GUIDING STARS Guiding Stars - Talhah R.A


Talha رضي الله عنه was a wealthy, handsome young man, who had accepted Islam at the hands of our beloved Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه.
Although wealthy, He was persecuted a great deal when he had accepted Islam.

He is commonly known as TALHATUL KHAYR because of His generosity and benevolence..
He assisted the poor and needy, widows and orphans, he even payed the marital expenses of family members and friends and settled their debts.

One day, Talha رضي الله عنه entered His home ,worried and perturbed. His wife asked Him what the matter was, to which He replied: "The wealth in my possession has increased favourably and this has become worrisome to me." So what is your stress? Distribute it! was Her advice to Him. He immediately distributed it, until He returned home penniless. An approximate amount of 400 000 silver coins were handed out by Him on that day.

Sadly , Talha رضي الله عنه was unable to participate in the battle of Badr, as He was in Syria at that time. This caused Him great grief and remorse which was then replaced with joy and honour when He received a share of the booty, which Naby صلى الله عليه وسلم had specially kept aside for Him.

Regarding the battle of Uhud, Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه use to say :
"All the credit for that day is for Talha رضي الله عنه."
These are few reason why Talha رضي الله عنه received such honour on that day:

Guiding Stars - Talhah R.A At the time when Naby صلى الله عليه وسلم was attacked by the disbelievers, it was Talha رضي الله عنه who shielded the beloved of Allah with His hand . He also attained 24 or 75 wounds on His blessed body as a result of these attacks.
Guiding Stars - Talhah R.A When some of the Muslim archers left their positions due to confusion, it was Talha رضي الله عنه who faced the enemy bravely and fought, defending the Muslims, until His fingers were cut off.
Guiding Stars - Talhah R.A A man with strong love for Naby صلى الله عليه وسلم proved His loyalty and commitment on this blessed day of the battle of Uhud...
Naby صلى الله عليه وسلم, wearing two sets of clothing, was unable to climb a boulder. It was Talha رضي الله عنه, who bent down, allowing Naby صلى الله عليه وسلم to step on His back in order to climb the boulder. It was at this time that Naby صلى الله عليه وسلم said : "Jannah is compulsory for Talha."
Talha رضي الله عنه was one of the ten fortunate souls who were guaranteed Jannah. (Asharah Mubasharah)

Naby صلى الله عليه وسلم once told the Sahaba رضي الله عنهم :
"Whoever is pleased to look at a martyr walking on the surface of the earth, let him look at Talha Bin Ubaydillah."

And so it happened that Talha رضي الله عنه received His martyrdom during the khilafah of Ali رضي الله عنه.

When Ali رضي الله عنه saw His his body, He said to His son: "O Hasan, it would have pleased me to have died 20 years before this. Give the killer of Talha the tidings of Hell. "

SubhanAllah what a man of substance, who left behind a legacy for us all. May Allah bless us with all the qualities of Talha رضي الله عنه and reunite us with Him in Jannatul Firdaws. آمين