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    someone guide me

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    I really want to upload this sura to my ipod, can someone kindly guide me as to how convert it to MP format, or can you kindly do it for me... I love Sheikh Khanderi's voice... it does the sura justice

    thank you
    Jazakoum Allah khyran
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    about the surah

    Surah 93
    The Forenoon ad Dhuha

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

    By the white forenoon and the brooding night your Lord has neither forsaken you, nor does He hate you. Surely the life to come will be better for you than this present life. Did certainly your Lord will be bounteous to you and you will be satisfied. Did He not find you an orphan and give you a shelter? Did He not find you in error and guide you? Did He not find you poor and enrich you? Therefore do not wrong the orphan, nor chide away the beggar, but proclaim the goodness of your Lord.


    This surah, with its subject matter, mode of expression, scenes, connotations and rhythm is a touch of tenderness and mercy. It is a message of affection, it is a benevolent hand which soothes pains and troubles and generates an air of contentment and confident hope.

    The surah is dedicated in its entirety to the Prophet (peace be on him). It is a message from his Lord which touches his heart with pleasure, joy, tranquillity and contentment. Altogether it i5 a flow of mercy and compassion to his restless soul, and suffering heart.

    Several accounts mention that the revelation of the Qur'an to the Prophet came, at one stage, to a halt and that Jibril stopped coming to him for a while. The unbelievers therefore said, "Muhammad's Lord has bidden him farewell!" Allah therefore revealed this surah.

    Revelation, Jibril's visits and the link with Allah were the Prophet's whole equipment along his precarious path. They were his only solace in the face of hard rejection and his sole comfort against outright repudiation. They were the source from which he derived his strength to stand steadfast against the unbelievers who were intent on rebuff and refusal, and bent on directing a wicked, vile attack against the Prophet's call, faith and guidance.

    So when the Revelation was withheld, the source of strength for the Prophet was cut off. His life spring was sapped and he longed for his heart's friend. Alone he was left in the wilderness, without sustenance, without water, without the accustomed companionship of the beloved friend. It was a situation which taxes human endurance heavily.

    Then this surah was revealed and it came as a rich flow of compassion, mercy, hope, comfort and reassurance. "Your Lord has neither forsaken you, nor does He hate you. Surely the life to come will be better for you than this present life. And certainly your Lord will be bounteous to you, and you will be satisfied." Your Lord has never before left you or rejected you, or even denied you His mercy or protection. "Did He not find you an orphan and give you a shelter? Did He not find you in error and guide you? Did He not find you poor and enrich you?

    Do you not see the proof of all this in your own life? Do you not feel it in your heart? Do you not observe it in your world? " Your Lord has neither forsaken you, nor does He hate you. " Never bad His mercy been taken away from you and it never will be. "Surely the life to come will be better for you than this present life. " And there will be much more: "And certainly your Lord will be bounteous to you and you will be satisfied."

    This statement of the fact of the matter, made in excellent style and fine rhythm, is given in the framework of a universal phenomenon: "By the white forenoon and the brooding night." The expression spreads an air of affection, kindliness and complete satisfaction. "Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor does He hate you. Surely the life to come will be better for you than this present life. And certainly your Lord will be bounteous to you and you will be satisfied. Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? Did He nor find you in error and guide you? Did He not find you poor and enrich you? " That tenderness, that mercy, that satisfaction, that solace are all felt in the sweet expressions and the soothing words and phrases which softly thread along the surah with gentle echoes and lively rhythm as they are contained within the frame of the morning hours and the still night which are the times of the day and night most conducive to clarity. During these periods one's reflections flow like a stream, and the soul is best able to communicate with the universe and its Creator, and feels the universe worshipping its Lord and turning towards Him in praise with joy and happiness. In addition, the night is described as "brooding". It is not the dark gloomy night as such but the "brooding" night that is clear, silent and tranquil, covered with a light cloud of sweet longing and kind reflection. It is a picture similar to that of the orphan's life. More still, the night is cleared away by the crossing morning and thus the colours of the picture beautifully match with those of the framework, and harmony is achieved.

