervention to survive. All of these assumptions are erroneous and reflect a skepticism that should not be present in the belief system of a Muslim. This may seem like an intense subject for what would appear to be a straight forward issue, but a deeper level of analysis is required here. One cannot doubt the verses of the Qur’an highlighted above nor expect that he can accomplish more than Allah. As Muslims we should not fall into this kind of trap. We must believe in the perfection of Allah’s creation and understand that immunizations are in no way able to improve upon it. Chances are that they will only disturb the system and introduce an imperfection, (which is already being determined by research).

    Provisions of Allah
    Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, not only created us in the finest form, but He also gave us the tools to maintain this form and to assist in its self-actualization. We are warned that our body and our health are gifts from Allah and that we will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment of them. The Prophet (pbuh) informed us, “Every servant of Allah will remain standing before Allah on the Day of Judgment until he has answered five questions about five things; his life – how he spent it; his knowledge – how much he acted upon it; his wealth – how he acquired it and how he spent it; and his body (and health) – how he used it.” (Muslims). The Prophet (Pbuh) also said, “There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) health and free time for doing good.” (Bukhari)
    It is incumbent upon a Muslim to take care of his body to the best of his ability and to follow what Allah has ordained in this regard. The provisions of Allah are many. A mother is instructed to nurse her child from the moment of birth. Allah says,

    “Mothers shall nurse their children two complete years for whoever wishes to complete the nursing (period).” (Qur’an 2:233).

    Breast milk has been found to be the most beneficial substance for a baby and contains much more than nutrients. It also provides antibodies, strengthens the immune system, and protects the child from many diseases. This is a wondrous gift that gives an already healthy baby an even healthier start in life.

    Muslims are instructed to eat from the good and lawful food of the earth.
    “They ask you what is lawful to them (as food): say: Lawful unto you are (all) things good and pure.” (Qur’an 5:4)

    “O you people! Eat of what is on earth lawful and good; and do not follow the footsteps of the evil one for he is to you an avowed enemy.” (Qur’an 2:168).

    We now know the benefits of eating healthy and pure food and avoiding all that is harmful to our bodies. The use of honey, black seed, dates, olive oil, etc. are encouraged to prevent illness and as cures when the need arises. The type of food that we eat can affect all of our bodily systems, oftentimes in very insidious ways.
    Other provisions that Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, has given us include the command to avoid alcohol and all types of drugs, which can lead to serious consequences (health-related and others). Adultery and fornication are forbidden, which can cause various types of sexually transmitted diseases. Pork and pork products, which may lead to various illnesses, are also not allowed. And so on…..

    What this means in relation to immunizations is that they are really unnecessary. For one who follows the commands of Allah, the chances of having long-term health will be increased. Even if a disease is contracted, the person with a strong immune system will likely be able to combat it. This in turn, will strengthen the immune system more and give life-long immunity to that particular disease. As mentioned earlier, immunizations actually have weaken the immune system and led to all types of problems in children. Their use has even upset the epidemiology of illnesses, causing them to appear more often in adulthood when the effects are usually much more serious. It is evident from all of this that manipulation and altering Allah’s creation only leads to detrimental outcomes.

    Will of Allah

    We often forget that what happens in our lives comes from the Will and Power of Allah. Nothing occurs except what has been decreed by Allah. Although we do have some limited control over events, the ultimate control is with Us are its depositories, and We do not send it down except according to a known (specified) measure.” (15:21).

    “Say you (o Muhammad): ‘Indeed the affairs belong wholly to Allah.’ (Qur’an 3:154)
    If a child is to experience an illness, this is from the decree of Allah; and if he is to be cured from it, this is also from the decree of Allah. To rely upon humans to somehow prevent or cure the child without also trusting in Allah, is a sign of weakness in faith. Whatever good or bad happens to us we should say “Alhumdulillah” because it is from Allah and He has decreed it for some reason (either as a test or as punishment). Allah says,
    “No calamity befalls, but with the leave (decision and Qadar) of Allah, and whosoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart, and Allah is the all Knower of everything.” (Qur’an 64:11).

    We should rely upon Allah and ask Him to assist us in our times of need. The use of ruqya (supplication to Allah) is much more powerful than any medicine that is available because Allah is the only One Who can send the cure.


