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An introductory question & Greeting

  1. #1
    Desire of Ages's Avatar
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    "... the name of the city ... The LORD [YHVH] is there." - Ezekiel 48:35 KJB
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    An introductory question & Greeting

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    An introductory question.

    Who is the desire of all nations?

    A most heartfelt greeting to everyone in this online community.

    What I am about:

    Truth, not lies:

    Love [charity], not selfishness,

    Hope, not despair,

    Faith, not doubt,

    Believing, not boasting,

    Humble, not proud,

    Humility, not vainglory,

    Meek, not haugty,

    Noble, not undignified,

    Law, not lawlessness [iniquity/sin],

    the 7th day the Sabbath, not the 1st day sunday,

    Justice, not partiality/respect of persons,

    The Blood, not my works,

    Obedience, not rebellion,

    Submission, not my will,

    Victory, not defeat,

    Faithfulness, not infidelity,

    Marriage, not fornication,

    Fear of the LORD, not fear of anything else,

    Wisdom, not foolishness,

    Knowledge, not ignorance,

    Absolutes, not uncertainties,

    Diligence, not indifference/idleness,

    Circumspectly, not carelessly,

    Details, not vagueries,

    Kindness, not cruelty,

    Caressing, not crushing,

    Healing, not murdering,

    Nurturing, not nagging,

    Forgiving, not grudging,

    Sharing, not stealing,

    Sacrifice/Giving, not withholding/coveting,

    Respectful, not abusive,

    Effectual, not unproductive,

    Family, not feudality,

    Community, not isolation,

    At-one-ment, not unnecessary division,

    Freedom, not slavery/thralldom,

    Spiritual, not fleshly/carnal,

    Things above, not things of this earth,

    Praying, not complaining,

    Heaven, not hell,

    Finished, not fallen short/incomplete,

    Unending Life, not eternal death,

    Immortality, not this mortal,

    The sure Word, not the sayings of dust,

    The Holy Spirit, not the devil - Satan,

    The Saviour Messiah Christ Jesus, not manmade salvation,

    Eternal, not vanity.

    GOD, not man [not you or {i}].

    If you are reading this greeting, maybe we can spend some time together and talk, and study, and learn, and share, as I am open to doing so, openly or privately. I don't mind tough questions and dialog, so long as you do not mind reciprocal answers, in charity, of course. I do not have all of the answers to the questions you may ask me about, but I know who does, and at that point, I just ask.
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    eesa the kiwi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: An introductory question & Greeting


    What religion do you follow?
    An introductory question & Greeting

    “Allah gave you a gift of 86,000 seconds today, have you used one to say ‘Alhamdulilah"
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  4. #3
    Desire of Ages's Avatar
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    "... the name of the city ... The LORD [YHVH] is there." - Ezekiel 48:35 KJB
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    Re: An introductory question & Greeting

    format_quote Originally Posted by eesa the kiwi View Post

    What religion do you follow?
    Thank you for the welcome and hospitality.

    To answer your question directly and without obfuscation, I follow the Lamb [John 1:29,36; Genesis 3:21; Revelation 13:8 KJB] whithersoever He goeth, and thus the living Person, not religion in that sense, since I as understand, it is about relationship, though rites would come with following Him.

    Upon searching through the various options to choose from, "other" seemed the best choice in representing where I stand, though perhaps not the most accurate, since I am currently a Seventh-day Adventist, the prophetically foretold remnant. However, I was not always so. If you would like to know more, I am not adverse to sharing more.

    Someone may say that description, would fall under the generic category of "christian", but if I were to ask some questions, it may be seen that such a category would be too broad/vague for me. I went with "other", since I do not fit within the general categories offered. If a category were added that were to say Seventh-day Adventist, I would have chosen and preferred that option, rather than "other".

    Thank you for asking and I hope that this answer was beneficial to you. If you would like, try googling, Desire of Ages project, to learn more about the name.

