Zaynab Academy Online
Under the Guidance of Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed (Hafizahu Allah)
and the direction of Shaykh Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed



Taught by Ustadha Alimah Sobia Ahmed

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Program Description
A 3-year diploma program for students who wish to learn the translation and commentary of the entire Qur’an. The course is based on authentic hadith, classical sources of scholarly tafsir, and the lives and teachings of the virtuous believers who were the embodiment of the Qur’an. The emphasis is on understanding the depths of Qura’nic wisdom and to highlight spiritual insights and practical advice from the meanings of the Qur’an with the purpose of increasing our heartfelt connection with Allah.

Subjects Taught
1. Qur'an:
Translation and Commentary of the Entire Qur'an
A detailed and inspiring commentary of the entire Qur’an with an emphasis on highlighting lessons that are relevant to our daily life.

2. Modules and Short Courses
Students will be required to take certain Foundations modules and short courses offered during the academic year to supplement their knowledge.
Big question in theology (‘aqeedah), Islamic Scholarly Tradition, contemporary issues and debates, women and gender, Islamic spirituality, fiqh etc.

3. Tajweed

Program Schedule
Days: Monday & Wednesday
Timings: 1:00 PM New York | 7:00 PM South Africa | 6:00 PM London | 10:00 PM Pakistan​
End of term assessments: Yes
Language of Instruction: English
Time Commitment: 3 hours/week Qur’an class.
However, time commitment per week can increase till 5.5 hours/week for some terms, owing to Required Foundations Modules and Short Courses and Tajweed classes

About Alimah Sobia Ahmed

Alimah Sobia Ahmed was born and raised in the United States and received her BA in Sociology and Arabic and Islamic Civilization with double honors from the University of Chicago and Masters of Education from the University of Illinois. In 1999, she migrated to Lahore with her husband following the early tradition of rihla, or journeying for the sake of seeking divine and sacred knowledge. In Lahore, she pursued an intensive full-time study of the classical disciplines of Islamic learning, known as Dars Nizami, for four years. In 2003, she was formally certified as an Alimah and was awarded the Alimiyyah degree, certifying her to teach the disciplines of Qur’an, Tafsir, Hadith, Arabic Grammar & Linguistics, Beliefs & Creed, and Islamic Law & Legal Theory (Fiqh & Usul).

For over fifteen years, she has been the direct student of the honorable Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (Hafizahu Allah) and has consistently remained in his close and constant company having been fortunate to accompany him on many of his travels. Under his guidance, for the past ten years, she has been tirelessly teaching classical Islamic learning and guiding women on the spiritual path to become closer to Allah. To date, she has taught over one thousand women live and online and has graduated over 50 women as alimahs.

Her students have included college and university students, young professionals, mothers, and homemakers. She has lectured and taught at masjids, universities, institutions, and private residences in the Unites States, across the United Kingdom, and in Pakistan where she maintains her home with her husband and four children.

In 2005, she and her husband founded Zaynab Academy under the guidance of the honorable Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad. In 2009, Zaynab Academy Online was founded becoming the first all-women’s online Islamic educational institute dedicated to classical Islamic learning and spirituality. To date, Zaynab Academy Online’s courses and programs have been attended by over one thousand students from over twenty countries across the world.

Have Any Questions? Feel Free to contact us on our website

For details, and to register, visit ZaynabAcademyOnline. org
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