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causes of the rise and decline of islam

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    causes of the rise and decline of islam

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    hey , i know its long but have a look, interesting stuff in it

    By :Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall

    The particular cultural aspect of Islam of which all I have
    to speak today is its humanity, by which I mean not only
    its goodwill and beneficence towards all men, but also,
    and especially its world-wide outlook. There is not one
    standard and one law for the Muslim and another for the
    outsider. In the Kingdom of Allah there are no
    favourites. The Sacred Law [Shar'iah] is one for all, and
    non-Muslims who conform to it are more fortunate and
    confessed Muslims who neglect or disobeyed its

    “Lo Allah never changeth the grace He hath
    bestowed on any people until they first change
    that which is in their hearts . . ." [Qur'an 8:53]

    The test, as I have said before, is not the profession of a
    creed, but their conduct. All men are judged by their
    conduct both in this world and the next.

    I suppose all of you have in mind at least an outline of
    the course of Muslim History. It may be divided into
    three periods - named after the three great nations and
    languages of the Muslim World - the Arab, the Persian
    and the Turkish. And I suppose everyone of you has
    heard it said that Islam was in its early days propagated
    by the sword.

    The holy Qur'an says,
    "Let there be no compulsion in religion. The
    right direction is henceforth distinct from
    error. And he who rejecteth vain superstitions
    and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm
    handle which will not give way. Allah is
    All-seeing, All-knowing." [Qur'an 2:256]

    There are many other texts that I could quote to prove
    that Muslims are forbidden to use violence towards
    anyone on account of his opinions, and I cannot find a
    single text to prove the contrary. Such injunctions were
    not likely to be disobeyed in days when the Qur'an was
    the only Law. Whatever may have happened later on in
    Muslim lands, the Qur'an was obeyed by great and small
    with passionate devotion, as the word of God.

    The 'wars' of Islam in the Holy Prophet's lifetime and in
    the lifetime of his immediate successors were all begun
    in self-defence, and were waged with a humanity and
    consideration for the enemy which had never been
    known on earth before. It was not the warlike prowess of
    the early Muslims which enabled them to conquer half
    the then known world and convert half that world so
    firmly that conversion stands unshaken to this day. It was
    their righteousness and their humanity, their manifest
    superiority in these respects of other men.

    You have to picture the condition of the surrounding
    nations, the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Mesopotamians
    and the Persians - 90 percent of whom were slaves. And
    they had always been in that condition. The coming of
    Christianity to some countries had not improved their
    status. It was the religion of the rulers and was imposed
    upon the rank-and-file. Their bodies were still enslaved
    by nobles, and their minds were still enslaved by the
    priests. Only the ideal of Christianity, so much of it as
    leaked through to them, had made the common people
    dream of freedom and another life.
    There was luxury among the nobles, and plenty of that
    kind of culture which is symptomatic, not of progress,
    but of corruption and decay. The condition of the
    multitude was pitiable. The tidings of our Prophet's
    embassies to all neighbouring rulers, inviting them to
    give up superstition, abolish priesthood and agree to
    serve Allah only, and the evil treatment given to his
    envoys, must have made some noise in all those
    countries. Still more, the warlike preparations which
    were being made for the destruction of the new religion.
    The multitude was no doubt warned that Islam was
    something devilish and that the Muslims would destroy
    them. And then the Muslims swept into the land as
    conquerors, and by their conduct won the hearts of all
    those people.

    In the entire history of the world until then, the
    conquered had been absolutely at the mercy of the
    conqueror. No matter how complete his submission
    might be [and] no matter if he was of the same religion
    as the conqueror. That is still the theory of war outside
    Islam. But it is not the Islamic theory. According to the
    Muslim Laws of War, those of the conquered people,
    who embraced Islam, became the equals of the
    conquerors in all respects. And those who chose to keep
    their old religion had to pay tribute for the cost of their
    defence, but after would enjoy full liberty of conscience
    [the freedom to choose one's own religion without any
    sort of coercion] and were secured and protected in their

    An utterly false interpretation has been given to the
    alternatives 'Islam or the Sword' as if the sword meant
    execution or massacre. The sword meant warfare, and
    the alternatives really were: Islam (surrender, in the
    spiritual sense), Islam (surrender, in the ordinary sense)
    or continued warfare. The people who did not surrender,
    were not fully conquered and were still at war.

