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I'm Converting to Islam!

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    PhoenixBird's Avatar Limited Member
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    I'm Converting to Islam!

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    I'm a 27 year-old, Jewish-born woman, born to non-religious Jewish parents, who is dating a non-religious Christian man. When I was 18, I began exploring different religions, since I never felt connected to Judaism. I started with Christianity, and for a while I attended an Episcopalian church. I enjoyed church and found worship calming. However, something didn't feel entirely true about Christianity. Fast-forward nine years, to nearly the present, and by this time I was no longer regularly attending church. I had nowhere to go for religion. I wasn't part of any religion, and couldn't decide where I belonged. I liked Monotheistic religion, but neither Judaism nor Christianity seemed entirely correct. This past winter I had a revelation! I felt a call from Allah to Islam. At first I ignored it. The idea of being Muslim made me uncomfortable at first, with all the current discrimination in the United States, where I live. I didn't want to face any of that. However, the feelings were nagging! Finally I heeded Allah's call to Islam, and began to research the faith...and everything makes so much sense to me! The Bible and Torah were translated over and over again, leading to the messages not being entirely correct. The Quran is the only non-corrupt book. Even the scientific discoveries we hear about, regarding religion, are consistent with Muhammad and his teachings.

    I do know that converting to Islam will be difficult. I was never raised with Kosher restrictions, so keeping Halal will not be easy for me, but I'm working on it. I also do have past tattoos and a few piercings. I've been trying to repent, but that's also difficult since I admit I like my body art. I know Allah doesn't like it, though. I also have concerns about my current romantic relationship. I know my boyfriend will not want to be Muslim, nor will he want to raise future children as Muslim. On the other hand, I don't want to leave him. My only hope is to raise our children (when we decide to have them, or rather adopt, since I'm not fertile) with two religions. I'm also worried about wearing a Hijab just yet. Given the discrimination in this country, and my parents, who scold me if I so much as talk about wearing a Hijab in public.

    Nevertheless, I'm determined to find a Mosque near me! I want to proceed with Islam as my religion!

    I hope to find people here, who will support me on my journey, and make new friends!

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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

    Welcome to our humble abode here, IB sis in humanity!

    I went from atheism to Islam. So, I relate to your attraction towards Islam. Moreover, there are a lot of converts on this board, though I also want to give you a heads-up that there are sometimes here some ignorant posts, which you'll want to disregard.

    Sis, converting to Islam is easy: The moment you believe in your heart that there is no god but God and Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the messenger of Allah, you already become a Muslim. Allah (God) knows our intentions and our heart as nothing is hidden from the All-Seeing. That said, new converts are encouraged to introduce themselves to the Muslim community by taking their shahada (testimony of faith) at the mosque.

    Sister, I try to tell this especially to new converts: Take things one step at a time. Walking this path is a journey, and you'll feel very excited about doing things all at once, but you have to also remember the saying "Rome wasn't built in a day" and try to not overwhelm yourself. Please do read the article "12 Tips for the Convert Muslim."

    On some of your concerns:

    Since you have tattoos, just try to cover them and in the meantime you can have long-term intentions towards perhaps removal if that's a feat that's not something that is too difficult or affordable at some time in the future; remember though that Islam wants ease for you; and therefore, please do not be concerned if these things are not immediately something you can accomplish. Remember Islam is based on intentions for each action or inaction. So, always have the best and most beautiful intentions whether you're achieving them or not.

    Sister, I will tell you that your romantic relationship will be a harder battle as yet for you; while I do advise you to remove yourself from your boyfriend if you don't see him as sharing your faith, I do understand that matters of the heart are not as easy. This is something with which you'll struggle, but I do want to tell you that everything that you give up for Allah (as all, including people and things in our life are gifts of Allah), trust that Allah will give you of something that's an equal weight or replace it with something better. Please read this post called "The Non-Muslim Husband: A Lesson" from our wise and older sister on this board, which might give you some perspective on your own situation, though I emphasize we're not here to pressure you in any way but to sincerely support you on your journey to and within Islam.

