Fiqh of Fasting (Ramadan)
Sat 7th August
10:30 to 3:30pm
(Sisters facilities on 1st floor)
Teacher: Shaykh Abdur Rahman Mangera

What are the rules that govern fasting?
When does your fast accurately start?
When exactly can you break your fast?
What are the exceptions for fasting?
What invalidates the fast?

An in-depth class for both brothers and sisters on the fiqh of fasting, Ramadan and the related aspects. The Chapter of Fasting (Kitab al-Tahara) from 'Allama Shurunbulali Maraqi 'l-Sa'adat (Ascent to Felicity) will be studied in detail in this one day course. The aim of the class is to prepare you for the approaching month of Ramadan! Each class will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions relating to the topics covered in the classes.'Allama Shurunbulali is the author of the famous Nur al-Idah and Maraqi 'l-Sa'adat (Ascent to Felicity) is a shorter more concise version of this book (White Thread Press 2010).
Each student will be given a copy of the text containing all the valuable notes and handouts of the course for them to revise and reference during the month of Ramadan.

Class is for both brothers and sisters.
Registration fee £5
Register now via the masjid website:
masjidequba org uk