Now that i have everyone's attention , I would just like to refer you to the link at the bottom. Today the Muslims are suffering, one of the reasons is because some of us have left the Fard and are going for the Mustahab.
SubhanAllah we listen to Naat shareef so much that its become part of our lives, but this doesnt mean we neglect our Fard and miss our Salah and dont gain islamic knowledge because we are preocuppied with worldly things. For academic exams we are so stressed and spend many hours upon end locked away for many weeks - but how will solving standard deviation help us in our grave? how many people put this amount of effort and stress into learning deen and for the exam of the hereafter?
We are so caught up in money and other shatani distractions that our families are falling apart, our Imaan is falling apart, in the midst of all this we are forgetting about the one thing thats guaranteed; death.
The following is a video of a DEATH QASEEDAH, as far as i know there are no pictures of dead people, the words are absolutely amazing and there is english translation. It can melt the stone hearts. Please please listen to it and reflect upon it. Pass the link onto other brothers and sisters, it has a very great effect even for the non urdu understanding people also myself get the touch of this after all i don't understand urdu but subhnallah when ever i listen to this i cry walahi remember also if you recite surah mulk every night will be saved from the grave torment inshallah Allah azwajal!.
Re: Imporatnce Notice: Li will be closing soon please view>>>> this is thy truth
Excellent ukhti ...but i was wondering...
format_quote Originally Posted by jodie
For academic exams we are so stressed and spend many hours upon end locked away for many weeks - but how will solving standard deviation help us in our grave? how many people put this amount of effort and stress into learning deen and for the exam of the hereafter?
we have to divide our time between them...we have to gain fard knowledge and in worship but we should also gain general knowledge as it was encouraged by the Prophet (saw)
Re: Imporatnce Notice: Li will be closing soon please view>>>> this is thy truth
Deception is a sin
....If thou knowest not thy God, thou art a slave of men;
And if thou dost, thy slaves are kings and potentates.
The heart’s freedom is kingly; its slavery is death,
It is for thee to decide — to be a king or a slave.
[Baal-e-Jibreel, Allama Iqbal 1935]
Re: Imporatnce Notice: Li will be closing soon please view>>>> this is thy truth
Assalmualikum warhmathullahi warbarakathuhu
shukran Hijra Akhi i have heard that one before aswel
also shukran Taggy well said that is so true
&& as for thy tittle why i wrote "Li will be closing soon" i was being sarcastic not as if it is going to close Allah Hu A3lim, but why i wrote that to get everyone's attention && also one day it will close because we will ALL be departing && leaving our soul so we need to remember this what i wrote was not for because "Li will be closing" but showing thy truth!
do me a favour remember me in your Du3'ah, shukran
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