    Again, sister, with the diet, try to ease yourself into it; do not overwhelm yourself. If you cannot find halal foods, you are always free to eat kosher foods. And all the veggies and fruits in the world are your best friends and fishes too! Hehe.

    Sister, this is your journey; if you do not feel comfortable yet wearing a hijab, then don't wear it, because remember the end-goal is to take one step at one time and not turn this experience into something suffocating or terrible for yourself. I can tell you that when I started wearing hijabs, I started with hoodies. I will also be honest with you and tell you that the atmosphere in U.S. is tense and uncomfortable, especially since the elections, so that I do recommend that if you honestly feel you're going to become a target of harassment or anything worse, then you please do protect yourself and not feel compelled to don a hijab. Remember that Allah does not desire us to put ourselves in jeopardy and we're allowed to hide our faith if we should feel threatened in any way; I do remember being forwarded a scholarly opinion on email on this subject some time ago. This is not to say, dear sis, that we should not desire to don the hijab but that some situations are worse for some people than others, and you'll have to listen to the voice of both reason and your heart to reach a conclusion on this matter.

    Things might sometimes seem bad, sis; but there's always a silver lining to everything, and I'm an eternal optimist thanks to Allah. So, I also want to just repeat my welcome to you, beautiful sis, on this board and to Islam.

    Sis, feel free to PM me for anything whatsoever; I would be very happy and honored to support you in your journey as your servant and sister in Islam.

    Best Wishes & Sincere Regards,

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post

    I'm a 27 year-old, Jewish-born woman, born to non-religious Jewish parents, who is dating a non-religious Christian man. When I was 18, I began exploring different religions, since I never felt connected to Judaism. I started with Christianity, and for a while I attended an Episcopalian church. I enjoyed church and found worship calming. However, something didn't feel entirely true about Christianity. Fast-forward nine years, to nearly the present, and by this time I was no longer regularly attending church. I had nowhere to go for religion. I wasn't part of any religion, and couldn't decide where I belonged. I liked Monotheistic religion, but neither Judaism nor Christianity seemed entirely correct. This past winter I had a revelation! I felt a call from Allah to Islam. At first I ignored it. The idea of being Muslim made me uncomfortable at first, with all the current discrimination in the United States, where I live. I didn't want to face any of that. However, the feelings were nagging! Finally I heeded Allah's call to Islam, and began to research the faith...and everything makes so much sense to me! The Bible and Torah were translated over and over again, leading to the messages not being entirely correct. The Quran is the only non-corrupt book. Even the scientific discoveries we hear about, regarding religion, are consistent with Muhammad and his teachings.

    I do know that converting to Islam will be difficult. I was never raised with Kosher restrictions, so keeping Halal will not be easy for me, but I'm working on it. I also do have past tattoos and a few piercings. I've been trying to repent, but that's also difficult since I admit I like my body art. I know Allah doesn't like it, though. I also have concerns about my current romantic relationship. I know my boyfriend will not want to be Muslim, nor will he want to raise future children as Muslim. On the other hand, I don't want to leave him. My only hope is to raise our children (when we decide to have them, or rather adopt, since I'm not fertile) with two religions. I'm also worried about wearing a Hijab just yet. Given the discrimination in this country, and my parents, who scold me if I so much as talk about wearing a Hijab in public.

    Nevertheless, I'm determined to find a Mosque near me! I want to proceed with Islam as my religion!

    I hope to find people here, who will support me on my journey, and make new friends!
    Last edited by Search; 04-19-2017 at 04:00 AM.
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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    Hi Phoenixbird,

    Welcome to the forum. It's great to hear your background story

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post
    I do know that converting to Islam will be difficult.
    The actual converting is easy. You just have to declare shahada. I guess it's the mental process to get to that point that may seem hard for some people, but if you already feel it in your heart, you're already Muslim...you just have to personally acknowledge it.