    Although Islam is not contrary to medical and technological “Development”, it is important to understand that these are not always in our best interests. Many of these “advancements” have actually led to serious, detrimental outcomes. Television, for example, has been lauded as one of the major inventions of this century, but at the same time it has lead to the numbing of children’s minds, a decline in communication within families, and misguidance for many. Immunizations are touted as a miraculous form of illness prevention, when in fact they are nothing more than a moneymaking scheme for doctors and pharmaceutical companies. They have, in actuality, caused more hams than benefits and have disrupted the natural order of Allah’s Creation.
    Before you take your child for; his or her next round of immunizations consider this important information and research the topic further. It is in the best interests of your child to do so. Look to Allah’s guidance (the Qur’an and Sunnah) for assistance in all matters, including physical health. If we follow Allah’s plan in creation and submit to His commands, there should be no need for artificial interventions. Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, ha provided us with bounties beyond our imagination and they are readily and naturally available to us. We only need to make use of them.
    The Shocking Facts:
    By the time a child enters first grade, he or she will have received as many as 10 different vaccines for a total of 19 shots. 98% of children living in the United State receive the recommended shots

    • The numbers of vaccines has doubled in the last decade
    • New vaccines are coming out on a more regular basis
    • The United Nations has committed $150 million to develop a “Super Vaccine” to provide immunity against 30 childhood diseases in a single shot.

    In 1950, before mass immunizations began, the United States had the third lowest infant mortality rate in the world. By 1995, it dropped to 23rd place and is world renowned for its appalling infant mortality rate.
    Vaccination Websites:
    Think twice Global Vaccine Institute.
    (Contains a link for the New Atlantean Press which publishes and sells book on vaccinations).
    Dispelling Vaccination Myths

    Vaccine and Immunization Information Links.
    National Vaccine Information Center
    Global Vaccine Awareness League
    Vaccines: The Truth Revealed


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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    Dr. Aisha Hamdan per my research is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology.. I'd like to see her work in preventative medicine, immunology/virology/epidemiology and ongoing research in vaccinations.

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    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by Snowflake View Post
    Why does he think that he can improve the perfect creation of Allah and make it work more effectively?

    Concerning immunizations, this is exactly what humans are attempting to do. The assumption behind them is that the body is not “perfect” enough to withstand infectious diseases; that somehow Allah did not complete his job or carry it out well enough (astaghfir Allah); that the immune system is faulty and needs correction; that a young baby, as little as 1 or 2 months old, is somehow flawed, incomplete, and in need of human intervention to survive.
    I'm sorry, but this is such BS...

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    cOsMiCiNtUiTiOn's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by Tyrion View Post

    I'm sorry, but this is such BS...
    How is it BS? Please explain.

    Here's another article that may be of interest on this topic sis snowflake

    katme150x150 1 - Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan
    A. Majid Katme, MBBCh, DPM (medical doctor)Spokesman, Islamic Medical Association (UK)
    January 21, 2011
    We are giving our innocent children haraam (forbidden) substances and harmful chemicals that destroy their natural immune systems, causing disease, suffering and death. All Muslim doctors and parents should be aware of vaccine ingredients, and of the failed efficacy of vaccines. The harm is clearly greater than the benefit. The time has come to take a stand for truth.
    Vaccine Ingredients

    Vaccine ingredients include heavy metals, pus from sores of diseased animals, horse serum, calf serum, faecal matter, foetal cells, urine, macerated cancer cells, sweepings from diseased children, formaldehyde (a carcinogen used in embalming fluid), phenol (a carcinogen capable of causing paralysis, convulsions, coma, necrosis and gangrene), lactalbumin hydrolysate (an emulsifier), aluminium phosphate (an aluminium salt that is corrosive to tissues), retro-virus SV-40 (a contaminant virus in some polio vaccines), antibiotics (e.g., neomycin tm) that lead to antibiotic resistance, chick embryo (as a growth medium for the virus), sodium phosphate (a buffering salt), and foreign animal tissues containing genetic material (DNA/RNA) from the growth medium. Vaccines are also contaminated with mycoplasma, bacteria, monkey viruses and various adjuvants. Heavy metals includethiomersal (mercury) as a preservative and aluminium as an adjuvant. Mercury and aluminium have each been proved to damage the brain and nervous system. In some cases, thiomersal has been replaced by another neurotoxin known as 2PE. Vaccines also contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), sorbitol, and gelatine. Many of these ingredients are not allowed for Muslims, Jews, Hindus or vegetarians.
    A Fatally-flawed System of Intervention

