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Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us to pe

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    Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us to pe

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    I’m asking this because, recently I have read on the internet that someone discovered that the human brain has another undiscovered part of the brain which is now officially discovered, that allows us to perform telekinesis.

    Here’s the link from where I get this information:


    Is that true what I have found?

    If it is true, then why today we can’t perform telekinesis? Or some people have this kind of ability activated and others deactivated? Or, anyone can learn to perform this kind of ability?

    I need to know the truth about this kind of matter.
    Last edited by Nitro Zeus; 10-02-2018 at 04:31 PM.
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    HisServant's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    I’m asking this because, recently I have read on the internet that someone discovered that the human brain has another undiscovered part of the brain which is now officially discovered, that allows us to perform telekinesis.

    Here’s the link from where I get this information:


    Is that true what I have found?

    If it is true, then why today we can’t perform telekinesis? Or some people have this kind of ability activated and others deactivated? Or, anyone can learn to perform this kind of ability?

    I need to know the truth about this kind of matter.

    I am certain we are encouraged to make needed efforts to use all our potential and abilities bestowed for the purpose of worshiping Allah. How is telekinesis helpful in this aspect? Even if one were to have or achieved this power the importance of how it will serve our ibaadah must be understood.

    Powers can be from good sources or evil. Any action relies on a particular agent for performing that action. It's best advised not to be too fascinated by these things. Maybe one day Allah will give many powers and Insha'Allah those will be truly purposeful.

    The best power is dua really!This is the true example set by the greatest of leaders, prophet Muhammad pbuh who taught us to use our brains/minds to memorize and study the Quran, study the world and reflect deeply in the signs of Allah.

    "Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the [great] ships which sail through the sea with that which benefits people, and what Allah has sent down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and dispersing therein every [kind of] moving creature, and [His] directing of the winds and the clouds controlled between the heaven and the earth are signs for a people who use reason." - Quran 2:164

    - - - Updated - - -

    How The Quran Shapes The Brain

    "While learning the Quran, the careful attention to listening and pronunciation of verses stimulates an area of the brain located in the temporal lobe. The temporal lobe is also where the hippocampus is located, which is the memory consolidation center. It's also the brain region activated for processing of musical sounds such as the case when the Quran is recited. Moreover, it becomes involved when the student engages in handwriting exercises similar to the ones on the wooden board. Where this matters is that this is the part of the brain whose activity levels and capacities have been correlated with a person's aptitude for learning new information. The more activation this area receives, and the more involved this activation is such as the case with the Quran, the better and more efficient it becomes in its functions for learning and memory.

    The parietal lobes are also quite heavily engaged as one learns the Quran. The left parietal lobe deals with reading, writing, and functions in speech. It's also the part whose activity is important for math and logic problems. The right parietal lobe handles speech tone, which is related to elocution. It's also responsible for visuospatial relationships and understanding facial expressions. The front part is responsible for the sense of touch discrimination and recognition, which is active during handwriting. The back part plays an important role in attention. Both lobes are also activated during skill learning tasks. Overall, having parietal lobes that have been well activated translates to better logic and math-solving skills, eloquence in general speech, better ability at reading emotional states from facial cues, improved attention, and enhanced capacity for understanding visuospatial relationships. This last one can explain why Muslims were so good at astronomy.

    Other brain regions the activity of Quran recitation strongly activate are the frontal lobes and the primary motor cortex. The frontal lobes activity deals with higher order functions, including working memory, memory retrieval, speech production and written-word recognition, sustained attention, planning, social behavior, in addition to others. For example, as the student is reading the Othamni script, his brain must quickly decide on the proper pronunciation of the word, which without the diacritical marks means it must be distinguished from other possibilities that include not only wrong words, but also wrong enunciation depending on the specific recitation he's using out of the 10 valid ones. The amazing thing about this is that the brain after practice will do these things without conscious control from the student. This trains the area of the brain responsible for inhibition, which is important for social interaction. Children with ADHD have been shown to have this area to be under-developed.

    Given the Quran's content that for example includes descriptions of individuals and places, it activates the occipital lobes, which are involved in generating mental imagery. This brain region is also important in visual perception. Becoming active as a result of generating mental imagery indirectly improves visual perception capacities since the area activated is within the same region. The Quran is also rich in its content for history, parables, and logical arguments, all of which recruit different areas that become more efficient and better connected as they are continually activated due to the consistent review sessions.