    The Muslims intermarried freely with the conquered
    people of Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia and all
    North Africa - something none of their conquerors (and
    they had known many in the course of history) had ever
    done before. The advent of Islam brought them not only
    political freedom but also intellectual freedom, since he
    dispelled the blighting shadow of the priest from human
    thought. The people of all those countries, except
    Persia, now claim Arabic as their native language and, if
    questioned as to their nationality, would say, 'we are
    sons of the Arabs.' They all still regard the empire of
    Islam as the Kingdom of God on earth.

    The result was what might be expected from so great a
    liberation of people who had never really had a chance
    before: a wonderful flowering of civilisation that in the
    subsequent generations bore its fruit in works of
    science, art and literature. In spite of the incessant wars,
    this is the most joyous period in history. In judging it,
    you must not take every word literally that you may read
    from European writers. You must make allowances for
    enemy propaganda then and now.
    In my youth, I saw a good deal of the Christian
    population of Syria, the descendants of such of the
    conquered people of those days as would not embrace
    Islam. And they used to speak of the early Muslim
    period almost as the golden age, and of the Khalifa Umar
    ibn-ul-Khattab almost as a benefactor of their religion.
    Folklore is sometimes more enlightening than written
    history. Yet even from written history, with a little
    research, you will discover that fanaticism towards
    Christians is hardly found in Orthodox Islam until after
    the Crusades, though the Christians were not always easy
    subjects for toleration. Many of them thought it a
    religious virtue to insult the religion of Islam in public,
    and so court martyrdom from the natural indignation of
    the rulers. There were epidemics of this kind of
    religious mania at various times in different countries,
    and the sensible, calm manner in which the Muslim
    rulers dealt with them is one of the great things in
    Muslim history.

    I shall have to speak to you at length upon the subject of
    religious tolerance; so at present I will only read to you
    an extract from Whishaw's "Arabic Spain." It runs: "The
    epidemic of religious hysteria which occurred at
    Cordova in the middle of the ninth century is no doubt
    the reason why we have more information about the state
    of the church at that date then at any other time during
    the Muslim rule. The Christians were forbidden to enter
    the mosques or to vilify the Prophet under pain of
    conversion to Islam or death. "This," says Florez (a
    Spanish writer), "was the most criminal offence of the
    martyrs at that time, so that, although they exalted the
    faith, the judges remained unmoved until they heard
    them speak evil of Mohammed or of his sect."

    According to the Cronica general to " martyrs" of the
    time, Rogelio and Serviodes, entered the great mosque
    of Cordova and began not only "preaching the faith," but
    also "the falseness of Mohammed and the certainty of
    the Hell to which he was guiding his followers." It is not
    surprising to learn that this performance cost them their
    lives. Both Muslim rulers and the more sensible of the
    Christians do their best to prevent these fanatics from
    throwing away their lives, and Recafred, Bishop of
    Seville about 851 to 862, was distinguished by his
    commonsense in this matter. He forbade Christians to
    seek martyrdom when their rulers did not attempt to
    make them deny their faith, and imprisoned "even
    priests" disobeyed him. Abdur Rahman II appointed him
    Metropolitan of Andalusia that he might do the same at
    Cordova. And there he imprisoned a number of
    Christians, including St. Eulogius and the Bishop of
    Cordova doubtless to keep them out of mischief."

    Similar outbursts of religious hysteria are recorded in
    Eastern countries, which the Muslims bore with even
    greater fortitude. The Christians as a rule were treated
    with the utmost toleration both in East and West.

    Mr. G.K. Nariman, the well-known Parsi orientalist, has
    proved from his research that the story of the outright
    massacre and expulsion of the Zoroastrians from Persia
    by the Arab conquerors is without historical foundation.
    There are Zoroastrians in Persia till the present day. In
    Syria, the Christians used to speak of the times of the
    first four Khalifas and of the Omayyad dynasty as the
    golden age of Muslim magnanimity, which struck me
    then as curious, because the Omayyad's are generally
    given a bad name on account of the personal character of
    some Khalifas of that house, but especially of the cruel
    tragedies which marked its rise to power. But it is the
    fact that Islam owes much to Bani Umayya historically.
    They preserved the sample, rational character of Islam -
    its Arabic characters. They maintained, in Damascus, the
    intimate relations between the ruler and the subject
    which had characterized the Khilafat of Medina. In their
    days, the Khalifa himself climbed the pulpit and
    preached the Friday khutba [sermon] in the mosque. The
    anxieties of an exceptionally intelligent Khalifa of this
    house are depicted in a little anecdote in