    Vaccination is based on the long-discredited theory that stimulation of antibodies in the human body equals protection from disease. This theory has not only failed to be proved, but has been repeatedly disproved. Stimulation of antibodies does not equal immunity and certainly does not equal permanent immunity. The presence of antibodies is merely a sign of exposure to a disease, which is just one small aspect of what makes up the immune system. Children, with underdeveloped and immature immune systems, receive today about 25 separate vaccines by the age of 13 months. There is no doubt this irresponsible system disrupts and can even destroy the development of their immune systems forever.
    Vaccines commonly given to children in the United Kingdom today include – TWO MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + pneumococcal (six components, two needles); THREE MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + meningitis C (six components, two needles); FOUR MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + pneumococcal + meningitisC (seven components, three needles); 12 MONTHS: HIB meningitis and meningitis C (two components, two needles); 13 MONTHS: measles, mumps, rubella + pneumococcal vaccine (four components, two needles). This reflects a grave medical assault inflicted on the small, weak, defenceless bodies of our innocent children.
    Just a Few of the Monstrous Problems

    Unthinkably, vaccine studies do not include placebo groups. Instead, they use other vaccines in “control” groups, making it impossible to properly note actual rates of adverse events between a test group and real control group. No research has been done on the long-term effects of vaccines. Post-marketing data of reactions, injury and death go ignored. Moreover, the system lacks individualization. Apparently, one size fits all. There is no pre-screening for immune problems and allergies. Overloading the human body with infections and sub-infections will irreparably disrupt and destroy the immune system. Chemicals in vaccines induce allergies, asthma, and autoimmune disease, including autism. By the way, don’t let any indoctrinated doctor tell you vaccines do not cause autism. Do your own research. Sexual immorality and adultery are stirred by offering our daughters HPV vaccination against cervical cancer. Notably and incredibly, the HPV vaccine is shown to make some recipients even more susceptible to cervical cancer. According to many scientific reports, there is additional concern that some vaccines cause infertility and are used for clandestine population control. The proper role of medicine is to work to find and prevent the root cause of disease, not treat symptoms or fill the body with chemicals and vaccines.
    Islam and Medical Science Must Oppose Vaccination

    The case against vaccination is first an Islamic one, based on Islamic ethos regarding the perfection of the natural human body’s immune defence system, empowered by great and prophetic guidance to avoid most infections. The case against vaccination is also a medical and health-related one. Incredible evidence, unbeknownst to most, has emerged in the West regarding the many serious health hazards that affect those who have been vaccinated.
    Islam and the Immune System

