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Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

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    Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

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    long but really good ..

    Written by his devoted student, Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid at noon on Thursday 27 Muharram 1420 AH.

    Today, Thursday 27 Muharram 1420 (May 13, 1999), Islâm and its people have been grieved by the death of the great scholar, father and capable teacher, Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz, and the end of a blessed life lasting eighty-nine years, one month and fifteen days, a life filled with obedience to Allâh and service to Islâm and the Muslims.

    Shaykh Ibn Baaz, may Allâh have mercy on him, was born in 1330 AH and grew up in a good family. He memorized the entire Qur'aan before the age of puberty and studied with the scholars in his homeland before travelling to seek knowledge in other countries. He lost his eyesight completely at the age of 19, because of illness. Allâh knows best, but I think that he is one of the people referred to in the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him): "Allâh says, 'If I take away a person's two beloved (eyes), and he bears it with patience and the hope of reward, he will have no less a reward than Paradise.'" (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, 2325. He said, this is a saheeh hasan hadeeth).

    He was as strong as he could be when it came to issues of Islâm. When one of the oppressive rulers said that there were myths in the Qur'aan, such as the People of the Cave and the staff of Moosa, Shaykh Ibn Baaz wrote to him explaining that this statement was tantamount to apostasy and unbelief. When the ruler's secretary wrote to tell him that this is not what was intended, and that the man retracted what he had said, Shaykh Ibn Baaz wrote to him to tell him that if he was sincere, he should announce his repentance publicly just as he had announced his kufr openly. The Shaykh also denounced those who rejected the Sunnah, and the followers of falsehood and bid'ah, by refuting all their claims. He wrote warnings against observing innovated and unIslâmic celebrations, such as celebrations of the Prophet's birthday, the anniversary of the Isra', the middle of Sha'baan, and other innovations that were not commemorated by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him) or his Companions.

    He was a true leader, the Imaam of Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah and the Renewer (Mujaddid) of the Religion in this age. How many Sunnahs did Allâh revive through him, and how many bid'ahs were done away with! How many people were stirred up from their state of negligence and guided away from error! He was one of the leaders of the pious referred to in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning):

    "'...make us leaders for al-muttaqoon (the pious).'" [al-Furqaan 25:74]

    He used to strive against evil, and how many evil things were done away with and how many bid'ahs put a stop to because of his efforts. He was known for this from an early age, may Allâh have mercy on him. His own Shaykh, Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem (may Allâh have mercy on him) praised him for his critical approach and exposing the falsehood of Arab nationalism (Fataawa Ibn Ibraaheem, 13/148), and wrote in support of his denunciation of the bid'ah of collective takbeer (ibid., 3/127). He himself wrote to his shaykh explaining the dangers of magazines such as al-Musaawar, Rose el-Youssef and Aakhir Saa'ah, which were widespread at that time (ibid., 13/119). The things that he denounced and wrote against are innumerable, and one cannot count how many letters and messages he wrote calling upon the followers of falsehood to discuss matters and provide evidence. I think in this regard he was acting in accordance with the words of Allâh (interpretation of the meaning):

    "Why do not the rabbis and the religious learned men forbid them from uttering sinful words and from eating illegal things. Evil indeed is that which they have been performing." [al-Maa'idah 5:63]

    He used to advise people and warn them against taking haraam employment and evil earnings.

    He watched the signs of evil and issued warnings about them with no delay, such as satellite dishes and journeys abroad, and the harmful effects of music and movies on the youth of Islâm. He wrote about the dangers of wanton display, unveiling and free mixing, out of a sense of jealousy and honour for the sake of Allâh and concern for the honour of the believing women. This and other writings showed his awareness of the ummah's issues and his concern for the people's wellbeing.

    He was an imaam and mujtahid who, with the knowledge, understanding and insight that Allâh bestowed on him, gave fatwas on matters of major import and difficult, thorny issues. He was also the head of the Islâmic Fiqh Council (Majma' al-Fiqh al-Islâmi) which issues fatwas concerning serious contemporary matters. His fataawa on divorce are indicative of his depth of understanding and ability in making ijtihaad. His fatwas were based on compassion and understanding, and this was a great blessing to many people, male and female alike.

    He was a mujaddid who combined knowledge of fiqh with knowledge of hadeeth. He knew about hadeeth and their degrees of soundness. He had memorized many volumes of ahaadeeth; he knew all about their narrators and the correct pronunciation of their names. Texts would be proofread and corrected with his help, even though he was blind. He was an ocean of knowledge, conversant with the opinions of different scholars and never at odds with any of them. One could hardly find any odd or strange fatwa from him. He took the middle path between two sides, those who focus on hadeeth and do not pay due attention to fiqh or the opinions of the scholars, and those who focus on fiqh and the opinions of the fuqaha', and do not pay due attention to the hadeeth. He used to combine the advantages of both fields of knowledge, fiqh and hadeeth.

    He was the leader whose opinion was decisive; all disputing parties would accept his opinion. Scholars might engage in a discussion in his presence, but when he spoke, that would be the end of the dispute - they would accept and follow his opinion. They gave him two votes where other members of the Fatwa Committee (Lajnat al-Fatwa) had only one.

    With regard to the ordinary people, many of them would accept only Shaykh Ibn Baaz's fatwa. If there were varying scholarly opinions on an issue. An ordinary man might say, "That is enough, give me a break! What does Ibn Baaz say?" One of the greatest blessings brought about through him is that the scholars and common people alike would accept him as a leader. This is a distinction which may not apply to anyone else in our time.

    We are not claiming that the Shaykh was more knowledgeable than al-Shaafa'i or Ahmad or Ibn Taymiyah. Far from it! But his importance in our own time is no less than their importance in their own times; indeed, it may be greater, for the people's need for him was greater, because of the paucity of scholars in this time as compared to earlier times.

    He used to come down to the level of ordinary people to help them understand things; he did not address them in a highbrow manner. Very often he would speak to them in the colloquial so that they would understand him. He was like a mujaddid in the sphere of fatwas. His fatwas were based on making links between his ruling and the Qur'aan and Sunnah, and he might mention in his fatwas the opinions of some scholars. Many of the fatwas of scholars who came before him were distinguished by the fact that they were merely narrating comments from books of fiqh produced by the various madhhabs, but the fatwas of Ibn Baaz were based directly on the Qur'aan and Sunnah.