    "Someone said to a Abdul Malik, 'grey hairs have
    come to you very of early.' He answered. 'what has
    turned me grey is climbing pulpits with the fear of
    making a false quantity in Arabic.' For to make a
    mistake in Arabic was with them anything most

    They kept back the fanatical, 'ecclesiastic,' faction which
    even in those early days began to raise its head, and
    allowed time for the formation of a body of opinion
    which withstood the creeping paralysis of
    ecclesiasticism of scholasticism, and thus upheld the
    banner of Islam, for centuries. Next to the
    Khulifa-er-Rashidin, as a Khalifa of true Muslim
    character, comes Umar ibn Abdul Aziz of the Omayyads.
    And a scion of their house who fled westward after their
    downfall and massacre, founded a dynasty which made of
    Spain for many generations, the most progressive and
    enlightened country in the West.

    It is important for the student of history to remember
    that the Khilafat of Bani'l-Abbas represented a
    compromise between the out-and-out Sunnism of the
    Omayyads and the out-and-out Shi'ism of the Fatemites.
    For the Omayyads, the Abbasids themselves were Shi'a.

    When in the Spanish Muslim Chronicles you read of
    Shi'as, they are not those whom we call Shi'a but the
    people whom we regard as Sunni, the followers of
    Bani'l-Abbas, opponents of Bani Umayya. And it is
    important also to remember that the Khilafat of
    Bani'l-Abbas represents betrayal -- nay, a double
    betrayal. On the one hand, if they had persuaded
    Ahl-ul-Beyt (i.e., our Prophet's family ) that they would
    set them out of the throne of the Khilafat. On the other
    hand, they had persuaded many earnest Sunnis, who until
    then had been supporters of Bani Umayya, but objected
    to the dynastic Khilafat, that they would restore the
    original custom of electing the Khalifa from among the
    Muslims most distinguished for their public service.
    They did neither. They set up their own dynasty, they
    massacred the whole house of Bani Umayya, except one
    member who fled to Spain, because that house had made
    itself beloved throughout Syria, Najd, Egypt and North
    Africa. And any member of it left alive would have been
    a formidable rival! They persecuted Ahl-ul-Beyt on
    account of their standing claim to the Khilafat. It is a
    mistake to impute a religious character to the strife
    between those factions. It was a tribal quarrel of North
    Arabia against South Arabia, dating from pre-Islamic
    The simple, rational, Arabic character of Muslim
    government passed with the last of the Omayyad's to
    Spain. The Khilafat of the East was transferred to
    Bani'l-Abbas, who were already under Persian influence,
    and the capital was removed from Syria to Mesopotamia.
    The city of Baghdad - a much more glorious Baghdad
    than the present city - a triumph of town planning,
    sanitation, police arrangement and street lighting sprang
    into existence. There, and throughout the empire in the
    next three centuries, Islamic culture reached its apogee
    [climax]. But except in Spain, it had less and less Arab
    simplicity and more and more Persian magnificence. In
    the words of Mr. Guy le Strange: "at that period of the
    world's history, Cordova, Cairo, Baghdad and Damascus
    were the only cities in the world which had police
    regulation and street lamps. A reverence and a manner of
    address which the rightly guided Khalifas and the
    Omayyads would have repelled as blasphemous were
    accepted at first, and then expected, by the Khalifas of
    the house of Abbas.

    The strict zenana [The part of the house in which the women
    and girls of a family are secluded] system was introduced and
    women in the upper class of society, instead of playing
    the frank and noble parts which they played among the
    earlier Muslims, instead became a tricky and intriguing
    captive. There was a tendency to narrow down Islam to
    the dimensions of a sect, which the rational Muslims
    were able to restrain only by the way of their superior
    learning. The Khalifa learned that tendency, because it
    flattered him, exalting his position high above its proper
    Muslim status.

    The people, in a long period of uninterrupted prosperity,
    became unwarlike. There were little wars within the
    empire now and then, but they did not affect the mass of
    the people for reasons which I shall explain when I
    address you on the laws of war. Many were the rational
    students of the Qur'an who pointed out the danger of this
    state of things, but the fanatical "ecclesiastic" faction
    flattered the Khalifa to a false sense of security,
    declaring that he was especially favoured and protected
    by Allah, and that the glory of his realm would last

