Shield of a Believer SISTERS ONLY

Ustadha Bint Ahmad (Teacher of Muslimah Gems, Path to Paradise, Ideal Muslimah)

Ustadha Ridhwaanah bint Nasir (Rabia Education Trust and Jami’ah Hafsah)

Date: Saturday, July 31st, 2010
Time: 1.30 pm-6:00pm
Venue: Mulberry Sports Centre, Richard St, Anthony St entrance, off Commercial Rd, London, E1 2JP
Fee: Just £5.00 (You may pay at door, but please register)

When the new IPhone comes out, some people line up few days to few weeks before the release date, camping outside the shop. Well, can’t we show the same enthusiasm when Ramadan comes?

Ramadan is like the January sales, but this sale is much better than any sale. In this sale you have the option to get 100% off, yes in this month, Allah is more generous and in this month we seek his Mercy and Forgiveness.

Topics to cover:

Before, during and after Ramadan

Important Fiqh relating to Fasting


baitulhikmah . com