    Putting all this together, it's no wonder Muslims were able to make such vast contributions to human knowledge in a relatively short amount of time, historically speaking. After the aspiring student during the height of Muslim rule has mastered the Quran, his education in other sciences began by the time he was in his early teenage years. Given the brain's malleable nature, the improved connections in one region indirectly affect and improve functions in adjacent locations. The process in studying the Quran over the previous years has trained his brain and enhanced its functions relating to visual perception, language, working memory, memory formation, processing of sounds, attention, skill learning, inhibition, as well as planning just to name a few. Now imagine what such an individual will be able to do when they tackle any subject. It makes sense how someone like Imam Al Ghazali can say he studied Greek philosophy on the side during his spare time and mastered it within 2 years.
    What was the Muslims' secret for their exponential rise in scientific advancement and contribution to human knowledge? Literally, the Quran when it was the centre of their education system."

    Last edited by eesa the kiwi; 07-14-2019 at 03:27 AM. Reason: Edited upon request
    Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us to pe

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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    I agree. Dua and reciting the qura'an and worshipping Allah is better than any power, telekinesis, intelligence, etc of this world and what is between it. For example, I ordered a beautiful tray from Turkey and when they mailed it to me they also added the blue eye that suppose to protect you from jealousy and evil eyes of people (we all know that is false)....as soon as I looked at the blue I was about to vomit. That eye is nothing more than representation of Shirk. To me..that blue and cross that christians put on their chest are one and the same. My family liked the blue eye...but I hated it. You want protection from jealousy and evil eyes of people then recite the last Surah in the qura'an and pray to Allah to protect you from the evil eye NOT SOME BLUE marble that does nothing except tempt you to make shirk.

    I am afraid our hearts are getting too attached to this miserable world and that is bad.

    I am going to start reading Qura'an. For the first intention for the pleasure of Allah (Subahanahu Wa Talaa), you get huge rewards in the afterlife, after the pleasure of Allah..for the purpose of getting my iman higher and better and after that for my brain. if I have children all of them will be reading Qura'an at the youngest age possible. If I can get them to recite al-fatiha at like age 2 or 3 I would do it...and I will homeschool them all. I want them to have healthy mind and healthy heart. NO MUSIC!

    Other thing...NO TV Limit as much as possible electronic stimulation...if I see them dropping in grade....no electronic stimulation for a year! I am going to be militant on this.
    Last edited by xboxisdead; 10-03-2018 at 11:46 PM.
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    ..telekinesis is moving things with the power of your mind.

    Got confused for a moment because it's usually telepathy.

    Anyway I watched the vid and I agree.. i believe that the person relating his theory has some experience with telekenisis.

    I didn't get to the part where people are activated and others not..

    But I agree with that also.

    I would imagine that one of the most clear proofs of such things were given to Moses pbuh.

    ...Although he didn't attribute it to any part of himself, But telekenisis is an established word.

    The other well known example is the stories of prophet suleman pbuh.
    Last edited by M.I.A.; 10-04-2018 at 03:17 AM.
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t


    Is telekinesis real? I mean i heard of people who can move objects with their mind. I read about it and it says that they use their mind. Is that like...
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post

    Is telekinesis real? I mean i heard of people who can move objects with their mind. I read about it and it says that they use their mind. Is that like...
    My father told me that these people can perform telekinesis by the help of Satan.

    How can I prove to him that telekinesis can actually come from God Himself and not necessarily to be from Satan?
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    My father told me that these people can perform telekinesis by the help of Satan.

    How can I prove to him that telekinesis can actually come from God Himself and not necessarily to be from Satan?
    Proof is sufficient enough that anything satan does only by the will of Allah. In fact, everything and I mean everything is by the will of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and I mean EVERYTHING!!! If Allah does not will it..nothing happens...not even if a rock falls from height. if Allah does not will it..the object will stay in mid-air and not move. if Allah wills it...the glass will chatter on my table and if Allah wills it the glass will not chatter even if a boulder falls on it. So any power is from Allah..ANY power...even intelligence is a risq that Allah have given that person...otherwise you could read the entire book on Earth and you come out drooling and going duuuuh if Allah did not will it for that person. Heck..even my lungs will not inhale or exhale without the will of Allah for my lungs to inhale or exhale. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) mentions in the Qura'an that the reasons the birds are flying is because Allah (Subahanu Wa Talaa) grabbed them and made them stay at the sky and not fall. Otherwise no feather or wing will make them fly. My soul only returns back to my body when I go to sleep is because Allah (Subanahu Wa talaa) sends it back..otherwise I will be dead.
    Last edited by xboxisdead; 10-04-2018 at 04:37 AM.
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    My father told me that these people can perform telekinesis by the help of Satan.