    The defence of the frontier was confined to the fighting
    tribes, chiefly the Turks, who also formed the bodyguard
    of the Khalifa. These people soon became the masters,
    from guardians of the nominal rulers. They were men of
    simple, downright brutal character, of energy and
    common sense, who did not hide their contempt of the
    luxurious and feeble princes who succeeded one another
    on the throne of the great Mamun and Harun-ar-Rashid.
    One after another, they murdered or put them away with
    every circumstance of ignominy, but they did infuse
    some manhood into the declining empire, which would
    have perished but for them, and keep at least its central
    provinces together in good order. Over the outlying
    provinces the Khalifa's rule was now purely nominal. As
    chief of the Muslims, he sanctioned the appointment of
    the local rulers - a ceremony which had religious value
    in the people's eyes - and that was all. Persia declared
    itself independent. Egypt was conquered by a family
    known in history as the Fatemites or Obeydites who
    were descended from the holy Prophet, though the
    Sunnis of those days denied their claim and said they
    were descendants of a to of Karbala. They set up a rival
    Khilafat, conquered Palestine and Syria twice, and Hejaz

    Nominally, the Abbasid Khilafat of Baghdad lasted for
    a full five hundred years, but for the last three hundred
    and fifty years of its nominal duration, the real sovereign
    power had passed to the Turks already, and its political
    prestige was that of Turkish chiefs ( first of the
    Seljuks-Toghrul Beg and Alp Arslan, and Malik Shah)
    then of the Zenghis (Imad-ud-din and his son
    Nur-ud-din), and then of the Ayubis (Salah-ud-din -- the
    Saladin of the Crusading period), Malik Adil, Malik
    Kamil and the rest. There was change of rulers, but the
    civilisation remained that of the Abbasids. Indeed it
    hardly, if that all, deteriorated and the condition of the
    common people throughout the Muslim empire
    remained superior to that of any other people in the
    world in education, sanitation, public security and
    general liberty.

    It's material prosperity was the envy of the Western
    world, whose merchant corporations vied with one
    another for the privilege of trading with it. What that
    prosperity must have been in its prime, one can guess
    from the casual remark of a modern English writer with
    no brief for Muslims, with regard to Christian Spain:
    "Notwithstanding the prosperity which resulted from her
    privileged trade with the New World in the 16th century,
    her manufactures, and with them her real prosperity,
    began to decline under the Catholic kings, and continued
    to do so in fact, if not in appearance, until the expulsion
    of the Moriscoes," - i.e. the last remaining Muslims - "by
    Philip III, completed the destruction begun by Isabel in
    the supposed interest of religion."

    In other countries, and even in Europe, in the same
    period, the peasantry were serfs bound to the land they
    cultivated. The artisans still had a servile status, and the
    mercantile communities were only just beginning, by
    dint of cringing and of bribery, to gain certain privileges.
    In the Muslim realm the merchants and the peasant and
    the artisan were all free men.
    It is true that there were slaves, but the slaves were the
    most fortunate of people. For the Holy Prophet's
    command to "clothe them with the clothes ye
    yourselves wear and feed them with the food which
    ye yourselves eat, for the slaves who say their
    prayers are your brothers
    " was literally obeyed, and so
    was the divine command to liberate them on occasions
    of thanksgiving, and as a penalty for certain breaches of
    the Sacred Law [Shari'ah]. This was so that slavery
    would earlier have become extinct but for the spoils of
    war. Also there was no such thing as a condition of
    perpetual or hereditary servitude. The slave was regarded
    as a son or daughter of the house, and in default of heirs
    inherited the property. In the same way, the slaves of
    kings have often in Islam inherited a kingdom. It was not
    unusual for a man who had no male descendant to marry
    his daughter to his slave who then take his name and
    carry on the honour of his house. The devotion of the
    slaves to their owners and the favour of which the master
    showed the slaves became proverbial. And when in later
    days the supply of slaves by warfare ceased, and
    purchase was restricted in some regions like the
    Caucasus, where it had been customary, many Muslims
    complained that because of the kindness to slaves and
    emancipation of them, being a duty enjoined upon them
    in the Qur'an, how could they perform that duty if no
    slaves existed. This, of course, was a complete
    misapprehension. It was a misinterpretation of the
    purpose of Islam, which was to abolish slavery without
    causing a tumultuous upheaval of society. But that is in
    the argument which I myself have actually heard adduced
    to justify the cruel slave trade with the Sudan. This slave
    trade was a horror which had no Islamic sanction. I do
    not say that there were no abuses in the Muslim world,
    but I do say that they were not what Europeans have
    imagined and had no comparison with things similarity
    named in Christendom; just as the slavery which existed
    in the Muslim world had no similarity with that of the
    American plantations.