    He loved to benefit people all the time, and he used to use every opportunity that arose to do this. For example, he would sit in the mosque and wait for the prayer, and sometimes he would listen to the person next to him reading Qur'aan. If he came to a difficult word, he would say to the reader, "Do you know what this word means?" then he would explain the meaning to him. I sat beside him a number of times in his house, and if he received a telephone call, when the conversation ended he would turn to me and say, "This person asked us such and such a question, and such and such was our answer." If a question was particularly entertaining, he would tell us about it to put us at ease and be friendly.

    He was extremely humble. One sign of his humility was that he would not often add comments of his own in his lessons; the words of the authors of the books were usually enough. It was as if this were a lesson for him, or a revision or reminder for his own benefit. His commentary on Fath al-Baari is very light - he only commented where he felt that it was absolutely necessary. He often used to mention his shaykhs and pray for mercy for them.

    He used to write on his books, "By the one who is in need of the Mercy of his Lord, 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz, may Allâh forgive him."

    Another sign of his humility was that he would get up and walk over to the women standing by his door, to try and help them by giving them money or answering their questions, etc. On one occasion, he interrupted a debate with some great scholars to answer a woman who was on the phone. When some of them passed a comment, he said, "She needs help."

    If he received an invitation from a janitor or guard in the Islâmic University, at the time when he was the Dean of the University, he would accept. Even though he was so busy, he would be very keen to accept invitations to wedding parties, because the Sunnah urges us to accept such invitations.

    A further sign of his humility was that he would sit on the floor to eat, and would dress simply. He wore a loose, colourless thobe that came down no further than mid-calf, and an inexpensive cloak (abayah). His clothes, shoes and cane indicated that he was an ascetic with no interest in the luxuries of this world.

    He would spend his salary and even borrow money to help people in need. Once a letter came from the Philippines to His Eminence the Shaykh, may Allâh have mercy on him. It was a letter from a woman who said, "My husband was a Muslim. The Christians took him away and threw him into a well, and I have become a widow and my children orphans. I have no one apart from Allâh, may He be glorified and exalted. I said to myself, who can I write to in this world, who can help me after Allâh? There is no one but Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz, so I hope that you will help me." The Shaykh, may Allâh have mercy on him, wrote to the relevant authorities asking them to help her, and they replied that there was no clause that allowed for aid to a woman whose husband had been thrown into a well, and the financial resources were limited. So the Shaykh said to his scribe, "Write a letter for me to the trustee of the fund: 'With greetings, deduct ten thousand riyals from my salary and send it to this woman.'"

    He was very pious and trustworthy. He could be trusted with millions given in charity and zakaah by Muslims, which he would strive to dispense of in the appropriate ways. It is no exaggeration to say that what was spent through him was more than a thousand million.

    He used to take care of his students. When he taught in al-Kharj, he asked for accommodation and stipends for them. He would hold classes and halaqahs for them after Fajr, after Zuhr, after 'Asr and between Maghrib and 'Isha'. Some of his students who used to read Tafseer Ibn Katheer to him between Maghrib and 'Isha' mentioned that often he would be so moved by what was read that he would weep, and sometimes he would weep for so long that the lesson was prolonged, without him realizing it. As soon as he realized, he would end the lesson and they would pray 'Isha'. He would engage in discussion with his students, especially in matters of inheritance. He would check on their circumstances and try to help them, and he would go with them on trips outside the city. He never forgot to pay attention to their need for physical exercise, such as running and having races, as was related in the Sunnah, in the hadeeth of 'Aa'ishah and Salamah ibn al-Akwa'.

    When the town of al-Dalam was overwhelmed by floods in 1360 AH, he went out to encourage its people to build barriers. He brought dates and coffee from his own house to serve to the people at the places where they were working. When a swarm of locusts hit the town, the Shaykh went out with the people to kill the insects with palm leaves. He was keen on managing Awqaaf (endowment funds) and establishing schools. When he was appointed to the administration of the Islâmic University of Madeenah in 1381 AH and thereafter, he used to check on the classrooms and students. He took care of those who had come from other countries, providing them with books and teaching them Arabic. He used to borrow from the University's funds - to be deducted from his salary - to help poor students. One day he found himself in debt to the University, owing 400 riyals from his next month's salary, so he borrowed from some of the shaykhs to give money to poor people. When he was appointed as the head of the Bureau for Academic Research and Fatwas (Idarat al-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wa'l-Ifta) in 1395 AH, and left Madeenah for Riyaadh, he delivered a speech which moved his colleagues and students to tears.

    There are very few people who can be appointed to positions of high rank without altering and becoming arrogant oppressors.

    He was a skillful administrator who was appointed to the administration of the Islâmic University in Madeenah, the Bureau for Academic Research and Fatwas and the Organization of Major Scholars (Hay'at Kibaar al-'Ulama'). He was a man who was well organized with regard to his time, work, lessons, food and meetings. He would pay due attention to all matters and all people.

    He was behind many charitable projects such as building mosques and institutions for the memorization of Qur'aan, Islâmic centres and Sharee'ah institutes. One of his greatest achievements was his effort to establish departments for religious affairs in all government departments and offices, to organize lectures and channel questions and requests for fatwas. Because of this, so much good was done, the true extent of which is known only to Allâh. We ask Allâh to make his good deeds weigh heavily in the Balance because of this.

    He had a remarkable ability to distinguish voices even when there were many people around. He could recognize a speaker even if he had not heard his voice for years. He would remember details about people and would ask them about their circumstances and the state of affairs in their homelands and among their relatives, even though they were so many.

    He used to remember Allâh very often, even when eating and between mouthfuls. He often used to say "Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billaah (there is no strength and no power except with Allâh)," and he would send blessings on the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him) very frequently. If someone spoke nonsense in his presence, he would tell him, "Sabbih, sabbih! (Glorify Allâh i.e., say Subhaan Allâh)". He would often remain silent, deep in thought, and when he listened to someone, he would incline his head and listen intently. He had remarkable powers of discernment and could distinguish those who were telling the truth from those who were lying. He also made good choices when selecting people to do various jobs.

    He would be very cautious when issuing fatwas. Often he would say things like, "We need to think about it" or "It needs some thought. I will write to the Committee for Issuing Fatwas so that we can discuss the matter with our brothers." He told me this many times throughout twenty years when I asked him hundreds of questions. When holding a lesson in the courtyard of the Masjid al-Haraam in Makkah which was filled with people, he would never feel too shy to say, "The matter is not clear in my mind."

