Ash-Shifa Trust in association with Liverpool ISOC presents:

Medicine in Islam
…bridging the physical body and the spiritual heart

‘Allah did not send down any illness without sending down any healing for it; the one who knows it, knows it, and the one who is ignorant does not.’

Shaykh Samir Al Naas
(Medical Doctor & Islamic Scholar)

Wednesday 25th July 2007

Day Event 10.30am – 4.30pm

Harold Wilson Room
Students'Union Liverpool University
Mount Pleasant
L69 3DG

Evening Event 7.00pm - 9.30pm

Penny Lane Mosque
8 Cramond Avenue
L18 1EQ

We live in an age of unprecedented advancements in the science of Medicine. It seems everyday that we hear about some new development in stem cell research, animal cloning or some new drug that will cure all our ills. As Muslims we know that all power is from Allah, and nothing can happen without His permission, but what does our religion say about these issues? What does it say about euthanasia, organ transplantation, abortion? Furthermore what about those of us working in these fields, what advice does Islam give us? How did the Prophet deal with physical ailments, and ultimately how do they affect our spiritual relationship with our Lord?

With this in mind Ash-Shifa Trust and Liverpool University Islamic Society are able to present to you two unique events with Shaykh Samir Al Naas, who is not only a master in Islam but also a practising Physician. The events are aimed at discussing the issues regarding the practise of Western Medicine in light on Islam. They are both open to all, and provide an amazing opportunity for those working in medical fields; surely an event not to be missed. Both events are free and there will be ample time to ask questions, Insha’Allah.

For more details
Tel: 07878815370
Email: [email protected]