    No colour or race prejudice existed in Islam. Black,
    brown, white and yellow people mingled in its markets
    and mosques and places upon a footing of complete
    equality and friendliness. Some of the greatest rulers,
    saints and stages in Islam have been men as black as coal,
    like Jayyash, the saintly king of Yemen in the period of
    the Abbasid decline, and Ahmad Al-Jabarti, the great
    historian of Egypt in the time of Arnaut Mohammad Ali,
    founder of the Khadivial dynasty. And if anyone thinks
    that there were no white people in that mighty
    brotherhood, be it known that there are no men whiter
    than the blonde Circassians and the mountain folk of
    Anatolia who very early found a place in the Islamic
    fraternity. It was a civilisation in which there were
    differences of rank and wealth, but these did not
    correspond to class distinctions as understood in the
    West, much less to Indian caste distinctions.

    A notable feature of this civilisation was its cleanliness
    at a time when Europe coupled filth with sanctity. In
    every town there was a hammam, public hot baths, and
    public fountains for drinking and washing purposes. A
    supply of pure water was the first consideration
    wherever there were Muslims. And frequent washing
    became so much associated with their religion that in
    Andalusia in 1566, the use of baths was forbidden under
    severe penalties because it tended to remind the people
    of Islam. And an unfortunate gardener of Seville was
    actually tortured for the crime of having washed while at
    his work. I myself in the Anatolia have heard one Greek
    Christian say to another, "The fellow is half a Muslim; he
    washes his feet."

    Public food and water supplies were under strict
    inspection in all Muslim cities; and meat and other
    perishable food exposed for sale had to be covered with
    muslin as a protection from dust and flies.
    Communication was free between all classes of society
    and so was intermarriage, and everybody talked to

    I am speaking now of something I have seen and known,
    for that civilisation still existed in the essentials when I
    first went to Egypt, Syria and Anatolia. When I read Alf
    Leylah wa Leylah (The Arabian Nights), most of the
    stories in which are of the period of the Abbasid
    Khilafat though they were collected and published in
    Cairo some centuries later - I see the key life of
    Damascus, Jerusalem, Aleppo, Cairo, and the other
    cities and I found it in the early '90s of last century
    [1890s]. But when I saw it, it was manifestly in decay.
    What struck me even in its decay and poverty was the
    joyousness of that life compared with anything that I had
    seen in Europe. These people seemed quite independent
    of our cares of life, our anxious clutching after wealth,
    our fear of death.
    And then their charity! No man in the cities of the
    Muslim Empire ever died of hunger or exposure at his
    neighbour's gate.

    They undoubtedly had something which was lacking in
    the life of Western Europe, while they as obviously
    lacked much which Europeans have and hold. It was only
    afterwards that I learned that they had once possessed
    the material prosperity which Europe can now boast, in
    addition to that inward happiness which I so envied. It
    was only long afterwards, after 20 years of study, that I
    came to realise that they had lost material prosperity
    through neglecting half the Shari'ah and that anyone can
    find that inward happiness who will obey the other half
    of the Shari'ah which they still observed.

    Now let me go on with my story and tell you how the
    Muslims civilisation came to decay.
    We have seen how it survived the decadence of the
    Abbasid Khilafat, upheld by the strong arms of Turkish
    slaves. For such was their position when they entered the
    Khalifa's service, though their chiefs soon gained the
    title of 'Amir-ul-Umara' and later of 'Sultan' and 'Malik'.
    You may wonder how it happened that for centuries the
    civilisation of Islam was altogether unaffected by this
    transfer of power from a cultured race, to a race of
    comparative barbarians - nay, continued to progress in
    spite of it. The comparative barbarians were ardent
    Muslims. If they treated the Khalifa's person often with
    a brutal disrespect, born of intense contempt for such a
    worthless creature, it was not as the Khalifa that they so
    ill treated him, but as a wretched sinner quite unfit to
    bear the title of Khalifa of the Muslims.

    As a contemporary couplet, quoted by Ibn Khaldun in his
    first Muqaddamah, puts it:

    "A Khalifa in a cage, between a boy slave and a
    Repeating all they tell him parrot wise."

    But the Khalifa a was not the Khilafat. Though the
    Khalifa might be worthless, the Khilafat as an
    institution was still redoubtable [formidable], and
    commanded the respect of every Muslim, particularly of
    the simple-minded Turkish soldiers.