    He was filled with fear of Allâh; he would weep readily and be strongly moved, so much so that he would stop a lesson when he was overcome with emotion. Allâh says (interpretation of the meaning):

    "It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allâh." [Faatir 35:28]

    He used to weep when discussing the story of Ka'b ibn Maalik, and the slander against 'Aa'ishah (al-ifk), and the bay'ah (oath of allegiance) of the Ansaar, and the Bedouin whose riding-beast broke his neck, so although he had done little, he was given a great reward.

    He used to worship Allâh continually and strive to obey his Lord. One of those who accompanied him from al-Taa'if to Riyaadh overland said: when it was the middle of the night, about 2 a.m., the Shaykh said to his companions, "It seems that we are tired. Let us break our journey and sleep." So we stopped, and barely had our feet touched the ground but we fell asleep. The good ones amongst us prayed one rak'ah or three rak'ahs before sleeping. The Shaykh also started to pray, and when the people with him woke up before Fajr they saw him still praying.

    I think - and Allâh knows best - that he was one of the three on whom Allâh will smile, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him) mentioned in his hadeeth: "A man who meets the enemy on the battlefield and faces them bravely until he is killed or he opens the way for his companions; people who are on a journey and have travelled for a good part of the night, until they long to touch the ground (i.e., stop and rest), so they stop, and one of them moves a short distance away from them and starts praying until he wakes them up at the time when they have to resume their journey; and a man who has a neighbour who disturbs him but he bears it patiently until they are separated either by death or by one of them moving away." (Reported by Imaam Ahmad in al-Musnad, 20377; Saheeh al-Jaami', 3074)

    Allah blessed him with acceptance throughout the world. One of those who are involved in da'wah said that he went on a trip to one of the nations in central Africa. "We met an elderly woman who asked, 'Where are you from?' We told her through the interpreter that we were from Saudi, and she said, 'Convey my salaams to Shaykh Ibn Baaz.'" Some of the poor people from Nepal who came to look for work in Saudi asked some contractors about Shaykh Ibn Baaz.

    He was a great teacher who paid attention to priorities when teaching people, in accordance with the saying that people should be taught about the minor issues before the major issues.

    He would stop answering questions when it was time to respond to the muezzin. If he omitted or forget something, he would put it right. He never omitted to make dhikr after salaah, despite the fact that there were so many people around him asking questions and making requests. He would interrupt his conversation to recite the dhikr for leaving the mosque.

    He was always fair to his two wives, and would pray Sunnat al-Maghrib in the house of the wife in whose house he was spending the night.

    The number of times he interceded on behalf of others is uncountable. He paid the "zakaah" for his high standing, just as he paid the "zakaah" for his knowledge, in accordance with the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him), "Intercede, and you will be rewarded." He interceded for old and young and workers. How many students were accepted in universities, how many poor people were given charity and how many workers were able to bring their wives to the Kingdom because of his intercession.

    He used to strive to reconcile between husbands and wives, and between any people who were engaged in a dispute.

    He was very patient, tolerant and easy-going. One day when he was a qaadi (judge) in al-Dalam, a man came in swearing and insulted the Shaykh with obscene words, but the Shaykh kept quiet and did not respond. Then Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez travelled to go to Hajj, and that man died. When they brought him out for the funeral prayer, the imaam of the mosque refused to pray for him. He knew about the incident that had taken place, and said, "I will not pray for someone who insulted a scholar. You go ahead and pray for him." When the Shaykh came back from Hajj and was told that the man had died and about what had happened, he prayed for mercy for him and rebuked the imaam. He asked them to take him to the man\'s grave, where he offered the prayer for him and made du'aa' for him. A few days before he died, I said to him, "O Shaykh, I want to ask you to forgive me, because there must be some mistake I have made or shortcomings in my behaviour towards you, or I must have misunderstood something you have said, or conveyed something from you inaccurately." He said, "I forgive, I forgive, may Allâh forgive you."

    He was very generous in giving. I have seen him give his abayah to someone who asked for it. He would never eat alone. He always had lots of guests and he would not eat unless there were others at his table with him. When he fell sick he said to us one time when the food was ready, "Please go ahead and eat, and excuse me."

    Allâh blessed him with a sharp mind, and he was not afflicted with senility. Even the slight forgetfulness that came to him with old age did not affect his ability to issue fatwas or to call evidence to mind and focus on things and understand them, even though he had entered his ninetieth year. A few days before he died, I asked him about a woman who had died before fulfilling her obligation to do sa'ee (running between al-Safa' and al-Marwah as part of Hajj or 'Umrah) - should her son do this on her behalf? He said, "You cannot do anything about death, it is inevitable. Her son can do sa'ee on her behalf, just as he can do Hajj on her behalf." Then he added a qualifier: "But he has to be in a state of ritual ihraam when he does sa'ee on her behalf." I said, "So he should enter ihraam for 'umrah and do tawaaf and sa'ee, and before he cuts his hair he should do sa'ee on behalf of his mother?" He said, "Or before he does his own 'umrah after he has entered ihraam." This precision of thought stayed with him until the very end of his life.

    He worked until his last breath, and his lessons continued until he fell sick. His lesson after Fajr on Thursday lasted for more than three hours.

    He worked for fifty-eight years and never even took one holiday. He never slept for more than four or five hours in a day. He was entitled to retire with a full salary twenty years ago, but he continued to serve Islâm and to strive in support of the religion.

    After he fell sick, whenever the pain got too much for him, once he recovered, he would say to the scribes and assistants around him, "Carry on and read to me what you have." So they would read the letters, messages, issues of divorce and objectionable things, and pleas for intercession, etc., that would help the country and the people.

    Last night, Wednesday night, he was sitting with his family and children until twelve o'clock, when he went to bed. At 2 a.m. his pain got worse, and his soul departed to meet its Maker at Fajr (dawn) on Thursday 27 Muharram 1420 AH, in the city of al-Taa'if, in the Western area of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    The Shaykh, may Allâh have mercy on him, had started to suffer from pain and infection in the oesophagus when fasting last Ramadaan. He had been to the hospital numerous times, but he never moaned or complained. When the pain was very bad, it could only be seen from a change in his face, and all he would do was put his hand on his chest where it hurt. His death is a great calamity, and the people of Tawheed have been stricken with the painful and grievous news, but all we can do is to accept with patience the will and decree of Allâh, and say only that which pleases our Lord: Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji'oon. Allaahumma ajurnaa fi museebatinaa wakhluf lanaa khayran minhaa (To Allâh we belong and unto Him is our return. O Allâh, recompense us for our affliction and replace it for us with something better).