    Also, I like your signature, in that I should have thought of that when writing the greeting, and thus I will add to my introductory greeting and About, here:

    Creator, not creation.
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    Re: An introductory question & Greeting

    welcome to this forum friend.
    an interesting introductory. This comes very close to what we Muslims believe, except of course the Jesus the saviour point.
    We do believe in Jesus (Isa (as)) and that one day he will be back and fight Dajjal (or Antichrist as you may name it) but God is our saviour, not Jesus.
    besides that, I could agree with everything in your list.
    I do want to read more about your religion so I will google it...not to look for differences...but to look for what we have in common.
    looking forward to have interesting discussions with you.
    hope you have a nice time on this forum.
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    greenhill's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: An introductory question & Greeting

    Welcome to the forum.

    Very interesting intro. Best so far that I have had the chance to greet! You should have entered the poetry contest.

    You follow the lamb.... not the shepherd? ha ha ha (joke) Interesting, because Muhammad (pbuh) was a shepherd.

    John is Yahya in the Quran, for your info.

    Welcome to the forum and wishing you a great stay!

    An introductory question & Greeting

    As long as my heart does beat, I shall live, not lie
    For when my heart does stop its beat, with truth, I die.
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  8. #6
    Desire of Ages's Avatar
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    "... the name of the city ... The LORD [YHVH] is there." - Ezekiel 48:35 KJB
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    Re: An introductory question & Greeting

    format_quote Originally Posted by greenhill View Post
    Welcome to the forum.

    Very interesting intro. Best so far that I have had the chance to greet! You should have entered the poetry contest.

    You follow the lamb.... not the shepherd? ha ha ha (joke) Interesting, because Muhammad (pbuh) was a shepherd.

    John is Yahya in the Quran, for your info.

    Welcome to the forum and wishing you a great stay!

    Thank you also for the welcome. It is very much appreciated. God loves poetry, music, colour and creating [Genesis 1 & 2 [entire]; Song of Solomon [entire], Psalms [entire]; Zephaniah 3:17 KJB]. Truly, I believe, that in order to say the name of God in its most holy, holy, holy and exalted character, it must be sung [Exodus 15:1,21; 1 Chronicles 13:8; Psalms 100:2, 126:2; Isaiah 54:1; Jeremiah 20:13; Romans 15:9; 1 Corinthians 14:15; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 2:12; James 5:13; Revelation 15:3 KJB and etc.]

    No worries, He [Jesus] is both the Lamb of God [sources alread cited in previous reply], and the Good & Great Shepherd of the sheep [Genesis 49:24; Psalms 23:1, 80:1; Ecclesiastes 12:11; Zechariah 13:7; Isaiah 40:11, 44:28; Jeremiah 23:1, 31:10, 50:6; Ezekiel 34:6,11,12,23, 37:24; Amos 3:12; Matthew 9:36, 25:32, 26:31; Mark 6:34, 14:27; Luke 15:6; John 2,10:11,12,14,15,16,26,27, 21:16,17; Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 2:25, 5:4 KJB]

    Thank you for helping me with transliterated Arabic [and I can always use more assistance there, that I may be more accurate when speaking to those of the Umma], in regards John [the Baptist, correct?]. Also, if any read my replies, they should always check my references [I know sometimes there are many, but that is because they all speak with one voice from beginning to ending, alpha to omega, first to last], as I do not speak from myself, but from God's Word. I will attempt to do likewise, and if I do not have access to a source cited by anyone else, I will ask for that source to be directly cited so that I may have access to it. In fact, maybe I can ask that now, is there a free program online, like E-Sword [for the Bible], that exists for the Qur'an? If so, I would like the link to such a program [as long as it is free, and has both the English and Arabic, transliterated Arabic languages]

    As long as I am welcome, I shall remain, and post from time to time as I am able to do so, by the grace of God.

    Light, not darkness,
    Righteousness, not impiety,
    Morality, not depravity,
    Purity, not perversity,
    Modesty, not nakedness.

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  9. #7
    Desire of Ages's Avatar
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    "... the name of the city ... The LORD [YHVH] is there." - Ezekiel 48:35 KJB
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    Re: An introductory question & Greeting

    format_quote Originally Posted by umie View Post
    welcome to this forum friend.
    an interesting introductory. This comes very close to what we Muslims believe, except of course the Jesus the saviour point.
    We do believe in Jesus (Isa (as)) and that one day he will be back and fight Dajjal (or Antichrist as you may name it) but God is our saviour, not Jesus.
    besides that, I could agree with everything in your list.
    I do want to read more about your religion so I will google it...not to look for differences...but to look for what we have in common.
    looking forward to have interesting discussions with you.
    hope you have a nice time on this forum.
    Thanks Umie, daughter of Adam, descendant of Noah.