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post
    I was never raised with Kosher restrictions, so keeping Halal will not be easy for me, but I'm working on it.
    Islam isn't as strict as kosher is. As a start, you can remove any pig products (bacon, ham, pork, etc.) and all alcohol from your diet. Afterwards is really about sourcing halal meats because in Islam, animals are meant to be treated with respect and raised humanely. So halal meat is basically an animal which has been raised humanely and kindly, and then is also slaughtered in a special way as to reduce the risk for the most pain and fear for the animal. Alcohol and other intoxicants aren't allowed for obvious reasons. Even if you don't plan on getting drunk/intoxicated, it's still considered forbidden to consume.

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post
    I also do have past tattoos and a few piercings. I've been trying to repent, but that's also difficult since I admit I like my body art. I know Allah doesn't like it, though.
    You don't really have to do anything about your tattoos or piercings as of the moment or even later on I guess, unless you choose to. Once your faith becomes stronger and you understand Islam more, you'll figure it out then. When you convert to Islam, you become sinless, so every sin you've done in the past is erased. You begin on a completely new slate.

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post
    I also have concerns about my current romantic relationship. I know my boyfriend will not want to be Muslim, nor will he want to raise future children as Muslim. On the other hand, I don't want to leave him. My only hope is to raise our children (when we decide to have them, or rather adopt, since I'm not fertile) with two religions.
    Well, relationships outside of marriage are not allowed, particularly if they are physical. Furthermore, muslims can't marry disbelievers. So if you become a muslim and want to marry him as is, it will not be a valid marriage and you'd be sinning. But I understand that you have affection for this person considering he's your boyfriend. My suggestion to you is to really think about the direction your heading and reflect upon all the changes that will happen. It will get very complicated later on because the more you learn about Islam and connect with it, you will start to disconnect from other things (and that will probably include current relationships).

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post
    I'm also worried about wearing a Hijab just yet. Given the discrimination in this country, and my parents, who scold me if I so much as talk about wearing a Hijab in public.
    Take everything day by day. Hijaab is important, but not as important as other things such as prayer and fasting. You will be able to prioritize your goals as you learn more, and eventually you may not even care at all what people will think of you. Don't overwhelm yourself.

    In the meantime, feel free to browse around, especially this section https://www.islamicboard.com/new-muslims/ (read through the stickies), and ask us any questions you have in mind. There are a lot of helpful and friendly people here.
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    I'm Converting to Islam!

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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    Hello/Salam alaykum to you

    Welcome to forum and welcome to Islam.
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    I'm Converting to Islam!

    From Occupied Palestine:

    We have suffered too much for too long. We will not accept apartheid masked as peace. We will settle for no less than our freedom.

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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    Wow it always makes me happy to learn about new muslims converting to islam

    May Allah bless and put goodness in your journey ameen
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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    Sister, welcome to the forum,

    I have not that much advice to give you, but take things easy. That you do not want to leave your boyfriend, that you will find eat halal things difficult, that you like your body art, this is the current state of your heart. When we try to distance our selves from things, we also do it slowly but with a pace that fits for us. DO NOT try to do everything at the same time.

    A human being isn't designed to change over night. Our hearts need some time to be convinced of Islam, this also is the same with loving the aspects of Islam with your heart.

    As an ex-atheist myself, my world has turned 180 degrees. The things i found funny in the past as an atheist, i do not laugh about or even enjoy hearing them. The things i liked to watch, i do not watching or like to even see anymore. The places i went, i do not like to go there or even enjoy being there. The people i liked to hangout, i don't like to be even near them. The food that i hate, although non-halal but no pork, the day i became Muslim, i IMMEDIATELY stopped eating non-halal food. This sounds very harsh and hard, but FOR ME it wasn't that of a big issue. Now a days because i look if food is haram or not, i ALSO look at different ingredients that are in that food also. Because of this change, i also eat less processed food although it might be halal. I have cut back from eating meat although halal meat. I have lost a lot of belly fat because of it, although the amount of exercise is also less but this is because I am just lazy but I am already planning for the near future.