    Colostrum in breast milk, a rich source of myriad antibodies, is extraordinarily important in conveying immunity to the child during the first few days after birth. Breastfeeding up to two years gives incredible immunity into the future. Medical studies evidence the amazing protection of breastfeeding against infections, even including poliomyelitis. The first two years of life are a crucial time during which the child’s body will develop a natural and mature immune system. Vaccination disrupts and damages the natural process of human development. God (Allah), the Creator, the Designer, has organised for the destruction of most germs and viruses through the natural process of entry-and-defence via skin, mucous, and the stomach. This process is very different from injection of a vaccine directly into the body without crossing natural defence barriers. Twenty-five weakened diseases are destructively pushed by needlepoint into the bodies of our fragile children at a stage when they are developing their own natural defence systems.Infection and disease are medically proven to regularly succumb to spontaneous, self-remitting recovery. Childhood bouts with infectious disease help build the immune system against future attacks. As our beloved physician and prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, has told us, for every disease there is a cure. The final holy book, Al Qur’an, is an awesome medical source for both prevention and cure of disease. To best prepare the body, the Muslim should use natural and permissible nutrition from Yayyib (natural) food and drink. Of further importance, we need to address the root causes of morbidity and mortality: poverty, malnutrition, lack of clean drinking water, lack of a healthy and natural foods, lack of proper sewage, and toxins in the environment and body.The Islamic behaviour of seeking halal (lawful) and avoiding harram has been linked to health throughout time by many Muslim doctors and scientists, especially in the field of preventative medicine. Great care should be given to personal hygiene, including hand washing at about 25 times per day (15 times before the five daily prayers during wudu [absolution]). Properly practising daily personal hygiene will avoid many infections. Many fruits and other healthy foods prescribed in Islam have been found to prevent disease and strengthen the immune system, including olive and olive oil, ginger, grapes, pomegranate, vinegar, rosemary and figs. Islamic-prescribed complementary medicine protects us from disease and strengthens our natural immune system, including honey, fasting, prayer (meditation), Du’A (special prayer) for the sick, black seed, Hijama (blood cupping), holy fruits and foods, breastfeeding, aromatherapy, Zam Zam (drinking holy water at Makkah, Saudi Arabia at the time of pilgrimage), and laying on of hands with a special prayer. Frequent exposure to the sun for vitamin D and a diet rich in vitamin D prevents many diseases. Islam prohibits Muslims from taking any harmful medicine or substance. Even where there is doubt or controversy, Islam orders us to leave it completely. This applies to vaccines.

    The Truth Be Told

    Harram in many vaccines include human foetuses, gelatine from pork, alcohol, and human and animal parts. These najis (unclean), haraam ingredients are not given in a state of emergency to save life at present. It is ridiculous to introduce myriad infective agents into millions of people as a “just in case” prevention of future infection. It is very wrong that Muslim doctors have adopted a medical intervention that contains so many haraamsand harmful chemicals.
    In Islam, the human body is holy. We should protect and keep it natural, pure, healthy and safe. As vaccines are neither pure nor natural, it is no wonder that science and medicine have found them to be so incredibly dangerous. A well-orchestrated pharmaceutical industry plan of scaremongering exists to create fear in parents who do not vaccinate their children. Doctors and governments have been indoctrinated and corrupted by a gigantic and incredibly powerful industry into advocating obligatory vaccination, contrary to health and human and religious rights. This has happened not to advance health, but for profit. Vaccines should not be pushed or forced on anyone.

    The Case for Opposing Vaccination
    • It disrupts and destroys the natural immune systems of our innocent children
    • It produces many physical and medical problems
    • It increases antibiotic resistance among many patients
    • It can make many people sterile or infertile
    • It contains many harmful chemicals like mercury and aluminium
    • It lacks scientific, independent evidence of efficacy and safety
    • It contains many haraam substances for the 1600 million Muslims in the world (the latest of which is the vaccine for Meningitis for the Muslim Pilgrims who are going to Hajj was found to contain pork, which isharram.)
    • It also contains substances which are prohibited for Jews, Hindus and vegetariansIt is unhygienic and full of filth
    • It wastes trillions of dollars and is making the people and governments in poor third world countries poorer and more in debt, and the drug companies filthy rich
    • It is medically unethical, as it took us away from dealing with the causes of the diseases and work on prevention. It is a very wrong medical practice to use a vaccine against every ill
    • It lacks transparency and informed consent. Most parents, the public, and even doctors are not aware of its harms, ingredients and cost
    • A rising number of doctors, health professionals and parents are joining the campaign against vaccination (websites below)
    • We have many natural ways to build a natural strong immune system to fight most infections
    • We have many natural, safe alternatives
    • Incredibly, the Big Pharma producers of vaccines are exempt from any liability or prosecution, regardless of the number of people who die or are injured
    • Our innocent children are suffering and they gave no consent at all for the vaccines forced on them. This constitutes a medical assault
    Web Resources

    I posted this the other day, It is worth watching, it isn't about scare tactics regarding vaccines, it is medical research.

    Last edited by cOsMiCiNtUiTiOn; 06-23-2012 at 09:49 PM.
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    not giving your child a vaccine can cause them more harm than that pus from serum of horse can, okay.

    This anti-vaccination campaign is so BS. Cant believe that Muslims with rational mind will buy into this stuff.