    The civilisation of the Muslims had another guardian
    whom the Turkish warders treated with most grave
    respect. This was the opinion of the Ulama (the learned
    men) expressed in the convocations of half a hundred
    universities, of which the delegates met together when
    required in council. You must not think of them as what
    we now call Ulama, by courtesy. The proper Arabic term
    for the latter is fuquaha, and it hardly came into general
    use in those days when the science which we now know
    as Fiqh was still in its infancy.

    The Muslim universities of those days led the world in
    learning and research. All knowledge was their field, and
    they took in and gave out the utmost knowledge
    attainable in those days. The universities of those days
    were, of course, different from those of modern times,
    but then they were the most enlightened institutions in
    the world. They were probably the most enlightened
    institutions that have ever been a part of a religion.

    The German professor, Joseph Hell, in the little block of
    the Arab civilisation which has lately been translated into
    English by Mr. S. Khuda Bukhsh, thus writes of them:

    "Even at the universities, religion retained its
    primacy, for was it not religion which first opened the
    path to learning? The Qur'an, Tradition,
    jurisprudence therefore, all these preserved their
    pre-eminence there. But it is to the credit of Islam
    that it neither slighted nor ignored other branches of
    learning. Nay, it offered the very same home to them
    as it did to theology - a place in the mosque. Until the
    fifth century of the hijrah the mosque was the
    University of Islam; and to this fact is due to the most
    characteristic feature of Islamic culture "perfect
    freedom to reach." The teacher had to pass no
    examination, required no diploma, no formality, to
    launch out in that capacity. What he needed was
    competence, efficiency and mastery of his subject."

    The writer goes on to show how the audience, which
    included learned men as well as students, were the
    judges of the teacher's competence and how a man who
    did not know his subject or could not support his thesis
    with convincing arguments could not survive their
    criticism for an hour, but was at once discredited.

    These teachers of the Arab universities were the
    foremost man of learning of their age. They were the
    teachers of modern Europe. It was one of them, a
    famous chemist, who wrote: " Hearsay and mere
    assertion have no authority in chemistry. It may be taken
    as an absolutely rigorous principle that any proposition
    which is not supported by proofs is nothing more than
    assertion which may be true or false. It is only when a
    man brings proof of his assertion that we say 'your
    proposition is true.'
    These Ulama were not blind guides nor mere fanatics.
    The professors of those universities were the most
    enlightened thinkers of their time. In strict accordance
    with the Prophet's teaching, it was they who watched
    over the welfare of the people and pointed out to the
    Khalifa anything that was being done against the rights
    of man as guaranteed by the Qur'an. Indeed it was they
    who kept down the fanatic element, discouraged
    persecution for religious opinion, and saved Islamic
    culture from deterioration in a thousand ways. They even
    forced ambitious Muslim rulers, in their un-Islamic
    strife, to refrain from calling on the people to assist
    them, to fight only with the help of their own purchased
    slaves and to respect all crops and cattle and
    non-combatants. They were able, by the enormous
    weight of their opinion with the multitude, to punish
    even rulers who transgressed the Sacred Law, in a way he
    which brought them quickly to repentance; and they
    exacted compensation for transgression.

    The hosts of Genghis Khan in their terrific inroad,
    destroyed the most important universities and massacred
    the learned men. This happened at a time when the
    Eastern boundaries of the empire were but lightly
    guarded, the forces of the Turkish rulers having been
    drawn westward by the constant menace of the Crusades.
    Once the frontiers were passed, there was practically no
    one to oppose such powerful invaders. Then it was seen
    that another command, which is implicit in the Shari'ah,
    had been forgotten or neglected - that every Muslim
    must have military training. So strongly was that point
    impressed upon the public mind that it became the chief
    point of the Shari'ah in public opinion thenceforward
    until the remaining Muslim empire was partitioned by
    powers of Europe only the other day [remember this
    speech was delivered in 1927].

    The Muslim empire revived after the attack of Genghis
    Khan and even made fresh progress. A progress so
    remarkable that once more it threatened Europe as a
    whole, and so aroused the old crusading animosity in
    modern dress, which was the secondary reason of its
    downfall. I say the secondary reason for the main reason
    for the downfall must be sought in the Shari'ah, among
    those natural laws which must always control the rise
    and fall of nations.

    The empire was apparently progressing but it was
    progressing on the wave of a bygone impulse. The
    Ulama who sought knowledge "even though it were in
    China" were no more. In their place stood men bearing
    the same high name of Ulama claiming the same
    reverence, but who sought knowledge only in a limited
    area, the area of Islam as they conceived it - not the
    world-wide, liberating and light-giving religion of the
    Qur'an and the Prophet, but an Islam as narrow and
    hidebound as religion always will become when it admits
    the shadow of a man between man's mind and God.