    He will be missed by elderly women, who will weep much for him. Many women fell ill when they heard the news. He will be missed by his neighbours, who would be woken for Fajr every day by the sound of his cane banging on their doors as he left to go and pray, to let them know it was time for prayer. He will be missed in the corners of the mosques, in the mihrabs and minbars. He will be missed by the land over which he walked to and from his prayers and lessons, but it will give testimony in his favour, in sha Allâh, when the earth will speak of all things, good and evil, that were done on it. "That Day it [the earth] will declare its information (about all that happened on it of good or evil), because your Lord has inspired it." [al-Zalzalah 99:4-5 - interpretation of the meaning].

    Two kinds of enemies of Allâh will rejoice at the news of his death: the hypocrites who want to remove Islâm from people's lives, and the confused followers of bid'ah and desires.
    He was a thorn in the sides of the munaafiqeen. His fatwas foiled their evil designs and by means of him Allâh warded off many evils. They were very irrated with him and hoped for his death, and some of them even used to say, "Women will be able to do such and such when the Shaykh dies, and we will have a break from his strict fatwas." The Shaykh has died and they are still without hope. May Allâh never make them able to achieve what they want!

    And now what?

    Our loss is great and our grief is overwhelming, but we may find consolation in the following:

    Firstly: the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him). 'Aa'ishah said: "The Messenger of Allâh (peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him) opened a door of his house or pulled back a curtain, and saw the people praying behind Abu Bakr. He gave thanks to Allâh because he saw that they were fine, hoping that Allâh would compensate them for their loss of him with something like what he could see. He said, 'O people, when any one of the people or of the believers is stricken with a calamity, let him console himself with the thought that this calamity [i.e., the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him)] is greater than whatever he is going through. After my death, no member of my ummah will ever be stricken with a calamity greater than the loss of me." (Reported by Ibn Maajah, 1588; Saheeh al-Jaami', 7879).

    Secondly: we know that Islâm does not depend on any one person. Allâh is Merciful and He will provide for this ummah someone who will guide it and lead it in the way of knowledge, justice and the legacy of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him).

    Thirdly: the students of the Shaykh, the scholars and seekers of knowledge whom he has left behind.

    Fourthly: his "immortal children", i.e., his books, fatwas, theses and recorded lectures. The knowledge left behind by the scholar is his "immortal child".

    Fifthly: the dreams that have been seen about him, which are a good sign about him and are one of the parts of Prophethood, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allâh be upon him) said. Just now I was told about a woman who dreamt, on the night that the Shaykh died, that she saw a light being taken from earth and raised up to heaven. When she woke on the morning ,she heard that the Shaykh had died.

    We should not forget our duties towards the Shaykh now, which are: to ask for Allaah's mercy for him, to make du'aa' for him, to disseminate his works, to spread news of his virtues and character, and to follow his methodology, which was derived from the Qur'aan and Sunnah.

    O Allâh, forgive 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz, have mercy on him, make his grave wide and fill it with light. Raise his status among the guided and above many of Your creation on the Day of Judgement. Forgive us and him, O Lord of the Worlds. Admit him to a place of honour on the Day of Resurrection. O Allâh, compensate the Muslims with good, for You are the All-Hearing Who answers prayers and You are Ever Near. Ameen
    Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

    Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one calling to Faith: 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed.
    Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and expiate from us our evil deeds, and make us die (in the state of righteousness) along with Al-Abrar
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    Ansar Al-'Adl's Avatar
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    format_quote Originally Posted by sheikh nazim
    why do you post soooo long articles when you can simply just give the link for people to go and read about?
    There's a misunderstanding here. This section is on biographies of various Muslim figures. This is where members are encouraged to post their (lengthy) articles on biographies.

    On the other hand, when we are in the middle of a discussion in another thread and someone comes along and posts a massive article, it interrupts the flow of discussion. Also, sectarian articles are not tolerated regardless, but they may be submitted for approval to the sectarian section.

    Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.


    Shykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz was a very famous scholar in Saudi and still is and the ulema use his books and fatwas
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    I just read this today. Jazakallah Khair for posting it. May Allah have mercy on his soul and make his grave wide and full of light.

    Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    "I arrived in Riyadh on a cold night..."

    Concerning the Imaam, the Shaykh - 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah), ‘Abdullaah ibn Muhammad al-Mu’taaz narrates:

    "Shaykh Muhammad Haamid who was the president of the group “As.haab al-Yameen” in Eritrea said:

    “I arrived in Riyadh on a cold night, and did not have any (money) with which to pay for a hotel. So I thought about going to Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz’s house; the time was 3 o’clock in the morning (and) I was hesitant, but (finally) decided to go (to the Shaykh’s house).

    I arrived outside his old mud-style house and found someone asleep by the gate. Having awoken, he opened the gate for me and I conveyed my greetings to him ever so quietly so that no-one (else) hears me since it was so late at night.

    After a short while, I saw the Shaykh himself descending from the stairs with a pot of food. He extended greetings to me and gave me the food, saying:

    “I heard your voice and brought this food for you, assuming you had not eaten this night”.

    By Allaah, I was unable to sleep (the rest of the night) due to weeping at such noble manners”.”

    Mawaaqif madhee.ah fee hayaat al-Imaam 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Baaz - Page 233

    "Yes, I am ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz"

    Concerning the Imaam, the Shaykh - 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah), Saalih ibn Raashid al-Huwaymil narrates on the authority of one of the trustworthy (people):

    “...that one day, one of the (hajj) pilgrims who came from one of the Soviet states entered the dwelling of the Shaykh (Ibn Baaz) in Minaa, and when he saw him he said:

    “Are you Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz?”

    And the Shaykh replied in the most humble manner:

    “Yes, I am ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz.”

    So the pilgrim conveyed his salaam to him and embraced him, and kissed his (fore)head and said:

    “By Allaah, I used to pray that Allaah does not cause me to die until I see (meet) you”.”

    Mawaaqif madhee.ah fee hayaat al-Imaam 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Baaz - Page 12-13
    “This is just to pass the time”

    Concerning the Imaam, the Shaykh - 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah), Sa’d ad-Daawood narrates:

    “The Shaykh was very careful in how he spent his time;

    If he was to travel by car to deliver a lecture or to (simply) attend a gathering, then a number of books would be read to him, (so much so that) I don’t know how many books have been read to him whereby he would make beneficial notes in them. And when he was asked about (all) this, he (simply) said:

    “This is just to pass the time”.”