    Ys vaccine has weakend or daed virus in it, but its there to help the body.

    Was Allah swt "incapable" when he created a baby just born with weak immune system? Was Allah incapable when he let mother's igG cross the placenta? naudubillah. Was Allah incapable when He created a baby with Downs syndrome? What stupid argument by Dr. Hamdan.
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by CosmicPathos View Post
    not giving your child a vaccine can cause them more harm than that pus from serum of horse can, okay.

    This anti-vaccination campaign is so BS. Cant believe that Muslims with rational mind will buy into this stuff.

    Again, how is it BS? Please Explain.

    - cOsMiC
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    If Muslims going to Hajj were not given meningococcus vaccine, do you know how many Hajjis will die from meningitis? God ... this is getting ridiculous.

    Calling vaccines "unpure and unclean" is BS. Does the author know that even breathing in today's air is unclean and unpure? When he takes one breath in, he breathes in millions of bacteria into his lungs. He has already destroyed the "pureness" of his body.
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    and it is BS because there is TONS of scientific evidence to show that vaccinations prevent disease. That is exactly how we humans completely annihilated the disease small pox. This disease does not exist anymore. How did we humans do that? yes, you read it, by vaccinations! OKAY. Not by some quack's snake oil.
    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by CosmicPathos View Post
    not giving your child a vaccine can cause them more harm than that pus from serum of horse can, okay.

    This anti-vaccination campaign is so BS. Cant believe that Muslims with rational mind will buy into this stuff.

    Ys vaccine has weakend or daed virus in it, but its there to help the body.

    Was Allah swt "incapable" when he created a baby just born with weak immune system? Was Allah incapable when he let mother's igG cross the placenta? naudubillah. Was Allah incapable when He created a baby with Downs syndrome? What stupid argument by Dr. Hamdan.
    format_quote Originally Posted by CosmicPathos View Post
    If Muslims going to Hajj were not given meningococcus vaccine, do you know how many Hajjis will die from meningitis? God ... this is getting ridiculous.

    Calling vaccines "unpure and unclean" is BS. Does the author know that even breathing in today's air is unclean and unpure? When he takes one breath in, he breathes in millions of bacteria into his lungs. He has already destroyed the "pureness" of his body.
    Nope, I don't know. Do you know how many hajis would die? If so, according to whom? As far as I know, Allah has appointed a time of death for all of us. Read the other article and then watch the full video posted, then we can continue this conversation.

    As far as a baby's immune system, A baby has a right to be breastfed for 2 years of his/her life, all of mother's immunity are passed on through the breast milk and there is no necessity for vaccination or intervention from anyone. Indeed Allah's creation is perfect, I don't find Dr. Hamdan's argument stupid.

    - cOsMiC
    Last edited by cOsMiCiNtUiTiOn; 06-23-2012 at 10:12 PM.
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    - No i dont know exactly how many Hajis, specifically which Hajji, would die, as medicine cant pinpoint the exact person who will get meningitis. But we for sure can study the population epidemiology and study the populations. More hajis will die from meningitis if they did not have meningococcal vaccine. I for sure dont want to send my parents to Hajj and then let them develop meningitis (God forbid) from the coughing of another hajji!!!!! I dont want any other Hajji to be the indirect cause of my parents death. (may Allah give them long and healthy life).

    Yes Allah has appointed time for death but we only know that once the person has died. We cant say that Allah has appointed time for death anyways so might as well then go on a reckless behavior. Do you know the history of spanish flu in 1918?

    As for being breastfed. if mother is not immune/exposed to those viruses, she wont have IgG antibodies against them in her body and she wont transfer them to the baby even via breastmilk. So that baby will be exposed. Hope it is clear now sis.

    Last edited by CosmicPathos; 06-23-2012 at 10:17 PM.
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by CosmicPathos View Post
    and it is BS because there is TONS of scientific evidence to show that vaccinations prevent disease. That is exactly how we humans completely annihilated the disease small pox. This disease does not exist anymore. How did we humans do that? yes, you read it, by vaccinations! OKAY. Not by some quack's snake oil.
    There's also plenty of evidence that vaccines have done nothing, and medical information is not given in full to the public, small pox was already diminishing by the time vaccines were introduced.

