AsSalam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuhu
A Spider’s House

“The likeness of those who take (false deities as) Auliya (protectors, helpers) other than Allaah is as the likeness of a spider who builds (for itself) a house; but verily, the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider’s house- if they but knew” (29:41)

Shaykh ‘Abdur Rahmaan As-Sa’dee said:This is a parable given by Allaah for those who worship others along with Him, desiring by that to elevate, strengthen and benefit themselves. So it is made clear that the matter is contrary to their desires. Rather the example of such a person is like that of the spider which takes a house to protect it from heat and cold and harm.

but verily, the frailest (weakest) of houses….”

The weakest and feeblest of them.

…is the spider’s house..

So the spider is a weak animal and its house is from the weakest of houses. So adopting it only increases it in weakness. Likewise those who seek to take others besides Allaah as protectors are needy and weak from every aspect, and when they take others besides Allaah to strengthen them and aid them then this only adds to their weakness and incapacity.So they place reliance upon them for attainment of many of their requirements. They submit their needs to them and consign them totally to them, expecting them to fulfill them, however they leave them in the lurch. So they gain nothing at all from them, and they do not aid them in the slightest.

So if they truly knew their own condition and the condition of those whom they take as protectors besides Allaah, then they would not take them as protectors. Rather they would free themselves from them and they would take as their Protector ,the Lord, the Fully-Capable One, the Bestower of Mercy; the One who is such that if the servant takes Him as his Protector, and places reliance upon Him, then He suffices all his needs pertaining to his religion and worldly life. So he is increased in strength: in his heart, his body, his condition and his actions”

Source: Parables of the Qu’raan - by: Ash-Shaykhul ‘Allaamah ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir As-Sa’dee

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