    Mawaaqif madhee.ah fee hayaat al-Imaam 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Baaz - Page 194-195
    SubhanAllah a great scholar, may Allah have mercy on him.
    Last edited by MinAhlilHadeeth; 01-05-2007 at 11:43 AM.
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    “He would...become choked by the news”www.fatwa-online.com

    Concerning the Imaam, the Shaykh - 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah), Doctor Naasir ibn Misfir az-Zahraanee narrates:

    “Whenever it was mentioned to the Shaykh about those from the scholars who had passed away, especially those who were from amongst his close friends and scholars, he would be deeply affected. He would pray for them a lot, and even cry and become choked by the news.

    One day he spoke about his Shaykh, al-‘Allaamah Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem (rahima-hullaah), but was unable to hold himself back from crying. I would sit beside him many times, whilst his assistant would read to us the fataawa of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem (rahima-hullaah), and in some instances Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem (rahima-hullaah) would refute Shaykh Ibn Baaz himself, at which the Shaykh would smile and pray for him and ask Allaah to have mercy upon him.”

    Mawaaqif madhee.ah fee hayaat al-Imaam 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Baaz - Page 215
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    SubhanAllah... look how Shaykh Albanee (rahimullah) recated to the news of his (shaykh ben baz - rahimullah) death!

    The Shaykh grieves upon hearing about the death of Shaykh Ibn Baaz...

    Concerning the Imaam of Hadeeth, the Shaykh - Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee (rahima-hullaah), it has been narrated by his prolific student, the Shaykh - 'Alee ibn Hasan al-Halabee al-Atharee (hafitha-hullaah) when he informed Shaykh al-Albaanee (rahima-hullaah) of the death of Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah):

    And on the same day (as the death of Shaykh Ibn Baaz(rahima-hullaah)) I met our Shaykh and teacher the 'Allaamah, the Muhaddith - Abu 'Abdir-Rahmaan Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee (rahima-hullaah), may Allaah restore his health and prolong his stay and extend his time; And I informed him the news of the death of the noble Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz. May Allaah increase his favours upon him - I did not see him (the Shaykh), except that his eyes began to shed tears and he sighed deeply and then said:

    ((innaa lillaahe wa innaa ilayhe raaji'oon; Allaahumma ajurnee fee museebatee wakhlifnee kayran minhaa...));

    (To Allaah we belong and unto Him is our return. O Allaah, recompense me for my affliction and replace it for me with something better)

    - [as per the hadeeth in Volume 2, Page 632 of Saheeh Muslim regarding when one is informed of the death of another Muslim].

    Mulhaq al-Asaalah fee wafaat mujaddid al-qarn wa muhaddith al-'asr, 25 Jumaadaa al-Aakhir 1420 - Page 3
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    Some Newspaper Articles on Shaykh Ben Baz (rahimullah)

    arabnews15051999 2 1 - Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz
    arabnews15051999 1 1 - Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

    - Arab News, Saturday 15 May 1999

    saudigazette14051999 1 1 - Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz
    saudigazette14051999 2 1 - Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

    - Saudi Gazette, Friday 14 May 1999

    riyadhdaily14051999 1 1 - Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

    - Riyadh Daily, Friday 14 May 1999

    riyadhdaily14051999 2 1 - Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

    - Saudi Gazette, Friday 14 May 1999

    Courtesy of Fatwa-online
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    Imam Ahmad would often say: “Say to the heretics, the decisive factor between us and you is the day of funerals”

    Br. Ammaar from Madeenah University (Link)

    A number of people sent me queries concerning the correct opinion on praying Salaat al-Janaazah in absentia (on a person who is not present). The question was obviously relevant since people all over the world prayed salaat al-janaazah for Shaykh Ibn Baz rahimahullah.

    Before I breifly answer the question, I would like to mention the fact that this occurence (that so many millions of people prayed over Sh. Ibn Baz) is in and of itself an indication insha-Allah of the status and sincerity of the Shaykh. As some of the salaf said: The criterion between the person of sunnah and the person of bida'ah is the janaazah; meaning that Allah az wa jal blesses the scholar of the sunnah to have many people pray for his forgiveness. The janaazah of Imam Ahmad was attended by more than a hundred thousand people, according to some reports, and for that time and age that is an astounding figure.

    In the janaazah prayer of Sh. Ibn Baz, it was estimated that over a million people were present in the haram, and over fifty-thousand accompanied the bier to the grave. Also, all over the Kingdom, by Royal Decree, every single masjid prayed the salaat on the Shaykh after salaat al-Jumu'ah. I attended the prayer in the Prophet's Masjid, where Sh. al-Qaasimi (the grandson of the one who compiled Majmu' al-Fatawa) gave a short but eloquent khutbah, in which he praised knowledge, and the people of knowledge, and mentioned Sh. Ibn Baz, and his qualities, and the loss that this was to the ummah. People were openly crying...

    One point that the Sh. did mention, however, and I felt that this was a very important point, is that people should not despair, for there will always be good in the ummah as long as there are scholars and students of knowledge. He also emphasized the fact that the death of Sh. Ibn Baaz should cause all of us to ponder over the status of knowledge in our lives, and how important it is that all of us -each and every one of us - must do his best to try to fill the large vacuum that is left.

    The point that I was trying to make was that I believe this is the first time in history where so many people have prayed over a single person - literally millions and millions of people world-wide. This not to mention the fact that people of all statuses, kings (King Fahad and the royal princes all came to Makkah to pray), dignitaries of all nationalities, scholars (Sh. Uthaymeen, Sh. Subayil,... even Qardawi came to Makkah!) and average people, the vast majority of whom had not even met the Shaykh... yet their hearts will filled with love for him, and great sadness at his death... This is something that can only come through the blessings of Allah subhaanahu wa ta'alaa, no amount of publicity, or writing, or speeches, or fatwas, can make a person achieve such a status. The only way this comes about (and this was something that Sh. al-Qasimi mentioned) is when a person sticks to the sunnah, and increases his sincerty to Allah, and makes his dawah, to Allah, for Allah, and by the commandments of Allah. Then, and only then, will his dawah be blessed, and the people will accept him, and love him...

