Finding Peace Under Pressure

Tired of hearing all that you SHOULD have done?UNDER PRESSURE? Don’t explode yet!
We’re coming to rescue you from all the SHOULDs of the world! Join us online on

Saturday, December 5

for A FREE 1-day Webinar for women in ENGLISH
by Alimah S. Ahmed

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About the workshop:

This workshop aims to address the multitude of pressures every woman experiences. As a teenager she battles peer pressure and she is pushed towards deviation from social norms in the name of fun. As she grows older, the race becomes more vicious with professional degrees, competition at the workplace and unrealistic standards of excellence. Throughout these intellectual, emotional and social struggles she always has the stress of looking a certain way and having a set BMI. The Muslim woman continues to confront stereotypes of how she should manage her interpersonal relationships and also live her happily ever after. The life cycle keeps churning her through motherhood and she remains ungratified. So that what is the single thing this woman has been searching in her life? Find the answer to this question at this workshop but until then, don’t explode yet.

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