    It needs time after some time you will not like your boyfriend if he is hateful towards Islam. I know this sounds shocking to you, but YOU WILL NOT like him if he rejects Islam out of ignorance or out of hate. The girls that i wanted to start a family in the past as an atheist, if you would even gave me ALL THE RICHES on this world if i would want to marry one of those, i would say, better live in poverty and NOT married to none of those, than to be the richest man on earth but married to one of those girls ESPECIALLY THEIR mentality. It would be fights day in and day out.

    So take it easy, give it time to let things sink in, while in the mean time learn more about Islam, ponder more about Islam. Let your heart fall more deeply in love with it and be HONEST with it. You will with time realize that what you like, isn't necessarily good for you and automatically you will take your distance from it.

    If you need to know things about Islam or share your problems not knowing how to deal them, we here are a big family and will in'sha'Allah help you the best of our means. Many knowledgeable and wise brothers and sisters are active on this forum.
    Last edited by Simple_Person; 04-19-2017 at 02:21 PM.

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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!


    It's wonderful to hear you are converting to Islam, it is a beautiful journey and thank you for sharing it with us.

    The sisters above have given you some wonderful answers, and if you have any further questions then please don't hesitate to help.

    Islam is not just a religion, it is a way of life, but it isn't half as difficult as it may seem. Islam feels so immensely natural and just 'right' once you begin accepting it, step by step, and when you sincerely turn to Allah, He makes everything easy for you.

    With prayers...
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    I'm Converting to Islam!

    Ya Muqallib al-Quloob, Thabbit Qalbi Ala Deenik
    Oh turner of the Hearts make my heart firm on Your Deen

    islamb 1 - I'm Converting to Islam!

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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post
    Hello!I'm a 27 year-old, Jewish-born woman, born to non-religious Jewish parents, who is dating a non-religious Christian man. When I was 18, I began exploring different religions, since I never felt connected to Judaism. I started with Christianity, and for a while I attended an Episcopalian church. I enjoyed church and found worship calming. However, something didn't feel entirely true about Christianity. Fast-forward nine years, to nearly the present, and by this time I was no longer regularly attending church. I had nowhere to go for religion. I wasn't part of any religion, and couldn't decide where I belonged. I liked Monotheistic religion, but neither Judaism nor Christianity seemed entirely correct. This past winter I had a revelation! I felt a call from Allah to Islam. At first I ignored it. The idea of being Muslim made me uncomfortable at first, with all the current discrimination in the United States, where I live. I didn't want to face any of that. However, the feelings were nagging! Finally I heeded Allah's call to Islam, and began to research the faith...and everything makes so much sense to me! The Bible and Torah were translated over and over again, leading to the messages not being entirely correct. The Quran is the only non-corrupt book. Even the scientific discoveries we hear about, regarding religion, are consistent with Muhammad and his teachings. I do know that converting to Islam will be difficult. I was never raised with Kosher restrictions, so keeping Halal will not be easy for me, but I'm working on it. I also do have past tattoos and a few piercings. I've been trying to repent, but that's also difficult since I admit I like my body art. I know Allah doesn't like it, though. I also have concerns about my current romantic relationship. I know my boyfriend will not want to be Muslim, nor will he want to raise future children as Muslim. On the other hand, I don't want to leave him. My only hope is to raise our children (when we decide to have them, or rather adopt, since I'm not fertile) with two religions. I'm also worried about wearing a Hijab just yet. Given the discrimination in this country, and my parents, who scold me if I so much as talk about wearing a Hijab in public. Nevertheless, I'm determined to find a Mosque near me! I want to proceed with Islam as my religion! I hope to find people here, who will support me on my journey, and make new friends!
    Glad to know of you. Welcome to Islamic board .
    I'm Converting to Islam!

    Allah (swt) knows best

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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    All praise to Allaah. He guides to the truth whom He Wills.