    Verily, the death of Sh. Ibn Baaz is something that causes the hearts to melt, and the eyes to cry, and the souls to despair... but to Allah we belong, and to Him we will return. We pray that Allah blesses us with more scholars, and helps us all to increase in knowledge. Ameen.
    Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    Verily, the death of Sh. Ibn Baaz is something that causes the hearts to melt, and the eyes to cry, and the souls to despair... but to Allah we belong, and to Him we will return. We pray that Allah blesses us with more scholars, and helps us all to increase in knowledge. Ameen.
    Ameen, subhanAllah. The fact that he was blind, yet he strived so hard for Islam really makes you look at yourself. Most of us on this forum are young and have the ability to do so much. If each of us only did 5% of what he accomplished in his life time, think of the great that would be achieved. The fact that he had such a long life (89) and accomplished so much is a sign that Allah is pleased with him inshaAllah.

    May Allah accept all of his deeds and efforts, ameen.

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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    1330H-1420H: Imaam ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin ‘Abdillaah bin Baaz

    PRODUCED BY: Al-Ibaanah.com
    Author: www.BinBaz.Org.sa
    Source: BinBaz.Org.Sa [Abridged and with Additions]

    His Name and Lineage:
    He was the noble and exemplary scholar, ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin ‘Abdillaah bin ‘Abdir-Rahmaan bin Muhammad bin ‘Abdillaah Aali Baaz, may Allaah have mercy on him. Baaz was a family that had deep roots in knowledge. business, and agriculture. They were known for their virtues and character. Shaikh Sulaymaan bin Hamdaan, may Allaah have mercy on him, said in his book on the biographies of the Hanbalee scholars: “Their origin was in Madeenah, then one of their ancestors moved to Dur’eeyah.”

    His Birth and Early Youth:
    He was born in Riyadh, the capital city of Najd on the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah, 1330H. This is where he spent his childhood, adolescence and early adult years.

    Imaam Ibn Baaz was raised in an environment engrossed in knowledge, since Riyadh at that time was filled with scholars and people of guidance. It was also a place of security and peace since King ‘Abdul-‘Azeez had re-conquered it and established justice there based on the laws of Islaam. This was after Riyadh had been a place of endless turmoil and instability.

    Imaam Ibn Baaz first started by learning the Qur’aan as was the custom of the Salaf, who would memorize and master the Qur’aan before moving on to other subjects. So he memorized the entire Qur’aan by heart before reaching the age of puberty. He then went on to study at the hands of the scholars in his area.

    It is also important to note that his mother, may Allaah have mercy on her, played a large role in his path towards knowledge, since she would be the one who would constantly encourage and incite him towards acquiring knowledge, as he stated towards the end of one of his lectures, “My journey with the writers”, in which he discussed some examples of his life.

    Imaam Ibn Baaz had sight for the first part of his life. Then due to Allaah’s infinite wisdom, He willed that the Imaam’s sight weaken due to an eye disease in 1346H, which eventually lead to him completely losing his eyesight in 1350H when he was close to twenty years of age. However, this did not prevent him from his perseverance and diligence in seeking knowledge, which he continued to do and excel in.

    Remarkably, losing his eyesight was a means of benefit for Imaam Ibn Baaz, since he was able to achieve several advantages of which we will mention four, as an example and not to limit:

    1. Reward from Allaah: Imaam Al-Bukhaaree reported in his Saheeh a hadeeth qudsee, in which Allaah said: “If my servant is tested with losing his two beloved (eyes), I will substitute them with Paradise.” [Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: no. 5653]

    2. Strong Memorization: Imaam Ibn Baaz was the Haafidh (Memorizer) of this era when it came to Knowledge of Hadeeth. If you were to ask him on a hadeeth found in the Six Collections of Hadeeth or other collections such as the Musnad of Imaam Ahmad, you would find him well versed in the hadeeth’s chain of narration, textual wording, the scholars who spoke on it, its narrators and its explanation.

    3. Lack of Interest in Worldly Splendors: Imaam Ibn Baaz refrained from chasing after the pleasures of the worldly life, living an abstentious and humble lifestyle.

    4. High Determination: Losing sight, only made Imaam Ibn Baaz more determined and perseverant in his quest for seeking and acquiring knowledge, to the point that he became one of the senior scholars, known throughout the world. Allaah indeed replaced the light in his eyes with light in his heart, love for knowledge, and following of the Prophet’s Sunnah.

    His Teachers:
    After memorizing the Qur’aan, Imaam Ibn Baaz, may Allaah have mercy on him, went on to study the other Islaamic sciences under many of the scholars of Riyadh, the most prominent of whom were:

    1. Shaikh Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Lateef Aali Shaikh, the great-great grandson of Imaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab,
    2. Shaikh Saalih bin ‘Abdil-‘Azeez Aali Shaikh, the great-great grandson of Imaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab and the Chief Judge of Riyadh,
    3. Shaikh Sa’ad bin Hamad Al-‘Ateeq, Judge of Riyadh,
    4. Shaikh Hamad bin Faaris, Vice-Chancellor of the Treasury of Riyadh,
    5. Shaikh Sa’ad Waqqaas Al-Bukhaaree, from the scholars of Makkah whom he learned the science of Tajweed from in 1355H,
    6. Shaikh Muhammad bin Ibraaheem Aali Shaikh, former Chief Muftee of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He attended his study circles for about ten years, learning all of the Islamic sciences from him, from 1347H to 1357H, when his teacher nominated him to be a judge. May Allah have mercy on all of them.

    His Educational Life:
    When Imaam Ibn Baaz was selected for being the Judge of the Kharj district, he accepted it unwillingly since he had no desire or love for position. But it was due to the encouragement of his teacher, Shaikh Muhammad bin Ibraaheem Aali Shaikh, and the order of King ‘Abdul-‘Azeez that he took up the position. So he went to ad-Dalam, the capital city of the Kharj district at that time, and the people greeted him warmly. As soon as he got out of the car that transported him there, he ascended the Central Mosque and prayed two rak’at, in accordance with the Sunnah. Then he rested for a while in the presence of the Ameer of ad-Dalam at that time, Naasir bin Sulaymaan al-Huqbaanee, may Allaah have mercy on him. Thereafter the people gathered around him and so he gave them a profound admonition. From the things he told them was that he had no desire to be the Judge of their district but that he was ordered and so he must obey the leader.

    As soon as he commenced working at his position, Allaah brought much good through his hands and he judged the people with justice and kindness. He served in this position for a little over fourteen years. During this time, the Kharj district became a place of good and uprightness. Imaam Ibn Baaz would attribute this success to the good hearts of the people and their high esteem for virtue and justice. Because the courts were in ad-Dalam, he lived there in the Judge’s Residence given to him by Imaam ‘Abdullaah bin Faysal bin Turkee.

