UCL Isoc & EMCA Cordially Invite You to...

The UK National Ramadhan

Charity Conference 2009

Donate Now: http://www.justgiving.com/UKNRC2009/

charityposter 1 - 1 Week Left! UCL Isoc National Charity Conference, (Shaykh Haitham, Zahir Mahmood,..)

Families Welcome

Sunday 6th September '09

Join us for what is sure to be an incredibly insightful and animated discussion


Help us raise £20,000 for an orphanage today!

‘’Those who spend their wealth in Allah’s Cause by night and day, in secret and in public, they shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve’’ (Surah Al-Baqarah:274)

DONATE NOW: http://www.justgiving.com/UKNRC2009/

Conference Venue: UCL University, Gower Street,

Cruciform Lecture Theatres, WC1E 6BT

Doors Open at 10:15am Promptly!

Tickets (On Door):£5 Students I £10 Employed

(100% Proceeds Go To Charity)

Charity Presentation I Free Iftaar (3 Course Meal Provided)

Public Transport: Euston Square, Euston, Warren Street.

(For more details on location: www.uclisoc.com)


All proceeds go to charity around the Muslim world

UCL Isoc, EMCA, Ethar Relief and Ummah Welfare Trust (100% Donation policy)

[email protected]

Jazaakallahu Khairun



--Spread The Word--