    Islam, the religion of free thought, the religion which
    once seemed to have banished priestly superstition and
    enslavement of men's minds to other men, forever from
    the lands to which it came, had become - God forgive us!
    - priest-ridden.

    The pursuit of natural science had already been
    abandoned. All knowledge coming from without was
    reckoned impious. For was it not the knowledge of mere
    infidels? Whereas the practice of the early Muslims was
    to seek knowledge even unto China, even though it
    were the knowledge of a heathen race. The growth of
    pride accompanied the cult of ignoranc.

    The Christian nations, which had been moved to the
    pursuit of science by the example of the Muslims, had
    advanced materially just as the Muslims had advanced
    materially so long as they obeyed that portion of the
    Shari'ah or Sacred Law which proclaims freedom of
    thought and exhorts the pursuit of knowledge and the
    study of God's creation. The Christian nations threw off
    the narrow shackles of ecclesiasticism and espoused
    free thought, and their advance in the material field was
    as surprising in its way as were the conquests of the
    early Muslims in their way.

    Before I come to my conclusion, I must mention one
    great assertion of the universal nature of Islam which
    occurred in the darkest hour the Muslims ever knew.
    You will find it narrated in the first chapter of
    Kitab-ul-Fakhri, where the author speaks of the
    importance of justice as a quality of the ruler according
    to the teaching of Islam, that when Sultan Hulaqu had
    taken Baghdad and held the unfortunate but worthless
    person of the Abbasid Khalifa as his mercy he put a
    question to the Ulama who had assembled at his bidding
    at the Mustansiriyah - a question calling for a fatwa of
    the Learned, a question upon which the answer to
    depended the fate of the Khilafat. "Which is preferable
    (according to the Shari'ah) the disbelieving ruler who is
    just or the Muslim ruler who is unjust?" The Ulama were
    all aghast, and a loss what to write, when Rizaud-din Ali
    ibn Tawas, the greatest and most respected Alim of his
    time, arose and took the question paper and signed his
    name to the answer: "The disbelieving ruler who is just."

    All the others signed the same answer after him. All
    knew that it was the right answer, for the Muslim cannot
    keep two standards - one for the professed believer and
    the other for the disbeliever. When Allah, and His
    Messenger proclaimed, maintains one standard only. His
    standard and His judgment are the same for all. He has
    no favourites. The favoured of Allah are those, whoever
    and wherever they may be, who keep His laws. The test
    is not the profession of a particular creed, nor the
    observance of a particular set of ceremonies; it is
    nothing that can be said or performed by anybody as a
    charm, excuse in his or her shortcomings. The test is
    conduct. The result of good conduct is good and the
    result of evil conduct is evil, for the nation as for the
    individual. That is the teaching of Islam, and never has its
    virtue been more plainly illustrated than in the history of
    the rise and decline of the Muslim civilisation.

    The last Abbasid Khalifa and his family were put to death
    most horribly, and for a little while the Mughal
    conquerors established their dominion over Western
    Asia. But in less than a generation, troubles in Persia
    called away the Mughals; the Turkish chiefs revived their
    principalities which the Sultan of Konya tried in vain to
    bring back to their old dependency. It was then that the
    Osmanli Turks came upon the scene.

    The rise of the Osmanli Turks, which brought the
    restoration of the Muslim empire on a larger scale than
    ever, has interesting analogies with the history of the
    House of Timur, another Turkish dynasty. The Ottoman
    empire, at its zenith, was no less glorious than that of
    Akbar, Shahjehan and Aurangzeb. It was then that the
    third great Muslim language blossomed in a literature
    which is utterly Islamic and yet definitely Turkish. It
    covered all fields except the modern-scientific, an
    exquisite literature in an exquisite but very difficult
    language, which latter point -- the language difficulty is
    perhaps the reason why as a rule the Orientalists of today
    ignore it to. It was then that germs of architecture,
    mosques and palaces, arose. It was then that all the
    remnants of Islamic learning flocked to Brusa,
    Adrianople and Istanbul (the successive capitals of the
    Osmanli Sultans), who were munificent patrons of every
    kind of literary and artistic merit, themselves generally
    poets of distinction.