    According to prophetic events, Jesus is to return very soon [some may desire to know how I know this, for there is no guessing with God's Word [Genesis 40:8; 2 Peter 1:19-21 KJB], it is clear, even revealed to them with ears to hear and eyes to see, for God has granted that all who will to, may hear and see].

    I understand that the Qur'an speaks of "Isa", as "the Messiah" [Qur'anic, "Masih"]:

    Yusuf-Ali translation [or al-Hilali-Khan, Pickthall, Shakir, etc [which do you prefer?] [sources cited are Surah Title, Surah number, colon and Ayah number, xxxx 1:1]
    Al 'Imran - 3:45
    Al Nisa' - 4:157,171,172
    Al Ma'idah - 5:19,75,78
    Al Tawbah or Bara'ah - 9:30,31

    From what I understand and have read of Islamic sources [Qur'an, aHadith [primarily Sahih], Tafsir and Tarikh, etc], the Qur'an [etal.] teaches that Adam sinned ultimately because of satan, and thus lost his garments of light in the Garden, and became naked [and attempted to hide behind the "leaves of Paradise" [Ta-Ha 20:121], and God had to clothe him [them, Adam/Eve] as per:

    al-Hilali-Khan translation [or Yusuf-Ali, Pickthall, Shakir, etc [which do you prefer?]
    Al A'raf - 7:26,27
    Ta-Ha - 20:118-121

    This is what was given before in the Genesis 3:1-24, and in Genesis 3:15, God promised a "seed" to the woman, and would come of the woman [not of the man]. Eve, understood this promise of God, to send the "seed", as she thinks [*] her first child is that "seed", see Genesis 4:1, "gotten a man of the LORD".

    [* mistakenly, but hopefully, as every daughter of Eve since then had awaited, see Sarah [Hebrews 11:11] and God's continued promise to Abraham in regards the "seed"; Genesis 9:9, 12:7, 13:15,16, 17:7,8,9,10, 21:12, 22:17,18; Exodus 32:13, 33:1; Joshua 24:3; 2 Samuel 7:12, 22:51; 2 Chronicle 20:7; Psalms 89:3,4,29,36, 105:6; Isaiah 41:8, 45:25, 65:9, 66:22; John 7:42; Acts 3:25, 7:5,6, 13:23; Romans 1:3, 4:13,16,18, 9:7; Galatians 3:16,19,29; 2 Timothy 2:8; Hebrews 2:16, 11:18; Revelation 12:7, etc. KJB]

    Thus it was God who instituted the "sacrifice" from "the foundation of the world" [Hebrews 9:26; Revelation 13:8, 17:8 KJB] and "the shedding of blood" [Hebrews 9:22 KJB] for sin/transgression of His Law. This "sacrifice" was continued through time, until Christ.

    Al Ma-idah 5:27-33 [Cain an Abel continue the sacrifical]
    As Saffat 37:75-83, 101-107 [Noah and Abraham continue the sacrifical]
    Al Baqarah 2:67-73 [Moses continues the sacrifical, see also the clean and unclean in Al An'am 6:146]
    Al 'Imran 3:183 [Elijah continues this on Mt. Carmel, also see notation in Yusuf-Ali *489]

    Additional references, though in a different manner than the Bible [KJB]:

    Al Ma'idah 5:2,3,95
    Maryam 19:54 [see also Yusuf-Ali notation *2506]
    As Saffat 37:101-107
    Al Hajj 22:28,32-34,26,37
    Al Fath 48:25
    Al Kauthar 108:2

    "Anti-Christ" [1 John 2:18,22, 4:3; 2 John 1:7], according to scripture [KJB] is already here and now [more details if any would like to hear; just ask me], and has been here for over a thousand years, and is presently very active.