    He owns the hearts of every person. He can turn the heart away or towards the truth.

    I would like to say that you should recite the following du'aa every day so that you may never deviate from the truth.

    O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion

    Shahr bin Hawshab said:

    “I said to Umm Salamah: ‘O Mother of the Believers! What was the supplication that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said most frequently when he was with you?” She said: ‘The supplication he said most frequently was: “O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion (Yā Muqallibal-qulūb, thabbit qalbī `alā dīnik).’” She said: ‘So I said: “O Messenger of Allah, why do you supplicate so frequently: ‘O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion.’ He said: ‘O Umm Salamah! Verily, there is no human being except that his heart is between Two Fingers of the Fingers of Allah, so whomsoever He wills He makes steadfast, and whomever He wills He causes to deviate.’”

    [Jaami al-Tirmidhi Hadith No. 3522]

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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post

    I'm a 27 year-old, Jewish-born woman, born to non-religious Jewish parents, who is dating a non-religious Christian man. When I was 18, I began exploring different religions, since I never felt connected to Judaism. I started with Christianity, and for a while I attended an Episcopalian church. I enjoyed church and found worship calming. However, something didn't feel entirely true about Christianity. Fast-forward nine years, to nearly the present, and by this time I was no longer regularly attending church. I had nowhere to go for religion. I wasn't part of any religion, and couldn't decide where I belonged. I liked Monotheistic religion, but neither Judaism nor Christianity seemed entirely correct. This past winter I had a revelation! I felt a call from Allah to Islam. At first I ignored it. The idea of being Muslim made me uncomfortable at first, with all the current discrimination in the United States, where I live. I didn't want to face any of that. However, the feelings were nagging! Finally I heeded Allah's call to Islam, and began to research the faith...and everything makes so much sense to me! The Bible and Torah were translated over and over again, leading to the messages not being entirely correct. The Quran is the only non-corrupt book. Even the scientific discoveries we hear about, regarding religion, are consistent with Muhammad and his teachings.

    I do know that converting to Islam will be difficult. I was never raised with Kosher restrictions, so keeping Halal will not be easy for me, but I'm working on it. I also do have past tattoos and a few piercings. I've been trying to repent, but that's also difficult since I admit I like my body art. I know Allah doesn't like it, though. I also have concerns about my current romantic relationship. I know my boyfriend will not want to be Muslim, nor will he want to raise future children as Muslim. On the other hand, I don't want to leave him. My only hope is to raise our children (when we decide to have them, or rather adopt, since I'm not fertile) with two religions. I'm also worried about wearing a Hijab just yet. Given the discrimination in this country, and my parents, who scold me if I so much as talk about wearing a Hijab in public.

    Nevertheless, I'm determined to find a Mosque near me! I want to proceed with Islam as my religion!

    I hope to find people here, who will support me on my journey, and make new friends!
    Welcome to the forum,I can relate to your post I come a typical western culture where Islam might not seem ''the norm'' as my home town is Christian yet they don't even practise it,today I converted to Islam at my local Mosque,dont worry about tattoo's that's all in the past,BTW I have tattoo's which I really,really regret,i have a tattoo sleeve on my right arm,i was younger when I got them,as I got older I always covered my arms with long sleeve shirts,everything will be fine trust Allah & may he guide you
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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    Thank you all for the welcomes!

    I agree that the conflicts with my boyfriend may make things more difficult, especially since he is not Muslim. The issue is I rely on him for a lot right now. I'm not very good at supporting myself financially, and that makes living on my own impossible right now. I need to stay at his place for now, so I have a home. I can't live with my parents, because they frown upon Islam, and make fun of me for talking about wearing a Hijab.

    I've studied a lot over the past months, and I really want to say the Shahada now, but there aren't many nearby Mosques...When I do say the Shahada, I will wear Hijab, but only in safe places.
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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post
    Thank you all for the welcomes!

