Feb28 Coalition, 'Alliance against Injustice' presents:

Freedom March


freedommarch - Feb28 Movement: 'FREEDOM MARCH' (Stand against Bangladesh Gov) 05/05/13

The Bangladesh Government is guilty of:
Murdering hundreds of peaceful protestors in recent weeks
Arresting thousands of innocent anti-Government protestors
Offending the faith and beliefs of the masses
Betraying oppressed Rohingya refugees that were massacred
Corrupting the law through the kangaroo war crimes tribunal
Suppressing the free press and making unlawful arrests of journalists

- DATE: Sunday 5th May 2013
- TIME: 1.00pm onwards

- VENUE: Hyde Park Corner followed by a march to the Bangladesh Embassy (28 Queens Gate, SW7 5JA)

Feb28 Coalition, Human Rights organisations and numerous non-political organisations together

Join us in our call to uphold justice, freedom and human rights.

"The Believers, in their mutual love, mercy and compassion, are like one body: if one organ complained, the rest of the body develops a fever." [Bukhari & Muslim]

For further information:

wwwislamicboardcom - Feb28 Movement: 'FREEDOM MARCH' (Stand against Bangladesh Gov) 05/05/13
Feb28 Coalition
Justice for Bangladesh
[email protected]

Twitter: @Feb28info
Hash: #Feb28info


childo - Feb28 Movement: 'FREEDOM MARCH' (Stand against Bangladesh Gov) 05/05/13