    The scene drawn here is one of perfect beauty. Such perfection is Divine, unparalleled and inimitable.

    "By the white forenoon, and the brooding night: your Lord has neither forsaken you, nor does He hate you. Surely the life to come shall be better for you than this present life. And certainly your Lord will be bounteous to you and you will be satisfied."

    Allah vows by these two calm and inspiring periods of time and establishes a relationship between natural phenomena and human feelings. Thus, mutual response is encouraged between human hearts and the universe, which is beautiful, alive and sympathetic to all living beings. Hence, hearts live in peace with the world, relaxed and happy .

    This mode of expression is particularly appropriate in this surah as the feeling of fellowship is stressed here as if to tell the Prophet right from the beginning of the surah that his Lord had already blessed him with the fellowship of the world around him and that he was by no means forsaken or left alone.

    Then follows a straight forward assertion. " Your Lord has neither forsaken you, nor does He hate you. " He has not left you, nor has He been harsh to you as is alleged by those who want to afflict your heart and soul or trouble your feelings. For He is your Lord and you belong to Him. He is your sustainer and protector. Allah's favours on you have neither run out nor have they been stopped. You, Muhammad, are to get much more and better favours in the hereafter than you are getting in this life. "Surely the life to come will be better for you than this present life."

    Allah is saving for you, Muhammad, what will satisfy you in your mission and ease your hard path and bring about the victory of your call and the vindication of the truth you advocate. These thoughts were in fact pre occupying the Prophet's mind as he was encountering his people's outright rejection, ill-treatment, and malice. " Your Lord will be bounteous to you and you will be satisfied . "

    The surah then goes on to remind the Prophet of his Lord's attitude towards him from the very beginning of his mission so that he may reflect on how favourably Allah has been treating him. This is to make him recall the happy memories of the Divine kindness which is a joy revived by the words, "Did He not find you an orphan and give you a shelter? Did He not find you in error and guide you? Did He not find you poor and enrich you?" Reflect on your present life and on your past. Has He ever forsaken you or hated you even before He charged you with the assignment of prophethood.

    You were born an orphan but Allah protected you. He made so many people kind to you, especially your uncle Abu Talib, though he followed a religion different from yours. You were poor and He made your heart rich with contentment, and made you rich through your business gains and the wealth of your wife, Khadeejah, so that you would not suffer from poverty or yearn for the riches that abound all around you.

    You were also brought up in an Ignorant society, full of confusion of beliefs and concepts, where erring ways and practices abounded. You did not like those beliefs, concepts and practices but you could not find a clear and suitable way out. You could find your way neither in the Ignorant world nor with the followers of Moses and Jesus, who adulterated their beliefs, distorted their original form and went astray. But Allah has guided you through His revelations and the way of life He has set which establishes a firm bond between Him and you. This "guidance" in the wilderness of disbelief and confusion is the greatest favour of them all. The happiness and reassurance it brings about cannot be matched. The Prophet had been greatly perturbed and afflicted because of the cessation of revelation, and the malicious attitude of the polytheists during the period of its cessation. Hence comes this reminder to put his heart at ease and reassure him of his Lord's promise never to abandon him .

    Allah takes the opportunity of mentioning the Prophet's earlier orphanhood, error and poverty in order to instruct the Prophet and all Muslims to protect every orphan, to be charitable to every beggar, and to speak of the great favours they enjoy from Allah, the first of which is guidance to the religion of Islam. "Therefore, do not wrong the orphan nor chide away the beggar, but proclaim the goodness of your Lord.

    As we have already mentioned repeatedly, these instructions reflect the needs of the day, in that greedy and materialistic society in which the weak, who could not defend their own rights, were not catered for. Islam came to reform that society with Allah's laws which establish equity, justice and good-will.

    Speaking of Allah's bounties, especially those of guidance and faith, is a form of expressing gratitude to Him, the Giver. It is a practical manifestation of thanks on the part of the recipient.