    How can I prove to him that telekinesis can actually come from God Himself and not necessarily to be from Satan?
    Allah swt has given us different powers and abilities, if are developed, can be activated to function. telekinesis may be one of them. I think so.
    Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us to pe

    Allah (swt) knows best
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    Allah swt has given us different powers and abilities, if are developed, can be activated to function. telekinesis may be one of them. I think so.
    Did Allah mentioned at least one of the powers and ability we have beside memorizing?
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    azc's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    Did Allah mentioned at least one of the powers and ability we have beside memorizing?
    You mean in Quran........?
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    You mean in Quran........?
    Ya in Quran, where else?
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  15. #12
    Ümit's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    I’m asking this because, recently I have read on the internet that someone discovered that the human brain has another undiscovered part of the brain which is now officially discovered, that allows us to perform telekinesis.

    Here’s the link from where I get this information:


    Is that true what I have found?

    If it is true, then why today we can’t perform telekinesis? Or some people have this kind of ability activated and others deactivated? Or, anyone can learn to perform this kind of ability?

    I need to know the truth about this kind of matter.
    I must say, you do have some interesting discussions going on at home haha. about Telekinesis, I do not know...according to science, we are only using just a tiny part of our brain actively...our brain is capable of much more...I do not know whether telekinesis is one of them. Story of Sulayman as is said that A jinn has retrieved Belkis her throne in the blink of an eye...whether by telekinesis or by huge strength or speed I do not know...we do know that jinns can be incredibly fast and strong....besides, the physics and laws of nature applies to us and may not apply to them...so this is a bad example.

    About Moses as, I do not know any story where telekinesis is been used.

    format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead View Post
    I agree. Dua and reciting the qura'an and worshipping Allah is better than any power, telekinesis, intelligence, etc of this world and what is between it. For example, I ordered a beautiful tray from Turkey and when they mailed it to me they also added the blue eye that suppose to protect you from jealousy and evil eyes of people (we all know that is false)....as soon as I looked at the blue I was about to vomit. That eye is nothing more than representation of Shirk. To me..that blue and cross that christians put on their chest are one and the same. My family liked the blue eye...but I hated it. You want protection from jealousy and evil eyes of people then recite the last Surah in the qura'an and pray to Allah to protect you from the evil eye NOT SOME BLUE marble that does nothing except tempt you to make shirk.

    I am afraid our hearts are getting too attached to this miserable world and that is bad.

    I am going to start reading Qura'an. For the first intention for the pleasure of Allah (Subahanahu Wa Talaa), you get huge rewards in the afterlife, after the pleasure of Allah..for the purpose of getting my iman higher and better and after that for my brain. if I have children all of them will be reading Qura'an at the youngest age possible. If I can get them to recite al-fatiha at like age 2 or 3 I would do it...and I will homeschool them all. I want them to have healthy mind and healthy heart. NO MUSIC!

    Other thing...NO TV Limit as much as possible electronic stimulation...if I see them dropping in grade....no electronic stimulation for a year! I am going to be militant on this.
    I am Turkish and must say that those blue eyes also disgust me...but it is hard to get rid of...you will find those almost everywhere and almost everyone has few of them at home...it has become a cultural thing. you will be confronted almost everywhere with it.
    but as you say, nothing but superstition and shirk.

    about children...my daughter is just 2 years now...she still has a hard time to speak...besides baba, anne, miauw, auwie and degil (not) so teaching a whole surah is not going to work yet....but she can do a tumble already haha.
    About TV and electronic stimulation...that is very very hard these days. I agree with you that that must be limited as much as possible...but completely banning it is not going to work.

    Just like how important newspapers were in the old years, TV and internet are both unthinkable nowadays.
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    I’m asking this because, recently I have read on the internet that someone discovered that the human brain has another undiscovered part of the brain which is now officially discovered, that allows us to perform telekinesis.

    Here’s the link from where I get this information:


    Is that true what I have found?

    If it is true, then why today we can’t perform telekinesis? Or some people have this kind of ability activated and others deactivated? Or, anyone can learn to perform this kind of ability?

    I need to know the truth about this kind of matter.
    Asalamu Alaikum

    Stop watching pseudo-science garbage.
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by Al Khorasani View Post
    Asalamu Alaikum

    Stop watching pseudo-science garbage.
    Ok ok, I accidentally saw this video, and I wanted just to know the truth, wether we humans, possess this kind of ability or not. That’s all.
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    Ya in Quran, where else?
    I do not know.
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    The OP cannot be blamed for wondering about the potential our minds can truly reach, this can in fact be a form of worship as well. Myself, I have been relatively interested in Synaesthesia (or cross-sensory perception is an involuntary physical experience of a cross-modal association, i.e. the stimulation of one sensory modality triggers a perception in one or more different senses. To translate it into plain English: synaesthetes see sounds, or smell colours, or taste shapes, or feel sounds on the skin, or hear colours, etc. Although not specific to autism, synaesthesia seems to be quite common among autistic individuals.)