    Imaam Ibn Baaz was well known throughout the Muslim world for his religious verdicts (fataawaa) and his beneficial books. He would preside over committees for educational seminars in Saudi Arabia, and give various lectures over the telephone to Muslims outside of the Kingdom. He would also answer the questions of the people over the radio and during the blessed times of Hajj and Ramadaan. And his words would appear in Muslim newspapers, magazines, and articles throughout the world.

    His Books and Treatises:
    Even though the Imaam was pressed for time as a result of his duties and role in giving da’wah and educating, he still made time to write books and treatises that addressed important issues, which the Muslims were in need of knowledge of. Amongst his most famous works were:

    1. The Obligation of Following the Sunnah
    2. The Ideological Attack
    3. The Life and Call of Imaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab
    4. Three Treatises on the Prayer
    5. The Correct Belief and what Opposes It
    6. Important Lessons for the Muslim Ummah
    7. A Criticism of Arab Nationalism
    8. The Dangers of Tabarruj
    9. Two Essays on Fasting and Zakaat
    10. The Ruling on Pictures
    11. The Ruling on Celebrating the Prophet’s Birthday
    12. A Warning against Innovations

    And there are many more books, which can be read and printed at the Imaam’s official web site www.binbaz.org.sa. This was in addition to his many fataawaa (religious verdicts) that were collected, compiled and published, which range in numerous volumes.

    His Educational and Religious Positions:
    1. He served as a Judge in the Kharj District of Saudi Arabia for fourteen years from 1357H to 1371H.

    2. He taught at the Educational Institute of Riyadh in 1372H and in the College of Sharee’ah after its inception in 1373H, covering the subjects of Fiqh, Tawheed and Hadeeth. He remained in this teaching position for nine years until 1380H.

    3. In 1381H, he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the Islamic University of Madeenah, where he served until 1390H.

    4. He was then appointed as the Chancellor of the Islamic University of Madeenah in 1390H, after its former Chancellor, Shaikh Muhammad bin Ibraaheem Aali Shaikh died in Ramadaan of 1389H. He remained in this position until 1395H.

    5. In 10/14/1395H, the King ordered that Imaam Ibn Baaz be appointed as Head of the Council for Islamic Research, Verdicts, Da’wah and Guidance. He held this position until 1414H.

    6. In 1/20/1414H, the King appointed Imaam Ibn Baaz as the Chief Muftee of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He held this position along with being the Head of the Council of Senior Scholars and the Head of the Committee for Islamic Research and Verdicts.

    He also held the following positions:

    1. Head of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Verdicts,

    2. President and Member of the Founding Committee for the Muslim World League,

    3. President of the higher World League Council,

    4. President of the World Supreme Council for Mosques,

    5. President of the Islamic Fiqh Assembly in Makkah, which is under the Muslim World League,

    6. Member of the Higher Council of the Islamic University of Madeenah,

    7. Member of the Supreme Committee for Islamic Propagation.

    His Students:
    Imaam Ibn Baaz, may Allaah have mercy on him, had numerous students that would attend his classes and study circles. The most famous and distinguished among them were:

    1. Muhammad bin Saalih Al-‘Uthaimeen, former member of the Council of Senior Scholars, may Allaah have mercy on him,
    2. ‘Abdullaah bin Hasan Al-Qu’ood, current member of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawaa and of the Council of Senior Scholars,
    3. ‘Abdullaah bin ‘Abdir-Rahmaan Al-Ghudayyaan, current member of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawaa and of the Council of Senior Scholars,
    4. ‘Abdul-Muhsin Al-‘Abbaad, former Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the Islamic University of Madeenah,
    5. Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, current member of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawaa and of the Council of Senior Scholars,
    6. Rabee’ bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee,
    7. ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin ‘Abdillaah Ar-Raajihee

    His Physical Attributes and Appearance:
    The Shaikh, may Allaah have mercy on him, was of medium build, and neither tall nor short. He had a round face and was of a golden-brown color. He had a curved nose and a beard that was short on the cheeks but thick below the chin. His beard used to be black, but when too many white hairs started showing, he dyed it with henna. Indeed, his description resembled that of many of the scholars before him.

    He had a beautiful appearance. He would always try to wear white garments, and would love wide clothes, and thawbs that would reach the middle of his shin.

    His Humility and Piety:
    The Imaam knew his own worth and so he would be very humble before Allaah. So he would treat the people in a kind manner, with gentleness and mercy. He would not transgress over anyone or show arrogance to anyone. He would not give a false impression of grandness nor would he get up to the leave when in the company of the poor and needy, or refrain from walking and intermingling with them. He would also never turn away from listening to the advice of those who were below him.

    What also showed his humbleness was that he would answer the invitation of his students and close friends to come to their wedding gatherings. He would always arrive early and ask one of the brothers to recite some ayaat from the Qur’aan, which he would then go on to explain to everyone present.

    His Death:
    Imaam Ibn Baaz passed away on Thursday, the 27th of Muharram, 1420H (5/13/1999), due to heart failure. He was 89 years old at the time. Millions of people throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gathered to witness his funeral prayer and he was buried in the ‘Adl Cemetery in Makkah. Muslims throughout the world mourned his loss and it was only a few months later that the Muslim world would lose another great scholar, Imaam Al-Albaanee, may Allaah have mercy on them both.

    *** My Bad If It Has Been Already Posted***
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    Ibn Baaz Articles/Book Downloads in English

    AbdurRahman.org » scholars » Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Baaz

    *Please appropriately reference this biography to: www.fatwa-online.com, thankyou!*
    Abu 'Abdullaah Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn 'Abdullaah ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan Aal-Baaz was born in the city of Riyadh in Dhul-Hijjah 1330 A.H./1909 C.E.

