laborofloveII 1 - Webinar with Shaykh Tawfique for Sisters!
Developing patience in the Journey to Motherhood

The past two webinars brought to you by Mum Loves Me have been an outstanding success, alhamdulilah! Now, tune in as Shaykh/Dr. Tawfiq Chowdhury sheds light on another fundamental aspect of motherhood: Patience.
What’s patience got to do with motherhood? Everything! From the tests and struggles a couple faces in trying to conceive, to the pains and strains of pregnancy and labour – motherhood is indeed a labour of love.
In this free online session, understand what it means to be truly patient in the eyes of Allah at every stage of your journey to motherhood. Pregnancy is about more than just labour pains; it is a laborious task that will have a lasting impact on a woman’s life … Start it off right by developing strategies for patience that will benefit you in this life and the Hereafter.
As a special treat, Shaykh Tawfiq’s medical expertise provides insight on how to deal with situations of a medical nature.
The practical advice you’ve been looking for, with your faith in mind.