Aston ISOC

a lecture by
Shaykh Zahir Mahmood


followed by a 3 course charity meal raising money for needy and orphaned children across the world (tickets £5 each)

Wed 10th Nov
Aston University
Room MB518

part of Charity Week 2010

[Activism - a policy of taking direct and militant action to achieve a political or social goal.]

...“There will come a time, when nothing will remain in Islam except its name, and nothing will remain of reverence to the Qur’an except its style of writing”.

The civilization and culture of the Muslims; their Religion, their arts and sciences and their supremacy, exercised its hold on the greater portion of the civilized world for centuries. But the more our worldly power and majesty grew, the more our religious sentiments and enthusiasm for the faith declined. In this way this once majestic power structure rotted from within resulting in a power vacuum being created in the heart of the Islamic world.

The crumbling mansion of the Islamic Ummah in the 21st century has reached the lowest ebb of deterioration in Muslim history. Though there are now hundreds of millions of Muslims, in the words of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), we are like jetsam on the surface of flood-water with no value or substance.

An understanding of our present situation demands that the past glory and grandeur of the Muslim Ummah should be realised by young Muslims. They should know that there was a time when the armies of the Arabs starting from Gibraltar had reached north-east into the heart of France. At another time the Turkish armies, after trampling all of Eastern Europe, were knocking at the gates of Vienna. Perhaps in this way we can recreate in the hearts of our young men and women, a desire to revive the past majesty and glory of the Muslim civilisation.

No period of degradation and degeneration in Islamic history has been without attempt to reform and rejuvenate the Muslim Ummah. In every epoch and in every country, people of sublime determination were born who performed the gigantic task of reformation and reconstruction, as their times demanded.

OUR TIME HAS COME: how can we rise up to reunite the Ummah, revive the Sunnah and restore justice on earth?

‘The Muslim Activist’ | Wed 10th November | 2pm | MB518

Talk to be delivered by Shaykh Zahir Mahmood (As-Suffa Institute) and followed by a 3-course meal inshaAllah! Tickets on sale now!