    The poetry of the Ottoman Turks is strangely appealing
    to me. It is usually sad, as it is but natural to a race of
    men who, when they thought a little deeply, always had
    to reflect that death was near to them. But it is never
    despondent, and the passionate (almost desperate) love
    of nature it displays is really a sincere characteristic of
    the people. The most characteristic productions of
    Turkish literature have an affinity with what I have read
    (though in translations only) of Chinese literature. But
    it is their beautiful home life to which I should point if
    asked to indicate the greatest contribution of the Turks
    to Muslim culture. It has, or had (for I am speaking of
    before the war) in common with their poetry, the
    nobility and depth which everything acquires for those
    who are prepared to die at any minute for a cost which
    they regard as worthy. And the way they went to death
    and the way their women bore it. The dignity . . . the
    grace of every action of their daily lives. Those are
    achievements every nation in the world might envy.

    The Osmanli Turks were soldiers first, poets second,
    politicians third and theologians fourth. It was not their
    fault if they took the word of others in the matter of
    religion. The language of religion was Arabic, and only
    learned men among them knew Arabic, even though all
    were taught to recite the Qur'an "for a blessings." That is,
    without thought or understanding of the meaning, as a
    sort of charm. They were soldierly in all they did and
    they trusted their spiritual experts as they trusted their
    military experts. The people were just as contented with
    the decline as they were in the prime of their
    civilisation. For the decline came gradually and
    imperceptibly, and it affected all alike. Nor were they
    conscious of the deterioration which had actually taken
    place, since all the accustomed paraphernalia still
    existed, with the shadow of its former pomp.

    Primary and secondary schools still existed. So did
    universities. But they were now engaged in teaching the
    former Qur'an without the meaning. The latter with all
    the hair splitting niceties of Fiqh, (religious
    jurisprudence - a science of great use to every Muslim)
    but taught in such a way as to imprison the intelligence.
    The machinery of justice, sanitation, police and public
    works still existed, only it had ceased to function
    properly. It was not until some powers of Europe began
    to interfere in order to improve the status of the
    Christian subjects of the pope that the Turks became
    aware that they had dropped below the standard of the
    times. It was only after they had met a modern army in
    the field that they realised that their whole military
    system and equipment was now antiquated. And then, to
    do them justice, the Turks tried with all their might to
    recover the lost ground.

    If they were all unconscious leaders in the decadence of
    Islam, they became afterwards the conscious leaders in
    the struggle for revival. The Turkish literature from the
    last 50 years is altogether different from the old Turkish
    literature. From the poetic works of Namiq Kamal and
    Ekrem, full of patriotic ardour, to the remarkable work
    of the late Prince Said Halima Pasha entitled
    "Islamlashmaq" (Islamise) in which the principles of the
    Shari'ah are expanded in modern terms and shown to be
    somewhat different from those taught by its related
    exponents. And leading to quite different consequences,
    the modern Turkish literature is progressive and
    constructive. It is full of hope in spite of the terrific
    ordeals that the Turkish nation and the Muslim Empire
    had to undergo. Alghazilar, the warriors of Islam, are
    still the heroes and "the bloody shroud" is still the
    guerdon [reward] of the bravest of the brave; but the
    jihad which is celebrated is no longer in defence of a
    dying empire. It is the true jihad of Islam, the jihad of
    human freedom, human progress, human brotherhood, in
    allegiance to Allah.

    The Turkish revolution was the small beginning of a
    great revival of Islam, of which the signs can now be
    seen in every quarter of the Muslim world. Everyone
    now sees that ecclesiasticism (or scholasticism, if you
    prefer the word - it is more accurate) was the cause of
    the decline, and that Islam, as planted in the world,
    requires all available light and knowledge for its
    sustenance. Muslims must seek knowledge even though
    it be in China. Islam can never thrive in darkness and
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    Re: causes of the rise and decline of islam

    Asalam o'alaikum
    Really good article!, the author also has a nice style of writing which i enjoyed one of the things i thought about was how complex and very diverse the Muslim world was and also how unbelievably fast it grew, yet it had the solid foundations of Islam to support it, the Muslim world must have been the most toughest empire to administer and govern because of the speed it grew, its incredible ethnic and cultural diversity and the vast geographical areas it covered. The amazing growth of Islam is in itself a miracle!
    Thanx again for the article
    Alaikum a'salam
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    aadil77's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: causes of the rise and decline of islam

    ^ Yeh the author was an english revert who wrote the English 'Pickthall' translation of the Quran

    causes of the rise and decline of islam

    33 43 1 - causes of the rise and decline of islam
    He it is Who sends blessings on you, as do His angels, that He may bring you out from the depths of Darkness into Light: and He is Full of Mercy to the Believers. [Quran {33:43}]
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