    According to scripture [KJB], it was God who sent Jesus [John 3:16; Psalms 40:7; Hebrews 10:7 KJB] as "Saviour" [Luke 2:11; John 4:42; Acts 5:31; 2 Timothy 1:10; 2 Peter 1:1,11, 2:20, 3:2,19; 1 John 4:14; Hebrews 1:3 KJB, etc.] of the world.
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    Re: An introductory question & Greeting

    format_quote Originally Posted by Desire of Ages View Post
    ... In fact, maybe I can ask that now, is there a free program online, like E-Sword [for the Bible], that exists for the Qur'an? If so, I would like the link to such a program [as long as it is free, and has both the English and Arabic, transliterated Arabic languages] ...
    I was still wondering about the answer to this question, if anyone has an answer to it, whether it be negative or positive? Is there a free program [like E-Sword [Bible]] for qur'anic studies, with Tafsir, and aHadith in English/transliterated Arabic/Arabic that is free I can download somewhere, so I can use offline? If yes, please share, if no let me know, and I will stick to my PDF materials, but it would be nice to have a quick source tool. Thank you for your consideration of this question, and for your time.
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    eesa the kiwi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: An introductory question & Greeting

    format_quote Originally Posted by Desire of Ages View Post
    I was still wondering about the answer to this question, if anyone has an answer to it, whether it be negative or positive? Is there a free program [like E-Sword [Bible]] for qur'anic studies, with Tafsir, and aHadith in English/transliterated Arabic/Arabic that is free I can download somewhere, so I can use offline? If yes, please share, if no let me know, and I will stick to my PDF materials, but it would be nice to have a quick source tool. Thank you for your consideration of this question, and for your time.
    Hi bro

    for quran i use this software: http://zekr.org/
    Tafsir (explanation of verses) http://www.qtafsir.com/ but this is a website
    An introductory question & Greeting

    “Allah gave you a gift of 86,000 seconds today, have you used one to say ‘Alhamdulilah"
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    Re: An introductory question & Greeting

    format_quote Originally Posted by eesa the kiwi View Post
    Hi bro

    for quran i use this software: http://zekr.org/
    Tafsir (explanation of verses) http://www.qtafsir.com/ but this is a website
    Thank you very much. Both links were helpful, and the first especially.

    In exchange, since you believe in the Creator, I hope you might enjoy some gathered materials on God's creation - http://www.pearltrees.com/awhn/bibli...tory/id1593499

    Thankful, not ungrateful.
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  14. #11
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    Re: An introductory question & Greeting

    Patriarchs, Prophets, Kings and the Messiah of the Torah, and Histories and Prophecies of the Final and Last Day Events for those interested. Powerful reading.

    Here is some excellent study material, and reading on the lives of the Patriarchs [Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc] and of the Prophets [Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Jonah, etc] and of the Kings [Saul, David, Solomon, etc] and even of the Messiah - Jesus, the later histories down through time until our day and even of future end-time prophecy [that which is about to happen very soon]:

    Patriarchs and Prophets - https://egwwritings-a.akamaihd.net/pdf/en_PP.pdf

    Prophets and Kings - https://egwwritings-a.akamaihd.net/pdf/en_PK.pdf

    The Desire of Ages - https://egwwritings-a.akamaihd.net/pdf/en_DA.pdf

    Acts of the Apostles - https://egwwritings-a.akamaihd.net/pdf/en_AA.pdf

    The Great Controversy - https://egwwritings-a.akamaihd.net/pdf/en_GC.pdf

    Just sharing, for anyone who may be interested in these subjects. I love history, especially history about God and what He has done, is doing, and is about to do.

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  15. #12
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    Re: An introductory question & Greeting

    Some may ask about the name, "Desire of Ages", and such would be a good question, or inquiry, and is thus now answered here - Why your (user)name?

    That this thread may not be a simple 'hi.' and 'goodbye', but rather useful and filled with purpose, let all who have recently joined, also be welcomed, "Hello." and whomsoever you are, are welcome to spend some time, as long as you wish, with me in conversation in the things of God, religion, history, prophecy, purity of life, health of whole being, eternal matters - Truth, and of course, or relation to one another is it is/has been revealed.

    Anyone may use this thread of greeting, to stay awhile and interact, ask questions, make comments, share, and be shared with. There are many gifts given unto me by God, to share with all, to whomsoever would receive them for their own from God.

    an open window of Heaven,
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