    I agree that the conflicts with my boyfriend may make things more difficult, especially since he is not Muslim. The issue is I rely on him for a lot right now. I'm not very good at supporting myself financially, and that makes living on my own impossible right now. I need to stay at his place for now, so I have a home. I can't live with my parents, because they frown upon Islam, and make fun of me for talking about wearing a Hijab.

    I've studied a lot over the past months, and I really want to say the Shahada now, but there aren't many nearby Mosques...When I do say the Shahada, I will wear Hijab, but only in safe places.
    If you don't mind me asking, where in Illinois do you live?? I'm from WI. I know of some mosques around IL and WI.

    You don't really need to go to a mosque to declare shahada, especially when you don't have access to one now. Once you find one, you can go and declare it there as well just to let the community know about you and for them help you out with anything.
    I'm Converting to Islam!

    D e a t h

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    the hardest
    of all things before it

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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma* View Post
    If you don't mind me asking, where in Illinois do you live?? I'm from WI. I know of some mosques around IL and WI.

    You don't really need to go to a mosque to declare shahada, especially when you don't have access to one now. Once you find one, you can go and declare it there as well just to let the community know about you and for them help you out with anything.
    I'm in Round Lake Beach, IL. A very northern suburb of Chicago.
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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post
    I'm in Round Lake Beach, IL. A very northern suburb of Chicago.
    Wow you're far away from everything

    After some searching, I found that there's a mosque in your area:

    Masjid Quba
    980 Rollins Road Round Lake Beach IL 60073 US
    (847) 497-5305

    [email protected]

    They also have a facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/masjid.quba.58

    Try calling and let them know that you plan on converting and ask if they can help with the process. Inshallah they will be helpful for you
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    I'm Converting to Islam!

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    the hardest
    of all things before it

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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post
    Thank you all for the welcomes!

    I agree that the conflicts with my boyfriend may make things more difficult, especially since he is not Muslim. The issue is I rely on him for a lot right now. I'm not very good at supporting myself financially, and that makes living on my own impossible right now. I need to stay at his place for now, so I have a home. I can't live with my parents, because they frown upon Islam, and make fun of me for talking about wearing a Hijab.

    I've studied a lot over the past months, and I really want to say the Shahada now, but there aren't many nearby Mosques...When I do say the Shahada, I will wear Hijab, but only in safe places.
    Sister it is Allah who provides and even if your parents do not like Islam going away from haram is what Allah wants you to do. To sacrifice thing for his sake. So think about it. Currently it is what you desire not what is best for you if you know what I am saying. Your parents will not kill you over it so also based on this you are still able to live with them. In the mean time cleaning up your skills to be able to build up a lot of patience and find ways to support yourself. If it becomes unbareable you then are able with you new aquired skills to support your self and live on your own.

    In the past my intention was to migrate back to where I originally came from as right now I live on my own in the west. However going back and live with my family meant rather to be a negative impact on my deen as my intention was solely to migrate back as it could have benefited practicing my religion. However back home people are culture Muslims and practice religion not because they understand it but mostly just because everybody else is doing it so to say. I then concluded that to stay in the west is rather MORE beneficial as I can practice Islam accordingly instead of being among them and they forcing you to adapt your life in a cultural Islamic way that has nothing to do with Islamic teachings. The times that I went on vacation there they in that short amount of time did exactly what I was afraid of forcing you to act like them and also not being able to practice the obligatory duties for a Muslim man for example going to the mosque on Friday while that day everybody is free. However they rather spent that day on other things than practicing the obligatory duties. My own family Is rather afraid of what people might say instead of thinking what Allah might say.

    So being rather alone in the west and not married or almost no family members around me is rather way more beneficial for me. In the end we will die, end up lonely i our own grave and what counts is only our actions. Take your time and really ponder very deeply about the choices you make and what makes Allah rather be pleased with you instead.
    Last edited by Simple_Person; 04-21-2017 at 02:57 AM.