    Interestingly enough, One of the top pediatricians in t he United states (Robert W. Sears M.D F.A.A.P) Says this in his book titled "The Vaccine Book"

    Doctors, myself included, learn a lot about diseases in medical school, but we learn very little about vaccines, other than the fact that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies do extensive research on vaccines to make sure they are safe and effective. We don't review the research ourselves. We never learn what goes into making vaccines or how their safety is studied. We trust and take it for granted that the proper researchers are doing their jobs. So, when patients want a little more information about shots, all we can really say as doctors is that the diseases are bad and the shots are good. But we don't know enough to answer all of your detailed questions about vaccines. Nor do we have the time during regular health checkup to thoroughly discuss and debate the pros and cons of vaccines

    The book itself is very well written and neutral on vaccines. He took it upon himself to clear this area up because in the states, more and more parents are questioning the vaccinations and many are starting to reject them. Such as myself.

    As I said, start by watching the video I provided you with. Then come back and argue those points if you wish. There is no transcription for it if not I'd provide that instead.

    - cOsMiC
    Last edited by cOsMiCiNtUiTiOn; 06-23-2012 at 10:19 PM. Reason: typos are fantastic
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by CosmicPathos View Post

    As for being breastfed. if mother is not immune/exposed to those viruses, she wont have IgG antibodies against them in her body and she wont transfer them to the baby even via breastmilk. So that baby will be exposed. Hope it is clear now sis.

    As a mother is exposed she passes on immunity. There is no need to pass on an immunity for a disease that is not around. for example, if mother is exposed to the latest flu virus, baby is automatically protected from that, that is why baby has a right to be breastfed for 2 years, it gives enough time for the immune system to strengthen.

    - cOsMiC
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by CosmicPathos View Post
    this is getting ridiculous.
    I don't understand AT ALL this call for extermination of Muslims but in a different style..
    People who can't back what they say with science nor actually understand the whole physiology behind humoral and cellular immunity are giving such detrimental advise to others and perpetuating mass hysteria and non facts.

    la 7awala wla qiwta illa billah is all I can say!
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by cOsMiCiNtUiTiOn View Post
    There's also plenty of evidence that vaccines have done nothing, and medical information is not given in full to the public, small pox was already diminishing by the time vaccines were introduced.
    Which vaccines have done nothing? Some vaccines surely dont work 100%, and patients are told about that! Others work almost 100%, such as Hep B vaccine!

    Just cuz some vaccines dont work 100%, who gave you or anyone the right to call ALL vaccines useless? Not scientific.

    Medicine is not magic. There are always complications, you ahve to balance benefits vs risks. But to deny benefits all together is madness. Nothing else to say.

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by cOsMiCiNtUiTiOn View Post
    As a mother is exposed she passes on immunity. There is no need to pass on an immunity for a disease that is not around. for example, if mother is exposed to the latest flu virus, baby is automatically protected from that, that is why baby has a right to be breastfed for 2 years, it gives enough time for the immune system to strengthen.

    - cOsMiC
    A mother only confers IgG immunoglobulin through the placenta and only for a period of six months post natal.

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by cOsMiCiNtUiTiOn View Post
    Doctors, myself included, learn a lot about diseases in medical school, but we learn very little about vaccines, other than the fact that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies do extensive research on vaccines to make sure they are safe and effective. We don't review the research ourselves. We never learn what goes into making vaccines or how their safety is studied. We trust and take it for granted that the proper researchers are doing their jobs. So, when patients want a little more information about shots, all we can really say as doctors is that the diseases are bad and the shots are good. But we don't know enough to answer all of your detailed questions about vaccines. Nor do we have the time during regular health checkup to thoroughly discuss and debate the pros and cons of vaccines
    No medical doctor or student denies that. But just we have not seen the process, does not mean it doesnt work. Our experience tells us that it works. Scientific peer reviewed studies tell us it works.