    As br Azc reminded, there might be individuals who are highly gifted in various fields, whether these are artists, those having perfect recall of information/memories, predicting capabilities etc, And, there might be astonishing individuals whose strengths we may still need to discover! In agreement, that not necessarily are those abilities from bad sources. However, from my experience (the relative issue) with Telekinesis has not been from a good source. So, whilst there are those who are gifted and blessed by Allah, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims, my initial fears towards this topic also lies in my concern that people, mostly our younger brothers and sisters may tend to fall astray from our true purpose in life being fascinated by these abilities by themselves. For educational reasons, however, there's nothing wrong learning about this world and others.....especially, we are told in the Quran, we were created in various tribes, peoples to know each other.

    "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted." -Quran 49:13

    Perhaps, Allah has blessed some persons with many gifts so that they can understand and show gratitude to Him, and in other instances people do turn to wrong sources (evil) to gain powers for selfish or harmful purposes. Only Allah knows best. Any action relies on a particular agent for performing that action.

    Sometimes in Islam and with regards to the prophets (peace and blessings be upon them all) it's moreso a matter of faith (and the employment of required agents) rather than one's own mind, Imagine being placed in a burning fire and having it cooled for you???

    “We (Allah) said: ‘O fire! Be you coolness and safety for Ibrahim (Abraham)!’ And they wanted to harm him, but We made them the worst losers”- Quran 21:69-70

    However, this occurred after the following dua had been made:

    “Hasbi Allah wa ni’am al-wakeel (Allah is sufficient for me and He is the best Disposer of affairs).”

    Now, that others mentioned a few I'm thinking there are so many possibilities/blessings bestowed upon an individual and of what can be achieved as mentioned by the Quran. (Today being Jummah, the story of Khidr -pbuh- also comes to mind).

    And, what about teleportation - transported across space and time instantly?

    "Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al- Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing." Quran 17:1

    JazaakAllahu khair, hoping others will continue inputting!
    Last edited by HisServant; 10-05-2018 at 05:21 PM.
    Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us to pe

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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus View Post
    Ok ok, I accidentally saw this video, and I wanted just to know the truth, wether we humans, possess this kind of ability or not. That’s all.
    I'm pretty sure we don't possess such a capability, as are most people.
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by M.I.A. View Post
    ..telekinesis is moving things with the power of your mind.

    Got confused for a moment because it's usually telepathy.

    Anyway I watched the vid and I agree.. i believe that the person relating his theory has some experience with telekenisis.

    I didn't get to the part where people are activated and others not..

    But I agree with that also.

    I would imagine that one of the most clear proofs of such things were given to Moses pbuh.

    ...Although he didn't attribute it to any part of himself, But telekenisis is an established word.

    The other well known example is the stories of prophet suleman pbuh.
    There is no such thing as Telekenisis other then it being another form of magic. It's impossible for human to move objects without touching them it's out of the nature law set by Allah except him altering it for whomever he wills example like what happened to Ibrahim when the fire didn't burn him it was alteration of the nature law and it was Allah himself who did it.

    But Telekenisis is out of the nature law set for us so his talking about pure magic.

    It's basically impossible to beat nature law or by pass except it being from Allah( for prophets and friends of Allah) or Magicians who have the assistance of Jinns meaning they are carrying things for them etc etc
    Last edited by urkahnkhan; 10-05-2018 at 11:18 PM.
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    format_quote Originally Posted by urkahnkhan View Post
    There is no such thing as Telekenisis other then it being another form of magic. It's impossible for human to move objects without touching them it's out of the nature law set by Allah except him altering it for whomever he wills example like what happened to Ibrahim when the fire didn't burn him it was alteration of the nature law and it was Allah himself who did it.

    But Telekenisis is out of the nature law set for us so his talking about pure magic.

    It's basically impossible to beat nature law or by pass except it being from Allah( for prophets and friends of Allah) or Magicians who have the assistance of Jinns meaning they are carrying things for them etc etc
    Thanx for the truth. I was really hoping that we humans do possess the ability to move objects without touching them. But now, I kinda disappointed.
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    Re: Does in Quran say that God has created a part of human brain that can allows us t

    You might get lazy if things were allowed to be moved without being touched~j/k

    Watch this: The center of the intellect is the heart and not the brain itself:

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