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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Simple_Person View Post
    Sister it is Allah who provides and even if your parents do not like Islam going away from haram is what Allah wants you to do. To sacrifice thing for his sake. So think about it. Currently it is what you desire not what is best for you if you know what I am saying. Your parents will not kill you over it so also based on this you are still able to live with them. In the mean time cleaning up your skills to be able to build up a lot of patience and find ways to support yourself. If it becomes unbareable you then are able with you new aquired skills to support your self and live on your own.

    In the past my intention was to migrate back to where I originally came from as right now I live on my own in the west. However going back and live with my family meant rather to be a negative impact on my deen as my intention was solely to migrate back as it could have benefited practicing my religion. However back home people are culture Muslims and practice religion not because they understand it but mostly just because everybody else is doing it so to say. I then concluded that to stay in the west is rather MORE beneficial as I can practice Islam accordingly instead of being among them and they forcing you to adapt your life in a cultural Islamic way that has nothing to do with Islamic teachings. The times that I went on vacation there they in that short amount of time did exactly what I was afraid of forcing you to act like them and also not being able to practice the obligatory duties for a Muslim man for example going to the mosque on Friday while that day everybody is free. However they rather spent that day on other things than practicing the obligatory duties. My own family Is rather afraid of what people might say instead of thinking what Allah might say.

    So being rather alone in the west and not married or almost no family members around me is rather way more beneficial for me. In the end we will die, end up lonely i our own grave and what counts is only our actions. Take your time and really ponder very deeply about the choices you make and what makes Allah rather be pleased with you instead.

    I actually have far more conflicts with my parents than with the people I am living with at the moment. Currently there are three other people in this household, and I am far happier here than with my parents. With my parents, I'm constantly yelled at. Here I am largely left alone, and have far less stress. So this IS better.

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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post
    I actually have far more conflicts with my parents than with the people I am living with at the moment. Currently there are three other people in this household, and I am far happier here than with my parents. With my parents, I'm constantly yelled at. Here I am largely left alone, and have far less stress. So this IS better.
    In Islam paradise is under the foot of your mother in other words obeying your parents in everything except when it goes against Islam. However if your parents are poison for example some parents verbally and physically abuse their children that is a legit reason to get away from them. The story of Ibrahim (as) (Abraham) and his parents that his dad tried to kill him and thus he left them.

    The road to Islam and staying on that road is not going to be easy that for sure I can garuantee you as many of us are struggling each with a different test. So you know what you are doing also you cannot say I am too afraid to take this road either.

    The prophets were the ones that have been tested the most severe among human beings. If you listen to the stories of many Muslims they are struggling every moment with what choice to take however you see every time that the ones who give up haram things for the sake of Allah their life changes for the better. So I am being serious to you now as another sister already mentioned that your relationship is going to be a tough one. If you stay during some time with him as a Muslim you cannot have intimate relationship with him as you know however no man would accept off course such a thing while you financially taking advantage of him. I know I am being hard and direct but we cannot ignore this and think everything is alright.

    Qur'an took some time to be revealed in other words people adapted their life style slowly and changed themselves. So you also I guess are very aware of the borders Islam says not to cross. Again it is not going to be easy that for sure but Islam is not the road of easy. Islam is the road of the honest truth seekers and will go through fire to follow the truth. The people who do not want to follow the path of truth being a hard path to follow are the ones that will regret on the Day of Judgement. However do not forget we are not perfect and we WILL make mistakes but Allah is the MOST Merficul. So know the path that you are taking is the truth and direct your attention to Him and ask Him for guidance to help you over the things you are struggling with.