    My grand ma had hep b. I was vaccinated for hep B as a child. We lived together. I thank God I was vaccinated, I could have picked up hep B by using shared utensils if they had even a tiny amount of blood from her teeth/gums.
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    Why cant we trust our doctors and medical researchers? Why are one or two fools with little evidence to back up their statements, valued more than those that have evidences and follow the proper procedures. Otherwise, people need to create a system to test their theories! If a baby or child don't need a vaccine, then prove it! Don't just say it and write article! Back it up!

    Is that fool that caused mass panic with MMR (the doc did not carry out the research correctly and as a result was dismissed) fault that people don't trust medical research.
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by CosmicPathos View Post
    No medical doctor or student denies that. But just we have not seen the process, does not mean it doesnt work. Our experience tells us that it works. Scientific peer reviewed studies tell us it works.
    Please review the information provided in this thread, the video is 90 minutes long, no way you sat down to watch it already. This peer reviewed information is exactly where I'm getting at, where does it come from? All of the information that I have provided so far is from MD's, including the video.

    format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال View Post

    A mother only confers IgG immunoglobulin through the placenta and only for a period of six months post natal.

    Correct, and that is when baby needs its most and is most vulnerable. As baby gets older and is exposed to germs etc, his/her immune system begins to strengthen. There is a certain amount of IgG passed on through breast milk as well, along with plentiful IgA, which concentrates in body fluids such as tears, saliva, and the secretions of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, which is where we pass viruses and disease for the most part. You are not considering everything else breast milk has to protect against disease. Once baby is 6-8 months old and almost all IgA is gone, what will happen if child gets chicken pox? I think id we want to discuss breastfeeding we can move it to a new thread as it will derail the conversation a great deal, its a hefty subject. This is a good start though for those of you reading and who are interested. http://kellymom.com/pregnancy/bf-prep/how_breastmilk_protects_newborns/

    - cOsMiC

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by cOsMiCiNtUiTiOn View Post
    Correct, and that is when baby needs its most and is most vulnerable. As baby gets older and is exposed to germs etc, his/her immune system begins to strengthen. There is a certain amount of IgG passed on through breast milk as well, along with plentiful IgA, which concentrates in body fluids such as tears, saliva, and the secretions of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, which is where we pass viruses and disease for the most part. You are not considering everything else breast milk has to protect against disease. Once baby is 6-8 months old and almost all IgA is gone, what will happen if child gets chicken pox? I think id we want to discuss breastfeeding we can move it to a new thread as it will derail the conversation a great deal, its a hefty subject. This is a good start though for those of you reading and who are interested. http://kellymom.com/pregnancy/bf-pre...ects_newborns/
    Some infants are born with Chediak-Higashi syndrome some have agammaglobulinemia some have SIgAD some have Common variable immune deficiency some have selective IgM deficiency etc. etc. etc.
    what do you propose we do for them and how will a body already missing major components of its immune response to combat foreign bodies? and here's the paradigm shift what of the body that attacks its own self. Everything those evil big pharm co. do is just deadly, we should either die or pray it away, and why the insistence on sharing third party articles as if authoritative? That's not how research is done.. no feelings or conspiracy I assure you exists when we're trying to find a cure for rare enzymatic, or immune disease. You only commit a grievous disservice to your child when denying immunization and it is certainly your prerogative but it is no one's prerogative to accept false information as facts!

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    "The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used."
    --Dr. James A. Shannon National Institutes of Health

    Vaccines are NOT a cure. They are supposed means of prevention consisting of harmful and vile substances that have shown an increase in autism, auto-immune and other diseases. I don't agree vaccines as being a 'necessity' because the 'necessity overrides prohibition' ruling is applied when something is happening/happened - not from fear that it might happen. Otherwise, Allah and His Rasul (pbuh) would have told muslims to take pork with them when they travelled for days and months through deserts in case they might face starvation. No, never did shariah teach to carry on our person such a vile thing as a means of preventing death/disease. Then what makes us think that we can to pour dangerous and disgusting substances into our children bodies in case they get a disease - a disease which they may never get? This doesn't even come under the arguments for using harmful drugs as a cure. It's unbelievable to see people will ignore mounting evidence of the harm vaccines can do to a child and still let them have it out of fear that he might catch a disease. And I'd rather keep my stronger feelings to myself.

    P.S. Thanks for the article you posted sis Cosmicintuition
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