    Last edited by جوري; 07-02-2007 at 12:16 AM.
    someone guide me

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    Re: someone guide me

    Sorry i wish i could but sadly i do not have a ipod or any music intrusment
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    Last edited by doorster; 07-02-2007 at 12:29 AM.
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    Re: someone guide me

    shokran akhi.. I think you mistook me for someone who has computer skills? lol
    but I am grateful.. I'll try to figure it out from here on out!
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    Re: someone guide me

    woop.. I figured it out.. thank you.. truly teaching someone to fish is better than feeding him.......
    Almost done with conversion
    jazaka Allah khyran!
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    قال ابن أبي مليكة : أدركت ثلاثين من أصحاب النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - كلهم يخاف النفاق على نفسه
    Ibn Abī Mulaykah said: "I encountered thirty Companions of the Prophet, every one of them fearing hypocrisy for himself." [Muslim]
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    Re: someone guide me

    sorry bro some perosn already posted that
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    Re: someone guide me

    I love this forum, almost surreal, I wish people were this responsive and helpful in real life
    thank you all
    Jazakoum Allah khyran
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    Re: someone guide me

    I was so very sad today.. when I found this surah by mere chance after listening to suret Al-qyama, I had no idea this sheikh recited it... I feel blessed... I found the following on the web, I don't know if the interpretation is correct? but I don't feel it was sheer luck I stumbled upon this sura today... I feel I was meant to hear it... though I have heard and recited it so many times before... I believe I really only listened and understood today... thanks for letting me rant and helping me out... this was therapeutic--
    jazakoum allah khyran

    The Message of the Quran

    Muhammad Asad


    Total Verses: 11


    IT IS SAID that after surah 89 (Al-Fajr) was revealed, some time elapsed during which the Prophet did not receive any revelation, and that his opponents in Mecca taunted him on this score, saying, "Thy God has forsaken and scorned thee!" - whereupon the present surah was revealed. Whether or not we accept this somewhat doubtful story, there is every reason to assume that the surah as such, although in the first instance addressed to the Prophet, has a far wider purport: it concerns - and is meant to console - every faithful man and woman suffering from the sorrows and bitter hardships which so often afflict the good and the innocent, and which sometimes cause even the righteous to question God's transcendental justice.


    1) CONSIDER the bright morning hours,

    (2) and the night when it grows still and dark.*

    * The expression "bright morning hours" apparently symbolizes the few and widely-spaced periods of happiness in human life, as contrasted with the much greater length of "the night when it grows still and dark", i.e., the extended periods of sorrow or suffering that, as a rule, overshadow man's existence in this world (cf. 90 : 4). The further implication is that, as sure as morning follows night, God's mercy is bound to lighten every suffering, either in this world or in the life to come - for God has "willed upon Himself the law of grace and mercy" (6:12 and 54).

    (3) Thy Sustainer has not forsaken thee, nor does He scorn thee:*

    *Sc., ''as the thoughtless might conclude in view of the suffering that He has willed thee to bear".

    (4) for, indeed, the life to come will be better for thee than this earlier part [of thy life]!

    (5) And, indeed, in time will thy Sustainer grant thee [what thy heart desires], and thou shalt be well-pleased.

    (6) Has He not found thee an orphan, and given thee shelter?*

    *Possibly an allusion to the fact that Muhammad was born a few months after his father's death, and that his mother died when he was only six years old. Apart from this, however, every human being is an "orphan" in one sense or another, inasmuch as everyone is "created in a lonely state" (cf. 6:94), and "will appear before Him on Resurrection Day in a lonely state" (19:95).

    (7) And found thee lost on thy way, and guided thee?

    (8) And found thee in want, and given thee sufficiency?

    (9) Therefore, the orphan shalt thou never wrong,

    (10) and him that seeks [thy] help shalt thou never chide,*

    *The term sa'il denotes" literally, "one who asks", which signifies not only a "beggar" but anyone who asks for help in a difficult situation, whether physical or moral, or even for enlightenment.

    (11) and of thy Sustainer's blessings shalt thou [ever] speak.*

    *Sc., "rather than of thy suffering".
    Last edited by جوري; 07-02-2007 at 01:56 PM.
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