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    You must understand that I have no interest in having an intimate relationship with anyone here, even my boyfriend. I'm also not obligated to. I'm also not about to move back in with my parents, who have their own issues. I can still obey my parents from a distance. Obeying parents does not necessarily mean living with them.
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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post

    I'm a 27 year-old, Jewish-born woman, born to non-religious Jewish parents, who is dating a non-religious Christian man. When I was 18, I began exploring different religions, since I never felt connected to Judaism. I started with Christianity, and for a while I attended an Episcopalian church. I enjoyed church and found worship calming. However, something didn't feel entirely true about Christianity. Fast-forward nine years, to nearly the present, and by this time I was no longer regularly attending church. I had nowhere to go for religion. I wasn't part of any religion, and couldn't decide where I belonged. I liked Monotheistic religion, but neither Judaism nor Christianity seemed entirely correct. This past winter I had a revelation! I felt a call from Allah to Islam. At first I ignored it. The idea of being Muslim made me uncomfortable at first, with all the current discrimination in the United States, where I live. I didn't want to face any of that. However, the feelings were nagging! Finally I heeded Allah's call to Islam, and began to research the faith...and everything makes so much sense to me! The Bible and Torah were translated over and over again, leading to the messages not being entirely correct. The Quran is the only non-corrupt book. Even the scientific discoveries we hear about, regarding religion, are consistent with Muhammad and his teachings.

    I do know that converting to Islam will be difficult. I was never raised with Kosher restrictions, so keeping Halal will not be easy for me, but I'm working on it. I also do have past tattoos and a few piercings. I've been trying to repent, but that's also difficult since I admit I like my body art. I know Allah doesn't like it, though. I also have concerns about my current romantic relationship. I know my boyfriend will not want to be Muslim, nor will he want to raise future children as Muslim. On the other hand, I don't want to leave him. My only hope is to raise our children (when we decide to have them, or rather adopt, since I'm not fertile) with two religions. I'm also worried about wearing a Hijab just yet. Given the discrimination in this country, and my parents, who scold me if I so much as talk about wearing a Hijab in public.

    Nevertheless, I'm determined to find a Mosque near me! I want to proceed with Islam as my religion!

    I hope to find people here, who will support me on my journey, and make new friends!
    May Allah guide you and make your path easy, ameen
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    Re: I'm Converting to Islam!

    format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird View Post
    Thank you all for the welcomes!

    I agree that the conflicts with my boyfriend may make things more difficult, especially since he is not Muslim. The issue is I rely on him for a lot right now. I'm not very good at supporting myself financially, and that makes living on my own impossible right now. I need to stay at his place for now, so I have a home. I can't live with my parents, because they frown upon Islam, and make fun of me for talking about wearing a Hijab.

    I've studied a lot over the past months, and I really want to say the Shahada now, but there aren't many nearby Mosques...When I do say the Shahada, I will wear Hijab, but only in safe places.

    Congratulations on seeking the truth! Welcome to the forum and Islam & truth! May Allah swt keep you strong in Iman and keep you steadfast in religion, Ameen.

    Although there is a lot to learn and develop as a muslim (born muslim & converts), remember Iman is the most important aspect and you do not need to think that you have to start wearing hijab from the moment you say the shahada.

    Belief in Allah and the last Prophet pbuh is the most important first step and the rest will follow...you can start by learning how to pray and the 5 pillars of Islam and you can learn and develop further from there at your own pace. The major things that muslims have to think about on daily basis are avoiding haram (alcohol, pork/haram food, haram relationships) and dressing (& behaving) modestly (long sleeves, loose shirt covering chest and loose trousers covering back, if you are ready then covering hair) and of course establishing prayers (there are 5 daily prayers) on time is the most important thing in our mind.

    Please do not think that you have to start wearing hijab from the moment you become muslim when you feel not ready to wear hijab. You can dress modestly regardless when you have converted. I can understand decision to wear hijab publically isn't an easy decision especially for convert with unsupportive family but you don't need to delay saying the shahada and converting to Islam waiting to make that decision (wearing hijab publically) because you may be pondering over it for weeks and you do not want to delay saying shahada for too long. However, you do need to cover your head to pray and read Quran.

    Please feel free to ask us any questions you have about prayers or anything. May Allah swt make everything easy for you and put right all your affairs, Ameen.
    Last edited by Sakina'141; 04-24-2017 at 01:21 PM.
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