    He memorized the Qur.aan in his early age and then he acquired knowledge from many of the great scholars of the Kingdom. Some of his teachers were Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Lateef Aal-Shaykh, Shaykh Saalih ibn 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal-Shaykh and the eminent Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem Aal-Shaykh who, in his time, was the Muftee of Saudi Arabia. Shaykh Ibn Baaz accompanied the eminent Shaykh and learned from him for about ten years. Thus he gained his religious education from the family of Imaam Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab.
    Afterwards Shaykh Ibn Baaz was appointed as a Justice and he worked for fourteen years in the judiciary until he was deputed to the education faculty. He remained engaged in teaching for nine years at Riyadh Islaamic Law College, Riyadh Religious Institute. Then he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the Islaamic University, al-Madeenah; but shortly afterwards, he was made the Chancellor with all the administrative powers. Later he was appointed President of the General Presidency of Islaamic Research, Ifta, Call and Propagation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
    He held the position of Grand Muftee of Saudi Arabia, the Presidency of many Islaamic Committees and Councils, the prominent among these being: Senior Scholars Committee of the Kingdom, Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, the Founding Committee of Muslim World League, World Supreme Council for Mosques, Islaamic Jurisprudence Assembly Makkah; and the member of the Supreme Council of the Islaamic University at al-Madeenah, and the Supreme Committee for Islaamic Propagation, until he passed away on Thursday 27 Muharram 1420 A.H./May 13 1999 C.E. May Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) have Mercy upon his soul, aameen.
    What the newspapers had to say... .
    For more about the noble Shaykh, kindly refer to Scholarly Jewels
    The Shaykh's official website: www.binbaz.org.sa
    Online Articles / Books
    • Muslims Belief - by Shaykh Muhammad Saleh Al Uthaymeen - Preface of Shaykh Abd al Aziz Ibn Baz [Book]
      Abdul Aziz ibn Baaz says "..this book covers the creed of the Sunnites and the mainstream majority of the Muslims in the area of the oneness of Allah, His attributes, the belief in the angels, the books and the messengers, the Day of Judgment, and in the belief in fate and the divine decree. He succeeded in collecting what the seeker of knowledge and every Muslim needs for his belief in Allah, His angels, His scriptures, His messengers, the Day of Judgment, and fate. He included in his treatise useful information related to the Muslim's beliefs that are not readily available in many of the books written on these topics.."
    • The Authentic Creed & The Invalidators of Islam - Shaik Ibn Baaz [Book]
      Publisher: Darussalam Publishers & Distributors (2000)
      - The most important matter for every Muslim is the correctness of his beliefs. Islam established on the basis of sound creed and it opposes all false superstitions and erroneous systems of belief. Thus, it is essential for every Muslim to make certain that his belief are correct and in accordance with the Quran and authentic Sunnah of the Prophet (S). This small but important book covers all basic information and we hope that readers will recognize the importance of this treaties by Shaikh Ibn Baz. Contents: Belief in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, & in the Divine Destiny, and Invalidators of Islam.
    • Increasing Eemaan (Faith) - Shaykh `Abdul `Aziz ibn Baz
      Fataawaa Lajnatud-Daa'imah lil-Buhoothul `Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa, 3/185-187, Al-Istiqaamah Newsletter
    • Fatwa on - The Remedy for Whispering (of Shaytan) - Shaik Ibn Baaz

    Final Journey







    • The Responsibility of a Muslim towards Non-Muslims - Abdul Aziz ibn Baaz
    • Words of Advice Regarding Dawah - ibn Baaz
      Taken from 'Words of Advice Regarding Da'wah' from Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn 'Abdullaah ibn Baaz, compiled by Ziyaad ibn Muhammad as-Sa'doon. - Usually a nation is never revived except due to the awareness and continuous enthusiasm of the youth. However, over-enthusiasm of the youth must be guided through the wisdom of the old...

    Quran & Tafseer


    • The Type of Jihaad in Palestine - Shaykh Ibn Baaz - Fatwa-Online.com
    • The Ideological Attack - Abdul Aziz Ibn Baaz[PDF]
      An Introduction to the book by this renown scholar. "By the end of the first decade of the fifteenth Islâmic century (1410-1411H / 1990-1991 CE), the world witnessed a total re-shaping of its socio-political landscape; a re-shaping that again was to have a serious impact upon the Islâmic world. With the collapse of communist Russia as a dominant world force, it was Islâm and the Islâmic lands that then became the main focal targets for the economic, ideological and military attack of the New World Order; the now dominant culture. In effect, it was the beginnings of the second Crusades! "
    • Shaikh Ibn Baz and Shaikh Ibn Jibreen on Hijacking and Kidnapping



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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    Shaykh Bin Baaz said:

    “There is no path for the Muslims to regain the great glory of their Pious Predecessors or to deserve help and victory over their enemies, except by returning to their Religion; being upright upon it, having allegiance to those who align themselves with it, having enmity with those who show enmity to it, judging by Allaah’s sharee’ah in all affairs, uniting their word upon the truth and co-operating with each other in piety and righteousness - just as Imaam Maalik bin Anas, rahmatullaah ‘alayhi, said: “The latter part of this ummah will not be rectified, except by that which rectified its former part.” This is the view of all the people of knowledge, that Allaah the Most Perfect rectified the first part of this ummah due to their following His sharee’ah and clinging to His rope upon truthfulness and mutual co-operation. There can be no rectification for the latter part of this ummah except by this great means.”

    Majmoo’ Fataawaa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi’ah (7/375)
    Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    "This is so-and-so who said such-and-such about you"

    Concerning the Imaam, the Shaykh - 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah), ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Muhammad al-Baddaah narrates:
    “It was narrated that the Shaykh (Ibn Baaz) differed (in opinion) with one of the Shaykhs from outside Saudi Arabia regarding a few issues.

    It then occurred that this (non-Saudi) Shaykh came to Saudi Arabia and the Shaykh (Ibn Baaz) invited him for lunch to his house and honoured him. Amongst the gathering were some students, who (turned and) said to the Shaykh (Ibn Baaz):

    “This is so-and-so who said such-and-such about you”, (at which) the Shaykh (Ibn Baaz) silenced them.

    He (then) continued to honour his guest, and at the end of the gathering, the Shaykh (Ibn Baaz) escorted him to the (front) door to bid him farewell. (It was) then the (non-Saudi) Shaykh said:

    “If it was said to me that there is someone on the face of this earth who is from the pious predecessors, certainly I would have said it is this man (i.e. Shaykh Ibn Baaz)”, rahimahumullaah.”
    Mawaaqif madhee.ah fee hayaat al-Imaam 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Baaz - Page 188
    Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    why don't they show the face he isn't a prophet or is he?
    Last edited by Ibn Abi Ahmed; 04-19-2007 at 12:33 AM. Reason: Please don't quote long posts
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    He isn't a prophet, but a scholar. The reason his face isn't printed on paper (notice those are newspaper scans) is because the Messenger has forbidden making images of people, or anything else that has a soul.
    Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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    Re: Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Al Madani View Post

    He isn't a prophet, but a scholar. The reason his face isn't printed on paper (notice those are newspaper scans) is because the Messenger has forbidden making images of people, or anything else that has a soul.
    ok bro thanks for the information!
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